Author Topic: Emergency PCT/TRT 2.5 yrs blast (mostly) cruise  (Read 10341 times)


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Re: Emergency PCT/TRT 2.5 yrs blast (mostly) cruise
« Reply #25 on: July 20, 2015, 06:58:58 AM »
good luck with everything


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Re: Emergency PCT/TRT 2.5 yrs blast (mostly) cruise
« Reply #26 on: July 24, 2015, 08:49:38 PM »
hello everyone, it's been quite a while since i've posted, not sure if anyone here still remembers me. it feels nice to be back  :) and also out of jail :-[

long story short it's been a rough few years with few stupid decisions towards the end that have me potentially facing a prison sentence. it's my first offence and my attorney says i'll likely get probation or a diversion/rehab program but i'm planning for the worst...

26 y/o, started around 24ish, i made some good gains at first and was hoping to commit to a blast/cruise but various life circumstances in addition to my general lack of motivation kept me from really dialing in my diet/training so for most of my time on i was going on about 300-400mg test/wk, i figured i would just be throwing away my health and money otherwise. had lots of medical issues (non-aas related) and honestly at some point the aas became more for my sanity ironically than anything else.

i'm worried that my HPTA has really taken a dive, there is definitely some ball shrinkage as well. at this point i'm not really too concerned with muscle preservation so much as getting my test production back to normal levels, or alternately getting a TRT script. TRT would be preferable since i do want to get back into lifting but at this point my priorities are different and i don't really want to risk more run-ins with the law down the road.

i have no idea if a regular PCT will work at this point. i have a decent amount of exemestane/letro on hand to hold off the estro sides and some clomid as well.

i figured maybe let my test levels drop while keeping the estro in check, that way i can avoid the worst of the estro sides (gyno etc) tough out the low test for a bit then go see an endo? or maybe a TRT specific doc would be better? i don't really look too "on" so i don't think that would be an issue.

alternately i could try maybe the usual nolva/clomid HCG PCT but most of the protocols i see are for 8-10 week cycles so i'm not sure how i would modify that, duration or dose (or both) and just get bloods done?

wondering if anyone has any advice or similar experiences? or how to find a "generous" trt doc? any help would be appreciated at this point. i fucked up pretty bad and getting my life back on track from this point on would be a lot better without low test issues. thanks guys

You've been given some solid suggestions to restart you HTPA. If these methods fail, i would suggest self-administered clomid or letro therapy from a reputable research chem website... These have also had cases where HTPA was restarted and raised a males levels to low-mid test levels with much less side effects than TRT pinning.. (this is for the non-bodybuilder of corse, which you are) Many endo's are stupid and give too high of TRT dose (300-350) which is very much for a younger guy..And EXTREME dosing for a man in his 60's who is still on...This way with research chem supplementation (as i call it)... You will be put into a much healthier range of testosterone that is not beneficial for bodybuilding at all..But prolongs longevity and aging temporarily...


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Re: Emergency PCT/TRT 2.5 yrs blast (mostly) cruise
« Reply #27 on: July 30, 2015, 03:36:42 PM »
Ok guys so the epic saga continues. I have not had much luck with the TRT, no one in town can schedule me for months that doesn't do the "bio-identical" gel garbage.

I've gotten some bloods done: as you can see my Serum/LH/FSH is low as to be expected. I'm keeping estradiol low/normal with exemestane/letro.

Testosterone, Serum
Testosterone, Serum 211 -------------- LOW 348-1197 ng/dL 01

Luteinizing Hormone(LH), S
LH 0.1------------------- LOW 1.7-8.6 mIU/mL 01

FSH, Serum
FSH 0.2------------------- LOW 1.5-12.4 mIU/mL 01

Estradiol 10.2---------------- 7.6-42.6 pg/mL 01
Roche ECLIA methodology

based on suggestions from here (thank you!) and other research i think i have formulated a decent PCT plan.

my PCT plan so far goes like this: HCG 25,000IU to be spread over 1 month + exemestane as needed to keep Estro low. I am not sure about the dosing however, Scally/Vergel PoWeR PCT states 2500IU biweekly but scally later goes on to say 2000iu biweekly in the forums.

Is there any logic to "blasting" HCG? I know point of diminishing returns happens fairly low but at the same time my leydigs are probably unresponsive AF. i was thinking about something scally mentioned on Meso-Rx, maybe do 800iu or so ED at night to mimic natural release? I was also considering blast wk1/2 and then taper off. I know my LH will be suppressed but based on Scally pituitary LH bounces back much faster than ball test so I think HCG will help in the long run.

At one month I will do another bloodwork to see how my test levels are and then proceed to phase two. I am going to try to do "shotgun approach" torem + nolva + clomid at 80mg/50mg/20mg for 1 to 2 months, then gradually taper doses unless I get bad clomid sides then increase nolva/torem and take out or reduce clomid. always exemestane on hand in case of estro sides but with that many SERMS i think i should be fine. towards the end of the PCT i want to run exemstane/letro/nolva just as extra insurance + for anabolic effect of exemestane, also DAA/OTC test boosters. then drop everything and homeostasis.

I am shooting for 3-4 months decent recovery then another 1-3 months low dose nolva + exemestane and maybe some letro to get rid of mild gyno and just as extra insurance, depending on how my court/sentencing etc goes. do you guys think this is too conservative? what should i look for in terms of bloods and body symptoms that will indicate progress? i am expecting Serum test to do up during HCG treatment, drop a bit when switching to SERM and then slowly return to normal range over this about correct? i plan to do bloods at the end of each month of PCT.

also any OTC suggestions? i know vit e helps during HCG and then d-3 during the serms. should i run DAA/test booster all during the SERMS or wait till towards the end. also i heard several tablespoon extra virgin olive oil helps too?

thanks again and i will keep posting updates in the hope that this will help others with their blast/cruise pct.

failing this i might try TRT or triptorelin. i found this site:

seems to be pretty straightforward and 200mg cyp a week isnt bad. maybe i will try that if my PCT fails


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Emergency PCT/TRT 2.5 yrs blast (mostly) cruise
« Reply #28 on: July 30, 2015, 03:49:51 PM »
Fuck! Are u using research Chem letro and exemestane? Keep us posted up on it man.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Emergency PCT/TRT 2.5 yrs blast (mostly) cruise
« Reply #29 on: July 30, 2015, 04:02:24 PM »
RC currently but for my "official" PCT i will be using a combination of RC (clomid nolva torem exemestane) and ugl (clomid exemestane hcg) from a high-rated aas i guy on eroids from whom i bought some of my gear before


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Re: Emergency PCT/TRT 2.5 yrs blast (mostly) cruise
« Reply #30 on: August 13, 2015, 04:27:56 PM »
I'm just gna say good luck bro!

The plans outlined above are great

Id defo add some ghrp2 and mod grf and probably would stay on them