Author Topic: I started a diet yesterday...(3/17 probably going to update daily/EOD)  (Read 21177 times)


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Re: I started a diet yesterday...(3/17 probably going to update daily/EOD)
« Reply #25 on: March 24, 2014, 11:28:56 AM »
Wait, are you saying that that "irongrip" of his is mainly used on himself.   ???

What I'm saying is that the only way the limp wristed, non dieting fat bastard get a irongrip is if he pays someone to do it!


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Re: I started a diet yesterday...(3/17 probably going to update daily/EOD)
« Reply #26 on: March 24, 2014, 11:44:12 AM »
dont listern to calvin iron grip

he hates anyone over 4ft tall


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Re: I started a diet yesterday...(3/17 probably going to update daily/EOD)
« Reply #27 on: March 24, 2014, 11:57:45 AM »
dont listern to calvin iron grip

he hates anyone over 4 feet tall that starts a diet thread but cant stick to it.


....sounds like a thread started by a mod here on the Y!


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Re: I started a diet yesterday...(3/17 probably going to update daily/EOD)
« Reply #28 on: March 24, 2014, 12:09:16 PM »
Wait, are you saying that that "irongrip" of his is mainly used on himself.   ???
Was a typo when he registered, it was supposed to be Imagimp4balls.


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Re: I started a diet yesterday...(3/17 probably going to update daily/EOD)
« Reply #29 on: March 24, 2014, 01:46:56 PM »


....sounds like a thread started by a mod here on the Y!

i encourage traffic

not the midget sanctuary that you are trying to create

where is the wes thread you were sorting junior


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Re: I started a diet yesterday...(3/17 probably going to update daily/EOD)
« Reply #32 on: March 25, 2014, 06:19:08 PM »
Listen you queens, poking fun at my lack of dieting willpower is fine, but my masturbation habits/irongripping myself is off limits. I had one cheat meal slip up, but am back in full on. Punished myself with thirty minutes of cardio on Sunday after shoulder workout(yes, I do even lift ;D) and followed that up yesterday with legs and a 20 lap swim session at the pool this morning. I've found, that if I grill chicken breast, and pre cook a shit ton of rice, it makes for a quick meal to fill in calories. I'm trying to stick to 6 meals a day at 350-400 calories per meal. It seems to be working. I took a before pic last week and will probably post it with a four week if I have made any progress. One thing, my poop and piss kind of smell like chicken. Weird.


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Re: I started a diet yesterday...(3/17 probably going to update daily/EOD)
« Reply #33 on: March 26, 2014, 05:36:34 AM »
Listen you queens, poking fun at my lack of dieting willpower is fine, but my masturbation habits/irongripping myself is off limits. I had one cheat meal slip up, but am back in full on. Punished myself with thirty minutes of cardio on Sunday after shoulder workout(yes, I do even lift ;D) and followed that up yesterday with legs and a 20 lap swim session at the pool this morning. I've found, that if I grill chicken breast, and pre cook a shit ton of rice, it makes for a quick meal to fill in calories. I'm trying to stick to 6 meals a day at 350-400 calories per meal. It seems to be working. I took a before pic last week and will probably post it with a four week if I have made any progress. One thing, my poop and piss kind of smell like chicken. Weird.

As much as you "cheat" maybe you're doing it wrong.

...maybe you should consider eating healthy cheating ???


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Re: I started a diet yesterday...(3/17 probably going to update daily/EOD)
« Reply #34 on: March 26, 2014, 07:17:23 AM »

As much as you "cheat" maybe you're doing it wrong.

...maybe you should consider eating healthy cheating ???

Maybe, but it's more for a healthy lifestyle, so once I actually drop the weight, and get my cholesterol in check, I may switch to something like that. I am doing it for a few reasons, to look better, but also to get healthy and help my back. I figure getting from about 245 to 225 might help, but if I'm close to abs at that point I am going to keep going until then and not worry about an actual number.

Grape Ape

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Re: I started a diet yesterday...(3/17 probably going to update daily/EOD)
« Reply #35 on: March 26, 2014, 08:08:35 AM »
Maybe, but it's more for a healthy lifestyle, so once I actually drop the weight, and get my cholesterol in check, I may switch to something like that. I am doing it for a few reasons, to look better, but also to get healthy and help my back. I figure getting from about 245 to 225 might help, but if I'm close to abs at that point I am going to keep going until then and not worry about an actual number.
What's your cholesterol numbers?  Despite my diet, I finally had to go on statins......


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Re: I started a diet yesterday...(3/17 probably going to update daily/EOD)
« Reply #36 on: March 26, 2014, 01:30:44 PM »
What's your cholesterol numbers?  Despite my diet, I finally had to go on statins......

Without looking at the paperwork from my labs, I could not tell you the exact breakdown, but I believe the total number was 251, with "good" cholesterol being high, and my triglycerides were good, but still the number was too high.

Just me and you talking in this thread, huh chief? ;D


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Re: I started a diet yesterday...(3/17 probably going to update daily/EOD)
« Reply #37 on: March 26, 2014, 06:21:48 PM »
Do you who are dieting think that eating later in the evening hinders progress? It's 920 and I'm just sitting down to dinner, after going to the gym at 7:45. I used to eat late when I was trying to bulk back in the day, but maybe it was all just in my head. Does a daily calorie deficit, no matter where it is spaced throughout the day, become the only determining factor?

Grape Ape

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Re: I started a diet yesterday...(3/17 probably going to update daily/EOD)
« Reply #38 on: March 26, 2014, 06:52:26 PM »
I don't think it matters.  But it can psychologically, I understand.

What did you eat today?


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Re: I started a diet yesterday...(3/17 probably going to update daily/EOD)
« Reply #39 on: March 26, 2014, 09:50:11 PM »
I realize that there is a thread dedicated to all posters diets, but hopefully by putting it out there in its own thread, it might force me a bit harder to stay with it.  Also, I have never dieted before, and only a day into it, it is hard actually watching what you eat.  I was actually surprised that after somewhat counting my  calories over the weekend, that I was eating an obscene amount.  Along with beer on the weekends, it was around 4,000 calories a day.  I am not what I would call fat now, just a bit heavier around the waist, as I have a one year old, and have not worked out properly in over a year.  I have not been more than ten times this year, excluding last week, which I went four times.  I am going to make myself go five days a week, and hopefully start my swimming routine two days a week again.  I am 6'4 and 240lbs, so not overly fat, but my 36 jeans don't fit anymore, and the 38's are too comfortable for my liking.  I hope to get down to 225-228, which is what I weighed in college when I looked what I feel was my best.  Diet wise I am trying to start this week with 2,400 calories a day, splitting it into six meals of 400 calories, with a 40g carb/40g protein/8g fats per meal, or as close as I can get.  I will be measuring portions and am going to cut out red meat to maybe once a week, and try and cut my alcohol intake, with a cheat day once a week either Saturday or Sunday.  I am going to cut sweets out as well, and do a cardio session after working out, while still lifting heavy.  I will be doing this clean, as I have not touched a steroid since 04 or 05.  

First day went like this:

1/2 cup oatmeal with half scoop protein powder and two eggs at 7am

cup of brown rice and tuna for mid morning snack

pasta ( I know, I know) with chicken breast for lunch

Salad with leafy greens and tuna for dinner.

I did not get my full amount of meals, which I will try to do today, as I spent some time prepping food last night.  I am also going to minimalize dairy as much as possible.  I am going to cut everything by 10% weekly until I get to 2,000 calories a day, and do that for ten weeks after.  Diet should be around 12-14 weeks, and hopefully I will notice results, and stick with it.  Can anyone tell me how to post a pic, I may do that for comparison sake.  

nobody cares !


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Re: I started a diet yesterday...(3/17 probably going to update daily/EOD)
« Reply #40 on: March 27, 2014, 05:15:11 PM »
I don't think it matters.  But it can psychologically, I understand.

What did you eat today?

Everyday so far, except the hamburger I ate last Saturday, is the same.
1/2 cup oatmeal with a protein scoop, 1 egg 1 egg white for breakfast

1 cup brown rice, packet of tuna and a hard boiled egg mid morning

Either chicken breast, brown rice and sweet potato for lunch, or I sub a salad for rice

1 cup brown rice and tuna or chicken mid afternoon

Chicken breast brown rice or salad and sweet potato for dinner

All I drink is water, crystal light, and a black coffee in the morning with Splenda sometimes.

I've been mixing in lentils with the afternoon snack the past few days and throwing in some habenaro Tabasco sauce. Not as bad as I thought, but I do get tired if I don't keep eating.


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Re: I started a diet yesterday...(3/17 probably going to update daily/EOD)
« Reply #41 on: March 28, 2014, 02:47:01 AM »
Everyday so far, except the hamburger I ate last Saturday, is the same.
1/2 cup oatmeal with a protein scoop, 1 egg 1 egg white for breakfast

1 cup brown rice, packet of tuna and a hard boiled egg mid morning

Either chicken breast, brown rice and sweet potato for lunch, or I sub a salad for rice

1 cup brown rice and tuna or chicken mid afternoon

Chicken breast brown rice or salad and sweet potato for dinner

All I drink is water, crystal light, and a black coffee in the morning with Splenda sometimes.

I've been mixing in lentils with the afternoon snack the past few days and throwing in some habenaro Tabasco sauce. Not as bad as I thought, but I do get tired if I don't keep eating.

I would have a bigger breakfast and taper your food towards the end of the day

a decent breakfast will kick start your metabolism


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Re: I started a diet yesterday...(3/17 probably going to update daily/EOD)
« Reply #42 on: March 29, 2014, 12:57:06 PM »
I would have a bigger breakfast and taper your food towards the end of the day

a decent breakfast will kick start your metabolism

I'll probably start that this week. I had four eggs this morning and a full scoop of protien in my oatmeal. Went to the gym and was supposed to run a 5k, but it rained so I just did it after my workout on the treadmill. I've been starving all day. I think I can actually see a bit of results. My tightest waisted jeans are fitting more comfortable now, and my reflux has calmed down too. I'm gonna keep this up for another 12-16 weeks, or until I have abs. I am going to Vegas in three weeks with some buddies, which will probably throw me off a bit, but hopefully I will have laid the groundworks well enough that it will be easy to snap back upon my return.

Grape Ape

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Re: I started a diet yesterday...(3/17 probably going to update daily/EOD)
« Reply #43 on: March 29, 2014, 02:54:49 PM »
I'll probably start that this week. I had four eggs this morning and a full scoop of protien in my oatmeal. Went to the gym and was supposed to run a 5k, but it rained so I just did it after my workout on the treadmill. I've been starving all day. I think I can actually see a bit of results. My tightest waisted jeans are fitting more comfortable now, and my reflux has calmed down too. I'm gonna keep this up for another 12-16 weeks, or until I have abs. I am going to Vegas in three weeks with some buddies, which will probably throw me off a bit, but hopefully I will have laid the groundworks well enough that it will be easy to snap back upon my return.

Meat, veggies, vodka while in Vegas.  If you eat in the better places, it's even easier.

Stay on course.

Or don't.  A few days won't matter.


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Re: I started a diet yesterday...(3/17 probably going to update daily/EOD)
« Reply #44 on: March 30, 2014, 01:37:55 PM »
Meat, veggies, vodka while in Vegas.  If you eat in the better places, it's even easier.

Stay on course.

Or don't.  A few days won't matter.

or be coked out your tits the whole time

and come back seven pounds lighter

just saying  :-X


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Re: I started a diet yesterday...(3/17 probably going to update daily/EOD)
« Reply #45 on: March 30, 2014, 02:24:41 PM »


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Re: I started a diet yesterday...(3/17 probably going to update daily/EOD)
« Reply #46 on: March 30, 2014, 02:30:55 PM »
At my brothers for Sunday dinner, I'm eating pork sweet potatoe rice and salad, while everybody else is topping off with apple pie with ice cream, fruit salad, chocolate chip cookie torte and cookies. Wtf am I doing?  I want to eat this crap so bad, but am not prepared to deal with the consequences.  :-\


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Re: I started a diet yesterday...(3/17 probably going to update daily/EOD)
« Reply #47 on: April 03, 2014, 06:25:54 PM »
Do you guys notice any plateauing while dieting? I haven't cheated except one meal the first week, and I am three weeks in and I almost think I look a bit heavier the last couple of days. I weighed myself Tuesday morning before swimming and weighed 231.5 pounds, down from 239 two weeks before. But, looking in the mirror lately, I seem to be a bit more watery looking. Any of you experience this?


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Re: I started a diet yesterday...(3/17 probably going to update daily/EOD)
« Reply #48 on: April 03, 2014, 06:36:24 PM »
Do you guys notice any plateauing while dieting? I haven't cheated except one meal the first week, and I am three weeks in and I almost think I look a bit heavier the last couple of days. I weighed myself Tuesday morning before swimming and weighed 231.5 pounds, down from 239 two weeks before. But, looking in the mirror lately, I seem to be a bit more watery looking. Any of you experience this?
Fat fuck! Get off the Adonis diet!!


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Re: I started a diet yesterday...(3/17 probably going to update daily/EOD)
« Reply #49 on: April 04, 2014, 12:06:20 AM »
Do you guys notice any plateauing while dieting? I haven't cheated except one meal the first week, and I am three weeks in and I almost think I look a bit heavier the last couple of days. I weighed myself Tuesday morning before swimming and weighed 231.5 pounds, down from 239 two weeks before. But, looking in the mirror lately, I seem to be a bit more watery looking. Any of you experience this?

are you taking any "suplements"