Author Topic: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory (aka The Big Lie)  (Read 238870 times)


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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1100 on: July 23, 2019, 09:51:16 PM »

Nadler: Dems Holding Mock Hearings Today, to Prepare for Questioning Mueller Tomorrow
By Susan Jones | July 23, 2019

( - Members of the House Judiciary Committee are holding mock hearings today, Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) said, in preparation for tomorrow's testimony from former Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

But in his interview with CNN's "New Day," Nadler would not say who, if anyone, is playing the role of Mueller as part of today's dress rehearsals.

Democrats have a lot riding on Wednesday's back-to-back congressional hearings, at which they hope to "break the lies" put out by President Donald Trump and Attorney General William Barr.

But no matter what emerges from Mueller's five hours of testimony, there is more to come, Nadler said.

As I said, our goal is to break the lies of the president and the attorney general in saying that the report found no collusion, found that there was no collusion, that there was no obstruction and exonerated the president," Nadler told CNN. "It did not exonerate the president. The report is chock-full of very damning information against the president.

Again, as I said, it found ten instances of the president obstructing justice. It found instances of the president instructing people to lie to investigators and to lie to the American people. And the American people need to hear this from Mueller.

And then after that, we need to get some of the witnesses cited by Mueller before the committee. Now, the administration has done what no administration has ever done before. They've stonewalled all subpoenas, they've said no one will testify. We will break that and we will hear from people like Don McGahn, etc. and they will testify. And people will know what the report found, will know the facts and then can make judgments.

Nadler noted that most people have not read the 448-page report, and he and other Democrats are trying to give them the movie version of what's in it.

But regardless of whether tomorrow's hearings sway public opinion, there is more persuasion still to come.

Host Alisyn Camerota told Nadler, "It's not going to be over tomorrow for all of you."

"Oh, no, it is certainly not going to be over," Nadler agreed.

"We're going to court in the next few days, as I said before, to try to force people like Don McGahn and Hope Hicks and various other people who are fact witnesses who who testified to the Mueller committee, to come before the committee and testify in open hearings as to what they saw, so that the conclusions of the Mueller investigation can be laid open, not only the conclusions but that people can see the testimony of these people and form judgments."

Nadler said Committee Democrats assume that Mueller will do what he said -- "he'll stay more or less within the bounds of the report."

But Nadler said he and other Democrats "will be referring to specific pages and specific sections in the report and asking him to comment on it."

Nadler gave an example: "Well, paragraph two on page whatever says the following, is that correct? Did you find that? Does this describe obstruction of justice?"

Nadler said there are three tests when considering impeachment:

"One, do you conclude there's real proof the president has committed impeachable offenses," he said.

"Number two, are these impeachable offenses serious offenses. And number three, is there enough evidence public, so that impeaching the president would not tear the country apart? And I think it's very important that the people understand the evidence that there is so that they and therefore the committee and the Congress can make that judgement."

Mueller's investigation ended without indicting the president. "I think it's very clear he (Mueller) left it to Congress, and we have to exercise our powers," Nadler said.

Ivanka's new dog.

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1101 on: July 30, 2019, 06:38:38 PM »
What disgusting anti-American zealots these people are.  I don't like McConnell, but this kind of smear is just wrong.

Mitch McConnell is a Russian asset
By Dana Milbank
July 26, 2019

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1102 on: July 30, 2019, 06:44:01 PM »
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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1103 on: August 15, 2019, 09:49:29 PM »
Fusion, the ‘Collusion’ Puppeteer

Bruce Ohr’s 302s, just released to the public, show Glenn Simpson pulling the strings.

The Justice Department is investigating how a former British intelligence agent, Christopher Steele, came to exert so much influence over the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s erroneous Trump-Russia collusion narrative. Let’s hope the department is also investigating an even more influential man who had even less business manipulating the government: Glenn Simpson, the head of opposition-research firm Fusion GPS.

That’s a pressing question in light of new documents from high-ranking Justice official Bruce Ohr, obtained recently by Judicial Watch. The papers include, among other things, a dozen official FBI interviews (known as 302s) of Mr. Ohr that date from just after the 2016 election through May 2017. The documents suggest Mr. Simpson was the real puppet master of the collusion drama.

More eye-popping in the 302s is the ease with which Mr. Simpson landed meetings with powerful officials, for no apparent purpose other than to peddle unverified accusations against the Trump team. This isn’t a former intelligence officer or government official, or even someone with specialized knowledge of Russia. Mr. Simpson is a private citizen—and one who Mr. Ohr and the FBI knew was providing information to Hillary Clinton ’s team (as Mr. Ohr acknowledges in his initial 302). Yet when Mr. Simpson called, officials across Washington hopped to, swallowing the claims that would become the basis of a false hysteria.

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1104 on: August 21, 2019, 11:18:36 AM »
New York Times chief outlines coverage shift: From Trump-Russia to Trump racism
by Byron York
August 15, 2019

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1105 on: September 02, 2019, 11:11:00 PM »
MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell apologizes for unverified Trump-Russia report: 'We are retracting the story'
By Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News

MSNBC retracts thinly-sourced story on President Trump's finances; reaction and analysis on 'The Five.'

MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell kicked off his show Wednesday night by apologizing for running an unverified report that directly tied President Trump's finances to Russia, which he retracted.

"Last night on this show, I discussed information that wasn't ready for reporting," O'Donnell said. "I repeated statements a single source told me about the president's finances and loan documents with Deutsche Bank saying 'if true'-- as I discussed the information-- was simply not good enough. I did not go through the rigorous verification and standards process here at MSNBC before repeating what I heard from my source. Had it gone through that process, I would not have been permitted to report it. I should not have said it on-air or post it on Twitter. I was wrong to do so."

He went on to acknowledge the letter he and NBCUniversal received by Trump's legal counsel demanding a retraction and an apology for the "aforementioned false and defamatory" reporting and threated to take legal action.

"This afternoon, attorneys for the president sent us a letter asserting the story is false. They also demanded a retraction. Tonight, we are retracting the story," O'Donnell continued. "We don't know whether the information is inaccurate. The fact is we do know it wasn't ready for broadcast and for that I apologize."

On Tuesday night, O’Donnell and fellow far-left MSNBC host Rachel Maddow discussed how Trump was “able to obtain loans when no one else would loan him any money” when he tossed out the unverified speculation.

“I may have some information, in this next hour, which would add a great deal to their understanding of that, if true, and I’ll be discussing it here,” O’Donnell said. "I stress ‘if true,’ because this is a single source who has told me that Deutsche Bank obtained tax returns… this single source close to Deutsche Bank has told me that Donald Trump’s loan documents there show that he has co-signers. That’s how he was able to obtain those loans and that the co-signers are Russian oligarchs."

A stunned Maddow leaned back in her chair and responded, “What? Really?”

O’Donnell added “that would explain every kind word Donald Trump has ever said about Russia and Vladimir Putin” if his information is accurate.

The "Last Word" host and MSNBC were widely panned by critics for running the story, calling it "grossly irresponsible." The White House blasted the report, pointing to "left-wing outlets" that have "weaponized the media.

“This is one of the reasons that a majority of Americans have lost trust in the media. Instead of applying ethics and standards to their reporting, journalists and left-wing outlets have weaponized the media, using it to attack and harass people with little to no regard for the truth,” White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham told Fox News.

O'Donnell took to Twitter earlier in the day and walked back the report, referring to it as an "error in judgment."

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1106 on: October 25, 2019, 06:45:26 PM »
The end is near.  Again.  The Manchurian Candidate is toast.

Federal judge rules congressional Democrats can have access to Mueller grand jury material
Alex PappasBy Alex Pappas | Fox News


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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1107 on: October 25, 2019, 07:22:55 PM »
The end is near.  Again.  The Manchurian Candidate is toast.

That's what you said back in June.

Tis now October.

Guess... Just GUESS, where we're going to be come November of 2020?

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1108 on: October 25, 2019, 07:27:35 PM »
That's what you said back in June.

Tis now October.

Guess... Just GUESS, where we're going to be come November of 2020?

Right?  Hope springs eternal.   :)

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1109 on: October 29, 2019, 10:51:07 AM »
Rumors Are Swirling That Former FBI Top Lawyer James Baker Is Now Cooperating With Durham; The Problem? There Are Two James Bakers In This Movie
Posted October 26, 2019 by Elizabeth Vaughn


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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1110 on: October 29, 2019, 11:01:42 AM »
That's what you said back in June.

Tis now October.

Guess... Just GUESS, where we're going to be come November of 2020?

I have no idea where we will be come November 2020. Guessing is like gambling and I don't gamble.

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1111 on: November 14, 2019, 09:22:07 AM »
Barr says watchdog report on Russia probe's origins is 'imminent'

Attorney General William Barr confirmed on Wednesday that an internal watchdog’s report on the origins of the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign’s dealings with Russia during the 2016 election is “imminent.”

The highly anticipated report, led by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz, seeks to establish whether the bureau violated laws and policies that govern the surveillance of American citizens.

“It’s been reported and it’s my understanding that it is imminent,” Barr said at a news conference in Memphis, Tennessee. “A number of people who were mentioned in the report are having an opportunity right now to comment on how they were quoted in the report, and after that process is over which is very short, the report will be issued. That’s what the inspector general himself suggests.”

The Justice Department inspector general’s office declined to comment, and a spokeswoman for Barr declined to elaborate on his suggestion about the timing. However, two sources confirmed that interview subjects had been notified in recent days that they would soon be shown portions of the review—typically a sign that the report is on the verge of public release.

Horowitz had previously indicated, in an Oct. 24 letter to Congress, that he was in the process of finalizing his report. He said he had turned over a draft of his findings to the Justice Department and the FBI for a classification review.

“The goal from my standpoint is to make as much of our report public as possible,” Horowitz wrote. “I anticipate that the final report will be released publicly with few redactions.”

Barr has said little about Horowitz’s report, but in a May interview with CBS News, he described the inspector general’s inquiry as limited in scope. “He’s looking at a discrete area that is- that is you know, important, which is the use of electronic surveillance that was targeted at Carter Page,” Barr said, referring to the unpaid Trump campaign adviser whose meetings with Russian officials drew FBI scrutiny during the 2016 campaign.

Republicans have alleged that the FBI misrepresented the basis of its application for a warrant to surveil Page to a federal judge, saying the bureau underplayed the importance of the so-called Steele dossier, along with its partisan origins. The warrant was reviewed and renewed multiple times, by judges appointed by presidents of both parties.

Asked about the IG report, Page told POLITICO he was "just in the process of confirming specific details with DOJ, but I remain optimistic that this should happen imminently."

FBI officials have said in official documents that the true origin of its Russia probe was not the dossier, a compilation of raw intelligence reports by former MI-6 officer Christopher Steele, but a tip that another unpaid Trump campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos, was bragging to an Australian diplomat about how Russia had obtained a trove of Hillary Clinton’s emails.

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A footnote in the warrant application, which was released by House Republicans over Democrats’ objections, does note the dossier’s link to partisan politics. But it does not specifically disclose its links to the Clinton campaign and the Democratic Party, which had commissioned Steele’s work.

Horowitz’s report is wrapping up while a broader investigation into the Russia probe, led by U.S. Attorney John Durham, remains ongoing. Former top CIA officials, including John Brennan, have said they expected to be interviewed and pledged to cooperate.

Barr has said he had instructed Durham to determine whether there was an “adequate predicate” for the Russia probe, which resulted in a special counsel’s report that ultimately did not establish that the Trump campaign engaged in a criminal conspiracy with Moscow.

Durham’s probe recently became a criminal inquiry, though it’s not clear precisely when or whether Horowitz has made any criminal referrals arising from his work on the FISA issue.


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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1112 on: November 14, 2019, 09:31:08 AM »
It's obvious the timing of this impeachment is to deflect from this report.

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1113 on: November 18, 2019, 03:18:05 PM »
It's obvious the timing of this impeachment is to deflect from this report.

No doubt.

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1114 on: November 18, 2019, 03:20:12 PM »
You mean it still might be possible that Trump is a Russian spy?  :o

Carl Bernstein: GOP senators 'deeply disturbed' by Trump-Russia link as impeachment trial looms
by Daniel Chaitin
November 18, 2019

Senate Republicans are confiding in reporters a growing sense of unease about President Trump's decisions that align with Russian priorities at the expense of U.S. interests.

Veteran investigative journalist Carl Bernstein reported Monday that members of Trump's own party are "deeply disturbed" by what they have witnessed so far in House impeachment proceedings.

"What we have seen through these impeachment testimonies is what has so many Republican senators, and I've talked to a few — quite a few and so have other reporters, they are deeply disturbed at what they have learned again about the president of the United States' willingness to serve the interest of Russia and Vladimir Putin," he said on CNN.

Bernstein outlined how the Russia question has been a relentless source of consternation for GOP members of the Senate. He listed off examples, including Trump's 2018 Helsinki summit in which he sided with Russian President Vladimir Putin over the U.S. Intelligence Community's assessment about election interference, and more recently, the U.S. troop withdrawal in Syria that gave way to Turkey attacking Kurdish allies in the region.

Dating back to the 2016 election, Trump has faced questions about whether he colluded with the Russians. Special counsel Robert Mueller found Russia sought to undermine former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign in favor of Trump but did not find sufficient evidence to show a criminal conspiracy between members of Trump's team and the Kremlin.

But the disquieted feeling described by Bernstein is now said to be surging due to the Ukraine case at the center of the House Democrats' impeachment effort where Russia's shadow looms large. Investigators are looking into whether Trump abused his office by leveraging nearly $400 million in security aid meant to counter Russian aggression and a White House meeting with the Ukrainian president to coerce the former Soviet republic into conducting investigations into his political rivals.

“With you, Mr. President, all roads lead to Putin,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said last week.

If the House passes articles of impeachment, the case will move to a trial phase in the Senate where Republican leaders have signaled Trump is in no danger of being removed from office.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Monday he "can't imagine a scenario under which President Trump would be removed from office with 67 votes in the Senate."

Bernstein and fellow Watergate sleuth Bob Woodward have still reported that cracks exist in Trump's GOP firewall in the Senate, which are magnified by the 2020 election.

“I know Republican senators, and they are choking on this,” Woodward said last month, referring to the burgeoning Ukraine scandal. “Whether they say that’s too much, I don’t know."

Bernstein said the key question Republicans are asking is whether Trump is "witting," "unwitting," or "half witting" in serving Putin's interests.

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1115 on: November 21, 2019, 03:07:11 PM »
Durham Probe Expands to Pentagon Office That Contracted FBI Spy Stephan Halper
By Sara Carter -November 21, 2019

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1116 on: November 21, 2019, 04:38:12 PM »
Exclusive: FBI official under investigation after allegedly altering document in 2016 Russia probe
By Katelyn Polantz and Evan Perez, CNN
November 22, 2019


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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1117 on: November 21, 2019, 04:40:56 PM »
Exclusive: FBI official under investigation after allegedly altering document in 2016 Russia probe
By Katelyn Polantz and Evan Perez, CNN
November 22, 2019

Wow! You are going crazy digging up as much dirt as you can on Trump's opponents. Do you think it will make a difference or will you be all the more disappointed when these questionable stories change nothing?

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1118 on: November 21, 2019, 04:45:09 PM »
Wow! You are going crazy digging up as much dirt as you can on Trump's opponents. Do you think it will make a difference or will you be all the more disappointed when these questionable stories change nothing?

What you talkin bout Willis?  I'm not digging up anything.  Unlike you, I don't live in an echo chamber.  I get my news from a variety of sources.  These are newsworthy items I'm posting. 

Regarding this story, it's a CNN "exclusive."  It deals with the Russia Hoax, which doesn't involve Trump's current opponents. 

And you didn't address the merits of the story.  You're trolling. 

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1119 on: November 21, 2019, 04:45:27 PM »
Exclusive: FBI official under investigation after allegedly altering document in 2016 Russia probe
By Katelyn Polantz and Evan Perez, CNN
November 22, 2019


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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1120 on: November 21, 2019, 05:44:07 PM »
Exclusive: FBI official under investigation after allegedly altering document in 2016 Russia probe
By Katelyn Polantz and Evan Perez, CNN
November 22, 2019

Now this is real news, Comey ?


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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1121 on: November 21, 2019, 05:53:24 PM »

Now this is real news, Comey ?
That would be great.

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1122 on: November 21, 2019, 05:56:41 PM »

Now this is real news, Comey ?

Not sure, but the cockroaches are definitely scurrying now that the lights are on. 

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1123 on: December 26, 2019, 12:45:41 PM »
Washington Post media critic slams Rachel Maddow, says liberal host 'rooted' for Steele dossier
Talia KaplanBy Talia Kaplan | Fox News

In a stunning takedown of MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, Washington Post media critic Erik Wemple wrote Thursday that the liberal cable news star “rooted for” British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s dossier, which served as the basis for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against Trump campaign official Carter Page, to be the smoking gun that would force the president out of office.

In an op-ed titled, “Rachel Maddow rooted for the Steele dossier to be true. Then it fell apart,” Wemple wrote, “She seemed to be rooting for the document.” He added, “As part of her Russianist phase, Maddow became a clearinghouse for news increments regarding the dossier.”

Wemple’s piece was part of a serialized post-mortem on the media’s handling of the Steele dossier, since thoroughly debunked by Justice Department Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz.

Earlier this month, Horowitz released the highly anticipated findings from his nearly two-year review concerning the origins of the Russia investigation in a 476-page report, which generally found that agents were justified in launching the investigation known as Crossfire Hurricane, as well as investigations into Trump associates. However, the inspector general found that the FBI did not have any specific information corroborating allegations against Page from Steele’s dossier.

In addition to the lack of corroboration, the inspector general found that the FBI’s interviews of Steele and his sub-sources “revealed potentially serious problems with Steele’s description of information in his election reports.” The report stated that the FBI “failed to notify” the Office of Investigations, which was working on the Page FISA applications, “of the potentially serious problems identified with Steele’s election reporting that arose as early as January 2017.”

CIA officials argued that Steele’s reporting was simply "Internet rumor," according to the report.

“When small bits of news arose in favor of the dossier, the franchise MSNBC host pumped air into them,” Wemple wrote in Thursday’s op-ed. “At least some of her many fans surely came away from her broadcasts thinking the dossier was a serious piece of investigative research, not the flimflam, quick-twitch game of telephone outlined in the Horowitz report.”

Wemple continued, “When large bits of news arose against the dossier, Maddow found other topics more compelling.” He added, “She was there for the bunkings, absent for the debunkings — a pattern of misleading and dishonest asymmetry.”

Wemple noted that the host said, “Above all else, we know this about the now-famous dossier: Christopher Steele had this story before the rest of America did, and he got it from Russian sources.” Wemple added that Maddow “used the term ‘deep cover sources’ to describe Steele’s network.”

He then pointed out, “According to the Horowitz report, the ‘Primary Sub-source’ for the dossier told the FBI that the information he/she passed along amounted to ‘word of mouth and hearsay.’”

NBC News did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.

In his op-ed, Wemple pointed to a “key exchange” in the October edition of the podcast Skullduggery, during which Michael Isikoff of Yahoo News pressed Maddow on her show’s approach to Russia.

Wemple noted that after some back-and-forth about particulars of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia report and the dossier with Isikoff, Maddow reportedly said: “You’re trying to litigate the Steele dossier through me as if I am the embodiment of the Steele dossier, which I think is creepy, and I think it’s unwarranted. And, it’s not like I’ve been making the case for the accuracy of the Steele dossier and that’s been the basis of my Russia reporting. That’s just not true.”

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #1124 on: December 26, 2019, 06:08:59 PM »
McCain was a great American, but this was disgraceful.

IG Report Reveals Steele Funneled Claims Through John McCain After FBI Dropped Him
AARON KLEIN  26 Dec 2019

Late Senator John McCain provided disgraced former FBI chief James Comey with five separate reports from Christopher Steele that the FBI didn’t previously possess related to unsubstantiated allegations of collusion between Russia and President Trump’s 2016 campaign, the Justice Department’s recent Inspector General report revealed.

There have long been questions about why it was necessary for McCain to pass Steele’s anti-Trump dossier to Comey on December 9, 2016, several weeks after the November 2016 presidential election. By then, Steele had already met numerous times with FBI agents to provide them with his controversial reports. Steele, however, was terminated as an FBI source in the fall of 2016 because he spoke to the news media.

The IG report discloses that McCain gave five new Steele reports to Comey that the FBI did not previously possess, showing that McCain served as a conduit for Steele’s information to reach the FBI even after the British ex-spy was formally cut off as an FBI source.

It is not clear whether McCain knew at the time that Steele had previously been terminated as an FBI source.

The IG report also verifies that a McCain aid obtained the Steele reports directly from Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson, meaning that when McCain transferred the anti-Trump charges to Comey he had to have known that the material originated with a firm that specializes in controversial opposition tactics.

Fusion GPS was paid for its anti-Trump work by Trump’s primary political opponents, namely Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) via the Perkins Coie law firm.

States the IG report:

Several weeks later, on December 9, 2016, Senator John McCain provided Comney with a collection of 16 Steele election reports, 5 of which Steele had not given the FBI. McCain had obtained these reports from a staff member at the McCain Institute. The McCain Institute staff member had met with Steele and later acquired the reports from Simpson.

The unnamed McCain staff member is known to be David J. Kramer, who also infamously provided BuzzFeed with the Steele dossier.

BuzzFeed published Steele’s full dossier on January 10, 2017 setting off a firestorm of news media coverage about the document.

Prior to his death, McCain admitted to personally handing the dossier to Comey but he refused repeated requests for comment about whether he had a role in providing the dossier to BuzzFeed, including numerous inquiries sent to his office by this reporter.

In his book published last year, McCain maintained he had an “obligation” to pass the dossier charges against Trump to Comey and he would even do it again. “Anyone who doesn’t like it can go to hell,” McCain exclaimed.