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Getbig Misc Discussion Boards => Religious Debates & Threads => Topic started by: Tre on June 23, 2008, 06:23:03 PM

Title: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Tre on June 23, 2008, 06:23:03 PM
Unfortunately, my wife is a Mormon and she's being 'ordered' to be a bigot:

At the conclusion of the current terms, I will be cancelling my support of all Mormon businesses - including Marriott, JetBlue, and In-n-Out - for at least 4 years. 
Title: Re: Fuck a prophet
Post by: NarcissisticDeity on June 23, 2008, 06:36:10 PM
Unfortunately, my wife is a Mormon and she's being 'ordered' to be a bigot:

At the conclusion of the current terms, I will be cancelling my support of all Mormon businesses - including Marriott, JetBlue, and In-n-Out - for at least 4 years. 

These religious people are iceskating up-hill with this shit , how is their marriage effected how is any marriage effected ? it not these people have to much time on their hands to worry about everyone else business.
Title: Re: Fuck a prophet
Post by: Tre on June 23, 2008, 06:42:44 PM
These religious people are iceskating up-hill with this shit , how is their marriage effected how is any marriage effected ? it not these people have to much time on their hands to worry about everyone else business.

I have a real problem with them passing their bigoted 'belief' system on to the next generation and I am fully obligated to protect my child from that. 

Title: Re: Fuck a prophet
Post by: Emmortal on June 23, 2008, 06:45:09 PM
I have a real problem with them passing their bigoted 'belief' system on to the next generation and I am fully obligated to protect my child from that. 

Good to see you stand up for that for the sake of your children.
Title: Re: Fuck a prophet
Post by: G o a t b o y on June 23, 2008, 06:48:30 PM
Unfortunately, my wife is a Mormon and she's being 'ordered' to be a bigot:

At the conclusion of the current terms, I will be cancelling my support of all Mormon businesses - including Marriott, JetBlue, and In-n-Out - for at least 4 years. 

While I agree with your sentiment that the Mormons (like most religions) are idiots, the companies you mentioned are all large publicly-traded corporations.  This means most stockholders, as well as most employees are not Mormons and have nothing to do with the Mormons.  Whether a company was founded back in the day by someone who was a Mormon or not, once a company goes public, it's owned by everyone from banks to individual stock investors, to your Aunt Millie's 401k retirement account.   ::)
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: pumpher on June 23, 2008, 06:52:05 PM
What is the Mormon Church's stance on polygamy?
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: gordiano on June 23, 2008, 07:30:07 PM
As long as they don't take a stand against men in thongs, I don't see why anyone here should care....
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Brutal_1 on June 23, 2008, 07:31:01 PM

In-N-Out?!?!?!  :'(
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Sassyclassywoman on June 23, 2008, 07:33:23 PM
Unfortunately, my wife is a Mormon and she's being 'ordered' to be a bigot:

At the conclusion of the current terms, I will be cancelling my support of all Mormon businesses - including Marriott, JetBlue, and In-n-Out - for at least 4 years. 

I just read the pdf.  What do you have against their belief that marriage should be between a man and woman? 
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: MisterMagoo on June 23, 2008, 07:34:15 PM
did everyone forget that the book of mormon explicitly describes black people as those punished by god? the religion was made by a white huckster in the mid-1800s, it's full of racism and bigotry.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: gordiano on June 23, 2008, 07:35:06 PM

In-N-Out?!?!?!  :'(

That's what I was thinking. No way I'm giving that one up....
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Brutal_1 on June 23, 2008, 07:35:51 PM
As long as they don't take a stand against men in thongs, I don't see why anyone here should care....
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: gordiano on June 23, 2008, 07:35:57 PM
I just read the pdf.  What do you have against their belief that marriage should be between a man and woman? 

Why are you on so early? It's not midnight yet.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: 240 is Back on June 23, 2008, 07:36:20 PM
Mitt Romney is a mormon.  And he's gonna be the VP candidate for mccain.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Sassyclassywoman on June 23, 2008, 07:36:56 PM
It says that in the bible as well.  Blacks are supposedly the offspring of Noah's son, Ham.  He was turned into a black because he mocked Noah's nakedness.  It's all there in the great book.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: BayGBM on June 23, 2008, 07:38:26 PM
did everyone forget that the book of mormon explicitly describes black people as those punished by god? the religion was made by a white huckster in the mid-1800s, it's full of racism and bigotry.

I didn't forget that.   >:(
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: timfogarty on June 23, 2008, 07:47:05 PM
I just read the pdf.  What do you have against their belief that marriage should be between a man and woman? 

They can believe what ever they want.  And no one is asking them to perform same sex marriages.  But they're trying to prevent others who don't share their believes from marrying.

Just think if we had ballot propositions in 1948, when the California Supreme Court ruled that laws preventing whites from marrying non-whites were unconstitutional.   Most certainly the majority would have voted to overturn that.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: G o a t b o y on June 23, 2008, 07:47:37 PM
did everyone forget that the book of mormon explicitly describes black people as those punished by god? the religion was made by a white huckster in the mid-1800s, it's full of racism and bigotry.

All religions were made by hucksters, white or otherwise.  The only difference with Mormonism is it's more recent so it's easier to see the fraud.  If we were all living in the first century CE, we'd view Christianity in much the same way.   And 2000 years from now obvious cults like Mormonism and Scientology will probably be viewed as mainstream religions, once history has as much distance from the circumstances of their founding as it does today in the case or Christianity, Islam, and Judism.  (Unless, of course, our society grows up and recognizes religion for the primitive man-made superstition it is.  I wouldn't count on it, though.  :()
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: The Master on June 23, 2008, 07:53:06 PM

All religions were made by hucksters, white or otherwise.  The only difference with Mormonism is it's more recent so it's easier to see the fraud.  If we were all living in the first century CE, we'd view Christianity in much the same way.   And 2000 years from now obvious cults like Mormonism and Scientology will probably be viewed as mainstream religions, once history has as much distance from the circumstances of their founding as it does today in the case or Christianity, Islam, and Judism.  (Unless, of course, our society grows up and recognizes religion for the primitive man-made superstition it is.  I wouldn't count on it, though.  :()

2000 years from now, humans won't exist as we know them today, and be so incredibly intelligent compared to the flawed things we are today (due to the exponential growth of technology) that the "religion" as it is today = a thing of the past.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: ATHEIST on June 23, 2008, 07:54:15 PM
It says that in the bible as well.  Blacks are supposedly the offspring of Noah's son, Ham.  He was turned into a black because he mocked Noah's nakedness.  It's all there in the great book.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: G o a t b o y on June 23, 2008, 07:58:09 PM

2000 years from now, humans won't exist as we know them today, and be so incredibly intelligent compared to the flawed things we are today (due to the exponential growth of technology) that the "religion" as it is today = a thing of the past.

2000 years from now there's a better-than-even chance we won't even be here, having finally succeeded in wiping ourselves out one way or another.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: MisterMagoo on June 23, 2008, 07:58:22 PM

the curse was placed on canaan, specifically. thus, the canaanites, which encompassed a chunk of africa (namely egypt) are the inheritors of said curse.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: The Master on June 23, 2008, 07:59:58 PM

2000 years from now there's a better-than-even chance we won't even be here, having finally succeeded in wiping ourselves out one way or another.

More likely: 99% of humanity will destroy itself or be destroyed, and a group of transhumans will survive and thrive, or humanity naturally evolves into something else that lives in 2000 years.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: whateva on June 23, 2008, 08:00:52 PM

2000 years from now there's a better-than-even chance we won't even be here, having finally succeeded in wiping ourselves out one way or another.
When you say "we" ,Do you mean GETBIG ???
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: gordiano on June 23, 2008, 08:01:17 PM
the curse was placed on canaan, specifically. thus, the canaanites, which encompassed a chunk of africa (namely egypt) are the inheritors of said curse.

So the NBA has a curse on it?
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: MisterMagoo on June 23, 2008, 08:04:15 PM
So the NBA has a curse on it?

if you go by the 19th century interpretation, then sure. as uncompromising on religion as i am, i think this is a case of getting a bum rap via a retarded interpretation.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: G o a t b o y on June 23, 2008, 08:04:26 PM
When you say "we" ,Do you mean GETBIG ???

Nah, much like a cockroach, Ron's flawed ever-crashing server will somehow survive, and all the posts will be made automatically by 'bots.

Actually, it's kinda like that now...   the only human posters here are you and Ron.  ;D
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: whateva on June 23, 2008, 08:06:31 PM

Nah, much like a cockroach, Ron's flawed ever-crashing server will somehow survive, and all the posts will be made automatically by 'bots.

Actually, it's kinda like that now...   the only human posters here are you and Ron.  ;D

Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Dreadlord on June 23, 2008, 10:06:42 PM
If any world class illusionist like david copperfield ot Blaine existed during the days when people were ignorant and believed anything they could have started a thriving religion that may have dwarfed christianity.

Even during the time of Christ several semi illusionists existed and some of their tricks have been attributed to christ.

Christ just had better marketing and still does among the primitive and ignorant religious nuts of today. For them ignorance IS truly bliss.

Title: Re: Fuck a prophet
Post by: Hugo Chavez on June 23, 2008, 11:02:10 PM

While I agree with your sentiment that the Mormons (like most religions) are idiots, the companies you mentioned are all large publicly-traded corporations.  This means most stockholders, as well as most employees are not Mormons and have nothing to do with the Mormons.  Whether a company was founded back in the day by someone who was a Mormon or not, once a company goes public, it's owned by everyone from banks to individual stock investors, to your Aunt Millie's 401k retirement account.   ::)
You have to check each company.  They could still be majority shareholders.  When a company goes public, they don't put the whole company up for sale.

here's a list from a mormon site.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: genrommel74 on June 23, 2008, 11:58:13 PM
Unfortunately, my wife is a Mormon and she's being 'ordered' to be a bigot:

At the conclusion of the current terms, I will be cancelling my support of all Mormon businesses - including Marriott, JetBlue, and In-n-Out - for at least 4 years. 

It seems that i am the only active mormon that posts on getbig! Yes, i am telling you that i am a mormon, if anyone has any question why dont you ask me. But i have just one question for Tre, if mormons are the bigots, then why did the ban on gay marriage pass in 2000. It was not a close race the bill passed with about a 65% approval, i remember i was there. Tre you are the one that is hostile towards mormons. Mormons are supporting this bill because we believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. We believe this because marriage is eternal not just till death do us part but forever
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Stark on June 24, 2008, 12:12:34 AM
There is not much difference between a good racist and a good christian.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: genrommel74 on June 24, 2008, 12:16:27 AM
There is not much difference between a good racist and a good christian.

That's clever
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: DK II on June 24, 2008, 12:25:43 AM
More likely: 99% of humanity will destroy itself or be destroyed, and a group of transhumans will survive and thrive, or humanity naturally evolves into something else that lives in 2000 years.

If transhumans are the daddywaddy type, i pass.  ;D

That's clever

...says getbig's own KKK-Katholic.  ;D
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: genrommel74 on June 24, 2008, 12:29:37 AM
If transhumans are the daddywaddy type, i pass.  ;D

...says getbig's own KKK-Katholic.  ;D

I am not catholic or racist, but if being against gay marriage, makes me a bigot in your mind then fine.

Donkey i expected a better insult from you
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: ATHEIST on June 24, 2008, 12:37:57 AM
Mormons are supporting this bill because we believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. We believe this because marriage is eternal not just till death do us part but forever
thats the same with christianity also.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: genrommel74 on June 24, 2008, 12:44:43 AM
thats the same with christianity also.

Is that for all christian religions or just some?
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: DK II on June 24, 2008, 12:49:20 AM

I am not catholic or racist, but if being against gay marriage, makes me a bigot in your mind then fine.

Donkey i expected a better insult from you

I'm just kidding.

didn't even go for an insult.  ;D

Sieg Heil my friend Herr Rommel.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: genrommel74 on June 24, 2008, 12:52:09 AM
I'm just kidding.

didn't even go for an insult.  ;D

Sieg Heil my friend Herr Rommel.

How is germany? Are you still there?
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Cleanest Natural on June 24, 2008, 02:14:46 AM
Unfortunately, my wife is a Mormon and she's being 'ordered' to be a bigot:

At the conclusion of the current terms, I will be cancelling my support of all Mormon businesses - including Marriott, JetBlue, and In-n-Out - for at least 4 years. 
The Mormonsa are a front for something quite for yourself...get out , take your wife and find a place where you can live hapilly...hint ( not USA)
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: DK II on June 24, 2008, 02:16:23 AM
How is germany? Are you still there?

Yes, unfortunately...  :'(

Well, at least the weather is fine lately. otherwise, it sucks as always.  ;D
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Hugo Chavez on June 24, 2008, 02:44:43 AM

I am not catholic or racist, but if being against gay marriage, makes me a bigot in your mind then fine.

Donkey i expected a better insult from you
why on earth do you give a shit?  I can't fathom giving a crap what Joe and Bubba do.  I don't fucking know them.  It's not my fucking business.  You ought to invest some time researching the concept of freedom.  Should be mandatory but somehow got buggered by psycho idiots like you.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: DK II on June 24, 2008, 02:56:49 AM
why on earth do you give a shit?  I can't fathom giving a crap what Joe and Bubba do.  I don't fucking know them.  It's not my fucking business.  You ought to invest some time researching the concept of freedom.  Should be mandatory but somehow got buggered by psycho idiots like you.

I agree. I hate fat people, but i can't say they shouldn't marry because they are disgusting.

If two men are in love with each other, they should be able to marry.

I bet my ass "genrommel" likes lesbian porn despite hating on gays.

Title: Re: Fuck a prophet
Post by: Tre on June 24, 2008, 06:34:20 AM
You have to check each company.  They could still be majority shareholders.  When a company goes public, they don't put the whole company up for sale.

here's a list from a mormon site.

Thanks for that, Hugo.

I recently signed up with APX security, so I'm stuck with a $2600 tab (60-month contract).  I also have 11 months remaining with a pest control service.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Tre on June 24, 2008, 06:46:49 AM
Tre you are the one that is hostile towards mormons. Mormons are supporting this bill because we believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. We believe this because marriage is eternal not just till death do us part but forever.


You want license from the 'prophet'  ::) to be a bigot and to teach your kids that bigotry is ok.

"It's not ok."
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: DK II on June 24, 2008, 06:48:14 AM

You want license from the 'prophet'  ::) to be a bigot and to teach your kids that bigotry is ok.

"It's not ok."

Amen.  ;D
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Tre on June 24, 2008, 06:48:30 AM
why on earth do you give a shit?  I can't fathom giving a crap what Joe and Bubba do.  I don't fucking know them.  It's not my fucking business.  You ought to invest some time researching the concept of freedom.  Should be mandatory but somehow got buggered by psycho idiots like you.

'Free agency' is just a buzzword for's not something that many of them actually want, especially when it comes to thinking.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Tre on June 24, 2008, 06:51:33 AM
I bet my ass "genrommel" likes lesbian porn despite hating on gays.

Go to any typical Mormon church meeting and chances are, your gaydar will go off like crazy.  I've got no problem with gay Mormons, but 'the church' has told them that, unless they marry (a woman) and procreate, they are to remain chaste.

The reason why you see such a tremendous divergence between Genrommel's position and mine is that I know far more about his church than a majority of Mormons do...that and the fact that I'm living in reality.   
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: drkaje on June 24, 2008, 07:09:38 AM
did everyone forget that the book of mormon explicitly describes black people as those punished by god? the religion was made by a white huckster in the mid-1800s, it's full of racism and bigotry.

They didn't even allow black members until some time in the late 70s.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: DK II on June 24, 2008, 07:16:31 AM
They didn't even allow black members until some time in the late 70s.

eeeeuuuuwwwww, blacks!  :-\ :-\

lol, mormons are really some funny people. The Amish are even worse.  ;D
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Tre on June 24, 2008, 07:20:33 AM
They didn't even allow black members until some time in the late 70s.

Just for clarification, it was actually the 'priesthood' that was denied to people of color until 1978, when lo and behold, God (aka 'Heavenly Father') revealed to 'the prophet' that it was now time for the ban to be lifted. 

Because of the Elijah Abel story, though, they're going to adamantly deny their racist roots. 

In the 1970s U.S., there was significant social and economic pressure to eliminate the Mormon Jim Crow laws.  In addition, they were trying to expand in South America and as you know, many South Americans are darker than I am.  In order to keep the converts coming, they had no choice but to extend all the 'blessings' to each 'worthy' male in the church, regardless of color. 

Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: pumpher on June 24, 2008, 07:23:34 AM
Can't you have multiple wives if you are male? or is that only certain branches of the CLDS?
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: dr.chimps on June 24, 2008, 07:27:21 AM
Gee. A religious sect/movement is exclusionary/discriminatory? Alert the press.  :D
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Fatpanda on June 24, 2008, 07:35:06 AM
this mormmon thing sounds quite good.

i like the fact you can have multiple wives, but then it lets me down by saying you cannot sleep with them all at once  ??? whats that about? if i am maried to more than 1 wife i want an orgy every night, one licking my balls, the other licking my ass, while the other one sucks my cock  :P

Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Tre on June 24, 2008, 07:37:27 AM
Gee. A religious sect/movement is exclusionary/discriminatory? Alert the press.  :D

Well, the difference is that this is a corporation religion that takes great pride in its corporate image and which spends no less than tens of millions of dollars a year (actual spending figures not available from this 'non-profit') on a carefully-scripted advertising campaign. 

Right now, instead of being Christ-like, they've come to the conclusion that a move like this will be perceived as 'the Christian thing to do', so they're hoping it will mean more investigators, because investigators = potential members = more money for the prophet and his gang. 
Title: Re: Fuck a prophet
Post by: G o a t b o y on June 24, 2008, 07:40:57 AM
You have to check each company.  They could still be majority shareholders.  When a company goes public, they don't put the whole company up for sale.

here's a list from a mormon site.

Well of course the Morons, er... Mormons want to make it sound like they're more important than they really are.  On pretty much any website devoted to stocks, one of the indicators listed for a company is "percent of institutional ownership".  "Institutions" are investment entities like Goldman Sachs, Citibank, large pension funds, large hedge funds, etc.  They are by definition not "Mormon" (Jewish maybe, but that's another story  ;)).  Using the two examples Tre cited, Marriott is currently 53% institution-owned, and JetBlue is 61% instition-owned.  Then you have to consider all the small individual investors from all walks of life who hold portions of the "non-institutional" stock.  While the Mormon founders of these companies may still own some shares, they don't have anything even close to a controlling interest.  These companies, like all publicly-traded companies, are owned by members of the public, from all walks of life.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: G o a t b o y on June 24, 2008, 07:45:09 AM
It seems that i am the only active mormon that posts on getbig!

No, Dan-O from the X board is a Muppet Mormon too.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: G o a t b o y on June 24, 2008, 07:47:33 AM
Mormons are supporting this bill because we believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. We believe this because marriage is eternal not just till death do us part but forever

Great, you're entitled to your belief, and to live as you believe.

I have one question for you:

Why do you think you have the right to force your belief on others who may not hold the same view?
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: dr.chimps on June 24, 2008, 07:52:12 AM
Well, the difference is that this is a corporation religion that takes great pride in its corporate image and which spends no less than tens of millions of dollars a year (actual spending figures not available from this 'non-profit') on a carefully-scripted advertising campaign. 

Right now, instead of being Christ-like, they've come to the conclusion that a move like this will be perceived as 'the Christian thing to do', so they're hoping it will mean more investigators, because investigators = potential members = more money for the prophet and his gang. 
No different to the Catholic church which does the same thing. Even have their own (Vatican) bank. The only winning move is to not play.  :)
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: The Master on June 24, 2008, 08:04:44 AM

Why do you think you have the right to force your belief on others who may not hold the same view?

Because he is a retarded moronic jerkoff.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Tre on June 24, 2008, 09:29:14 AM

Great, you're entitled to your belief, and to live as you believe.

I have one question for you:

Why do you think you have the right to force your belief on others who may not hold the same view?

Answer: Arrogance.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: DK II on June 24, 2008, 10:22:46 AM
Forcing your religous beliefs on others will lead to WW3.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: leaky_frog on June 24, 2008, 10:26:21 AM
  I think the Mormon concern on this issue has more to do with practice of freedom of religion than whether gays can marry or not.  There is a lot of legal speculation that churches will be taken to court by civil rights groups to compel acceptance of gay marriage, or risk losing non-profit status, among other censures.  Other groups have faced similar problems (boy scouts, for example), and I'm betting the Mormons are trying to head off that kind of an issue, rather than simply stop gays from marrying.  Most mormons I know seem to have a live and let live attitude about the issue.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Tre on June 24, 2008, 10:40:38 AM

Trust me, Mormons will do whatever necessary to protect the profit. 
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: genrommel74 on June 24, 2008, 08:48:34 PM

Great, you're entitled to your belief, and to live as you believe.

I have one question for you:

Why do you think you have the right to force your belief on others who may not hold the same view?

We as mormons are saying that someone cant be gay, it is your choice. But if gay marriage is legal then it will taught in schools as an acceptable practice. I dont my children taught that gay marriage is ok
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: genrommel74 on June 24, 2008, 08:57:57 PM
Trust me, Mormons will do whatever necessary to protect the profit. 

The prophet and apostles arent wealthy, the church gives them what then to be comfort, not rich. and you dont know more about the church then me! You just look for anything that you think is negative about the church, and you believe it at face value, and the porn thing, i think porn is evil
Title: Re: Fuck a prophet
Post by: Hugo Chavez on June 24, 2008, 09:13:24 PM

Well of course the Morons, er... Mormons want to make it sound like they're more important than they really are.  On pretty much any website devoted to stocks, one of the indicators listed for a company is "percent of institutional ownership".  "Institutions" are investment entities like Goldman Sachs, Citibank, large pension funds, large hedge funds, etc.  They are by definition not "Mormon" (Jewish maybe, but that's another story  ;)).  Using the two examples Tre cited, Marriott is currently 53% institution-owned, and JetBlue is 61% instition-owned.  Then you have to consider all the small individual investors from all walks of life who hold portions of the "non-institutional" stock.  While the Mormon founders of these companies may still own some shares, they don't have anything even close to a controlling interest.  These companies, like all publicly-traded companies, are owned by members of the public, from all walks of life.
I guess he still has his desired effect of striking back with the ceo of the companies in question being mormon, just that there will be other shareholders effected that have nothing to do with it.  Agree with the Jewish thing.  They probably own more than anybody.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Tre on June 24, 2008, 10:49:01 PM
The prophet and apostles arent wealthy, the church gives them what then to be comfort, not rich. and you dont know more about the church then me! You just look for anything that you think is negative about the church, and you believe it at face value, and the porn thing, i think porn is evil.

I think the use of the words 'porn' and 'pornography' defile the house of the lord when used in the chapel.  Yet, many Mormons think it's totally appropriate to use such vile and disgusting terms in front of small children. 

Neither you nor I have ever seen any financial disclosures from this (alleged) non-profit organization.  Wonder why? 

You 'accept at face value' whatever you've been told by your leaders with respect to the money, but that's just not good enough for me. 

Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: genrommel74 on June 24, 2008, 11:02:10 PM
I think the use of the words 'porn' and 'pornography' defile the house of the lord when used in the chapel.  Yet, many Mormons think it's totally appropriate to use such vile and disgusting terms in front of small children. 

Neither you nor I have ever seen any financial disclosures from this (alleged) non-profit organization.  Wonder why? 

You 'accept at face value' whatever you've been told by your leaders with respect to the money, but that's just not good enough for me. 

Yes i have! i have seen the churches financial records. They use the words porn, becasue they dont want there to any mistake as too what they are talking about. You have to address the subject you cant just hope that kids dont see it.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: drkaje on June 25, 2008, 03:39:51 AM
Porn is good and any faith that can't survive a few boobies is no faith at all.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: DK II on June 25, 2008, 06:49:58 AM
Porn is good and any faith that can't survive a few boobies is no faith at all.

100% true!

Look at Hindu temples, all tiities and pussies and weird sexual positions! gotta love it!
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Tre on June 25, 2008, 08:59:05 AM
Yes i have! i have seen the churches financial records. They use the words porn, becasue they dont want there to any mistake as too what they are talking about. You have to address the subject you cant just hope that kids dont see it.

Actually, you don't have to address the subject at all.  Don't know whether you're a parent, but when teaching your kids right from wrong, you don't cover everything under the sun, because you have no way of knowing what they'll encounter throughout their lives.  So, you help them to develop a moral compass that will guide them throughout their lives and this can be achieved without discussing pornography in church.  I know that SLC treats you guys like you don't have Common Sense and cannot think for yourselves - such as the admonition from many pulpits that Mormons should donate used items to DI instead of holding garage sales  ::) - but at the end of the day, the more counsel that kids get from home, the better off they will be. 

Now, about this money me what you've got.  What was the total national advertising budget for the year you were able to see a fact sheet? 
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Tre on June 25, 2008, 09:00:08 AM
Porn is good and any faith that can't survive a few boobies is no faith at all.

What the wife doesn't understand is that if she won't give me lap dances, someone else will...and it might even be someone from her church.   

Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: drkaje on June 25, 2008, 10:12:37 AM
What the wife doesn't understand is that if she won't give me lap dances, someone else will...and it might even be someone from her church.   

You're paying her a lot more than the dancers, LOL!
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: ATHEIST on June 25, 2008, 12:57:49 PM
Is that for all christian religions or just some?
Its definitly true for all branches of Chrisitianity, its in the bible some where. some Christians can skew the word and say it interpreted in another way but theologists will tell you other wise.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Fatpanda on June 25, 2008, 03:34:49 PM
do mormons respect allah and his teachings?
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: genrommel74 on June 25, 2008, 08:29:31 PM
Actually, you don't have to address the subject at all.  Don't know whether you're a parent, but when teaching your kids right from wrong, you don't cover everything under the sun, because you have no way of knowing what they'll encounter throughout their lives.  So, you help them to develop a moral compass that will guide them throughout their lives and this can be achieved without discussing pornography in church.  I know that SLC treats you guys like you don't have Common Sense and cannot think for yourselves - such as the admonition from many pulpits that Mormons should donate used items to DI instead of holding garage sales  ::) - but at the end of the day, the more counsel that kids get from home, the better off they will be. 

Now, about this money me what you've got.  What was the total national advertising budget for the year you were able to see a fact sheet? 

the reason pornography is addressed is because there is no way in modern day society you can avoid porngraphy completely, it is impossible, because sex is involved in everything! The church is not meant to be a substitute for a strong family, it meant to be nothing more than an aide. The church preaches and believes that children's morals and values should be taught to them by there parents in the home. That is why LDS believe that marriage is between a man and woman only to keep the family strong!

 The church is a way for people to help strengthen there connection to god, the church is to help with that, not make it. Your relationship with god is personal one that is between you and god. Your first devotion is god and jesus, then your family, and then the church. That is what i have been taught my entire life, and i have been a member my whole life.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: genrommel74 on June 25, 2008, 08:37:13 PM
do mormons respect allah and his teachings?

Any teaching that promote good moral behavior is good, but the path too god is only threw jesus christ
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Deicide on June 25, 2008, 09:18:48 PM
Any teaching that promote good moral behavior is good, but the path too god is only threw jesus christ

And the path to learning English is called the A,B,C,D....etc.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: genrommel74 on June 25, 2008, 10:14:49 PM
And the path to learning English is called the A,B,C,D....etc.

It is way too late in the day to care about my spelling, especially on a bbing board
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: DK II on June 26, 2008, 03:01:19 AM
I just hope you are not as careless about your religious duties as you are about your spelling. ::)
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: drkaje on June 26, 2008, 03:45:47 AM
Needing that much external structure to deal with everyday life is a sign of mental weakness.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Tre on June 26, 2008, 07:16:05 AM
Needing that much external structure to deal with everyday life is a sign of mental weakness.

Exactly, which is why Utahns are among the nation's leaders in prescriptions for anti-depressants like Prozac. 

Although being a worrywart is certainly not unique to Mormon women, people outside the culture would be amazed by how much time LDS women spend worrying about 'how spiritual' they will look to their LDS friends and neighbors.  Relief Society meetings are often like a big show-and-tell, especially in the western states (not quite as bad back east).  I've lived in Arizona, Utah, and California and have been to meetings in Nevada as well and the conversations were often similar in each place. 
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: loco on June 26, 2008, 08:01:06 AM
Mormons are supporting this bill because we believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. We believe this because marriage is eternal not just till death do us part but forever

thats the same with christianity also.

Is that for all christian religions or just some?

Its definitly true for all branches of Chrisitianity, its in the bible some where. some Christians can skew the word and say it interpreted in another way but theologists will tell you other wise.

Jesus said that marriage is NOT eternal, but just "till death do us part".  This is what Biblical Christianity teaches.

Matthew 22:30
"At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven."

Mark 12:25
"When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven."
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: genrommel74 on June 26, 2008, 08:05:50 PM
Exactly, which is why Utahns are among the nation's leaders in prescriptions for anti-depressants like Prozac. 

Although being a worrywart is certainly not unique to Mormon women, people outside the culture would be amazed by how much time LDS women spend worrying about 'how spiritual' they will look to their LDS friends and neighbors.  Relief Society meetings are often like a big show-and-tell, especially in the western states (not quite as bad back east).  I've lived in Arizona, Utah, and California and have been to meetings in Nevada as well and the conversations were often similar in each place. 

you have a very negative perspection of reality
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Tre on June 26, 2008, 09:37:20 PM
you have a very negative perspection of reality

You're funny - nice joke.

Some people are afraid to tell it like it is - I obviously am not. 

Tonite, I listened as an LDS 'home teacher' tried to tell me that gays cannot be happy, because they live a gay lifestyle.  The sad part is that TBMs fail to recognize the inherent arrogance required to make such a statement about someone else's happiness. 

Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: genrommel74 on June 27, 2008, 12:18:44 AM
You're funny - nice joke.

Some people are afraid to tell it like it is - I obviously am not. 

Tonite, I listened as an LDS 'home teacher' tried to tell me that gays cannot be happy, because they live a gay lifestyle.  The sad part is that TBMs fail to recognize the inherent arrogance required to make such a statement about someone else's happiness. 

Every gay that i know is unhappy, and only three of them are or were members of the church. My aunt and cousin are gay, and were members of the church, but arent anymore, they some of the most unhappy people i know. My cousin tried to kill himself twice.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: DK II on June 27, 2008, 12:28:02 AM
Every gay that i know is unhappy, and only three of them are or were members of the church. My aunt and cousin are gay, and were members of the church, but arent anymore, they some of the most unhappy people i know. My cousin tried to kill himself twice.


They are unhappy, because they live amongst an idiotic sect that outlaws them!!

If you were a heterosexual person living among the church of gays and everyone would tell you you were sick and gay sex was normal, you would try to kill yourself too.

It's your ignorance that almost killed your cousin, not his homosexuality.

You, my friend, are a sick ignorant idiot.

Face it.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: genrommel74 on June 27, 2008, 12:45:34 AM

They are unhappy, because they live amongst an idiotic sect that outlaws them!!

If you were a heterosexual person living among the church of gays and everyone would tell you you were sick and gay sex was normal, you would try to kill yourself too.

It's your ignorance that almost killed your cousin, not his homosexuality.

You, my friend, are a sick ignorant idiot.

Face it.

No, my cousin tried to kill himself because he has daddy issues! And his older boyfriend dumped him so he tried to kill himself, he had left the church a couple of years before that, so the church is not to blame for he attempted suicide. That is why he became gay because he wanted older male companionship

I know gays that are in the church at least, they say that they are attracted to the same sex, but dont act on it, they are not unhappy people. I exact opposite.

Just the gays that i know outside of the church, and there are alot of gays at my gym, and i am friends with them, but they are some of the most disfunctional people i know
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: DK II on June 27, 2008, 12:52:19 AM
No, my cousin tried to kill himself because he has daddy issues! And his older boyfriend dumped him so he tried to kill himself, he had left the church a couple of years before that, so the church is not to blame for he attempted suicide. That is why he became gay because he wanted older male companionship

I know gays that are in the church at least, they say that they are attracted to the same sex, but dont act on it, they are not unhappy people. I exact opposite.

Just the gays that i know outside of the church, and there are alot of gays at my gym, and i am friends with them, but they are some of the most disfunctional people i know

The more i read from you, the more you remind me of the father of that videotaping guy from "American Beauty".

An anti-homo militaristic closet homo.  ::)
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: genrommel74 on June 27, 2008, 01:20:46 AM
The more i read from you, the more you remind me of the father of that videotaping guy from "American Beauty".

An anti-homo militaristic closet homo.  ::)

Come on donkey you can do better than that!

and there are alot of gays at my gym, and i am friends with them

And next time read the whole quote
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: DK II on June 27, 2008, 01:29:20 AM
Come on donkey you can do better than that!

And next time read the whole quote

I'm sorry.

Please do not kill yourself, there are a lot of gays here as well.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: genrommel74 on June 27, 2008, 01:54:45 AM
I'm sorry.

Please do not kill yourself, there are a lot of gays here as well.

LOL. you are right there are alot of gays on getbig and in bbing
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: DK II on June 27, 2008, 01:59:41 AM
LOL. you are right there are alot of gays on getbig and in bbing

don't stray from the topic please.

This is about mandatory bigotry in Mormonism.  >:(
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: drkaje on June 27, 2008, 07:25:57 AM

If porn is evil why are you looking for nekked pics of Denise Milano and some Japanese chick on the sex board?
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Tre on June 27, 2008, 08:15:18 AM
No, my cousin tried to kill himself because he has daddy issues! And his older boyfriend dumped him so he tried to kill himself, he had left the church a couple of years before that, so the church is not to blame for he attempted suicide. That is why he became gay because he wanted older male companionship

I know gays that are in the church at least, they say that they are attracted to the same sex, but dont act on it, they are not unhappy people. I exact opposite.

Just the gays that i know outside of the church, and there are alot of gays at my gym, and i am friends with them, but they are some of the most disfunctional people i know

'Became gay'?  Was he incarcerated in a male-only institution?? 

There are a lot more gays in the LDS church than have yet admitted it.  I don't believe that they are truly 'happy' playing roles they are not suited for. 
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Tre on June 27, 2008, 08:18:56 AM

If porn is evil why are you looking for nekked pics of Denise Milano and some Japanese chick on the sex board?

Thanks blinky. There is one other chick that i want to know if she has an nudes, i have asked others, but you are the expert are the any nudes of Hitomi Tanaka


Great catch, Drkaje.

A true playa would maintain two separate GetBig accounts to avoid being caught up like that. 
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: genrommel74 on June 27, 2008, 08:12:23 PM

If porn is evil why are you looking for nekked pics of Denise Milano and some Japanese chick on the sex board?

Because i have and addiction, i go to a sex addicts group, for my addiction to porn. That is why i believe porn it is evil
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: genrommel74 on June 27, 2008, 08:14:15 PM

Great catch, Drkaje.

A true playa would maintain two separate GetBig accounts to avoid being caught up like that. 

What catch i still think that porn is evil. We all have are demons. I know what mine is, and now, so do you. Do you know your demons?
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: drkaje on June 28, 2008, 04:22:16 AM

Because i have and addiction, i go to a sex addicts group, for my addiction to porn. That is why i believe porn it is evil

It's the twisted judgement of your thoughts that is evil, not porn. :) That's the price people pay, on a spiritual level, for being disconnected from their sexuality.

Whatever you do...... don't watch the "this rocks my nuts" videos I posted.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Fatpanda on June 28, 2008, 04:23:38 AM

Because i have and addiction, i go to a sex addicts group, for my addiction to porn. That is why i believe porn it is evil

hahahahahaha epic 'childhood issues'
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: genrommel74 on June 30, 2008, 09:29:48 PM
Not really, my porn addiction is what most would call normal male behavior, i dont need extreme images, but i believe tht looking at ponr once is bad. I choose to hold myself to a higher standard
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: DK II on June 30, 2008, 11:58:38 PM
Not really, my porn addiction is what most would call normal male behavior, i dont need extreme images, but i believe tht looking at ponr once is bad. I choose to hold myself to a higher standard

Dude, you have issues.

I would go to a self help group if i didn't look at porn.

Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Fatpanda on July 01, 2008, 07:42:04 AM
Not really, my porn addiction is what most would call normal male behavior, i dont need extreme images, but i believe tht looking at ponr once is bad. I choose to hold myself to a higher standard

its normal to crave what you arn't allowed or what is considered taboo.

you were clearly raised in a ultra conservative household and sex was taboo.

either that or you were molested as a child  :-X
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: drkaje on July 01, 2008, 11:53:03 AM
its normal to crave what you arn't allowed or what is considered taboo.

you were clearly raised in a ultra conservative household and sex was taboo.

either that or you were molested as a child  :-X


I guess we know who's viewing Bay's threads so much. ::)
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: genrommel74 on July 01, 2008, 08:12:51 PM

I guess we know who's viewing Bay's threads so much. ::)

Thats funny, LOL!!
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: genrommel74 on July 01, 2008, 08:22:21 PM
its normal to crave what you arn't allowed or what is considered taboo.

you were clearly raised in a ultra conservative household and sex was taboo.

either that or you were molested as a child  :-X

It isnt that crave what i cant have, i just like to see naked woman, normal urges. But like i said i hold myself to a higher standard. I consider looking at maxim the same as looking at a playboy or watching hardcore porn.

I did grow in an ultraconservative household, no i was no molested. Sez was not taboo, it was just that sex was reserved for marriage. And that sex has a much deeper means than just physical pleasure, but it is a was for a man to become closer and more connected with his wife and vice versa
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: drkaje on July 02, 2008, 09:50:54 AM
Thats funny, LOL!!

I am 100% SERIOUS.
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: genrommel74 on July 02, 2008, 08:19:13 PM
I am 100% SERIOUS.

That's why its funny
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Fatpanda on July 03, 2008, 04:42:43 AM
 :'( i won't recover from such a devastating insult  ::) ;)
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Tre on July 03, 2008, 09:44:40 AM

The problem for Gen is that he's been brainwashed to believe that his normal, natural (which is borne of God) urges are 'wrong'. 

He will deny that he's been brainwashed, but that's because he's got no choice.  I forget his background, but I'm willing to bet that his parents forced him to go to church each Sunday and were an active part of his 'I know this church is true' indoctrination.  They never taught him to think for himself. 

I can tell Gen that - aside from his blind devotion to 'the prophet' - there is nothing wrong with him, but he won't accept my counsel, because I am not the CEO (or one of the authorities) of his church. 

Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: drkaje on July 03, 2008, 12:12:31 PM
The problem for Gen is that he's been brainwashed to believe that his normal, natural (which is borne of God) urges are 'wrong'. 

He will deny that he's been brainwashed, but that's because he's got no choice.  I forget his background, but I'm willing to bet that his parents forced him to go to church each Sunday and were an active part of his 'I know this church is true' indoctrination.  They never taught him to think for himself. 

I can tell Gen that - aside from his blind devotion to 'the prophet' - there is nothing wrong with him, but he won't accept my counsel, because I am not the CEO (or one of the authorities) of his church. 

That doesn't explain the gay porn. :)
Title: Re: Mandatory bigotry - Mormonism reveals its true colors
Post by: Hustle Man on July 16, 2008, 09:40:47 AM
So the NBA has a curse on it?

Only the L.A. Clippers franchise.