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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: leonp1981 on March 29, 2007, 06:05:47 PM

Title: Best oral choice?
Post by: leonp1981 on March 29, 2007, 06:05:47 PM
Due to my current living situation, I am unable to have any injectables around.  I've also recently moved to the area, so I don't have anyone to store them for me.  As such, I'm wondering if there are any oral alternatives I can use to give me a bit of a boost.  I'm not looking for miracles, just something relatively mild and easy to use. 

I was thinking about Anavar, 20mg/day? 

Any advice would be appreciated.
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: Rimbaud on March 29, 2007, 06:13:24 PM
Most people won't & don't recommend an oral only cycle. However, if that's what you're going to do then I suggest Tbol at about 40mg ED for about eight weeks.
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: trab on March 29, 2007, 07:19:35 PM
Bouncing levels, nothing but probs. 1st time gains maybee. After that, forget it.
Even anapolon needs a base to smooth it out IMO.
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: strength on March 29, 2007, 10:03:45 PM
bro, get urself a long acting ester test.   

find 15 mins to shoot once a week.

put the stuff in your car, in your trunk next to the spare tire.

contact the needle beast to overnight you some pins when you know youll be the only one home.

there ya go.
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: gtbro1 on March 30, 2007, 03:16:46 AM
bro, get urself a long acting ester test.   

find 15 mins to shoot once a week.

put the stuff in your car, in your trunk next to the spare tire.

contact the needle beast to overnight you some pins when you know youll be the only one home.

there ya go.

   HORRIBLE advice.(no offense)Not about the test...I agree with that,but   NO WAY would I keep a schedule 3 drug in my car .
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: Rimbaud on March 30, 2007, 03:26:00 AM
NO WAY would I keep a schedule 3 drug in my car .

Why? I mean aside from weather conditions there's no difference in keeping it in your house. It's illegal to have no matter were it's stored unless you have a script.
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: gtbro1 on March 30, 2007, 03:37:25 AM
Why? I mean aside from weather conditions there's no difference in keeping it in your house. It's illegal to have no matter were it's stored unless you have a script.

   Because I have had my truck searched 3 times for no aparant reason other than small town cops got bored.

I Never got so much as a ticket during those stops. I think keeping it in your car is just very risky.You never know what could happen .
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: trab on March 30, 2007, 04:36:31 AM
Your car has nowhere the legal expectation/right to privacy that even your rented appartment does.
That said; NEVER volentarily open your trunk or other property/person to search, JUST SAY NO!
I do it even if no reason not to. We'll be talking w/ my lawyer friends, bud - ON Your days off, over and over and over... Car is not so safe friends. But you dont just give any thug permission to dig in your pockets either, do you? SO, learn to say no when asked. THis used to be a great free country.
Find out who the asskicking defence attys are in your neck of the woods too. Dont hurt to know a few.
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: Rimbaud on March 30, 2007, 05:10:36 AM
   Because I have had my truck searched 3 times for no aparant reason other than small town cops got bored.

That sucks.
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: Overload on March 30, 2007, 06:21:06 AM
Anavar or Tbol. 40-50mg per day.

8 weeks on 8 weeks off.

It's not a good idea but i know many people who do it with great results and no liver problems.

I would get my liver values checked after every cycle though.

Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: Rimbaud on March 30, 2007, 06:32:54 AM
I Never got so much as a ticket during those stops. I think keeping it in your car is just very risky.You never know what could happen .

IMO it's only slightly more risky then having your gear in your house.
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: wes mantooth on March 30, 2007, 07:11:36 AM
IMO it's only slightly more risky then having your gear in your house.

Rimmy, gotta disagree with you this time...

many other variables become apparent when using a motor vehicle...

1) chances of police contact are 3000% more than if a cop just decided to "knock" on your door. whether the police are right or wrong.....getting pulled over and searched is a reality. speeding, failure to yield, rolling through stop signs, car accidents.....

2) putting other people in your vehicle at risk: you know how misinformed police are in regard to steroids rim. imagine you and your significant other being arrested for possesion as well simply because they were in the car. regardless of probable cause, and whether or not the case would be thrown out....the process would suck

3) seizure of vehicle. again......whether right or wrong, the process would suck. obviously these are extreme examples....but the point im trying to make is that chances can go up...

4) nervousness. some people do not have a poker face. knowing that you have a schedule 3 drug in your car when pulled over can put someone in a spot if they are not cool and collective. a nervous driver can be enough probable cause in some situations.

here are some ideas for leonp:

* does your gym have a tanning bed? if so, shoot it there. make an appointment 2 times a week...bring your bag and shoot it there

if your gym goesnt cut off locks, keep it in your locker....

what living situation wouldnt allow you to have gear? do you live in a barracks or something? military?
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: Rimbaud on March 30, 2007, 07:15:02 AM
Rimmy, gotta disagree with you this time...

many other variables become apparent when using a motor vehicle...

1) chances of police contact are 3000% more than if a cop just decided to "knock" on your door. whether the police are right or wrong.....getting pulled over and searched is a reality. speeding, failure to yield, rolling through stop signs, car accidents.....

2) putting other people in your vehicle at risk: you know how misinformed police are in regard to steroids rim. imagine you and your significant other being arrested for possesion as well simply because they were in the car. regardless of probable cause, and whether or not the case would be thrown out....the process would suck

3) seizure of vehicle. again......whether right or wrong, the process would suck. obviously these are extreme examples....but the point im trying to make is that chances can go up...

4) nervousness. some people do not have a poker face. knowing that you have a schedule 3 drug in your car when pulled over can put someone in a spot if they are not cool and collective. a nervous driver can be enough probable cause in some situations.

here are some ideas for leonp:

* does your gym have a tanning bed? if so, shoot it there. make an appointment 2 times a week...bring your bag and shoot it there

if your gym goesnt cut off locks, keep it in your locker....

what living situation wouldnt allow you to have gear? do you live in a barracks or something? military?

I agree with you & understand the points you've made. However, if you're doing nothing wrong then the odds of your car getting search are slim.

When it comes to number four that's a tricky one. It all depends on the person. I was in a car one time & we got pulled over. As it turned out the driver had over three ounces of weed in the car. He was calm & cool - got a ticket but nothing more.
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: Rimbaud on March 30, 2007, 07:16:27 AM
2) putting other people in your vehicle at risk: you know how misinformed police are in regard to steroids rim.  imagine you and your significant other being arrested for possesion as well simply because they were in the car. regardless of probable cause, and whether or not the case would be thrown out....the process would suck

Very true. But it's not limited to cops. Hell 99% of the public is misinformed about steroids.
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: Overload on March 30, 2007, 08:37:03 AM

* does your gym have a tanning bed? if so, shoot it there. make an appointment 2 times a week...bring your bag and shoot it there

I know guys who do this!

There are many creative ways to stash a small package in a vehicle.

Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: Captain Equipoise on March 30, 2007, 03:49:56 PM
Tbol @ 40mg's/day

nuff said.
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: !@#$% on March 30, 2007, 03:53:27 PM
Nixon is the one who made it possible to search a person's car without a warrant. Cops still need probable cause, but can site things like the driver seemed nervous or he thought he smelled something funny, possibly marijuana. I have never heard of a cop doing a thorough search of someones car though, it is usually very superficial.
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: leonp1981 on March 30, 2007, 05:46:11 PM
* does your gym have a tanning bed? if so, shoot it there. make an appointment 2 times a week...bring your bag and shoot it there

if your gym goesnt cut off locks, keep it in your locker....

what living situation wouldnt allow you to have gear? do you live in a barracks or something? military?

I live in the middle of nowhere, and the gym I go to is very small, so no sunbed and no lockers!

I'm house-sitting for my parents while they sell their other house, but I also live with my g/f and 3yr old son and she's not too happy at having gear around again.  She's put up with it before, but you know what women are like!

As for the car, that's a possibility.  I live in the UK, so its legal to possess for personal use.

Can someone give me some opinions on T-bol, effects, sides, etc.?  I've read up on it, but I prefer to hear from people with experience.
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: maffie on March 30, 2007, 09:43:54 PM
sorry to hijack but since this in an oral thread.... i wanna ask that for 40mg of Anavar ED, how do you guys take your tabs?

Do you go 4tabs/4tabs or all 8 tabs in a single sitting? Do you prefer empty stomach or after a meal?
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: Rimbaud on March 30, 2007, 10:17:18 PM
Can someone give me some opinions on T-bol, effects, sides, etc.?  I've read up on it, but I prefer to hear from people with experience.

It's like Dbol light. There's very little bloating. Your strength gains are decent & you'll put on some lean mass.
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: gtbro1 on March 31, 2007, 12:12:57 AM
Nixon is the one who made it possible to search a person's car without a warrant. Cops still need probable cause, but can site things like the driver seemed nervous or he thought he smelled something funny, possibly marijuana. I have never heard of a cop doing a thorough search of someones car though, it is usually very superficial.

The last time I was searched was simply because I reached down to scratch my leg while a cop was behind me and boom...there went the red and blues. He said I appeared to be shoving something under the seat. I WASN'T reaching down WHILE being pulled over...I was pulled over BECAUSE i reached down.He told me this. It was like 4-5 am on a Sunday morning .He decided to follow me FOR NO APPARENT REASON...My opinion is that the town was dead and he had nothing to do.Probably looking for drunks who had been out,I don't know. I ended up handcuffed on the side of the road(for their safety  ::) ) while they searched my truck.I was released without a ticket.
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: Captain Equipoise on March 31, 2007, 12:19:57 AM
Heh, when a cop pulls me over and asks to search my car I tell him he can go fuck himself without a warrant or probable cause (he has to prove this )
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: trab on March 31, 2007, 03:20:14 AM
Just say no!
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: Luv2Hurt on March 31, 2007, 04:00:23 AM
Yeah bad idea to keep it in your car.  Never really know what could happen.  At least in your house you will have more control over the sitiuation if someone comes snooping.

IMO with all the crap you mentioned you are in no sitiuation to be using gear.  Will you be lying to a fed up GF? thats a recipe for disaster.  Sounds like you really need to get things in order first.

Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: Luolamies on March 31, 2007, 05:07:31 AM
I think you´d be better off just using a long acting ester. Just shoot once a week and that´s it. Pills can be more of a hassle, because with most orals you have to take them many times daily so chances of getting "busted" by your GF is higher. Of course orals you can just put in a "vitamin" bottle and say "i´m taking plenty of C" so i guess you have to weigh the pros and the cons.
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: UK Gold on March 31, 2007, 06:15:52 AM
I know i'm in the minoraty here, but 30mgs of dbol a day for six weeks is a pretty good cycle. The cynics will claim you'll lose most of your gains - and that maybe so - it just depends on you and your genetics. also you will see how you'll reat to the 'mental' side of gear. Its not for everyone you know, and at least with dbol its gone in a few hours.

However, test is honestly better!

I feel sorry for you 'Americans'. I could pin outside a police station and they couldn't really do anything. Unfortunately there is a campaign to get steroids made completely illegal - and its all thanks to an 'American' bodybuilder called Beiber. He killed an English cop a few years ago resulting in HUGE outrage. Last week he tried to escape from prison - but was beaten down like the dog he is.
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: !@#$% on March 31, 2007, 02:12:24 PM
Unfortunately there is a campaign to get steroids made completely illegal - and its all thanks to an 'American' bodybuilder called Beiber. He killed an English cop a few years ago resulting in HUGE outrage. Last week he tried to escape from prison - but was beaten down like the dog he is.

I'm suprised I haven't heard about this before.


(CBS) Once the golden child of his Ft. Myers, Fla., high school, David Bieber – with his good looks, athletic abilities and nice car – developed a love for bodybuilding and, with it, an appetite for steroids. A combination of steroids and a love triangle involving Bieber would lead to murder and ultimately turn Bieber into a wanted man on two continents.

48 Hours correspondent Susan Spencer reports on this case this Saturday, Jan. 28, at 10 p.m. ET/PT.

Bobby Ammons, a long-time friend of Bieber's, says that Bieber used steroids in high school and it continued into adulthood. Bieber began selling steroids to support his expensive bodybuilding career.

Eventually, Beiber went into business with fellow bodybuilder, Markus Mueller, a German who was able to smuggle the drugs into the U.S. from Europe. While the two were business partners, they were also rivals.

Then, Bieber had an affair with Mueller’s girlfriend, Danielle LaBelle. It was an uncomfortable love triangle. Surprisingly, only weeks later, Bieber and LaBelle were married. Then, in February 1995, Bieber drove LaBelle to Mueller’s home to retrieve her purse while he waited in the car. LaBelle found Mueller dead in the doorway and frantically called 911.

She had a strong hunch Bieber killed Mueller, and told that to the 911 operator and Bieber’s former friend, Ammons.

The police had their own suspicions that Bieber was involved in the homicide. They knew about the love triangle and the fact that Mueller and Bieber were in business selling steroids. Police say that there were steroids in Mueller’s home – potentially thousands of dollars worth – that they couldn’t find. While working the case, the police finally got the lead they needed from two men who claimed Bieber had hired them to kill Mueller. When the police finally put it together, they were too late. Bieber had vanished.

Bieber tried to sidetrack police in their search. He bought the birth certificate of a deceased child, Nathan Wayne Coleman, and took on his identity. In September 1996, without police knowing, Bieber fled to Leeds, England, where he worked as a nightclub bouncer. He went undiscovered as Coleman for almost eight years.

Then, on Dec. 26, 2003, Leeds police approached a car that was parked strangely on the side of the road. The vehicle turned out to be stolen and there was a man inside. The man told police he was Coleman, a Canadian, and that he had not stolen the car. The officers did not know that the man they were about to take into custody was Bieber, wanted in the U.S. for murder. When the police began cuffing Coleman, he began shooting the three unarmed officers and escaped.

One officer died from his wounds. The last time a police officer had been shot and killed in Britain was seven years earlier. A nationwide manhunt was now on for Coleman. Will Coleman's true identity be revealed – Bieber, American fugitive – and will he be brought to justice?

Tune in Saturday for "Rage On The Run."
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: trab on March 31, 2007, 06:26:00 PM
That guy made Americas Most Wanted show I think. Too bad the US isnt  more practical w/ drug laws like the Brits. But we've turned it into a industry of persecution here. Big Biz.
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: Selene on March 31, 2007, 07:44:41 PM
Due to my current living situation, I am unable to have any injectables around.  I've also recently moved to the area, so I don't have anyone to store them for me.  As such, I'm wondering if there are any oral alternatives I can use to give me a bit of a boost.  I'm not looking for miracles, just something relatively mild and easy to use. 

I was thinking about Anavar, 20mg/day? 

Any advice would be appreciated.

I as a woman use 20mg anavar/day for a man 20mg/day of anavar is nothing there are many other oral alternatives
tbol, winstrol, anadrol, anabol

with orals you must also still have proper pct available to you

personally I like a combination of tbol/anavar/ or tbol/winstrol
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: Captain Equipoise on April 03, 2007, 12:08:05 AM
I as a woman use 20mg anavar/day for a man 20mg/day of anavar is nothing there are many other oral alternatives
tbol, winstrol, anadrol, anabol

with orals you must also still have proper pct available to you

personally I like a combination of tbol/anavar/ or tbol/winstrol

Oh how little you know...
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: Luv2Hurt on April 03, 2007, 03:40:20 AM
As an oral I like stanazol, or oxy.  Might give d-bol a shot this summer, been a long time since I ran it  :-\
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: SHUTUPANDTRAIN on April 03, 2007, 08:04:17 AM
What about running Andriol in replace of test as a base with either tbol or dbol?
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: trab on April 03, 2007, 01:25:59 PM
What about running Andriol in replace of test as a base with either tbol or dbol?

The only thing I got out of Andriol was libido rise w/ 2-4 of them footballs.  Over that it was diminishing returns & a sudden hard shutdown w/ about 500TE & 300Deca added. I dont care for Andriol.
Cptn. EQ likes the new formulation.
I aint tried that one. I think it may work for female BBers @ 1 or 2. Still a risk. Its not very strong and can shut you down. Crapy combo IMO.
Title: Re: Best oral choice?
Post by: bigrose on April 03, 2007, 02:33:01 PM
If you can get andriol, that would be good to use with whatever other oral you choose. It can be expensive though, and you have to take alot of it. Take 2 softgels every 4 hours all day and night.

An andriol-based orals only cycle could look like this-

Andriol- 2sg/6 times daily- 10wks
Dbol- 30mg daily weeks 1-4
Winstrol- 75mg daily weeks 5-10
Proviron- 50mg daily weeks 1-12
Nolva- 10mg daily weeks 1-10
          40mg daily weeks 11-13

You could substitute Anadrol for the Dbol if you want, but I have always needed large doses (200-300mg/day) of Drol when only 30mg Dbol works great. I just pulled this cycle out of my ass, so dont everyone crucify me at once.

Whatever you decide, include proviron. That will help your test levels. I know several people who have done proviron/winny or proviron/dbol cycles with good results. Good luck.