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Getbig Female Info Boards => Open Talk for Girl Discussion => Topic started by: ~flower~ on October 13, 2006, 08:07:31 AM

Title: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: ~flower~ on October 13, 2006, 08:07:31 AM

  I ask because I do every morning   ::) and on Thursday my scale died and I was kinda freaking.   

Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: Playboy on October 13, 2006, 08:10:55 AM
I ask because I do every morning   ::) and on Thursday my scale died and I was kinda freaking.   

Honestly Flower, I would say once a month. I don't like to do it to often as it can play mind games with you.

Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: xxxLinda on October 13, 2006, 08:19:54 AM

Will you buy another?

I wouldn't.  But I guess I'm lucky.  I've weighed about the same for the last 10 years.  And before that I was the same size, I just put on muscle in my later years, which weighs more.

I have a few theories about your scales:  chuck 'em out and don't bother.  you can tell by looking in a mirror or just by putting on your jeans whether you're a pound or so heavier today...

Also (the good news)...  I learned in Canada (they told me it was an Eskimo thing (only kidding)) that it's sensible to bulk up with 5-10lbs of fat for the winter.  It's natural.  Our bodies do that.  I was even told that it keeps you warmer over the winter months.  As the nights draw in and it's darker longer, your body needs a bit more fat.  Then you drop it again in the Spring.

My theory is that if you keep weighing yourself you'll never reach your ideal weight.  Also my bathroom is the size of an American closet and I have no floor space for scales.

with love,

ps:   If you must weigh yourself, do it at the gym after sweating buckets.  That's the best and in my opinion, the only time to step on the scales.
Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: Euro-monster on October 13, 2006, 08:32:23 AM
Thats bordering on obssesed Flower... :)
Just look at yourself in the mirror from time to time...if you get fatter your clothes won't fit you so you know you need to lose some weight.
If you are into working out maybe its wise to do a bf reading once a month to see where you at...
Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: Euro-monster on October 13, 2006, 08:39:16 AM
I know it is but I have had eating disorders in the past so I can't help it.    It's a control thing.    Sometimes I actually weigh less at night than I did in the morning.   ;D

  It's been 3 weeks chocolate free btw!! 

..... 8)
Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: xxxLinda on October 13, 2006, 09:08:26 AM
I'm hoping you will look on the bright side?  all eating is a control thing.  chocolate is not going to make you that fat, in moderation.   it's the fatty foods and too many carbs which make you chunky in the wrong places if you don't get enough excercise.  So, unless you've had like anorexia or bulimia or something, it's just life.

I hardly eat (but there again my kitchen is a bombsite and I'm not very rich and I rarely get invited out for dinner anymore).  I eat one proper meal a day, around 2pm.  Sometimes I eat supper.

I never snack. 

I know breakfast is important, but I've never liked it, my mouth doesn't work properly for a few hours after I wake up.  I drink coffee till 1pm.  I know that's probably not terribly healthy, but it works for me.  Actually, it's a whore's breakfast and I learned it in NY.  That's my eating disorder made public.

Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: Euro-monster on October 13, 2006, 09:15:00 AM
I'm hoping you will look on the bright side?  all eating is a control thing.  chocolate is not going to make you that fat, in moderation.   it's the fatty foods and too many carbs which make you chunky in the wrong places if you don't get enough excercise.  So, unless you've had like anorexia or bulimia or something, it's just life.

I hardly eat (but there again my kitchen is a bombsite and I'm not very rich and I rarely get invited out for dinner anymore).  I eat one proper meal a day, around 2pm.  Sometimes I eat supper.

I never snack. 

I know breakfast is important, but I've never liked it, my mouth doesn't work properly for a few hours after I wake up.  I drink coffee till 1pm.  I know that's probably not terribly healthy, but it works for me.  Actually, it's a whore's breakfast and I learned it in NY.  That's my eating disorder made public.


I fucking like how you post on here crack me up Hahahahaaaa... ;D
Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: xxxLinda on October 13, 2006, 09:28:07 AM

   I guess you missed the part where I said I've had eating disorders in the past.


no, no flower...  I did say unless you're talking bulimia or anorexia.  I said chocolate is not a big eating disorder.  I explained my eating habits, which are certainly not proper.

sorry.  I don't think we should start a real eating disorder thread though, unless someone is honest enough and un-shy enough to bare all and teach.

(sorry if I'm seeming insensitive

Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: xxxLinda on October 13, 2006, 09:37:42 AM
right.  sorry, if that's appropriate. 

I have a mental disorder: I'm bi-polar, manic depressive. obsessive compulsive.


It's all about power and control and whether we think we have any.

with love,

(which is why I garden.  that's my kind of power and control.  I can just move the lillies.

Obsessive compulsive disorder.  Do they have that in America?

Hyper activity?

(I love all these new names for new disorders...

I've read and have been told that eating disorders, drinking and drug problems, plus OCD are all mental health issues.  And that they are, for most people, a phase we go through.

They are fixable.  First you must admit you have a problem, then seek help. 
(or in my case, read the book and sort yourself out.  I never go looking for advice. 

Most people who profess to be experts on the subject are just out of college and they've given them a clipboard and they just tick boxes.

I think that's basic AA 101, but I missed that class...

So don't listen to anyone but yourself.
Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: xxxLinda on October 13, 2006, 12:09:39 PM
precisely.  I reckon I've taught a lot of therapists.  They sit there agog for 50 minutes and then kick me out.

As for the bottled water...  There's something on the news recently about how the plastic is no good for you.

God knows, I don't

with love

but chocolalic is good for you.  It's good for your brain, like fish.  It's an o me ga tree.

I dont' need uppers.
Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: xxxLinda on October 13, 2006, 12:25:30 PM
Buy Perrier or San Pelligrino in glass bottles.

Aren't we lucky we have taps?  I'm telling you.  This is madness.  We've got all the water we need and people elsewhere walk 2 miles with a bucket.

Go figure.
Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: Rearden Metal on October 13, 2006, 12:33:01 PM
Once a day, at the gym.
Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: ToxicAvenger on October 13, 2006, 12:44:59 PM
I ask because I do every morning   ::) and on Thursday my scale died and I was kinda freaking.   


i sit on my sis and fart every now n then and i guage my weight by how loud SHE screams ;D
Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: Playboy on October 13, 2006, 12:54:31 PM
i sit on my sis and fart every now n then and i guage my weight by how loud the bitch screams ;D

Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: YoMamaBeenLurking on October 13, 2006, 01:58:02 PM
precisely.  I reckon I've taught a lot of therapists.  They sit there agog for 50 minutes and then kick me out.

As for the bottled water...  There's something on the news recently about how the plastic is no good for you.

God knows, I don't

with love

but chocolalic is good for you.  It's good for your brain, like fish.  It's an o me ga tree.

I dont' need uppers.

2 points!

agog \uh-GOG\, adjective:
Full of excitement or interest; in eager desire; eager, keen.
Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: davidpaul on October 15, 2006, 06:01:20 AM
twice a day easily, normally everytime im near a scales :-\
Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: xxxLinda on October 15, 2006, 09:02:07 AM

2 points!

agog \uh-GOG\, adjective:
Full of excitement or interest; in eager desire; eager, keen.

know what, Sore?  I didn't know the proper definition of agog.  It just came off the top of my head.  You obviously like four letter words.  I thought agog had something to do with disbelief...  But now I know.  (I've not yet looked it up in the big dic.

Flower baby, you okay?  I apologise profusely again, if needs be, for perhaps seeming in sensitive.

with love
Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: YoMamaBeenLurking on October 16, 2006, 04:58:15 PM
know what, Sore?  I didn't know the proper definition of agog.  It just came off the top of my head.  You obviously like four letter words.  I thought agog had something to do with disbelief...  But now I know.  (I've not yet looked it up in the big dic.

Flower baby, you okay?  I apologise profusely again, if needs be, for perhaps seeming in sensitive.

with love

I'm not Sore. 
Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: xxxLinda on October 16, 2006, 05:17:57 PM

I'm not Sore. 

must beim wron gain.

good nite

with love

Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: Oldschool Flip on October 17, 2006, 05:20:57 AM
Flower chocolate is fine to eat. Just buy some chocolate pudding with splenda.  ;D

Once a week for me BTW on the scale. But at the same time each week. Usually Monday morning at 6:00 AM before I drink my first shake.
Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: Migs on October 17, 2006, 05:30:35 AM
i just weighed myself, since i started my diet.  :-\

i'm depressed now so i think i'll go eat some reese's lol.  stupid scale.

I will proably do it once a week perhaps twice.  once in the beginning of the week then at the end.  That way if i have the urge to cheat i can subdue it, or maybe ease up on that cheat day if i haven't had the loses i wanted
Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: muscleforlife on October 17, 2006, 05:31:54 AM
I threw my scale out years ago.

I may weigh myself once a couple of months, if that often.

I rely on how my clothes fit to gauge my weight.

Even to this day, with all of the knowledge we have about scales and weight, we still freak out when we see certain numbers on a scale.  I got tired of playing mind games whenever I stepped on a scale.

Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: mish on October 17, 2006, 05:52:10 AM
I don't even own a scale, the last time I had a scale I was still living with my parents. :-\ If I really want to know how much I weigh we have one at work outside the nurses station, other than that I only find out when I go to the doctors.
Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: Migs on October 17, 2006, 05:56:55 AM
your so small you could probably weigh yourself on a food scale, lol
Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: mish on October 17, 2006, 06:02:53 AM
LOL!!! Smartass... ;D
Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: Migs on October 17, 2006, 06:24:08 AM
Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: Butterbean on October 17, 2006, 11:08:07 AM

2 points!

agog \uh-GOG\, adjective:
Full of excitement or interest; in eager desire; eager, keen.

I'm positive she meant:

a·gape (ə-gāp', ə-găp')
adv. & adj.
In a state of wonder or amazement, as with the mouth wide open.

And flowey, I weigh myself approximately 6x per year.  I was going to weigh myself this morning because I'm feeling pretty fit, but I didn't weigh myself because if the number would have been above a certain range, I'd be sad :(.  But if it'd been under a certain range, I'd use it as an excuse to eat like a pig. :-[
Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: Oldschool Flip on October 17, 2006, 04:08:16 PM
Ha!  hA hA!         

          Body weight: It's a subject of debate, but the latest research suggests it's a good idea to step on the scale every day: A new study from Brown and Duke Universities showed that 61 percent of people who weighed themselves daily stayed within 5 pounds of their starting weight, compared to just 32 percent who weighed in less often. Why? Daily monitoring helped them catch weight gain early and take counteractive steps. For best results, weigh yourself in the morning (when we tend to weigh the least) after going to the bathroom, before breakfast, and while wearing little to no clothing. And always use the same scale in the same spot. Two accurate models: the Tanita Digital Bathroom Scale ($47.95 at and the Health-O-Meter Digital Lithium Scale ($34.99 at Kmart).
Next thing you know, they say VACCINES are safe! ;D Did you get a gun yet? And did you see the Hover lawn mower pic I posted for you? ;D
Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: Deedee on October 17, 2006, 04:15:31 PM
I weigh myself every day. Since I'm so lousy with the calendar, it lets me know when the curse is about to befall me. Anyone with terrible dismenoreah probably understands.  :( This is the girl board right?
Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: Migs on October 17, 2006, 04:39:52 PM
I weigh myself every day. Since I'm so lousy with the calendar, it lets me know when the curse is about to befall me. Anyone with terrible dismenoreah probably understands.  :( This is the girl board right?

since your a muse can't you hover over the scale until it reads what you want it too?
Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: JasonH on October 18, 2006, 03:25:10 AM
I started back at the gym two weeks ago after a six month lay-off. Before then I wasn't weighing myself at all but when I started back I weigh myself every Sunday morning, naked, before breakfast just to see the week's progress. It's working well for me because you see good results that way. My wife on the other hand weighs herself virtually every day and gets upset if the scales haven't moved downwards!
Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: 2lean on October 19, 2006, 10:58:15 AM
Like xxxLinda, I don't get on the scale unless it is for a doctor's appointment.  I go by the way my clothes fit and look.  Usually if the jeans are too tight and pulling in the wrong direction, then I better cut back on the junk.  I just step up the cardio and the weight melts off.
Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: Madam X on October 19, 2006, 12:44:23 PM
The scale is one guide, the mirror a more harsh mistress.
Title: Re: How often do you weigh yourself?
Post by: Butterbean on October 19, 2006, 02:17:57 PM
  I just step up the cardio and the weight melts off.

yer banned >:(

lol...Just teasing 2lean ;D 
PMS :-[