Author Topic: Umbillical Hernia  (Read 9172 times)


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Umbillical Hernia
« on: September 11, 2013, 07:49:34 AM »
Went to the doctor yesterday after battling this for almost 10 momths. He confirmed what I already had suspected. I have an unmbillical hernia- top part of the naval up. Second (supervising) doc confirmed. Said it has to be taken care of. Appointment to consult with surgeon tommorrow. Haven't trained since the North Americans. Much needed layoff. But I want to go to the gym and do some stuff- nothing heavy bentover or deads. But some presses, dips, pulldowns, etc. bad idea? She didn't say I COULDN'T train pre surgery. I have never had a hernia (well she said I probably had this since birth, just opened up over time). The first doc said he had seen much worse in overweight out of shape people. Anyone with experience in this? Also been off test since show. Any harm in starting up with that - modest dose-500 mg type regime?


  • Competitors
  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2002
Re: Umbillical Hernia
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2013, 08:11:37 AM »
10 weeks post surgery. Started light workouts, split, an hour or less each session. 50 lbs the first week - max - typically 20 reps on each set. This week 2 workouts, same split, no more than 100 lbs for 20 reps. Some ab soreness, but not as bad as it was a month and half ago. Taking it slow.