Author Topic: Do you believe in Charles Darwins theory of evolution  (Read 7951 times)


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Re: Do you believe in Charles Darwins theory of evolution
« Reply #50 on: February 12, 2013, 03:26:29 PM »
Stop messing with my trolling! ;D

I find I can't troll these threads, the stupid just aggravates me and I come out of character.


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Re: Do you believe in Charles Darwins theory of evolution
« Reply #51 on: February 12, 2013, 03:39:06 PM »


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Re: Do you believe in Charles Darwins theory of evolution
« Reply #52 on: February 12, 2013, 04:00:01 PM »
It's disappointing that this question even needs to be asked. 

Thick Nick

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Re: Do you believe in Charles Darwins theory of evolution
« Reply #53 on: February 12, 2013, 07:37:50 PM »
I read the thread. Too disjointed.

Unless the counter theory was "evolution is ok, but so is creationism, and the two aren't mutually exclusive. So some creator started life, and engineered life to function and grow and change per what we now call the theory evolution". Was that it?

Yes cause this theory is so far fetched. But the white bearded guy with harps did it OR everything is completely random ... those both are completely logical.


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Re: Do you believe in Charles Darwins theory of evolution
« Reply #54 on: February 12, 2013, 07:49:38 PM »
Evolution > creationism.

We live in the 21st century, not the middle ages.


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Re: Do you believe in Charles Darwins theory of evolution
« Reply #55 on: February 12, 2013, 08:26:48 PM »
This looks to be right... ;D

Haha - brilliant!

But flip his body so he is facing the same way as the more evolved ones!


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Re: Do you believe in Charles Darwins theory of evolution
« Reply #56 on: February 12, 2013, 08:46:47 PM »
Haha - brilliant!

But flip his body so he is facing the same way as the more evolved ones!

No, that is correct. Tbombz is de-evolving, so he is going backwards.

The Abdominal Snoman

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Re: Do you believe in Charles Darwins theory of evolution
« Reply #57 on: February 12, 2013, 09:12:37 PM »
They found bodies thousands of feet below the surface when digging for Gold in California that were millions of years old but wiped it all out from the history and science books. So this intelligent man says.

[ Invalid YouTube link ]


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Re: Do you believe in Charles Darwins theory of evolution
« Reply #58 on: February 13, 2013, 02:52:50 AM »
Are you not aware of human History, humanity has had all that and more, would you father live in the modern age of convenience, modern medicine, education, luxury and ease, or in biblical times with ignorance, crucifixion and other nasty torture, extreme poverty, incredible suffering, famine and disease. slavery, etc etc.  The world was far shittier in days gone by and if shitty conditions were a sign of the end of the world, the world would have ended a long time ago.  The truth is for first world citizens they are living in a garden of eden compared to ancient times.

That is true only for little part of the human race. Majority lives in the houses, which have dirt floor, they live outside of the modern society, like asian countries. And when evolution brings mankind one good and positive ability, it also take away something what we have learn in the past. Modern man is helpless little brat who will die without society which back him up, feed him, and tell him what to do, how and when. For example, if I give you a cow, can you make a pair of boots from it? No you can't, even if you life would depend from it. If I give you 1 lb of iron, can you make a hammer from it? Or ax, or anything? No, you can't. While just about all the people 100-150 years ago were able to make their own tools and clothes, now there is only 10 % of the population who is able to do it. 90% will be screwed without the shops, because evolution has make them incompetent as humans. You are able to use many kind of power tools, computers and calculators, but what you can do without electricity? Will you watch your TV at the candle light? No, you sit in the dark and cry for help, and while you do that, at least half of the population of the USA is looting.


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Re: Do you believe in Charles Darwins theory of evolution
« Reply #59 on: February 13, 2013, 02:58:55 AM »
They found bodies thousands of feet below the surface when digging for Gold in California that were millions of years old but wiped it all out from the history and science books. So this intelligent man says.

[ Invalid YouTube link ]

When was this? Where is those thousands of feet deep mining holes? Where is all the evidence? Photos, documents of lab tests about the age etc. I smell bullshit all over these claims.


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Re: Do you believe in Charles Darwins theory of evolution
« Reply #60 on: February 13, 2013, 03:04:40 AM »
lets say everything he said is correct, does that mean that no god was behind it all?

Radical Plato

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Re: Do you believe in Charles Darwins theory of evolution
« Reply #61 on: February 13, 2013, 03:26:21 AM »

Thick Nick

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Re: Do you believe in Charles Darwins theory of evolution
« Reply #62 on: February 13, 2013, 04:14:18 AM »
Look at creationism and Darwinism coexisting like this:

Lego Starwars.

Lets see if the intellectuals can follow.

You have a bag of Legos and the little blueprint of how to make this pile of parts look like the Millenium Falcon. You can toss the blueprint to the side and shake the parts up in a bucket an infinite amount of can add glue...chemicals...anyth ing you want, and it will never become tge Millenium Falcon this way.

But your in luck!!! You have the blueprint. So you take it, and except for a few of you Neanderthals, you build a shiny new Millenoum Falcon.

Now along comes little Johnny. And he thinks it would look better painted black, or with an extra door added to it, or tires. So he makes his changes to it, but it still remains a Millenium Falcon. It is now just  Millenium Falcon + Spray paint, or + tires.

The Millenium Falcon did not suddenly become The Lego Death Star.

So in summary, using a blueprint a creator put the Millenium Falcon together, and an outside influence (Johnny...or radiation, or carbon, or any other outside influence) changed it into a bigger and better Millenium Falcon with no further assistance from the creator. And the outside influence did not turn the Millenium Falcon into the Death Star.

Now let this simple example stew for a few before you make any dumbass comments. And yes Legos fucking rule.

Radical Plato

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Re: Do you believe in Charles Darwins theory of evolution
« Reply #63 on: February 13, 2013, 04:42:01 AM »
Look at creationism and Darwinism coexisting like this:

Lego Starwars.

Lets see if the intellectuals can follow.

You have a bag of Legos and the little blueprint of how to make this pile of parts look like the Millenium Falcon. You can toss the blueprint to the side and shake the parts up in a bucket an infinite amount of can add glue...chemicals...anyth ing you want, and it will never become tge Millenium Falcon this way.

But your in luck!!! You have the blueprint. So you take it, and except for a few of you Neanderthals, you build a shiny new Millenoum Falcon.

Now along comes little Johnny. And he thinks it would look better painted black, or with an extra door added to it, or tires. So he makes his changes to it, but it still remains a Millenium Falcon. It is now just  Millenium Falcon + Spray paint, or + tires.

The Millenium Falcon did not suddenly become The Lego Death Star.

So in summary, using a blueprint a creator put the Millenium Falcon together, and an outside influence (Johnny...or radiation, or carbon, or any other outside influence) changed it into a bigger and better Millenium Falcon with no further assistance from the creator. And the outside influence did not turn the Millenium Falcon into the Death Star.

Now let this simple example stew for a few before you make any dumbass comments. And yes Legos fucking rule.
You don't really understand Evolution, most of evolutionary biology deals with how life changed after its origin. Regardless of how life started, afterwards it branched and diversified, and most studies of evolution are focused on those processes.  Evolution postulates that life started out as very basic simple life form, and through the process of gradual and slow improvement became better adapted to survive and as a result more complex in design.  This complexity isn't something that can be thrown together with a blueprint and all the right parts, it has to traverse through a very slow process of gradual refinement and improvement.  In other words you can't arrive at the stage of having a Millennium Falcon without first have created less complex spaceships.  

For example, today's Formula One car relies on the evolution of the motor vehicle from a very primitive stage.  Even if you could go back to the beginning of the motor vehicle and hand them the blueprint to build a formula one car, they may be able to build it but they won't understand it, and they sure as hell won't be able to improve on it, because they have failed to follow the natural path that all progression takes. You are failing to see the crux of evolution, and that is that complex organisms don't just spontaneously arise, they have come about due to a long slow process of gradual improvement from the very basic to the current complexity we have today.  In the same way that you weren't suddenly created a fully grown man with your current skill set, you evolved from a very basic process called fertilization and slowly adapted until you became the man you are today.

Look at it like a garden, if you create the right conditions, you will be rewarded with good healthy plants, but you didn't create the plants, all you did was to create the environment for them to grow, the genetic material contained within the seed did the rest, combined with the right conditions you provided.   If you want to argue for God's involvement, you need to argue what force enabled such an environment for evolution to happen in the first-place.


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Re: Do you believe in Charles Darwins theory of evolution
« Reply #64 on: February 13, 2013, 05:04:47 AM »
and the constant development of mankind to higher levels?

Of course there is evolution going on. The evidence is overwhelming. However, at the time Darwin proposed his theory, genes were not known and the theory is incomplete.


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Re: Do you believe in Charles Darwins theory of evolution
« Reply #65 on: February 13, 2013, 05:29:51 AM »
You don't really understand Evolution, most of evolutionary biology deals with how life changed after its origin. Regardless of how life started, afterwards it branched and diversified, and most studies of evolution are focused on those processes.  Evolution postulates that life started out as very basic simple life form, and through the process of gradual and slow improvement became better adapted to survive and as a result more complex in design.  This complexity isn't something that can be thrown together with a blueprint and all the right parts, it has to traverse through a very slow process of gradual refinement and improvement.  In other words you can't arrive at the stage of having a Millennium Falcon without first have created less complex spaceships.  

For example, today's Formula One car relies on the evolution of the motor vehicle from a very primitive stage.  Even if you could go back to the beginning of the motor vehicle and hand them the blueprint to build a formula one car, they may be able to build it but they won't understand it, and they sure as hell won't be able to improve on it, because they have failed to follow the natural path that all progression takes. You are failing to see the crux of evolution, and that is that complex organisms don't just spontaneously arise, they have come about due to a long slow process of gradual improvement from the very basic to the current complexity we have today.  In the same way that you weren't suddenly created a fully grown man with your current skill set, you evolved from a very basic process called fertilization and slowly adapted until you became the man you are today.

Look at it like a garden, if you create the right conditions, you will be rewarded with good healthy plants, but you didn't create the plants, all you did was to create the environment for them to grow, the genetic material contained within the seed did the rest, combined with the right conditions you provided.   If you want to argue for God's involvement, you need to argue what force enabled such an environment for evolution to happen in the first-place.

No YOU don't understand evolution. I spent 8 years every day with a born again Christian sitting next to me in my work truck. The view he portrayed is that Christians believe evolution means a bug evolved into a bird and bird into a frog and into an elephant.... All because of the statement saying all life started from a single cell.

FYI IT'S A SINGLE CELL NOWHERE DOES IT SAY THE SAME SINGLE CELL. And no matter the discussion and explanation of favorable traits and natural selection inside a single species... his response was always "show me the fossil record of where a frog spontaneously evolved into a pig." Over time I found this is the misconception of creationists.

A FROG TURNS INTO A DIFFERENT FROG. A frog does not turn into a dog.

And I'm Christian. Stop drinking the Coolaid.

After reading your post more closely... You are agreeing with me dumbass. I made it a simple example of purpose. No shit the plastic parts in the bag needed to be made first. Wtf.

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Re: Do you believe in Charles Darwins theory of evolution
« Reply #66 on: February 13, 2013, 05:33:13 AM »
Am I correct in understanding that Dawin believed in two classes of people - the evolutionary elite (a minority) and the evolutionary garbage (the majority).  So therefore only a minority really evolves, and he said the minority should not mate with the majority.

Radical Plato

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Re: Do you believe in Charles Darwins theory of evolution
« Reply #67 on: February 13, 2013, 05:38:31 AM »
No YOU don't understand evolution. I spent 8 years every day with a born again Christian sitting next to me in my work truck. The view he portrayed is that Christians believe evolution means a bug evolved into a bird and bird into a frog and into an elephant.... All because of the statement saying all life started from a single cell.

FYI IT'S A SINGLE CELL NOWHERE DOES IT SAY THE SAME SINGLE CELL. And no matter the discussion and explanation of favorable traits and natural selection inside a single species... his response was always "show me the fossil record of where a frog spontaneously evolved into a pig." Over time I found this is the misconception of creationists.

A FROG TURNS INTO A DIFFERENT FROG. A frog does not turn into a dog.

And I'm Christian. Stop drinking the Coolaid.
What is your point?, Do you even have one.  I am well aware that a frog does not turn into a dog, that would disprove EVOLUTION.  You were suggesting that a divine being created a complex organism (the Millenium Falcon) and that something else took over from their to evolve it (radiation, or carbon, or any other outside influence) into the Death Star.  I simply pointed out that Evolution doesn't start half way through, and that complexity begins from simplicity.  And judging by your argument, it was obvious you were religious (Christian)

Thick Nick

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Re: Do you believe in Charles Darwins theory of evolution
« Reply #68 on: February 13, 2013, 05:47:16 AM »
What is your point?, Do you even have one.  I am well aware that a frog does not turn into a dog, that would disprove EVOLUTION.  You were suggesting that a divine being created a complex organism (the Millenium Falcon) and that something else took over from their to evolve it (radiation, or carbon, or any other outside influence) into the Death Star.  I simply pointed out that Evolution doesn't start half way through, and that complexity begins from simplicity.  And judging by your argument, it was obvious you were religious (Christian)

I edited my post to say you are saying the same thing as me. RE-read it. I'm not religious AT ALL. My example is more critical of creationists then evolutionists. RE-read that as well.

I was born a Catholic, but I think religion is crap. I have faith. Faith that life didn't spawn randomly, but I 100% believe in evolution after the fact.

Radical Plato

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Re: Do you believe in Charles Darwins theory of evolution
« Reply #69 on: February 13, 2013, 05:50:21 AM »
I edited my post to say you are saying the same thing as me. RE-read it. I'm not religious AT ALL. My example is more critical of creationists then evolutionists. RE-read that as well.

I was born a Catholic, but I think religion is crap. I have faith. Faith that life didn't spawn randomly, but I 100% believe in evolution after the fact.
Well, their seems to be a misunderstanding, I think we agree about the truth of evolution, just not the creationism part of it,

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Re: Do you believe in Charles Darwins theory of evolution
« Reply #70 on: February 13, 2013, 06:22:06 AM »
Well, their seems to be a misunderstanding, I think we agree about the truth of evolution, just not the creationism part of it,

Yes in my example Millenium Falcon =\= human. It = cell. Individual blocks = components to make a cell. The black paint or any outside force causes a change to a cell...evolving it. The example of pig into a different pig = cell into a different cell. Stupidly for me, I over calculated the deductive skills of people.

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Re: Do you believe in Charles Darwins theory of evolution
« Reply #71 on: February 13, 2013, 06:25:04 AM »
Walter Russell , good friend of nikoli tesla, has totally different science than what is accepted, nikoli advised him to hide this knowledge.

Russell was the first to manipulate weather , read this and you can try it yourself

this is the wave feild

this is the electric current, still magnetic white light is at the fulcrum/center and it is an infinitly small sphere of neutral charge the red and blue denote positive and negative charges

at each plane the current intersects is an inert gas (look it up if you dont know). it will help you understand the wave feild that is sitting right next to you and is through all things including you

the whole periodic table is a pressurized wave feild of white light the more or less pressure the different the element becomes , each octave or fulcrum is seen here in the wave remember the fulcrum/center i explained earlyer my fiends

walter russell can show you the full periodic table wich shows the progression of the still magnetic white light in different pressure feilds

if someone could post a zoomed in version it would be of great help and falcon respect to do so

not only is this fascinating its mind blowing when you understand it here check out this experiment, we could do it ourselfs imagine the possibilities. i suggest you read the full 70 pages first to understand it

but here is a recount of the walter russell experiment

Creating Technology
Some of the things described here are quite dangerous and potentially lethal.Please use
caution, and consider things carefully before attempting anyof this.In the book
 Atomic Suicide?
there are some experiments given to simulate the patterns of
TheOctave Wave
so that one may see them personally. They involve running electricity throughconically wound coils pointed towards one another. By using compasses, one can see the directionof electrical flow. And by placing iron filings between them, it makes the shape of the
 DoublyCharged Sphere
. Changing the distance between coils makes the sphere prolate and oblate.There are some storiesof others whom have attempted to carry out similar experiments, which I quote here:A couple of years later, after we both spoke at a conference in Denver and on the plane back to Dallas, I told Peter (Kelly) about an interesting experiment done byWalter Russell and recounted in his excellent book 'Atomic Suicide'.
Two coilswere wound on cones.The apices of these conical coils were pointed towards each other and powerwas applied so that bucking fields were created by the collision of oppositemagnetic fields. Very fine iron filings were dropped into the gap between thecoils and a levitating sphere was produced.When the coils were slowly pulled apart, an oval followed by a spheresurrounded by a disk appeared.
When Peter arrived home, he tried thisexperiment and reported that when power was turned on, nearly eveyone in the building complained of feeling
nauseous or queasy
. He explained that anexperiment was going on so that everyone would understand what was happening.After about an hour, the very clear and cloudless sky began to suddenly boil up and
a major thunderstorm ensued

. Power was removed from the coils and the stormdissipated as fast as it had arisen??? Weird stuff no doubt and subject to duplication by others if we all share our information...... JerryA conventional science description of why such effects occured might be something along theselines:The "bucking magnetic fields" forms a lot of ions that creates a potential difference between the area of the experiment and the sky, which causes a thunderstorm.(Something similar is said to have been used to control the weather ). Thisionization probably also produces a lot of ozone that can make people feel sick.And depending upon how its powered (e.g.: high frequency AC), it might evenmake a significant amount of microwaves.However, the most intriguing bit is how the storm disappeared immediately when the coils weredeactivated. I conjecture that perhaps all the ions were connected to their parent sphere (the onecreated by the iron filings), and were dissipated instantly when it ceased to exist with the removal of  power.
Assuming that the building is quite large, the fact that it made everyone in it feel nauseated(including those whom were probably not even near it) is very important as well. It is possible their radiations might also create fields that may not be healthy (e.g.: depending upon the positioning of the coils as they mimick different elements)

to understand in full go here


Walter Russell


Walter=R ET LAW

lesser ARE Extra terrestrial law

so even this isnt the apex of all knowing there is more to come but this is still the "LAW"

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Re: Do you believe in Charles Darwins theory of evolution
« Reply #72 on: February 13, 2013, 06:41:13 AM »
^^^^ And this relates to evolution, HOW exactly?


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Re: Do you believe in Charles Darwins theory of evolution
« Reply #73 on: February 13, 2013, 06:49:54 AM »
^^^^ And this relates to evolution, HOW exactly?

Open your mind to me, Quaid!

The Abdominal Snoman

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Re: Do you believe in Charles Darwins theory of evolution
« Reply #74 on: February 13, 2013, 09:18:46 AM »
When was this? Where is those thousands of feet deep mining holes? Where is all the evidence? Photos, documents of lab tests about the age etc. I smell bullshit all over these claims.

He's saying the Hierarchy in the scientific community got rid of all the evidence. It's not like it was reported in the news papers like the Roswell crash. I've heard rumors from a guy who worked in a Diamond mine that they 've pulled bones and ancient tools out of there that was considered top secret. That there were always people on site that would take that kind of stuff away.  Who knows.