Author Topic: People who have become Muslim  (Read 140110 times)


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #75 on: February 24, 2013, 12:38:14 PM »
Dude, shut up already. All you're proving is that you're annoying and stupid. I worship God, not a human being. End of story. I know what Christianity teaches as I left Christianity, you're making an utter fool out of yourself. You're annoying and you'll be banned soon (again). You have the intellect of well wait no you have no intellect. And this is not the way you convince people of anything even if you're trying to prove to me how awesome chocolate yogurt is, this is not the way to do it. In real life everyone would ignore you and you'd sing the I'm so lonely song.

Phillip Rhee

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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #76 on: February 24, 2013, 12:44:53 PM »
Dude, shut up already. All you're proving is that you're annoying and stupid. I worship God, not a human being. End of story. I know what Christianity teaches as I left Christianity, you're making an utter fool out of yourself. You're annoying and you'll be banned soon (again). You have the intellect of well wait no you have no intellect. And this is not the way you convince people of anything even if you're trying to prove to me how awesome chocolate yogurt is, this is not the way to do it. In real life everyone would ignore you and you'd sing the I'm so lonely song.

You're purposely not answering my question, dear Sir. I'm being perfectly polite to you (and patiently endeavouring to save you from being tormented in hellfire besides) and this is the way you talk to me? Is this the typical foul behaviour of Muslims? If you left Christianity plainly you never understood it in the first place. Since you worship God you'll worship Jesus also because He IS God Himself! Now please answer my questions and this time try responding sans the childish insults and rude behaviour.


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #77 on: February 24, 2013, 12:49:25 PM »
lol mos get rid of this dumb ass troll. Don't they have real lives or are they all lonely basement losers seriously lol?

Anyways, I thought mos kicked you out of this section already but guess not.

#1 You are a troll #2 You're a hypocrite #3 You don't know how to talk, debate, argue, discuss, nothing. You're just plain annoying and you're destroying this section for everyone.

Phillip Rhee

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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #78 on: February 24, 2013, 12:56:41 PM »
lol mos get rid of this dumb ass troll. Don't they have real lives or are they all lonely basement losers seriously lol?

Anyways, I thought mos kicked you out of this section already but guess not.

#1 You are a troll #2 You're a hypocrite #3 You don't know how to talk, debate, argue, discuss, nothing. You're just plain annoying and you're destroying this section for everyone.

I thought I already told you to answer the question and to not hurl anymore idiotic insults? You're being as puerile as a preschooler for Heaven's sake. At least grow up and try acting like a proper adult. NOW PLEASE ANSWER MY QUESTION. How come you say I don't know how to talk when I've been comprehensively refuting all that you posted when you trolled this board and you're the one who cannot even answer a simple question? Here it is again then. Answer either 'yes' or 'no' please if you're not too afraid to answer. Ahmed, if I prove to you (and everyone here) that Christianity and the Bible are of the true God and that Islam is a giant fraud will you renounce Islam and accept God and His Son Jesus Christ? Are you afraid of answering this question, my dear friend Ahmed?


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #79 on: February 26, 2013, 09:34:00 AM »


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #80 on: March 01, 2013, 12:41:21 PM »

Fasting Changed My Life Forever
New York Girl Finds Peace in Islam::

I’m from New York and I’m Puerto Rican.

... I’m also an African American.

Islam is an amazing religion and it’s something that changes your entire life.

It’s nothing like just going to church just for a wedding or baptism. It’s nothing like that. I’ve had tended to do that at the time, just to go to the church for those special occasions. Or I hear people go to church for Christmas, and then they do it again and still lived that old life

It’s amazing when you convert and to actually practice what is recommended by one of us as humans to do. It’s amazing and I wish that one day in-sha-‘Allah my family would decide to convert.

Actually my first experience wasn’t when I was Muslim. I had practiced fasting one day before or sometime before Ramadan. I woke up remembering that I needed to fast that day but this wasn’t in Ramadan. And I did it anyway.

I fasted and I worked the whole day and everything went fine without food. So I met the challenge. And then I decided “OK, so let me do the whole month of Ramadan,” fasting only but not on a religious ground because I wasn’t Muslim at the time. And I made it.

It was like a personal accomplishment to myself. I felt peace. I felt the kind of love that was never given to me by my family members. When I decided that I was going to convert it was about 3 weeks after Ramadan. So I hadn't fasted the second time half way in.

Then I converted September 13, 2009. It felt like any other day, but the next day I felt amazing. Before having to fast, I was going through tribulations; some fighting, argument and everything that I burnt many bridges. And when I converted this intense peace just covered my heart.

It was amazing and I knew things would just turn over to the better. Then I continued fasting and it was amazing. Ever since.

During Ramadan, I visit the sisters, I want to be with them. Right after work, I go prepare myself and I go to the centre in Brooklyn. I refuse to do anything other than just be with them for that time of the year. I’ve seen all other religions and I didn’t get that feeling. I’m with my family and I still don’t get it. With them I learned to hug. I’ve learned to tell people I love you!


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #81 on: March 04, 2013, 08:24:10 AM »
25 Year ago, in March 1988, I made the decision to become a Muslim. The desire came into my heart after much reading and prayer to The One True God, and upon seeing a girl go into prostration. When I saw her putting her head to the floor, I knew that Islam meant to surrender. I had been searching to surrender myself to God my entire life. I have made many mistakes since that day, and I constantly ...ask questions, seeking to reaffirm my faith. But I have to say that the decision to become a Muslim – to actively seek to surrender to The One – has brought untold Blessings and Joy into my life. To live with awe at the Cosmos, to hold to a Universal message, to attempt to follow in the footsteps of the Messenger who was sent as a Mercy to Mankind, has been an extraordinary journey. Life has not been without its tests, but I am truly grateful.
Sarah Joseph is CEO and Editor of Muslim lifestyle magazine emel and commentator on British Muslims. She is a writer and a broadcaster and lectures on Islam both within the UK and internationally (USA, Europe, Middle and Far East). Sarah converted to Islam at the age of 16 in 1988 after being brought up as a Catholic.


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #82 on: March 04, 2013, 06:25:05 PM »
Wooooooooooooosh, ekul and his idol geert wilders must be boiling now:

Former Partij voor de Vrijheid (PVV) member Arnoud van Doorn have converted to Islam. The Hague ex-councilor who left Wilders Radical and anti-Islam Party in the end of 2011, professed the Shahada on Twitter in Arabic:

I profess that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His prophet.

By that phrase van Doorn expressed his conversion to Islam, but he also declared that he wants no further statements about his religion, because he sees the issue as a strictly personal matter. He did issue another tweet, however, speaking of a ‘new start/birth’, as Muslim.

His twitter:

People who do sincere research on Islam will know that Islam has been hijacked by few idiots and the media, hence why a lot of people are scared of Islam. But once you do a proper, unbiased research you will come to know that it is a pure religion, much better and makes more sense than the other Abrahamic religion.

Radical Plato

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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #83 on: March 04, 2013, 06:38:07 PM »
Wooooooooooooosh, ekul and his idol geert wilders must be boiling now:

His twitter:

People who do sincere research on Islam will know that Islam has been hijacked by few idiots and the media, hence why a lot of people are scared of Islam. But once you do a proper, unbiased research you will come to know that it is a pure religion, much better and makes more sense than the other Abrahamic religion.
So, you are ADAM from,  and as for Arnoud van Doorn, good riddance, it wouldn't surprise me if it is a political stunt.  Also, he should fit right in, considering he was investigated for selling  drugs to children aged 14 and 15, probably due to his interest in pederasty, a common Muslim pastime.


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #84 on: March 04, 2013, 07:33:41 PM »
So, you are ADAM from,  and as for Arnoud van Doorn, good riddance, it wouldn't surprise me if it is a political stunt.  Also, he should fit right in, considering he was investigated for selling  drugs to children aged 14 and 15, probably due to his interest in pederasty, a common Muslim pastime.

So what if he is on other forums?

who isnt.


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #85 on: March 04, 2013, 11:29:17 PM »
Nah that's not me, I just copy pasted the story :) E-kul and his rage lol


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #86 on: March 14, 2013, 03:01:30 PM »

I have worn Hijab from the day I reverted: Amirah Mundy
March 4, 2013

Amirah Mundy used to be Danielle Mundy before changing her faith on December 17th 2012 . She is 33 years old, Lecturer EAP / EFL, Teacher Trainer, Materials Writer from Worcester UK. She lived in Spain for 3 years and has a passion for learning languages and travelling. She thoroughly enjoys her job and is blessed with two beautiful boys aged 8 and 3.

Elaborating her initial interest in Islam Amirah says “ I am a TEFL Teacher and Trainer and have worked in this sector since 1998. I have been exposed to many Muslims from different countries all over the world and I have always been interested in both the culture and religion. I nearly reverted many years back but was afraid of what my family would say. Some of my closest friends are Muslim so I always felt very much at ease around the culture and religion.”

She felt a calling for a long while to revert. “It is hard to explain but almost a tow telling me to follow this path and these feelings became much stronger last December and I realised it was the right thing to do.” She believe when you do something it should be in your heart 100 per cent and you should do it properly .It was the moment she felt 100 percent .

About coping with the difficulties of a new life Amirah says “My children are brilliant and have been praying and learning with me, the youngest child especially. My ex partner is Tunisian so actually prayer and eating halal is not new for my family. My parents and close family have been unsupportive and will not be seen with me in Hijab. I am limited to seeing relatives in my house only because they have very strong opinions against Hijab. I was asked to go for a family meal in a restaurant but to take off the Hijab – I said no – I have worn Hijab from the day I reverted and it is part of me and my faith now and I believe very strongly in that. I have friends from so many different nationalities and I pride myself on never judging anyone, learning so much from different people but I respect the fact that different people have different opinions. However, I am a grown woman who is in sound mind and able to make my own decisions about my life and my affairs. Islam is a huge part of that. I am proud to say I am Muslim, I am content, and eventually people will see that.”
She has not much difficulties in facing the challenges of professional life and work place. She has all praise for her colleague lecturers at the university . She found that people with a better educational background are more supportive and tolerant of other cultures. Amirah teaches in the Language Centre so has to face a huge mix of nationalities, cultures and religions but her concern is her training job – she trains people to be TEFL teachers and there is often 20 delegates and herself the sole trainer. Describing the typical situation before breaking the ice and mingling with delegates she quips “Everyone looked a bit shocked at first but after 5 minutes there were no issues and my feedback was the same as always” .

Luckily she got a lot of supports from Muslims. She says “ I am lucky to have a lot of Muslim sisters around me. They have all been a power of strength and incredibly supportive when I have questions about prayer and Islam in general. A lot of the support is from Muslim sisters that I have trained on TEFL courses – I thank them so much as they have been my guidance especially when my family and some close friends have been quite rude about my decision to revert. In times of isolation I know I can count of them to offer support and keep me strong and of course prayer is fantastic for that too”.

In future she wants to learn more about Islam and become a more informed Muslima and give a proper education to her children especially about Islam.


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #87 on: March 15, 2013, 01:28:23 AM »

45 Filipinos convert to Islam in Saudi

A group of 45 Filipino workers in Saudi Arabia converted to Islam after they were taught about the religion during a visit to their company by preachers from a government religious centre in the Gulf Kingdom, a newspaper reported on Thursday.

 The preachers from the Islamic Guidance Centre in the capital Riyadh said the 45 Filipinos decided to embrace the new religion after listening to a brief lecture by one of the preachers at their company on Monday.

 “We conduct routine visits to foreign companies to explain Islam to them…during our latest tour, 45 Filipinos embraced Islam at the same night,” the Centre’s manager Sheikh Mohammed Al Dousari said, quoted by Sabq daily.


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #88 on: March 15, 2013, 01:31:35 AM »
Wooooooooooooosh, ekul and his idol geert wilders must be boiling now: Part 2.

Deal with mosque, pastor told

SUPPORTERS of a mosque in Doveton's industrial area have urged anti-Islamic cleric Pastor Danny Nalliah and his followers in the Catch the Fire Ministries to learn to live with it.
Outside Casey Council chambers on Tuesday night, supporters were quietly jubilant after Casey councillors ticked off the mosque in accordance with a recommendation from their planners.
But Mr Nalliah who has led the campaign against the mosque, described the decision as "a sad day for Australia" and said his group would appeal to the Supreme or Victorian Court to overturn the decision.
A spokeswoman for the applicants, Sherene Hassan, urged Mr Nalliah and his followers to follow Jesus' precept and "love thy neighbour".
"That’s what we plan to do," she said. "But we haven't felt much love from this group."
The mosque is being built next to Catch the Fire's new headquarters and church, and Ms Hassan said they would welcome visitors from the neighbouring church.
Mr Nalliah was in the public gallery, along with about 60 supporters, who were watched closely by four police and four security officers.
The atmosphere was tense but there was not the disruption from the gallery of a previous meeting.
Councillors voted nine to one to approve the mosque despite 33 objections and 14 petitions
 containing more than 2000 signatures opposing it.
They accepted the recommendations of the planning department, whose report stated that "fears of the unknown" were not valid grounds for rejecting the mosque.
Objectors cited traffic concerns, lack of public transport, loss of amenity for neighbours, the height of the mosque, noise concerns and concerns that Islam "teaches hate".
In their report, the planners cited an earlier ruling by the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal in relation to a Romanian Orthodox Church in Narre Warren North which made it clear "fears of the unknown" were not appropriate grounds for refusing a permit.
"It follows that religious or cultural differences (or fears) are not within the realm of the planning scheme assessment."
They stated the application was consistent with state and local planning policies and there were two approved places of worship near the proposed site, 27-31 Green Street, including the new headquarters of Catch the Fire Ministries next door.
The sole councillor to oppose the mosque, Rosalie Crestani, asked repeated questions of the planning department but did not raise the anti-Islamic objections she had raised in previous meetings.
Deputy mayor Sam Aziz, another outspoken critic of Islam, was not present.

Radical Plato

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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #89 on: March 15, 2013, 02:54:27 AM »
Wooooooooooooosh, ekul and his idol geert wilders must be boiling now: Part 2.

Deal with mosque, pastor told

SUPPORTERS of a mosque in Doveton's industrial area have urged anti-Islamic cleric Pastor Danny Nalliah and his followers in the Catch the Fire Ministries to learn to live with it.
Outside Casey Council chambers on Tuesday night, supporters were quietly jubilant after Casey councillors ticked off the mosque in accordance with a recommendation from their planners.
But Mr Nalliah who has led the campaign against the mosque, described the decision as "a sad day for Australia" and said his group would appeal to the Supreme or Victorian Court to overturn the decision.
A spokeswoman for the applicants, Sherene Hassan, urged Mr Nalliah and his followers to follow Jesus' precept and "love thy neighbour".
"That’s what we plan to do," she said. "But we haven't felt much love from this group."
The mosque is being built next to Catch the Fire's new headquarters and church, and Ms Hassan said they would welcome visitors from the neighbouring church.
Mr Nalliah was in the public gallery, along with about 60 supporters, who were watched closely by four police and four security officers.
The atmosphere was tense but there was not the disruption from the gallery of a previous meeting.
Councillors voted nine to one to approve the mosque despite 33 objections and 14 petitions
 containing more than 2000 signatures opposing it.
They accepted the recommendations of the planning department, whose report stated that "fears of the unknown" were not valid grounds for rejecting the mosque.
Objectors cited traffic concerns, lack of public transport, loss of amenity for neighbours, the height of the mosque, noise concerns and concerns that Islam "teaches hate".
In their report, the planners cited an earlier ruling by the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal in relation to a Romanian Orthodox Church in Narre Warren North which made it clear "fears of the unknown" were not appropriate grounds for refusing a permit.
"It follows that religious or cultural differences (or fears) are not within the realm of the planning scheme assessment."
They stated the application was consistent with state and local planning policies and there were two approved places of worship near the proposed site, 27-31 Green Street, including the new headquarters of Catch the Fire Ministries next door.
The sole councillor to oppose the mosque, Rosalie Crestani, asked repeated questions of the planning department but did not raise the anti-Islamic objections she had raised in previous meetings.
Deputy mayor Sam Aziz, another outspoken critic of Islam, was not present.
Quite the opposite, As these sick Muslims grow in confidence, they show the Australian people their true colours, Muslims aren't known for their smarts and they will bring their own downfall, it is only a matter of time.  The more Muslims FORCE themselves on other people the more they will not be tolerated, as this story clearly indicates, Muslims are not wanted in this Country, and no amount of their idle terrorist threats is going to change that.


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #90 on: March 15, 2013, 03:34:57 PM »
Muslims aren't known for their smarts  ::) lol oh e-kul... How I feel for your terrible childhood and the way you've grown up full of hate and rage.

No one's forcing you to become Muslim, people are embracing Islam in 'alarming numbers' in your mind, and why? Because we keep holding guns up to their heads? Especially in liberal western countries where oh I don't know people can do just about every wrong imaginable and get away with it just because? Instead they are choosing Islam. Yes 'our own white kind'.

Geert Wilder's own anti-islam party member becoming Muslim is just a speck in the grand scheme of things. It just showcases that people like yourself and Geert Wilders are out with an agenda of hate while you try to accuse Muslims of an 'agenda of hate' etc...

It's really funny. When in fact you two are the ones with an agenda of hate and spreading lies. It's not going to last. It didnt work for the pagan Arabs, do you think it'll work for you? Lies are not eternal, they vanish in presence of truth.


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #91 on: March 15, 2013, 09:08:28 PM »
American girl, daughter of a Christian priest accepts Islam:


  • Getbig V
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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #92 on: March 16, 2013, 03:37:58 PM »
During college study I discovered Islam is not barbaric as portrayed: Revert Kristin

March 16, 2013

By Imaan Ali, for Muslim Mirror,

Kristin N. C. Crowther from British Columbia, Canada speaks about her journey to Islam
London, March 16: Kristin N. C. Crowther used to believe in many religions and philosophies before getting her final destination Islam. She had been a Christian (non-denominational), a Neo-pagan (mostly wicca), a Buddhist (sotozen), a Confucist (ancient learning mostly), and an agnostic atheist.

Recently she has reverted to Islam on February 22, 2013, at the age of 21. She lives in British Columbia, Canada. She is an undergraduate student of Ancient History (3rd Year).

Born and raised in the mountains of British Columbia to mostly deistic/atheistic parents, she was always taught to seek knowledge and verify the information and keep an open and creative mind. She experimented with a few religions in her youth trying to find a place where she belonged, before settling on soft atheism after a few traumatic events piled up in her life. She reveals: ‘When my depression was at its worst I took a closer look at Islam and found some semblance of belonging and peace’.

Her interest in Islam began unfortunately with the bombing of the World Trade Centre. She was 10 at the time and had never heard of Islam before that. Until the 12th grade Islam was that “scary religion.” In the 12th grade and in her first year of college she took Western Civilization courses that covered the big three monotheistic religions and their contribution to history, human development and culture. Suddenly she discovers that Islam was not “barbaric” as it was portrayed, and was incredibly cultured and well-rounded. In her second year of college she took a few religious studies courses and in her third year she attended Al-Zahra, a local Masjid.  Finally she was overcome with the beauty of Islam and suddenly felt at peace.

About her defining moment when she decided to revert to Islam she says: ‘When I found that the Muslim people I knew and the masjid that I often went to offered me so much more kindness and peace than any other people or place that I’d been before. In addition, the teachings of the Prophet (AS) and the commandments of Allah (SWT) offered a much more structured and stress free life for me’. She is very happy in her 0tress free life now. ‘Not to say I don’t ever get stressed anymore haha’, she laughs.

About the reaction of her parents and friends about her new religion, Kristin says: ‘My parents are perfectly fine with it, the family that knows is fine with it, the friends who know (and aren’t Muslim) are fine with it. But she had some problem with the person she was committed with.

She never faced any problem at her work place. Everyone has been really friendly about it. She had one person ask ‘what country she was from’ only to be mildly bemused when she said Canada, but that was funnier than challenging, she said kiddingly.

About the support she got from the Muslim community or Muslims, she says: The members of Muslim community were very positive and supportive to her.

‘I got really close to one sister in my community who I view like a second mother. She’s taken very good care of me and made sure I understood everything I needed to. The whole community has been so supportive and friendly, I’ve never felt so much love!’, she said.

About her future plans, she says she doesn’t think too much about future. ‘I figure I’ll keep on keeping on and see where Allah takes me to’ she quips.



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More and more people are converting to Islam in the Netherlands.
« Reply #93 on: March 18, 2013, 12:49:08 PM »
More and more people are converting to Islam in the Netherlands.

I did an OCR and Google translate just didn't cut it.

More and more Dutch convert to Islam
By Annelieke Dijkstra ROM R.AI - Always nicer Ned. landers convert to Islam rich. Muslim organizations estimate that in our country by Joar some hon. derdenautochtonen the geloofsge-timony accountable. Zowelnaannen as women ra-tion captivated vari religion, says A. Quyyoem of Moslina Infer-mane Centre of the Netherlands. "Ai-lene hi) us all in the past year tons Ho menses converted, mere than ever. IS desk that daa, besides elkjaar least loo people in mosques Of Those the ge-deciduous witness. "To Muslim viorden, you need to re presence of an imam or scholar - in Arabic verldaren that rnaar a god (Allah ) and that Muhammad Aimn proktiet and servant. There should be two male Muslim witnesses present.
Because registration is missing, is unknown how many Dutch moss /. be. Dervish A. Maddoe of Nei derlandse Moslirn Council think that by now .. 000 a 3o.000 working are returned. "The rneestemensen who are married to a moss. lirnnemenhetgeloofuitein delijk ran, Oat has no obligation Mohair., medwasgetrouwdmeteenjood se woman. Respect Vons the other ge / .f is important in Islam. Mane it is a recommendation alt your partner initiates in the religious Ceylan Weber of the Association of Dutch Nloslim of vrouvven Al-Nisai "For us it is full of Dutch women who consciously choose the islam. Zr do not cone their male man for himself. Re going tientallenperj.r em. "The trend is semen with
t.genomen number of mixed marriages. Dutch a Muslim partner, ra. s interested in religion. Web. "Islam provides evidence-able lode am need a religion that very concert and in which ethical values alsrechtv., Dig, nature. peacefulness and so-dale involvement clearly defined. "Quyyoem think also am-strokes tt september people thinking have put." Dutch people are curious about Islam. Vaakko-be they in mil because they want us down or this belief on real bad. Ala. them rich into it, they get it hooked. " Netherlands diezichbekeren. are more fanatical than the inoslirns born, he says. Zr .. soak have more knowledge of the Koran geborenislarniet the clan. "

But brother in law told me in summary its just saying that more and more Dutch people are converting because the Religion appeals to them and they find the truth in in it. Also briefly mentions the anti-islam party member who became Muslim.


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #94 on: March 20, 2013, 05:41:29 PM »


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #95 on: March 25, 2013, 03:52:12 PM »

Story of a atheists/agnostics journey to islam.

Radical Plato

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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #96 on: March 25, 2013, 07:49:12 PM »


Radical Plato

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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #97 on: March 25, 2013, 07:57:03 PM »

Radical Plato

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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #98 on: March 25, 2013, 08:10:42 PM »


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #99 on: March 27, 2013, 12:52:26 PM »
Fascinated by Islam’s respect for women, a teenage student at University College London shared the story of finding Islam

Fascinated by Islam’s respect for women, a teenage student at University College London shared the story of finding Islam with her colleagues as part of their college Islam Awareness Week, hoping to dispel misconceptions long associated with Islam about women.

“My main reason to convert to Islam was because it gives women the respect and rights that society no longer gives,” Sara Lawler, 19, from Ingol, told Lancashire Evening Post on Friday, March 15.

“It is a way of life that is pure, peaceful and brings out the best of life.”

Sara, who was brought up as a Christian, converted to Islam last December.

Though born in Preston, she has also lived in Tanzania, India and the Midlands.

Moving from country to another, Sara could not stay in contact with her colleague at Our Lady’s Catholic High School in Preston, at which she studied for a year.

She says when she sees people from school they are going out drinking or having children and she didn’t want to go down that path.

Going out drinking wasn’t something Sara ever did before so she said her lifestyle hasn’t changed that much.

Relocating in Qatar with her Nigerian mum Raikiya and her English dad Kevin, she recalls how she was first attached to Islam.

“When I went to Qatar all my friends were Muslim I mixed more with Muslims than British children,” UCLan photography student said.

Officially declaring the Shahada last December, Sara said she has been living as a Muslim for a long time.

Now she prays five times a day and wears a head scarf, but admits that changing her faith wasn’t a big decision.

“It was more part of my life anyway,” she said.

“I had done a lot of research. It was not really a big decision.”

The story of her conversion was shared during the events of UCL Islam Awareness Week, organized to challenge the myths, prejudices and stereotypes that exist about Islam and Muslims.

Britain is home to a sizable Muslim minority of nearly 2.5 million.

The majority of the multi-ethnic minority has Indian, Bengali and Pakistani backgrounds.

The 2011 census showed that the proportion of Muslims rose from 3.0 percent to 4.8 percent, becoming the fastest growing faith in Britain.

Women Respect

Finding Islam, the young UCL student made her life mission to change the perceptions of Muslims.

“The scarf is not such a big deal and not all Muslims wear it. It is modesty and is to be identified as a Muslim.”

“It does not oppress women but rather liberate them as they choose who sees their body rather than men and society choosing what to see.”

Sara said she hopes to defy misconceptions about Islam through a photography project that Muslim women are not oppressed.

“Islam brings women to a high status and emphasizes on the roles of women and how they need to be respected and honored.”

Taking the decision to don the hiajb, Sara said she hasn’t really experienced any funny looks.

“I know some people that have. I’ve not had anything yet,” she said.

“I do wish when people see someone wearing a scarf they would ask why do you wear a scarf.”

Dealing with Muslims during their stay at the Middle East, Sara’s parents welcomed their daughter’s decision to convert to Islam.

The teenager also thinks her two younger sisters, twins Jane and Joanne, 17, might one day follow in her footsteps.

“My parents are fine about it. They know it is a good religion, they have seen the good that has come out of it,” she said.

“They lived in the Middle East so they know what it’s about, they agree with it.”

Source : OnIslam & Newspapers / 15 Mar 2013