Author Topic: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie  (Read 473120 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3125 on: December 04, 2012, 01:16:08 AM »
There is a lingering odour of stale semen in this thread - has BustinAss posted recently or something?


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3126 on: December 04, 2012, 01:17:57 AM »
pellius sold his friends down the river after supplying them bunk kigs

some great christian values right there  ::)

Still just making up preposterous lies. You lie so routinely that you don't even try to make a good lie. How did I sell anybody down the river? Everyone was paid back in cash. I've already said that repeatedly but it doesn't matter. You have an agenda and truth have no meaning.

Did you miss me? While I was living real life you are still here on the boards day after day trying to feel important.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3127 on: December 04, 2012, 01:21:07 AM »
Look I admitted to my old ways. The only proof I have is euroman is done! and you know that is the only guy I trusted! I do not trust anybody else and do not fuck with UGL so that is my proof. believe it or not I am done and have been for awhile. I have no list posted anywhere! I am no private source either.

Ron does not have control of what his members do! It would be diffrent if he ran a open source board! In the end it would be the member who got in trouble not Ron! That is just crazy you would think ron would get in trouble.

Anybody who asks me for gear I send them to anabolicboard. I do get pain meds and benzos but they are prescribed and I need them! I could sell them but I need them! I have degenerative disc disease. At most you can call me a ex dealer.  But you have to admit you are not clean yourself! I admitted my flaws now man up and admit what you did! You distributed HGH. I know you did not buy it all with your money but you were the one who placed the order,had somebody remail it to you, have someone else recieve it to you in Hawaii, then you went and dropped them off to your boys. front door service as you put it.

You also asked me to remail for you at least admit that as well! you know it is the truth and I turned you down! If I was such a dealer why did I turn your offer of 2 free kits to remail your 25kits? don't lie! it is time to man up and be honest.

another thing is you talk about Gh15 telling the truth.What did he teach you or I that we did not already know? Anybody who is a real bodybuilder knows these pros shoot up an enormous amount of steroids and HGH/slin. Most bodybuilders know some pros use up to 3-5grams of Test a week along with other various steroids and HGH/insulin for breakfast ,lunch and dinner.Gh15 did not preach anything that a bodybuilder who follows the circuit did not already know. Yes Pros are pin cushions and some do 30 shots a day of various steroids/HGH/slin.

 Pros are walking pharmacys! and most of them sell the shit too along with recs to support their habit and have money to pay bills so they do not have to work because they need all days off to train and eat and shoot-up.So Gh15 taught me nothing I had not already learned from other steroid gurus. If I am such a addict and filt why did you trust me enough to ask me to remail your kits for you? and if I was shadey and a scammer I would not have turned you down! I would have scammed you or pulled some kind of sheisty move. But I didn't because I am not like that! At one time you did not hate me.

We've already been through this. Over and over and over and over and over again. Yet you keep repeating the same thing over and over and over and over again.

There is something off about you. All those years on opiates has taken it's toll.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3128 on: December 04, 2012, 01:21:59 AM »
Still just making up preposterous lies. You lie so routinely that you don't even try to make a good lie. How did I sell anybody down the river? Everyone was paid back in cash. I've already said that repeatedly but it doesn't matter. You have an agenda and truth have no meaning.

Did you miss me? While I was living real life you are still here on the boards day after day trying to feel important.

On a serious note pellius, you seem like a nice guy. I've always wondered something though - How come you guys have been able to survive for so many thousands of years, even after dinosaurs etc have become extinct the leatherback turtle is going as strong as ever?


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3129 on: December 04, 2012, 01:23:10 AM »
There is a lingering odour of stale semen in this thread - has BustinAss posted recently or something?

It's coming from your own butt hole.

Do that "are you trying to say" routine again and high five each other. That never gets old.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3130 on: December 04, 2012, 01:25:15 AM »
It's coming from your own butt hole.

Do that "are you trying to say" routine again and high five each other. That never gets old.

You will never get old, again.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3131 on: December 04, 2012, 02:45:31 AM »
Even a fool gets to be young once...

Pellius is a old guy, and experienced guy. That says he has morals, courage, values and balls

None of the things guys and fags have that accuse him here.

And lets not forget who is accusing our fellow member Pellius: WW


WW, a guy not only accused but PROVEN and selfadmitted dealer. WHO can WW accuse of anything

And Bigmc, a guy so in need of attention he so called posted his wifes pics online, LOL!

I dare not ask to see those. Poor Bigmc

This board and its integrity = done

did you enjoy your fake date last night

funny how you were still posting on gh 15s board

you are pathetic  :)


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3132 on: December 04, 2012, 02:50:31 AM »
you take steroids, you must buy them from someone

your board's reason for existence is to keep people from getting ripped off when they buy steroids and GH.,,,and prides itself on having only top notch sources

But whitewidow is supposed to feel bad about himself because he sold steroids, and you are trying to put him down for it.

do you realize what a fucking idiot you sound like ?


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3133 on: December 04, 2012, 03:10:00 AM »
Nope. You're wrong. Just wrong. If you were right I would be in jail right now. You are the dealer and you will be going to jail. My house got raided but no packs were seized  because I had none. The only packed was the one involved in the controlled delivery. I was arrested, questioned and let go within hours of my arrest. I had a court date, a signed statement from my doctor in Cali testifying that he was prescribing me testosterone. I ordered a hormone which was determined by an endocrinologist that I had a need for. My mistake was ordering without a prescription. The ordered totaled $195.00. It wasn't worth it for the State of Hawaii to pursue. The case was dismissed.  

You are the dealer. You made a lot of money dealing drugs. You're still dealing drugs. Just because those PMs are a year old doesn't mean you stopped so you could be a mod on this board. Ron is allowing a drug dealer to be a mod on this board. This server is on American soil. gh15's server is not.

There is something wrong with you mentally. Everyone can see it. I don't mean bat shit crazy, just a little off. Like something is just not right. All those years on opiates has taken it's toll. Your past will catch up with you.

Remember Arnold Jr. Busted with 7k amps and tons of tabs. How did that happen? Where's Arnold Jr.? Soon people will be asking "where's White Widow?"

Arnold Jr. is still around! I talk to him! he is fine!  He got in some trouble but he is not in jail! He is busy doing what he loves to do! He will be back!
Pellius read my PM I said I had no plan of doing anything longer then 6 months and that was a year ago! I had no long term plan to be a big time source! I know that life does not last. better to go on a quick blitz and quit! just how I like to do my cycles megadose hard for a short period and stop for awhile! Read the PM ! I do not bullshit you know euroman is not around anyway!

That is the only guy I trusted and you know that! No LE can indict somebody without a controll buy! they need physical proof and if they had it I would already be indicted! The funny thing is I admit my faults but you cannot admit that you asked me to remail you 25 kits of HGH.
You also do not admit that you delivered HGH to people wich is illegal! what you did is illegal! what don't you get about that? You also had to use people because your house is flagged and has been raided!
If the pack was so small why would they take the time to raid your house?

Who cares if you used to have a prescription for test! that is like if I went off painillers and ordered them online and got busted getting them in the mail the defense I used to get them prescribed to me would not hold up! They would say why didn't you see a doctor and get them prescribed again? I don't buy your excuse!

 any judge would ask why you did not go to a dr. in hawaii and get Test depot prescribed if you had prescriptions from california before? you cannot just use that defense! Also Tell me what Gh15  has taught you? because pro Bodybuilders using a shitload of steroids/HGH and insulin is not new information! anybody your age and with your years on the boards kinows exactly what the pros use and abuse! You cannot tell me at your age he taught you anything new!

You also have no proof he is a pro! how come he cant take any pictures of his castles or cars? or at least 1 of his dogs? I think he is a phony! and you think he is Dennis James-LOL! sure Dennis James has Hours to goof off on getbig-Bullshit! that fucker would be on here all fucking day and night! def not any Pro or ex-Pro would have time to do that! Do you really want me to post pictures of what the DEA bought? I don't want the source tipped off. But if you think I am lying I will show you guys.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3134 on: December 04, 2012, 03:13:55 AM »
not as fake as your wife's pic


So when I was getting my cock sucked, you were checking if I was posting on a board you are not officiale a member off and you get the info through a rat...?

You must be a beast in real life  ;D

sure you were  ;)


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3135 on: December 04, 2012, 03:16:38 AM »
so what you are saying that ALL dealers are the same, is that it?

You think WW is on the level with quality sources we have? LOL!

I guess a local dealer on the corner selling you low level crack is on the same level with Escobar...

'cause they are both dealers, right'?


are you saying your kigs sources were quality

how about the training top sources ...

lots of fail in that post champ


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3136 on: December 04, 2012, 03:19:39 AM »
Even a fool gets to be young once...

Pellius is a old guy, and experienced guy. That says he has morals, courage, values and balls

None of the things guys and fags have that accuse him here.

And lets not forget who is accusing our fellow member Pellius: WW


WW, a guy not only accused but PROVEN and selfadmitted dealer. WHO can WW accuse of anything

And Bigmc, a guy so in need of attention he so called posted his wifes pics online, LOL!

I dare not ask to see those. Poor Bigmc

This board and its integrity = done

so what you don't believe pellius sells HGH? how come he asked me to remail him 25kits? right after he just had gotten 25 kits? If I admit things like I have admitted why would I lie? I never lie! everything I have ever said is true! I don't eever even remember having a problem with you! You just want to come here to start some shit and talk about how you are so great people ask you all the time for a picture?

LOL yeah right! Lets see your physique I want to know why someone would ask you for a picture! Your a fucking joke! You came here and got clowned! trying to say I didn't own my condo. I put a picture up within 10min wqith your screenname and time and date! your just a broken down prostitute. bustitinmyass for an extra 5$.  ;D what show have you won again? what has GH15 taught you? you think you have it better then me? LOL. You wish! you don't have the balls to hustle and get what you want in this life! a working class 9-5 stiff!that is all you are!


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3137 on: December 04, 2012, 03:27:47 AM »
I will tell you Gh15 fans a little secret kigtropin is shit! Try Riptropin or USA Humatrope,serostim or nutropin pens.Kigs will just set you back! If that is what Gh15 praises you guys are not progressing! You are just shooting a puck of HCG if that! You guys are getting the Craig Titus special-LOL and you get raped over and over by Gh15 and keep yelling for more! while Gh15 and kami laugh their asses off to the bank with your labor ready money!


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3138 on: December 04, 2012, 04:25:02 AM »
On a serious note pellius, you seem like a nice guy. I've always wondered something though - How come you guys have been able to survive for so many thousands of years, even after dinosaurs etc have become extinct the leatherback turtle is going as strong as ever?

 ;D :D ;D :D ;D


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3139 on: December 04, 2012, 04:34:52 AM »

been on rips for 9 months. conclusion = waterfall on my body. they work but 1/25th of what real kigs do.

dont bullshit the bullshitter WW. I have tried both and kigs rule over rips like I rule over you here.

you = admitted dealer

What more do we need to say

Your such a Idiot! half the Mr.O competitors are on what I use! Those top physiques were built from our gear and HGH! Not bunk kigs! what source that is on your board do I not know? I had connects to the very best human grade gear one could find! everything I got was human grade. what you are special because you bought strangos gear? -lol. There is no source on your board who could come close to the quality I got. Plus I have access to every single source you have! I never mess with UGL! Testovirons rock! so does jinan Tren. so does real parabolin. all this was my personal! I said rips were good for chinese but I always use serostim or humatrope or nutropin. but there is nothing wrong with rips as long as they are from the right people.I don't touch anything that is not TOP A Grade!


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3140 on: December 04, 2012, 04:47:43 AM »
And YOU say anything bad about somebody else?


You post THAT and you claim to NOT be a dealer?


No I am not dealing. that picture is old. if it were not for me it would be one laim Mr.O comp! not one GH15 source can get the USA or euro Human grade I can! 99% pure powders used!and I can prove it!


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3141 on: December 04, 2012, 04:49:55 AM »
You think you are special because you can get stranger gear-LOL. this is a controll buy the DEA Made! Not just off Gh15's site but off of AB. Yeah you guys are so special! ;) you guys are my get out of jail free card-LOL


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3142 on: December 04, 2012, 06:12:29 AM »

been on rips for 9 months. conclusion = waterfall on my body. they work but 1/25th of what real kigs do.

dont bullshit the bullshitter WW. I have tried both and kigs rule over rips like I rule over you here.

you = admitted dealer

What more do we need to say

If the kigs are so much better why did you stay on the rips? REAL Rips blow away kigs. I can get Legit kigs and Rips blows them away. I like the vascularity the rips give me and the water retention can be controlled. Kigs are not even 191-AA HGH they are cutt with diuretics. Bloodwork on Rips shows they are dominent over legit kigs. I mainly use USA HGH anyway! Rips once in awhile when I feel like using ore then 4IU a day. I do fine on just 4IU of real USA HGH plus I do not compete so no need to abuse HGH.


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3143 on: December 04, 2012, 06:19:50 AM »
Bustitinmyass how much to get my picture taken with you? I hear you make quit a bit of money charging people for photos :D

" I have never had so many people asking if they could take a picture with me" Bustinass


he stays on rips nine months because they are crap-LOL. what a joke! why didn't you switch to those bunk kigs of Rips are so shitty? You just do not know how to controll the water retention! You are a rookie! You cannot handle my knowledge son!


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3144 on: December 04, 2012, 06:39:46 AM »
Bustitinmyass how much to get my picture taken with you? I hear you make quit a bit of money charging people for photos :D

" I have never had so many people asking if they could take a picture with me" Bustinass


he stays on rips nine months because they are crap-LOL. what a joke! why didn't you switch to those bunk kigs of Rips are so shitty? You just do not know how to controll the water retention! You are a rookie! You cannot handle my knowledge son!

rusty kuntz

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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3145 on: December 04, 2012, 07:09:48 AM »
Why does everyone keep saying WW was/is a dealer?  Who fucking cares?   


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3146 on: December 04, 2012, 07:57:32 AM »
Why does everyone keep saying WW was/is a dealer?  Who fucking cares?   

Maybe bustedass and penislust are whitewedding gimmicks and he's driving more business to himself?
Genius really.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3147 on: December 04, 2012, 11:24:10 AM »
Nobody is saying WW is a dealer. He IS

He admitted it himself

And then little WW goes on how somebody ELSE is so bad because they perhaps might be dealing, lol

RIps are shit my man in comparison to real deal kigs. we all know it

why stay on them for nine months


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3148 on: December 04, 2012, 11:51:30 AM »
why stay on them for nine months
That's all his dealer could get ???


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3149 on: December 04, 2012, 11:52:04 AM »
new thread ron is going to pay gh 15 to post here again  ::)

Quote from: decto on November 02, 2012, 05:53:13 AM
Hello gh15,

The message I will proceed with is not a lie or fiction. I do not wish to have this posted in public but remain confidential between us. Yaron has proposed a fee in order to get you back into posting on getbig. The site has been having troubles as of late regarding the daily traffic and future sponsorships have been compromised due to this. Let me know if you are interested in the offer. Yaron also asked that you may e-mail him directly if you will accept the offer. Please respond back asap.

Thank you