Author Topic: Trump = Winning  (Read 899627 times)


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #2550 on: November 08, 2019, 02:03:01 AM »
I like Reagan style better - but I think trump is more effective.   Very similar and close

Apples to oranges comparison. Reagan could not have kept up with the speed and intensity of the media slant. People blame Trump for being rough but much of his Twitter is responding to false attacks.

Good observations and points.

Personally, I think both men were THE BEST for their respective eras. And, I am extremely grateful and thankful to have/had both of them serve as POTUS. I'm also greedily hoping for another 4 years...

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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #2551 on: November 08, 2019, 08:54:35 AM »

Nolte: Trump’s Favorability Higher than 2020 Democrat Candidates — During Impeachment

US President Donald Trump applauds while speaking at a Memorial Day ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia, on May 28, 2018. (Photo by JIM WATSON / AFP) (Photo credit should read JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images
JOHN NOLTE8 Nov 2019

The latest polling from Monmouth shows that President Trump enjoys a higher favorability than every serious 2020 Democrat candidate.

Those of you looking for even more proof that the establishment media have almost no impact on public opinion need only read on…

Keep in mind that this a poll of 835 registered voters taken between October 30 and November 2, 2019 — or while Democrats and their media allies are on a 24/7 crusade to impeach Trump.

Favorable / Unfavorable

Donald Trump: 44 / 54 percent

Quid Pro Joe Biden: 43 / 50 percent

Bernie “The Fossil” Sanders: 41 / 54 percent

Cherokee Princess Elizabeth Warren: 42 / 44 percent

Dingbat Kamala Harris: 27 / 46 percent

Mean Little Mayor Pete Buttigieg: 27 / 34 percent

If that is not interesting enough for you, since this poll was taken in late September, Trump’s numbers have improved… Previously, he was at 43 percent favorable, 56 percent unfavorable.

And guess whose numbers got worse, and I mean a whole lot worse… Yep, Slow Joe Biden’s… Which, once again, proves that the Ukrainian torpedoes aimed at the Bad Orange Man went off course and nailed Old Joe.

In September, before we learned how Joe and his son Hunter looted at least two foreign countries, Joe sat at 46 percent favorable, 45 percent unfavorable. That’s a loss of eight net points while Trump gained three points.

Granted, Trump is more upside-down than Biden, but only by three points (10 to 7), which is well within the margin of error. Buttigieg is also upside down by seven points, while Bernie is buried by 13 points and Kamala by 19 points — which is an accurate reflection of just how awful she is.

One warning sign for Trump is that only 42 percent of those polled believe he deserves reelection, while 55 percent do not want him reelected. But even on this point, since September, Trump has improved from a 39 to 57 percent response. So he has been gaining ground … during impeachment!

But here’s the other thing…

Even if 55 percent of the country wants Trump replaced in 2020, they have to replace him with someone else. There has to be an acceptable alternative, and what we have here is a Democrat field so weak, so extreme and unappealing, Big Guns like Michael Bloomberg and Eric Holder are seriously considering jumping in at this very late date.

As far as impeachment, despite 24/7 negative news coverage and selective leaks, this pig just isn’t going to fly.

“It’s important not to read too much into differences within the margin of error. But the fact that there is no significant change in the current results suggests that the opening salvo of the House impeachment inquiry has had little impact on the overall 2020 dynamic. Voter opinion remains baked in,” said Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute.

Ya think?

According to the Real Clear Politics poll of polls, Trump currently enjoys a relatively healthy job approval rating of 44 percent, and the polls gauging impeachment have either stalled or are losing altitude. Monmouth has Trump’s job approval at 45 percent.

Most telling, at least in my opinion, is that impeachment has not boosted the cable news ratings. Far-left CNN is actually attracting fewer viewers when compared to last year. This shows an extraordinary amount of voter indifference towards impeachment. Americans just don’t see impeachment as a big deal, as anything more than just another partisan food fight.

If voters believed there was an actual crime here, cable news ratings would be through the roof, and Trump’s favorability, reelect, and job approval ratings would not be on the upswing.

Bottom line: this is the media fail of all media fails.


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #2552 on: November 08, 2019, 09:04:25 AM »
Apples to oranges comparison. Reagan could not have kept up with the speed and intensity of the media slant. People blame Trump for being rough but much of his Twitter is responding to false attacks.

Have you read his Twitter post about funds going to charity today?


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #2553 on: November 08, 2019, 09:22:53 AM »
Guess it depends on which polls you follow. Anyway, don't a lot of people find the polls bogus/innacurate depending on what they wanted them to report.

Trump trails Biden, Warren, Sanders, Harris, Buttigieg by double-digit margins in new poll
William Cummings
WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump loses in a hypothetical matchup with all the leading candidates for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll released Tuesday.
Updated November 6 2019

Trump – who has a job approval rating 20 percentage points lower than his disapproval rating of 58% – trails by sizable margins against former Vice President Joe Biden (56%-39%); Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts (54%-39%); Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont (56%-39%); South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg (52%-41%); and Sen. Kamala Harris of California (52%-41%).

Each of those Democratic candidates performed well against Trump in a Post-ABC poll Sept. 5, and all of them expanded those leads in this week's survey.

Experts said a national poll more than a year away from the general election is not necessarily the best predictor of Trump's reelection chances.

Morgan State University journalism professor Jason Johnson said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that the poll was an outlier relative to other surveys that have looked at head-to-head matchups and that "the real numbers that are the best indicators of what will happen in 2020" won't start coming out until after the holiday season.

'I have the real polls':Trump calls Fox News polls 'lousy' after survey finds 49% support impeachment

"The top four or five candidates probably do lead Trump, and they probably do lead the president in a lot of swing states," Johnson said. "But I don't think anyone in our current political environment is going to beat the incumbent president by 10, 12 points."

MSNBC analyst John Heilemann said there "literally is almost nothing more meaningless right now than head-to-head polls that are national more than a year out from the election."

"It's a terrible mistake for Democrats to look at these national numbers and get overconfident," he said, pointing to how competitive the race is in the battleground states that will determine who wins in the Electoral College.

A recent poll from The New York Times and Siena College found Trump narrowly leading Warren and Sanders among likely voters in most of the tossup states that will be critical to the election outcome. Out of the six states in the poll, Trump led Biden only in North Carolina, but he was within the margin of error in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Florida and Arizona.

More:Biden leads Trump in battleground states, but Warren does not, poll finds

According to the Post-ABC poll, most Americans share negative opinions of Trump in a number of areas. Sixty-three percent say they don't think the president is "honest and trustworthy," 62% say he lacks presidential temperament, 60% say he does not understand their problems, 55% say he is not good at making political deals and 54% say he is not a strong leader.

Fifty-four percent say the United States is less respected around the world as a result of the Trump administration's policies. Half of Americans say Trump uses the office of the presidency to boost profits at his hotels and golf courses, and 46% say that is unacceptable.

Forty-nine percent favor impeaching Trump and removing him from office, and 47% are opposed. In contrast, Post-ABC polls found support for President Bill Clinton's impeachment at 27% to 41% in 1998.

Trump is accused of using the power of the presidency to pressure Ukraine into investigating Biden and of using his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani to help apply that pressure. Sixty percent of respondents say it was inappropriate for Trump to involve Giuliani in U.S. foreign policy, and 55% say Trump did something wrong – though 8% say they don't think it was a serious matter. 

Slightly more than two-thirds of Republican-leaning voters want to see Trump as their party's nominee in 2020, and 30% say they would prefer someone else.

The 2020 candidates:Who is running for president? An interactive guide

Biden leads the Democratic field with 27%, followed by Warren at 21%, Sanders at 19% and Buttigieg at 7%. Harris is tied at 2% with Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey, former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii and entrepreneur Andrew Yang.

When asked who has the best chance of beating Trump in November, 42% of Democratic-leaning voters say Biden, 17% say Warren and 16% say Sanders.

The poll was conducted Oct. 27-30 using a random sample of 1,003 adults, and it has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5%.

USA TODAY/Suffolk Poll:Biden's lead over Warren narrows in a turbulent Democratic field

Poll:Iowa caucuses are 'up for grabs' as Pete Buttigieg surges into top tier


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #2554 on: November 08, 2019, 04:44:17 PM »
Guess it depends on which polls you follow. Anyway, don't a lot of people find the polls bogus/innacurate depending on what they wanted them to report.

I have little faith in ANY poll for the reasons cited.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #2555 on: November 08, 2019, 07:58:30 PM »
Have you read his Twitter post about funds going to charity today?

No, I don't follow Trump on Twitter or anything on Twitter for that matter. Any links to there I post are from news stories.

He's better than the left's alternative regardless of what nitpick people have about Twitter, which is why he retains his base.


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #2556 on: November 09, 2019, 07:36:55 AM »

He's better than the left's alternative regardless of what nitpick people have about Twitter, which is why he retains his base.
This is what dummycrats aren't grasping....they aren't trying to offer a better alternative, they're only trying to fuck the guy over and insult people that voted for him, yeah that'll win them votes. ::)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #2557 on: November 09, 2019, 07:38:59 AM »

No, I don't follow Trump on Twitter or anything on Twitter for that matter. Any links to there I post are from news stories.

He's better than the left's alternative regardless of what nitpick people have about Twitter, which is why he retains his base.

A Trump-hating NY Judge ruled that the Trump Foundation had to pay back $2M.

But according to Liberals the Clinton Foundation wasn’t a crooked pay for play scheme:

2014 donations = $325M (Hillary thought to be a lock for POTUS)
2015 donations = $300M
2016 donations = $266.5M
2017 donations = $25.5M

Yeah, sure that offshore registered, closed book charity looks totally legit.
More liberal thieves.


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #2558 on: November 09, 2019, 07:43:09 AM »
A Trump-hating NY Judge ruled that the Trump Foundation had to pay back $2M.

But according to Liberals the Clinton Foundation wasn’t a crooked pay for play scheme:

2014 donations = $325M (Hillary thought to be a lock for POTUS)
2015 donations = $300M
2016 donations = $266.5M
2017 donations = $25.5M

Yeah, sure that offshore registered, closed book charity looks totally legit.
More liberal thieves.
2017 donations 1/10 of 2016 level after she lost the election to a reality tv star. ;D ;D


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #2559 on: November 09, 2019, 08:52:25 AM »
2017 donations 1/10 of 2016 level after she lost the election to a reality tv star. ;D ;D

The Democrat Party spent $1.4 BILLION for a career politician to lose to a first-time political neophyte.

Hillary sucks hard.

Democrats suck harder.


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #2560 on: November 09, 2019, 09:30:31 AM »

No, I don't follow Trump on Twitter or anything on Twitter for that matter. Any links to there I post are from news stories.

He's better than the left's alternative regardless of what nitpick people have about Twitter, which is why he retains his base.

I resisted reading Twitter for a long time. -Not sure why I started reading it, but it is interesting see what Trump posts without it being filtered by the media. Depending on which biased media you look at, the interpretation of Trump's Twitter posts varies greatly....or should I say bigly.  :)


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #2561 on: November 09, 2019, 09:40:15 AM »
This is what dummycrats aren't grasping....they aren't trying to offer a better alternative, they're only trying to fuck the guy over and insult people that voted for him, yeah that'll win them votes. ::)

Whether Trump is better than the alternative(s) is a matter of opinion. There are many alternatives, including the Republican party introducing someone whose ideals are aligned with a conservative Republican constituency, but isn't completely wacko like Trump


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #2562 on: November 09, 2019, 11:37:59 AM »
Whether Trump is better than the alternative(s) is a matter of opinion. There are many alternatives, including the Republican party introducing someone whose ideals are aligned with a conservative Republican constituency, but isn't completely wacko like Trump

Better Trump's brand of later-life conservatism than another fake neo-con.


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #2563 on: November 09, 2019, 12:08:57 PM »

Better Trump's brand of later-life conservatism than another fake neo-con.

The party of Clinton, Waters, Schiff, Omar, AOC, Warren, Booker, Williams, Harris, Biden, Lynch, Rice, Holder, Emanuel, and both Obozos are calling President Donald Trump wacko.


Obviously stupid people just don’t know they’re stupid.



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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #2564 on: November 09, 2019, 01:07:23 PM »
The party of Clinton, Waters, Schiff, Omar, AOC, Warren, Booker, Williams, Harris, Biden, Lynch, Rice, Holder, Emanuel, and both Obozos are calling President Donald Trump wacko.


Obviously stupid people just don’t know they’re stupid.


Sort of like when wacko people think everyone but them is wacko....corrupt people saying everyone else is corrupt but them.


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #2565 on: November 09, 2019, 04:44:22 PM »
Sort of like when wacko people think everyone but them is wacko....corrupt people saying everyone else is corrupt but them.

wow talk about Irony LOL - you just described yourself. 

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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #2566 on: November 09, 2019, 05:02:53 PM »


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #2567 on: November 09, 2019, 05:53:01 PM »
Whether Trump is better than the alternative(s) is a matter of opinion. There are many alternatives, including the Republican party introducing someone whose ideals are aligned with a conservative Republican constituency, but isn't completely wacko like Trump
Trump being a complete wacko is a matter of opinion. Which demonrat would improve the American quality of life and how?


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #2568 on: November 09, 2019, 05:58:34 PM »
Trump being a complete wacko is a matter of opinion. Which demonrat would improve the American quality of life and how?

Trump Sr. in 2020
Pence in 2024 and 2028
Trump Jr. in 2032 and 2036
Ivanka in 2040 and 2044


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #2569 on: November 09, 2019, 06:31:12 PM »

wow talk about Irony LOL - you just described yourself. 

Just so you know, I'm not corrupt. I am a little wacko though. -Never denied it.  ;)

The Scott

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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #2570 on: November 09, 2019, 06:44:24 PM »
Trump Sr. in 2020
Pence in 2024 and 2028
Trump Jr. in 2032 and 2036
Ivanka in 2040 and 2044

That would give me a logical reason to think about there really being a God. 

Personally, I am hoping for what I call the cRapture wherein people like Wiggs (a culture thief, LOL!) and all the libtards are flushed to Hades forever.  Now that would show me that not only does God exist but He is also benevolent.   

And smart!


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #2571 on: November 09, 2019, 06:51:20 PM »
That would give me a logical reason to think about there really being a God. 

Personally, I am hoping for what I call the cRapture wherein people like Wiggs (a culture thief, LOL!) and all the libtards are flushed to Hades forever.  Now that would show me that not only does God exist but He is also benevolent.   

And smart!

Blacks will never appropriate the great Jewish culture.

Wiggs just says stupid things to get attention, to try to appear educated, and lastly because he is stupid.


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #2572 on: November 09, 2019, 06:54:05 PM »
Trump Sr. in 2020
Pence in 2024 and 2028
Trump Jr. in 2032 and 2036
Ivanka in 2040 and 2044

Just like the British Royal Monarchy...aside from Pence. Why'd you throw that puppet in anyway? Jr is old enough to be president now.


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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #2573 on: November 10, 2019, 07:51:41 AM »
Trump being a complete wacko is a matter of opinion. Which demonrat would improve the American quality of life and how?
Anyone going to take a shot at answering this?

Just so you know, I'm not corrupt. I am a little wacko though. -Never denied it.  ;)
I got an anonymous PM from someone that says they heard you had a conversation with someone else and in that conversation you were asking for the other person to do corrupt things. Prove you're not corrupt!!

The Scott

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Re: Trump = Winning
« Reply #2574 on: November 10, 2019, 07:56:50 AM »
Blacks will never appropriate the great Jewish culture.

Wiggs just says stupid things to get attention, to try to appear educated, and lastly because he is stupid.

I think his ignorance is born of jealousy and too much dope smoking in his fairly recent past.