My last league had to supply the bats as well.
Corking is for wooden bats.....shaving/rolling is for the others.
Either way, I have no tolerance for that shit. Pitchers could get slaughtered.
Some good mlb corking stories. I'm sure you guys know them all. I've heard about the rolling. Not the shaving? We, at one time, had guys putting fake labels on bats. That seems to have faded out. Haven't heard of that in years. Season (late) should start next week. Feel great. Certainly strong, but shoulders are a real issue these days. Kinda curious to see what gives re: throwing. Maybe I'll have to work on the underhand. I might pitch.
/we supply our own bats, as long as they adhere to asa, etc. regs. but i'm mighty sure i don't play to the standards you guys do.