Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Tony Doherty on January 24, 2008, 06:34:30 PM

Title: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: Tony Doherty on January 24, 2008, 06:34:30 PM
I had the pleasure of working with Nasser on several occasions. We did a couple of Australian tours and I got to interview him many times. Firstly, Nasser has been telling stories for ever, he has not suddenly started attacking other pros. He is a great story teller and very funny in his delivery. His impersonations of Kovacs and others is spot on. I can confirm that Nasser does not do social drugs whatsoever. He likes a beer and that is it.

I won't comment on his other tales as it is not my place or style, however i will say that Nasser has a memory like an elephant, he remembers details and conversations that go way back. My friend Sonny thought very highly of Nasser and rated his physique as one of the all time greats. I remember Nasser was coming up through the ranks when Sonny recognized his potential. In fact it was Sonny's idea to get Nasser to Oz as a guest poser the first time.

There are at least 2 things I would like to clear up.

1.   Some people here (pumpkinheads) believe that Nasser is broke/poor/destitute. Let me tell you all, Nasser was laughing 10 years ago at all the pros with bling bling cars, expensive watches and Louis Vuitton luggage. He was on a very lucrative contract with Weider, he was guest posing almost every weekend and placing very high or winning most shows he entered. Through the mid 90s Nasser would have been one of the highest earning pro on the circuit. I remember even then, Nasser drove a Ford probe or something fairly plain. He was saving his money and investing wisely, more than any other pro I have worked with. Do the maths, he did not squander his money like others and I am sure it humors him to read about his finances.

2.  Nasser is actually very generous and kind, not for approval of others but because he is decent. Some examples.....
One night Nasser took some of my family members to dinner at a spanish restaurant. It was obvious that they were very poor, the family was at the back of the restaurant around a very small TV. When we left, Nasser went back in and I found out later that he gave them the biggest tip that they had ever seen. He never mentioned it to anyone, which I thought showed class.

3. One night at the end of a tour we drank some beers and I dropped Nasser off at his hotel, I was very tired and exhausted and had to be back to take him to the airport very early the next day. When I arrived the next morning he was ready to go, not tired or exhausted, which I thought was great as I was stuffed. He went on to tell me that he had not slept much and had in fact stayed up much of the night. He handed me a large envelope, saying this is for any fans that could not afford a photo or even a ticket to the shows. Inside were around a hundred 8X10s. All hand signed with a different message, a blank space for their names and all signed by Nasser. I thought this was incredible and I can tell you that over the following years thse photos made some fans very happy.

In twenty years of promoting shows I know that Nasser is the only pro to ever shout my family out for dinner, the only pro to go out of his way to help some poor people, the only pro to ever leave something free for the fans. 
(Note: Vince Taylor also left free signed photos for fans last year, Vince = class act!)

If you read this Nasser, thanks for the memories.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: knny187 on January 24, 2008, 06:35:42 PM
I wonder if he forgot that he liked to smack the wifey around
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: Rami on January 24, 2008, 06:55:07 PM
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: SF1900 on January 24, 2008, 06:56:15 PM
I wonder if he forgot that he liked to smack the wifey around

I wonder if he beat his wife because she stole his synthol?:)
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: bigbobs on January 24, 2008, 07:06:22 PM
Yeah I'm sure he really did abuse her -- is that why even after the divorce she travelled to San Diego to be at his hospital bed when he was there for quite a while in 2003, and she even eventually tried to get back together with him?  Pretty nice treatment by someone who is "abused"   ::)
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: TrueGrit on January 24, 2008, 07:09:59 PM
I heard he stomped on her head when she accidentally dropped a vial of HGH.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: knny187 on January 24, 2008, 07:17:19 PM
Yeah I'm sure he really did abuse her -- is that why even after the divorce she travelled to San Diego to be at his hospital bed when he was there for quite a while in 2003, and she even eventually tried to get back together with him?  Pretty nice treatment by someone who is "abused"   ::)

Thats how abused woman work dumbass

Pick up a book & read about it.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: FLYLO on January 24, 2008, 07:22:27 PM
Yeah I'm sure he really did abuse her -- is that why even after the divorce she travelled to San Diego to be at his hospital bed when he was there for quite a while in 2003, and she even eventually tried to get back together with him?  Pretty nice treatment by someone who is "abused"   ::)

Just as I had stated to you before: "your reply is getting weaker and weaker on every post". You have no qualm about the seriousness of this fact.  Hmmmmmh...what does your girlfriend think of you buying a a woman-hating wife-beater's worn clothes? 
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: TrueGrit on January 24, 2008, 07:26:41 PM
I think it's going to be hard to explain women's rights to bob. In Muslim countries the women get jailed for being raped as they've bought dishonor on themselves.

Nasser beating his wife to a pulp for spilling a few vials of GH is not going to be a big deal to him.       
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: FLYLO on January 24, 2008, 07:30:31 PM
I think it's going to be hard to explain women's rights to bob. In Muslim countries the women get jailed for being raped as they've bought dishonor on themselves.

Nasser beating his wife to a pulp for spilling a few vials of GH is not going to be a big deal to him.       

And both reports were two days apart.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: wolfgang187 on January 24, 2008, 07:36:14 PM
nasser is one of the few unselfish pros in the sport.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: PANDAEMONIUM on January 24, 2008, 07:38:00 PM
nasser is one few unselfish pros in the sport.

English, please.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: FLYLO on January 24, 2008, 07:39:24 PM
nasser is one few unselfish pros in the sport.

And what sport is that?  The circulated fact about nasser in the industry isn't "unselfish".  try another....
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: Camel Jockey on January 24, 2008, 07:52:25 PM
A true story from someone who knew the man himself.

Screw you pumkinheads.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: Lamplighterx on January 24, 2008, 07:55:39 PM
This is an excellent thread!
Nasser is no doubt a good man with a good heart
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: FLYLO on January 24, 2008, 07:57:16 PM
This is an excellent thread!
Nasser is no doubt a good man with a good heart

...with a short temper and iron fists...and drugged up.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: AVBG on January 24, 2008, 08:00:06 PM
Tony, as someone who knew Sonny extremely well, who do you think was the stronger  friendship with Sonny - Milos or Nasser?
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: PANDAEMONIUM on January 24, 2008, 08:00:48 PM
Usually I don't eat much of a breakfast.  But I do eat a big lunch.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: FLYLO on January 24, 2008, 08:05:05 PM
Tony, as someone who knew Sonny extremely well, who do you think was the stronger  friendship with Sonny - Milos or Nasser?

Nasser never made strong bonds with any of his fellow competitors.  That's one hint.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: Tony Doherty on January 24, 2008, 08:31:17 PM
Tony, as someone who knew Sonny extremely well, who do you think was the stronger  friendship with Sonny - Milos or Nasser?

Stronger friendship, Milos.
Nasser he liked and admired.

Sonny found it very difficult to dislike anyone, he was genuinely good natured and could see good in everyone.

Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: Livewire on January 24, 2008, 08:37:03 PM
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: bigbobs on January 24, 2008, 08:41:11 PM
This is what happened as Nasser just told me on the phone:

Shortly after the 2001 Olympia Nasser was guest posing in Germany and his wife called him asking for a divorce.  They had some disagreements at him always being out of town/country and her feeling neglected but he did not know it was this serious, so he told her to wait at home and that they would discuss it in person when he returns.  He came back to San Diego with his mother, and when he arrived at home lots of the furniture was missing but more extravagant there were police at his door who issued him a restraining order to not come within 90 yards of his wife.

You are not allowed to hire a private investigator while under a restraining order in California, so he got his parents to hire two private investigators to figure out what's going on.  From their research, it turned out that she had been cheating on him for a few years, and was currently with a second guy (the first one being for about 19 months).  Nasser owned a condo complex which his wife would manage, and for 19 months she was allowing one tenant she was seeing not to pay any rent.  Later she met another guy on the beach while walking Sato when Nasser was travelling like he usually did.  This guy worked out at the same gym as Nasser, and only lived 5 minutes away from him.  He found out all this information from the two private investigators.

Bisera (or Birjit), (his ex wife), got the restraining order put on Nasser in fear that he would try to find out what is going on and would then get evidence that she was cheating on him which would obviously contradict the case she was trying to fabricate against him that he was cheating on her.  Any woman who goes to a judge and says, "My husband is 320 lbs, he is on steroids and gets roid rage, he abuses me, I need a restraining order, etc." would issue one without any second though.  Actually most judges would issue one without second thought even for most guys regardless of their size.  It could happen to anyone.

During the court case she did try to complain that Nasser was abusing her.  Eight friends of Nasser's, including the late Trevor Smith and his wife Nancy Smith, testified in Nasser's favour by explaining how they are know the couple very well and have never seen any signs of abuse.  Also, Nancy Smith was a counsellor for battered women by profession, so she would not blindly defend Nasser against a cause she believes so strongly in.  However, the strongest evidence in Nasser's favour was that Bisera had NO physical signs of abuse.  Nasser's lawyer repeatedly asked her to produce even a shred of evidence or any medical records that she had been abused.  Bisera accused Nasser of breaking her wrist, among other accusations, yet was not able to produce any type of x-ray or anything to support that - obviously because it was a lie.  Other claims she made which she would have had some scars or evidence to show for (but she did not) were that Nasser broke her wisdom tooth and that he would hit bottles on her head.

We all know women often play the victim and fabricate stuff like this to get their way.  I'm sure it has happened to some people here on where they may be at a nightclub and get into a disagreement with a random girl they meet and she ends up telling a bouncer that you grabbed her boobs or whatever and you get kicked simply over her world.  It could happen to anyone, just like it did to Nasser.  To futher Nasser's case, he also had much evidence of her affairs as was given to him by the PI's.

The abuse charges were DROPPED as there was simply no evidence of any. 

By March/03 she was no longer with the guy she was seeing and wanted to get back with Nasser, actually she begged him to get back together.  She lived a six hour drive away and drove down on Friday and left on Sunday for 8 weekends in a row to stay at Nasser's place and try to woo him into accepting her back.  Nasser was friendly with her and allowed her to stay in the guest room, however did not take her back. 

Nasser also said that all this (with more detail of course) is already drafted for his book.  He was not hiding anything and doesnt care that it came out in a different way.  In one of my first responses to this I said you could have just asked Nasser and he probably would have told you - he has nothing to hide.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: Livewire on January 24, 2008, 08:43:01 PM
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: PANDAEMONIUM on January 24, 2008, 08:43:38 PM
This is what happened as Nasser just told me on the phone:

Shortly after the 2001 Olympia Nasser was guest posing in Germany and his wife called him asking for a divorce.  They had some disagreements at him always being out of town/country and her feeling neglected but he did not know it was this serious, so he told her to wait at home and that they would discuss it in person when he returns.  He came back to San Diego with his mother, and when he arrived at home lots of the furniture was missing but more extravagant there were police at his door who issued him a restraining order to not come within 90 yards of his wife.

You are not allowed to hire a private investigator while under a restraining order in California, so he got his parents to hire two private investigators to figure out what's going on.  From their research, it turned out that she had been cheating on him for a few years, and was currently with a second guy (the first one being for about 19 months).  Nasser owned a condo complex which his wife would manage, and for 19 months she was allowing one tenant she was seeing not to pay any rent.  Later she met another guy on the beach while walking Sato when Nasser was travelling like he usually did.  This guy worked out at the same gym as Nasser, and only lived 5 minutes away from him.  He found out all this information from the two private investigators.

Bisera (or Birjit), (his ex wife), got the restraining order put on Nasser in fear that he would try to find out what is going on and would then get evidence that she was cheating on him which would obviously contradict the case she was trying to fabricate against him that he was cheating on her.  Any woman who goes to a judge and says, "My husband is 320 lbs, he is on steroids and gets roid rage, he abuses me, I need a restraining order, etc." would issue one without any second though.  Actually most judges would issue one without second thought even for most guys regardless of their size.  It could happen to anyone.

During the court case she did try to complain that Nasser was abusing her.  Eight friends of Nasser's, including the late Trevor Smith and his wife Nancy Smith, testified in Nasser's favour by explaining how they are know the couple very well and have never seen any signs of abuse.  Also, Nancy Smith was a counsellor for battered women by profession, so she would not blindly defend Nasser against a cause she believes so strongly in.  However, the strongest evidence in Nasser's favour was that Bisera had NO physical signs of abuse.  Nasser's lawyer repeatedly asked her to produce even a shred of evidence or any medical records that she had been abused.  Bisera accused Nasser of breaking her wrist, among other accusations, yet was not able to produce any type of x-ray or anything to support that - obviously because it was a lie.  Other claims she made which she would have had some scars or evidence to show for (but she did not) were that Nasser broke her wisdom tooth and that he would hit bottles on her head.

We all know women often play the victim and fabricate stuff like this to get their way.  I'm sure it has happened to some people here on where they may be at a nightclub and get into a disagreement with a random girl they meet and she ends up telling a bouncer that you grabbed her boobs or whatever and you get kicked simply over her world.  It could happen to anyone, just like it did to Nasser.  To futher Nasser's case, he also had much evidence of her affairs as was given to him by the PI's.

The abuse charges were DROPPED as there was simply no evidence of any. 

By March/03 she was no longer with the guy she was seeing and wanted to get back with Nasser, actually she begged him to get back together.  She lived a six hour drive away and drove down on Friday and left on Sunday for 8 weekends in a row to stay at Nasser's place and try to woo him into accepting her back.  Nasser was friendly with her and allowed her to stay in the guest room, however did not take her back. 

Nasser also said that all this (with more detail of course) is already drafted for his book.  He was not hiding anything and doesnt care that it came out in a different way.  In one of my first responses to this I said you could have just asked Nasser and he probably would have told you - he has nothing to hide.

haven't you already posted this in six other threads?
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: bigbobs on January 24, 2008, 08:54:03 PM
haven't you already posted this in six other threads?

pumpkinheads like LiveWire keep reposting the same photoshopped pics, so everytime I see that I'm going to repost this too :)
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: FLYLO on January 24, 2008, 08:55:08 PM
pumpkinheads like LiveWire keep reposting the same photoshopped pics, so everytime I see that I'm going to repost this too :)

an eye for an eye.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: gcb on January 24, 2008, 09:20:11 PM
nasser wearing his (uh hum) wife-beater
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: Big Worm on January 24, 2008, 09:36:42 PM
nasser wearing his (uh hum) wife-beater
hahahahahahahah!! NICE!
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: bigkahuna on January 24, 2008, 09:38:31 PM
tony just want to say ive been training at your gym several times in the past far the best gym ive been to in melbourne!

keep it up mate!
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: bigbobs on January 24, 2008, 10:23:04 PM
lol this thread really went off the topic Tony intended it to be on!
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: Tony Doherty on January 24, 2008, 10:30:20 PM
lol this thread really went off the topic Tony intended it to be on!

Sure did, I thought it was a good story ......

Please send my best regards to Nasser.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: bigbobs on January 24, 2008, 10:31:11 PM
Sure did, I thought it was a good story ......

Please send my best regards to Nasser.

I will - he will probably read this thread or already has.

He mentioned you before as one of the people who could confirm his story about Milos and Sonny Schmidt I believe.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: Tony Doherty on January 24, 2008, 10:31:36 PM
tony just want to say ive been training at your gym several times in the past far the best gym ive been to in melbourne!

keep it up mate!

Thanks mate, you rock!
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: PANDAEMONIUM on January 24, 2008, 10:32:18 PM
I will - he will probably read this thread or already has.

He mentioned you before as one of the people who could confirm his story about Milos and Sonny Schmidt I believe.

Serious question: why doesn't Nasser just sign up for a getbig account and speak for himself?  It would save you a lot of typing.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: bigbobs on January 24, 2008, 10:32:52 PM
Thanks mate, you rock!

You're pretty slick yourself - you're the guy in Ronnnie's "On the Road' DVD right?  You're probably one of the only people that was actually able to make Ronnie TALK during his videos lol
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: bigbobs on January 24, 2008, 10:33:30 PM
Serious question: why doesn't Nasser just sign up for a getbig account and speak for himself?  It would save you a lot of typing.

I dont know, probably doesnt want to deal with the drama.  On the other hand, I enjoy it, especially since its so easy to own the pumpkinheads
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: PANDAEMONIUM on January 24, 2008, 10:34:35 PM
I dont know, probably doesnt want to deal with the drama. 

But isn't he already dealing with the drama?  I mean, he's obviously following the message boards closely and calling you to ask you to type stuff for him.  Just seems kinda strange that he wouldn't man up and come here and speak for himself.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: bigbobs on January 24, 2008, 10:36:24 PM
But isn't he already dealing with the drama?  I mean, he's obviously following the message boards closely and calling you to ask you to type stuff for him.  Just seems kinda strange that he wouldn't man up and come here and speak for himself.

No actually I called him because this was news to me so I wanted to hear his side.  He has never asked me to type stuff for him, a few times he has sent actual posts to me or David robson to post on his behalf and whenever we do that we acknowledge that it's a post from Nasser and not us.

Shouldnt come as a surprise if he doesnt want to sign up - most pros dont sign up here because of all the haters.  I heard Jay Cutler made an account and cancelled it within a day for that same reason.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: webcake on January 24, 2008, 10:41:55 PM
Whats Nassers phone number?
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: bigbobs on January 24, 2008, 10:42:42 PM
Whats Nassers phone number?

Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: webcake on January 24, 2008, 10:49:57 PM

Milos answered :o
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: Tony Doherty on January 24, 2008, 10:53:44 PM
You're pretty slick yourself - you're the guy in Ronnnie's "On the Road' DVD right?  You're probably one of the only people that was actually able to make Ronnie TALK during his videos lol

A lot of fans enjoyed hearing Ronnie talk, plenty hated it and just wanted to hear him singin "light weight".

I was asked to present this DVD with no notice whatsoever, so I thought I would try to get the fans to know Ronnie a bit. He is a funny guy and much smarter than people give him credit for. People seem to confuse accent with IQ.  We had a blast making the tape.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: bigkahuna on January 25, 2008, 12:34:24 AM
hey tony i know you are fairly knowledgeable about bb and have seen many pros in ronnie the most impressive, if not who is?
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: calmus on January 25, 2008, 12:36:24 AM
hey tony i know you are fairly knowledgeable about bb and have seen many pros in ronnie the most impressive, if not who is?

It's either Lee Priest or Luke Wood.  And Sonny Schmidt would be close on their heels.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: aussiepro on January 25, 2008, 12:52:28 AM
haha i didn't realise nasser stouped that low and had to beat his wife... what a true rolemodel he is to all (4) fans he has left. And she cheated on him, that wouldn't have anything to do witht he fact that he looked like a oil bloated pile of shit would it.. i hope nasser posts on this board it would save a lot of phone calls to bigbobs
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: Vince B on January 25, 2008, 01:09:58 AM
Let all males beware of women they become involved with. When women are betrayed, hurt of upset then can do all manner of things to get even with men. That includes making up stories about violence, etc. Remember that violence re domestic is defined differently from how it is normally used. One can be charged with violence by intimidating, or stalking women. It doesn't mean you actually caused them physical injury. All a woman has to do is say she is afraid the guy will do her some harm. Courts and the police will usually issue a temporary restraining order until the issue is dealt with by a court.

Remember that at least 5 and perhaps 10 or more percent of women are mentally ill. Goodness knows what sufferers of Borderline Personality Disorder can do. Remember that there are two sides to every story. In the absence of hearing the other side, good sense suggests we don't jump to conclusions when we hear stuff.

When a guy is accused of domestic violence the tendency is to assume he must be guilty of something. Those who make this assumption have not been in very many relationships! There is no knowing what a scorned woman might do!

Again, what is the test of truth re any alleged domestic violence? Being charged for this doesn't mean you were guilty unless and until a court determines that you are. I so dislike all the crap posted on the internet about such matters. It is bad enough having to deal with that crap in real life.

I could care less what happened between star bodybuilders and their partners. I wasn't there so I can't comment. Like most things many people assume that bodybuilders are violent but if you look at the Jerry Springer Show you will see that women are way more violent than men ever will be.

Nice to hear a positive story from someone who actually knew Nasser. We need most stories like this to balance the nonsense that appears here on Getbig almost daily.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: street on January 25, 2008, 02:07:35 AM
Vince they probably do not know what women can be like but I am sure one day they will find out.I think it is more they get a kick out of stirring people that care for whatever it is they do not care if they are right or wrong.If people ignore them they will cease , every time they say wifebasher bigbob jumps to defend Nasser .This is the exact response that feeds there juvenile minds if bigbob ignores them they will go away .Their opinions do not matter even Paul McCartneys wife did the same thing ,filed charges of domestic violence and assAULT,IT IS JUST A TYPICAL PLOY FOR LAWYERS TO GET LEVERAGE IN THE DIVORCE COURT.(ACCIDENTAL CAPS BAD LUCK)
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: Sumpa on January 25, 2008, 05:33:12 AM
Vince/street, it's nice too see some intelligence on this board from non-TEAM NASSER-members. Remember, the pumpkin-heads have seen pvssy twice, when they were born and when the doctor tried to push them back again.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: Sumpa on January 25, 2008, 05:36:18 AM
Thanks for a great thread by the way!  :)
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: rocket on January 25, 2008, 05:49:05 AM
Testifying towards his character is really unnecessary, you (as in, the group of nasser fans) can achieve more effective results by mentioning him less.  Most people are only criticising nasser because they are bored of you endlessly discussing him.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: Sumpa on January 25, 2008, 05:52:58 AM
Testifying towards his character is really unnecessary, you (as in, the group of nasser fans) can achieve more effective results by mentioning him less.  Most people are only criticising nasser because they are bored of you endlessly discussing him.

What do you base this on. 9 out of 10 threads about Nasser are created by pumpkin-heads that have absolutely nothing interesting, or even true for that matter, to say.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: _bruce_ on January 25, 2008, 05:56:18 AM
Nasser = GREAT!
women = suckage!  :'(

Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: dr.chimps on January 25, 2008, 06:01:15 AM
Testifying towards his character is really unnecessary, you (as in, the group of nasser fans) can achieve more effective results by mentioning him less.  Most people are only criticising nasser because they are bored of you endlessly discussing him.
Spot on as usual, rocket. I don't think anyone disagrees with Nasser's physique or his place in the bb'ing pantheon/firmament, but we are all very tired of the fawning and the toadying going on around here by bigbobs et al. If Nasser is indeed the humble and good man these 'Nasserites' say he is, surely he is embarrassed by all their efforts which have reached the saturation point.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: Sumpa on January 25, 2008, 06:22:20 AM
Spot on as usual, rocket. I don't think anyone disagrees with Nasser's physique or his place in the bb'ing pantheon/firmament, but we are all very tired of the fawning and the toadying going on around here by bigbobs et al. If Nasser is indeed the humble and good man these 'Nasserites' say he is, surely he is embarrassed by all their efforts which have reached the saturation point.

Spot on? He's wrong, read my last post.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: XFACTOR on January 25, 2008, 06:27:40 AM
Serious question: why doesn't Nasser just sign up for a getbig account and speak for himself?  It would save you a lot of typing.

You honestly think that ape knows how to type/use a computer?
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: dr.chimps on January 25, 2008, 06:30:20 AM
You honestly think that ape knows how to type/use a computer?
Are you suggesting that the pic of CEO Nasser behind the desk is as real as a man-on-the-go Sear's ad?  8)
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: FLYLO on January 25, 2008, 06:34:41 AM
Are you suggesting that the pic of CEO Nasser behind the desk is a real as a man-on-the-go Sear's ad?  8)

Nasser is CEO and employee to his $$$ empire.  In the picture, he is doing his daily telemarketing to promote his latest worn undie.  ;D
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: XFACTOR on January 25, 2008, 06:51:01 AM
Nasser is CEO and employee to his $$$ empire.  In the picture, he is doing his daily telemarketing to promote his latest worn undie.  ;D

This guy is far from a CEO

Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: rocket on January 25, 2008, 07:04:15 AM
What do you base this on. 9 out of 10 threads about Nasser are created by pumpkin-heads that have absolutely nothing interesting, or even true for that matter, to say.

I already posted a long message in another thread, explaining the reaction to Nasser but I will comment to you.

Initially this was the other way around.  9 out of 10 threads were created by Team Nasser members that had nothing constructive to say.  Even they would admit that, now that things are a little more interesting and Nasser has some things to say personally.

There are quite a few threads criticising him but they come in response to a deluge of threads where "team nasser" spams the board with nonsense.  It was Team Nasser who cast the first stone and everybody needs to mention him less.  Everybody.  Stick to threads of substance.  People do not need to testify that he is a great guy, they just need to mention him less.  The way people are acting towards him comes from overexposure (and the fact that too many members here are speaking for him - and cheaply at that).

Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: Sumpa on January 25, 2008, 07:07:29 AM
I already posted a long message in another thread, explaining the reaction to Nasser but I will comment to you.

Initially this was the other way around.  9 out of 10 threads were created by Team Nasser members that had nothing constructive to say.  Even they would admit that, now that things are a little more interesting and Nasser has some things to say personally.

There are quite a few threads criticising him but they come in response to a deluge of threads where "team nasser" spams the board with nonsense.  It was Team Nasser who cast the first stone and everybody needs to mention him less.  Everybody.  Stick to threads of substance.  People do not need to testify that he is a great guy, they just need to mention him less.  The way people are acting towards him comes from overexposure (and the fact that too many members here are speaking for him - and cheaply at that).

A million threads were started by "Bluto" who isn't a member of the TEAM. Please don't confuse us!
This is also the first topic with some substance, since it's from a guy that has actually met Nasser several times and got to know him somehow. Why complain here and not in the pumkin-head threads?
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: rocket on January 25, 2008, 07:25:01 AM
A million threads were started by "Bluto" who isn't a member of the TEAM. Please don't confuse us!
This is also the first topic with some substance, since it's from a guy that has actually met Nasser several times and got to know him somehow. Why complain here and not in the pumkin-head threads?

To be honest I never had any intention of confusing you as a group until Nasser basically endorsed you as a whole.  To me, he should have admitted that some people were taking it too far.  Instead, he made out like any mention is a good mention. 

I posted it here because I am addressing fans of Nasser.  I wouldn't waste my time commenting in the pumpkinhead threads.  They'll be gone soon anyway
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: Sumpa on January 25, 2008, 07:37:00 AM
To be honest I never had any intention of confusing you as a group until Nasser basically endorsed you as a whole.  To me, he should have admitted that some people were taking it too far.  Instead, he made out like any mention is a good mention. 

I posted it here because I am addressing fans of Nasser.  I wouldn't waste my time commenting in the pumpkinhead threads.  They'll be gone soon anyway

We can only hope. I don't think the TEAM-members are polluting the boards nowadays anyway.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: TrueGrit on January 25, 2008, 07:40:12 AM
Good points Rocket.

I always quite liked Son Baty. I saw him as someone who wasn't like most bodybuilders, ie..thick as pigshit and smack talking. I saw him as a well educated, intelligent guy who had a legitimate case for claiming he'd won the 97 Mr O (a case, not that he was a dead cert to win it)...but who had, unfortunately for him, gone too far with the oil and screwed up his physique.

 Half of the unpleasant stuff I say about him is tongue in cheek to wind up TeamNasser because it's too easy and they used to deliberately fuck up threads with multiple pictures of the ageing muscleman. The constant exposure and deliberate semi-trolling of the team started to piss me off , especially as they would just deny any shortcomings on his part and impede any real discussion of the subject. So all it became was a repetitive rehash of the same pictures and high-fiving each other.

Also, for a guy who prides himself on his advanced education - hey, we've got a bodybuilder who hasactually been to Uni - his interviews are pretty lowbrow and trashy : 'I screwed her, she liked my penis ' ' I never got paid for drugs' 'I didn't pay him for drugs' 'pumpkinheads' etc.. It's hardly inspiring to listen to pros bicker about drug deals gone bad and generally bitch like catfighting schoolgirls... Then again, probably my mistake for expecting that Nasser would be any different from the norm and buck the trend of pro bodybuilders being some of the most pathetic and uninspiring individuals alive today.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: bigbobs on January 25, 2008, 08:49:58 AM
Also, for a guy who prides himself on his advanced education - hey, we've got a bodybuilder who hasactually been to Uni - his interviews are pretty lowbrow and trashy : 'I screwed her, she liked my penis ' ' I never got paid for drugs' 'I didn't pay him for drugs' 'pumpkinheads' etc.. It's hardly inspiring to listen to pros bicker about drug deals gone bad and generally bitch like catfighting schoolgirls... Then again, probably my mistake for expecting that Nasser would be any different from the norm and buck the trend of pro bodybuilders being some of the most pathetic and uninspiring individuals alive today.

So being educated means you can not have a sense of humour or make any profane jokes?  ::)  What about all the getbig millionnaires and phD's who use even more profanity?
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: dr.chimps on January 25, 2008, 10:06:41 AM
So being educated means you can not have a sense of humour or make any profane jokes?  ::)  What about all the getbig millionnaires and phD's who use even more profanity?
Haha. You do so much spinnin' and grinnin' you have no idea where you end and Nasser begins. You can explain away anything in regards to Nasser, can't you? 

Here's your problem bb, and you'll appreciate the analogy as you're a finance guy. What happens when you flood an already saturated market with more currency? That's right: currency devaluation and hyperinflation which leads to more devaluation and increased hyperinflation. It's a vicious cycle. Well, that is what you have done with Nasser in regards to Getbig. In trying to help the big guy you have 'devalued' Nasser to the point that he is now widely seen as a joke. Was that your intention? Probably not. But that is what you have done. Some grasp of market value you have. 
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: XFACTOR on January 25, 2008, 10:10:03 AM
Haha. You do so much spinnin' and grinnin' you have no idea where you end and Nasser begins. You can explain away anything in regards to Nasser, can't you? 

Here's your problem bb, and you'll appreciate the analogy as you're a finance guy. What happens when you flood an already saturated market with more currency? That's right: currency devaluation and hyperinflation which leads to more devaluation and increased hyperinflation. It's a vicious cycle. Well, that is what you have done with Nasser in regards to Getbig. In trying to help the big guy you have 'devalued' Nasser to the point that he is now widely seen as a joke. Was that your intention? Probably not. But that is what you have done. Some grasp of market value you have. 

Great fucking post.  Very accurate,

More than anything I think the Bob guy has some deep dark rooted issues that he's dealing with.  It's pretty apparent.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: dr.chimps on January 25, 2008, 10:14:25 AM
Great fucking post.  Very accurate,

More than anything I think the Bob guy has some deep dark rooted issues that he's dealing with.  It's pretty apparent.
I don't what it his deal is, but it isn't healthy. I think I try to keep trying to talk sense to him as he is a fellow Canadian, and I feel a bit responsible for our image here on the board. Ha. Maybe I have some problems of my own to work out.  :-\
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: knny187 on January 25, 2008, 10:15:34 AM
I don't what it his deal is, but it isn't healthy. I think I try to keep trying to talk sense to him as he is a fellow Canadian, and I feel a bit responsible for our image here on the board. Ha. Maybe I have some problems of my own to work out.  :-\

Well NOW it's very clear

Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: bigbobs on January 25, 2008, 10:32:34 AM
Nasser's house which he sold a few years ago to invest elsewhere, further proving his wealth (credit to Knny187 for finding it!)

Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: AVBG on January 25, 2008, 11:11:43 AM
hey tony i know you are fairly knowledgeable about bb and have seen many pros in ronnie the most impressive, if not who is?

I know Tony was really impressed with Joel Stubbs when he came to the Aussie GP last year.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: FLYLO on January 25, 2008, 11:46:14 AM
I don't what it his deal is, but it isn't healthy. I think I try to keep trying to talk sense to him as he is a fellow Canadian, and I feel a bit responsible for our image here on the board. Ha. Maybe I have some problems of my own to work out.  :-\

"Canadian" is not Babs' mother tongue.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: Camel Jockey on January 25, 2008, 12:19:06 PM
Nasser's house which he sold a few years ago to invest elsewhere, further proving his wealth (credit to Knny187 for finding it!)


Now that's conclusive proof if anyone ever needed it!

TrueGrit, what's wrong with Nasser telling his side of the story? The fact that he's well off financially shows that he isn't doing this because he has no money, or because he needs to be relevant again. He's speaking out so everyone knows his side of the story and the facts. If you read part 4, you'll see that what he says matches up with a lot things that many of us already suspect.

He says he deserved to win the 97 mr. O, but hasn't attacked Dorian in any bad way. He was a far greatest bb'er than Milos, yet goes after Milos. This tells me that he's doing it because he was wronged, so what's wrong with giving Milos a little payback in the form of old personal stories?
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: FLYLO on January 25, 2008, 12:36:26 PM
Now that's conclusive proof if anyone ever needed it!

He says he deserved to win the 97 mr. O, but hasn't attacked Dorian in any bad way. He was a far greatest bb'er than Milos, yet goes after Milos. This tells me that he's doing it because he was wronged, so what's wrong with giving Milos a little payback in the form of old personal stories?

Nasser failed the diuretic drug test in '96, and was disqualified eventhough he placed 3rd.  That would be hard to burry past the judges, for Olympia '97.  And once again that was 11 years ago.  And how many remember to talk about Nasser's Mr.O disqualification in '96? 

1996 Mr. Olympia Contest Results

September 21, 1996. Chicago, Illinois
Place   Name   Country
1   Dorian Yates   England
2   Shawn Ray   USA
3   Kevin Levrone   USA
4   Flex Wheeler   USA
5   Paul Dillett   Canada
6   Ronnie Coleman   USA
7   Chris Cormier   USA
8   Jean Pierre Fux   Switzerland
9   Charles Clairmonte   Barbados
10   Mike Francois   USA
11   Aaron Baker   USA
12   Roland Cziurlok   Germany
13   Mike Matarazzo   USA

Disq   Nasser El Sonbaty   Yugoslavia
Nasser El Sonbaty failed the duiretics drug test, and
was disqualified (he was in 3rd place that evening)
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: WhiteCastle on January 25, 2008, 12:49:27 PM
FLYLO, they will blame the disqualification on the Oklahoma City Bombing.  Even though it was a white guy, America just wanted to get a dig in at the Arabs so they DQ'd Nasser.
Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: Camel Jockey on January 25, 2008, 12:56:54 PM
Nasser = true 1996 Mr. O champ as well!




Title: Re: Nasser is unique - True story
Post by: Camel Jockey on January 25, 2008, 12:59:59 PM
