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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: headhuntersix on July 30, 2008, 02:50:19 PM

Title: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: headhuntersix on July 30, 2008, 02:50:19 PM

U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 9:00 AM

By: Kenneth R. Timmerman  Article Font Size   

Iran has carried out missile tests for what could be a plan for a nuclear strike on the United States, the head of a national security panel has warned.

In testimony before the House Armed Services Committee and in remarks to a private conference on missile defense over the weekend hosted by the Claremont Institute, Dr. William Graham warned that the U.S. intelligence community “doesn’t have a story” to explain the recent Iranian tests.

One group of tests that troubled Graham, the former White House science adviser under President Ronald Reagan, were successful efforts to launch a Scud missile from a platform in the Caspian Sea.

“They’ve got [test] ranges in Iran which are more than long enough to handle Scud launches and even Shahab-3 launches,” Dr. Graham said. “Why would they be launching from the surface of the Caspian Sea? They obviously have not explained that to us.”

Another troubling group of tests involved Shahab-3 launches where the Iranians "detonated the warhead near apogee, not over the target area where the thing would eventually land, but at altitude,” Graham said. “Why would they do that?”

Graham chairs the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack, a blue-ribbon panel established by Congress in 2001.

The commission examined the Iranian tests “and without too much effort connected the dots,” even though the U.S. intelligence community previously had failed to do so, Graham said.

“The only plausible explanation we can find is that the Iranians are figuring out how to launch a missile from a ship and get it up to altitude and then detonate it,” he said. “And that’s exactly what you would do if you had a nuclear weapon on a Scud or a Shahab-3 or other missile, and you wanted to explode it over the United States.”

The commission warned in a report issued in April that the United States was at risk of a sneak nuclear attack by a rogue nation or a terrorist group designed to take out our nation’s critical infrastructure.

"If even a crude nuclear weapon were detonated anywhere between 40 kilometers to 400 kilometers above the earth, in a split-second it would generate an electro-magnetic pulse [EMP] that would cripple military and civilian communications, power, transportation, water, food, and other infrastructure," the report warned.

While not causing immediate civilian casualties, the near-term impact on U.S. society would dwarf the damage of a direct nuclear strike on a U.S. city.

“The first indication [of such an attack] would be that the power would go out, and some, but not all, the telecommunications would go out. We would not physically feel anything in our bodies,” Graham said.

As electric power, water and gas delivery systems failed, there would be “truly massive traffic jams,” Graham added, since modern automobiles and signaling systems all depend on sophisticated electronics that would be disabled by the EMP wave.

“So you would be walking. You wouldn’t be driving at that point,” Graham said. “And it wouldn’t do any good to call the maintenance or repair people because they wouldn’t be able to get there, even if you could get through to them.”

The food distribution system also would grind to a halt as cold-storage warehouses stockpiling perishables went offline. Even warehouses equipped with backup diesel generators would fail, because “we wouldn’t be able to pump the fuel into the trucks and get the trucks to the warehouses,” Graham said.

The United States “would quickly revert to an early 19th century type of country.” except that we would have 10 times as many people with ten times fewer resources, he said.

“Most of the things we depend upon would be gone, and we would literally be depending on our own assets and those we could reach by walking to them,” Graham said.

America would begin to resemble the 2002 TV series, “Jeremiah,” which depicts a world bereft of law, infrastructure, and memory.

In the TV series, an unspecified virus wipes out the entire adult population of the planet. In an EMP attack, the casualties would be caused by our almost total dependence on technology for everything from food and water, to hospital care.

Within a week or two of the attack, people would start dying, Graham says.

“People in hospitals would be dying faster than that, because they depend on power to stay alive. But then it would go to water, food, civil authority, emergency services. And we would end up with a country with many, many people not surviving the event.”

Asked just how many Americans would die if Iran were to launch the EMP attack it appears to be preparing, Graham gave a chilling reply.

“You have to go back into the 1800s to look at the size of population” that could survive in a nation deprived of mechanized agriculture, transportation, power, water, and communication.

“I’d have to say that 70 to 90 percent of the population would not be sustainable after this kind of attack,” he said.

America would be reduced to a core of around 30 million people — about the number that existed in the decades after America’s independence from Great Britain.

The modern electronic economy would shut down, and America would most likely revert to “an earlier economy based on barter,” the EMP commission’s report on Critical National Infrastructure concluded earlier this year.

In his recent congressional testimony, Graham revealed that Iranian military journals, translated by the CIA at his commission’s request, “explicitly discuss a nuclear EMP attack that would gravely harm the United States.”

Furthermore, if Iran launched its attack from a cargo ship plying the commercial sea lanes off the East coast — a scenario that appears to have been tested during the Caspian Sea tests — U.S. investigators might never determine who was behind the attack. Because of the limits of nuclear forensic technology, it could take months. And to disguise their traces, the Iranians could simply decide to sink the ship that had been used to launch it, Graham said.

Several participants in last weekend’s conference in Dearborn, Mich., hosted by the conservative Claremont Institute argued that Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was thinking about an EMP attack when he opined that “a world without America is conceivable.”

In May 2007, then Undersecretary of State John Rood told Congress that the U.S. intelligence community estimates that Iran could develop an ICBM capable of hitting the continental United States by 2015.

But Iran could put a Scud missile on board a cargo ship and launch from the commercial sea lanes off America’s coasts well before then.

The only thing Iran is lacking for an effective EMP attack is a nuclear warhead, and no one knows with any certainty when that will occur. The latest U.S. intelligence estimate states that Iran could acquire the fissile material for a nuclear weapon as early as 2009, or as late as 2015, or possibly later.

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld first detailed the “Scud-in-a-bucket” threat during a briefing in Huntsville, Ala., on Aug. 18, 2004.

While not explicitly naming Iran, Rumsfeld revealed that “one of the nations in the Middle East had launched a ballistic missile from a cargo vessel. They had taken a short-range, probably Scud missile, put it on a transporter-erector launcher, lowered it in, taken the vessel out into the water, peeled back the top, erected it, fired it, lowered it, and covered it up. And the ship that they used was using a radar and electronic equipment that was no different than 50, 60, 100 other ships operating in the immediate area.”

Iran’s first test of a ship-launched Scud missile occurred in spring 1998, and was mentioned several months later in veiled terms by the Commission to Assess the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States, a blue-ribbon panel also known as the Rumsfeld Commission.

I was the first reporter to mention the Iran sea-launched missile test in an article appearing in the Washington Times in May 1999.

Intelligence reports on the launch were “well known to the White House but have not been disseminated to the appropriate congressional committees,” I wrote. Such a missile “could be used in a devastating stealth attack against the United States or Israel for which the United States has no known or planned defense.”

Few experts believe that Iran can be deterred from launching such an attack by the threat of massive retaliation against Iran. They point to a December 2001 statement by former Iranian President Ali Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani, who mulled the possibility of Israeli retaliation after an Iranian nuclear strike.

“The use of an atomic bomb against Israel would destroy Israel completely, while [the same] against the Islamic only would cause damages. Such a scenario is not inconceivable,” Rafsanjani said at the time.

Rep. Trent Franks, R, Ariz., plans to introduce legislation next week that would require the Pentagon to lay the groundwork for an eventual military strike against Iran, to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons and EMP capability.

“An EMP attack on America would send us back to the horse and buggy era — without the horse and buggy,” he told the Claremont Institute conference on Saturday. “If you’re a terrorist, this is your ultimate goal, your ultimate asymmetric weapon.”

Noting Iran’s recent sea-launched and mid-flight warhead detonation tests, Rep. Franks concluded, “They could do it — either directly or anonymously by putting some freighter out there on the ocean.”

The only possible deterrent against Iran is the prospect of failure, Dr. Graham and other experts agreed. And the only way the United States could credibly threaten an Iranian missile strike would be to deploy effective national missile defenses.

“It’s well known that people don’t go on a diet until they’ve had a heart attack,” said Claremont Institute president Brian T. Kennedy. “And we as a nation are having a heart attack” when it comes to the threat of an EMP attack from Iran.

“As of today, we have no defense against such an attack. We need space-based missile defenses to protect against an EMP attack,” he told Newsmax.

Rep. Franks said he remains surprised at how partisan the subject of space-based missile defenses remain. “Nuclear missiles don’t discriminate on party lines when they land,” he said.

Arizona Republican Sen. Jon Kyl, a long-standing champion of missile defense, told the Claremont conference on Friday that Sen. Obama has opposed missile defense tooth and nail and as president would cut funding for these programs dramatically.

“Senator Obama has been quoted as saying, ‘I don’t agree with a missile defense system,’ and that we can cut $10 billion of the research out — never mind, as I say, that the entire budget is $9.6 billion, or $9.3 billion,” Kyl said.

Like Franks, Kyl believes that the only way to eventually deter Iran from launching an EMP attack on the United States is to deploy robust missile defense systems, including space-based interceptors.

The United States “needs a missile defense that is so strong, in all the different phases we need to defend against . . . that countries will decide it’s not worth coming up against us,” Kyl said.

“That’s one of the things that defeated the Soviet Union. That’s one of the ways we can deal with these rogue states . . . and also the way that we can keep countries that are not enemies today, but are potential enemies, from developing capabilities to challenge us. “

Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: headhuntersix on July 30, 2008, 02:53:31 PM
I guess the beauty is for the lib appeasers like jag...guys like me won't be able to say told u so. This has always been the real worry, even with just a simple terror attack and not from a country. Anybody could try something like this.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: youandme on July 30, 2008, 02:54:42 PM
“Senator Obama has been quoted as saying, ‘I don’t agree with a missile defense system,’ and that we can cut $10 billion of the research out — never mind, as I say, that the entire budget is $9.6 billion, or $9.3 billion,” Kyl said.

No worries, from any libs I guess, since Obama promised to rid the world of all loose nuclear materials when elected president.

Hey, I hope everyone has their carrots ready, god forbid something like this ever did happen, we need to bring carrots to the table,,,,,and lots of em.

Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: 24KT on July 30, 2008, 03:03:43 PM
I guess the beauty is for the lib appeasers like jag...guys like me won't be able to say told u so. This has always been the real worry, even with just a simple terror attack and not from a country. Anybody could try something like this.


Oh No, ...we're dooooooooooooooooomed. Grab the women and the kids.... grab yer gun... head for the hills.

The problem with this is they overplayed their hand in the run up to Iraq.

I don't think the ominous "We don't want the final warning to appear in the form of a mushroom cloud" will have the same effect this time. In order to get people to march with nothing but fear guiding their actions, ...the neocons might just have to drop one. I wouldn't put them above that sort of thing. These men have already demonstrated they're madmen and psycopaths.

"Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities, has the power to make you commit injustices," --Voltaire

“Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know?
For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar.”
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: George Whorewell on July 30, 2008, 03:10:11 PM
Jag, I dont think Iran has the balls to nuke us ( @ least not themselves) but quoting Julius Ceaser and Voltaire? lol calm down.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: OzmO on July 30, 2008, 03:11:51 PM
US intel has a great track record.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Fury on July 30, 2008, 03:14:21 PM
I believe the average Getbigger on the political board is privy to more classified information than the US intel agencies, or so they think.  ::)

Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: OzmO on July 30, 2008, 03:15:23 PM
I believe the average Getbigger on the political board is privy to more classified information than the US intel agencies, or so they think.  ::)

And what's written about US intel agencies and what they put out to the public is SOLID GOLD.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: 240 is Back on July 30, 2008, 03:17:10 PM
I believe the average Getbigger on the political board is privy to more classified information than the US intel agencies, or so they think.  ::)

hahahahaha yeah, we're mostly full of shit here.

of course, getbiggers were kinda right about the war being all about oil, weren't we?
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Fury on July 30, 2008, 03:17:10 PM
And what's written about US intel agencies and what they put out to the public is SOLID GOLD.

I'm sure random conspiracy theory site hidden away in the bowels of the internet and created by an unemployed 52 year old schmoe is much more accurate.  ;D
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: OzmO on July 30, 2008, 03:21:20 PM
I'm sure random conspiracy theory site hidden away in the bowels of the internet and created by an unemployed 52 year old schmoe is much more accurate.  ;D

hehehehe   like the guy who lives in the basement of his mom's house?

The only point i'm making here is anything an intelligence agency says publicly is automatically suspect due to the nature of what they are.

Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on July 30, 2008, 03:22:29 PM
 ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

Here we go... Let your neocon buddies know we're not falling for this kind of bullshit again. 
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Fury on July 30, 2008, 03:22:30 PM
hehehehe   like the guy who lives in the basement of his mom's house?

The only point i'm making here is anything an intelligence agency says publicly is automatically suspect due to the nature of what they are.


Who lives in the basement of their mom's house? You?

It's suspect but to think it's 100% bullshit without providing any shred of evidence is ridiculous.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Ron on July 30, 2008, 03:23:15 PM
Fabricated story.

Come on now. Iran is not even planning to attack anyone, let alone a country 10,000 miles away.

Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on July 30, 2008, 03:25:48 PM
quick, get your duck tape ready!!!!!  Also, a wooden desk to hide under is of the utmost importance!!!!!!!  and don't forget kiddies, be afraid, be very afraid!!!  and.... VOTE... REPUBLICAN!!!

Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: 240 is Back on July 30, 2008, 03:32:02 PM
Iran is RICH.  I mean, loaded.  15% of the world's dialy oil flows outta there.  They have 70 million people.

They know the shooting anything at us is obvious suicide.  They know we'd him them with 100 nukes and kill every man, woman, and child in that place.

They have everything to lose.  Are they religious nuts who would do this just for shits and giggles?  They say no.  Bush, who lied about WMD, tells me yes. 
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: 2ND COMING on July 30, 2008, 03:35:33 PM
is this a fucking joke? yes they're planning. And it's just that, a plan.

Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: OzmO on July 30, 2008, 03:39:20 PM
Who lives in the basement of their mom's house? You?

It's suspect but to think it's 100% bullshit without providing any shred of evidence is ridiculous.

I think its logical to assume Iran has plans for an attack.  We have plans for all kinds of attacks.  Plans don't mean much.  Intentions with evidence of follow through does.  Then you must factor how these actions will play out.   Iran will not disable the US.  They will not attack the US.  It would be total death to them.  they will however pursue nuclear weapons because that gives them larger influence in regional and world affairs.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Fury on July 30, 2008, 03:44:23 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this article about Iran PLANNING a nuclear attack on the US? I don't see where it says they intend to anywhere.  ::)

hahahahaha yeah, we're mostly full of shit here.

of course, getbiggers were kinda right about the war being all about oil, weren't we?

Yes, you and a millions of other Americans who have been saying it since day one. LOL.

- Getbig - Home of the world's brightest and most knowledgeable politicians!

Should I be impressed that your IQ is above 28?
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: OzmO on July 30, 2008, 03:46:05 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this article about Iran PLANNING a nuclear attack on the US? I don't see where it says they intend to anywhere.  ::)

So then we are in agreement it's basically meaningless then? 
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Fury on July 30, 2008, 03:47:53 PM
So then we are in agreement it's basically meaningless then? 

Not really. Good to know that it's out there. Why are they planning a nuclear strike on the US if their nuclear aims are peaceful and not military?  ???

Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on July 30, 2008, 03:56:21 PM
wow, this is incredible, a plan for nuclear attack without the means to launch a nuclear attack. lolol... pure bs.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on July 30, 2008, 03:56:54 PM
I have a plan to blow up the moon. :)
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: 2ND COMING on July 30, 2008, 04:03:13 PM
Mr. Kenneth R. Timmerman

author of Islam: The war on America


Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: OzmO on July 30, 2008, 04:04:21 PM
Not really. Good to know that it's out there. Why are they planning a nuclear strike on the US if their nuclear aims are peaceful and not military?  ???

First off....are they really?    (Us intelligence hasn't the best track record)

Second off..... contingency plans, we have all kinds of pre-emptive plans why shouldn't any other country?

third off....   This is likely more fear propaganda than anything else that would target someone who would actually think Iran was stupid enough to attack the USA.

4th....  Just because some one is developing nukes doesn't automatically mean they intend to use them.

I think they are developing nukes.   I think Iran is a threat.  I don't think they are a threat, as of now, to the point we need to invade them.   Do you?
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: MB_722 on July 30, 2008, 04:15:45 PM
hehehehe   like the guy who lives in the basement of his mom's house?

The only point i'm making here is anything an intelligence agency says publicly is automatically suspect due to the nature of what they are.




Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: headhuntersix on July 30, 2008, 04:23:27 PM
All bullshit of course right? But then again why take a chance.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: OzmO on July 30, 2008, 04:27:26 PM
All bullshit of course right? But then again why take a chance.

Exactly, let's invade now!

.........bullshit that they will attack or bullshit they are planing to or bullshit they have plans?
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: headhuntersix on July 30, 2008, 04:33:46 PM
U guys think they're no threat. Obama thinks they're no threat. Nobody's invading, bombing them into dust is another story. Israel won't stand for them having nukes, no matter what we think.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: OzmO on July 30, 2008, 04:35:56 PM
U guys think they're no threat. Obama thinks they're no threat. Nobody's invading, bombing them into dust is another story. Israel won't stand for them having nukes, no matter what we think.

Can you answer the questions?

and what do you mean "you guys"

read my posts page one.

Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on July 30, 2008, 04:43:04 PM
All bullshit of course right? But then again why take a chance.
Knowing these realities, America must not ignore the threat gathering against us. Facing clear evidence of peril, we cannot wait for the final proof -- the smoking gun -- that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud.

Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Straw Man on July 30, 2008, 04:43:14 PM
The story appears to be from

Let's think about this a minute.  The White House is known to plant false information with reporters and "journalists" such as Judith Miller, Robert Novak, William Kristol.  They're also known to give talking points to right wing commentators (or their producers) to, as Bush phrased it, "catapult the propaganda".

So, we see one story on NewsMax and we're just supposed to buy it hook, line and sinker?

Maybe they believe in Cheney's 1% doctrine:

"If there's a 1% chance that Pakistani scientists are helping al-Qaeda build or develop a nuclear weapon, we have to treat it as a certainty in terms of our response. It's not about our analysis ... It's about our response.'

Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on July 30, 2008, 04:44:23 PM
The story appears to be from

Let's think about this a minute.  The White House is known to plant false information with reporters and "journalists" such as Judith Miller, Robert Novak, William Kristol.  They're also known to give talking points to right wing commentators (or their producers) to, Bush phrased it, "catapult the propaganda".

So, we see one story on NewsMax and we're just supposed to buy it hook, line and sinker?

Maybe they believe in Cheney's 1% doctrine:

"If there's a 1% chance that Pakistani scientists are helping al-Qaeda build or develop a nuclear weapon, we have to treat it as a certainty in terms of our response. It's not about our analysis ... It's about our response.'

ahahahahahaha... nail in the coffin of what this bullshit story is... Neocon propaganda.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: headhuntersix on July 30, 2008, 04:47:21 PM
Yeah I read em, feel free not to lump urself in. Jag's a shitbag apologist, decker..the list is legion. Honestly I would rather not have to worry about eating my neighbor and his family after we get nuked, so hopefully we'll either starve em out or the jews will make em glow. We won't attack.

Straw, yeah its from newsmax I think...doesn't make ita plant and since u have no proof and never will of anything to combat the info given, u've got nothing. Oh and douchbag McClellan was forced to take back his "talking points" bullshit.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: MB_722 on July 30, 2008, 04:47:54 PM
ahahahahahaha... nail in the coffin of what this bullshit story is... Neocon propaganda.

hahaha   ;D

can we have a ban on newsmax links please?
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: headhuntersix on July 30, 2008, 04:53:30 PM
Prove the story is false or that they never conducted tests from a ship...u can't. I posted the story because it was interesting. Oh and if we're banning them then Prison planet and all the 911 ct bullshit has to go too., forget it.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Fury on July 30, 2008, 04:58:03 PM
Prove the story is false or that they never conducted tests from a ship...u can't. I posted the story because it was interesting. Oh and if we're banning them then Prison planet and all the 911 ct bullshit has to go too., forget it.

They can't. The tinfoil hat wearing retards (Hugo) may think they're privy to classified information and act like it, but the reality is that they aren't.  :D
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Straw Man on July 30, 2008, 04:59:10 PM
Yeah I read em, feel free not to lump urself in. Jag's a shitbag apologist, decker..the list is legion. Honestly I would rather not have to worry about eating my neighbor and his family after we get nuked, so hopefully we'll either starve em out or the jews will make em glow. We won't attack.

Straw, yeah its from newsmax I think...doesn't make ita plant and since u have no proof and never will of anything to combat the info given, u've got nothing. Oh and douchbag McClellan was forced to take back his "talking points" bullshit.

He didn't take back his talking points statement he just caved to O'Reillys browbeating that the talking points didn't go directly to O'Reily (which is probably because they go to the producers).   He did not retract his statement that the White House fed talking points to Fox.

btw - no argument from me that McClellan is a douche bag.  
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Straw Man on July 30, 2008, 05:02:26 PM
hahaha   ;D

can we have a ban on newsmax links please?

HH (and everyone) should just post a link when they cut and paste an article on here. 

Full disclosure of the source is a material fact.

Same goes with Prison Planet and anything else.   

Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: headhuntersix on July 30, 2008, 05:04:59 PM
Look, I don't know what u think but the charge that the Whitehouse funneled talking points to people at Fox, is huge. Its not got alot of play, maybe because its not true. Also Matthews started this bullshit by brow beating scotti to say what he said. I'm honestly shocked that a "whitehouse spokeman" would allow himself to say something like that or be bullied by a reporter. Mathews showed him the rabbit hole and he jumped right down it.

I usually do
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on July 30, 2008, 05:12:51 PM
Prove the story is false or that they never conducted tests from a ship...u can't. I posted the story because it was interesting. Oh and if we're banning them then Prison planet and all the 911 ct bullshit has to go too., forget it.
you want us to prove neocon shit is false.... hahahahahahahahaha......  you're a very funny man hh. ;D
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Fury on July 30, 2008, 05:14:02 PM
you want us to prove neocon shit is false.... hahahahahahahahaha......  you're a very funny man hh. ;D

So you're saying that you have zero evidence it's false. Great argument. RETARD. I thought you were privy to classified intell?
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: headhuntersix on July 30, 2008, 05:16:38 PM
you want us to prove neocon shit is false.... hahahahahahahahaha......  you're a very funny man hh. ;D

U guys ;D ;D ; is this neocon bullshit. Does Iran have a nuke program...did they conduct they like us or the Jews....whats the problem.

Hugo when I carve out my post nuke empire, with BF as my minister of propaganda, we're coming for u. I'm going to lock u in a cell with Jag...forever.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Fury on July 30, 2008, 05:18:44 PM
U guys ;D ;D ; is this neocon bullshit. Does Iran have a nuke program...did they conduct they like us or the Jews....whats the problem.

Hugo when I carve out my post nuke empire, with BF as my minister of propaganda, we're coming for u. I'm going to lock u in a cell with Jag...forever.


Methinks Hugo and Jag have a little fling going on anyway.

I'm looking forward to hearing their responses when Hezbollah sets off a dirty bomb on US soil. They'll probably be the first to cry for war.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: headhuntersix on July 30, 2008, 05:21:17 PM
Hugo would strangle her...I think I'd stop feeding him before i threw him in there, I bet he'd eat her.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on July 30, 2008, 05:24:16 PM
Look, I don't know what u think but the charge that the Whitehouse funneled talking points to people at Fox, is huge. Its not got alot of play, maybe because its not true. Also Matthews started this bullshit by brow beating scotti to say what he said. I'm honestly shocked that a "whitehouse spokeman" would allow himself to say something like that or be bullied by a reporter. Mathews showed him the rabbit hole and he jumped right down it.

I usually do
acutally, you ARE dead as fucking wrong and you're wrong because of the bullshit you listen too... Here is a documentary WHERE FOX EMPLOYEE AFTER EMPLOYEE CONFIRMS FIRST HAND MARCHING ORDERS SET FROM ABOVE, THOSE BEING SET MANY TIMES FROM THE WHITEHOUSE...

The other parts here:
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on July 30, 2008, 05:30:20 PM
U guys ;D ;D ; is this neocon bullshit. Does Iran have a nuke program...did they conduct they like us or the Jews....whats the problem.

Hugo when I carve out my post nuke empire, with BF as my minister of propaganda, we're coming for u. I'm going to lock u in a cell with Jag...forever.
whenever you wanna play, you can find where I live, come get me ;)
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: MB_722 on July 30, 2008, 05:37:58 PM
I'm looking forward to hearing their responses when Hezbollah sets off a dirty bomb on US soil. They'll probably be the first to cry for war.

you fallen for it, hook line and sinker. CIA disinformation.

Is there a possible threat? Yes?

Can it get worse with propaganda like this? Yes

Can any country at any given moment be attacked? Yes

Does telling the American public / World that Iran is ready to attack create fear and support for the "good guys"? Yes

It's an endless cycle and you are falling for it.

It's not black and white there are many shades of grey here.

The Ayatollah has too much power to let it slip away to attack America.

Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: headhuntersix on July 30, 2008, 05:38:25 PM
This is ur proof.....oh boy ::)
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Fury on July 30, 2008, 05:40:49 PM
you fallen for it, hook line and sinker. CIA disinformation.

Is there a possible threat? Yes?

Can it get worse with propaganda like this? Yes

Can any country at any given moment be attacked? Yes

Does telling the American public / World that Iran is ready to attack create fear and support for the "good guys"? Yes

It's an endless cycle and you are falling for it.

It's not black and white there are many shades of grey here.

The Ayatollah has too much power to let it slip away to attack America.

Actually, I haven't fallen for anything. I wouldn't put it past Hezbollah to end up with some uranium if Iran was to acquire nuclear weapons. You know, some just ups and "vanishes" or gets "stolen." They are the chief financier of a gigantic terrorist organization after all. What this has to do with CIA disinformation is nothing. Unless of course you're going to deny the mountains of evidence proving that Iran funds Hezbollah.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on July 30, 2008, 05:41:38 PM
This is ur proof.....oh boy ::)
oh by all means don't watch it... I know you didn't since I just posted it... So go ahead and call all the former employees of fox no proof.  Go ahead and call all the memorandums shown that prove it not proof...  It's the rightwing MO...  I didn't expect anything less.  As usual, we're supposed to buy the bullshit you spew from Newsmax but how dare we show former Fox employees blowing the whistle ::)

You're a fucking clown hh.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: headhuntersix on July 30, 2008, 05:42:59 PM
Ur the clown..u think this is proof, some Utube clip. Gimme a break. Ur the clown ct boy. I do believ ur melting down again.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on July 30, 2008, 05:45:04 PM
Ur the clown..u think this is proof, some Utube clip. Gimme a break. Ur the clown ct boy. I do believ ur melting down again.
how would you know since you didn't watch it... oh wow.... HH6 thinks the moment it's posted on youtube it's no longer credible... LOL... Newflash jackass... you can find almost everything on youtube...  There is no bias there idiot.  All those Fox News guys calling BS on them... wow, oh but don't admit you're wrong, never ever do that!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: headhuntersix on July 30, 2008, 05:47:50 PM
No, not on this..and yeah i watched it. Do u know how Fox works, know anybody who works for fox, worked for fox...have u ever been on Fox. Do u think the news room takes its orders from the WH..honestly. Thats not how it works. Maybe Hannity parrots whitehouse talking points...sure. so what.  Oberdouceh and matthews parrot Reid and Nancy different.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: 240 is Back on July 30, 2008, 05:49:00 PM
This is ur proof.....oh boy ::)

you can't prove a negative.

HH6, prove you don't have sexual dreams about Obama.

See what I mean?
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: MB_722 on July 30, 2008, 05:53:57 PM
Actually, I haven't fallen for anything. I wouldn't put it past Hezbollah to end up with some uranium if Iran was to acquire nuclear weapons. You know, some just ups and "vanishes" or gets "stolen." They are the chief financier of a gigantic terrorist organization after all. What this has to do with CIA disinformation is nothing. Unless of course you're going to deny the mountains of evidence proving that Iran funds Hezbollah.

who is to say some of the most powerful terrorist groups don't have some type of Soviet or Pakistani nuclear weapon?

they probably have it by now.

Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: headhuntersix on July 30, 2008, 05:55:24 PM
Look u guys come with all kinds of periferal bullshit, yet can't prove a damm thing. U don't think Iran is any threat because u don't believe 911 was anything but an inside job. U belive we're hiding UFO's and Bigfoot. U believe we're the bad guy, in short ur CT loving leftists and I can't win an arguement with rocks. Am I ur logic becuase I hate the Obamessiah, I must be gay for him. No I hate him because he's dangerous for this country.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: 240 is Back on July 30, 2008, 06:01:42 PM
911 was ... an inside job....
we're hiding UFO's and Bigfoot.
we're the bad guy
I must be gay for him.

Abbreviated meltdown!
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: MB_722 on July 30, 2008, 06:04:10 PM
Look u guys come with all kinds of periferal bullshit, yet can't prove a damm thing. U don't think Iran is any threat because u don't believe 911 was anything but an inside job. U belive we're hiding UFO's and Bigfoot. U believe we're the bad guy, in short ur CT loving leftists and I can't win an arguement with rocks. Am I ur logic becuase I hate the Obamessiah, I must be gay for him. No I hate him because he's dangerous for this country.

Anyone is a possible threat, no doubt about it. No one is stupid here.
So don't assume what I am thinking
One thing I do believe, with America as one of the most powerful nations in the world is doing this totally wrong. The CIA and the POTUS and his cronies all have an agenda. They need to sell this war or upcoming war, unfortunately HARD! With right wing news as their mouthpiece. If you cant see that. You should reassess what is happening.

Obama and McCain are both terrible candidates to have at this time in history. Shit out of luck
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Slapper on July 30, 2008, 06:11:31 PM
::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

Here we go... Let your neocon buddies know we're not falling for this kind of bullshit again. 

Yeah, but it's bullshit that kills.

There's only one reason why reports like these come out of "filtered" US Intel reports is that if this were publicized by any of the major media outlets they could be held accountable, so what the US government does is "filter" these reports to the media as though they represent the truth (which is not by the way) the media takes it and reports it as fact, without even hinting at checking whether the facts are real or not. It's called propaganda.

Anyone who thinks Iran wants to nuke us is beyond dumbass. It's like when Nicaragua, with its 2 tractors and 1 elevator, was a major threat to America.

We're going to hell.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on July 30, 2008, 06:12:33 PM
No, not on this..and yeah i watched it. Do u know how Fox works, know anybody who works for fox, worked for fox...have u ever been on Fox. Do u think the news room takes its orders from the WH..honestly. Thats not how it works. Maybe Hannity parrots whitehouse talking points...sure. so what.  Oberdouceh and matthews parrot Reid and Nancy different.
You couldn't have watched it!!!!  It's 8 parts!  I provided the link to the rest so yea, nice try.  No, look this is what happens... The talking points go out to the networks, What makes FOX different is that they took the points and passed them on as directives.  It's shown in the full documentary through their own memorandums and employee testimonies.  Sorry, in this case you're wrong.  There is a distinction when Fox leadership chooses to be the whitehouse mouthpiece and sends out memorandums to the effect.  I personally find it hard to believe that Bill retard O'Reilly never got the memos like he said ::)

nice try, but you're wrong.  Above all this, we all already know the story of Fox being given direct access because of this alliance.  That really fucks your theory.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on July 30, 2008, 06:13:55 PM
Yeah, but it's bullshit that kills.

There's only one reason why reports like these come out of "filtered" US Intel reports is that if this were publicized by any of the major media outlets they could be held accountable, so what the US government does is "filter" these reports to the media as though they represent the truth (which is not by the way) the media takes it and reports it as fact, without even hinting at checking whether the facts are real or not. It's called propaganda.

Anyone who thinks Iran wants to nuke us is beyond dumbass. It's like when Nicaragua, with its 2 tractors and 1 elevator, was a major threat to America.

We're going to hell.
Good post... yea Nicaragua... What a fucking joke and outright crime against humanity that bullshit was.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: OzmO on July 30, 2008, 06:20:15 PM
It's called propaganda. f-ing way!     :)   ;D    (more like "fear" propaganda)

Anyone who thinks Iran wants to nuke us is beyond dumbass.

I agree.

Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on July 30, 2008, 06:26:09 PM
WAIT..... SCARING THE POPULATION TO OBTAIN A DESIRED POLITICAL OUTCOME... I think there's a word for that?  Can't remember... I'll get it,.. wait ohhh hmmm... anybody know?
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: MB_722 on July 30, 2008, 06:27:02 PM
WAIT..... SCARING THE POPULATION TO OBTAIN A DESIRED POLITICAL OUTCOME... I think there's a word for that?  Can't remember... I'll get it,.. wait ohhh hmmm... anybody know?

hmmmmmmmmmm I have no idea   ???
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: OzmO on July 30, 2008, 06:28:43 PM
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: warrior_code on July 30, 2008, 06:41:00 PM

foreign policy making of the 21st century?
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Slapper on July 30, 2008, 06:44:24 PM
I tell you something, Rupert Murdoch ought to be sedated, put on a plane, flown to Kandahar and left naked, with a huge cross tatooed on his back in downtown Kandahar.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Slapper on July 30, 2008, 06:46:03 PM
Along with O'Reilly. Better yet, both sedated and Billy-O' head sitting gently on Rupert's crotch.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on July 30, 2008, 06:47:25 PM
I tell you something, Rupert Murdoch ought to be sedated, put on a plane, flown to Kandahar and left naked, with a huge cross tatooed on his back in downtown Kandahar.
That's not fair... We'll send Bill Kristol naked with him armed with a squirt gun
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: MB_722 on July 30, 2008, 06:47:48 PM
no one wants to bite.  :D

Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: OzmO on July 30, 2008, 06:49:30 PM
no one wants to bite.  :D


so what will be the "final solution" to deal with the liberals? 
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on July 30, 2008, 06:50:15 PM
so what will be the "final solution" to deal with the liberals? 
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: 240 is Back on July 30, 2008, 07:05:08 PM
WAIT..... SCARING THE POPULATION TO OBTAIN A DESIRED POLITICAL OUTCOME... I think there's a word for that?  Can't remember... I'll get it,.. wait ohhh hmmm... anybody know?


motherfvcker, i want more Iced Tea...
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: 24KT on July 30, 2008, 08:41:05 PM
Yeah I read em, feel free not to lump urself in. Jag's a shitbag apologist, decker..the list is legion. Honestly I would rather not have to worry about eating my neighbor and his family after we get nuked, so hopefully we'll either starve em out or the jews will make em glow. We won't attack.

Straw, yeah its from newsmax I think...doesn't make ita plant and since u have no proof and never will of anything to combat the info given, u've got nothing. Oh and douchbag McClellan was forced to take back his "talking points" bullshit.

HH6, I know you were "built for the battle. You were created for the conflict, and that you get off on warfare."

...but 'Eat your neighbour?'    :-X


The jokes on you HH6. You won't be eating your neighbour at all? Have you taken a good look at the guy?
He's a skinny little runt. No, I think if anything, if the world comes down to cannibalism, it's the bodybuilder like you who gets eaten first. Think about it, ...who would most likely get taken out first, ...a short little dude like Kim Jong Il, or a Ronnie Coleman? You know how it is when you eat Chinese or Korean, ...30 minutes later, you're still hungry, ...but carve up a Ronnie Coleman? ...shoot, & the neighbours would be feasting for months.  ;D

And secondly, HH6, can you explain for me how a country that has to resort to photoshopping missiles that can barely make it across the Straights of hormuz, is going to fire a missile into the USA?

True, America is not as safe a place as she once was (thank you mr bush), but make no mistake, if something were to happen again, unlike 911, this time around, the people would not be confused at all over who was responsible.

"There's a old Texas saying, it's in Tennesse as well, it goes 'Fool me once, shame on you, fool me, twice, can't get fooled again -- GWB

WAIT..... SCARING THE POPULATION TO OBTAIN A DESIRED POLITICAL OUTCOME... I think there's a word for that?  Can't remember... I'll get it,.. wait ohhh hmmm... anybody know?

Methinks the word you're struggling for is "terrorism", ...but I could be wrong.  ;)
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Ex Coelis on July 31, 2008, 12:23:00 AM
Iran knows the US is stretched thin - their President can flaunt his power and insult the West without fear of reprisal

Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: MB_722 on July 31, 2008, 12:43:12 AM
Read these responses from militaryphotos

fairly rational for a military site don't you think  ::) (


read it all

everyone knows newsmax is a bullshit neocon propaganda mouthpiece.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on July 31, 2008, 12:49:23 AM
Iran knows the US is stretched thin - their President can flaunt his power and insult the West without fear of reprisal

I had a rather large reply to your post typed up but then I found I could not bring myself to hit the reply button... Not often I do that :-\  There are some really important things that need to be said.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: JBGRAY on July 31, 2008, 06:20:12 AM
That reads of something out of a Tom Clancy novel.  Iran and other shitpot countries are no threat to us domestically.  Iran has nearly 70% of its population under 35 years of age, and most of them are Western-friendly.  The best tactic to deal with the rapidly aging and diminishing leadership is to wait them out.  They will be replaced.

The problems with the West are not external factors, but internal ones.  There are no enemies at the gates.  They are already within the gates. 
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Decker on July 31, 2008, 06:45:42 AM
Yeah, but it's bullshit that kills.

There's only one reason why reports like these come out of "filtered" US Intel reports is that if this were publicized by any of the major media outlets they could be held accountable, so what the US government does is "filter" these reports to the media as though they represent the truth (which is not by the way) the media takes it and reports it as fact, without even hinting at checking whether the facts are real or not. It's called propaganda.

Anyone who thinks Iran wants to nuke us is beyond dumbass. It's like when Nicaragua, with its 2 tractors and 1 elevator, was a major threat to America.

We're going to hell.
This is a really good post.

Grenada, Iraq, Libya and Iran all want to take the US down?  Forget the fact that none of those countries could touch the US with their weapons, any aggression directed towards the US would be suicide.

Everyone knows this except for those that feel the need to bomb Iran.

When is the pro-war crowd going to realize that they are being played like fiddle?

I remember when Grenada was the doorway for an invasion of the US homeland (back in Reagan's day). 

JBGray makes some good points about the slow but steady change of culture going on in Iran.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: MB_722 on July 31, 2008, 11:04:01 AM
HH6 did you read militaryphotos?> (

Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: headhuntersix on July 31, 2008, 11:09:03 AM
I don't know Jag....I'm armed and dammit he is a skinny littel did u know. I almost had to put on my tinfoil hat to protect me from ur satelites. I have dogs and guns and yes I'd eat him.  ;)

Come on did u guys read the article....putting a half assed nuke on an oil tanker....sliding to within 25 miles from one of the coasts and launching it, sounds far fetched.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Ex Coelis on July 31, 2008, 11:18:05 AM
I had a rather large reply to your post typed up but then I found I could not bring myself to hit the reply button... Not often I do that :-\  There are some really important things that need to be said.

calm down - the post was meant to make you laugh
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: OzmO on July 31, 2008, 11:18:24 AM

Come on did u guys read the article....putting a half assed nuke on an oil tanker....sliding to within 25 miles from one of the coasts and launching it, sounds far fetched.

Sure it isn't until you factor in the ramifications of that action.  Then you will see how stupid it would be for Iran to do that becuase it would mean total death to the country.

That's why its stupid to fear Iran doing that.   Sucker issue for suckers.

Lots of suckers in the USA.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: headhuntersix on July 31, 2008, 11:20:43 AM
If the majority of our systems are fried....then I don't think iran really cares. U are assuming these guys are like the damm Russians, they could care less. It was merely to point out a threat.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: OzmO on July 31, 2008, 11:24:03 AM
If the majority of our systems are fried....then I don't think iran really cares. U are assuming these guys are like the damm Russians, they could care less. It was merely to point out a threat.

They are still dead meat and they know that.    Nuked to ashes.

It would be a suicide wish.

sucker issue for suckers

There's lots of threats.

How about asteriods?

How about antiperspirant?

How about trans fat?

How about the threat of the Patriots choking again this year?

com on!



Have you lost all the common sense you have?
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Fury on July 31, 2008, 11:25:10 AM
So you're saying they shouldn't report any thing regarding speculation or "plans" again?  ::)
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: headhuntersix on July 31, 2008, 11:26:22 AM
Considering that there is nobody in the AFC east to threaten them, except an Iranian dirty bomb or emp. thats good enough reason to nuke em' fact launch now so Tom can concentrate on throwing 80 yard bombs to Moss.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Fury on July 31, 2008, 11:28:12 AM
Considering that there is nobody in the AFC east to threaten them, except an Iranian dirty bomb or emp. thats good enough reason to nuke em' fact launch now so Tom can concentrate on throwing 80 yard bombs to Moss.

Chargers will win the AFC. Third time's the charm!
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: OzmO on July 31, 2008, 11:29:58 AM
So you're saying they shouldn't report any thing regarding speculation or "plans" again?  ::)

They report?

They report to who?

The public?

Can you not see it for what it is?  Are you that influenced and controlled?

Intelligence agencies have a job and they need to do it.  What they report to the public is always suspect and usually used for propaganda purposes....such as............the WMD's.

And on top of that, things like this need to be put into perspective.......not reacted to like a bunch of idiots
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: OzmO on July 31, 2008, 11:31:07 AM
Considering that there is nobody in the AFC east to threaten them, except an Iranian dirty bomb or emp. thats good enough reason to nuke em' fact launch now so Tom can concentrate on throwing 80 yard bombs to Moss.

I still Like the pats.  But i thin we need to step up homeland security to combat the threat of choking with a shitty defense.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: headhuntersix on July 31, 2008, 11:32:40 AM
They have gotten younger...they are healthy and honestly I'd like them to run more, rest the d and get back to a more ball control O.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: OzmO on July 31, 2008, 11:33:44 AM
They have gotten younger...they are healthy and honestly I'd like them to run more, rest the d and get back to a more ball control O.

Yeah,  good idea.   I thought their game plan coming into the play offs was very 1 dimensional. 
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Fury on July 31, 2008, 11:33:49 AM
They report?

They report to who?

The public?

Can you not see it for what it is?  Are you that influenced and controlled?

Intelligence agencies have a job and they need to do it.  What they report to the public is always suspect and usually used for propaganda purposes....such as............the WMD's.

I meant like a news report. Are you saying that they should never let the public know anything again because it might be considered "fear mongering" to you? Sounds pretty stupid to me.

Maybe they shouldn't report the next time Al Qaeda plans to attack a major building and we can have another 9/11 on our hands!  ::)

Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: OzmO on July 31, 2008, 11:39:04 AM
I meant like a news report. Are you saying that they should never let the public know anything again because it might be considered "fear mongering" to you? Sounds pretty stupid to me.

Well of course not.   ::)

If they have credible evidence AQ might hit a building tomorrow of course they should take the appropriate precautions and warn the public.  they do something similar at airports.

But this article is just crap fear propaganda.  Because when you put the threat into perspective you realize Iran knows it would mean the death of the entire country is they did that.   So it's only stupid to think they would do it.

Sucker issue for suckers.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Slapper on July 31, 2008, 06:02:51 PM
I had a rather large reply to your post typed up but then I found I could not bring myself to hit the reply button... Not often I do that :-\  There are some really important things that need to be said.

Wanna know something? The same thing happens to me all the time. It's like with this Iran issue... knowing how flawed our intelligence has been as of lately you'd think that everyone would look at the facts and say "wait a friggin second! Are we sure about this?". And you know what? You spend ½ hour writing something up that in the end, after reading it about a million times, you think would make sense to a 2nd grader... but somehow miss the "patriotic" (and most dangerous to our nation) crowd like HH6 and Nordic. I mean, their minds are built in a way that they only understand 3 to 4 lines of content. Anything more than 4 lines and the ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) kicks in.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: headhuntersix on August 01, 2008, 12:44:42 PM
Hey slapper, guys like u....terrorist loving, anti-American shitbag appeasers and apologists are dangerous, not guys like me who serve and the defend the country. U really oughta look at ur liberal ways and repent. Iran is a major threat, who knows what will happen. Most of the Intel we're getting on this is being generated from israel, who have major problem if its true. They know whats going on, and Iran has never denied it.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: OzmO on August 01, 2008, 02:18:02 PM
Hey slapper, guys like u....terrorist loving, anti-American shitbag appeasers and apologists are dangerous, not guys like me who serve and the defend the country. U really oughta look at ur liberal ways and repent. Iran is a major threat, who knows what will happen. Most of the Intel we're getting on this is being generated from israel, who have major problem if its true. They know whats going on, and Iran has never denied it.

Iran is not a "major" threat to the USA.  and in reality they are not a major threat to Israel because attacking Israel is the same as attacking the USA.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is the newest result of fear propaganda.  There are plenty of you out there.  lol

That's why a strong military is one of the best tools for peace.
Title: Re: U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Post by: Slapper on August 02, 2008, 08:54:44 AM
Hey slapper, guys like u....terrorist loving, anti-American shitbag appeasers and apologists are dangerous, not guys like me who serve and the defend the country. U really oughta look at ur liberal ways and repent. Iran is a major threat, who knows what will happen. Most of the Intel we're getting on this is being generated from israel, who have major problem if its true. They know whats going on, and Iran has never denied it.

Right! Generated from Israel! Of course! Like Iraq, where the invasion was prepared based on "intelligence" from the Iraqui "opposition". Give me a fucking break!

Hey, call me what you want you fascist douchebag, but the ones who need the terrorists the most are your devoid of common sense crowd. Like I said, the job of the US military is to protect OUR borders, not invade others. And of course, it is the job of the Mossad to create reports that bring the US into the fray because they know the crowd that now inhabits the White House is beyond trigger-happy and willing to fork over (finance) a possible war with Iran. Look at it this way, Iran wants to attack Israel, a country that is given BILLIONS of American taxpayer's money every year and is now seeking the help of the US in a possible war against Iran. All of this being financed partly by you and I and my one-eyed, one-legged neighbor who can't get any welfare because some young asshole decided that ALL of them have 5 children in order not to have to work.

To me jews and arabs are the same thing: semitic peoples. They've lived together for many centuries and are condemned to get along. If they want to nuke the hell out of each other, by all means, let them do that!!