Author Topic: Robbing a store and taunting cops is now a thing-Video of newest shooting  (Read 16364 times)


  • Getbig V
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I'd use all necessary force to stop him. 

If I killed him the POLICE would ARREST me.

There it is.


  • Getbig V
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Raving lunatic breaks into house and (among others) pregnant woman is endangered - guy kills intruder and gets 5 years jail:

Of course we all know the jolly bobbies were there to arrest this dude, because self defence is NOT ALLOWED in the UK  ::)



  • Getbig V
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British Farmer jailed for shooting burglars, LESSON LEARNED, when he got out of jail, he  got robbed again, but he let them get away with a stern verbal warning  ::)

A farmer jailed for shooting dead a burglar has told how he was too scared to tackle an intruder this week in case he was branded a criminal.


  • Getbig V
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The guy robbed a store because he was clearly mentally ill.  The shooting may have been justified but a taser would have physically made him drop the knife and cease his activity.  The officers obviously were not issued tasers so they went with old reliable.  If they were, I'm surprised that they weren't used instead. 

Of course, people did complain about the tasers but they prob want to change their tune now.  But overall, Mr Powell got what he wanted...suicide by cop

You can't say they 'obviously' did not have tasers. It doesn't matter if he is mentally ill or not, he is advancing toward them with a lethal weapon. They are trained to respond in a like for like manner - thus they used lethal force.


  • Getbig V
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People are jumping into his defence using the "mentally ill" line...because no weapon carrying mentally ill person ever kill anyone before  ::)


  • Getbig V
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because no weapon carrying mentally ill person ever kill anyone before  ::)

Not true, cops kill people all the time..

Uncle Junior

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and the multiple shots are necessary to

you fire once at someone whos adrenaline is up and that knife is in your chest

the police are humans ask yourself this

if some mentally ill big guy approached you threatening you with a knife and you had a gun

what would you do ?

Offer him a 1000 dollars! ;)


  • Getbig V
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Not true, cops kill people all the time..

At least they have an excuse here.


  • Getbig V
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Offer him a 1000 dollars! blow job ;)

Fixed  :D


  • Getbig V
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rap music and crack cocaine destroyed the black race in the USA.

before rap and crack, the role models were MLK, Malcolm, Black Panthers etc. Sources of empowerment and betterment. Now they have Lil Wayne, Big Meech, Nicki Minaj etc. They revel in ignorance and self destruction. Then blame whitey that they are so fucked up.


  • Getbig V
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  • hardcore redneck electric champion
rap music and crack cocaine destroyed the black race in the USA.

before rap and crack, the role models were MLK, Malcolm, Black Panthers etc. Sources of empowerment and betterment. Now they have Lil Wayne, Big Meech, Nicki Minaj etc. They revel in ignorance and self destruction. Then blame whitey that they are so fucked up.

Haha this is the same argument from 100 years ago, except back then it was reefer & jazz music


  • Getbig V
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Haha this is the same argument from 100 years ago, except back then it was reefer & jazz music

100 years ago wasnt like now brah. Their elders fought and gave their lives for civil rights in the 60s-70s just to have little antwon selling dope and sipping sizzurp in 2014.


  • Getbig V
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Haha this is the same argument from 100 years ago, except back then it was reefer & jazz music

this post and your username reek of inexperience.

Roger Bacon

  • Getbig V
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  • Roger Bacon tries to be witty and fails
Looks like suicide by cop. Stupid if you think about it. If I was suicidal I would jump on a Dorian or Ronnie cycle but double all doses and see what kind of damage I could do on the Olympia stage. If it kills me, oh well!

Yes, good idea!! At least you would die for a good cause.

Roger Bacon

  • Getbig V
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  • Roger Bacon tries to be witty and fails
This reminds me of the white kid(?) who kept approaching the cop after he was told to freeze and was shot. The video was posted here a while back. Cop tells you to stop, you stop.  

Cops don't kill white kids? I don't remember any riot?

I think you're mistaken...


  • Getbig V
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Cops don't kill white kids? I don't remember any riot?

I think you're mistaken...

white people already bought their tvs thus no riot.


  • Getbig V
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white people already bought their tvs thus no riot.

So you're saying these riots are just an excuse to get free TV's?


  • Getbig V
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So you're saying these riots are just an excuse to get free TV's?

Maybe not specifically tvs


  • Getbig V
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  • hardcore redneck electric champion
100 years ago wasnt like now brah. Their elders fought and gave their lives for civil rights in the 60s-70s just to have little antwon selling dope and sipping sizzurp in 2014.

So if rap & crack cocaine ceased to exist, the issues with blacks would simply disappear?

Roger Bacon

  • Getbig V
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  • Roger Bacon tries to be witty and fails

Simple Simon

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  • Getbig V
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So if rap & crack cocaine ceased to exist, the issues with blacks would simply disappear?

no. but it created a fucked up culture. snowballing into todays wshh generation.

the best example is black american boxers: before you had louis, patterson, liston, ali, robinson, hagler, leonard, hearns etc. None were angels, but they would generally carry themselves with respect. Now they have mayweather, broner and guys like that. Mayweather is the most evident, 40 years old but has to act like an ignorant fool to feel secure.

end of the day their biggest enemy is within them, they shouldn't blame whites. but the ignance is so deep rooted I don't see change being possible. 'ain't nobody got time for that'.


  • Getbig V
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The more of this riff-raff they off, the better for society.

And lmao at all the excuse makers on this thread...the guy got killed cause he was acting like a primitive ape and threatening the cops with a knife. Funny how you never see asians getting shot by cops...maybe because they dont loot convenience stores, dress and act like a monkey, or rush cops with knives and aggression. One race seems to have the monopoly on these tendancies...and that *might* have something to do with why they get shot by cops.


  • Guest
I think these officers should loose their jobs.

They waited way to long to open fire. The second he took one step forward with that knife, he should of been shot.

Than they wouldnt of had to fire so many shots to neutralize him.

By letting him get so close it made emptying a clip necessary.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 7647
  • hardcore redneck electric champion
no. but it created a fucked up culture. snowballing into todays wshh generation.

the best example is black american boxers: before you had louis, patterson, liston, ali, robinson, hagler, leonard, hearns etc. None were angels, but they would generally carry themselves with respect. Now they have mayweather, broner and guys like that. Mayweather is the most evident, 40 years old but has to act like an ignorant fool to feel secure.

end of the day their biggest enemy is within them, they shouldn't blame whites. but the ignance is so deep rooted I don't see change being possible. 'ain't nobody got time for that'.

I would counter that the hip-hop culture & crack epidemic are symptoms of the problems they face rather than the cause