Author Topic: Muslim rapes 13 yo and gets let off because....`  (Read 27113 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Muslim rapes 13 yo and gets let off because....`
« Reply #75 on: January 28, 2013, 01:27:21 PM »
Says who? Who decides who is an adult?

So magically when someone is 17.9 and they turn 18 they are suddenly an adult? WOW!

My grandmother, European and orthodox christian, white, was 14 when she got married and my grandfather 18. ZOMG! But she lied that she was 16.. Now what?

According to Jewish law, you become adult around what 12? Bar Mitzvah anyon? And you're obliged to marry, etc...

Where are all the smart ass atheists now who rant about evolution theory? Nature's call and answer? Woman starts ovulating, enter puberty, hormones jack up, eggs drop, can get pregnant. The 'scientific' adulthood? Come on now now


The fact remains western society endorses promisciouty and its SOCIETY that GROOMS a 'girl' into turning 18+ and going clubbing, getting drunk and being promiscious.

What you think I didn't go to high school or none of you did? Parties? Drinking? Girls and guys screwing around like a train station?

You guys don't want to admit to the truth.

The guy in the OP story is a muslim great, AND the girl was a muslim I'm guessing? They flirted and they had sex. this is not a product of Islam but a product of western culture as islam condemns promiscious premarital sex. Hope that helps.

The laws in the country they live in decide who is an adult, and who isn't. There is no grey area here. She was not an adult in the eyes of the law. Maybe she was mature enough to know exactly what she was doing, though I strongly doubt that and the courts in any sane land would likely agree. She's not an adult as defined by the laws of the society in which she lived in. And this man (he IS an adult, no matter how naive or uneducated) should have known better.

Ignorance of the law is not a defense.

He needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for taking advantage of a minor - someone who legally cannot be held accountable for making adult decisions.

No matter your feelings on the issue regarding maturity, this is the law. If you don't like it, work to have it changed. Until then, this man (as defined by the law) raped a child (as defined by the law) and should be held fully accountable for doing so (as the law dictates that our society has a right do so).


  • Getbig III
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Re: Muslim rapes 13 yo and gets let off because....`
« Reply #76 on: January 28, 2013, 01:47:53 PM »
That's right because an adult fucking a 13 year old is perfectly acceptable.  Muslims, oh Brother!

mate, i was dissecting the article, and never said it was acceptable.

Your missing the point anyway, they were just two love birds who fell in love over the internet and then banged eachother, you dont expect a 18 year old to know every law of the country.

Assaulting children is also wrong, maybe you should get your dad charged.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Muslim rapes 13 yo and gets let off because....`
« Reply #77 on: January 28, 2013, 03:23:48 PM »
Damn , you are a fucking idiot .

Oh, look at you with your big words & clever arguments.

I presume from your well worded retort that you think minors can make the decision to have sex and that pedophiles never groom minors.

I guess all that is left now is for you to tell us exactly how young you like them. My argument of a 5 year old or 6 month old is of course intended to be extreme.

So - where exactly do you draw the line Che? 13 seems to be OK for you - how about 12? how about 11?

I remember in 2009 being shocked that my cousin, a schoolteacher was jailed for fucking one of his students.

This fine too?


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Re: Muslim rapes 13 yo and gets let off because....`
« Reply #78 on: January 28, 2013, 03:31:22 PM »
The laws in the country they live in decide who is an adult, and who isn't. There is no grey area here. She was not an adult in the eyes of the law. Maybe she was mature enough to know exactly what she was doing, though I strongly doubt that and the courts in any sane land would likely agree. She's not an adult as defined by the laws of the society in which she lived in. And this man (he IS an adult, no matter how naive or uneducated) should have known better.

Ignorance of the law is not a defense.

He needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for taking advantage of a minor - someone who legally cannot be held accountable for making adult decisions.

No matter your feelings on the issue regarding maturity, this is the law. If you don't like it, work to have it changed. Until then, this man (as defined by the law) raped a child (as defined by the law) and should be held fully accountable for doing so (as the law dictates that our society has a right do so).

Have you studied math or something familiar? You are one of the very few posters here that always make sense to me.

100% right, suda lex sed lex as they say.

You can say it was morally OK because she was mature for 13, or everything leads to conclusion that she wanted it and she was fully aware of what is happening but still, having sex with minors is punishable by law whether you like it or not. Your personal moral judgements are 100% irrelevant here.

This is exactly why his lawyers pulled "islam moron" card. They KNEW that the fact that she was "mature" was irrelevant and wouldn't help him in court. You cannot measure how "mature" someone is or whether someone is ready for sex or not yet for obvious reasons you HAVE to draw the line somewhere. He should have known better than fucking her.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Muslim rapes 13 yo and gets let off because....`
« Reply #79 on: January 28, 2013, 03:36:59 PM »
mate, i was dissecting the article, and never said it was acceptable.

Your missing the point anyway, they were just two love birds who fell in love over the internet and then banged eachother, you dont expect a 18 year old to know every law of the country.

Assaulting children is also wrong, maybe you should get your dad charged.

"two love birds who fell in love"


Sounds like "sick pedo grooms a 13 year old child".

As for an 18 year old not knowing every law of the country. Everyone knows the age of consent in their respective countries, it's common knowledge.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Muslim rapes 13 yo and gets let off because....`
« Reply #80 on: January 28, 2013, 03:44:25 PM »
"two love birds who fell in love"


Sounds like "sick pedo grooms a 13 year old child".

As for an 18 year old not knowing every law of the country. Everyone knows the age of consent in their respective countries, it's common knowledge.

Why dont you go read the article properly, or is that to hard for you.

They both communicated for two months via facebook and messages, booked a hotel room together, wore a condom, the girl consented to all this, so yes "love birds".

She wasnt walking down the street one night, taken off the street at gunpoint, taken to a hotel at night and raped.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Muslim rapes 13 yo and gets let off because....`
« Reply #81 on: January 28, 2013, 03:50:03 PM »

Look at the getbig muslim cabal melting down defending their right to abuse teens. Its always the woman fault of course. :-\. When the rape vans make their circuits in australia filled with muslim teens they are under the protection of certain mosques who hide them when the authorities come looking.

Its pretty standard for muslims to scream islamaphobe whenever they are caught comiitting crimes.

 Oh its all about culture and not religion eh? So why isnt the islamic clerics stepping in to stop this " harmful culture"? thats because these clerics endorse it and underage girls are married off with the clerics consent. They perform the rituals. Islam defends these criminals and protects them.

Male rapists are protected by mosques who then start placing blame on the victim. Sort of like what achmutt does. Pathetic excuses to cover up criminals. So promiscuity doesnt exist in the middle east and muslim countries? Dude do you have to lie so blatantly .how many russian girls asians are importrd into the middleeast for prostitution? How many muslim men commit adultery and rape in those countries? Plenty. They dont get coverage because they get covered up pretty fast and the victim usually gets paid off or vilified. Its all culture right? ::) good to know you still have your head up your arse.

Then again achmutt supports the taliban - a regime moderate muslims abhor. That speaks volumes about his support for radical islam.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Muslim rapes 13 yo and gets let off because....`
« Reply #82 on: January 28, 2013, 03:54:54 PM »
Why dont you go read the article properly, or is that to hard for you.

They both communicated for two months via facebook and messages, booked a hotel room together, wore a condom, the girl consented to all this, so yes "love birds".

She wasnt walking down the street one night, taken off the street at gunpoint, taken to a hotel at night and raped.

This isnt about a rape case.
Its about having sex with a minor and the fact that he learnt that behaviour that women are worthless from an islamic school. I doubt hes that retarded that he doesnt know that its wrong to have sex with a minor. The local muslims probably interceded to get the kid off claiming he's ignorant. This isnt an isollated case because other similar cases have been brought up thanks to islamic schoools teaching radicalism.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Muslim rapes 13 yo and gets let off because....`
« Reply #83 on: January 28, 2013, 03:56:29 PM »
Why dont you go read the article properly, or is that to hard for you.

They both communicated for two months via facebook and messages, booked a hotel room together, wore a condom, the girl consented to all this, so yes "love birds".

She wasnt walking down the street one night, taken off the street at gunpoint, taken to a hotel at night and raped.

It is quite normal for pedophiles to groom their victims over an extended period of time.

It is quite normal for a groomed victim to give themself up willingly.

Rape is rarely about taking a woman off the street at gunpoint. Pedophiles in particular are much more subtle about the way they choose and groom their victims.

It is still very much rape and you are still very much looking like a pedophile with your replies here.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Muslim rapes 13 yo and gets let off because....`
« Reply #84 on: January 28, 2013, 04:01:03 PM »

Look at the getbig muslim cabal melting down defending their right to abuse teens. Its always the woman fault of course. :-\. When the rape vans make their circuits in australia filled with muslim teens they are under the protection of certain mosques who hide them when the authorities come looking.

Its pretty standard for muslims to scream islamaphobe whenever they are caught comiitting crimes.

 Oh its all about culture and not religion eh? So why isnt the islamic clerics stepping in to stop this " harmful culture"? thats because these clerics endorse it and underage girls are married off with the clerics consent. They perform the rituals. Islam defends these criminals and protects them. Male rapists are protected by mosques who then start placing blame on the victim. Sort of like what achmutt does. Pathetic excuses to cover up criminals. Then again achmutt supports the taliban - a regime moderate muslims abhor. That speaks volumes about his support for radical islam.

big meltdown.When did i ever say it was a womens fault and it is acceptable?

Yes there was a incident in australia about 10-12 years ago were a bunch of non-practising muslims who's only connection was to islam was by virtue of them having a islamic name and parents were muslims commited such crimes and were punished severly.Sucked in to them, you do the crime you do the time.

You make it seem it is a everyday occurence in australia.

Besides, no imam in australia would endorse a marriage to a girl under 16, because they have to fill legitimate australian paperwork to get a marriage certificate.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Muslim rapes 13 yo and gets let off because....`
« Reply #85 on: January 28, 2013, 04:05:28 PM »
big meltdown.When did i ever say it was a womens fault and it is acceptable?

Yes there was a incident in australia about 10-12 years ago were a bunch of non-practising muslims who's only connection was to islam was by virtue of them having a islamic name and parents were muslims commited such crimes and were punished severly.Sucked in to them, you do the crime you do the time.

You make it seem it is a everyday occurence in australia.

Besides, no imam in australia would endorse a marriage to a girl under 16, because they have to fill legitimate australian paperwork to get a marriage certificate.

Oh so now the criminals are non practicing muslims. Laughable. Plenty of imams in austrslia and the uk have endorsed underage marriage. One cleric was recently caught and he then pretended that it was just a engagement not marriage. This is despite the evidence that he had told the girls parents that she should now live with her "husband".  the cleric confessed.

Why do muslims feel the need to lie so much? Accept the truth that these are practicing muslims who visit the mosques and go throught the same rituals. This isnt a splinter group of people doing their own thing.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Muslim rapes 13 yo and gets let off because....`
« Reply #86 on: January 28, 2013, 04:06:26 PM »
It is quite normal for pedophiles to groom their victims over an extended period of time.

It is quite normal for a groomed victim to give themself up willingly.

Rape is rarely about taking a woman off the street at gunpoint. Pedophiles in particular are much more subtle about the way they choose and groom their victims.

It is still very much rape and you are still very much looking like a pedophile with your replies here.
If a 18 years old  kid fuck a 14 year old girl ,do you consider him a pedophile rapist ?


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Re: Muslim rapes 13 yo and gets let off because....`
« Reply #87 on: January 28, 2013, 04:08:43 PM »
I feel like there is a lot of semantics being argued.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Muslim rapes 13 yo and gets let off because....`
« Reply #88 on: January 28, 2013, 04:11:10 PM »
If a 18 years old  kid fuck a 14 year old girl ,do you consider him a pedophile rapist ?

Yes - me & the law.

Now that I have answered the question - you answer one.

Seeing as you don't consider fucking a 14 year old as pedophile rape, how young does the girl have to be before you consider it pedophile rape?


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Re: Muslim rapes 13 yo and gets let off because....`
« Reply #89 on: January 28, 2013, 04:12:50 PM »
I feel like there is a lot of semantics being argued.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Muslim rapes 13 yo and gets let off because....`
« Reply #90 on: January 28, 2013, 04:14:18 PM »
I feel like there is a lot of semantics being argued.

No semantics ,  rape is rape here in China ,Russia ,Brazil ,Spain  .......etc.

Statutory rape is a whole different ball game .


  • Getbig V
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Re: Muslim rapes 13 yo and gets let off because....`
« Reply #91 on: January 28, 2013, 04:15:14 PM »
No semantics ,  rape is rape here in China ,Russia ,Brazil ,Spain  .......etc.

Statutory rape is a whole different ball game .

I think thats still semantics.... They're both technically variations of "rape" in the eyes of the law, I think you're both right.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Muslim rapes 13 yo and gets let off because....`
« Reply #92 on: January 28, 2013, 04:16:28 PM »
The British child brides: Muslim mosque leaders agree to marry girl of 12... so long as parents don't tell anyone
    Two imams were prepared to officiate wedding of underage girl
    More than 1,000 of the 8,000 forced marriages of Britons each year are believed to involve girls of 15 or under

British Muslim clerics are willing to carry out sharia marriages involving child brides as young as 12, an investigation has found.

Two imams said they would be prepared to officiate at the wedding of an underage girl to a man in his twenties, despite fears the pair would later have sex.

The revelations have led the Home Office to confirm that such ceremonies will be examined in the Government’s forthcoming Bill to outlaw forced marriages.

More than 1,000 of the 8,000 forced marriages of Britons each year are believed to involve girls of 15 or under, with one case last year allegedly involving a girl of five.

The clerics were approached by man posing as the father of a 12-year-old  who wanted her to marry to prevent her being tempted into a decadent Western lifestyle.

Imam Mohammed Kassamali, of the Husaini Islamic Centre in Peterborough, stressed the need for secrecy with such a ceremony.

He allegedly said: ‘If it (the marriage) was not possible, I would  have told you straight away... I would love the girl to go to her husband’s houses (sic) as soon as possible, the younger the better.

Under sharia (Islamic law) there is no problem. It is said she should see her first sign of puberty at the house of her husband.

‘The problem is that we cannot explain such things (the marriage) if the girl went tomorrow (to the authorities).

‘The other thing is the underage thing and if tomorrow the girl is,  let’s say coerced or forced into  this, and she goes and reports it to the police then she will put all of us into the problems.’

Campaigners argue that children can't decide whether they want to be married

Abdul Haque, a imam who still officiates at weddings at Shoreditch mosque, East London, reportedly agreed to carry out the ceremony after evening prayers on Wednesday.

‘Tell people it is an engagement but it will be a marriage,’ he told an undercover Sunday Times reporter.

‘In Islam, once the girl reaches puberty the father has the right, the parents have the right, but under the laws of this country if the girl complains and says her marriage has been arranged and she wasn’t of marriageable age, then the person who performed the marriage will be jailed as well as the mother and father.’

He explained how the Prophet Muhammad had married a seven-year-old girl before adding: ‘We are his followers, and that is what you have to explain (to your daughter).’

It is not illegal for clerics to perform Islamic marriages, even when one or both of those marrying are under 16.

Such marriages are not recognised in British law, so civil formalities can take place only if both are over 16.


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Re: Muslim rapes 13 yo and gets let off because....`
« Reply #93 on: January 28, 2013, 04:19:40 PM »
Yes - me & the law.

It's legal in Mn and many other states, do you know what's the age of consent in Spain ?

The age of consent in Minnesota is 16.
 If the victim is under the age of 13 the actor must be no more than 36 months older. If the victim is 13, 14 or 15 the actor must be no more than 48 months older.

My point is that the guy broke the law and he he should pay a price for it , but it  doesn't make him a rapist/ pedophile.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Muslim rapes 13 yo and gets let off because....`
« Reply #94 on: January 28, 2013, 04:26:20 PM »
Shariah law in Action

Imagine you are woman living in London, when your husband comes home after a bad day at work and decides to take out his frustrations on you, battering you so savagely that you end up in hospital. Ordinarily, you would call the police, report the attack and he would be charged with assault and possibly jailed, and you would be afforded some protection.

But if you and your husband are Muslim, it's possible that you will be pressured by family and friends or community leaders into allowing this violence to be dealt with in a local Islamic Sharia court where an imam will adjudicate. There, the result may well be that the aggressor is given no more than a mild reprimand, or just told to go to an anger management class, while his bruised wife is often required to go back and give her husband 'another chance'.

She will remain trapped in an abusive home without any of the protection, help or support available to other women. The misery that can be caused by Sharia law is illustrated by tragic cases such as this, which I have come across countless times during my work campaigning on this issue.
The women insist on remaining anonymous for fear of reprisals — another indicator of the climate of intimidation that sometimes exists. In so many ways, Sharia law treats women as second-class citizens, whether it be in inheritance rights or divorce.

According to Sharia law, for instance, a woman's word counts for only half the value of that of a man. Polygamy is also tolerated, with men allowed to take multiple wives. This attitude to women has devastating consequences for many women appearing before the Islamic courts.

One particularly disturbing case I witnessed involved a woman who had been repeatedly hospitalised by her abusive husband who was told by the Sharia courts to return to the family home, resulting in her suffering more violence.

The unfairness was compounded when her husband divorced her under civil law and married another wife from overseas, while at the same time refusing her permission to divorce him in the Sharia courts.

So she has been left in a tragic state of limbo, still 'married' to her abusive husband under Islamic law, even though he is living openly with his second wife in England. 

In theory, abused Muslim women can resort to the British courts.

But such a course requires a knowledge of their rights and of the English language, both of which they often lack.

Moreover, even if they are aware of their rights, they may still face intimidation from their family and their community.

In one well-documented case, outlined in a book called The Imam's Daughter — by a young writer living in Britain called Hannah Shah — a woman tried to escape abuse in her household, only to be returned to her family by a 'culturally sensitive' social worker, resulting in even worse abuse.

The woman eventually managed to escape and is now in hiding in fear for her life.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Muslim rapes 13 yo and gets let off because....`
« Reply #95 on: January 28, 2013, 05:55:06 PM »
Was she a Spanish import? The age of consent in Spain is 13  :o


  • Getbig V
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Re: Muslim rapes 13 yo and gets let off because....`
« Reply #96 on: January 28, 2013, 05:58:25 PM »
It's legal in Mn and many other states, do you know what's the age of consent in Spain ?

The age of consent in Minnesota is 16.
 If the victim is under the age of 13 the actor must be no more than 36 months older. If the victim is 13, 14 or 15 the actor must be no more than 48 months older.

My point is that the guy broke the law and he he should pay a price for it , but it  doesn't make him a rapist/ pedophile.

What age do you think the girl has to be before you consider him a pedophile?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Muslim rapes 13 yo and gets let off because....`
« Reply #97 on: January 28, 2013, 06:32:24 PM »
What age do you think the girl has to be before you consider him a pedophile?

As a medical diagnosis, pedophilia, or paedophilia, is a psychiatric disorder in persons 16 years of age or older typically characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children .


  • Getbig V
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Re: Muslim rapes 13 yo and gets let off because....`
« Reply #98 on: January 28, 2013, 06:57:31 PM »
As a medical diagnosis, pedophilia, or paedophilia, is a psychiatric disorder in persons 16 years of age or older typically characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children .

So you won't pick an age? Why avoid it? Why not just state the age at which you yourself consider a girl 'fair game' and not still a child needing to be protected from sexual predators.

Or are you saying "if there is grass on the pitch - play on"?

If a girl reaches puberty at 11 years old - do you consider her fair game?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Muslim rapes 13 yo and gets let off because....`
« Reply #99 on: January 28, 2013, 07:05:03 PM »
So you won't pick an age? Why avoid it? Why not just state the age at which you yourself consider a girl 'fair game' and not still a child needing to be protected from sexual predators.

Or are you saying "if there is grass on the pitch - play on"?

If a girl reaches puberty at 11 years old - do you consider her fair game?

Right now at my age  I wouldn't  talk , date or fuck  any chick under 20 years old.