Author Topic: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie  (Read 480801 times)


  • Getbig II
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3250 on: December 06, 2012, 07:48:23 PM »
First quote where I said test is the same as cocaine.  

Second if you and your monkey boss want to do something how about start with the tobacco companies?  Alcohol?  Pharmaceutical companies?  He got caught with some drugs and now is he doing work for the DEA by asking his minions to turn in drug dealers.  

If you want to help someone yes the homeless people would be a better start than drugs.  You're a fucking idiot if you think drugs are ever going anywhere or if you think gh is gonna save some poor childs life.  I really thought you were smarter than that.  Guess not.  

Well I guess he isn't a man of his words....not surprising.  Cause he clearly stated he would ban any member that posted over here.  I was a member over there when he did it.  He's no dictator cause he aint shit.  
Right WERE a member. Now you are nobody :'(

rusty kuntz

  • Getbig II
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3251 on: December 06, 2012, 07:48:34 PM »
Sorry brother. Never used drugs before. I think you must have me confused with half your board you fat moron. See you tomorrow sweetheart. ;D ;D ;D

you're a member of gh but never used drugs?

Right WERE a member. Now you are nobody :'(

actually i'm still a member.....thanks for playing fag boy


  • Getbig V
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  • RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011
Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3252 on: December 06, 2012, 07:53:18 PM »
Do you know the difference between necessity and addiction? Your brother needs medication to survive, you don't need the steroids and gh to survive.

Therefore, your brother is dependant, you are an addict.

Godamn you've gotten dumb since hanging out with those guys over there.  :-\

How many things in your life do you really need to survive and stay alive that you simply will not do without because it enhances the quality of your life? I know that you like cigars. Are you a cigar addict? I am very dependent on my microwave. Couldn't imagine life without. Am I a microwave addict? Remember, I first started using testosterone after it was suggested by my endocrinologist. I was, and still am, prescribed testosterone. So are you really trying to say that if you use something that is not dependent on your very survival that means you are addicted to that substance? What about those that are prescribed viagra for sexual function or finasteride to inhibit hair loss? All addicts? When I first moved back to Hawaii I went maybe about six months without testosterone. There is no doubt in my mind that I could survive without it. There is also no doubt that I would not have the same quality of life that I, and millions of others, enjoy from HRT. I only have one life and as long as I don't hurt or infringe on the freedoms of others I should be allowed to do whatever I want to enhance the quality of life and it is truly beyond me why you, or anybody else, should be the slightest bit concerned about it.  

There are really very few things that people need simply to stay alive and survive. Most of the things people use or have is to enhance the quality of their life. That's the reason I use testosterone and hgh. And that's the reason you use it or will use as you said earlier in this thread.

Yawn. Next.


  • Getbig V
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  • RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011
Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3253 on: December 06, 2012, 09:08:03 PM »

Arnold took a break under his own power. He also told you guys who he was so stop acting like you hunted him down. All you did was look up his name which was provided to you and found his facebook account. Quit acting like any of you have done a single thing to harm anyone. Arnold is fine and i email him all the time. He is not done and took a break because of all the drama you fags brought on his family since you have no balls to confront someone man to man. Going after someone's family when you had his address is a fucking bitch move, but i expected nothing less from a group of conartists.

You guys say this board is dead, but you keep this thread churning more powerful than ever. More people are seeing the lies you live and spew over and over again. This board will never die and no harm will ever come to a getbigger because of your homo savior.

All of you just need to let this die, we know it was a scam, but there is no proof that gh15 was 100% behind it, he just pushed the product hard like the good little drug pusher he is. Until one of you provides concrete proof on "either" side of this argument, this thread is just here for humor at this point.

Also, Kigs are sold by many sources. Several private sources have legit Kigs, but they aren't the magical ones gh15 is trying to sell people. If people want to use kigs go ahead, some of them have tested well recently. All of this is over a year old now and needs to just die.


I don't think the board is dead. That should be obvious. No one is saying the board is dead. It is dying. Meaning, if you are unfamiliar with contemporary slang, it has seen it's better days. It is not the board it once was. That's why I don't come here as much, Wes doesn't come here, JNN  doesn't come here and so many others that just got tired of the same old thing.

And let this kig issue die? Who started this thread? gh15 is being accused of something of which there is no evidence. At least you have the honor of acknowledging that. I've provided evidence as to the involvement of -b- and bboy. They were in fact working with Kami and Prosource. Since the accusation was made against gh15 by bigmc the onus of proof is on him. So far he has provided none.

Don't spread lies (not you) about gh15 and you won't hear from us.


  • Getbig V
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  • RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011
Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3254 on: December 06, 2012, 09:20:21 PM »
Umm.. hello? He is the SOLE reason that this scam is taking place. Pep has great GH, but it seems that somewhere along the way, gh15 lost his stake in the GH he supplies and starting pushing kigs. That's where this all began. I wonder how someone like Pellius would look as a natural. If 5ius of GH a day and a gram of anabolics a week produces the bag of smashed assholes we've seen here, who knows what natural penislust would look like. Vince Basile-esque, but worse.

Really. gh15 is the sole reason this scam to place? Can you prove he sold bunk kigs? It was Kami and Prosource that sold bunk gh. There is no evidence that gh15 sells kigtropin. And what stake does he have in Pep's gh? How about Strango. Does he own stock in his company as well. How about Sandra, Karius and flora? Do they give him a cut as well? If you recommend a product, and remember gh15 recommended a specific product, legit kigs, does that automatically mean that he is getting a cut? If you have legit kigs, no matter who you are or what company you are you will get his support. The key is you have to have legit kigs. Legit.

Why don't you post a pic showing what you look like natural? Maybe that will inspire more to take the natural route.


  • Getbig V
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  • RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011
Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3255 on: December 06, 2012, 09:27:48 PM »
I'm too lazy to look it up and post the pic but probably something similar to that classic photo of Dallas from Ironage where he is holding up the trophy.

You lazy? Why would anybody think you are physically lazy?



  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3256 on: December 06, 2012, 09:30:56 PM »
because he doesn't like sucking someone's dick online? you know, like a heterosexual  ;)

Yet he still took the time to reregister under a different name and get back on our board.  ;)

rusty kuntz

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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3257 on: December 06, 2012, 09:53:35 PM »
Yet he still took the time to reregister under a different name and get back on our board.  ;)

I don't go over there I just made an account to see what gh said to my reply.  It takes all of what 30 secs to register?  Don't get yourself too flattered there pellipuss.  

You def don't need to go turning in any drug dealers because you are one.   You wouldn't want that kind of karma


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3258 on: December 06, 2012, 10:23:56 PM »
guys here cant use their brains to save their lives

Every single post by WW and Bigmc is burried alive within 3 seconds by simple logic

Bigmc is a fool for thinking ALL drugs are the same and just because their are illegal they must be the same

Doesnt think WHY is the law like it is. Just follows it blindly

Bullshit. so saying GH15 is not dennis James is not simple logic? saying pellius is doing something that could get him arrested is not the truth? I don't believe steroids or HG are as bad as street drugs but the fact is AAS are schedule 3 drugs so you will still get into trouble selling them . I think it is a stupid law but that is just the way things are! so saying a steroid dealer dealing a schedule 3 drug will go to jail is not absurd! especially if they are using the internet to sell them and the United states post office!

I think you are blind to the fact alot of guys selling steroids also sell rec drugs as well. Gh15 would agree! A amateur Bodybuilder will sell anything they can profit on! They need the money for their training and AAS/HGH. Amateur Bodybuilders do not work! They need all their time to train! Same goes for pros who have no sponsor alot of dealing goes on! The way I look at it is if you are going to sell steroids wich will land you jail time why not sell other drugs as well? just because selling steroids is innocent it is still illegal and will land you in federal prison! Most dealers realize this and sell recreation drugs as well as steroids.

Like I said watch the Wrestler with Micey Rourke! Watch the part where he buys sustanon in the locker room from the bigger wrestler /dealer. He not only sold steroids and HGH he sold marijauna/blow/nubain,norcos/oxycontin. he as a pharmacy. That is REAL! that is how these big steroid dealers operate! you think they just made that shit up? NO that is how it is! very realistic life at a locker room wrestler/dealer.

Bustinass you have to take the blindfold off. ask Gh15! he will tell you dealers to the pros and even some pros are serious steroid/HGH/rec dealers!

also your funny trying to diss m for haveing s small dog-LOL. that dog has pulleed me down so many women! sexy women love my dog! also dustin has a weiner dog so is he not as big of a man either? Your logic is the worst! I love how you claim people ask you for a picture! maybe it happened once and you felt important but really you are the laughing stock of getbig! You also claim you get better gear then me like what brand? you use this! Gh15's favorite


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3259 on: December 06, 2012, 10:33:22 PM »
Pellius is a LOSER! he is over 50yrs old and has nothing! no money!, no women! No nice house!
No kids!, probably not even a dog! just some dumbshit who thinks GH15 is dennis james-lol.
somebody who is over 50 and bows down to some internet gimmick! talk about a L. Next pciture you take pellius do the loser symbol put the L over your forhead! Your a fucking joke! his house has been raided! This dumbshit cannot even get adequan in the states! If the hawaii PD thought it was worth doing a control delivery even though your pack you say was small they def would take it to trial! and just because you used to have a prescription is no defense!

They would say why don't you have a precription now! your excuse is lame! You took a plea bargain! They did not drop those charges! that defense is weak! If I did not have a prescription for my painillers and got busted ordering them online a defnse saying "well I used to get them prescribed" would hold no weight! what a dumbfuck you are! I feel sorry for you! you are a fag! that is my conclusion! your fucking seriously Gay! go hook-up with baygbm, this pellius gay does not like pussy he is a Fag!


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3260 on: December 06, 2012, 11:08:44 PM »
Pellius is a LOSER! he is over 50yrs old and has nothing! no money!, no women! No nice house!
No kids!, probably not even a dog! just some dumbshit who thinks GH15 is dennis james-lol.
somebody who is over 50 and bows down to some internet gimmick! talk about a L. Next pciture you take pellius do the loser symbol put the L over your forhead! Your a fucking joke! his house has been raided! This dumbshit cannot even get adequan in the states! If the hawaii PD thought it was worth doing a control delivery even though your pack you say was small they def would take it to trial! and just because you used to have a prescription is no defense!

They would say why don't you have a precription now! your excuse is lame! You took a plea bargain! They did not drop those charges! that defense is weak! If I did not have a prescription for my painillers and got busted ordering them online a defnse saying "well I used to get them prescribed" would hold no weight! what a dumbfuck you are! I feel sorry for you! you are a fag! that is my conclusion! your fucking seriously Gay! go hook-up with baygbm, this pellius gay does not like pussy he is a Fag!

Notice folks the two White Widows. First you get one on his meds sounding somewhat normal then you get the hysterical meltdown rants like this one when off.

So if you sell gear you might as well sell other drugs as well. A little testosterone here and a little meth there. That, my friends, is your White Widow. And he really expects us to believe he's out of the drug business.

I have alpha pharma gear domestic and for tren I carry strango meds and trenax but I am out of trenax for a week or two. everything I carry is human grade except the tren. everything is in ampules except strango meds tren acetate those are 10mls
I have not worked a job in 6 years. I got hit by a drunk driver in 2008 and got a nice settlement check by 2009. If you get hit by someone who is drunk you get double the amount you usually would get not sure why but thats the way it works in my state. but like I said I have been paying bills with my saved money for  6 years and even though I am well-off and make minimal  off my rental house due to it being rented by family, I could always use a few bucks. Do you use gear or just HGH?  LMK if I can ever help. I can always gte you the bomb amps. literally in reach of me.  dont have to go for to get them  ;)  

Yes, we could all use a little extra ching. And he doesn't peddle his drugs on this board. I can't believe Overlord lets him shoot his mouth off like this. Practically admitting that he also sells rec drugs as well as gear. And does it off this board via PM.
Seriously, is there anybody on this board other than the steroid mods that takes this guy seriously and respects him? And still posting pics of Strango's gear when asked and told not to do so.

This is a legit head case.


  • Getbig V
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  • RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011
Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3261 on: December 06, 2012, 11:15:50 PM »
Pellius is a LOSER! he is over 50yrs old and has nothing! no money!, no women! No nice house!
No kids!, probably not even a dog! just some dumbshit who thinks GH15 is dennis james-lol.
somebody who is over 50 and bows down to some internet gimmick! talk about a L. Next pciture you take pellius do the loser symbol put the L over your forhead! Your a fucking joke! his house has been raided! This dumbshit cannot even get adequan in the states! If the hawaii PD thought it was worth doing a control delivery even though your pack you say was small they def would take it to trial! and just because you used to have a prescription is no defense!

They would say why don't you have a precription now! your excuse is lame! You took a plea bargain! They did not drop those charges! that defense is weak! If I did not have a prescription for my painillers and got busted ordering them online a defnse saying "well I used to get them prescribed" would hold no weight! what a dumbfuck you are! I feel sorry for you! you are a fag! that is my conclusion! your fucking seriously Gay! go hook-up with baygbm, this pellius gay does not like pussy he is a Fag!

BTW, good thing you weren't my lawyer. The medical records provided by my doctor showing my need for testosterone and ordering off the net after I got laid off and lost my insurance was all that was needed to have the case dismissed. You can rant all you want but the fact is, and you can look at my post history, I was never away, meaning I never went to jail, I still possess guns, which a convicted felon can't, and you're still 5'5". A midget still trying to validate himself and seem important. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3262 on: December 07, 2012, 12:41:01 AM »
BTW, good thing you weren't my lawyer. The medical records provided by my doctor showing my need for testosterone and ordering off the net after I got laid off and lost my insurance was all that was needed to have the case dismissed. You can rant all you want but the fact is, and you can look at my post history, I was never away, meaning I never went to jail, I still possess guns, which a convicted felon can't, and you're still 5'5". A midget still trying to validate himself and seem important. 

is possessing guns important to you

you seem to boas about it alot

like it somehow enhances your status in life

pretty lame


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3263 on: December 07, 2012, 01:10:06 AM »
is possessing guns important to you

you seem to boas about it alot

like it somehow enhances your status in life

pretty lame

Show me all the times I've boasted about owning guns? Show one time where I boasted about owning guns? Again, just something you make up. The subject was brought up that I am unable to own guns because I am a felon. As further proof that I am not a felon I not only posted pics of some of my firearms but a Dillion Precision reloader indicating that I am not just a casual gun owner that just likes the idea of owning guns.

You seem touchy about the subject of guns. You're European and therefore a bit intimidated and resentful that we Americans get to own guns and it a very important right we have in our Constitution. This attitude, one of passivity and weakness, is why the Muslim hordes are finding it so easy to conquer your continent.

And, yes, gun ownership is very important a lot of Americans as it symbolizes our freedoms and being ever vigilant from government oppression. It's one of the rights we have that  proudly distinguishes us from Europeans. 

BTW, care to address the issues "seriously" about drug addicts that you brought up?


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3264 on: December 07, 2012, 03:10:20 AM »
Show me all the times I've boasted about owning guns? Show one time where I boasted about owning guns? Again, just something you make up. The subject was brought up that I am unable to own guns because I am a felon. As further proof that I am not a felon I not only posted pics of some of my firearms but a Dillion Precision reloader indicating that I am not just a casual gun owner that just likes the idea of owning guns.

You seem touchy about the subject of guns. You're European and therefore a bit intimidated and resentful that we Americans get to own guns and it a very important right we have in our Constitution. This attitude, one of passivity and weakness, is why the Muslim hordes are finding it so easy to conquer your continent.

And, yes, gun ownership is very important a lot of Americans as it symbolizes our freedoms and being ever vigilant from government oppression. It's one of the rights we have that  proudly distinguishes us from Europeans.  

BTW, care to address the issues "seriously" about drug addicts that you brought up?

drug addiction is not something to joke about

i myself dont drink or take drugs through choice

but i have seen through my work in the police what drugs can do

you posted pics of your guns my friend making out you were some kind of badass

tell us the story about how you snapped someones elbow recently

was that a lie?


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3265 on: December 07, 2012, 03:34:56 AM »
BTW, good thing you weren't my lawyer. The medical records provided by my doctor showing my need for testosterone and ordering off the net after I got laid off and lost my insurance was all that was needed to have the case dismissed. You can rant all you want but the fact is, and you can look at my post history, I was never away, meaning I never went to jail, I still possess guns, which a convicted felon can't, and you're still 5'5". A midget still trying to validate himself and seem important. 

Yeah right Fag! You took a plea Bargain! I have a concealed handgun license! that means I am not a felon! they do not hand out conceealed handgun license's to felons!First you have to take the classes and then take the Test and then you have to pay for the state to run a lengthy backround check and they will deny you for jay walking!. I can even take a picture of my license if you doubt me!

 You still do not get it! sure steroids/HGH is innocent but they are schedule 3 drugs and it is even worse if you are a internet source and also using USPS to ship product that is up to 5 years in jail and a 100,000$ fine! talk to your Idol GH15 he will tell you amateur bodybuilders sell more then just HGH and steroids/ they sell drugs as well! they need as much money as they can get because 90% of them do not work and have expensive habits! HGH is not cheap! ask him he will tell you the truth about amateurs/and pros with no sponsor most are dealers.


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3266 on: December 07, 2012, 04:01:11 AM »
BTW, good thing you weren't my lawyer. The medical records provided by my doctor showing my need for testosterone and ordering off the net after I got laid off and lost my insurance was all that was needed to have the case dismissed. You can rant all you want but the fact is, and you can look at my post history, I was never away, meaning I never went to jail, I still possess guns, which a convicted felon can't, and you're still 5'5". A midget still trying to validate himself and seem important. 

I do belive B-Boy was the #1 person at fault for the kigs scam! All the hype from the kigs came from G101 and Bigher who got them from defiant. But they got old igs made the year before and there were very few of those kits left! Gh15 took B-Boys word that kamis kigs were the same but they were not! kami had the newer kigs wich defiant eventually got himself. Gh15 should not of taken B-Boys word for kamis kigs without one of his top elfs tryi ng them or better yet since he is Dennis James so says pellius-lol he should of tried kamis kigs himself!

I warned pellius that due to Gh15 bragging about the kigs everyday ,making these crazy claims that they were double dosed and also that they were better then any USA brand of HGH that the china company making these kits would get back-logged and start underdosing or start using cheaper raw material or even just send bunk wich they did! Both Kami and defiant sold bunk kigs by december! Defiant did however sell the most real kigs and stopped selling them once he started getting bunk. Due to kamis suspiciously low prices on this supposive miracle HGH kami got the most orders! Many people got ripped off!

Slinpimp was the one who called GH15 out and called the kigs bunk crap! wich they were! there was already a gang of people who suspected they were fake! I even knew someone who had to go to the hospital because they shot some IV style wich you can do with serostim and not get sick but he tried it with these supposive miracle kigs and got extremly sick! so I had a feeling they were bunk. I made a stickey warning memebers not to order kigtropin yet Gh15 was willing to give a scammer who had ripped off hundreds and thousands of dollars from people a second chance! My question is with nordic around and considered a hall of fame source according to GH15 why would he give a scammer like Kami a second chance instead of sending people nordics way? The only logic conclusion is Gh15 was paid of in legit kigs or cash. my guess is legit kigs! I think kami knew wich ones were real and wich ones were bullshit!

So then it happens again! Kami gains a little approval then rips people off thousands again! this should of been the point were Gh15 ruined him but he didn't! he actually was trying to get kami more business! he had Bigher post a picture all jacked up after a workout and he made sure to make note he was using kamis kigs! Gh15 put him up to that! It was a obvious sales add! Why did Gh15 give this scammer of a source all these second and third chances? Easy he got paid off in legit kigs or cash! nobody can tell me diffrent! B-Boy was #1 involved but Gh15 also was involved as well!

 If Gh15 was not getting paid he would of ruined Kami right away and told people to order from his so called hall of fame HGH source Nordic. He praised Nordic for years then all of a sudden goes against nordic to back up ami the scammer-LOL you Gh15 brown-nosers are blind! of course Gh15 got paid off somehow wether it was in HGH or cash he got paid.


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3267 on: December 07, 2012, 04:08:51 AM »
Sorry brother. Never used drugs before. I think you must have me confused with half your board you fat moron. See you tomorrow sweetheart. ;D ;D ;D

Daron E sucks Pee Pee just like pellius! wait they are the same person!
Please go home to your pimp Gh15! he owns you! Your his bottom bitch!
The weekedn is coming up time to get freshened up clean your ass and get the lube ready Fridays are busy for you daron. Vaseline Alley is waiting for you! Fag prostitute! tae it up the ass from old fags! get the fuck out of here! we already have that homo pellius on this thread! go to your gym and hang out in the steam room were you get your main workout!You sneak out the steam room into the next,nothing going on but gay sex! daron E lost his money wait he dosn't charge!


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3268 on: December 07, 2012, 04:36:08 AM »
Rat,scum,snitch, gimmick account scammer! profited off of the sale of fake kigtropin kits.I give you!


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3269 on: December 07, 2012, 04:45:09 AM »
Notice folks the two White Widows. First you get one on his meds sounding somewhat normal then you get the hysterical meltdown rants like this one when off.

So if you sell gear you might as well sell other drugs as well. A little testosterone here and a little meth there. That, my friends, is your White Widow. And he really expects us to believe he's out of the drug business.

I have alpha pharma gear domestic and for tren I carry strango meds and trenax but I am out of trenax for a week or two. everything I carry is human grade except the tren. everything is in ampules except strango meds tren acetate those are 10mls
I have not worked a job in 6 years. I got hit by a drunk driver in 2008 and got a nice settlement check by 2009. If you get hit by someone who is drunk you get double the amount you usually would get not sure why but thats the way it works in my state. but like I said I have been paying bills with my saved money for  6 years and even though I am well-off and make minimal  off my rental house due to it being rented by family, I could always use a few bucks. Do you use gear or just HGH?  LMK if I can ever help. I can always gte you the bomb amps. literally in reach of me.  dont have to go for to get them  ;)  

Yes, we could all use a little extra ching. And he doesn't peddle his drugs on this board. I can't believe Overlord lets him shoot his mouth off like this. Practically admitting that he also sells rec drugs as well as gear. And does it off this board via PM.
Seriously, is there anybody on this board other than the steroid mods that takes this guy seriously and respects him? And still posting pics of Strango's gear when asked and told not to do so.

This is a legit head case.

here are a few guys 5ft 5in. you think you are better then these guys? You must be stronger and bigger since they are 5ft 5in right? you should also be able to kick there ass right fag? does it hurt when I call you fag? Geez I finally found out you are gay! I knew there was something up! your a Homo! How is your boyfried? you never talk about women or pussy you are gay! your into taking it in the ass! you have a crush on Gh15 and want him to push your stool in ;D post one chick with you and a chick issing or holding hands that is not your mom or sister!Your gay!I should of guessed this along time ago! Now it all makes sense your a homo!


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3270 on: December 07, 2012, 04:53:04 AM »
WW and you guys have like an insane word-per-minute typing time?  Like 72wpm?   Or is it some piece of software like Dragon Naturally Speaking?  Geezus the diatribes you guys put out are amazing.

Secret Stack

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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3271 on: December 07, 2012, 08:04:57 AM »
Can someone explain what this graph means in forum world for me?

can it just mean that gh15 was logged in to the forum for 24 hours on idle or that the account was active posting for 24 hours?

Pellius? or bustinass?


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3272 on: December 07, 2012, 08:08:31 AM »
Can someone explain what this graph means in forum world for me?

can it just mean that gh15 was logged in to the forum for 24 hours on idle or that the account was active posting for 24 hours?

Pellius? or bustinass?

It means he is posting more or less at all times of the day. He is probably glued to some shitty laptop 24/7. After all, he's making money from this scam so why not.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3273 on: December 07, 2012, 08:24:40 AM »
Raymond being a good dog to WW and accusing others to distract from the real truth of members here and state of the duying forum here.

Well done my little mexican friend!

Mexican LOL

The figures speak for themselves, your psycho god is glued to his computer posting every single hour of the day.

He makes money off of it so why wouldn't he, it's being a good businessman (and a good cult leader).


  • Getbig III
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3274 on: December 07, 2012, 08:36:59 AM »
Can someone explain what this graph means in forum world for me?

can it just mean that gh15 was logged in to the forum for 24 hours on idle or that the account was active posting for 24 hours?

Pellius? or bustinass?

It means that it is a multi-user account. Apparently gh15 is awake all day ... every day.. posting at every hour of the day, even when he's sleeping.

Why don't we compare 'lion of judah' gh15 post trends with getbig gh15? I find it funny that these fucking losers defend him even with this kind of evidence. They're all probably in on it. Fucking scamming filth. It's all coming together now  8)