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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: MONSTER_TRICEPS on July 26, 2007, 04:40:42 AM

Title: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: MONSTER_TRICEPS on July 26, 2007, 04:40:42 AM
 :( :(

Jesse Marunde. Born September 14, 1979. Passed July 25, 2007.

RIP bro.

Strongman Jesse Marunde passed away around 10pm Wednesday night at the farm in Sequim WA after doing high rep squats. Apparently it was a massive coronary.

Post by: Bast000 on July 26, 2007, 04:41:53 AM
how old?
Post by: MONSTER_TRICEPS on July 26, 2007, 04:45:25 AM
Post by: Figo on July 26, 2007, 04:46:14 AM
Post by: Darth Muscle on July 26, 2007, 04:48:17 AM
WTF?????  These strong men guys are dropping like pro bodybuilders.  Not quite like pro wrestlers tho. :o
Post by: MONSTER_TRICEPS on July 26, 2007, 04:51:38 AM

"I got home just after 1am pacific time, and had e-mail from Jamie Templeman( another Canadian NAS athlete)who said Jesse passed away around 10pm Wed night at the farm in Sequim WA, after doing high rep squats. apparently it was a massive coronary."

Post by: 240 is Back on July 26, 2007, 04:59:34 AM
Wow, that is young.  Did he leave behind a family?  Sad, sad.  Rest in peace.
Post by: bigtraps on July 26, 2007, 05:05:07 AM
33 years old!  YIKES.  The cause of death ought to be interesting.
Post by: Lord Humungous on July 26, 2007, 05:12:12 AM
Wow really sad news, my heart felt condolences to Jesse's wife and family
Post by: davidpaul on July 26, 2007, 05:24:46 AM
RIP bigman, he was great to watch, a real showman, in the Sigmarsson* mould.
Post by: musclecenter on July 26, 2007, 05:24:57 AM
Name:     Jesse Marunde
Nation:    USA
City of Residence:    Sequim, Washington
Birthday:    14.09.1979
Height:    6’5” / 195cm
Weight:    310lbs / 142kg
Hobbies:    Spending time with family, playing with my bulldogs, reading,
web design, video editing, and playing x-box with my son.
Family:    My wife’s name is Callie and my son is Dawson.
Best Results:    2. Place in WSM 2005
Motto:    I am focused on achieving my maximum strength potential

Post by: spinnis on July 26, 2007, 05:25:32 AM
He was 33 years old.

No he was 27 years old
Post by: spinnis on July 26, 2007, 05:26:31 AM
33 years old!  YIKES.  The cause of death ought to be interesting.

Heart attack
Post by: spinnis on July 26, 2007, 05:27:33 AM
and they have have baby that´s only 7 weeks old : (
Post by: Marty Champions on July 26, 2007, 05:37:25 AM
wow i remember challenging this guy on here a few months ago. man these guys are so ignorant they just juice themselves to death

he was strong but he was one of those average looking dudes who was strong because of steroids
Post by: Marty Champions on July 26, 2007, 05:39:12 AM
steroids make you TOO strong for your fragile body that we should be more respectful too. our body isnt some punching bag
Post by: OneManGang on July 26, 2007, 05:39:51 AM
wow i remember challenging this guy on here a few months ago. man these guys are so ignorant they just juice themselves to death

he was strong but he was one of those average looking dudes who was strong because of steroids

Shut up you disrespectful bitch!
Post by: MONSTER_TRICEPS on July 26, 2007, 05:40:57 AM
wow i remember challenging this guy on here a few months ago. man these guys are so ignorant they just juice themselves to death

he was strong but he was one of those average looking dudes who was strong because of steroids

Yeah, all guys who compete in wsm contests are average.
Post by: OneManGang on July 26, 2007, 05:41:56 AM
Post by: Marty Champions on July 26, 2007, 05:43:01 AM
Yeah, being an average guy gets you second place in WSM.  ::)

any idiot can see that jesse marunde had and every day build of a guy off the streets, his muscle didnt match his strength. he was all steroids
Post by: jr on July 26, 2007, 05:57:05 AM
This is shocking news. Condolences and RIP  :'(

Post by: BroadStreetBruiser on July 26, 2007, 06:00:45 AM
Rip Jesse Ventura
Post by: HUGEPECS on July 26, 2007, 06:02:08 AM
oh, no. I'm really fcuking Mad, what the hell is going? I saw the Dude a couple months ago at the Arnold, making people laugh and having a good time. this better be no joke >:(
Post by: spinnis on July 26, 2007, 06:02:16 AM
any idiot can see that jesse marunde had and every day build of a guy off the streets, his muscle didnt match his strength. he was all steroids

Nothing average about that dude at all.

at 340pounds hes just a avrage dude lol.
Post by: spinnis on July 26, 2007, 06:03:38 AM

It´s really wierd to read something a dead person wrote 12 hr ago
Post by: Always Sore on July 26, 2007, 06:09:36 AM
Strange how life works, If you eat like shit and smoke and drink and do nothing you live to 100, but if you work out and eat right and have a good home life you check out early. God bless to his family.
Post by: Overload on July 26, 2007, 06:23:48 AM

A very good strongman and one of the best attitudes i've seen.



Post by: thewickedtruth on July 26, 2007, 06:35:18 AM
Funny the times God decides to call you home...  :'(
Post by: dogbowl on July 26, 2007, 06:43:46 AM
At Marunde Muscle we endeavor to enhance your performance and quality of life through exercise and nutrition. How serious are you about your strength and health?
Post by: 210 and growing on July 26, 2007, 06:50:01 AM
F ck - remember him on the worlds strongest man earlier this year, talking about his diet etc. RIP. Another sad day
Post by: Luke Wood on July 26, 2007, 06:59:20 AM
WOW!!! i saw Jesse just at the Arnold only 4 1/2 mths ago. I was working at the 6 Star booth and Jesse was at the Met-rx booth just opposite me and doing all the MC-ing for there booth. Just terrible news!! I am shocked at how young he is!!!

God Bless his family and loved ones at this time!!!
Post by: nycbull on July 26, 2007, 06:59:59 AM
I have never felt the "RIP" expression is really appropriate to post when someone dies. I have only seen it in old western movies.  In the very least write out the whole expression, instead of abreviating.

I dont find it very respectful at all, in fact I find it flip. If its not something you would say in person then why say it on the internet?
Post by: thewickedtruth on July 26, 2007, 07:02:22 AM
Heart attack

Doesn't suprise me. Most larger than life people have a tendency to drop due to some sort of heart issues. Problem is, no matter how BIG you are, the heart muscle is the same size in all of us. The only time it is ever enlarged is due to some sort of infection or fluid retention, I.E. congestive heart failure. The bigger you are, the harder it has to work and eventually it burns out like everything else. Especially if the person lives an active life style such as his. We joke in the hospital about how you've only got so many heart beats left in you, so why waste them on running and such.

Guess it's not as funny as it used to be.
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on July 26, 2007, 07:11:46 AM
Damn, check out his last post!!!

Last week I promised I would post some videos from this weeks training. I'm going to try to hit a high volume workout today that will be pretty intense.

here's what I'm going to attempt-

rev hyper 3x10
incline situp 3x10

barbell warmup 2x

power snatch 120x3x3, 130x3x3, 120x2x5
hang power clean 160x3x3, 150x5, 140x10
power clean and push press 150x3x5
DB lateral raise 45x3x12
DB military press 100x3x10
back squat drop set 230x8, 190x8, 150x8, 110x8, 70x10
leg extension 2x50

wish me luck...

Post by: JimmyTheFish on July 26, 2007, 07:14:59 AM
Wow truly sad --- RIP Jesse  :-\
Post by: 240 is Back on July 26, 2007, 07:15:59 AM
Damn, check out his last post!!!

Last week I promised I would post some videos from this weeks training. I'm going to try to hit a high volume workout today that will be pretty intense.

here's what I'm going to attempt-

rev hyper 3x10
incline situp 3x10

barbell warmup 2x

power snatch 120x3x3, 130x3x3, 120x2x5
hang power clean 160x3x3, 150x5, 140x10
power clean and push press 150x3x5
DB lateral raise 45x3x12
DB military press 100x3x10
back squat drop set 230x8, 190x8, 150x8, 110x8, 70x10
leg extension 2x50

wish me luck...


Vince, was this the actual workout that he was doing when he passed?  I wonder if they were filming when he went down?  Damn, what a horrible story this is.  Rest in Peace.
Post by: MAXX on July 26, 2007, 07:23:08 AM
damn. that sucks  :-\

wonder if his wife can support her family now without Jesses income.
Post by: SS on July 26, 2007, 07:36:34 AM
damn. that sucks  :-\

wonder if his wife can support her family now without Jesses income.
well minus the juice and food bill... she should be alright.
Post by: Mars on July 26, 2007, 07:39:59 AM
there is something as being too much of an athlete i think. his heart probably couldn't handle his weight anymore. sad.
Post by: HUGEPECS on July 26, 2007, 07:47:17 AM
I snapped this Pic of him at the Arnold Expo just 5 months ago. the guy was in good spirit as always. I hope they let his fans know what killed him.
Post by: UK Gold on July 26, 2007, 07:53:24 AM
This is an absolute tragedy. To happen so young... Its fair to say we know the cause, and yet another shitstorm is headed for our industry. [BB, Wrestling and Strongman are bracketed togeather by the mainstream media].

RIP mate, best wishes to your family.
Post by: The Squadfather on July 26, 2007, 07:57:52 AM
any idiot can see that jesse marunde had and every day build of a guy off the streets, his muscle didnt match his strength. he was all steroids
dude no offense but i've seen Jesse in person and his bodyfat wasn't quite as low as yours but he absolutely dwarfed you interms of muscle size, his arms were at least the size of your legs and one of his legs was as big as your waist.
Post by: Brutal_1 on July 26, 2007, 08:06:13 AM

RIP....Damn, I was sure Marius would go first! :o
Post by: dizzleman06 on July 26, 2007, 08:07:40 AM
steroids make you TOO strong for your fragile body that we should be more respectful too. our body isnt some punching bag

Shut your fucking druggy face, you Douche bag...  You have no respect, but that is probably because you are high...  and you talk shit about drug users.  you are a drug user and the drug you use is probably twice as damaging as AAS....idiot.
Post by: thewickedtruth on July 26, 2007, 08:12:10 AM
Shut your fucking druggy face, you Douche bag...  You have no respect, but that is probably because you are high...  and you talk shit about drug users.  you are a drug user and the drug you use is probably twice as damaging as AAS....idiot.

I second this post. To be so damned smart, you say some stupid shit sometimes DW! Mr. I challenge everyone on the board, show some respect for your fellow man and competitor for once. Having a little class would probably do you some good and win you more votes than calling out anyone on a message board. Clown.
Post by: The Squadfather on July 26, 2007, 08:17:04 AM
Shut your fucking druggy face, you Douche bag...  You have no respect, but that is probably because you are high...  and you talk shit about drug users.  you are a drug user and the drug you use is probably twice as damaging as AAS....idiot.
DW is a good dude but sometimes he talks out of his ass, if he saw Jesse in person he would be extremely surprised at how big he was, i've seen a lot of the top prs bb'ers in person and i'd say that Jesse was more impressive because of his combined height, width, thickness and strength, my guess is that Jesse was a big time test user from observing his behavoir, couple that with hereditary heart problems and high BP brought on by heavy high rep squats and this is what happens.
Post by: Bear on July 26, 2007, 08:18:28 AM
any idiot can see that jesse marunde had and every day build of a guy off the streets, his muscle didnt match his strength. he was all steroids

All strongmen take roids, he was as high as top 2 in a field of roiders so that is a massive achievement. You wouldn't say Pudzeonowski is all roids would you because when all the competition takes the stuff then its grit and determination that set you apart from the roided pack. Your argument is flawed. Anyway he has a family and shit, can't you not be a dick for like 1 day?!
Post by: dizzleman06 on July 26, 2007, 08:20:43 AM
DW is a good dude but sometimes he talks out of his ass, if he saw Jesse in person he would be extremely surprised at how big he was, i've seen a lot of the top prs bb'ers in person and i'd say that Jesse was more impressive because of his combined height, width, thickness and strength, my guess is that Jesse was a big time test user from observing his behavoir, couple that with hereditary heart problems and high BP brought on by heavy high rep squats and this is what happens.

I agree, but at least show some respect.  Thewickedtruth said it best... NO CLASS.  As much shit as we give each other on the boards here, we are all still brothers of iron...  This is what is important... not someones drug regimen.  People are the most important thing.
Post by: thewickedtruth on July 26, 2007, 08:20:57 AM
DW is a good dude but sometimes he talks out of his ass, if he saw Jesse in person he would be extremely surprised at how big he was, i've seen a lot of the top prs bb'ers in person and i'd say that Jesse was more impressive because of his combined height, width, thickness and strength, my guess is that Jesse was a big time test user from observing his behavoir, couple that with hereditary heart problems and high BP brought on by heavy high rep squats and this is what happens.

You must know him from more than his posts, especially the ones he's made in the last few months. Because the person he projects himself to be and portrays in his posts, isn't someone I'd describe as a good dude. I was glad to see for once get bigger's come together and keep the bullshit where it belongs but, apparenlty that's alot to ask for him. You're vouching for him though and I've never taken you for stupid, so I'd hope he's not really like this all the time.
Post by: The Squadfather on July 26, 2007, 08:21:41 AM
All strongmen take roids, he was as high as top 2 in a field of roiders so that is a massive achievement. You wouldn't say Pudzeonowski is all roids would you because when all the competition takes the stuff then its grit and determination that set you apart from the roided pack. Your argument is flawed. Anyway he has a family and shit, can't you not be a dick for like 1 day?!
exactly, anyone who ever saw video clips of Marunde training knows that this guy trained like a fuccking demon, deep 20 rep squats with 400 pounds plus, 405 pound overhead push presses, one arm chins, crazy weights on the Olympic lifts, this guy really pushed it to the max.
Post by: dorkeroo on July 26, 2007, 08:22:45 AM
I wish all the best to his family.

As for DW, I think he once admitted to being mentally ill, and although for some it isn't a reasonable excuse, it is arguable that they certainly have their moments where they say/do things that are not contextually proper.

Anyways, all the best to the Marundes.
Post by: thewickedtruth on July 26, 2007, 08:23:12 AM
I agree, but at least show some respect.  Thewickedtruth said it best... NO CLASS.  As much shit as we give each other on the boards here, we are all still brothers of iron...  This is what is important... not someones drug regimen.  People are the most important thing.

I like this guy and both like and respect what he has to say. Nice to know there are those out there to still realize that. It's part of hte problem with society today. Especially the younger generations of which I'm apart of.
Post by: The Squadfather on July 26, 2007, 08:25:01 AM
You must know him from more than his posts, especially the ones he's made in the last few months. Because the person he projects himself to be and portrays in his posts, isn't someone I'd describe as a good dude. I was glad to see for once get bigger's come together and keep the bullshit where it belongs but, apparenlty that's alot to ask for him. You're vouching for him though and I've never taken you for stupid, so I'd hope he's not really like this all the time.
i'm not "vouching' for him i'm just saying that DW says a lot of shit to be annoying or shocking like a lot of young guys his age do, it's just his way of getting attention, i believe that he's maybe a little intimidated by Marunde's strength given that they were around the same height and DW is nowhere near as strong as jesse was, DW says some stupid shit sometimes but cut the guy some slack, he's young and possibly has never had to deal with tragedy but maybe he has i don't know.
Post by: dorkeroo on July 26, 2007, 08:26:11 AM
i'm not "vouching' for him i'm just saying that DW says a lot of shit to be annoying or shocking like a lot of young guys his age do, it's just his way of getting attention, i believe that he's maybe a little intimidated by Marunde's strength given that they were around the same height and DW is nowhere near as strong as jesse was, DW says some stupid shit sometimes but cut the guy some slack, he's young and possibly has never had to deal with tragedy but maybe he has i don't know.

I am positive DW said he has schizophrenia. If that is the case, well, maybe take what he posts with a grain of salt.
Post by: SAMSON123 on July 26, 2007, 08:27:04 AM
I knew this would happen....I love the Worlds Strongest man episodes on ESPN. I have seen Jesse a couple of times and for some strange reason i knew he would be the next victim. These newer athletes are using drugs far more potent than anything used in the past and the effects are what we see now...incredible size, strength, speed at the cost of ones life. There was another guy from North Carolina: John Perry,  that died not to long ago. He was a BIG guy like 320 pounds or more and he too died at a very young age:..I think he was 30 or so as well. The sad thing is WSM is hosted by Bill Kazmaier who is one of the former WSM who is still alive and I believe in his fifties and doing well. This same pattern is prevelent in BB where the former BBs are still alive Bertil Fox, Lou Ferrigno, Lee Haney, Columbo, Serge, Beckles etc etc and doing well, while all of the young BB are dying or succumbing to cardiovascular conditions and surgeries.

The get rich quick, hurry up and be famous, get the awards now mindset has got to be put to rest. While we can never stop the use of drugs in sports...there has to be a return to things that are safer and dosages less LETHAL!!!

Post by: Camel Jockey on July 26, 2007, 08:27:31 AM
dw isn't right in the head.

RIP Marunde.. I saw him on the WSM contests on ESPN and he was one strong mofo.
Post by: Marty Champions on July 26, 2007, 08:28:30 AM
god u guys snap and act like suffering is not nature. let the man RIP but lets not be cloudy about it

we all have our days, do we want people praising us in our death for something we made the mistake on?

that is not the true way of living jesse knew the dangers, just like me when i smoke up. its all a balance of the natural consequences with luxiries we feel that we need to better our selfs or life styles.

the real focus shoulndt be internal mayhem as a consequence for simply being a #1 competitor. sometimes in life you shouldnt put all your eggs in one basket!
Post by: thewickedtruth on July 26, 2007, 08:28:36 AM
i'm not "vouching' for him i'm just saying that DW says a lot of shit to be annoying or shocking like a lot of young guys his age do, it's just his way of getting attention, i believe that he's maybe a little intimidated by Marunde's strength given that they were around the same height and DW is nowhere near as strong as jesse was, DW says some stupid shit sometimes but cut the guy some slack, he's young and possibly has never had to deal with tragedy but maybe he has i don't know.

Being young is no excuse. You make it sound like he's 10, which is exactly what he sounds like most days. There are better ways of getting attention, as if his goof ball snuff film style youtube vids of his weren't doing enough. I'm 23 and I know he's right at my age if not a little older, some of us grow up faster and experience life sooner than others I guess. Still, there's a time and place for it and this isn't it. Man I must be in one piss ass mood to let what he said get to me. I deal with death alot in what I do. They're people still even in death, at least show ONE last parting bit of respect for their passing.
Post by: The Squadfather on July 26, 2007, 08:29:49 AM
I knew this would happen....I love the Worlds Strongest man episodes on ESPN. I have seen Jesse a couple of times and for some strange reason i knew he would be the next victim. These newer athletes are using drugs far more potent than anything used in the past and the effects are what we see now...incredible size, strength, speed at the cost of ones life. There was another guy from North Carolina: John Perry,  that died not to long ago. He was a BIG guy like 320 pounds or more and he too died at a very young age:..I think he was 30 or so as well. The sad thing is WSM is hosted by Bill Kazmaier who is one of the former WSM who is still alive and I believe in his fifties and doing well. This same pattern is prevelent in BB where the former BBs are still alive Bertil Fox, Lou Ferrigno, Lee Haney, Columbo, Serge, Beckles etc etc and doing well, while all of the young BB are dying or succumbing to cardiovascular conditions and surgeries.

The get rich quick, hurry up and be famous, get the awards now mindset has got to be put to rest. While we can never stop the use of drugs in sports...there has to be a return to things that are safer and dosages less LETHAL!!!

Bertil Fox is "doing well"?
Post by: The Squadfather on July 26, 2007, 08:31:51 AM
Being young is no excuse. You make it sound like he's 10, which is exactly what he sounds like most days. There are better ways of getting attention, as if his goof ball snuff film style youtube vids of his weren't doing enough. I'm 23 and I know he's right at my age if not a little older, some of us grow up faster and experience life sooner than others I guess. Still, there's a time and place for it and this isn't it. Man I must be in one piss ass mood to let what he said get to me. I deal with death alot in what I do. They're people still even in death, at least show ONE last parting bit of respect for their passing.
i agree, if you've experienced tragedy as far as family and friends passing away then you become more sensitive to these things, i had both my mother and sister die young so i feel for people who have to go through these things, it sucks.
Post by: Camel Jockey on July 26, 2007, 08:32:56 AM
I knew this would happen....I love the Worlds Strongest man episodes on ESPN. I have seen Jesse a couple of times and for some strange reason i knew he would be the next victim. These newer athletes are using drugs far more potent than anything used in the past and the effects are what we see now...incredible size, strength, speed at the cost of ones life. There was another guy from North Carolina: John Perry,  that died not to long ago. He was a BIG guy like 320 pounds or more and he too died at a very young age:..I think he was 30 or so as well. The sad thing is WSM is hosted by Bill Kazmaier who is one of the former WSM who is still alive and I believe in his fifties and doing well. This same pattern is prevelent in BB where the former BBs are still alive Bertil Fox, Lou Ferrigno, Lee Haney, Columbo, Serge, Beckles etc etc and doing well, while all of the young BB are dying or succumbing to cardiovascular conditions and surgeries.

The get rich quick, hurry up and be famous, get the awards now mindset has got to be put to rest. While we can never stop the use of drugs in sports...there has to be a return to things that are safer and dosages less LETHAL!!!

Too much drugs..

Couple that with eating so much. Can't tell me it's okay to eat 3x your daily requirements at for a given period of time then stop suddenly, while injecting insulin, growth hormones, grams of test, drugs to draw water out of your body, pain killers, stimulant fat burners, now hormone fat burners, excessive tanning, shitting 3 times day and the list goes on and on.

Back in the day, the guys took some test and and ate good food. That was about it. They were off for periods of time allowing their bodies to recover and are in good health today.
Post by: dizzleman06 on July 26, 2007, 08:34:27 AM
god u guys snap and act like suffering is not nature. let the man RIP but lets not be cloudy about it

we all have our days, do we want people praising us in our death for something we made the mistake on?
that is not the true way of living jesse knew the dangers, just like me when i smoke up. its all a balance of the natural consequences with luxiries we feel that we need to better our selfs or life styles.

the real focus shoulndt be internal mayhem as a consequence for simply being a #1 competitor. sometimes in life you shouldnt put all your eggs in one basket!

I can assure you that when you die, I won't be praising your humanitarism...  rest assured!  you made that choice!
Post by: Marty Champions on July 26, 2007, 08:34:46 AM
i agree, if you've experienced tragedy as far as family and friends passing away then you become more sensitive to these things, i had both my mother and sister die young so i feel for people who have to got hrought hese things, it sucks.

this is hell on earth. i could be next to die, i just want to live my life for others, i know not to be greedy in this life, take too many chances or else i could die sooner.
Post by: Marty Champions on July 26, 2007, 08:35:50 AM
I can assure you that when you die, I won't be praising your humanitarism...  rest assured!  you made that choice!

your missing my main point
Post by: The Squadfather on July 26, 2007, 08:36:05 AM
this is hell on earth. i could be next to die, i just want to live my life for others, i know not to be greedy in this life, take too many chances or else i could die sooner.
that's a good outlook DW.
Post by: thewickedtruth on July 26, 2007, 08:36:21 AM
god u guys snap and act like suffering is not nature. let the man RIP but lets not be cloudy about it

we all have our days, do we want people praising us in our death for something we made the mistake on?

that is not the true way of living jesse knew the dangers, just like me when i smoke up. its all a balance of the natural consequences with luxiries we feel that we need to better our selfs or life styles.

the real focus shoulndt be internal mayhem as a consequence for simply being a #1 competitor. sometimes in life you shouldnt put all your eggs in one basket!

Praising our deaths for the mistakes we've made? WHAT?!! We're here giving our condolenses for the man he was and for what his life achievements...

Where does this shit come from? It's as if you contradict yourself every other sentence. Like you believe one thing but chastise it in another. So you're saying DON'T live life doing what you enjoy and don't trry to be successful at it? You make it sound like you knew Jesse personally and all he ever wanted to do was be number on in WSM and nothing more. That was his sole drive in everything...not to bette the sport, not to raise a family, etc.

Whatever the fuck you're smoking, I'd find out where it came from because it's cut with some bad shit!
Post by: dizzleman06 on July 26, 2007, 08:38:22 AM

your missing my main point

Then make an actual point, without contradicting yourself...please.
Post by: thewickedtruth on July 26, 2007, 08:38:27 AM

your missing my main point

So what IS your point exactly? You make it sound like you've gone and changed the world wiht what you've said and done on what...get big? LOL! The way it sounds, you think it's best to hole up in that garage for the rest of your life and not "risk" living.
Post by: thewickedtruth on July 26, 2007, 08:39:55 AM
Then make an actual point, without contradicting yourself...please.

No shit, by all means. Enlighten us o'wise one.
Post by: The Squadfather on July 26, 2007, 08:40:39 AM
all bullshit aside this is a very sad tragic thing, 27 years old is way too young to go, just a baby in the grand scheme of things.
Post by: dizzleman06 on July 26, 2007, 08:41:29 AM
Listen DW, I don't want to have all this hostility on this thread, it is the wrong place and also is unneccisary.  Death is no joke to me though, and a mans life is the most valuable thing that can be taken from him.  maybe I misunderstood, and I am sorry for blowing up at you...WE ARE BROTHERS OF IRON!  
Post by: dorkeroo on July 26, 2007, 08:42:52 AM
all bullshit aside this is a very sad tragic thing, 27 years old is way too young to go, just a baby in the grand scheme of things.

Dave is right here, this thread should be about the tragedy of losing someone so young with so much ahead of him. For the sake of respect, maybe ignore offensive DW posts and maybe take them to pm or something. Just a thought.
Post by: Bear on July 26, 2007, 08:45:37 AM
I am surprised and impressed at how awesome everyone is being about DW being such a goon. I was half expecting half the board to follow DWs retarded provocative lead. I guess getbig is not entirely negative. I'm 22 and even I can see that sometimes being mindless and childish isn't cool, although as Squadfather points out maybe DW just hasn't experienced anything bad enough to understand. I hope Cali and Dawson are okay!
Post by: thewickedtruth on July 26, 2007, 08:48:23 AM
Dave is right here, this thread should be about the tragedy of losing someone so young with so much ahead of him. For the sake of respect, maybe ignore offensive DW posts and maybe take them to pm or something. Just a thought.

Agreed. And to show that, I'd like to ask all my posts to be deleted by a mod if they get a chance in this thread that have nothing to do with the subject matter.
Post by: Steve Pulcinella on July 26, 2007, 08:51:14 AM
Yeah, some of you guys are real assholes. Jesse was a friend of mine and a really great guy. Not a partier, not a bragger, just a hard working son of a bitch. if you knew him you would all be impressed by him in many ways. I was devastated this morning when i found out.
Post by: dizzleman06 on July 26, 2007, 08:54:16 AM
Yeah, some of you guys are real assholes. Jesse was a friend of mine and a really great guy. Not a partier, not a bragger, just a hard working son of a bitch. if you knew him you would all be impressed by him in many ways. I was devastated this morning when i found out.

sorry for your loss bro!  Tell us a story about him, maybe we can get this thread back on track!  Please!
Post by: The Squadfather on July 26, 2007, 08:55:14 AM
Yeah, some of you guys are real assholes. Jesse was a friend of mine and a really great guy. Not a partier, not a bragger, just a hard working son of a bitch. if you knew him you would all be impressed by him in many ways. I was devastated this morning when i found out.
yeah Steve he really seemed like a guy who was dedicated to strongman, like i said i saw him in person here in town a couple of times and he was a very big dude and outside of the competitions seemed like a pretty nice guy and quiet.
Post by: thewickedtruth on July 26, 2007, 08:59:26 AM
sorry for your loss bro!  Tell us a story about him, maybe we can get this thread back on track!  Please!

Absolutely. Give us a story or a good memory you two shared if it isnt' too personal or too soon to ask. I know it's how I WOULD like to be remembered. For the things Iv'e done and the lives I've touched.
Post by: Mars on July 26, 2007, 09:00:33 AM
Like he's in the mood now for puting up stories, tools.
Post by: thewickedtruth on July 26, 2007, 09:01:17 AM
Like he's in the mood now for puting up stories, tools.

Which is why I asked if it wasn't too personal or too soon to do so.
Post by: Rami on July 26, 2007, 09:02:36 AM
We joke in the hospital about how you've only got so many heart beats left in you, so why waste them on running and such.

..yeah sure is a dumb joke alright. Cardio such as running would HELP! It will lower your BP, lower beats per minute, improve blood flow, relax your body, lower your weight and a thousands of other benefits. But yes being 340, no matter what you do, it will take a toll on the body, still proper cardio would help tremendously. Just don't see whats funny about your "joke", other than just an excuse to be lazy... ::) what ever helps you face the day I guess!
Post by: The Squadfather on July 26, 2007, 09:05:19 AM
..yeah sure is a dumb joke alright. Cardio such as running would HELP! It will lower your BP, lower beats per minute, improve blood flow, relax your body, lower your weight and a thousands of other benefits. But yes being 340, no matter what you do, it will take a toll on the body, still proper cardio would help tremendously. Just don't see whats funny about your "joke", other than just an excuse to be lazy... ::) what ever helps you face the day I guess!
he wasn't 340 no matter what he or anyone else claimed, he was around 6'5" but even at that height he was MAYBE 295-300 and even that might be stretching it so it's not like he was obese, my guess is that he had some family history coupled with pushing the blood pressure to astronomical levels with 400 pound plus 20 rep deep squats like he was doing.
Post by: dizzleman06 on July 26, 2007, 09:07:58 AM
Like he's in the mood now for puting up stories, tools.

Let the man speak for himself.  The only reason I asked was for a tribute!  Some people prefer to greive by remembering the good times, I know I wouldn't want a bunch of people talking about how crappy my death was, but more so How GREAT my life was!
Post by: spinnis on July 26, 2007, 09:10:09 AM
A quote from a guy...
"Quick story about this class act. At last years Olympia I wanted his autograph for my 15yo step-son. We talked for a few minutes and got the autograph. I pulled out some cash to give him and he flat out refused. Jesse told me people people fly from all over the world to meet their heros..."why should they have to pay $5 or $10 for their autograph?"
Post by: dizzleman06 on July 26, 2007, 09:11:31 AM
A quote from a guy...
"Quick story about this class act. At last years Olympia I wanted his autograph for my 15yo step-son. We talked for a few minutes and got the autograph. I pulled out some cash to give him and he flat out refused. Jesse told me people people fly from all over the world to meet their heros..."why should they have to pay $5 or $10 for their autograph?"

That is what I am talking about...  Sounds like he was incredibly professional, and a kind soul!
Post by: thewickedtruth on July 26, 2007, 09:12:21 AM
A quote from a guy...
"Quick story about this class act. At last years Olympia I wanted his autograph for my 15yo step-son. We talked for a few minutes and got the autograph. I pulled out some cash to give him and he flat out refused. Jesse told me people people fly from all over the world to meet their heros..."why should they have to pay $5 or $10 for their autograph?"

THAT is what it's all about.
Post by: spinnis on July 26, 2007, 09:16:18 AM
he was strong but he was one of those average looking dudes who was strong because of steroids

At age 18 he officially closed the #3 Captains of Crush Gripper. In high school, Jesse excelled in football, wrestling, arm wrestling, powerlifting and track and field. At the Washington State high school powerlifting championships, he placed 2nd with a squat of 500lbs, bench press of 295lbs and a deadlift of 540lbs in the 220lb class.
Post by: spinnis on July 26, 2007, 09:17:05 AM
Post by: dizzleman06 on July 26, 2007, 09:23:37 AM

just having a good time!
Post by: UK Gold on July 26, 2007, 09:37:25 AM
At age 18 he officially closed the #3 Captains of Crush Gripper. In high school, Jesse excelled in football, wrestling, arm wrestling, powerlifting and track and field. At the Washington State high school powerlifting championships, he placed 2nd with a squat of 500lbs, bench press of 295lbs and a deadlift of 540lbs in the 220lb class.
Rubbish stats. Most Getbiggers could bench 500 in high school ::)
Post by: AlterEgo on July 26, 2007, 09:44:13 AM

Post by: HUGEPECS on July 26, 2007, 10:11:06 AM
Yeah, some of you guys are real assholes. Jesse was a friend of mine and a really great guy. Not a partier, not a bragger, just a hard working son of a bitch. if you knew him you would all be impressed by him in many ways. I was devastated this morning when i found out.

it's a sad day, man. I always look forward to meet the dude whenever I'm at the Expos. Met-rex lost a good athlete.
Post by: Bast000 on July 26, 2007, 10:21:25 AM
Was he getting check ups by a doctor?

Your health is your own responsibility.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: HUGEPECS on July 26, 2007, 10:37:16 AM
we can only speculate, but something went definitely wrong. whatever it is, My condolences go to the loved ones he left behind
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: mbell on July 26, 2007, 10:38:48 AM
So sad! I have met him and his wife several times at the Expos. The last time I seen them she was pregnant and glowing.

My condolenses to her and the family. RIP Jesse
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Croatch on July 26, 2007, 10:41:25 AM
We seem to think it's ok to abuse certain drugs, but not others.  It's a foolish way to think.  Face it, all drugs are garbage, be it, coke, roids, heroin, etc.
Life is full of many risks you can take, but drugs are just a severe waste.  It's funny how people in bodybuilding, because they're so health conscience come up with all sorts of rationalizations, or get regular check ups, etc...meanwhile, they ingest garbage and wonder why shit goes wrong.
Nothing against JM, I didn't know him, so I have nothing to say on that.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Monte71 on July 26, 2007, 10:44:54 AM
RIP Jesse.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: IrishMuscle84 on July 26, 2007, 10:50:11 AM
Man, what a tragedy. I also watched him on WSM competitions. HE DIED DOING WHAT HE LOVED TO DO, thats how you have to look at it. RIP IN PEACE BROTHA!!
Post by: shiftedShapes on July 26, 2007, 10:55:21 AM
exactly, anyone who ever saw video clips of Marunde training knows that this guy trained like a fuccking demon, deep 20 rep squats with 400 pounds plus, 405 pound overhead push presses, one arm chins, crazy weights on the Olympic lifts, this guy really pushed it to the max.

one arm chins at over 300lbs?  any video of this?
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Steve Pulcinella on July 26, 2007, 11:02:18 AM
Here is one story. Jess and his wife were in Philly a few years ago for a contest. Jesse had me drive him around to every t-shirt place in the city because he wanted a specific shirt to wear in the contest. He wanted a 'Strawberry Shortcakes' shirt....remember that old kiddie cartoon? Do you know how hard it is to find a 3X strawberry shortcackes t-shirt?? We never did find one. It was a pretty funny day though walking down south street in Philly with him, John Anderson and Shannon Hartnet. Everybody just stopped and stared at all of them, one of those duck tour busses even stopped and everybody was gawking at them.

Jess was just a fun loving, positive, focused guy. Not a mean bone in his body I don't think. He and his crew of training partners trained harder than just about anybody out there.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: unbatrainer on July 26, 2007, 11:03:06 AM
Post by: Steve Pulcinella on July 26, 2007, 11:04:45 AM
I know there is a video of him doing 10 "clap pull-ups" at over 300lbs on youtube somewhere. He pulls himself up with enough explosiveness and on the way up he lets go and claps his hands together and grabs the bar again and does 10 like that. Pretty cool. I had never seen that before.

one arm chins at over 300lbs?  any video of this?
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: The_Punisher on July 26, 2007, 11:08:11 AM
He died for you all Bitches....
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Man of Steel on July 26, 2007, 11:08:24 AM
:( :(

Jesse Marunde. Born September 14, 1979. Passed July 25, 2007.

RIP bro.

Strongman Jesse Marunde passed away around 10pm Wednesday night at the farm in Sequim WA after doing high rep squats. Apparently it was a massive coronary.

At least Getbiggers have a reason not to squat now.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: MAXX on July 26, 2007, 11:14:32 AM
He died for you all Bitches....
how dare you make a joke on a tragic happening like this  >:(

Post by: Joey Tito on July 26, 2007, 11:30:38 AM
Like he's in the mood now for puting up stories, tools.

Go back to your saddam hussein bullshit role-playing queerness, "Mars".

How does it feel to  be kicked out of the very SQUAD you founded?  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :P
Post by: B R on July 26, 2007, 11:34:03 AM
wow i remember challenging this guy on here a few months ago. man these guys are so ignorant they just juice themselves to death

he was strong but he was one of those average looking dudes who was strong because of steroids
Post by: MONSTER_TRICEPS on July 26, 2007, 11:40:57 AM
Go back to your saddam hussein bullshit role-playing queerness, "Mars".

How does it feel to  be kicked out of the very SQUAD you founded?  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :P

This thread is about Jesse Marunde, not about your keyboard battles kid.  ::)
Post by: Joey Tito on July 26, 2007, 11:46:35 AM
This thread is about Jesse Marunde, not about your keyboard battles kid.  ::)

That's why I was telling Mars to stay out of the thread.  Kid.  ::)
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: dizzleman06 on July 26, 2007, 12:04:40 PM
Here is one story. Jess and his wife were in Philly a few years ago for a contest. Jesse had me drive him around to every t-shirt place in the city because he wanted a specific shirt to wear in the contest. He wanted a 'Strawberry Shortcakes' shirt....remember that old kiddie cartoon? Do you know how hard it is to find a 3X strawberry shortcackes t-shirt?? We never did find one. It was a pretty funny day though walking down south street in Philly with him, John Anderson and Shannon Hartnet. Everybody just stopped and stared at all of them, one of those duck tour busses even stopped and everybody was gawking at them.

Jess was just a fun loving, positive, focused guy. Not a mean bone in his body I don't think. He and his crew of training partners trained harder than just about anybody out there.

HAHAHA!  I can only imagine!  that is so funny!  and I saw that "clap pull ups" vid and I had never seen anything like it.  Incredible!
Post by: shiftedShapes on July 26, 2007, 12:23:18 PM
Was he getting check ups by a doctor?

Your health is your own responsibility.

Whether he was or not I'm sure he knew that he was taking a tremendous risk by maintaining such a high bodyweight.  It is sad that he lost the gamble but hopefully others will learn from his death and choose to lower their weight.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: genrommel74 on July 26, 2007, 12:30:23 PM
I am sorry to hear that jesse is gone, he was a really cool guy. the world lost a good guy
Post by: MONSTER_TRICEPS on July 26, 2007, 12:36:32 PM
Whether he was or not I'm sure he knew that he was taking a tremendous risk by maintaining such a high bodyweight.  It is sad that he lost the gamble but hopefully others will learn from his death and choose to lower their weight.

He was a tall guy and actually pretty lean.

There are many others who are a lot heavier and shorter and they don't have health problems whatsoever.
Post by: shiftedShapes on July 26, 2007, 12:41:45 PM
He was a tall guy and actually pretty lean.

There are many others who are a lot heavier and shorter and they don't have health problems whatsoever.

being that heavy, whether it is lean weight or not is unhealthy.  Some will get away with it and just live a few years shorter than they would have otherwise.  others like Jesse will pay a greater price.  Hopefully this death will help people see the consequences of getting big.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: gordiano on July 26, 2007, 12:42:28 PM young. Kids....and wife....

My condolences to his family and friends.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: gordiano on July 26, 2007, 12:45:56 PM
Here is one story. Jess and his wife were in Philly a few years ago for a contest. Jesse had me drive him around to every t-shirt place in the city because he wanted a specific shirt to wear in the contest. He wanted a 'Strawberry Shortcakes' shirt....remember that old kiddie cartoon? Do you know how hard it is to find a 3X strawberry shortcackes t-shirt?? We never did find one. It was a pretty funny day though walking down south street in Philly with him, John Anderson and Shannon Hartnet. Everybody just stopped and stared at all of them, one of those duck tour busses even stopped and everybody was gawking at them.

Jess was just a fun loving, positive, focused guy. Not a mean bone in his body I don't think. He and his crew of training partners trained harder than just about anybody out there.

Sounds like he was a cool dude........
Post by: EL Mariachi on July 26, 2007, 12:47:35 PM
steroids make you TOO strong for your fragile body that we should be more respectful too. our body isnt some punching bag

maybe it got something to do with heavy squats for high reps??  I remember one time going all out on the hacksquat, way below parallel, i wanted to do 40 fast reps, on the 27 rep, my whole body was screaming, till it hit me! i got a tremendous headache, and it lasted for days. High rep, training legs aint that healthy, is it??
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: columbusdude82 on July 26, 2007, 12:58:00 PM
This is awful news. He was too young, and too promising.
Post by: The Squadfather on July 26, 2007, 01:03:13 PM
one arm chins at over 300lbs?  any video of this?
my bad, actually it was clapping pull ups as Steve said, still pretty impressive, he also used to flip 45 pound plates in the air and catch them in a pinch grip.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: columbusdude82 on July 26, 2007, 01:05:06 PM
His website is down, probably due to server overload.

It just isn't fair that this guy, who is just 4 or 5 years older than me, should die so young...
Post by: shiftedShapes on July 26, 2007, 01:06:18 PM
my bad, actually it was clapping pull ups as Steve said, still pretty impressive, he also used to flip 45 pound plates in the air and catch them in a pinch grip.

And I was proud of palming a basketball off the dribble.

Monster grip strength.
Post by: The Squadfather on July 26, 2007, 01:10:14 PM
And I was proud of palming a basketball off the dribble.

Monster grip strength.
you must have some big ass hands to be palming a basketball off the drible.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: SafiyaJ on July 26, 2007, 01:14:01 PM
just heard the sad news. I met Jesse and his wife a few times and they are both great people and super sweet. My condolences go out to his wife and little baby. What a tragedy...I'll be praying for the comfort of his wife and that she gets through this horrific time.

Post by: shiftedShapes on July 26, 2007, 01:15:37 PM
you must have some big ass hands to be palming a basketball off the drible.

I've been able to do it since 8th grade.  My hands are pretty large, but I've met a lot of people with bigger hands who can't palm it at all.  I think it's because my thumb is flexible.
Title: Will some of you folks stop talking trash about Marunde dying
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on July 26, 2007, 01:16:00 PM
You know folks, I joke around a lot but there is a line I draw in the sand as to what I joke about.

Joking about Marunde isn't one of them.

So, cut it out folks.  Ever give your condolences or shut the fuck up
Title: Re: Will some of you folks stop talking trash about Marunde dying
Post by: akers1021 on July 26, 2007, 01:17:08 PM
You know folks, I joke around a lot but there is a line I draw in the sand as to what I joke about.

Joking about Marunde isn't one of them.

So, cut it out folks.  Ever give your condolences or shut the fuck up

Vince go sale some bee pollen...shut the fuck up...
Title: Re: Will some of you folks stop talking trash about Marunde dying
Post by: The Squadfather on July 26, 2007, 01:18:22 PM
nobody is joking about it you charcoal colored loser.
Title: Re: Will some of you folks stop talking trash about Marunde dying
Post by: Van_Bilderass on July 26, 2007, 01:20:24 PM
You are the joke Vince!
Title: Re: Will some of you folks stop talking trash about Marunde dying
Post by: 1stkeepitreal on July 26, 2007, 01:29:29 PM
You know folks, I joke around a lot but there is a line I draw in the sand as to what I joke about.

Joking about Marunde isn't one of them.

So, cut it out folks.  Ever give your condolences or shut the fuck up

Title: Re: Will some of you folks stop talking trash about Marunde dying
Post by: jonno gb on July 26, 2007, 01:36:53 PM
You know folks, I joke around a lot but there is a line I draw in the sand as to what I joke about.

Joking about Marunde isn't one of them.

So, cut it out folks.  Ever give your condolences or shut the fuck up
Agree with you 100%.Let's show some respect.Some things just aren't funny.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: War-Horse on July 26, 2007, 02:08:40 PM
Im glad this world is only a speed bump, in the road of time.......we will all meet again........
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: hangclean on July 26, 2007, 02:20:02 PM
Here is one story. Jess and his wife were in Philly a few years ago for a contest. Jesse had me drive him around to every t-shirt place in the city because he wanted a specific shirt to wear in the contest. He wanted a 'Strawberry Shortcakes' shirt....remember that old kiddie cartoon? Do you know how hard it is to find a 3X strawberry shortcackes t-shirt?? We never did find one. It was a pretty funny day though walking down south street in Philly with him, John Anderson and Shannon Hartnet. Everybody just stopped and stared at all of them, one of those duck tour busses even stopped and everybody was gawking at them.

Jess was just a fun loving, positive, focused guy. Not a mean bone in his body I don't think. He and his crew of training partners trained harder than just about anybody out there.
Shannon Hartnet is a nice gal.
     Kind of weird that Jesse was younger than me.  Scary in fact.  I need to go see a doctor.
Title: Re: Will some of you folks stop talking trash about Marunde dying
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on July 26, 2007, 03:01:14 PM
Vince go sale some bee pollen...shut the fuck up...

Fuck you asshole.  I don't care if I get criticized about this.  This shit-talk about people who died has gone too far. 

I'm glad I don't know some of you in real life.  Only a complete shit-head would even say the stuff I've heard today
Title: Re: Will some of you folks stop talking trash about Marunde dying
Post by: SS on July 26, 2007, 03:03:08 PM
brutal attention thread by a poor ugly fat black boy.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: cgcgraded on July 26, 2007, 03:44:16 PM
did he really die?  its not listed anywhere else?
Title: Re: Will some of you folks stop talking trash about Marunde dying
Post by: G.R.H. on July 26, 2007, 03:46:29 PM
i'm sorry, i did not know the man.  sorry he died.  what hppened?
Title: Re: Will some of you folks stop talking trash about Marunde dying
Post by: SS on July 26, 2007, 03:49:28 PM
i'm sorry, i did not know the man.  sorry he died.  what hppened?
here you go.
Title: Re: Will some of you folks stop talking trash about Marunde dying
Post by: SAMSON123 on July 26, 2007, 03:53:51 PM
nobody is joking about it you charcoal colored loser.

But he looks BROWN in skin color not BLACK...Maybe you should get a piece of coal so you can see the difference...
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: eliscominblue on July 26, 2007, 04:45:21 PM
This was taken from his site:


Friends, we suffered a great loss in the strongman community last evening. The Sequim Crew was doing what they do. Training hard and particularly training Jesse for the WSM contest in Anaheim. He died quickly and painlessly.

The squat set was as follows:
230kg x 8
190kg x 8
150kg x 8
110kg x 8
70kg x 8
Followed immediately by:
600# tire flip
265# stone load
All of this was done with no rest between sets. Rack, pull, go
At the completion of these sets Jesse laid on his back, on the cold floor like normal. Breck and Sarge noticed that his breathing was laborious. Jesse became incoherent and stopped breathing. We administered cpr, called 911 and continued to resusitate until paramedics arrived. They set up the defibrillator, epinephrin, to no avail. He was worked on for over an hour between Breck, Sarge and the paramedics.

These are the facts as it happened. We are deeply saddened by this tragic loss. We appreciate your support and prayers.

The Sequim Crew
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: pumphard on July 26, 2007, 04:47:41 PM
You always hate to see it when a young man with a family passes away, my condolences to the family.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Dballn247 on July 26, 2007, 05:17:56 PM
You always hate to see it when a young man with a family passes away, my condolences to the family.

Couldn't have said it any better. 
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: 240 is Back on July 26, 2007, 05:21:31 PM
He left behind a 7-month old child.  God, that is such a horrible thing that he is gone.  His poor family.

Anyone have info about donating to his family?  Seriously. 
Title: Re: Will some of you folks stop talking trash about Marunde dying
Post by: dr.chimps on July 26, 2007, 05:25:58 PM
You know folks, I joke around a lot but there is a line I draw in the sand as to what I joke about.

Joking about Marunde isn't one of them.

So, cut it out folks.  Ever give your condolences or shut the fuck up
*sigh* Sentiment seconded, but the above line goes a long way to explaining why you are accorded such little respect around here.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: bigdumbbell on July 26, 2007, 05:45:15 PM
what did he die of i aint readin 6 pages
Post by: bmacsys on July 26, 2007, 05:51:27 PM
any idiot can see that jesse marunde had and every day build of a guy off the streets, his muscle didnt match his strength. he was all steroids

He had an "everyday build" yet he was "all steroids"? That makes no sense at all.
Post by: bmacsys on July 26, 2007, 05:56:24 PM
I second this post. To be so damned smart, you say some stupid shit sometimes DW! Mr. I challenge everyone on the board, show some respect for your fellow man and competitor for once. Having a little class would probably do you some good and win you more votes than calling out anyone on a message board. Clown.

Smart? He cuts lawns and paints houses for a living. What other non-illegal alien can claim that?
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: photoman on July 26, 2007, 05:56:55 PM
God Bless Callie, Dawson, and the new baby. I worked with Jesse two weeks ago at the Washington State Championships. He was a great entertainer and an all-around good guy.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: wootwoot on July 26, 2007, 06:00:37 PM
what did he die of i aint readin 6 pages

dude chances are that's on the first page
Post by: bmacsys on July 26, 2007, 06:01:46 PM
A quote from a guy...
"Quick story about this class act. At last years Olympia I wanted his autograph for my 15yo step-son. We talked for a few minutes and got the autograph. I pulled out some cash to give him and he flat out refused. Jesse told me people people fly from all over the world to meet their heros..."why should they have to pay $5 or $10 for their autograph?"

There are some good people on this earth.
Post by: Knives on July 26, 2007, 06:06:53 PM
There are some good people on this earth.

one less now....
Post by: bmacsys on July 26, 2007, 06:11:21 PM
I've been able to do it since 8th grade.  My hands are pretty large, but I've met a lot of people with bigger hands who can't palm it at all.  I think it's because my thumb is flexible.

Very few guys in the NBA can actually "palm the ball" today. It doesn't take hand strength. It just takes huge hands. Only guys like Dr. J, Chamberlain, Connie Hawkins, Shaq, actually had hands big enough. They all had hands from tip of pinky to thumb of at least 13"+.  Being able to hold the ball by gripping it with your fingers isn't "palming" the ball. Most anyone with a good sized hand can do that.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Grundle on July 26, 2007, 06:23:41 PM
 Jesse should have known, drugs er bad, mkaaaaaaaaaay.

Post by: The Squadfather on July 26, 2007, 07:57:14 PM
any idiot can see that jesse marunde had and every day build of a guy off the streets, his muscle didnt match his strength. he was all steroids
man if this is the average guy off the streets where you live every guy must be on a pound of test a month, there must be some huge "average guys on the street" where you live. ::)
Title: Re: Will some of you folks stop talking trash about Marunde dying
Post by: Wombat on July 26, 2007, 08:01:08 PM

Fuck you asshole.  I don't care if I get criticized about this.  This shit-talk about people who died has gone too far. 

I'm glad I don't know some of you in real life.  Only a complete shit-head would even say the stuff I've heard today

yes i agree about this Jesse guy...But for sake of argument...Not all death is created equal...

If DA was to die tonight...You can bet that he would get bashed on this and many sites out there...And i personally believe for good reason...If he doesn't respect anyone when he is living, then he shouldn't get respect in death...
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Danimal77 on July 26, 2007, 08:11:54 PM
Jon Pall Sigmarson anyone? Around the same age and both died doing pretty much the same thing.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: SS on July 26, 2007, 08:12:04 PM
he would be fat by GB terms ::)
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: The Squadfather on July 26, 2007, 08:16:25 PM
he would be fat by GB terms ::)
hahahahaha, can you imagine if he posted on here, "YOU MIGHT BE BIG AND STRONG BUT YOU'RE FAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THOSE 700 POUND SQUATS WOULD COME DOWN TO 115 IF YOU DIETED DOWN TO 126 AT NEGATIVE 24 PERCENT BF LIKE ME!!!!" ;D
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: SS on July 26, 2007, 08:19:13 PM
hahahahaha, can you imagine if he posted on here, "YOU MIGHT BE BIG AND STRONG BUT YOU'RE FAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THOSE 700 POUND SQUATS WOULD COME DOWN TO 115 IF YOU DIETED DOWN TO 126 AT NEGATIVE 24 PERCENT BF LIKE ME!!!!" ;D
hahaha! yeah and all the skinny wannabe cage fighters with the Royce Gracie syndrome claiming size doesn't matter and they could kick his ass::)
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: musclecenter on July 26, 2007, 09:11:24 PM
According to Associated Press
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Lift Studios on July 27, 2007, 12:50:12 AM
Man that is sad news. He was a nice guy and always cool when I talked to him at shows. Last I saw him was at the Boise Fit Expo when he posed for this pic with two hotties in the model contest.

RIP peace Jesse.

Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: honest on July 27, 2007, 01:20:19 AM
Rest in peace brother.

Show some respect boys were all brothers in the iron game otherwise why would be train and spend time on here, the name is get big after all, not be small and live long, drugged or natural, lets just appreciate a great athlete on a sad day for his family and us, i dont mean getbig and die, im sure if Jesse thought he was going to go out like this he would have pulled up for the sake of his family, but we all love the iron game, lets just show him some respect. 
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: mental_masturbator on July 27, 2007, 02:39:02 AM
I'll probably get flamed for this...What a way to go out, after an extended drop set of heavy, ass-to-the-floor squats.  A "good" death if you ask me...doing what he loved to do.  I just wish he didn't check out so young.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: MAXX on July 27, 2007, 04:29:05 AM
good article with Jesse.

Jesse sure ate alot. That coupled with steroids couldn't have helped having a bad heart.

Not to seem like a totall asshole i have to say its really tragic. Seemed like a very nice guy.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Man of Steel on July 27, 2007, 09:57:29 AM
he would be fat by GB terms ::)

AHAAHAH!!!  Exactly, although "fat" is an understatement......"morbidly obese" is probably the most common opinion.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Faust on July 27, 2007, 10:13:55 AM
Do the top contenders in Strongmen events get regular checkups?

Sure, he may have had a weak heart to start with, but to be a top player events like this it seems you need a (more than sensible) stash of roids.

Tragic event. I don't think any sport where strenght and endurance dominate over skill is still clean today.

I hope the best for his family and may this inspire other athletes to get decent checkups.
I know that in cycling a lot of them have rigourous tests to check the condition of the heart/arteries.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: bigbalddaddy on July 27, 2007, 12:03:23 PM

This taken from his forum:

Friends, we suffered a great loss in the strongman community last evening. The Sequim Crew was doing what they do. Training hard and particularly training Jesse for the WSM contest in Anaheim. He died quickly and painlessly.

The squat set was as follows:
230kg x 8
190kg x 8
150kg x 8
110kg x 8
70kg x 8
Followed immediately by:
600# tire flip
265# stone load
All of this was done with no rest between sets. Rack, pull, go
At the completion of these sets Jesse laid on his back, on the cold floor like normal. Breck and Sarge noticed that his breathing was laborious. Jesse became incoherent and stopped breathing. We administered cpr, called 911 and continued to resusitate until paramedics arrived. They set up the defibrillator, epinephrin, to no avail. He was worked on for over an hour between Breck, Sarge and the paramedics.

These are the facts as it happened. We are deeply saddened by this tragic loss. We appreciate your support and prayers.

The Sequim Crew

Please have some respect fellas, nobody deserves to die and this guy was a warrior to entertain us!
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Marty Champions on July 27, 2007, 03:33:40 PM
i feel bad for jesse and his family that he is dead

but lets not forget we all take chances some of us 'gamble' more than others. i may gamble with 'weed' while others gamble in life by driving fast as hell, doing coke and alcohol on the regular.

steroids are the dumbest gamble of them all, there are risks, and side effects and its should be pretty clear now that young athletes are dropping like flys
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: bigbalddaddy on July 27, 2007, 03:54:21 PM
i feel bad for jesse and his family that he is dead

but lets not forget we all take chances some of us 'gamble' more than others. i may gamble with 'weed' while others gamble in life by driving fast as hell, doing coke and alcohol on the regular.

steroids are the dumbest gamble of them all, there are risks, and side effects and its should be pretty clear now that young athletes are dropping like flys

well said and nice to see someone on here keeping it real!!! ;)

btw, when are you gonna change your name to "bigdaddywaddy"? ;D
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Dballn247 on July 27, 2007, 04:18:57 PM
hahaha! yeah and all the skinny wannabe cage fighters with the Royce Gracie syndrome claiming size doesn't matter and they could kick his ass::)

Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Meathead335 on July 27, 2007, 04:46:37 PM
Not cool news at all.  :'(
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Marty Champions on July 27, 2007, 05:19:20 PM
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: The Squadfather on July 27, 2007, 05:25:21 PM
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: bmacsys on July 27, 2007, 05:29:23 PM

Powerful looking dude.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: tweeter on July 27, 2007, 05:34:48 PM
He always seemed like a cool dude. I remember seeing him talking with the fans at either the ASC or the GNC a few years ago; seemed like a real cool dude. My condolences.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: The Squadfather on July 27, 2007, 05:37:32 PM
Powerful looking dude.
damn right.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Marty Champions on July 27, 2007, 05:51:36 PM

squadfather, your posts of late have shown old age wisdom, does this mean you have already had a peak of the book of knowledge?
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: The Squadfather on July 27, 2007, 06:04:42 PM
squadfather, your posts of late have shown old age wisdom, does this mean you have already had a peak of the book of knowledge?
hahahaha, it's your world DW, i'm just living in it. ;D
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: B R on July 28, 2007, 01:48:34 AM
RIP Jesse.

                                                                       ^Whos the guy with AIDS on the right?
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: UK Gold on July 28, 2007, 04:10:44 AM
How is it that Jesse dies and Mick Jagger is still alive?
Or Lemmy from Motorhead. He's been drinking, smoking and doing drugs for FIFTY YEARS!!! He says he would probably die if he didn't do them. With genetics like that maybe he should have been a bodybuilder.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: New Hank Wood on July 28, 2007, 04:16:37 AM
Enough already you bitches!  Show some respect for the dead!

This guy is rotting in some stinking hole and all you guys can do is hate on him!

Yeah, so what, he juiced and did a lot of horrible things in his life!  He may have been a nasty-piece-of-work, but let the dead rest-in-peace!

His family should be given a chance to mourn.  They have enough to deal with, knowing their son got involved in some pretty seedy and disgusting things in his short life!

Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: The True Adonis on July 31, 2007, 09:23:15 AM
When will you idiots realize that steroids are very harmful?
Post by: Brutal_1 on July 31, 2007, 10:17:00 AM
I know there is a video of him doing 10 "clap pull-ups" at over 300lbs on youtube somewhere. He pulls himself up with enough explosiveness and on the way up he lets go and claps his hands together and grabs the bar again and does 10 like that. Pretty cool. I had never seen that before.

not sure if this has been posted, but this clip shows his strength, including his famous "clap pull-ups" at around 40 seconds into the video....strong dude, strong, strong dude!  :o

Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Figuregirly on September 11, 2007, 09:08:32 AM
Jesse's Coroner Report.
The jerks who trash-talked Jesse should feel ashamed. His family is in enough pain, they don't need vicious speculations from people who have no idea.  Take a look at yourselves, what would people say about you in the event of your death???  Jesse was a great man who loved his family and friends, and if you wanted to be his friend, you were.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: The Squadfather on September 11, 2007, 09:10:22 AM
Jesse's Coroner Report.
The jerks who trash-talked Jesse should feel ashamed. His family is in enough pain, they don't need vicious speculations from people who have no idea.  Take a look at yourselves, what would people say about you in the event of your death???  Jesse was a great man who loved his family and friends, and if you wanted to be his friend, you were.
nobody here said anything negative about Jesse, quit being so sensitive.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: jarhead on September 11, 2007, 09:12:02 AM
this is sad.  he was a good guy.  very nice.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: dragonheart on September 11, 2007, 10:13:29 AM
When will you idiots realize that steroids are very harmful?

from the coroners report : rumors are running rampant on the forums, Callie Marunde said, with people speculating about what caused Jesse Marunde’s death, frequently using drug-based themes. Yet, “the toxicology screen turned up nothing,” Callie Marunde said. “Jesse died from cardiac arthythmia due to hypertrophic and dilated cardiomyopathy. We always knew he had a large heart and the coroner confirmed this, stating the enlarged heart was a genetic defect.  The coroner explained that Jesse could have passed anytime. I am blessed to have so many precious memories of the short time he had with our daughter.”

Callie Marunde told IronMind that she wanted to share this information from the coroner’s report because "the people who are stirring the pot" have no knowledge of Jesse’s family history as it relates to heart disease, and this should be emphasized.

you're a fucking idiot adonis.  maybe you should go on the sauce, you look about 140lbs soaking wet.  Then again im not sure how well your accountant genetics would respond.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Stu on September 11, 2007, 11:10:48 AM
oh brother!

so its all down to genetics yet again....hahahaha

i dont want to disrespect a dead guy but realistically if he never trained the way he did/ate the way he did/took the drugs he did/weighed as much as he did does anyone honestly think he would be dead today? sure maybe it wasnt "all drugs" but im sure it was certainly "all lifestyle"

"hope this helps"
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Overload on September 11, 2007, 11:37:43 AM
oh brother!

so its all down to genetics yet again....hahahaha

i dont want to disrespect a dead guy but realistically if he never trained the way he did/ate the way he did/took the drugs he did/weighed as much as he did does anyone honestly think he would be dead today? sure maybe it wasnt "all drugs" but im sure it was certainly "all lifestyle"

"hope this helps"

My best friend from high school died of the EXACT same thing and he was 20. never did any AAS or drugs in his entire life and he was in very good shape.

Hope this helps.

Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Stu on September 11, 2007, 11:39:56 AM
no, that doesnt help at all

Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: honest on September 11, 2007, 07:03:48 PM
oh brother!

so its all down to genetics yet again....hahahaha

i dont want to disrespect a dead guy but realistically if he never trained the way he did/ate the way he did/took the drugs he did/weighed as much as he did does anyone honestly think he would be dead today? sure maybe it wasnt "all drugs" but im sure it was certainly "all lifestyle"

"hope this helps"

Stu your a piece of shit i hope you get banned, this site is called getbig, why dont you fuck off to a more conservative site like dont train eat to much and be safe .com.
The guys dead show some respect.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Van_Bilderass on September 11, 2007, 07:31:27 PM
Jesse's Coroner Report.
The jerks who trash-talked Jesse should feel ashamed. His family is in enough pain, they don't need vicious speculations from people who have no idea.  Take a look at yourselves, what would people say about you in the event of your death???  Jesse was a great man who loved his family and friends, and if you wanted to be his friend, you were.
Let the man rest in peace BUT...

Where is the coroners report? Where is the toxicology report? What substances did they test for? I don't see it. This is a report from his sister who would never say anything that would reflect badly on Marunde or taint his legacy.
Post by: dzulboy on September 11, 2007, 10:41:11 PM
how old?

do the math dip shit the date is right there     he was younger then me
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Lartinos on August 08, 2023, 12:22:32 PM
Found this on Google and then I realized I used to watch him on TV.
I just found out today he is dead.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on August 08, 2023, 12:33:12 PM
I remember him...wife is now married to Nick Best but he was from what i understand using a ton of preworkout stims....never a good idea
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: BB on August 08, 2023, 12:57:59 PM
The workout from when he died, as reported by people that were there -

"Friends, we suffered a great loss in the strongman community last evening. The Sequim Crew was doing what they do. Training hard and particularly training Jesse for the WSM contest in Anaheim. He died quickly and painlessly.

The squat set was as follows:
230kg x 8
190kg x 8
150kg x 8
110kg x 8
70kg x 8
Followed immediately by:
600# tire flip
265# stone load
All of this was done with no rest between sets. Rack, pull, go
At the completion of these sets Jesse laid on his back, on the cold floor like normal. Breck and Sarge noticed that his breathing was laborious. Jesse became incoherent and stopped breathing. We administered cpr, called 911 and continued to resusitate until paramedics arrived. They set up the defibrillator, epinephrin, to no avail. He was worked on for over an hour between Breck, Sarge and the paramedics.

These are the facts as it happened. We are deeply saddened by this tragic loss. We appreciate your support and prayers."

Wife talking about the official cause of death - .

Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Rambone on August 08, 2023, 01:07:13 PM
The workout from when he died, as reported by people that were there -

"Friends, we suffered a great loss in the strongman community last evening. The Sequim Crew was doing what they do. Training hard and particularly training Jesse for the WSM contest in Anaheim. He died quickly and painlessly.

The squat set was as follows:
230kg x 8
190kg x 8
150kg x 8
110kg x 8
70kg x 8
Followed immediately by:
600# tire flip
265# stone load
All of this was done with no rest between sets. Rack, pull, go
At the completion of these sets Jesse laid on his back, on the cold floor like normal. Breck and Sarge noticed that his breathing was laborious. Jesse became incoherent and stopped breathing. We administered cpr, called 911 and continued to resusitate until paramedics arrived. They set up the defibrillator, epinephrin, to no avail. He was worked on for over an hour between Breck, Sarge and the paramedics.

These are the facts as it happened. We are deeply saddened by this tragic loss. We appreciate your support and prayers."

Wife talking about the official cause of death - .

I don’t use the term “warrior’s death” very often but….
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Dave D on August 08, 2023, 01:13:28 PM
I don’t use the term “warrior’s death” very often but….

Too soon bro too soon.
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: BB on August 08, 2023, 01:13:49 PM
I don’t use the term “warrior’s death” very often but….

Sadly, he cannot be a warrior because he didn't die in strict curl battle. The gates of Valhalla have slammed shut. 
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Rambone on August 08, 2023, 01:16:52 PM
You are both haters!!!
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: GymnJuice on August 08, 2023, 01:36:54 PM
Is he still dead?

Was he sexual?

Was he saved?
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Rambone on August 08, 2023, 01:38:29 PM
Is he still dead?

Was he sexual?

Was he saved?

Is he pansexual like Wayne Brady?
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Dave D on August 08, 2023, 01:48:16 PM
Is he pansexual like Wayne Brady?

Tom Brady’s brother has sex with panda’s? Is this strictly for repopulation purposes or does he derive pleasure from this?

Wait, is pansexual people who have with pandemic victims? I am confused.

Is Jessie’s death another example of a young athlete dying from the covid vaccination?
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Rambone on August 08, 2023, 01:51:31 PM
Tom Brady’s brother has sex with panda’s? Is this strictly for repopulation purposes or does he derive pleasure from this?

Wait is pansexual people who have with pandemic victims? I am confused.

Wait is Jessie’s death another example of a young athlete dying from the covid vaccination?

Jesse Marunde would be rolling in his warrior’s grave if he knew you were tarnishing his thread like this
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Dave D on August 08, 2023, 01:56:24 PM
Jesse Marunde would be rolling in his warrior’s grave if he knew you were tarnishing his thread like this


The damn virus was weaponized  and who better to target than one of the worlds strongest men? We were living in complete comfort in 07! This was a set up.

They crashed the housing market a year later and just as we recovered BOOM 2020 killed all the Italians!
Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: Rambone on August 08, 2023, 02:00:15 PM

The damn virus was weaponized  and who better to target than one of the worlds strongest men? We were living in complete comfort in 07! This was a set up.

They crashed the housing market a year later and just as we recovered BOOM 2020 killed all the Italians!

How dare you come into this office and bark at me like some little junkyard dog? I am the President of the United States!

You switched THE SAMPLES!

Title: Re: Jesse Marunde passed away July 25, 2007
Post by: pamith on August 08, 2023, 11:30:19 PM
My nikka