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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: lovemonkey on April 22, 2008, 01:43:56 PM

Title: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: lovemonkey on April 22, 2008, 01:43:56 PM
Does anyone have pictures of that particular event? I've been looking everywhere but seems like someone doesn't want the damn thing to be remembered.

I wanna see his bitchtits and one leg. Please bring it on!
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: Danimal77 on April 22, 2008, 01:45:22 PM
why, your mom has stopped breast feeding you?
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: lovemonkey on April 22, 2008, 01:46:13 PM
why, your mom has stopped breast feeding you?

Nah, I was just finished raping your sister and wanted something else to do.
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: Moosejay on April 22, 2008, 01:50:16 PM
This is the last show Mike competed in and , frankly, when ever I have brought it up, he does not like to talk about it...although he is happy to tell you how he did place ahead of Ken Waller :)
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: NarcissisticDeity on April 22, 2008, 02:19:05 PM
Here you go.
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: NarcissisticDeity on April 22, 2008, 02:19:55 PM
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: NarcissisticDeity on April 22, 2008, 02:20:51 PM
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: NarcissisticDeity on April 22, 2008, 02:22:29 PM
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: NarcissisticDeity on April 22, 2008, 02:23:56 PM
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: Ursus on April 22, 2008, 02:28:10 PM
some fine hair at that olympia!
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: lovemonkey on April 22, 2008, 02:40:43 PM
Thank you very much!

Franco does seem a bit off. Further analyzis awaits.
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: NarcissisticDeity on April 22, 2008, 02:43:27 PM
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: Monohydrate on April 22, 2008, 02:49:35 PM
did franco always have noticeable gyno?
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: timfogarty on April 22, 2008, 02:50:28 PM
Columbu or Columbu's
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: NarcissisticDeity on April 22, 2008, 02:59:21 PM
did franco always have noticeable gyno?

No just at this contest if I'm not mistaken.
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: Pollux on April 22, 2008, 03:13:05 PM
Too bad Danny Padilla wasn't Arnold's best friend. He would've won the '81 Olympia.  :-X
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: lovemonkey on April 22, 2008, 03:13:43 PM
No just at this contest if I'm not mistaken.

Care for one of your in-depth analyzis of this contest? :D
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: americanbulldog on April 22, 2008, 03:14:33 PM
Danny got jobbed. 
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: m8 on April 22, 2008, 03:22:37 PM
Mike Platz destroys the competition.
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: NarcissisticDeity on April 22, 2008, 03:25:42 PM
Care for one of your in-depth analyzis of this contest? :D

Franco shouldn't have won lol not with bitch tits and zero legs but again this is just based on a few photos I've never seen any video so my opinion is very limited I'm surprised Platz placed ahead of Danny , Danny looks the best in my opinion .
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: Thin Lizzy on April 22, 2008, 03:26:21 PM
From the comparison pics, Franco looks as though he should've finished behind Danny, Platz and Dickerson.
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: Armstrong on April 22, 2008, 03:53:31 PM
Here you go.

Does Columbo have gyno?
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: columbusdude82 on April 22, 2008, 04:33:38 PM
Franco Columbusdude
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: Pollux on April 22, 2008, 04:47:28 PM
From the comparison pics, Franco looks as though he should've finished behind Danny, Platz and Dickerson.

Yes, but when you're best friend is the promoter that just won't happen.
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: Moosejay on April 22, 2008, 04:48:18 PM
From the comparison pics, Franco looks as though he should've finished behind Danny, Platz and Dickerson.

Easily put Callender ahead of Franco, too.
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: TrueGrit on April 22, 2008, 04:50:24 PM
I admit that I'm not really an expert on judging this stuff but to me, from those pictures, I would put Platz well ahead of everyone. Well ahead.
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: Moosejay on April 22, 2008, 04:52:00 PM
ND...good show getting all these photos one of Waller? He was in it too...placed second to last ahead of Raty.
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: m8 on April 22, 2008, 04:55:33 PM
I admit that I'm not really an expert on judging this stuff but to me, from those pictures, I would put Platz well ahead of everyone. Well ahead.

Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: Meltdown on April 22, 2008, 05:01:37 PM
Look at the Biceps on Jorma Raty, dude won the IFBB worlds in 1980 amateur under 80kg class.
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: Natural_O on April 22, 2008, 05:05:46 PM
I was at the show, both pre-judging and night show, and I would have had Platz in 1st with Roy Callendar in 2nd and Padilla 3rd. Franco's upper body looked great (except for the gyno) but his legs had zero separation in the quads. Since Platz, Padilla, Callendar and Dickerson all had great legs, I couldn't see Franco beating any of those guys. The top three were DEFINITELY Platz, Callendar and Padilla. The audience knew it and the booing started right after they announced Danny in 5th. People were throwing things at the stage and booing like crazy. I never saw anything like it before or since. Arnold took pictures with Franco and the Sandow trophy backstage, not onstage. It was crazy!
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: Moosejay on April 22, 2008, 05:07:36 PM
Look at the Biceps on Jorma Raty, dude won the IFBB worlds in 1980 amateur under 80kg class.

Great bis and back...just passed away last year... :'(
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: Moosejay on April 22, 2008, 05:08:31 PM
I was at the show, both pre-judging and night show, and I would have had Platz in 1st with Roy Callendar in 2nd and Padilla 3rd. Franco's upper body looked great (except for the gyno) but his legs had zero separation in the quads. Since Platz, Padilla, Callendar and Dickerson all had great legs, I couldn't see Franco beating any of those guys. The top three were DEFINITELY Platz, Callendar and Padilla. The audience knew it and the booing started right after they announced Danny in 5th. People were throwing things at the stage and booing like crazy. I never saw anything like it before or since. Arnold took pictures with Franco and the Sandow trophy backstage, not onstage. It was crazy!

Was it true Weider high-tailed it out of there as quickjly as he could?
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: Natural_O on April 22, 2008, 05:11:48 PM
Yeah, they didn't stay on stage too long because the audience was booing like crazy!! They were also booing Arnold earlier in the night when he came to the mike and spoke to the crowd. Arnold was very unpopular that year because of his controversial 1980 Olympia win. They showed a clip of the upcoming "Conan the Barbarian" and Arnold didn't seem bothered by the boos at all. It was almost like he knew he was going to be a major movie star in the next year or so.
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: Moosejay on April 22, 2008, 05:19:27 PM
I betcha under his breath, he was saying, "F--- these Americans...I will soon own them."

One of the pros from many years ago (Hate to do this, but I'd rather not say who) told me that Arnold actually feels that most Americans were/ are, in his words, weak and lazy.

Of course, now, he could never aver this as Governor.
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: lovemonkey on April 22, 2008, 05:20:00 PM
Yeah, they didn't stay on stage too long because the audience was booing like crazy!! They were also booing Arnold earlier in the night when he came to the mike and spoke to the crowd. Arnold was very unpopular that year because of his controversial 1980 Olympia win. They showed a clip of the upcoming "Conan the Barbarian" and Arnold didn't seem bothered by the boos at all. It was almost like he knew he was going to be a major movie star in the next year or so.

In all of this mess, how did Franco react? I mean it's unlikely he didn't realize what a theft his win was and he couldn't be too proud recieving that trophy with hundreds of people booing at him.
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: timfogarty on April 22, 2008, 05:32:06 PM
In all of this mess, how did Franco react? I mean it's unlikely he didn't realize what a theft his win was and he couldn't be too proud recieving that trophy with hundreds of people booing at him.

probably the same way as Arnold handled it the year before
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: Natural_O on April 22, 2008, 05:33:52 PM
In all of this mess, how did Franco react? I mean it's unlikely he didn't realize what a theft his win was and he couldn't be too proud recieving that trophy with hundreds of people booing at him.

Didn't seem to bother him at all. He still did his characteristic jump in the air and stayed onstage and smiled for pictures with the trophy. When he was Pro Bodybuilding Weekly last year, he claims he was the rightful winner.  ::)
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: Moosejay on April 22, 2008, 05:34:53 PM
"In 20 years, the only thing people will remember is 'Arnold, 7 times Mr. O...'..."
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: TrueGrit on April 22, 2008, 05:38:04 PM
He didn't have gyno, he had gynu
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: affy on April 22, 2008, 06:36:02 PM
He didn't have gyno, he had gynu


Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: timfogarty on April 22, 2008, 07:08:30 PM
"In 20 years, the only thing people will remember is 'Arnold, 7 times Mr. O...'..."

he couldn't have predicted the internet
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: Moosejay on April 22, 2008, 07:15:29 PM
he couldn't have predicted the internet

But I wouldn't put it past him, Tim
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: timfogarty on April 22, 2008, 08:19:32 PM
But I wouldn't put it past him, Tim

it's 28 years later, and people are still talking about whether he deserved to win the 80 Olympia.  because of internet forums, more people are talking about it now than did a few years after it occurred. 

and because of sites like musclememory, we know exactly who placed where for all the major contests.   Arnold's statement is implying only the winners get remembered.   the internet changed that.
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: Moosejay on April 22, 2008, 08:21:22 PM
Excellent post, and, in essence, YOU helped him become wrong-thanks! ;)
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: The_Hammer on April 23, 2008, 12:26:36 AM
People are forgetting that the back is the key muscle group that wins contest.  I'm sure Franco's back was far better than anyone else's.
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: Trev on April 23, 2008, 01:11:57 AM
1980 & 1981 were THE worst 2 Olympia's in its current history - & we think it's political now?!
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: GoneAway on April 23, 2008, 01:24:58 AM
1980 & 1981 were THE worst 2 Olympia's in its current history - & we think it's political now?!

Well, it's safe to say that the Olympia '07 put alot of people off bodybuilding. Whereas, alot on here have said that Arnold deserved the win in '80. Franco is another story, though.
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: Trev on April 23, 2008, 01:32:30 AM
Well, it's safe to say that the Olympia '07 put alot of people off bodybuilding. Whereas, alot on here have said that Arnold deserved the win in '80. Franco is another story, though.
Yeh Olympia '07 was a close 3rd to these 2!!
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: GoneAway on April 23, 2008, 02:05:44 AM
Yeh Olympia '07 was a close 3rd to these 2!!


In all honesty, I can see a valid reason to give Jay the Olympia, but like alot of Olympia's, any of the top 5 could have talen it.
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: wes on April 23, 2008, 03:53:37 AM
More pics and articles:
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: Harry Spotter on April 23, 2008, 04:19:33 AM
Notwithstanding that Columbo got a gift, the guy's low lat insertions look incredible in that front double-bi on the first page.
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: jaejonna on April 23, 2008, 05:08:58 AM
1. Platz
2. Padilla
3. Callender
4. Dickerson
5. Jessup
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: The Wizard on April 23, 2008, 06:43:57 AM
Yes he did. End of Thread.
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: Natural_O on April 23, 2008, 01:54:43 PM
Franco was actually in great shape, his upper body looked very thick and hard (great abs) and he even had calves. It was just that his lack of quad separation was so non-existent, there is no way he deserved higher than fifth place. One thing I did notice was that Franco was flexing all the time, even when everyone was standing relaxed in the line-up. Back in 1981, when the bodybuilders stood in line for the relaxed round, everyone was really relaxed, not like today where everyone looks like they are smuggling grapefruits under their arms. Franco was flexing his whole upper body all the time which made him look harder than everyone else. When I look at the pictures now, Padilla looks almost perfect but when I was watching the show live, he looked almost too gaunt and lean and he wasn't very aggressive onstage. Franco was very aggressive as was Roy Callendar, who was in the best shape of his life and was very confident onstage. Platz had the best combination of size (about 15 pounds heavier than the year before), definition and just total confidence that he had done everything right all year long to look the best he could have possibly looked. The crowd was behind Platz all the way and I really feel like he should have won that night.
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: knny187 on April 23, 2008, 06:40:59 PM
tough call...but I would say between Padilla or would be Padilla over tom by a close margin

The only reason would be symmetry.  Tom's lower half just over powers his upper body
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: Moosejay on April 23, 2008, 06:44:15 PM
Franco was actually in great shape, his upper body looked very thick and hard (great abs) and he even had calves. It was just that his lack of quad separation was so non-existent, there is no way he deserved higher than fifth place. One thing I did notice was that Franco was flexing all the time, even when everyone was standing relaxed in the line-up. Back in 1981, when the bodybuilders stood in line for the relaxed round, everyone was really relaxed, not like today where everyone looks like they are smuggling grapefruits under their arms. Franco was flexing his whole upper body all the time which made him look harder than everyone else. When I look at the pictures now, Padilla looks almost perfect but when I was watching the show live, he looked almost too gaunt and lean and he wasn't very aggressive onstage. Franco was very aggressive as was Roy Callendar, who was in the best shape of his life and was very confident onstage. Platz had the best combination of size (about 15 pounds heavier than the year before), definition and just total confidence that he had done everything right all year long to look the best he could have possibly looked. The crowd was behind Platz all the way and I really feel like he should have won that night.

Good post...Arnold likely told Franco to keep tensing his muscles when everyone wlse was not....just an Austrian trick...another typical, Austrian trick.... ;)
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: onlyme on April 23, 2008, 07:01:07 PM
Too bad Danny Padilla wasn't Arnold's best friend. He would've won the '81 Olympia.  :-X

100% true
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: tomplatz on April 23, 2008, 08:41:13 PM
Franco was actually in great shape, his upper body looked very thick and hard (great abs) and he even had calves. It was just that his lack of quad separation was so non-existent, there is no way he deserved higher than fifth place. One thing I did notice was that Franco was flexing all the time, even when everyone was standing relaxed in the line-up. Back in 1981, when the bodybuilders stood in line for the relaxed round, everyone was really relaxed, not like today where everyone looks like they are smuggling grapefruits under their arms. Franco was flexing his whole upper body all the time which made him look harder than everyone else. When I look at the pictures now, Padilla looks almost perfect but when I was watching the show live, he looked almost too gaunt and lean and he wasn't very aggressive onstage. Franco was very aggressive as was Roy Callendar, who was in the best shape of his life and was very confident onstage. Platz had the best combination of size (about 15 pounds heavier than the year before), definition and just total confidence that he had done everything right all year long to look the best he could have possibly looked. The crowd was behind Platz all the way and I really feel like he should have won that night.
Thank you.  Great post.  Mind if I use it?  Send me an email as I donʻt come here much.
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: Voice of Doom on April 23, 2008, 08:56:37 PM
Thank you.  Great post.  Mind if I use it?  Send me an email as I donʻt come here much.

  How those legs looking these days?

And don't lie that you dont come here often! ;D
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: Dballn247 on April 23, 2008, 11:34:32 PM
From those pics, a few competitors got robbed.
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: Pet shop boys on April 25, 2008, 05:13:17 AM
I admit that I'm not really an expert on judging this stuff but to me, from those pictures, I would put Platz well ahead of everyone. Well ahead.


Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: leaky_frog on April 25, 2008, 11:08:07 AM
Thank you.  Great post.  Mind if I use it?  Send me an email as I donʻt come here much.

  Is this the real Tom Platz?  If so, get that man some Blue Stars!
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: donrhummy on April 25, 2008, 02:36:58 PM
Could a physique look more perfect than Padilla's?

The problem with Platz was that he was a little narrow (and his legs still over-powered his upper body). Imagine if he hadn't torn his bicep the next year!
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: Moosejay on April 25, 2008, 02:38:31 PM
Either could have / should have won...and yes, Padilla pretty much has no weak points...
Title: Re: Franco Columbus win in 1981
Post by: m8 on April 25, 2008, 06:01:58 PM
Could a physique look more perfect than Padilla's?

The problem with Platz was that he was a little narrow (and his legs still over-powered his upper body). Imagine if he hadn't torn his bicep the next year!

Tom destroyed that midget.