Author Topic: Trump = Winning  (Read 899598 times)


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #1650 on: November 29, 2018, 06:31:01 AM »
Analyst Romit Shah explained that China’s dependence on U.S.-made advanced microchips could give Trump the upper hand.

“We believe that as China-U.S. tensions escalate, U.S. semiconductors give Washington a strong hand because the core components of Made in China 2025 (AI, smart factories, 5G, bigdata and full self-driving electric vehicles) can’t happen without advanced microchips from the U.S.,” Shah said in a note to clients.


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #1651 on: December 03, 2018, 04:15:47 AM »
'I don't see anyone who can beat Trump:' Bruce Springsteen believes Trump will win a second term in the White House because the Democrats don't 'have an obvious, effective presidential candidate'

Bruce Springsteen believes that President Donald Trump will win a second term in the White House.

'I don't see anyone out there at the moment... the man who can beat Trump, or the woman who can beat Trump,' the rocker told The Sunday Times Magazine.

Springsteen, who is a long-standing Democrat himself, said the political party doesn't 'have an obvious, effective presidential candidate' who can 'speak the same language' as Trump.

The iconic Born to Run singer went on to talk about the 'life-changing, upsetting occurrences' that have caused division in the United States.

During his interview, Springsteen, who in the past campaigned for former president Barack Obama and presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, said that there are a lot of reasons people 'became Trump voters'.

One example he gave was the 'severe blow to working people in the 1970s and 1980s as all the steel mills shut down'.

He then said the explosion of technology really affected people who may have found themselves in a country that they didn't 'feel part of' or they felt they were 'being dismissed'.

'Add to that, someone comes in and plays on your racial anxieties, and blames an enormous amount of this on the "other" from the southern side of the border, and you're going to have an audience for those views,' Springsteen told the magazine.

When it all boils down, Springsteen said the problem is the 'incredibly rapid pace of change that's occurred in the United States that's gone unaddressed by both administrations, Democrat and Republican'.

The interview comes just two weeks before Springsteen's new Netflix special Springsteen On Broadway debuts.

In a series of interviews, the singer has opened up about more than just his political views.


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #1652 on: December 03, 2018, 04:17:39 AM »

And that's coming from a huge libtard who supported Hillary and was depressed that Trump won.

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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #1653 on: December 03, 2018, 05:10:06 AM »
Donald Trump Just Keeps on Winning for America
DB Daily Update ^ | David Blackmon
Posted on 12/3/2018, 7:42:32 AM by EyesOfTX

Today’s Campaign Update (Because The Campaign Never Ends)

Ok, well, he IS the Boss. – Bruce Springsteen says he doesn’t “see anyone out there at the moment… the man who can beat Trump, or the woman who can beat Trump.” For some reason, the UK Daily Mail thought it was important for us all to know that, so there you go.

Tired of all this Winning yet? – President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping agreed during the G-20 Summit over the weekend to a 90-day pause in the ongoing trade war between the two nations. While leftists in and out of our fake news media are poo-pooing the deal as just a return to the status quo prior to President Trump’s implementation of new tariffs, that is not the case at all.

The U.S. side of the deal apparently consists of agreeing to not increase U.S. tariffs on hundreds of billions of Chinese goods for the 90-day period, as Trump had threatened to do on January 1. In return, China agrees to rescind its tariffs on imports of U.S. automobiles, roll back its 40% tariff rates on most U.S. goods to lower levels, agreed to purchase an as-yet unspecified amount of U.S. goods to reduce the trade deficit, and – perhaps most importantly – to “stiffen penalties on sales of the powerful opioid fentanyl into the U.S., a step the White House press secretary described as ‘a wonderful humanitarian gesture.'”

Leftists might not like it, but the markets obviously do: Dow futures are up bigly as I write this Update this morning. #WINNING.

Speaking of winning… – City officials in Tijuana, Mexico acted to move the estimated 6,000 “migrants” out of the sports facility they had occupied for the last few weeks due to the horrid unsanitary conditions they had created there. In a move that will make it harder for the activists among the crowd to mount further assaults on the border crossings there, city officials moved the “migrants” to an abandoned concert venue more than 10 miles further away from the border.

Griff Jenkins at Fox News – and basically no one else in our fake news media – reported last Friday that fully 1/3rd of the “migrants” were being treated for health issues, including head lice, “tuberculosis, four cases of HIV/AIDS and four separate cases of chickenpox,” according to local health authorities. With the unsanitary conditions growing worse by the day, Mexican officials also feared an outbreak of Hepatitis could take place unless the crowd was moved.

In another related turn of events, newly-inaugurated Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), in one of his first acts in office, “signed an agreement with his counterparts from three Central American countries to establish a development plan to stem the flow of migrants seeking asylum in the U.S.” This compact was entered into at the urging of the Trump Administration.

Here’s why this is important, even if the human misery among these poor people is hard to watch: The move 10 miles further from the border will no doubt encourage more of them to either return home or accept the generous offer of asylum the Mexican government has been offering them for more than a month now. This “caravan” once numbered more than 10,000, so many already have done so, as Mexican officials confirmed early last week.

The other key factor is that, as it becomes clear that the United States of America is not going to allow these “caravans” to just walk right into our country and sign up for welfare benefits, it will become increasingly difficult for the leftist activists forming and funding them to find people in Honduras and other Central American nations willing to participate. The new willingness of the Mexican government to cooperate with U.S. efforts to halt this tide is a crucial development in all of this.

You will never see anyone at CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post or any of the three dying broadcast networks admit this, but these latest developments demonstrate how extraordinarily effective the Trump Administration’s response to this “migrant caravan” issue has been.

It is such a joy to have a President who just goes to work every day and finds ways to get things done for the American people rather than cowering in fear at the prospect of getting a little bad press. To get to this point on this “caravan” issue, President Trump has had to overcome decades of horrible immigration policy decisions, the cacophony of inaccurate and outright fake reporting coming from the U.S. and international news media, ongoing resistance from some within his own Administration and a seemingly unending series of laughably unconstitutional decisions issued by an array of Obama-appointed federal judges.

Yet still he not only perseveres, but finds ways to prevail. That is #WINNING. Bigly.

Paris Burning Watch:

Embedded video

James Woods ✔ @RealJamesWoods Ah! Gay Paree!

3,748 1:03 AM - Dec 3, 2018 2,173 people are talking about this Twitter Ads info and privacy By the way, just so everyone understands, the reason why French Child President Emanuel Macron is raising that nation’s already confiscatory gasoline tax to even higher levels is not, as some have reported, an attempt to improve the government’s budget situation. What it really is is a fool’s effort to meet his country’s emissions reduction goals which France – like every nation on earth other than the United States of America – pledged to meet as a part of the Paris Climate Accords.

France’s emissions have actually increased since Macron committed his country to that socialist wealth redistribution scam, which is an embarrassment to him and his government. But hey, he’s not alone – not one single, solitary signatory country to the Paris Accords has met its pledged goals. Indeed, the country that has cut its emissions more than any nation on earth since that deal was signed is…wait for it…The United States of America.

Some of you probably tire of seeing me make this point, but it’s a key point to make: This is just one more reason to be thrilled that Donald J. Trump won the 2016 presidential contest. Because had the Pantsuit Princess prevailed that historic day, the streets of New York and Los Angeles would probably be burning along with those in Paris.

That is all. Follow me on Twitter at @GDBlackmon


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #1654 on: December 03, 2018, 07:03:44 AM »
U.S. Stocks Rally After Trump-Xi Cease-Fire Eases Trade Worries

The Dow industrials soar more than 400 points; technology shares rebound


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #1655 on: December 03, 2018, 11:16:17 AM »
'I don't see anyone who can beat Trump:' Bruce Springsteen believes Trump will win a second term in the White House because the Democrats don't 'have an obvious, effective presidential candidate'

Bruce Springsteen believes that President Donald Trump will win a second term in the White House.

'I don't see anyone out there at the moment... the man who can beat Trump, or the woman who can beat Trump,' the rocker told The Sunday Times Magazine.

Springsteen, who is a long-standing Democrat himself, said the political party doesn't 'have an obvious, effective presidential candidate' who can 'speak the same language' as Trump.

The iconic Born to Run singer went on to talk about the 'life-changing, upsetting occurrences' that have caused division in the United States.

During his interview, Springsteen, who in the past campaigned for former president Barack Obama and presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, said that there are a lot of reasons people 'became Trump voters'.

One example he gave was the 'severe blow to working people in the 1970s and 1980s as all the steel mills shut down'.

He then said the explosion of technology really affected people who may have found themselves in a country that they didn't 'feel part of' or they felt they were 'being dismissed'.

'Add to that, someone comes in and plays on your racial anxieties, and blames an enormous amount of this on the "other" from the southern side of the border, and you're going to have an audience for those views,' Springsteen told the magazine.

When it all boils down, Springsteen said the problem is the 'incredibly rapid pace of change that's occurred in the United States that's gone unaddressed by both administrations, Democrat and Republican'.

The interview comes just two weeks before Springsteen's new Netflix special Springsteen On Broadway debuts.

In a series of interviews, the singer has opened up about more than just his political views.

He like everyone else, is entitled to an opinion. Unfortunately, a lot of folks think because someone is a celebrity that they know more than the rest of us, which simply isn't true.


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #1656 on: December 03, 2018, 12:13:31 PM »
He like everyone else, is entitled to an opinion. Unfortunately, a lot of folks think because someone is a celebrity that they know more than the rest of us, which simply isn't true.

You really believe any Trump supporter here thinks that?  If you really believe that's the reason why this was posted, then you are completely clueless.


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #1657 on: December 03, 2018, 01:11:03 PM »
You really believe any Trump supporter here thinks that?  If you really believe that's the reason why this was posted, then you are completely clueless.

Where did I say I believe this is why it was posted? I'm not concerned about what others believe. My OPINION is that folks often put too much stock in what celebrities say about politics. -Makes no difference what the celebrity's political leaning is.


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #1658 on: December 05, 2018, 04:14:33 PM »
December 3rd - President Trump Job Approval   Gallup   Approve 40, Disapprove 56 - Disapprove +16


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #1659 on: December 05, 2018, 04:27:30 PM »
December 3rd - President Trump Job Approval   Gallup   Approve 40, Disapprove 56 - Disapprove +16

46% here

From another article...….
As we have previously noted, approval ratings used to be largely guided by the economy, while the current environment lends itself to the phrase “partisan cheerleading” — which is to say, people are loath to break with their own party affiliation when it comes to how they publicly express their support a president of one party or the other.


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #1660 on: December 05, 2018, 05:03:23 PM »
December 3rd - President Trump Job Approval   Gallup   Approve 40, Disapprove 56 - Disapprove +16

Why do you want your own nation's president to fail? 


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #1661 on: December 05, 2018, 06:22:35 PM »
Why do you want your own nation's president to fail? 
Liberals hate America, they are pushing the US to failure faster and harder than ever.


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #1662 on: December 06, 2018, 02:38:49 PM »
46% here

From another article...….

Good. This is better than what I posted. Trump has actually had better job approval polls than some of his predecessors at the same point in their presidency.

Despite the polls, this administration is like a house of cards crumbling, IMO. So far, it's holding its own. There is a trigger card somewhere that could collapse the whole stack. I hope this never happens because it would be disastrous for our country and would cause enormous turmoil. If Trump's got to go, let it happen in 2020 by a vote of the people to not reelect him.

I was in an unpleasant mood yesterday because what little faith I had in the stock market and my investment was fini. From the looks of it, today the DOW will close lower than Tuesday which means I'll lose even more before the liquidation goes through at today's closing. If we credit Trump for a good economy we can blame him when it's falling.


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #1663 on: December 06, 2018, 06:07:49 PM »
You can't make this stuff up..

The SAME execs that ran the companies into the ground and had ZERO clue of what they were doing

WTF??? how is this even legal?


"Sears Holdings (NASDAQOTH: SHLDQ) -- which filed for bankruptcy protection last month -- wants to pay $25 million in bonuses to its executives. At a time when the retailer is closing dozens of stores and people are losing their jobs, the optics of giving a windfall to the very people who helped drive the company into the ground are terrible."

Not uncommon practice

To the workers losing their jobs, it's a bitter pill to see managers be so well compensated, but Sears is not alone in attempting to keep talent by paying them bonuses. iHeartMedia, which filed for bankruptcy protection in March, has asked the court to let it pay some $33 million in bonuses to its executives, while Toys R Us got conditional court approval to pay $14 million in bonuses to try to help the company emerge from bankruptcy when it filed. 


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #1664 on: December 06, 2018, 06:57:14 PM »
These things are beyond my scope of comprehension and yet they seem commonplace today. If a corporation is planning on restructuring, they want the most qualified people to do it. How can those be the same people who brought it down?


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #1665 on: December 06, 2018, 07:43:01 PM »
Good. This is better than what I posted. Trump has actually had better job approval polls than some of his predecessors at the same point in their presidency.

Despite the polls, this administration is like a house of cards crumbling, IMO. So far, it's holding its own. There is a trigger card somewhere that could collapse the whole stack. I hope this never happens because it would be disastrous for our country and would cause enormous turmoil. If Trump's got to go, let it happen in 2020 by a vote of the people to not reelect him.

I was in an unpleasant mood yesterday because what little faith I had in the stock market and my investment was fini. From the looks of it, today the DOW will close lower than Tuesday which means I'll lose even more before the liquidation goes through at today's closing. If we credit Trump for a good economy we can blame him when it's falling.
We could, but I just read a story about how it's the Canadians fault for arresting some high ranking tech chink that has caused turmoil in the market.


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #1666 on: December 06, 2018, 09:34:36 PM »
Why do you want your own nation's president to fail? 
Loco it isn't a matter of wanting him to fail, it is a matter or watching him fail and wondering why almost half the country couldn't see it coming in 2016

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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #1667 on: December 06, 2018, 09:40:56 PM »
Loco it isn't a matter of wanting him to fail, it is a matter or watching him fail and wondering why almost half the country couldn't see it coming in 2016

1. How is he failing?

2. Tell us why you would have voted for socialism?


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #1668 on: December 06, 2018, 09:43:04 PM »
1. How is he failing?

2. Tell us why you would have voted for socialism?

Tell me why you leased space from a con artist?

Explaining to you why trump is failing is a waste of time. You can't comprehend it.

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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #1669 on: December 06, 2018, 09:45:07 PM »
Tell me why you leased space from a con artist?

Explaining to you why trump is failing is a waste of time. You can't comprehend it.

 Quit skating my question


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #1670 on: December 06, 2018, 09:46:34 PM »
Quit skating my question

You're question is about as valid as "Why isn't the earth flat"?

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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #1671 on: December 06, 2018, 09:47:49 PM »
You're question is about as valid as "Why isn't the earth flat"?

As expected, you can’t give me an answer. Move on. My work is done.


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #1672 on: December 06, 2018, 09:49:31 PM »
As expected, you can’t give me an answer. Move on. My work is done.

If you are really too brainwashed  to see what's going on with your own eyes with Trump, I certainly can't help you


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #1673 on: December 06, 2018, 10:01:29 PM »
Loco it isn't a matter of wanting him to fail, it is a matter or watching him fail and wondering why almost half the country couldn't see it coming in 2016
How is he failing? I think he's doing pretty good considering all the negativity he gets thrown at him. He must have really hurt your feelings today.


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #1674 on: December 06, 2018, 10:54:18 PM »
How is he failing? I think he's doing pretty good considering all the negativity he gets thrown at him. He must have really hurt your feelings today.

Look at what the negativity is, you'll find your answer