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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: headhuntersix on June 29, 2007, 08:05:34 AM

Title: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: headhuntersix on June 29, 2007, 08:05:34 AM,,70131-1272910,00.html'massive'+bomb+attack+on+London+nightclub/

I know I know its a plot by George Bush and Tony Blair to make sure Blair stays in...oh wait.... :P
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: Nordic Superman on June 29, 2007, 09:02:25 AM
Wonder what the odds are there is muslim involvement? ???

O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust.

Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: youandme on June 29, 2007, 09:08:51 AM
Wonder what the odds are there is muslim involvement? ???

Funny you mention that as I read your post, I just heard off CNN International that some mosques are nearby, and they are investigating possible involvement already.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: headhuntersix on June 29, 2007, 09:10:06 AM
How dare u blame our muslim brothers without a single shred of evidence or historicaly perspective. Its all America's fault..followed closely by Great Britain.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: headhuntersix on June 29, 2007, 09:11:22 AM
When I first saw it, i thought it was a weird make-up for a these guys like to  use more technical stuff but its less easy to track nails and propane tanks so whatever...
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: Nordic Superman on June 29, 2007, 09:12:06 AM
How dare u blame our muslim brothers without a single shred of evidence or historicaly perspective. Its all America's fault..followed closely by Great Britain.

OK, I think we should apologize as nations by giving them even more welfare.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: headhuntersix on June 29, 2007, 09:16:10 AM
sure and fuzzy bunnies...and cups of warm milk when they go to bed..because everybody else just wants to live in peace..its all our fault.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: The Coach on June 29, 2007, 11:16:56 AM,,70131-1272910,00.html'massive'+bomb+attack+on+London+nightclub/

I know I know its a plot by George Bush and Tony Blair to make sure Blair stays in...oh wait.... :P

Look at it this way, if it wasn't for Bush, the terrorists would have got away with everything they planned.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: headhuntersix on June 29, 2007, 11:19:48 AM
I do....about time somebody acknowledged this topic....i guess blantant proof of islamonutbags wanting to kill us is to much for the libs........DECKER CHIME IN.....FEEL FREE ;D
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: 24KT on June 29, 2007, 07:00:21 PM
sure and fuzzy bunnies...and cups of warm milk when they go to bed..because everybody else just wants to live in peace..its all our fault.

Well, long as you realize it. You know realizing it is the first step in getting better ya know.  :-*   :P

Actually I have no business commenting in this thread. I haven't followed the story. Heard the headlines on the morning news, but haven't researched anything, so I know nothing about this story except the headlines, ...which isn't much.  I just couldn't resist making my great big silver back fantasize about locking me up, and pelting me with frozen paint balls again. He's such a romantic. {swoon}
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: youandme on June 29, 2007, 07:09:07 PM
I do....about time somebody acknowledged this topic....i guess blantant proof of islamonutbags wanting to kill us is to much for the libs........DECKER CHIME IN.....FEEL FREE ;D

WTF is up with this "close gitmo" crap

Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: Hedgehog on June 30, 2007, 09:12:45 AM
When I first saw it, i thought it was a weird make-up for a these guys like to  use more technical stuff but its less easy to track nails and propane tanks so whatever...

I agree.

Wouldn't surprise me if it's some IRA fraction.

Or some loose cannon, with a random agenda: could be anti-government, could be pro-Al Qaida, could be pro-conspiracy theorism... ;)

I doubt it's actually Al Qaida or any related organisation. What sense would that make? Whenever Al-Qaida makes big attacks on civilians, they lose support in the Muslim and potential Muslim community.

The only times Al-Qaida could hope to win support, would be if they attacked military targets. But they seemingly don't have the skills for that.

Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: amc1980 on June 30, 2007, 10:19:47 AM
Suspected terrorist attack at Glasgow airport: (

Blazing car crashes into airport 
The car was ablaze before crashing into the building

Man 'tackled driver' 
A car on fire has been driven at the main terminal building at Glasgow Airport, police have confirmed.
Eyewitnesses have described a Jeep Cherokee being driven at speed towards the building with flames coming out from underneath.

They have also described seeing two Asian men, one of whom was on fire, who had been in the car.

Strathclyde Police said two people had been arrested and detained in connection with the incident.

The airport has been evacuated and all flights suspended following the incident at 1515 BST.

A Whitehall spokesman said the incident was not being treated as a national security threat however the prime minister is being kept informed of developments and is expected to chair a meeting of COBRA - the emergency committee later.

  There was an Asian guy who was pulled out of the car by two police officers

Richard Grey
Mr Grey's account

Eyewitnesses accounts
Your pictures of the incident 

First Minister Alex Salmond has activated emergency procedures in response to the incident.

The incident comes a day after two cars were found containing explosives in central London.

The cars contained petrol, gas cylinders and nails but the devices did not detonate.

One eyewitness said: "I heard the sound of a car's wheels spinning and smoke coming out.

"I saw a Jeep Cherokee apparently as if it was trying to get right through the doors into the terminal building.

"There were flames coming out from underneath then some men appeared from in amongst the flames.

"The police ran over and the people started fighting with the police. I then heard what sounded like an explosion."

Molotov cocktails

Eye-witness Richard Grey told BBC News 24: "A green Jeep was in the middle of the doorway burning.

"There was an Asian guy who was pulled out of the car by two police officers, who he was trying to fight off. They've got him on the ground.

"The car didn't actually explode. There were a few pops and bangs which presumably was the petrol."

Stephen Clarkson said he saw people running towards him and "panicking" then noticed a crashed Cherokee jeep.

The car was ablaze before crashing into the building

He said he helped police restrain one of the men.

"It was lucky that I was there," he said.

"I managed to knock the man to the ground with my forearm and the police got on top of him and restrained him and put handcuffs on him."

Thomas Conroy, a maintenance worker at the airport believes the men deliberately tried to set the car on fire.

"It looked like they had molotov cocktails with them," he said.

"They sort of burst them round about the flames to make sure the car would go up big style.

"Within minutes it was up and the terminal caught as well."

'No accident'

Dr Rak Nandwani was at the airport building to pick up relatives when he saw a plume of black smoke.

He said: "The whole place has come to a standstill, the terminal building has been evacuated. I have spoken to my relatives and they have been moved to outside the building.

"They were told they could not pick their baggage up from the baggage collection area.

The incident happened 1515 BST on Saturday

"There must be about 50 police cars at the airport. Me and my son, along with everyone else, have been moved to the car rental area."

Taxi driver Ian Crosby said: "This was no accident. This was a deliberate attack on Glasgow Airport."

The reaction of members of the public was not to help the men in the car, but to restrain them, he told the BBC.

Mr Crosby, who said he served in Northern Ireland, told how he shepherded people away from the scene in case of a secondary explosion or a nail-bomb.

Two men, one of whom was reported to be badly burned, were seen being led away in handcuffs.

A number of people are stuck on aeroplanes while others have been told they might not be able to leave the airport complex until at least 2100 BST.


Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: Hugo Chavez on June 30, 2007, 12:18:18 PM,,70131-1272910,00.html'massive'+bomb+attack+on+London+nightclub/

I know I know its a plot by George Bush and Tony Blair to make sure Blair stays in...oh wait.... :P
No, it's a plot to further big brother's watch and control of the people... along with a few other things... ;)
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: Nordic Superman on June 30, 2007, 12:21:54 PM
No, it's a plot to further big brother's watch and control of the people... along with a few other things... ;)

Still haven't kicked the crack pipe addiction have you? :-\
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: youandme on June 30, 2007, 01:58:57 PM
DAYM 2 attacks foiled and then 1 gets carried out, and they ar expecting more, later in the week.

where can I place a bet that the brit communities retaliate islamic communities?
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: trab on June 30, 2007, 02:12:15 PM
OK, I think we should apologize as nations by giving them even more welfare.

Not only that, these inept Camel Humpers need some top notch US military training and equipment to boot.
I bet we got someone on that allready...
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: Hugo Chavez on June 30, 2007, 02:56:54 PM
Still haven't kicked the crack pipe addiction have you? :-\
Right now I'm wishing I gave up my habanero addiction. >:( I feel like I just got assraped by satan.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: Tre on June 30, 2007, 03:58:52 PM

I caught the story on the BBC while channel surfing. 

They've got the guy who was in the car - surely they can ID this clown. 

I've read that the IRA isn't big on bombings that causes lots of civilian casualties.  Is this true?

Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: headhuntersix on June 30, 2007, 04:06:25 PM
Well the IRA or atleast the PIRA are out of the bomb business. Things aren't near as bad as the 80's and early 90's.  Weird attack in Scotland..i think alot of splinter guys are doing attacks on their own. I think these guys are AQ inspired rather then the actual cats. The US has done a good job of tracking and killing the big time terror attack guys. This is actually worse..a cuople of nutbags ina mosque get together and roll out without any real planning or warning. Somebody is bound to get lucky.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: trab on June 30, 2007, 04:08:50 PM
Hang tight, this shit's coming to a Food Court near you.
Only a matter of time.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: headhuntersix on June 30, 2007, 04:16:33 PM
I know dude...these home gown guys are worse and harder to spot. The Brits never saw this one coming.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: trab on June 30, 2007, 04:20:23 PM
I know dude...these home gown guys are worse and harder to spot. The Brits never saw this one coming.

They haev a huge prob all over Euro Land. Mohomad is the 2nd most common boys name in UK today! ::)
These Fucks will take us over by our own political system. They will breed & vote themselfs into power!
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: headhuntersix on June 30, 2007, 04:34:24 PM
The Brits are weird..they have a long history of really kicking the shit outa people if pushed into corner..we'll see.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: The Coach on June 30, 2007, 04:36:08 PM
No, it's a plot to further big brother's watch and control of the people... along with a few other things... ;)

No wait, let me guess, it was Bush's plan and the terrorists are working for our Government?
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: youandme on June 30, 2007, 05:33:40 PM

I've read that the IRA isn't big on bombings that causes lots of civilian casualties.  Is this true?

pretty much IRA is a faction of "order" much like the AB and the mafia, once the AB and the mafia killedinnocents it led to their demise, and they destructed from within.
This militant islamic shit, has no head no order, no rules.

Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: Hugo Chavez on June 30, 2007, 07:06:48 PM
No wait, let me guess, it was Bush's plan and the terrorists are working for our Government?
Because you thought I would put Bush as the mastermind of all this why now?  Of course he's so brilliant, I don't know why I wouldn't give him credit :D
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: Nordic Superman on July 01, 2007, 01:20:56 AM
These Fucks will take us over by our own political system. They will breed & vote themselfs into power!

This is EXACTLY what is/"is going" happen.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: trab on July 01, 2007, 07:10:19 AM
This is EXACTLY what is/"is going" happen.

It's happening inthe US in Deerbornistan Michigan and now Minnesota has a Muslim congressman sworn in on a Koran that belonged to Thomas Jefferson I believe. People are too stupid to learn about Sharia law and what the Koran Decrees. We're Fucked because our leaders are too naive and weak.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: Nordic Superman on July 01, 2007, 07:26:04 AM
It's happening inthe US in Deerbornistan Michigan and now Minnesota has a Muslim congressman sworn in on a Koran that belonged to Thomas Jefferson I believe. People are too stupid to learn about Sharia law and what the Koran Decrees. We're Fucked because our leaders are too naive and weak.

Yes, a real caring politician is now 1 in 1 billion. They all have their own personal agendas, all at the expense of the people.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: youandme on July 01, 2007, 08:34:24 AM
People are so blind, "Bread and circuses" How come no one cares what's happening to America, what was really f'ing sad was Micheal Chertoff touting the illegal iimigration bill as the ONLY option, like the 16 billion he has to fight illegals does not cut it when he's only spent 4 billion of that budget.

What about the next "amnesty bill" that crosses congress, by then you will have to deal with the millions MORE of illegals that know this time is the time to sneek into america cause it's going to get passed.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: trab on July 01, 2007, 09:19:38 AM
Cheap labor for our Rich task masters. They've totaly sold us out.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: 24KT on July 01, 2007, 02:46:55 PM
Cheap labor for our Rich task masters. They've totaly sold us out.

...I can see someone gets it.

That's why I say don't hate the squirrel trying to get a nut.
American residents fighting with other American residents keeps the population far from united,
...making it easier to pull the wool over their eyes. Just what they want to do.
As long as you're up in arms hating on other American residents, you're too pre-occupied to demand things of them
Put the animosity where it rightly belongs, ...and you know who "they" are.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: youandme on July 01, 2007, 03:06:21 PM
...I can see someone gets it.

That's why I say don't hate the squirrel trying to get a nut.
American residents fighting with other American residents keeps the population far from united,
...making it easier to pull the wool over their eyes. Just what they want to do.
As long as you're up in arms hating on other American residents, you're too pre-occupied to demand things of them
Put the animosity where it rightly belongs, ...and you know who "they" are.

lmao ding ding ding someone does not get it. "other american residents" sorry I forgot the qualifications to becoem a american resident have changed, so inorder to become american they a) break the laws, and in order to become a citizen they b) smooch off the government and don't pay taxes. 

Guess that makes the rest of us the "others"
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: trab on July 01, 2007, 03:13:30 PM
Ya, we cant just let them jump the fence. I had to wait almost a yr to get a visa for my wife even though
I'd got our daughter US citizenship allready. It's total Bullshit. >:( I know a Iranian woman, now a US citizen who was DEPORTED because the INS dude that went over her case was MUSLIM  and threw her file in the TRASH. She converted to Christianity and they'd a cut her head off (after they had some other Funzies)
or worse. Luckily her husband (Attorney) got it fixed while she was in Dubi.

A nations #1 function is to Protect it's LEGAL citizens from all threats, or its a illegitimate Govt.
The US is not living up to this.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: 24KT on July 04, 2007, 06:01:45 AM

Not only that, these inept Camel Humpers need some top notch US military training and equipment to boot.
I bet we got someone on that allready...

I bet you do too.  ;)

OK, ...earlier this morning ran into 3 tourists from Glasgow. Nice people here on holiday,
...but when they heard about what happened back home, they decided to stay here for a bit longer.

This is about the extent of my "research" into it, ...but they're in constant touch with kin back home.
Apparently they caught all ten guys  responsible. They were purportedly all from Britain, and get this...
8 out of 10 of them were... doctors.  :o
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: Nordic Superman on July 04, 2007, 07:21:37 AM
I bet you do too.  ;)

OK, ...earlier this morning ran into 3 tourists from Glasgow. Nice people here on holiday,
...but when they heard about what happened back home, they decided to stay here for a bit longer.

This is about the extent of my "research" into it, ...but they're in constant touch with kin back home.
Apparently they caught all ten guys  responsible. They were purportedly all from Britain, and get this...
8 out of 10 of them were... doctors.  :o

Further supports my position of my statement of most muslims being perpetrators of islams evils. No matter what the education/social status.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: trab on July 04, 2007, 07:25:38 AM
Further supports my position of my statement of most muslims being perpetrators of islams evils. No matter what the education/social status.

Ya dis aint just dirty-starving-frustrated Madrass boys w/ nothing to lose.
Allthough most mainstream muslims may not outright support them, they dont have any problem w/ it either.
They are sympathetic.  This IS a attempt at World Wide domination. ANd they are doing very well.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: Nordic Superman on July 04, 2007, 07:28:33 AM
Ya dis aint just dirty-starving-frustrated Madrass boys w/ nothing to lose.
Allthough most mainstream muslims may not outright support them, they dont have any problem w/ it either.
They are sympathetic.  This IS a attempt at World Wide domination. ANd they are doing very well.

Yes, and do your best to watch the news about this. There's an interview being aired of one of the doc's sisters/cousin (fuck I forgot), anyhow, according to her he is inocent and a good and kind man.

Fucking makes me sick to my stomach.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: trab on July 04, 2007, 07:44:24 AM
Yes, and do your best to watch the news about this. There's an interview being aired of one of the doc's sisters/cousin (fuck I forgot), anyhow, according to her he is inocent and a good and kind man.

Fucking makes me sick to my stomach.

I also get a real kick out of how far the media allways will talk around the fact thet it's ISLAM at the root of the issue. NEVER is the word Islamic terrorist or Muslim terrorist in a headline. They white-wash it/ distract.
These PC jackoffs are going to be the ruin of us all. ANd they will be some of the 1st to lose they heads.
The Feminists, Liberals, The gays... Oh Sharia Law has some details for them. ::)
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: Nordic Superman on July 04, 2007, 07:51:53 AM
I also get a real kick out of how far the media allways will talk around the fact thet it's ISLAM at the root of the issue. NEVER is the word Islamic terrorist or Muslim terrorist in a headline. They white-wash it/ distract.
These PC jackoffs are going to be the ruin of us all. ANd they will be some of the 1st to lose they heads.
The Feminists, Liberals, The gays... Oh Sharia Law has some details for them. ::)

Yes, very true.

They found a vehicle next to a mosque on Glasgow with explosives inside. By the sound of the news reporter, his main duty was to stress that the mosque has nothing to do with the vehicle.

Look see, have we got our priorities straight here?
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: trab on July 04, 2007, 08:02:39 AM
The US constitution was not meant to be a suicide pact to be replicated world wide.
We need clue these Feminists and the Gays and Liberals in on just what that gang is really about.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: JasonH on July 04, 2007, 08:32:49 AM
Yes, and do your best to watch the news about this. There's an interview being aired of one of the doc's sisters/cousin (fuck I forgot), anyhow, according to her he is inocent and a good and kind man.

Fucking makes me sick to my stomach.

Kick the whole fucking family out the country - guilty by association in my book. I bet they were all fcuking in on it.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: trab on July 04, 2007, 08:45:33 AM
Kick the whole fucking family out the country - guilty by association in my book. I bet they were all fcuking in on it.

Agreed, anyone who even stands up to be associated should Fry.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: Diesel1 on July 04, 2007, 08:52:52 AM
Yes, very true.

They found a vehicle next to a mosque on Glasgow with explosives inside. By the sound of the news reporter, his main duty was to stress that the mosque has nothing to do with the vehicle.

Look see, have we got our priorities straight here?

lol yes. and now we're not allowed to say 'islamic terrorist' anymore. our new leader brown has decreed this  ::) looks to me like someone is desperate for the muslim vote. get ready to see some serious, unashamed muslim arse licking from brown's government.

with any luck the next muslim attack will actually be successful, and resulting in mass casualties. maybe then this brain dead country might wake up and the backlash can begin.

Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: Nordic Superman on July 04, 2007, 09:11:16 AM
lol yes. and now we're not allowed to say 'islamic terrorist' anymore. our new leader brown has decreed this  ::) looks to me like someone is desperate for the muslim vote. get ready to see some serious, unashamed muslim arse licking from brown's government.

with any luck the next muslim attack will actually be successful, and resulting in mass casualties. maybe then this brain dead country might wake up and the backlash can begin.

Yes, problem is... Labour's strongest following is in our backyard, the NW of England, which also happens to have a huge muslim demographic which Labour just can't afford not to appease.

And yes, it's a catch-22 situation, only a successful attack will wake people up. It seems as if failed attacks work in the favour of the islamic conquests.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: Diesel1 on July 04, 2007, 09:21:45 AM
Yes, problem is... Labour's strongest following is in our backyard, the NW of England, which also happens to have a huge muslim demographic which Labour just can't afford not to appease.

And yes, it's a catch-22 situation, only a successful attack will wake people up. It seems as if failed attacks work in the favour of the islamic conquests.

look at this from my local rag. i swear, you couldn't make it up

West Yorkshire Counter Terrorism officers carried out raids on three properties in Keighley last night.

The raids, which were carried out under the anti-terrorism act were part of an operation in co-operation with Lancashire Police.

Firearms officers were not involved in the Keighley operation.

advertisementMore detailed searches are due to be carried out today.

Prior to the searches taking place a meeting was held between police and community leaders, and representatives for the community accompanied police on the raids.

The raids in Lancashire led to two arrests, initially believed to be related to last weekend's terror attacks in London and Glasgow but police have since confirmed that premises searched in Blackburn appear to have been used to cultivate cannabis. Two men arrested in Blackburn are now being held on suspicion of offences under the Drugs Act and not under terrorism legislation.

A police spokesman said: "We realise these are sensitive times and on this occasion a member of the public who had their suspicons aroused rightly contacted police."

Police both in West Yorkshire and Blackburn are appealing for people to remain vigilant and if they suspect any potentially suspicious activity to contact their local police or the Anti Terrorist Hotline on O8OO 789321.

8:16am today


Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: trab on July 04, 2007, 09:39:17 AM
WTF :-\ ::)
Tell them before a search? Why not just call them and ask them to turn they self'z in?

They still like to knock down doors here in US. Maybe not if theys Muslim.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: Nordic Superman on July 04, 2007, 09:50:44 AM


Time to fire up the ovens.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: Nordic Superman on July 04, 2007, 09:58:47 AM
Just been having a ganders on that site mate... good read... lol:

Kassa Osebu, 30, is charged with murdering 30-year-old mother-of-two Tadeser Masarat outside the home they shared in Ure Crescent, White Abbey, Bradford, last Saturday.

Osebu, who was wearing a white T-shirt and dark trousers, spoke only to confirm his details through an interpreter during the 30-minute hearing this morning.

WTF is this country coming too?

This also sickens me:

A failed asylum seeker who raped a student in his Bradford flat has been warned that he faces four years in prison.

Bring back capital punishment for crimes like this. I'm starting to believe failed asylum seekers in this country should no longer be given trial by court. We need some special police like China or Russia to impose some fucking sanity in Britain.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: trab on July 04, 2007, 10:09:35 AM
Bring back capital punishment for crimes like this. I'm starting to believe failed asylum seekers in this country should no longer be given trial by court. We need some special police like China or Russia to impose some fucking sanity in Britain.

Bush took it too far over here, now its gona backfire. He used it to mess w/ everything from
enemies love affairs to banking. Now hes got even most of his own party hating him.
Cant go too far. Quite a few innocents been bagged to. He's been a total disaster.

Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: Nordic Superman on July 04, 2007, 10:12:51 AM
Bring back capital punishment for crimes like this. I'm starting to believe failed asylum seekers in this country should no longer be given trial by court. We need some special police like China or Russia to impose some fucking sanity in Britain.

Bush took it too far over here, now its gona backfire. He used it to mess w/ everything from
enemies love affairs to banking. Now hes got even most of his own party hating him.
Cant go too far. Quite a few innocents been bagged to. He's been a total disaster.

Yeah, we either need a secret police force, or some laws that abide to common sense. With the politically correct climate in europe atm, the latter won't work!
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: amc1980 on July 04, 2007, 10:14:22 AM
I'm so glad I don't live "oop North".
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: Diesel1 on July 04, 2007, 10:14:37 AM
Just been having a ganders on that site mate... good read... lol:

WTF is this country coming too?

This also sickens me:

Bring back capital punishment for crimes like this. I'm starting to believe failed asylum seekers in this country should no longer be given trial by court. We need some special police like China or Russia to impose some fucking sanity in Britain.

white abbey rd is a paki/muslim area, there's always rapes, shootings going on up there.  it's almost a no go area now.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: Nordic Superman on July 04, 2007, 10:21:42 AM
I'm so glad I don't live "oop North".

Ignorance is bliss. You're still in denial about muslims/islam causing a problem for this country.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: trab on July 04, 2007, 10:27:25 AM
Ive heard that the prob w/ US intell & Spooks inc. is that Clinton turned it so PC w/ ethnic and gender
based promotions that it gutted it. Experience and a castiron stomach is what counts, not
a degree and skin color.

The language/ cultural barrior is big to. As Hard to penetrate as a Chineze mafia clan.
Kill em all may become the only viable solution some day. We have the means.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: Nordic Superman on July 04, 2007, 10:38:23 AM
Ive heard that the prob w/ US intell & Spooks inc. is that Clinton turned it so PC w/ ethnic and gender
based promotions that it gutted it. Experience and a castiron stomach is what counts, not
a degree and skin color.

The language/ cultural barrior is big to. As Hard to penetrate as a Chineze mafia clan.
Kill em all may become the only viable solution some day. We have the means.

Historian repeats itself. Genocides have and will happen again. The question is, in which direction with the genocide of the future be? Will it be us, or the muslims that are culled.

Currently, odds are it's non muslims that are gonna enter the oven.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: amc1980 on July 04, 2007, 10:49:42 AM
Ignorance is bliss. You're still in denial about muslims/islam causing a problem for this country.

I've grown to dislike Somalians, if that's a step in the right direction?

I'll be firebombing Glasgow cornershops with you and Diesel in no time at all!

Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: trab on July 04, 2007, 10:53:45 AM
I've grown to dislike Somalians, if that's a step in the right direction?

I'll be firebombing Glasgow cornershops with you and Diesel in no time at all!


Y'all gota lot of Samolies too? Why in hell we bring this trash in?
It was damn hard to get my wife a US visa, and they let all this terror origin crap in w/ preferred status ::)
It's like suicide.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: Diesel1 on July 04, 2007, 11:13:32 AM
I've grown to dislike Somalians, if that's a step in the right direction?

I'll be firebombing Glasgow cornershops with you and Diesel in no time at all!


that'll be bradford corner shops  ;)

btw where are you from?
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: amc1980 on July 04, 2007, 12:22:14 PM
Originally from just outside Ledbury in Herefordshire. Now spend my time between Cardiff (Oh, brother!) and my GF's in Hereford.

Y'all gota lot of Samolies too? Why in hell we bring this trash in?
It was damn hard to get my wife a US visa, and they let all this terror origin crap in w/ preferred status ::)
It's like suicide.

They are thieving little bastards, with heads that are too small for their bodies.
Title: Re: London bomb plot foiled
Post by: trab on July 04, 2007, 12:32:50 PM
I got nothing against legal Latino immigrants, but they coming to my area in swarms. And most aint legal.
Wis was 1 of few states that'd issue a DL w/ out proof of legal status at all.
They changed it this yr and the Bastards had the guts to stage Public protests!~ :'( ::) >:(
Shoot to kill shoulda been the orders there.

They work for cash, and practically for free. They are killing the average const workers wage here
at a time the housing market crashed anyway.  Parasites.