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Politics and Political Issues Board / Re: Trump = Winning
« Last post by Dos Equis on Today at 03:47:08 PM »
If this is true, then the defense should point this out and request those portions of the charges be dismissed. Even if the Judge refuses, the defense should make an issue of this in closing arguments. It seems to me if this is legally supported, it should be a no-brainer.  It seems to me that somebody is missing something, here.

I have heard that the prosecution must tie these charges to another crime. This might be why NY election fraud is mentioned so often by the media.

Yes it's true.  This case should have never been filed.  But when the left is infected with TDS, this is what you get. 
Politics and Political Issues Board / Re: Trump = Winning
« Last post by Primemuscle on Today at 03:44:12 PM »
Expired meaning the deadline to prosecute Trump for this misdemeanor has passed.  But go ahead and avoid the gross violation of Trump's due process rights.

If this is true, then the defense should point this out and request those portions of the charges be dismissed. Even if the Judge refuses, the defense should make an issue of this in closing arguments. It seems to me if this is legally supported, it should be a no-brainer.  It seems to me that somebody is missing something, here.

I have heard that the prosecution must tie these charges to another crime. This might be why NY election fraud is mentioned so often by the media.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Kidney failure CKD
« Last post by Taffin on Today at 03:44:10 PM »
Bette always gets me over the finish line one more time.

Floppy knockers!  That'll do... :P
How many times? As many times as you like. Post away, Coach. The fact remains that Biden is not currently under investigation, whether these investigations are only stalled or they have completely tanked. If the bank records, texts, emails, pics, videos, testimonies (most of which have proved to be false), affidavits, and what ever else you are trying to throw in, like maybe the kitchen sink proved President Biden is guilty of something, his impeachment would have continued. James Comer stated that he is going to pursue criminal charges against Trump after the election. I will believe this when it happens.


It's got to be true.  It has just got to be!  There is no way Qoach can survive without his delusional statements being true.   It's like watching a dog chase his tail.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Roelly's grandmother is bulking hard
« Last post by Rambone on Today at 03:42:36 PM »
Tom Platz spilled over
Train to your natty limit in teens to early 20s. Stay lean.

Juice responsibly for 5 or 6 years in your mid 20s. Don't blow up, just get as hard as possible and stay lean.

Go natty and stay natty for the next 15 to 20 years whilst trying to maintain as much size as possible. It's okay to get a little fluffy to maintain size.

Mid 40s jump on TRT. Stay lean and muscular. Upgrade your partner for a younger model

Kill yourself at 80
The stock is down over THIRTY PERCENT from its high.


Not sure why you keep posting this??


Pretty sure you were the (and Lurker) was laughing when dropped to 23 already calling it a failed stock. Remind me again where it’s climbed back to?
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Roelly's grandmother is bulking hard
« Last post by Taffin on Today at 03:40:04 PM »
;D ;D ;D

She has very thick wrist, could probably bench 5 plates if she put her mind to it

There's probably a joke about her being able to clear 5 plates there if I thought about it...

On a completely unrelated tangent, I always thought that if I turned Pro, I would probably have known by that point how to pick things up and put them down again, so rather than a 'trainer' what I'd actually really benefit from would be some kind of third-party to be the person who actually buys and gets hold of all my drugs now I'm ready to really up the dose and make a living at this - just to keep me well away from any potential busts.

If that person had good connections to those bringing the shit in via various routes in the Schengen zone that would also be tremendously useful in managing the risk of all that business...

They could also 'train' me

Gossip & Opinions / Re: Flex Lewis - Full Tendon Tear off the Bone
« Last post by pamith on Today at 03:39:50 PM »
What a moron
This, srs, the dude is retired and still training heavy??? First of all, why train heavy when you are a bodybuilder, NOT a powerlifter? It makes no sense.
Y Board - The Player's Club / Re: CalvinH does a Warrior Dash.
« Last post by CalvinH on Today at 03:35:56 PM »
Ugh,some of my friends want to do a OCR this summer and I'm not sure about it.
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