Outstanding reply !
Here is my beef with stability balls and wobble boards.... they dont do a thing for building muscle or lowering bodyfat and do very little for real world performance.
Mike you sound very experienced and knowledegable , so surely you must agree with me that when minimal to no results follow people are going to leave... usually. Where am I gowing wrong?
Stability Balls are great if used correctly. My clients would much rather do a Stablility Ball Pike (
http://www.criticalbench.com/exercises/stability-ball-pike.htm) than your standard Leg Raise. 1) You have to use your shoulders and tris to keep you in position. 2) You have to maintain a neutral spine postion thoughout the excersise and use lower back, abs and obliquest and 3) I can just see Connie (my 55yr old 5am client) getting a hernia trying to crank out 30 leg raises.
Minimal results, again, are usually the result of the client. I've had clients who have trainined with NPC level Bodybuilders and then came to me and they get equal, if not better, results. If they want bigger quads, then we do Leg Extensions. If they want to have "toned" legs and slim down abit, then it's Mountain Climbers and Alternatind Box Step-Ups. Remember, give them what they want, then give them what they need.
About wobble/voodoo/balance boards: I have a 26 year old Male who wants to get bigger. Great, that's easy! But, he wakeboards in the summer and skiis in the winter....alot! So, in between sets of Romainian Deadlifts followed by Resistance Band Shadowboxing, we hit the voodoo board (
http://www.vewdo.com/). He's seen a dramatic improvement in both sports and his balance is impecable.
And just for the record you WILL see a lot of bad functional/stability training going on in the next 5 years. Trainers will be using this style of training for the very reason I stated before, it's different. The only problem is, they will be doing most excersises wrong, that's probably what Devon97 is seeing. If its done right and explained right, then it makes sense and gets results.