Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: bigjohn_bluesfan on May 01, 2007, 06:07:32 PM

Title: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: bigjohn_bluesfan on May 01, 2007, 06:07:32 PM
Absolutely no offense to Arnold Jr...... but lets remember one thing---when we are left unable to voice our opinion for fear of hurting someones feelings, we are participating in political correctness, which is tearing at the fabric of our country.

Several guys were recently banned from the steroid forum for merely expressing their opinions of female bodybuilders and the effects of steroids on their bodies. Now, i admit that some of these guys may have been a little more opinionated than others.... but what the hell happened to having a debate and being able to express an opinion?

I have heard plenty of guys in the roid forum telling other "guys" that they look like shit, and they weren't banned. Banning people for expressing their opinion is a crock of shit. Political correctness discounts any sign of merit, and leaves us without true substance.

As many things as I have agreed with you on in the past, Arnold Jr., i must say that banning people for "bashing" female steroid users is throwing a punch at the very freedom that makes this country what it is. I hope you will take this constructively and reconsider this political correctness policy in the roid board.
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: sgt. d on May 01, 2007, 06:11:38 PM
Arnold jr, bigjohn should get banned for bashing women bb. Why do you let him slide?
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: bigjohn_bluesfan on May 01, 2007, 06:15:26 PM
Arnold jr, bigjohn should get banned for bashing women bb. Why do you let him slide?

because he gave me a chance to delete my posts which wre opinions, and not "bashes" i did so promptly in non violent protest so that I would not loose my posting freedom.

check your pm sgt. D
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: bigjohn_bluesfan on May 01, 2007, 06:20:00 PM
Arnold jr, bigjohn should get banned for bashing women bb. Why do you let him slide?

how did you like my PM for political correctness, sgt. drekarius, or is it
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: bigjohn_bluesfan on May 01, 2007, 06:26:45 PM
Arnold jr, bigjohn should get banned for bashing women bb. Why do you let him slide?

waaaaa waaaa :'(   "bigjohn should be banned because he expressed his opinion"  :'(  waaaa waaaa     :'(
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: SPRINKFSU on May 01, 2007, 06:28:51 PM
Thats from AJ.....

Guys, please keep your negative thoughts concerning AAS and other performance enhancing drugs to yourself when in reference to women using these drugs. Everyone has their opinion on this topic and if anyone wants to voice a concern in a decent manner fine...simply conduct yourself like you would addressing any other poster on here. There is no need to call these women who post here "idiots" or tell them they are going to end up looking like a man, etc. Sure, there are women out there who do go to the extreme and they may infact end up looking like a man, but I know good and well that there are some of you here who also push the envelope when it comes to 'responsable" use. Either way there is no logical reason for the "hate" replies. Besides, many of you enjoy googeling over some of the various fitness/figure models out you think they do not use these same drugs? If you do believe that then wake up and get a clue.

What brought about this thread is 2 part. First off, the thread started by JerseyGirl asking about HGH, at the moment there are only a handfull of replies on there, but that's only because I had to erase about a dozen of them. The thread had only been up for a few hours when a few idiots made unnecessary hurtfull comments.

Second, over the past year I've encouraged several women to post here on this forum because I often get PM's from a handfull of women concerning AAS. These women are paranoid about posting on the open board out of fear of being ridiculed, and I thought it would be nice if we had a good stable handfull of their peers who could help them out with their own personal experience. So far only a few have taken me up on the offer to post on the open board, and every single time they have been run off...well enough is enough.

From here on out, any board member who bashes or hates any female poster who post here, will be banned from the "Hardcore" board. No warnings no second chances, 1 strike and you're out.

I'd like for our section of this forum to be the best hardcore section on the net, and one of the only way that will happen is if the above guidlines are followed.
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: trab on May 01, 2007, 06:47:42 PM
I hate PC culture.
But I respect any woman lifter who wants to pursue the quest for muscle and strength
as far as she wants. If that includes raiding her mans Cypionate, who am I, or anyone else here to criticize? We all need to take triple doses of antiestrogens to keep from growing a rack like Pam Anderson, and we tell women athletes they are bad for enjoying the performance enhancement, and, Ahem...
other enjoyable effects of AAS... (Think about how many guys are stuck w/ gals w/ about zero sex drive?)

Not every woman looks like Adriana Lima or Bridget Hall. Who is anyone to dictate what form someone else should aspire too?  I do think it's sad if women get more that they bargained for in the muscle/shape hunt. Lack of knowledge, and all the vials of who-knows-what-abol are the major problem issue to my mind.

Personal attacks have no place. Lots of Peeps pop in here w/ some issue that is very important to them looking for information.  It's fun to joke around w/ those who enjoy it, but I see no need to try to put others down? WHat's the payoff? Too bad their life has been so unrewarding.

Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: SPRINKFSU on May 01, 2007, 06:54:42 PM
I think the bashing comes from,the woman being able to lift more then some of these guys?And the guys just cant handle that.

The other part is half these woman BB would knock you on your ass's.
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: trab on May 01, 2007, 07:10:29 PM
I think the bashing comes from,the woman being able to lift more then some of these guys?And the guys just cant handle that.

The other part is half these woman BB would knock you on your ass's.

The average guy gym rat would do better to copy some of these womens training than the programs of the
big Guy pro BBers. Lots of guys are just way overtrained.

I remember when Bev Francis first hit the BBing world between the eyes. I was in shock, but hey, it's called BodyBuilding not a fashion show.  Rachel should win over her development? I dont think so. Not if it's called bodyBuilding.
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Rimbaud on May 01, 2007, 07:11:29 PM
It's not about being PC - it's about being respectful to each other. If we go crazy bad mouthing each other & then fucking with one & other it becomes the G&O board with a little bit about steroids. If you want to critique someone go for it but do it without attacking them. I think right now we have a good mix of serious discussion with a little bit of "fooling around" mixed in. If you want to fuck around & go a little crazy post on the Locker Room thread.  
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!
Post by: Arnold jr on May 01, 2007, 07:18:17 PM
I understand your concern John, and I'll be honest, when it comes to "political correctness" I'm not a big fan of it at all...I'm pretty politically incorrect myself...hell, BB itself is politically incorrect. That said, the "banning" which more accurately should be called a suspension, was not done in the name of PC. I'm all about free expression, free speech, voicing your opinion, etc. But I believe more often then not, people use the term "free speech" too loosely and take it beyond it's true intent.

For example, when you get technical about free speech, it does mean we are allowed to voice an opinion and make bold statements, but their is a limit...there has to be. For instance, you've taken a lot of classes revolving around political debate and theory, and one of the biggest instances that explains this is, you're not allowed to shout fire in a crowded theater when there is no fire...meaning, free speech does not permit inciting ciaos, nor does it allow lying, nor does it allow any speech that will be detrimental to someones character when it is obviously falsely construed....and that is exactly what was happening in the thread that revolved around Melissa Dettwiller.

I'm not asking anyone to approve of female BB and all the things that come with it. If you or anyone else doesn't like female BB, fine, say so, that's fine...but it needs to be done in a manner that voices an opinion that carries some class and dignity with it, not one that is full of lies, as well as blatant hurtfull remarks that demean the attacked character. In Melissa's case, her image is what pays the bills, and damaging remarks that are undeservedly made are made, this damages that image and damages her career. This is not what free speech is about. Had Melissa committed some crime or done something that would warrant character damaging remarks, then yes, these remarks would fall under free speech protection...that obviously did not happen though.

As far as hurting someone's "feelings", in one regard you're right, BB be it mens or womens is a very subjective endeavour, criticsism will come about, both good and bad. But for the above reasons stated, this criticism needs to be conducted accordingly. Further, although we live in a free democratic society, we are still bound by laws, and there are rules and laws in every aspect from the biggest to the smallest thing...this obviously being a small thing being an internet message board...but there still has to be some sort of protocol.

Finally, most seem to support this new rule, except for those banned and they make up a very small hey, majority rules. And who is the head of this Majority, Ron, and so far he has supported this new rule and I hope that will continue.

In short, debate, fine. Voicing opinions, fine. Criticising, fine. Being a flaming douche bag in your remarks, particularly against a woman, Fucking ludicrous and it won't be tolerated.

Has our society lost all respect in conducting themselves towards women?
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: SPRINKFSU on May 01, 2007, 09:09:31 PM
You dont have to explain yourself AJ if they or him dont like it they can get the fuck out or get banned it really dont take any sweat off my balls.
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!
Post by: Arnold jr on May 01, 2007, 09:25:23 PM
You dont have to explain yourself AJ if they or him dont like it they can get the fuck out or get banned it really dont take any sweat off my balls.
I don't mind him or anyone else questioning it...I'm not here to act like some sort of Lord Dictator. Even so, the above explanation I think sums it up fairly well.
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Luv2Hurt on May 02, 2007, 04:48:44 AM
bigjohn....WTF bro?  You been acting a little squirrelly lately man, whats going on?  Didn't you just get married?  How did that go?  I know that squad owning was painful but WTF?  AJ went through some crap over there too and then you post this about him?  I think it stinks!

You brought this BS to the G&O board too I saw, that was really chicken shit.  I gotta ask again what the the hell is up?  WTF are you doing?

As far as the banning goes I could care less, those guys don't post here anyhow, other than to cause trouble.  I'm sure AJ will see he overreacted a little and will eventually remove the "ban".

If someone would like to express an opinion they can do so, in the proper manner.  I know you will say your reason for posting this was this "freedom of the people", Blah, blah, blah crap.  You have been acting weird lately dude.

I hate PC culture.
But I respect any woman lifter who wants to pursue the quest for muscle and strength
as far as she wants. If that includes raiding her mans Cypionate, who am I, or anyone else here to criticize? We all need to take triple doses of antiestrogens to keep from growing a rack like Pam Anderson, and we tell women athletes they are bad for enjoying the performance enhancement, and, Ahem...
other enjoyable effects of AAS... (Think about how many guys are stuck w/ gals w/ about zero sex drive?)

Not every woman looks like Adriana Lima or Bridget Hall. Who is anyone to dictate what form someone else should aspire too?  I do think it's sad if women get more that they bargained for in the muscle/shape hunt. Lack of knowledge, and all the vials of who-knows-what-abol are the major problem issue to my mind.

Personal attacks have no place. Lots of Peeps pop in here w/ some issue that is very important to them looking for information.  It's fun to joke around w/ those who enjoy it, but I see no need to try to put others down? WHat's the payoff? Too bad their life has been so unrewarding.


 I love this post, its right on the money.  I was laughing my ass off as the dicks were making fun of the BB chicks calling them men.  The whole time I was thinking, if these chicks saw the guys making fun of them they would laugh their asses off.  The women BB's would wonder why those dicks had so much estrogen floating around in their fat, girly bodies.  And why most of them have man boobs.  And they think they are gonna sit back and criticize these women?  What a joke, lots of insecure, fat asses who don't even have the balls to post their own picture. 
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on May 02, 2007, 07:14:44 AM
I have mad respect for women bb's.  I have been lifting for 15 years now and 3 years ago my best bud was dating The Female Canadian BB champ.  She was short about 5 feet tall.  We all worked out together and she took us through her routine.  We were both crying like babies half way through from the pain but she was like a machine.  I wasn't able to move my arms for 3 days.  She was baaad assssss.  People don't get it but a women needs to lift way harder than a guy does to put on muscle, even with AAS.

Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: bigjohn_bluesfan on May 02, 2007, 03:57:44 PM
I have respect for women bodybuilders too, for sure....I dont believe in bashing and disrespecting anyone, I was concerned but this thread has lead me to more understand the idea behin aj's efforts...I was just disappointed because I didnt bash any women bb, i just said one looked like shit, whick if anyone saw the picture they would say the same thing
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: youandme on May 02, 2007, 04:07:10 PM
I don't post here much, but I remember going to a lecture regarding transgender identity disorder and the speaker mentioned women bodybuilders. Other than on this message board I'm not for bashing people and making them feel bad about themselves (mostly just sushant) but if you think your doing a honor by turning your head the other way while a women questions her inherited hormonal characteristics, and wants to put a male hormone in her body and deconstruct her gender, and take on male characeristics than go ahead. But something is wrong with that! If people want to make comments on other portions of this board ok, but I don't think comments made on other portions of getbig should reflect this portion either. On the other hand if they are going to do it; then they should be geared towards collecting as much knowledge as possible. But I'm sure alot of the 'banned' people listed have valuable insight on some of the things discussed on this portion of the board.
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!
Post by: 4thAD on May 02, 2007, 04:38:21 PM
A lot of those guys(Not all) are tools and offer nothing to this forum,(squad members). Many of those guys come in here and add nothing constructive, they just cause trouble!
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: trab on May 02, 2007, 06:17:01 PM
I have respect for women bodybuilders too, for sure....I don't believe in bashing and disrespecting anyone, I was concerned but this thread has lead me to more understand the idea behin aj's efforts...I was just disappointed because I didnt bash any women bb, i just said one looked like shit, whick if anyone saw the picture they would say the same thing

I allways enjoy John here, I didn't see the offending articles... John strikes me as the kind of guy who enjoys messing w/ his friends till they hit back, and enjoys it ;).  I don't take most of his jabs seriously, more of just to provoke response.  Real Personal attacks have no place as far as I'm concerned.

Like 4thad says many of the GBers that pop in here to cause trouble time to time NEVER have anything constructive to say. John does. I think if he offended anyone, he'd have no problem talking it out w/ them.

AS far as the Baned group having usefull knowledge for the women, well if they can present examples w/ out value ridden criticism I think that is usefull. I doubt some can though. They want ALL women as THEY feel they should be.
If a woman wants max muscle and is comfortable with that, I'm not labeling them "wrong" "deconstructing their gender"
"Psychologically disordered" etc. You know the reaction that brings in your target. Stow it. Frankly it comes across as you feel threatened by them in some way.

Perhaps some gals desire more strength/ physical capability for the same reason many guys do... All the assholes they have had to deal w/ in life. Also, some gals just plain are sort of (very) masculine to start with.
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: bigjohn_bluesfan on May 02, 2007, 06:49:05 PM
You dont have to explain yourself AJ if they or him dont like it they can get the fuck out or get banned it really dont take any sweat off my balls.

you are one to be commenting, zeek
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: bigjohn_bluesfan on May 02, 2007, 06:53:09 PM
I allways enjoy John here, I didn't see the offending articles... John strikes me as the kind of guy who enjoys messing w/ his friends till they hit back, and enjoys it ;).  I don't take most of his jabs seriously, more of just to provoke response.  Real Personal attacks have no place as far as I'm concerned.

Like 4thad says many of the GBers that pop in here to cause trouble time to time NEVER have anything constructive to say. John does. I think if he offended anyone, he'd have no problem talking it out w/ them.

AS far as the Baned group having usefull knowledge for the women, well if they can present examples w/ out value ridden criticism I think that is usefull. I doubt some can though. They want ALL women as THEY feel they should be.
If a woman wants max muscle and is comfortable with that, I'm not labeling them "wrong" "deconstructing their gender"
"Psychologically disordered" etc. You know the reaction that brings in your target. Stow it. Frankly it comes across as you feel threatened by them in some way.

Perhaps some gals desire more strength/ physical capability for the same reason many guys do... All the assholes they have had to deal w/ in life. Also, some gals just plain are sort of (very) masculine to start with.

lol, me and you might be some far as my initial post in this thread, i am the type of guy to bring things right out for discusssion, instead of taking cowardly cheapshots at a classy guy like Arnold jr.....
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: benchmstr on May 02, 2007, 07:00:35 PM
ham sandwich :)

Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: trab on May 02, 2007, 07:12:33 PM

lol, me and you might be some far as my initial post in this thread, i am the type of guy to bring things right out for discusssion, instead of taking cowardly cheapshots at a classy guy like Arnold jr.....

Yeah John, for some reason you remind me of this guy I worked w/ who liked to do  stuff like - start his friends pants on fire... just kind of got to keep a eye out... He'd allways put it out of course, but some peeps don't find the humor ;D

Arnold comes across a class act. He seems like he ought to have a business of his own to me. Success there is the same as BBing.

Some of the female BBers here have been getting a LOT of nasty personal attacks. Hey people attacked Rachel MacLeish (Sp?)
as doing wrong... Then along came Bev.. Then they really had something to grind their teeth about.
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Ron on May 03, 2007, 10:44:52 AM

I think the notion is not that you can talk about the effects of steroids and the female bodybuilder, but the persistent consistent attack on various female bodybuilders, making it much more personal that was the problem.

There is a difference.
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: sgt. d on May 03, 2007, 10:48:03 AM
Bigjohn has already said he hate black people and women bb. Keep all the positive comments coming  ::)
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Overload on May 03, 2007, 11:39:41 AM
I'm all about free speech but crude derogatory remarks have no place on this board or any other board period. the G&O board is a playground for kids but this board has always been about truth backed by education where we are free to express our opinion in an educated manner.

i agree with Arnold and think if someone has a problem they should be able to speak about it respectfully and have some medical knowledge to back it up. rude remarks about any persons body do not have their place here, male or female.

my personal opinion is i don't agree with ANY human mega dosing on AAS but who am i to judge? what business is it of mine what a person reads, injects or drinks as long as it doesn't harm myself or other humans in some way? That's right, NONE of my business. people can live their life however they see fit as long as they don't harm another human intentionally.

Ladies, it is your life, if you choose to use hormones you should not be judged any differently than myself or any other AAS user. it doesn't bother me a single bit if they want to have big muscles and get up on stage or lift heavy weights.

Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Slintowin on May 03, 2007, 12:13:21 PM
well said Ron
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Rimbaud on May 03, 2007, 12:23:29 PM
well said Ron

Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: CQ on May 03, 2007, 02:17:24 PM

Ladies, it is your life, if you choose to use hormones you should not be judged any differently than myself or any other AAS user. it doesn't bother me a single bit if they want to have big muscles and get up on stage or lift heavy weights.

In theory, I agree with you 100%. However, men don't get side effects making them resemble the other gender which makes them deemed less marketable.

I am all for respect showed to women [obviously], I just do despair of the effect that masculined women have had for all us women who compete. Years ago, when it was not so prevalent, we had women on mag covers, women getting sponsorships/contest coverage etc. Now forget it.....bodybuilder women get next to nothing. There are only 4 [maybe 5?] female bodybuildng pro shows this year. First we lost the marketing opportunites, now we are losing the actual shows.....what next? 

Although women do have the right to gear up and look like guys, when they do that they negatively impact the whole scene, and affect all us women. Saddens me to see a small majority doing this, and screaming it is their right, when there are thousands who do not and are affected.
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!
Post by: Arnold jr on May 03, 2007, 06:22:45 PM
In theory, I agree with you 100%. However, men don't get side effects making them resemble the other gender which makes them deemed less marketable.

I am all for respect showed to women [obviously], I just do despair of the effect that masculined women have had for all us women who compete. Years ago, when it was not so prevalent, we had women on mag covers, women getting sponsorships/contest coverage etc. Now forget it.....bodybuilder women get next to nothing. There are only 4 [maybe 5?] female bodybuildng pro shows this year. First we lost the marketing opportunites, now we are losing the actual shows.....what next? 

Although women do have the right to gear up and look like guys, when they do that they negatively impact the whole scene, and affect all us women. Saddens me to see a small majority doing this, and screaming it is their right, when there are thousands who do not and are affected.
I truly beelive that over the next few years, we may indeed see a complete overhaul in womens that is more in lines with the "older" style physiques...basically slightly larger figure girls who are as well much harder and defined, as well as more "feminine." There has been a push for this for a while, and there are several women out there now who fit this style and who seem to slowly (yes slowly, but it is happening) be getting more notoriety. Will they still be using drugs? Yes, but there is no question that female BB can indeed use these drugs and still maintain a sexy quality. It simply depends on the drugs used and the dose.
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!
Post by: CQ on May 03, 2007, 06:53:48 PM
I truly beelive that over the next few years, we may indeed see a complete overhaul in womens that is more in lines with the "older" style physiques...basically slightly larger figure girls who are as well much harder and defined, as well as more "feminine." There has been a push for this for a while, and there are several women out there now who fit this style and who seem to slowly (yes slowly, but it is happening) be getting more notoriety. Will they still be using drugs? Yes, but there is no question that female BB can indeed use these drugs and still maintain a sexy quality. It simply depends on the drugs used and the dose.

Great post and I agree.

Even here on this board, we have just have 3 girls switch to bb from figure, and they all look great, very feminine. I hope to see the trend continue.
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: trab on May 03, 2007, 07:43:03 PM
In theory, I agree with you 100%. However, men don't get side effects making them resemble the other gender which makes them deemed less marketable.

I am all for respect showed to women [obviously], I just do despair of the effect that masculined women have had for all us women who compete. Years ago, when it was not so prevalent, we had women on mag covers, women getting sponsorships/contest coverage etc. Now forget it.....bodybuilder women get next to nothing. There are only 4 [maybe 5?] female bodybuildng pro shows this year. First we lost the marketing opportunites, now we are losing the actual shows.....what next? 

Although women do have the right to gear up and look like guys, when they do that they negatively impact the whole scene, and affect all us women. Saddens me to see a small majority doing this, and screaming it is their right, when there are thousands who do not and are affected.

I don't know the answer, but you are correct, there is not such a market for the extreme female physique. It's hurting what the marketing potential could evolve to.

Perhaps I could make a comparison to stock car racing (I hope I don't get hit w/ "sexist" for this)... In the late 60's the hemi Daytonas and other cars became so powerfull that they exceeded available tire technology & the tracks safety levels. Restrictor plates limited power and slowed things down, made for closer, safer (in most ways) and more exciting and therefore popular racing.

Now, I think most would agree that AAS have a profound effect, and not necessarily eliminating them entirely, but
some truly functional level of "restriction" would help. If competitors WANT to use No Holds Barred protocols re AAS
that's one thing, but being forced to run like that to be competitive is another. Also, BBing has allways been, and will allways be, the proving grounds for performance sports enhancement compound use - and avoidance of detection!
So, I don't know if theres a answer. I guess the most knowledgable minds in regard to AAS testing/ detection would need a large expensive program in place to even attempt to reign it in.

Other thing is, we call it Body Building, it's not a Sport's Illustrated Swimsuite show.
Many of the women will be ridiculed, criticized and attacked for even bringing in an Natural, but muscular and low BF% in.

Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: CQ on May 03, 2007, 08:09:15 PM
I don't know the answer, but you are correct, there is not such a market for the extreme female physique. It's hurting what the marketing potential could evolve to.

Perhaps I could make a comparison to stock car racing (I hope I don't get hit w/ "sexist" for this)... In the late 60's the hemi Daytonas and other cars became so powerfull that they exceeded available tire technology & the tracks safety levels. Restrictor plates limited power and slowed things down, made for closer, safer (in most ways) and more exciting and therefore popular racing.

Now, I think most would agree that AAS have a profound effect, and not necessarily eliminating them entirely, but
some truly functional level of "restriction" would help. If competitors WANT to use No Holds Barred protocols re AAS
that's one thing, but being forced to run like that to be competitive is another. Also, BBing has allways been, and will allways be, the proving grounds for performance sports enhancement compound use - and avoidance of detection!
So, I don't know if theres a answer. I guess the most knowledgable minds in regard to AAS testing/ detection would need a large expensive program in place to even attempt to reign it in.

Other thing is, we call it Body Building, it's not a Sport's Illustrated Swimsuite show.
Many of the women will be ridiculed, criticized and attacked for even bringing in an Natural, but muscular and low BF% in.


Excellent post, and I didn't think your car analogy was sexist at all ;D

Alot of my perspective comes from the fact that I *know* female bb can be relatively popular. I am West Indian, and compete in the IFBB amateur division. Here we are drug tested constantly, and even to enter the pro qualifier we must provide certification of being drug free. Blood tests are done 3/4 times a year, which are sent a Canadian lab for full scale testing, not just for 'diuretics' type thing. Not that there is the need for me, but I couldn't try and 'beat' the test really as I am only given 24 hrs notice and also refusal or a positive results in a 2 yr ban, 2nd equals a lifetime ban...

This equates to the female bodybuilders in the region being attractive feminine women for the most part. The shows sell out, many times there are more female bodybuilders than male, and they do not inspire the same revulsion as many of their western counterparts do. Female bodybuilding is very respectable here, and the women are are the exact same footing as the males as far as benefits and exposure. We get mainstream coverage, newspapers, evening news etc.  I truly see the impact that the drug side effects have on female bodybuilding due to not only history, to my locale.

Like you said, I am screaming for elimination here, but restriction. I'm a realist, drugs will always be around, but no need for women to look like they are using a truckload :-X
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: trab on May 03, 2007, 08:37:23 PM
There is just no easy answer. "Revulsion" is a real strong emotion (outright hate even too) personally, I'm into live and let live, but it's affecting your sport. 

It sounds like they have a working situation in your area, but I suspect the USA is the biggest influence.
IFBB politics seem as complicated as any other.

There WAS a lot of excitement and interest in Womens Bodybuilding when it 1st hit the scene. These days
it has become and excuse for fat girls not to work out, "I dont want to look like a female BBer..."
As if lifting weights a bit would do that?

Some women will want to take it as far as they can. I dont criticize them, it's human nature.
Perhaps 2 separate classes? But w/ allready diminished fan interest..? ???
Bottom line is it's a business, and it dont sound like it's working  that well overall.
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Luv2Hurt on May 04, 2007, 04:11:20 AM
Thing is who really cares if BB is marketable?  It will never be widely accepted, I think its better off as a small niche sport anyhow.  Keeps it cobby and sort of underground.  Its been tried and unless you are into the core of the sport or lifestyle the shows come off as lackluster and strange.  Hell I get bored at the shows.  I do enjoy the prejudging though because thats where the real battles take place.  Cool to see a big class of good competitors, guys or girls go at it in the comparison rounds, thats the sport.

Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: trab on May 04, 2007, 04:53:45 AM
Thing is who really cares if BB is marketable?  It will never be widely accepted, I think its better off as a small niche sport anyhow.  Keeps it cobby and sort of underground.  Its been tried and unless you are into the core of the sport or lifestyle the shows come off as lackluster and strange.  Hell I get bored at the shows.  I do enjoy the prejudging though because thats where the real battles take place.  Cool to see a big class of good competitors, guys or girls go at it in the comparison rounds, thats the sport.

Yeah, I think lots of people get disappointed (deluded) that there's a big $ to be made in BBing. Not many can pull that rabbit out of a dumpster. And I think the ones that do are just good at marketing themselves, regardless of placing near the very top.  The big gainers (magazines etc) ought to work at getting more money to flow, lots more of the very high quality competitors ought to be able to live off it IMO.
The industry does turn a lot of money: Sups, magazines, etc.  But not much trickles down to the competitors it seems.   But  the whole sport  is a bit on the strange side huh? I wouldst have the balls to get up there on a stage and do 1/4 turns in my undies even if I looked great!
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: CQ on May 04, 2007, 01:59:51 PM

These days it has become and excuse for fat girls not to work out, "I dont want to look like a female BBer..."
As if lifting weights a bit would do that?

God, I know. I hear this constantly and I swear I will scream if I hear it again >:(
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: trab on May 05, 2007, 07:08:59 AM
God, I know. I hear this constantly and I swear I will scream if I hear it again >:(

Right, I think fit women are very attractive. Personally I like the way most of the women competitors look
4-5 wks BEFORE their contest. I love full  curvy hamstring muscles and calves on women. Add spike heels, please! And strong lats and other back muscles are Lovely to behold ripple. (esp. when viewed directly from above ;D).  Hopeless ain't I?

I cant count how many women who ask me this or that about lifting (They may have a not bad shape to start)
and they look all perplexed  ??? when I tell them their Waist will look SMALLER if they make their lats and delts
just a little wider... (and you can still eat more of what you like too! :)) Then they get a all worried look about lifting weights... "Oh, I don't want to look like one of those Women BBers, they look like guys."  Well, fine keep your hands off MY steroids and you'll be fine!! (I don't personally care what any woman lifter chooses to do as she sees fit. It's her body, I hope they get what they intended)
So many also, "Just want to Lose Weight".  I ask if they want to lose: Bone density, Liver, Brain mass, and Muscle? Because the body will tend to sacrifice those before its precious  FAT stash if given 1/2 a chance.
More muscle helps bump up fat burning anyway. Phentramine + starvation is great for that lovely hanging skin look. Even Fat looks better than that!

I don't find that bony runway model look even a little attractive (eg: the Paris Hilton look. Enjoy Jail Paris ;)).
They don't look like they could Carry a couple bags of groceries up some stairs. They sure don't look like good
mother/ wife material. They look ill.
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: bigjohn_bluesfan on May 05, 2007, 09:20:48 AM
Bigjohn has already said he hate black people and women bb. Keep all the positive comments coming  ::)

please show me or quote me where I said I hate women bb or black people..... for the record, I dont make personal attacks (when being serious) but i do have enough balls to admit how I really feel... now, I said a particular woman bodybuilder looks like shit, and thats my opinion

as for black people, I dont hate them, I just dont particularly care to associate or be around MOST black people because they tend to whine and bitch and think the world is against them, and that the world owes them something--- you are doing it right here in this thread----putting words in my mouth...nothing personal, but this is how i really feel
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: sgt. d on May 05, 2007, 09:55:56 AM
please show me or quote me where I said I hate women bb or black people..... for the record, I dont make personal attacks (when being serious) but i do have enough balls to admit how I really feel... now, I said a particular woman bodybuilder looks like shit, and thats my opinion

as for black people, I dont hate them, I just dont particularly care to associate or be around MOST black people because they tend to whine and bitch and think the world is against them, and that the world owes them something--- you are doing it right here in this thread----putting words in my mouth...nothing personal, but this is how i really feel

Lol you whine the most on getbig. You even made this same thread on the G&O board. So you make personal attacks just for jokes?  ::) Do I need to link you to the thread where you said you hate black people and they should go back to where they came from? ::) Quick you better start deleting your post from that thread. ::) I still don't see why arnoldjr allows you to stay but banned other people that says the same thing as you.
Title: Re: You muust be politically correct in the steroid forum, or get banned !!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: bigjohn_bluesfan on May 05, 2007, 09:27:45 PM
Lol you whine the most on getbig. You even made this same thread on the G&O board. So you make personal attacks just for jokes?  ::) Do I need to link you to the thread where you said you hate black people and they should go back to where they came from? ::) Quick you better start deleting your post from that thread. ::) I still don't see why arnoldjr allows you to stay but banned other people that says the same thing as you.

look bro, I dont know what your deal is, but I have no problem with you....nor have I ever said "I hate black people" I dont hate anyone.... I love people, and I am an honest person.... I have told you how I truly feel about the black issue. If you dont respect the way I feel, tough.