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Getbig Female Info Boards => Open Talk for Girl Discussion => Topic started by: Earl1972 on April 06, 2007, 05:25:56 PM

Title: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: Earl1972 on April 06, 2007, 05:25:56 PM
Why do some chicks that could probably have any guy they want go for the losers?

i'm talking real losers as in they have no job or work some shit job with no future, have a criminal record, treat basically everybody with disrespect

what is the deal with this?

Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: Earl1972 on April 06, 2007, 05:28:47 PM
are these particular girls hopeless?

Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: ThaRealist on April 06, 2007, 05:31:42 PM
are these particular girls hopeless?


They seem to be excellent at reproducing with these loser type guys from what I have seen in several cities...I guess it is a shame that most of these guys are so fertile LoL....
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: Earl1972 on April 06, 2007, 05:35:59 PM
They seem to be excellent at reproducing with these loser type guys from what I have seen in several cities...I guess it is a shame that most of these guys are so fertile LoL....

yeah that's true it does seem like they are quite fertile and it's only the decent MARRIED couples that can't conceive :-\

Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: Butterbean on April 06, 2007, 05:44:12 PM
Why do some chicks that could probably have any guy they want go for the losers?

i'm talking real losers as in they have no job or work some shit job with no future, have a criminal record, treat basically everybody with disrespect

what is the deal with this?


I think some will grow out of it and some won't.

For some the "excitement" for the guy will wane and they'll move on.  But some others may have low self-esteem so they'll think they're lucky to have him.

Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: ThaRealist on April 06, 2007, 05:47:21 PM
I think some will grow out of it and some won't.

For some the "excitement" for the guy will wane and they'll move on.  But some others may have low self-esteem so they'll think they're lucky to have him.

That really sucks too, because I have seen some drop-dead gorgeous women with some guys I know personally treat them like shit and that are losers at life(no ambition other than to get high, screw and eat)
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: Earl1972 on April 06, 2007, 05:49:23 PM
I think some will grow out of it and some won't.

For some the "excitement" for the guy will wane and they'll move on.  But some others may have low self-esteem so they'll think they're lucky to have him.

why would they think they are lucky to be with them?

i'm not talking about average plain janes, i'm talking about really hot girls, the type that has guys line up for them in a club

the world doesn't make sense >:(

Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: Butterbean on April 06, 2007, 05:50:51 PM
Really hot girls can have low-self esteem too.

Sometimes it's more temporary...sometimes it's more deep-rooted.
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: ThaRealist on April 06, 2007, 05:53:03 PM
This quote from a radio show that I love kinda sums it up for guys "Cake=Pie"...In other words, guys with cake get the pie...LoL...I really just wanted to say that quote cause I love it so much... ;D
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: Earl1972 on April 06, 2007, 05:54:05 PM
Really hot girls can have low-self esteem too.

Sometimes it's more temporary...sometimes it's more deep-rooted.

how do you have low self esteem when everybody is constantly kissing your ass?

Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: ToxicAvenger on April 06, 2007, 06:06:24 PM
Why do some chicks that could probably have any guy they want go for the losers?

i'm talking real losers as in they have no job or work some shit job with no future, have a criminal record, treat basically everybody with disrespect

what is the deal with this?


asshole is mistaken for alpha male..which is why soo many young guys act the asshole..cant blame em..
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: Earl1972 on April 06, 2007, 06:11:00 PM
asshole is mistaken for alpha male..which is why soo many young guys act the asshole..cant blame em..

How on earth does any woman think a guy with no job, no money, and a criminal record is an alpha male?

shouldn't that make him about as beta as it gets?

Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: jtsunami on April 06, 2007, 06:22:24 PM
These girls usually have low self esteem if I understand what you are saying, the gals going out with loser dudes, the girls usually have loser mentalities, its deep rooted from their youth usually. 
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: ToxicAvenger on April 06, 2007, 07:41:35 PM
How on earth does any woman think a guy with no job, no money, and a criminal record is an alpha male?

shouldn't that make him about as beta as it gets?


dont ask me..i dont have a vagina...i used to work for nightclubs...and i had plenty of girls offer me puss just cause i let em in without waiting in line or get em an open tab at the bar (earth....divas..the spot..and the bank in Dc..for those that care)

99.99% of the time i didn't  fall for it..a girl that wants to fuck me just cause i felt sorry for her shivering wearing a skirt when its 20 degrees royal cock is a bito snob..

she can find plenty of other guys to just get a quickie..

ok the flippie..i've done me share of slummin... :-\
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: drkaje on April 06, 2007, 08:40:08 PM
Why do some chicks that could probably have any guy they want go for the losers?

i'm talking real losers as in they have no job or work some shit job with no future, have a criminal record, treat basically everybody with disrespect

what is the deal with this?



Some girls have low self esteem, having a guy that can't "do any better" makes them feel they'll always be appreciated.

Girls, I've met, tend to grow out of after dating around 10 jerks. Some don't grow out of it until their attractiveness diminishes and there are fewer guys available to them.

Remember. Attention is to women what water is to flowers. A jobless guy can pay attention to you all day long, a successful guy has to go earn a living. He just has less time to pay attention to someone at the day's end.

It's not right to lump all of them in the stupid catagory. Just date more women until you find the right one. It's not like there's a shortage of pretty women.
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: BuffGoddess on April 06, 2007, 11:58:37 PM
I agree with STella. Girls who go for that kind of guy have low self-esteem. My guys on the other hand had better be top notch and know how to say "yes dear" with a big smile on their face. (especially when I'm dieting) I used to love the bad boys, now I think they are total losers! So yes I think we do grow out of it. Hope this helps...
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: freespirit on April 07, 2007, 01:40:47 AM
Exactly! The "bad boys" only attract the girls with low self esteem.

With a positive attitude you'll meet the right people.  :)
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: BuffGoddess on April 07, 2007, 03:29:42 AM
Ya know I gotta give props to my man Alex23. He's kinda a bad boy gone good. He's one of my best friends, has put up with alotta crap when I'm dieting and is still one of my biggest supporters. So not all bad boys are bad...He's one a girl could really fall for. He has those bad boy tendencies, but is a responsible, caring, upstanding guy...Okay ladies, take a number!!!!
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: Earl1972 on April 07, 2007, 12:29:22 PM
Exactly! The "bad boys" only attract the girls with low self esteem.

I don't understand how these hot chicks have low self esteem, EVERYBODY KISSES THEIR ASS

Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: Blockhead on April 07, 2007, 02:48:01 PM
Why do some chicks that could probably have any guy they want go for the losers?

i'm talking real losers as in they have no job or work some shit job with no future, have a criminal record, treat basically everybody with disrespect

what is the deal with this?

NOPE! You see...when they are around their 30's...evolution/biology kicks in and they know their biological clock is 'tickin' like this' so they finally program their brains to give the ol 'nice guy' a try. Strictly evolution. They subconsciously chose their mate based on provisions to them and their unborn children and the 'nice guy' is usually able to -vs- the bad boy.

 Make no mistakes...if women didn't have a deep rooted desire to have kids etc...they'd stick with the bad boy forever. Just because a woman is with a nice guy or married to...they secretly fiend for the biker or bad boy on the side. It's true.
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: jtsunami on April 07, 2007, 04:15:35 PM
Blockhead your avatar is soo cute :o
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: trab on April 07, 2007, 06:14:36 PM
I know a guy who married 3 different women; all with  lots of money. The first 2 he admittedly treated like shit and left behind messed up broken families. By #3 he'd gotten older and changed.
Outlaw Harley biker, Vegas bartender. Drinker, Doper in the 1970s.  The Way I see it ,guys that kiss a woman's but and make her know she can get away w/ anything because he worships her are setting themself up for pain.

BTW #3 he stole from the convent, she was gona be a Nun! He fixed that.
The man is smooth. I learned a lot watchn him when we worked together.
You dont need to be a piece of crap to impress that your a bad ass when need be.
Being capable and aggressively pursuing or defending whats in your relationships interest is
where its at. A young woman may get away w/ keeping a worthless "Bad Boy" for a pet.
But as time goes on, she better wise up or she'll end up a burnt out hag. 
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: 24KT on April 07, 2007, 07:47:09 PM
I don't understand how these hot chicks have low self esteem, EVERYBODY KISSES THEIR ASS


Earl, that is PRECISELY why they have low self-esteem. Self-esteem comes from a sense of self-respect, and self-love. It is an internal thing, has to come from within, not without. The more people kiss their asses because they are physically attractive, ...the more acutely aware they are that they are undeserving of such consideration. They are deathly afraid that people will discover how undeserving they are. The guy who treats them like dirt comes off as the guy who really knows them, ...because he treats them accordingly. Sounds a little messed up I know, ...but that's how it is.

Ask any huge Hollywood star. The world raves about them, kisses their asses, the women line up for them, and shiver in their presence, the critics applaud them, the tabloids say their poop is rose scented, ...then the wife tells them to go take out the garbage. It brings them down to earth, ...and they wouldn't have it any other way.
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: Parker on April 08, 2007, 01:17:09 PM
Why do some chicks that could probably have any guy they want go for the losers?

i'm talking real losers as in they have no job or work some shit job with no future, have a criminal record, treat basically everybody with disrespect

what is the deal with this?


Some do, but i have seen the end result of not growing out of it. Some women have a "hard" look to them. Others, have sons who are losers. Because the fathers are not there. If you check the women who really into the bad boys 20 years from now, the sons or daughters that they have had with losers, tend to repeat what their father is, or what mistakes momma is....

But, i have heard, that supoosedly the sex is better with the loser... :-\ 
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: Deedee on April 08, 2007, 01:59:45 PM
This is like the third thread we've had on this very topic... is this some kind of real issue in the lives of men?  ;D  I guess it happens for the same reason that some men lose their money and all self-respect over skanky women.  There are a lot of really stupid people in the world.
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: Parker on April 08, 2007, 02:32:11 PM
This is like the third thread we've had on this very topic... is this some kind of real issue in the lives of men?  ;D  I guess it happens for the same reason that some men lose their money and all self-respect over skanky women.   There are a lot of really stupid people in the world.

Bad investment?

Deedee, I guess it's a view of, if you listen to what women say in magazine, on talkshows or what you ask them. Many  have said, they want a "man who has a job, financially secure, respectful, goal oriented", you know the whole "good man" resume. But She is not dating that ???. So man men have a collective ??? (question mark), then some become  "if ya can't beat em, join" mentality. You can tell who those are because the words "Bitch", "Whore", "Slut" are in every post about women. But, not when you or established women post, because they have respect for a woman who walks the walk.

What do you think could be done? Because I  beleive instead of talking about problem, why not talk about finding a solution.
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: Playboy on April 09, 2007, 06:29:28 AM
Why do some chicks that could probably have any guy they want go for the losers?

i'm talking real losers as in they have no job or work some shit job with no future, have a criminal record, treat basically everybody with disrespect

what is the deal with this?

That unfortunately will never end, my friend. A lot of great guys will be shoved to the side because these women confuse the bady boy with an alpha male. Ususally the bad boy will mutate into either a crimminal, an abuser or a bum with zero skills making bum pay. These women will learn the hard way and its sad. Some have to learn the hard way I guess.

Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: michael arvilla on April 09, 2007, 08:24:02 AM
ima bad man..................... ......... ;)
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: Playboy on April 09, 2007, 08:37:16 AM
ima bad man..................... ......... ;)
It's the doghouse for you tonight, Mike  :)

Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: 24KT on April 09, 2007, 04:27:51 PM
Parker, there are plenty of messed up women out there. Why dwell on it? Just find yourself one who isn't.
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: Deedee on April 09, 2007, 04:34:40 PM
Parker, there are plenty of messed up women out there. Why dwell on it? Just find yourself one who isn't.

Well, there's that...

But also, what's the definition of a hot chick  ???  From what I've seen down on the sex board, while there are some pics of very beautiful women being posted, there are also others that have nothing going for them other than really enormous asses.  :-\ The kind of women I wouldn't go near without a bucket of javex and a carton of j-cloths. And yet, guys drool over them. No offence, really. A fantasy is a fantasy. But I can see where a lot of "those" hot chicks would end up with losers. So I guess it all depends on the eye of the beholder in terms of what's hot or not.
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: trab on April 09, 2007, 05:33:47 PM
Parker, there are plenty of messed up women out there. Why dwell on it? Just find yourself one who isn't.

I was talkin w/ Park, he's cool. The courthouse scene is depressing. I hate to go to ours 4 anything, any record or paper.  I couldnt work there day in day out. no way. I think hes working his way out.
The jobs we spend time with and people can be a grind. Not so easy to just bail out of a job.
He Prolly wont make it as a runway model or actor like you Jag. ;D
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: 24KT on April 09, 2007, 07:15:18 PM
I was talkin w/ Park, he's cool. The courthouse scene is depressing. I hate to go to ours 4 anything, any record or paper.  I couldnt work there day in day out. no way. I think hes working his way out.
The jobs we spend time with and people can be a grind. Not so easy to just bail out of a job.
He Prolly wont make it as a runway model or actor like you Jag. ;D

Oh believe me I know... I work with people who desperately want out of their jobs, or want to bring their spouses home from jobs they hate. So far, I personally know 3 ladies who have retired their husbands with FFi so far. Being an actor isn't all it's cracked up to be tho. It's easier to put up with some of the BS, ...cause you always know in the back of your mind you're not stuck there, and the job will only last a few hours / days / weeks, or months at most. And quite often you're not always stuck around the same person you can't stand, on a project. You could be shooting when they're not etc., ...unless you directly have scenes with them... or unless you're shooting the 'Lords of the Rings' trilogy or 'Apocalypse Now'... in which case you better pray you adore your co-workers  ;D
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: jtsunami on April 09, 2007, 08:19:25 PM
Most of these lame dudes you call them, bad boys, losers have personality, carisma, and charm that the rich boys can only dream of, most rich men are like robots, who wants to hang out with someone that is so stiff????
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: 24KT on April 10, 2007, 05:58:30 AM
Most of these lame dudes you call them, bad boys, losers have personality, carisma, and charm that the rich boys can only dream of, most rich men are like robots, who wants to hang out with someone that is so stiff????

who's talking wealthy v. poor? We're talking bad boy v. good man. Bad boys can be wealthy too. It's in the attitude.
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: Deedee on April 10, 2007, 09:34:38 AM
who's talking wealthy v. poor? We're talking bad boy v. good man. Bad boys can be wealthy too. It's in the attitude.

Earl's original post was about hot girls who end up with semi-criminal, lazy-assed, unemployed, no-good losers.  That's why I asked what the criteria for "hot chick" was.   
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: Parker on April 10, 2007, 04:04:44 PM
I was talkin w/ Park, he's cool. The courthouse scene is depressing. I hate to go to ours 4 anything, any record or paper.  I couldnt work there day in day out. no way. I think hes working his way out.
The jobs we spend time with and people can be a grind. Not so easy to just bail out of a job.
He Prolly wont make it as a runway model or actor like you Jag. ;D

Thanks Trab, as of May, new Job.

Most of these lame dudes you call them, bad boys, losers have personality, carisma, and charm that the rich boys can only dream of, most rich men are like robots, who wants to hang out with someone that is so stiff????

Being a jackass doesn't mean "personality". Getting women to call up the courthouse because you're too lazy to write down your court date (and you are in the background) is not "charisma". Putting an axe in your girlfriends car is not "charm".

Dude, I got stories....

These guys aren't P. Diddy, founder of Bad Boy Records, have no style, no life skills, and have severe Momma issues (Momma believes that her 35-40 year old son is a good boy). And that my friend is why I think many women are with bad boys. Bad boys are looking for a surrogate mother.
who's talking wealthy v. poor? We're talking bad boy v. good man. Bad boys can be wealthy too. It's in the attitude.

Correct, a bad boy can be of any ecomonic or social standing. Or of any race. Typically, you see more bad boys who have over protective mothers, and either fathers who have no role in raising the kids or are gone altogether.

Earl's original post was about hot girls who end up with semi-criminal, lazy-assed, unemployed, no-good losers.  That's why I asked what the criteria for "hot chick" was.   

Yes, Deedee, typically those "enomous ass" are attractive (Vida Guerra), or hot chicks. You'll see her with the rapper Game for instance, but not with the dude who is in Law School, or the attorney driving a BMW M6 (well maybe the attorney driving the M6).
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: Earl1972 on April 10, 2007, 04:52:29 PM
Earl's original post was about hot girls who end up with semi-criminal, lazy-assed, unemployed, no-good losers.  That's why I asked what the criteria for "hot chick" was.   


hot chick is a girl that looks hot and can have any guy she wants 8)

yet alot pick the losers :-\

Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: jtsunami on April 10, 2007, 05:51:05 PM
The girls just want to have fun and a experience, they arn't going to get to be around crazy shit if they go with the good guy.
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: Earl1972 on April 10, 2007, 08:25:00 PM
The girls just want to have fun and a experience, they arn't going to get to be around crazy shit if they go with the good guy.

crazy shit as in cheating on them, using them, and abusing them?

Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: 24KT on April 10, 2007, 09:43:12 PM
It's the confidence factor. Bad boys often have game whereas nice guys trip over their own tongues sometimes.
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: MM2K on April 10, 2007, 10:11:26 PM
Interesting question. Nature dictates that most of them will grow out of it. They have to if they want to be kept secure and to be able to have children and be provided for. But what is your definition of a "hot" woman? Is your definition of a "hot" woman the Pamela Anderson type? I stopped being attracted to that type of woman a LONG time ago. If she is constantly going for the "losers", maybe that is not the type of woman you should want.

I tend to be physically attracted to TONS of women. But the ones that really win my heart are the ones that tend to be different or extraordinary in some way. In this era, that means they tend to dress more conservatively than most women and arent always going to clubs and drinking.
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: Earl1972 on April 11, 2007, 09:13:20 PM
It's the confidence factor. Bad boys often have game whereas nice guys trip over their own tongues sometimes.

I think a logical person would be able to look past this supposed "confidence" when the guy has no job/lousy job and if he has a criminal record

Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: 24KT on April 11, 2007, 10:09:18 PM
I think a logical person would be able to look past this supposed "confidence" when the guy has no job/lousy job and if he has a criminal record


Dude, ...don't ask me to explain it, ...ask a chick into the bad boys.

ps - who said chicks into bad boys were logical?
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: Earl1972 on April 12, 2007, 11:20:45 AM

ps - who said chicks into bad boys were logical?


what makes somebody lack logic?

Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: jtsunami on April 12, 2007, 11:40:24 AM
No crazy shit like running from the cops, doing illegal shit, selling drugs, feeling like they are being bad with you, and they like that since they never got to be bad when they were growing up.
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: Deedee on April 12, 2007, 12:19:29 PM

Yes, Deedee, typically those "enomous ass" are attractive (Vida Guerra), or hot chicks. You'll see her with the rapper Game for instance, but not with the dude who is in Law School, or the attorney driving a BMW M6 (well maybe the attorney driving the M6).

Well, that's what I mean.  Just because some chicka with over-processed, bleached hair, in a cheap dress with boobs hanging out looks good to you guys, doesn't mean she isn't dumber than a bag of hair. Why is that so hard to figure out?  ;)
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: trab on April 12, 2007, 03:08:12 PM
Well, that's what I mean.  Just because some chicka with over-processed, bleached hair, in a cheap dress with boobs hanging out looks good to you guys, doesn't mean she isn't dumber than a bag of hair. Why is that so hard to figure out?  ;)

I think Vida is attractive, but I think lots of women who look way different than her are to.
Bottom line is someone has to be interesting and enjoyable to be around.
"Hot"?  Hair, Makeup and clothing. Take any average girl with a nice shape and you can manufacture Hot.
I for one cant stand high maintenance makeup & hair etc. It drives me crazy watching the face putty ritual.

Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: Parker on April 12, 2007, 03:48:48 PM
No crazy shit like running from the cops, doing illegal shit, selling drugs, feeling like they are being bad with you, and they like that since they never got to be bad when they were growing up.

Ype, and guess who puts up the bail to get you out, because you have none. The girl does. Who pays your traffic tickets, because you "forgot" to bring your money.The girl does.  Basically the girl is being your Mommy. And guess what happens when her ass gets caught by the police, and her record gets messed up and she can't get it expunged so that she can get that job  promotion...who comes to her aid on that. Ain't the bad boy, because Mommy is supposed to protect him...
 All too true...
Well, that's what I mean.  Just because some chicka with over-processed, bleached hair, in a cheap dress with boobs hanging out looks good to you guys, doesn't mean she isn't dumber than a bag of hair. Why is that so hard to figure out?  ;)

Because we are not looking we our minds, only our eyes, But you are very correct and to the point.
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: jtsunami on April 12, 2007, 04:06:37 PM
Parker, i was going to say it earlier on the thread but you hit the nail on the cofin again with that post, i see that as a positive though since she pays for everything like gas food and whatever else
Title: Re: do chicks ever grow out of the bad boy phase?
Post by: Parker on April 12, 2007, 04:21:54 PM
Parker, i was going to say it earlier on the thread but you hit the nail on the cofin again with that post, i see that as a positive though since she pays for everything like gas food and whatever else

 Not to be disrespectful to you. Man, I have seen women go broke, posting bail for her boyfriend for stupid stuff. Making sure dude has everything in order, like a kid. I have seen it where a woman get a good job because she was running with a Bad Boy and caught some cases.