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Natural Man

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Re: how many years of what steroids does this physique require?
« Reply #25 on: November 03, 2012, 03:33:46 PM »
jus depres at what it takes to get muscles
you fucking loser just have to lift 4 to 6 hours a week knowing what you re doing for months, then years until the routine is embeded in your daily life/habits, not even caring much about nutrition if you an ecto/meso, and you can get a very respectable build for a natural. I guess you re a fat endo?


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Re: how many years of what steroids does this physique require?
« Reply #26 on: November 03, 2012, 03:47:49 PM »
what can be achieved with only steroids in 2 years  assuming you are already maxed naturlol

you can gain about 40 lbs beyond your natural limit on steroids alone. it shouldn't take more than one year tops though.


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Re: how many years of what steroids does this physique require?
« Reply #27 on: November 03, 2012, 03:52:41 PM »


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Re: how many years of what steroids does this physique require?
« Reply #28 on: November 03, 2012, 03:53:15 PM »
you fucking loser just have to lift 4 to 6 hours a week knowing what you re doing for months, then years until the routine is embeded in your daily life/habits, not even caring much about nutrition if you an ecto/meso, and you can get a very respectable build for a natural. I guess you re a fat endo?

translation: i lack dietary discipline, have found a way to justify it, and i want you to disregard diet as well to further validate the lie i tell myself


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Re: how many years of what steroids does this physique require?
« Reply #29 on: November 03, 2012, 04:00:10 PM »
I still haven't seen the results from this cats blood work. He is simply standing really close to the camera and appears to have eaten a high carbohydrate meal recently. I'm leaning towards natural until otherwise proven wrong.


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Re: how many years of what steroids does this physique require?
« Reply #30 on: November 03, 2012, 08:17:40 PM »
you fucking loser just have to lift 4 to 6 hours a week knowing what you re doing for months, then years until the routine is embeded in your daily life/habits, not even caring much about nutrition if you an ecto/meso, and you can get a very respectable build for a natural. I guess you re a fat endo?
Not going to bash you bro but if you want to give advice on being natural and shit take it to another thread, to each their own, but the guy wants to know what's up and he is asking a perfectly legit question.

WTF is with people lately they bash people for not doing research before they juice and then the same people bash people for asking questions.

so it's the ultimate gamble

to start juice

can be great

can be laughable

Bro put it this way, what you are asking has a million different answers. 2 years is long time and the range can be 0 all they way to 60lb of pure muscle, of course both 0 and 60lb are unlikely but depending on how you respond to hormone is the strongest variable and of course your discipline, how you eat, train, sleep, and your daily activities will all play a role


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Re: how many years of what steroids does this physique require?
« Reply #31 on: November 03, 2012, 08:57:15 PM »
all the factors needed to get the build in question to its present condition were in place,,that's right foods for size,diet ,training ,staying'on'consistent,lotta compounds...


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Re: how many years of what steroids does this physique require?
« Reply #32 on: November 03, 2012, 09:00:09 PM »


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Re: how many years of what steroids does this physique require?
« Reply #33 on: November 03, 2012, 10:56:49 PM »


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Re: how many years of what steroids does this physique require?
« Reply #34 on: November 04, 2012, 08:23:35 AM »
nah not bunk gear, i have seen ppl on the best gear out there, on the harshest available compounds on high doses, who havent gained anything.

theres one example at my gym, the guy is on the typical test en, bit tren and 4ius of gh, give or take, for years on and off.

he looks like absolute shit, not even permabulker status, he looks skinnyfat with maybe 10lbs gains over these years.

the problem?

lack of consistency over long times on diet, too much at parties and obviously genetics.

then theres guys who do the same, with the difference they eat whatever comes their way, with a seemingly endless apetite for food, where it borders scaryness, theyget huge within a couple weeks, yeah, with some bloof, but once they clean up diet a bit they get shredded soon.

its a playing together of many factors, some of whom we maybe never heard of, but genetics sums it up best.

its generaly the ones with an x formed body structure who respond well, aka broad shoulders, tiny hips.

now, to this body in the op, this body, lol, what it takes to get there....

first off, that is pro level size and conditioning.

there will have to be elite genetics or such a body wont happen.ever.

if theres very good genetics, it will still take plenty of steroids and readyess to suffer in a diet to get that lean.

idealy years of natural training and learning what to eat, followe by starting to take some juice and further self education about food intake and progessive upping the dosage without going too far.

so yeah, an overall process of something like minimum 5 years, given very good genetics.

if someone thinks this is achievable in less than that for someone who hasnt ever touched a weight, he will find himself disapoionted about the results.
good post/read and pretty much is all u need to follow,,,

Mr Anabolic

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Re: how many years of what steroids does this physique require?
« Reply #35 on: November 04, 2012, 08:25:11 AM »
ronnie coleman did a lot of bouncy wild shit

i shall try this



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Re: how many years of what steroids does this physique require?
« Reply #36 on: November 04, 2012, 02:34:19 PM »
Great post by geleniko

OP in your case, if you are the type of guy asking this question on an internet forum then you will never look like that


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Re: how many years of what steroids does this physique require?
« Reply #37 on: November 04, 2012, 02:42:58 PM »
I still haven't seen the results from this cats blood work. He is simply standing really close to the camera and appears to have eaten a high carbohydrate meal recently. I'm leaning towards natural until otherwise proven wrong.

lol.   Tommy, did you hang around Grymko and Ed Corney when they were eating bottles of desiccated liver tablets?


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Re: how many years of what steroids does this physique require?
« Reply #38 on: November 04, 2012, 04:48:40 PM »
nah not bunk gear, i have seen ppl on the best gear out there, on the harshest available compounds on high doses, who havent gained anything.

theres one example at my gym, the guy is on the typical test en, bit tren and 4ius of gh, give or take, for years on and off.

he looks like absolute shit, not even permabulker status, he looks skinnyfat with maybe 10lbs gains over these years.

the problem?

lack of consistency over long times on diet, too much at parties and obviously genetics.

then theres guys who do the same, with the difference they eat whatever comes their way, with a seemingly endless apetite for food, where it borders scaryness, theyget huge within a couple weeks, yeah, with some bloof, but once they clean up diet a bit they get shredded soon.

its a playing together of many factors, some of whom we maybe never heard of, but genetics sums it up best.

its generaly the ones with an x formed body structure who respond well, aka broad shoulders, tiny hips.

now, to this body in the op, this body, lol, what it takes to get there....

first off, that is pro level size and conditioning.

there will have to be elite genetics or such a body wont happen.ever.

if theres very good genetics, it will still take plenty of steroids and readyess to suffer in a diet to get that lean.

idealy years of natural training and learning what to eat, followe by starting to take some juice and further self education about food intake and progessive upping the dosage without going too far.

so yeah, an overall process of something like minimum 5 years, given very good genetics.

if someone thinks this is achievable in less than that for someone who hasnt ever touched a weight, he will find himself disapoionted about the results.
This is gold right here^^^^


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Re: how many years of what steroids does this physique require?
« Reply #39 on: November 04, 2012, 05:00:31 PM »
lol.   Tommy, did you hang around Grymko and Ed Corney when they were eating bottles of desiccated liver tablets?

 ;D  Hi Haz, hope you're well.      Grymko & Corney?  I wasn't at Gold's that often, if at all, during Grymko's biggest days. I saw him frequently during the 90's of course when he was my boss. I saw Ed Corney in May at the Contra Costa BB Championships. He looks great.  I didn't know that they were big desiccated liver eaters. LOL. I bought MANY bottles of the stuff in the 80's.   Remember the huge 40 grain (I think they were 40 grain??) tablets ? They were like swallowing bottle caps.  


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Re: how many years of what steroids does this physique require?
« Reply #40 on: November 04, 2012, 05:11:42 PM »
is that antoine valiant in the pic?



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Re: how many years of what steroids does this physique require?
« Reply #41 on: November 05, 2012, 12:38:21 AM »
is that antoine valiant in the pic?

yes thats him.. Vaillant is a hard worker in the gym no doubt. His workouts are insane..great dicipline and work ethic. Hes on buckets of gear though, cant deny this too..


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Re: how many years of what steroids does this physique require?
« Reply #42 on: November 05, 2012, 04:23:53 AM »
Ask GH15, he will tell you what and when you took whatever.


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Re: how many years of what steroids does this physique require?
« Reply #43 on: November 05, 2012, 07:55:49 AM »
If you know how to train like a bodybuilder and diet like a bodybuilder and know how to cycle your gear,HGH and insulin correctly you could achieve a physique like in the picture easily. It would take daily injections and lots of work-outs but it can easily be achieved.

If you are a novice to gear and HGH/insulin usage it would take months just  to learn how to use gear correctly. You also really need to train and diet strictly!even with that said 2 years is efficient enough time to obtain a physique as pictured if you learn how to cycle correctly and learn what compounds work synergistically with one another, and as long as you can lift some real weights and diet correctly. It would take alot of money and time and general know-how.

You're way off here - after reading this post I seriously wonder if you have any real knowledge and experience when it comes to steroids or if you're just talking about things you have no clue about.

The guy in that picture is IFBB pro size and shredded - there's no way in hell an average guy will look like this after 2 years of bodybuilding , no matter how serious he takes it or how he cycles his drugs. I don't care if GH15 says that anyone can get to pro size as long as the right drugs are used - that's absolutely wrong. To ever look like this the most important thing you need is a good genetic predisposition for muscle building... and even then you will need massive amounts of gear + dedication over a long long time. I doubt that even the most genetically gifted bodybuilders could build that much muscle in 2 years..

If you're not getting big on a couple of grams you're not going to get big on >5grams & >15 IU STH.

Take it from someone who used to chase "the dream" of being that big but finally gave up after realizing it's a) useless & unhealthy and more important b) not possible with my genetic limitations.


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Re: how many years of what steroids does this physique require?
« Reply #44 on: November 05, 2012, 09:17:29 AM »
Tommy W, I've known both ED and PETER longer than I've been living! (Kinda!)
And I do sort of recall when those desiccated liver tablets came on the market, but the original shit was marketed in a round, cardboard container in a powder format.

And when you opened that cardboard container it was like smelling six months worth of unwashed socks.

Way prior to that time Gypsy Boots had something similar to a liver tablet that was packaged like a roll of Life Savers but didn't smell as bad as the future brand.

And I think it was Hoffman who sold the original smelly stuff, but I don't recall Eddie and Peter selling anything similar. Was it their own brand?

Could b e mistaken in all of the above though, but I still stay in contact with Ed and Pete on a regular basis.

I've probably even met you on one of these rare occasions.


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Re: how many years of what steroids does this physique require?
« Reply #45 on: November 05, 2012, 10:54:09 AM »
yes thats him.. Vaillant is a hard worker in the gym no doubt. His workouts are insane..great dicipline and work ethic. Hes on buckets of gear though, cant deny this too..

well to answer the original question it takes at least 8 years to build a body like that with the drugs, he was posting pics back on bodybuilding .com in 2004 and lets just say he looked nothing like this


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Re: how many years of what steroids does this physique require?
« Reply #46 on: November 05, 2012, 10:55:19 AM »
Lots of drugs, but more importantly is excellent genetic response to drugs.


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Re: how many years of what steroids does this physique require?
« Reply #47 on: November 05, 2012, 01:07:00 PM »
well to answer the original question it takes at least 8 years to build a body like that with the drugs, he was posting pics back on bodybuilding .com in 2004 and lets just say he looked nothing like this

can be said for anyone who went from point a to b and did it for yrs on end....


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Re: how many years of what steroids does this physique require?
« Reply #48 on: November 05, 2012, 01:12:44 PM »
Frank Zane.
Ate Winstrols like candy...


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Re: how many years of what steroids does this physique require?
« Reply #49 on: November 06, 2012, 01:50:35 AM »
You're way off here - after reading this post I seriously wonder if you have any real knowledge and experience when it comes to steroids or if you're just talking about things you have no clue about.

The guy in that picture is IFBB pro size and shredded - there's no way in hell an average guy will look like this after 2 years of bodybuilding , no matter how serious he takes it or how he cycles his drugs. I don't care if GH15 says that anyone can get to pro size as long as the right drugs are used - that's absolutely wrong. To ever look like this the most important thing you need is a good genetic predisposition for muscle building... and even then you will need massive amounts of gear + dedication over a long long time. I doubt that even the most genetically gifted bodybuilders could build that much muscle in 2 years..

If you're not getting big on a couple of grams you're not going to get big on >5grams & >15 IU STH.

Take it from someone who used to chase "the dream" of being that big but finally gave up after realizing it's a) useless & unhealthy and more important b) not possible with my genetic limitations.
Very few people on the planet would actually admit that. Ya you know WW does know his shit, he is very knowledgeable but I do not know why he said that it could be done in 2 years with all the right stuff, I am actually surprised he said that  ???  I mean anyone who knows Antoine V (the guy in the pic) Knows that he has known all of that shit and has done it all since his days at the Junior nationals 6 years ago