Author Topic: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7  (Read 67399 times)


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #175 on: September 01, 2011, 06:29:07 PM »
Meaning that individual figures in the CIA may have allowed simple laziness to stop them from acting properly upon intelligence, or...?

Trying to get at what you're saying here.
letting something (eg. a hyjacking) take place because it might give you a greater mandate to do some things you wanna do.

Jack T. Cross

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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #176 on: September 01, 2011, 06:46:50 PM »
letting something (eg. a hyjacking) take place because it might give you a greater mandate to do some things you wanna do.

Judging by that, it sounds like they wouldn't be above either helping to cultivate such a plot, cultivating the origin of the plot themselves, or even supplementing the results of such a plot in order to help create the desired effects from the plot.

Would you agree with that?


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #177 on: September 01, 2011, 06:56:25 PM »
Judging by that, it sounds like they wouldn't be above either helping to cultivate such a plot, cultivating the origin of the plot themselves, or even supplementing the results of such a plot in order to help create the desired effects from the plot.

Would you agree with that?
Notice how I say "I wouldn't be surprised" if such and such happened. That doesn't mean I think something happened or I believe it happened.

I would be surprised if the CIA was ACTIVE in the manner you elude to though.

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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #178 on: September 01, 2011, 07:10:27 PM »
LIHOP "let it happen on purpose"


MIHOP "made it happen on purpose"

Doesn't matter - either way, it's obvious from the lack of investigation, military stand down, and before-event betting that some white people in ties knew what the 19 pricks were doing.

And when those white dudes in ties are legally bound to protect us, having sworn to do so and collecting a paycheck to do so... that's kinda a big deal.


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #179 on: September 01, 2011, 07:25:31 PM »
LIHOP "let it happen on purpose"


MIHOP "made it happen on purpose"

Doesn't matter - either way, it's obvious from the lack of investigation, military stand down, and before-event betting that some white people in ties knew what the 19 pricks were doing.

And when those white dudes in ties are legally bound to protect us, having sworn to do so and collecting a paycheck to do so... that's kinda a big deal.
   no one let it happen


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #180 on: September 01, 2011, 07:54:07 PM »

9/11: “The Big Magic Trick” Ten Years Later

President Barack Obama’s bizarre claim on May 2nd that U.S. commandos had “killed” the long-dead Osama bin Laden in Pakistan is just the latest – and one of the most preposterous – in a long series of official lies about the so-called “terrorist attacks” of September 11th, 2001.
As veteran U.S. intelligence analyst Dr. Steve Pieczenik wryly observed: “This was the first commando raid in history in which the commandos killed a guy who had already been dead for almost ten years.”
Sadly, however, the mindless cheering triggered by Obama’s announcement and all the related lies and fabrications that have poured out of Cass Sunstein’s disinformation factory in the White House demonstrates once again that if you tell big enough lies and repeat them often enough, they will usually be believed.

As we approach the tenth anniversary of 9/11, the U.S. authorities will undoubtedly tell us more new lies and repeat a lot of old ones as they desperately try to keep the lid on Pandora’s Box and counter the growing worldwide awareness that the so-called “terrorist attacks” of September 11th, 2001, were a fraud.
This article is dedicated to the memory of Hal Sisson, the distinguished lawyer, author and activist who was among the first to question “the official 9/11 fairy tale” and who inspired me and others to investigate the events of September 11th, 2001, to try to discover the truth about what really happened that day.


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #181 on: September 01, 2011, 07:54:59 PM »
continued ...

In Germany, for example, a recent opinion poll by the prestigious Emnid Institute showed 89.5 per cent of Germans no longer believe the official story that the “attacks” were carried out by Osama bin Laden and 19 Arab “hijackers.”  And more than 1,400 professional architects and engineers from all over the world have now signed a petition saying they believe it was physically impossible for the twin towers to have come down in the way the authorities claim.

Indeed, after ten years there is now overwhelming evidence that the “terrorist attacks” on the twin towers in New York City were actually orchestrated by a small cabal at the pinnacle of U.S. power to provide a pretext for waging two phony wars, pillaging the energy resources of the Middle East and Central Asia, drastically curtailing civil liberties and diverting hundreds of billions of dollars of public money into the coffers of oil, arms and security companies.

Let me first confess that at the time of 9/11 I was taken in by the official lies and deceptions along with most people around the world.  The events that day were so shocking and spectacular that it seemed to me the story the authorities were telling us must surely be at least basically true. Indeed, for five years thereafter I continued to accept the official version of 9/11 without seriously questioning it since I didn’t have the time, or initially even the inclination, to undertake the huge task of personally examining all of the massive amount of evidence available on 9/11.

But in 2006, after prodding from some friends, I began to carry out an intensive study into the 9/11 issue, and, on the basis of my five years of investigations, I now believe it is as clear and certain as anything can ever be in historical research that the events of September 11th, 2001, were masterminded, not from some cave in Afghanistan by Osama bin Laden, but from the inner sanctum of power in Washington, D.C., by a small cabal headed by then Vice-President Dick Cheney.

Like many other incidents that have occurred in history over the centuries, the 9/11 “attacks” have turned out to be what is known as a “false-flag” operation – that is, a clandestine operation which the leaders of one country carry out in such a way that they deny responsibility for their actions and instead falsely accuse some of their foreign enemies of having perpetrated the incident, thereby providing a pretext to wage war against those enemies.

This has now become clear even to a number of retired U.S. military officers who have taken the time to study this issue and are brave enough to face the truth. For example, Lieutenant Colonel Guy Razer, who served for many years as a fighter-pilot and commanding officer in the U.S. Air Force, says: “After four years of research, I am 100 per cent convinced the 9/11 attacks were planned, organized and committed by treasonous perpetrators at the highest levels of our government.”

Veteran U.S. Air Force fighter-pilot Jeff Dahlstrom says: “This was definitely a false-flag operation. It was an attack on America by Americans – and was used to justify the Patriot Act, which took away half of the Bill of Rights.” Another retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, Robert Bowman, who served as Director of the “Star Wars” Defense Program under Presidents Ford and Carter, calls the official report of the 9/11 commission “a sham and a whitewash” and thinks the “prime suspect” for mastermind of 9/11 is Dick Cheney.

Retired U.S. Air Force Captain Russ Wittenberg, who was a fighter-pilot in Vietnam and flew military and commercial planes for more than 40 years, is even more blunt in dismissing the official version of 9/11: “The story our government has told us about 9/11 is total bullshit, plain and simple.”

Those views are shared by American theologian Dr. David Ray Griffin, who has long been considered one of America’s foremost theological scholars but who has become better known in recent years as perhaps the world’s leading independent expert on 9/11. Griffin, who has written nine meticulously documented books about 9/11, says “The truth about 9/11 is so shocking and has such horrifying implications that I can understand why so many people can’t bring themselves to face the reality – just as I couldn’t at first.  But the evidence is indisputable. The truth is that 9/11 was an inside job, orchestrated by forces within our own government. It was a false-flag “attack,” with evidence planted to make it appear to have been planned and carried out by Arab Muslims… The Bush-Cheney administration had already decided, months before 9/11, to attack Afghanistan and Iraq. In planning and carrying out the 9/11 “attacks,” the perpetrators planted evidence to implicate Middle Eastern Muslims – evidence which, when examined, can easily be seen to have been fabricated… it is especially shocking that these “attacks” were orchestrated to pave the way for launching unprovoked wars on two countries that provided no threat – imminent or long-term – to the people of the United States.”
Although it took quite a long time for me and some others to understand what really happened on 9/11, one man realized right away that the story the authorities were telling us that day wasn’t true. He was William Rodriguez, who was on duty on 9/11 as chief custodian in the WTC North Tower when American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the building at 8:46 a.m.

A few seconds before the plane hit the tower, Rodriguez says he and 14 others who were with him heard and felt a large explosion below them in the sub-basement of the building, and they later heard a series of smaller explosions along the walls far below the level where the plane struck. Many others also heard such explosions in all three of the buildings that collapsed. For example, one of Rodriguez’s co-workers in the North Tower, Teresa Veliz, says: “There were explosions going off everywhere. I was convinced there were bombs planted all over the place and someone was sitting at a control panel pushing detonator buttons.”

It should also be noted that 118 of the firefighters who fought the blazes that broke out in the three WTC buildings testified they heard what sounded to them like the kind of explosions that occur during controlled demolitions. For example, firefighter John Schroder, who arrived in the lobby of the North Tower shortly after the first plane struck, said: “Everything in the lobby was exploded, blown out. It wasn’t from the jet fuel – no way! It looked like a bomb went off in the lobby. There was no fire – it just looked like a bomb went off.”

Firefighter Louie Cacchioli said: “In the lobby we saw elevator doors completely blown out and people being hit with debris – we all thought there were bombs set in the building.” Firefighter Dennis Tardio said he heard a series of explosions: “It was as if they had detonators and they planned to take out a building – boom, boom, boom.” Firefighter Kenneth Rogers said: “There were explosions floor after floor after floor… I figured it was a bomb because it looked like a synchronized deliberate kind of thing.” Firefighter Richard Banaciski, who was one of the first responders in the South Tower, said: “There were explosions like on television when they blow up buildings. These explosions seemed to be going all the way around the building like a belt.”

Outspoken firefighter Paul Isaac Jr. says most of the firemen and policemen who were on duty that day know the official story about 9/11 is a lie but they are afraid to say so publicly for fear of reprisals against themselves and their families. “There is no question,” Isaac says, “that explosives were used in the buildings. I know 9/11 was an inside job. The police know it and the firefighters know it too.”

Custodian William Rodriguez says he was shocked when he heard the authorities claim that fire and the impact of the planes had caused the buildings to collapse since it had been obvious to practically everyone in the buildings that they had actually been brought down by controlled demolition. On the morning of 9/11 Rodriguez bravely fought through billows of smoke and dust to lead hundreds of people out of the doomed North Tower – and for the past decade, perhaps even more bravely, he has fought through billows of official lies and deceptions, as well as constant threats and harassment, to insist that the authorities tell the truth about what happened on 9/11.

Ironically, Rodriguez had once worked as a magician’s assistant, so he was no stranger to the world of trickery and deception – and he drew on that experience to summarize what happened on 9/11. “It’s easy,” Rodriguez says, “to do misdirection – to make people look in one direction while you do the magic with the other hand. That’s the real story of 9/11. It was just a big magic trick. It was an illusion.”

After studying the 9/11 issue for five years, I fully agree with Rodriguez. In fact, we could easily fill every page of every edition of Victoria Street Newz for the next year describing all of the “magic tricks” (i.e. the lies and deceptions) that the U.S. authorities used in planning, carrying out and covering up the “attacks” of 9/11. While that obviously won’t be possible, we will take a look at a dozen of the most significant of these lies and deceptions: four in this issue and four more in each of the October and November editions.
•  The alleged ring-leader of the 9/11 “terrorists,” Mohamed Atta, wasn’t really an ascetic, fanatically devoted follower of Osama bin Laden as the authorities claimed – he was actually a very worldly, wild-living young fellow who had close ties, not to al Qaeda, but to the CIA-backed Pakistani intelligence agency, the ISI.

This supposedly devout, Koran-obsessed warrior of Allah actually spent much of his time drinking alcohol, dabbling in cocaine and other drugs, eating pork and other foods shunned by fundamentalist Muslims and watching pornographic videos. He sometimes lived with prostitutes and frequently visited Las Vegas where he gambled, cavorted with lap dancers and often brought call girls to his room. So much for the official claim that Atta “hated America’s freedoms and was determined to strike a blow against U.S. decadence”!

For several months prior to 9/11, Atta was being closely monitored – and apparently also manipulated – by U.S. intelligence agents. He was also receiving money, not from al Qaeda, but from the U.S.-backed Pakistani intelligence agency, the ISI.

Indeed, even the FBI now acknowledges that a payment of $100,000 was sent from the ISI to Atta’s Florida bank account on the personal orders of the head of the ISI, General Mahoud Ahmed, shortly before 9/11.

And, by the strangest of “coincidences,” General Ahmed just happened to be in Washington, D.C., on September 11th, 2001, conferring with then CIA Director George Tenet and other senior U.S. intelligence officials.

It is now also clear that the “incriminating evidence” against Atta “found” at Logan Airport in Boston was planted, rather clumsily, by the authorities. Their story about how and where this “evidence” turned up changed many times in the days following 9/11, as David Ray Griffin explains in detail in his book Cognitive Infiltration.


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #182 on: September 01, 2011, 07:58:09 PM »
continued ...

The authorities moved with dazzling speed to produce the names and photos of the 19 alleged hijackers. We were immediately told, in effect, that these were the men who had committed the crime, and we should all blindly believe that claim and not ask any embarrassing questions.

In fact, however, no remains or other physical evidence of the “hijackers” was ever found at the crash sites – except for five identification documents and one red bandana which, we are told, somehow miraculously survived three of the plane crashes and were found in remarkably good condition.

According to the official story, the passport of alleged hijacker Satam al Suqami magically survived the fiery crash of Flight 11 into the North Tower and was found in the rubble in near-perfect condition. And in Pennsylvania at the site where Flight 93 was said to have spiralled into the ground, there was, astonishingly, no wreckage of the plane or bodies of any of the people on board – just the “magic passport” of alleged hijacker Ziad Jarrah and a red bandana supposedly belonging to one of the “hijackers.”

An even greater “miracle” – or actually three “miracles” – occurred in Washington, D.C., where Flight 77 allegedly struck the Pentagon. Again there was no plane wreckage or bodies of any of those on board – the only items that somehow magically survived were three identification cards belonging to alleged hijackers Majed Moqed, Nawaf al Hamzi and Salem al Hamzi.

Moreover, in the days following 9/11, several of the “suicide hijackers” turned up very much alive. For example, it turned out that “hijacker” Abdul Aziz al Omari had been working at his office at Saudi Telecom in Riyadh on 9/11. Another “hijacker,” a young pilot for Saudi Airlines named Saeed al Ghamdi, was in Tunisia attending a flight training course when some friends came rushing up to him a couple of days after 9/11 with a newspaper showing his picture on the front page and describing him as “one of the 9/11 suicide pilots.”

Alleged hijacker Salem al Hamzi was found working at a petrochemical plant in Yanbou, Saudi Arabia. And another “hijacker,” Waleed al Shehri, who was working as a pilot in Morocco at the time of 9/11, saw his picture in a Casablanca newspaper and notified the authorities that he was still alive.

Indeed, nine days after 9/11, Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal met at the White House with President George Bush and after that meeting Al-Faisal told reporters: “It has been proved that at least five of the men on the FBI list had nothing to do with what happened on 9/11.”

All of the still-alive “hijackers” offered to appear before the official 9/11 commission and to submit to any tests or investigations required to prove their identity. But the commission and other U.S. officials simply ignored them, and to this day the American authorities continue to stonewall and use the clearly phony 19-photo collage of the “hijackers.”

It should also be noted that none of the names of the 19 alleged “hijackers” appeared on the original passenger lists for the four “hijacked” flights, which were released by American Airlines and United Airlines immediately after 9/11, even though all of them had supposedly purchased tickets in advance. It was only after this rather embarrassing discrepancy was reported on CNN and some other news outlets that the authorities issued revised versions of the passenger lists on which the names of all the “hijackers” now magically appeared.

Moreover, if hijackers had really broken into the cockpits of the planes on 9/11, surely the pilots would have followed standard procedure and “squawked” the universal hijack code (7500) on their transponders, an act that takes only a couple of seconds. But, amazingly, that was not done by even one of the eight pilots on the four “hijacked” planes.

In their “explanation” for why the planes weren’t intercepted, the authorities tried to muddify the fuzzification, as Allan Fotheringham used to say, by producing three mutually contradictory versions of the timelines for the flights of the “hijacked” planes. This is eerily reminiscent of what happened after President John Kennedy was assassinated on November 22nd, 1963, when the authorities produced three contradictory versions of the Dallas Police radio log for that day. It’s d»já fraud all over again, so to speak!

In any case, if we cut through all the flim-flam and disinformation, there is clear evidence that the U.S. authorities learned of the “hijackings” of: Flight 11 at least 31 minutes before it struck the North Tower, Flight 175 at least 20 minutes before it hit the South Tower, Flight 77 at least 38 minutes before it allegedly hit the Pentagon, and Flight 93 at least 31 minutes before it crashed in Pennsylvania.

Under standard U.S. air defense procedure, any planes veering off course without explanation are routinely intercepted within about 10 minutes. On 9/11 there was clearly ample time for the 14 jet-fighters available at four bases in the Northeast Air Defense Sector to have intercepted all of the “hijacked” planes.

It is especially mind-boggling that no fighter-jets were deployed from Andrews Air Force Base in Washington, the main military base protecting the U.S. capital, until 10:42 a.m. – more than an hour after the Pentagon was struck. As former British cabinet minister Michael Meacher says: “There is simply no rational way to explain why planes weren’t deployed immediately from Andrews, which is just 11 miles from the Pentagon and which had always said it maintained scramble-ready fighter-jets around the clock.”

So why didn’t the air force follow normal procedure on 9/11 and intercept the “hijacked” planes? Quite simply because it had been ordered not to do so. According to Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta, who was in the basement bunker of the White House where Dick Cheney was directing operations that morning, an alarmed-looking young officer came into the room three times reporting on the movements of the “hijacked” Flight 77. The third time the young man asked Cheney, “Do the orders still stand?” and Cheney reportedly snapped, “Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?” Not surprisingly, there is no mention of Mineta’s stunning testimony in the official 9/11 report.

But veteran CIA operative Ray McGovern says he and other intelligence experts who have studied this issue believe that the Mineta testimony, along with other factors, clearly indicates Cheney had issued a stand-down order.

There were also a number of reports across the U.S. on 9/11 that a stand-down order had been given. For example, at Los Angeles International Airport, security expert Charles Lewis said he and others monitoring FAA and NORAD communications were shocked when they learned that “a stand-down order had come from the highest level of the White House.” Lewis says that in a private conversation he had in 2006 with La Ponda Fitchpatrick, head of security operations at the Los Angeles airport on 9/11, “she told me LAX security was well aware that 9/11 was an inside job.”


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #183 on: September 01, 2011, 07:59:05 PM »
continued ...

There is simply no way the 656 huge solid-steel beams supporting the three buildings (287 in each of the twin towers and 82 in Building 7) could have been melted and cut by fires fed by jet fuel, which burns at a maximum temperature of 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit. Steel requires a temperature of at least 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit to even begin melting, and the pools of molten steel that flowed like lava in the debris of the fallen buildings for weeks after 9/11 couldn’t have been produced without a temperature of at least 3,500 degrees Fahrenheit.

In addition, some melted molybdenum was found in the rubble at Ground Zero – and that substance requires a temperature of at least 4,753 degrees Fahrenheit to melt. And there were also pieces of steel that appeared to have been partly evaporated – a process that would have required a temperature of at least 5,182 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures of this kind couldn’t possibly have been generated by jet fuel.

Moreover, all three of the buildings collapsed in just a few seconds at near free-fall speed – and this couldn’t have happened without the use of pre-positioned cutter charge explosives, according to physicist Dr. Steven E. Jones, who has carried out by far the most detailed independent study of the WTC collapses, using elaborate scale-models of the buildings. After several years of tests and analysis, Jones said: “There is only one honest conclusion that can be made: the buildings couldn’t have collapsed the way the authorities claimed without violating several of the basic laws of physics.” Jones had been a long-time physics professor at Brigham Young University in Utah but was fired when he refused to either suppress his 9/11 research or lie about it.

Internationally renowned architect and New York City planner David A. Johnson, who has also carefully studied the WTC collapses, says: “I am very familiar with these buildings and their design, and I know they couldn’t possibly have come down the way they did without using explosives and severing the core columns at the base.”

Another prominent expert on the WTC collapses, San Francisco architect Richard Gage, studied all of the fires that have broken out in steel-framed high-rise buildings around the world and concluded: “In more than 100 steel framed high-rise fires which have occurred before and after 9/11 (most of them very hot, very large and very long-lasting), not one of these buildings has collapsed, ever.”

Gage believes it was physically impossible for the WTC buildings to have come down the way they did without the use of high-powered explosives and he has circulated a petition calling for a new, honest investigation into why the structures collapsed. As we noted earlier, that petition has now been signed by more than 1,400 professional engineers and architects from all over the world.

It should also be noted that several huge pieces of steel from the towers – some weighing as much as 50 tons – were propelled laterally more than 500 feet, which couldn’t possibly have happened in a gravity-driven collapse. Indeed, Dwain Deets, a former director of research engineering at NASA, says: “The fact that these massive chunks of steel were hurled horizontally for such distances leaves no doubt in my mind that explosives were involved.”

When the buildings collapsed, there were also huge pyroclastic clouds of pulverized concrete, which drifted across much of Lower Manhattan – the type of clouds often produced by controlled demolitions, but not by fires or gravity-driven building collapses.
Moreover, the 9/11 commission blatantly lied when it said there was a hollow shaft at the core of each of the twin towers. Actually there were 47 gigantic solid-steel girders at the core of each tower, and after the towers fell on 9/11 most of these girders were found in quite neatly cut 30-foot-long pieces – just the right size to be loaded on to flatbed trucks and quickly whisked away from the site (more than 40 truckloads were removed in the first 24 hours). Such precision “slicing” of steel is quite common in carefully planned demolitions but never occurs in random hydrocarbon fires.

One man who became fascinated by all the controversy about the WTC building collapses was the respected Danish scientist Dr. Niels Harrit, who taught chemistry at the University of Copenhagen for 34 years and has published more than 60 articles in major scientific journals.

Harrit and eight colleagues decided to get to the bottom of the matter by carrying out an intensive independent study. As part of their investigations, these scientists examined samples of dust from the WTC rubble and were astonished to find millions of microscopic chips of nanothermite – an ultra-high-tech incendiary explosive which is capable of slicing through steel beams.

At the end of their two-year study, Harrit concluded: “The evidence couldn’t be more clear. Anyone with two eyes and a brain can see that all three of the WTC buildings were brought down by controlled demolition involving extraordinarily high temperatures and enormous explosive force – not by random hydrocarbon fires and the relatively minor impact of the planes.”

As Harrit notes, even though the images of the jetliners crashing into the towers were so dramatic, the impact of the planes would actually have caused only relatively minor structural damage. Indeed, the towers had been specifically designed to withstand multiple impacts from a four-engine jetliner travelling at up to 600 miles per hour. On 9/11 the north tower was hit by a two-engine jet travelling at 440 miles per hour and the south tower by a two-engine jet travelling at 540 miles per hour.

Hyman Brown, the construction manager at the time the twin towers were built, said: “The buildings were over-designed to withstand almost anything, including hurricanes, bombings and an airplane hitting them.”
Sadly, the WTC’s construction manager at the time of 9/11, Frank DeMartini, perished in the “attack” on the north tower. But, in what turned out to be a remarkably prescient interview in January, 2001, he said: “I believe the towers could probably sustain multiple impacts from jetliners because their structure is like the mosquito netting on a screen door – the jet plane would be just like a pencil puncturing that screen netting.”

And one last point about the buildings: some might wonder how agents of the Cheney-led cabal could have gained access to the WTC buildings to plant the cutter-charge explosives. Actually, however, that wasn’t much of a problem since the company in charge of security at the WTC complex, Securacom, was headed by none other than George W. Bush’s brother Marvin and cousin Wirt Walker III.

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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #184 on: September 01, 2011, 08:03:19 PM »
if you believe the official story, you haven't taken the time to research it with an objective eye.

I was the biggest repub a-hole in the room.  took months of studying 911 to shake my head and accept it.


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #185 on: September 01, 2011, 08:04:50 PM »
A 2 year old could recognize no plane crashed in Shanksville as reported that day. Your government is LYING to you.  No titanium engines, no bodies and not a drop of blood. The coroner who is quoted after 20 minutes on site as saying there was no point of him being there to examine the “plane crash”.


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #186 on: September 01, 2011, 08:10:26 PM »

9/11: “The Big Magic Trick” Ten Years Later

President Barack Obama’s bizarre claim on May 2nd that U.S. commandos had “killed” the long-dead Osama bin Laden in Pakistan is just the latest – and one of the most preposterous – in a long series of official lies about the so-called “terrorist attacks” of September 11th, 2001.
As veteran U.S. intelligence analyst Dr. Steve Pieczenik wryly observed: “This was the first commando raid in history in which the commandos killed a guy who had already been dead for almost ten years.”
Sadly, however, the mindless cheering triggered by Obama’s announcement and all the related lies and fabrications that have poured out of Cass Sunstein’s disinformation factory in the White House demonstrates once again that if you tell big enough lies and repeat them often enough, they will usually be believed.

As we approach the tenth anniversary of 9/11, the U.S. authorities will undoubtedly tell us more new lies and repeat a lot of old ones as they desperately try to keep the lid on Pandora’s Box and counter the growing worldwide awareness that the so-called “terrorist attacks” of September 11th, 2001, were a fraud.
This article is dedicated to the memory of Hal Sisson, the distinguished lawyer, author and activist who was among the first to question “the official 9/11 fairy tale” and who inspired me and others to investigate the events of September 11th, 2001, to try to discover the truth about what really happened that day.

Multiple islamic militant org's confirmed bin laden died in that raid. Al qaeda and others. 

Whats there to discuss?

Jack T. Cross

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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #187 on: September 01, 2011, 08:19:56 PM »
Notice how I say "I wouldn't be surprised" if such and such happened. That doesn't mean I think something happened or I believe it happened.

Keep believing, bro.  It'll save your brain from hurting.

Jack T. Cross

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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #188 on: September 01, 2011, 08:46:41 PM »
I won't let myself pretend to know what happened here.  But something very wrong did happen.  The fact that certain members of the intelligence agencies HAD TO KNOW what was developing, combined with the resulting sweeps in the losses of our rights, combined with an incredible shifting of wealth, makes me look at the situation MUCH more closely.

And when I look at the situation more closely, adding up more gaddamned loose ends than a Barcelona Gay Pride Parade, it tells me something very wrong has happened here.

My "brain hurting" theory stands with me at this point.  I cannot see how any person with mature reasoning has accepted the results of that day otherwise.


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #189 on: September 01, 2011, 08:48:45 PM »
I won't let myself pretend to know what happened here.  But something very wrong did happen.  The fact that certain members of the intelligence agencies HAD TO KNOW what was developing, combined with the resulting sweeps in the losses of our rights, combined with an incredible shifting of wealth, makes me look at the situation MUCH more closely.

And when I look at the situation more closely, adding up more gaddamned loose ends than a Barcelona Gay Pride Parade, it tells me something very wrong has happened here.

My "brain hurting" theory stands with me at this point.  I cannot see how any person with mature reasoning has accepted the results of that day otherwise.
the main reason you think it was an inside job is because of the way in which the towers fell, right? you dont think they could have possibly been brought down by a plane ?

Jack T. Cross

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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #190 on: September 01, 2011, 09:17:27 PM »
the main reason you think it was an inside job is because of the way in which the towers fell, right? you dont think they could have possibly been brought down by a plane ?

As for the collapses, I just don't have the right background to form an opinion.


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #191 on: September 01, 2011, 09:47:07 PM »
As for the collapses, I just don't have the right background to form an opinion.
if i thought there was any truth to the "inside job" theory it would be because of the manner in which the buildings fell and the apparent explosions going off throughout the buildings. although i think its possible these could be explained, im not sure i see any reason outside of that to believ it was an inside job.


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #192 on: September 01, 2011, 11:19:49 PM »
if i thought there was any truth to the "inside job" theory it would be because of the manner in which the buildings fell and the apparent explosions going off throughout the buildings. although i think its possible these could be explained, im not sure i see any reason outside of that to believ it was an inside job.
The best educated guess, because that is all anybody can do, is from the NIST. They spent the longest and had the right people on the job. They have solved some of the hardest plane crashes you could imagine they are true scientists.

People who say everyone who works there are part of the conspiracy are crazy.

Btw, the architects and engineers for 9/11 are made up of architects and engineers but their leader has never designed a building above 3 stories high and some of their engineers work with sewers and solar power. They are just Internet cowboys like us.


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #193 on: September 02, 2011, 06:31:27 AM »
1: America spends more money on its deffence than any other nation on earth. If you think a dozen cavemen can go through it so easily, think again.

2: An airliner is not flown in a 'aim and point the nose where you want to go' fashion, like a small Cessna is. Visibility is very poor and you can't see downwards. You fly it by instruments, coordinates AND BY RADIO CONTACT.
tank u jesus

Jack T. Cross

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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #194 on: September 02, 2011, 10:03:36 PM »
if i thought there was any truth to the "inside job" theory it would be because of the manner in which the buildings fell and the apparent explosions going off throughout the buildings. although i think its possible these could be explained, im not sure i see any reason outside of that to believ it was an inside job.

For me, the simple fact that these hijackers were all but handed over personally to people who are bound to protect us, tells so much.  It tells of intent, and it creates a certain path of plausibility and likelihood when you consider the events of that day and what's happened in the ten years of aftermath.


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #195 on: September 02, 2011, 11:35:11 PM »
Didn't they find one of the hijackers passport on the ground after 911? I can see how a piece of paper can be undamaged after such a fire.  ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #196 on: September 02, 2011, 11:40:10 PM »
Good thread


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #197 on: September 03, 2011, 01:09:43 AM »
Didn't they find one of the hijackers passport on the ground after 911? I can see how a piece of paper can be undamaged after such a fire.  ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
Makes perfect sense if you watch the planes hit the towers.

The first plane hits flush in the middle of the building but a nanosecond later there is debris that flys out the left side of the building which is likely the result of the cockpit bouncing off the concrete core of the tower and back out, in pieces obviously, the side of the building. The towers had open floor plans there were no columns between the core and the outer shell just office furniture and people.

The second plane hit the building towards the side and goes through and some of it, in pieces again, flys out the side adjacent.

The passport itself was likely in the guys pocket and may have even been inside a pouch that many countries provide their citizens to protect their passports from damage. It may even have been inside his travel documents since remember there were paper tickets back then that were often held in cardboard sleeves.


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #198 on: September 03, 2011, 01:23:46 AM »
Btw, the passport was not found by the FBI as has been reported it was found by a new yorker who handed it to a cop on the street.

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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #199 on: September 03, 2011, 07:22:25 AM »
I have a hard time believing that we staged 9/11 ourselves, only to justify us going to war in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Most Americans pre 9/11 hated those guys already, and wouldn't have batted an eye-lash if we started an anti-terrorism war without 9/11 even happening.