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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: shrek on November 04, 2008, 08:47:42 PM

Post by: shrek on November 04, 2008, 08:47:42 PM
 (Other Mods, let this stay for a day or 2 Arnold jr.)

tonight is the begining of a new day in age.... so be th outcome iam still 110% all american despite my predjudice and raceism iam still a patriot to the bones and will support america wrong or right.... now there will be a total difference in our lives,  putting aside my wants of a none black president there is a very positve side to this, we are no longer divided by race because now all of us have the same leader and he is all of our president and also the rest of the world will see our diversity and we can now get the love and respect back... i just hope that he wasnt voted because people just wanted a minority in office instead of the best canidit,,, i say congrates to our new president elect...... now is the time to stock up on guns and ammo , and supplements and all those good thins cause now they will probably take those rights away from us
Post by: Arnold jr on November 04, 2008, 09:45:34 PM
The landscape of America will no doubt change. Not just because Obama will be president, but because a very far left man along with a very far left leadership in congress will have control of the U.S. almost 100% exclusively.

I am not an Obama fan, and this is not shocking news to However, I'm not saying he'll be a bad president. He has a long hard road ahead of him...the same road McCain would have had if he had won. It is my concern that Obama and the rest that lean like he does will take away some of the individual freedoms we enjoy now, as well as lead us into a state of dependency on our government> After all, that is exactly how they lean and what they preach.

I'll admit this; as much as I don't care for Obama, of course I enjoy the fact that he has said he would not go after the AAS witch hunt that has been going on the last few years. Of course two things come to mind. First, that call will be for congress more then Obama, and they have shown no inclination to call the hunt off. Second, either way it's not that important of an issue on the whole...after all, if it was, I would not have voted for McCain.

Post by: Alex23 on November 04, 2008, 09:48:24 PM
great discussion on a juice board...
Post by: Arnold jr on November 04, 2008, 09:49:23 PM
great discussion on a juice board...

Elections affect all aspects of life...even when juice is concerned.
Post by: shrek on November 04, 2008, 09:56:36 PM
iam glad that you of all people on here replied to this "ARNOLD JR"... yes this is a good subject for the steroid bored because what we choose to do and the way we live in this taboo sort of life is highly affected by the leaders..... this is the only discussion board i look at and reply to so i wanted to share my thoughts on this.....
Post by: shrek on November 04, 2008, 10:04:23 PM
i know iam new to this game like i stated before but iam not a fool nore a nark iam a hard core bodybuilder and a very hard core american i have alot of morals about propaganda and the truth about big brother...... there is a thin line in this life but for some reason that line truely aint thin at all,,,, too much loop holes and goose chases...... i am tired of the bs that we all have to deal with if i want to be a super mutant than why cant i it aint hurting anyone else
Post by: tbombz on November 04, 2008, 10:05:28 PM
if i want to be a super mutant than why cant i it aint hurting anyone else
Post by: shrek on November 04, 2008, 10:06:31 PM
what does QTF mean
Post by: tbombz on November 04, 2008, 10:08:07 PM
what does QTF mean
Quoted For Truth     :)
Post by: shrek on November 04, 2008, 10:10:09 PM
ah like your vibe bro
Post by: tbombz on November 04, 2008, 10:11:30 PM
Thanks  :)   :)
Post by: shrek on November 04, 2008, 10:19:41 PM
man i wish the site worked like IM 's
Post by: Emmortal on November 05, 2008, 12:30:01 AM

I am not an Obama fan, and this is not shocking news to However, I'm not saying he'll be a bad president. He has a long hard road ahead of him...the same road McCain would have had if he had won. It is my concern that Obama and the rest that lean like he does will take away some of the individual freedoms we enjoy now, as well as lead us into a state of dependency on our government> After all, that is exactly how they lean and what they preach.

While I'm not a huge fan of Obama either, I didn't like either candidate, I just wanted to make a comment.  You do realize that under the Bush administration we've had more rights and freedoms taken away from us than from any other administration combined?  Even though our taxes weren't increased, the value the dollar plummeted to an all time low causing more of our money to be lost than ever before.  McCain voted 92% of the time in agreement with Bush on these issues and that's why he's not our president right now. 

Well that and the fact that more people were concerned about his age being a factor than Obamas race being a a factor :)
Post by: Big Rock. on November 05, 2008, 11:23:53 AM
but i feel that most african american ppl voted for him because of the color of his skin...

   You could be right about that, but I sure hope not. If our fellow black Americans voted based only to to get an African American in the highest office, they may be disapointed. Our new 44th President sure as hell aint no J-Z or P-Diddy. I don't see him modifing the National Anthem with ganster rap. He seems like an intellegent dude, I hope he does well...
Post by: Overload on November 05, 2008, 11:58:01 AM
The people that voted for him due to skin color, are in for a rude awakening...

I'm not a big political guy, but i think Obama will just take us in a different direction. Could be a good or bad one, we will find out in a few years.

Post by: Arnold jr on November 05, 2008, 01:34:54 PM
While I'm not a huge fan of Obama either, I didn't like either candidate, I just wanted to make a comment.  You do realize that under the Bush administration we've had more rights and freedoms taken away from us than from any other administration combined?  Even though our taxes weren't increased, the value the dollar plummeted to an all time low causing more of our money to be lost than ever before.  McCain voted 92% of the time in agreement with Bush on these issues and that's why he's not our president right now. 

Well that and the fact that more people were concerned about his age being a factor than Obamas race being a a factor :)

We are in the economic mess we're in now because of our irresponsibility in the 90's. We're in this mess because of men like Greenspan who had visions of immortality.

As for freedoms, none of the individual freedoms that are simply "essentials" have ever been taken away...if you're referring to things like the Patriot Act, it doesn't fall into the same category in regards to what I am talking about.

As for Bush's responsibility about our failing economy. Of course all presidents have a level or responsibility, but you cannot put it all on him. His hands have been tied for quite some time by a opposing party in the house and senate, and if nothing else he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I don't care who had been president the last 8 years, it was going to be a bad situation.
Post by: Luv2Hurt on November 05, 2008, 02:01:30 PM
We are in the economic mess we're in now because of our irresponsibility in the 90's. We're in this mess because of men like Greenspan who had visions of immortality.

As for freedoms, none of the individual freedoms that are simply "essentials" have ever been taken away...if you're referring to things like the Patriot Act, it doesn't fall into the same category in regards to what I am talking about.

As for Bush's responsibility about our failing economy. Of course all presidents have a level or responsibility, but you cannot put it all on him. His hands have been tied for quite some time by a opposing party in the house and senate, and if nothing else he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I don't care who had been president the last 8 years, it was going to be a bad situation.

AJ you guys all say that, "he is not to blame, would have happened anyhow"  come on bro accept the fact that 8 years of Bush policies has this place messed up pretty good.

Now when Obama brings this place around the right will say "Bush had us going in the right direction before he left office, thats why everything has gotten better, not cause of Obama" LOL

Post by: 4thAD on November 05, 2008, 04:54:22 PM
Hear Hear!
Post by: 4thAD on November 05, 2008, 05:02:11 PM
i cant believe our countrymen chose obama over a decorated vietnam vet...some of the things barack and michele obama said were very unamerican..michele stating that this is the first time in her adult life she has been proud of her is that! or obama saying that our national anthem is too warlike and wont put his hand over his heart during the pledge...thats total bullshit...we'll see how obama does but i feel that most african american ppl voted for him because of the color of his skin... [ Invalid YouTube link ]

i hope this president can step up to the plate like i believed Mccain would have..

I'm a decorated Vet, does that make me the right man to lead this great country (not bragging here just stating the truth)? I respect McCain as a man, but as stated above he supports Bush policy most of the time. I can not continue to support these policies. Bush has destroyed this country, and McCain policy would have been no better. This country needs drastic change, not another supporter of Bush policy. Under every Republican administration of my life time the economy has suffered. I do not believe for one second that the troubles we see today are because of policy in the 90's. Clinton drove the best economy of our life times.
Post by: DieHards on November 05, 2008, 06:02:24 PM
The people that voted for him due to skin color, are in for a rude awakening...

I'm not a big political guy, but i think Obama will just take us in a different direction. Could be a good or bad one, we will find out in a few years.


I agree.  everybody is claiming change.  its time for a change.  there is no way we can know if obama would stick with his word.  he could take use for a bad ride or a good one.  only time will tell and im praying for what everyone is preaching.  Change.  but im not holding my breath.

this country got so lazy its not even funny.

" Everybody wants the world to work on morality, but in actuality the world runs on economy.  Behind economy theres incentive and where there is incentive, that persons very moral fiber is compromised" - Unknown
Post by: Arnold jr on November 05, 2008, 06:13:29 PM
AJ you guys all say that, "he is not to blame, would have happened anyhow"  come on bro accept the fact that 8 years of Bush policies has this place messed up pretty good.

Now when Obama brings this place around the right will say "Bush had us going in the right direction before he left office, thats why everything has gotten better, not cause of Obama" LOL

My argument is that things like Sept 11th would have happened no matter who was in office. If Gore had won in 2000 the same things would have happened in 2001. Same goes for all the mess in the housing market. The housing market has been destroyed by irresponsible financing...wouldn't have mattered who was in office, the same thing would have happened.

You need to understand, I am not against Obama. No, I don't believe he is the best man for the job, but I have no desire to see him fail. If he fails, America fails and that means I means you and I are the ones who get hurt in some form or fashion. I hope he is successful, and if he is I have no problem admitting that he was.

I'm a decorated Vet, does that make me the right man to lead this great country (not bragging here just stating the truth)? I respect McCain as a man, but as stated above he supports Bush policy most of the time. I can not continue to support these policies. Bush has destroyed this country, and McCain policy would have been no better. This country needs drastic change, not another supporter of Bush policy. Under every Republican administration of my life time the economy has suffered. I do not believe for one second that the troubles we see today are because of policy in the 90's. Clinton drove the best economy of our life times.

This can't be true unless you're under 20 years old...which I am pretty sure you're not. It's hard to argue that the Reagan years were not successful years for the economy...he took the economy over during a pretty bad recession if you recall and things seemed to work out fairly well. With Bush Sr, things didn't really falter, but rather stagnated and that's never good for any enter Clinton. Clinton made some great headway for the economy, but IMO, it was many of his official appointments that were still standing when he left office i.e. those still left in power in fed reserve that can be partially to blame for what we have now.

BTW, for what it's worth, McCain voted against Bush more then some in the Democratic party. I'm not saying if this is good or bad, but the idea that McCain is Bush made over is just ridiculous IMO

I agree.  everybody is claiming change.  its time for a change.  there is no way we can know if obama would stick with his word.  he could take use for a bad ride or a good one.  only time will tell and im praying for what everyone is preaching.  Change.  but im not holding my breath.

this country got so lazy its not even funny.

" Everybody wants the world to work on morality, but in actuality the world runs on economy.  Behind economy theres incentive and where there is incentive, that persons very moral fiber is compromised" - Unknown

Like I said, I really do hope that whatever "Change" Obama brings is good and for the best for this country...saying otherwise would make me an idiot. But as of now, we have no idea what this change is. Yes, he's said a stronger economy, more jobs, lower taxes for the middle class, a less trigger happy nation, etc. However, there has never been any real detail IMO.

One thing is for certain, Obama's campaign was driven hard by the far left, they are who got him in office, it was the far lefts money for the most part. He himself has been a far left politician since he's been involved in politics, but now that he is president he is going to have to make some changes on his procedure IMO. Yes, America voted in a Far left man but on the whole, America is still a centered country. For the most part, the majority of Americans do not like radicals on any side of the fence. Obama has promised not to be one of these guys. His record states otherwise, so time will tell if he can live up to this promise.
Post by: Emmortal on November 05, 2008, 06:34:15 PM
My argument is that things like Sept 11th would have happened no matter who was in office. If Gore had won in 2000 the same things would have happened in 2001. Same goes for all the mess in the housing market. The housing market has been destroyed by irresponsible financing...wouldn't have mattered who was in office, the same thing would have happened.

I'm sorry but some of this is just completely wrong.  Sept 11 would have happened no matter who was in office, yes.  The CLEAR and IMPORTANT part of 9/11 is what they did AFTER it happened.  We went to war thrusting our country into tremendous debt, tripling the national debt in less than a decade, devaluing the dollar further, and bringing an heightened state of fear amongst the people,  something that's NEVER been done under any president.  If Gore had been in office there may have been a good possibility that we wouldn't be where we are right now (as far as the war goes).

The housing market was not destroyed just because of irresponsible financing, it also happened in part due to the severe amount of de-regulation that Bush instituted over these lending institutions.  As a direct result greed flourished and bam, here we are.

This can't be true unless you're under 20 years old...which I am pretty sure you're not. It's hard to argue that the Reagan years were not successful years for the economy...he took the economy over during a pretty bad recession if you recall and things seemed to work out fairly well. With Bush Sr, things didn't really falter, but rather stagnated and that's never good for any enter Clinton. Clinton made some great headway for the economy, but IMO, it was many of his official appointments that were still standing when he left office i.e. those still left in power in fed reserve that can be partially to blame for what we have now.

We were actually in a recession all throughout the Bush Sr. years and didn't come out of it until the 2nd or so year of Clintons administration.  And yea we were going into a recession at the end of Clintons era, the war just seemed too perfectly timed as a mechanism for attempting to pull us out of recession.  It was totally unnecessary as we now know and a tremendous mistake.

BTW, for what it's worth, McCain voted against Bush more then some in the Democratic party. I'm not saying if this is good or bad, but the idea that McCain is Bush made over is just ridiculous IMO

This is irrelevant when you look at the fact that he voted over 92% in AGREEMENT with Bush.

I think Obama has a lot to prove and we shouldn't start sucking each others dicks just yet.  Only time will tell, I'm just glad I didn't have to move on that option to buy that condo I had set up in Vancoover if McCain had won :P
Post by: shrek on November 05, 2008, 08:10:54 PM
I THINK IT IS A GOOD IDEA TO REMOVE THIS TOPIC it now has turned into something like a drunken argument on who fucked up and you dont know what you are talking about hell i posted this when i was drunk so there
Post by: shrek on November 05, 2008, 08:16:41 PM
even though this topic is a break from th usual DUDE I NEED HELP HOW MANY MGs OF THIS SHOULD I TAKE ha.. i understand that there are other boards for other things but we all have a lifestyle that is the same so i would rather bullshit with yall on this board about things that involve our lifestyles.....
Post by: Arnold jr on November 05, 2008, 10:38:15 PM
I THINK IT IS A GOOD IDEA TO REMOVE THIS TOPIC it now has turned into something like a drunken argument on who fucked up and you dont know what you are talking about hell i posted this when i was drunk so there

I like discussions like this is the only board here where you can have one where it doesn't turn into a shit pile. Even on the politics board, more then not when you make a comment the responses will be like "eat shit you inbred retard" at least we don't have that on this section of the forum.

As long as you guys don't mind discussing and can keep your panties somewhat out of the crack of your ass, then I think it's great.

Post by: Arnold jr on November 05, 2008, 10:54:16 PM
Emmortal, some quick notes on your response; at least how I see it:

*The housing marked, the deregulated lending problem: yes, you're right, this is a problem, Bush is to blame for a good bit of it, but a lot of it was carry over from the Clinton years.

*The War: If I'm not mistaken both Biden and Obama voted for the war. I looked up the voting record on who voted "no" and niether of their names could be found. 23 senators voted no, they were not one of them. So if you want to blame anyone for us being in a war, if you think it was a bad call that's fine, but both of these guys are equally at fault if you're going to point a finger.

*The War: it's not shocking news to the board that I have been a supporter for the war since day one and still am. Now Obama himself said over and over that this was a war we could never win; he has since several times admitted he was wrong, that we have won the war in Iraq. Some will argue that how can we say we won if we're still there? Well, simple, just because you win any war doesn't mean you pack up and leave...that would be even more devastating to a fragile country such a Iraq. Yes, we won the war, but structure has to be permanently fixed before we can leave. Otherwise everything is lost for us and them.

*Bush Sr: Hardly a recession IMO. Yes, a dip in the economy, but nothing like we are experiencing now or did in the mid and late 70's. Of course, what some call a recession others will not. That can be seen even now. Some say we are in a bad recession, others say we are in a early stage depression. The fact remains, call it what you want from 88-92 but it was nothing that effected millions of people like a real recession does.

The way I see it with Obama:

Those who work, those who produce are the ones who should reap the benefits. Every last person has opportunity in America; this is proven time and time again by all the immigrants that come to this country every year and lead successful lives. No not all of them, but the ones who bust their tails will meet success.

It is no question that a very large gap has developed in the U.S. between the upper class and the middle class. Some gap is necessary for any economy to function properly. Yes, too much of a gap is damaging to the population, but this can be controlled legitimately by regulating ethical business practices. If you try to regulate it by simply taking what you want, you will see the big money pull out of out economy, and nothing would destroy it faster then that.
Post by: Luv2Hurt on November 06, 2008, 04:41:32 AM
I'm sorry but some of this is just completely wrong.  Sept 11 would have happened no matter who was in office, yes.  The CLEAR and IMPORTANT part of 9/11 is what they did AFTER it happened.  We went to war thrusting our country into tremendous debt, tripling the national debt in less than a decade, devaluing the dollar further, and bringing an heightened state of fear amongst the people,  something that's NEVER been done under any president.  If Gore had been in office there may have been a good possibility that we wouldn't be where we are right now (as far as the war goes).

The housing market was not destroyed just because of irresponsible financing, it also happened in part due to the severe amount of de-regulation that Bush instituted over these lending institutions.  As a direct result greed flourished and bam, here we are.

We were actually in a recession all throughout the Bush Sr. years and didn't come out of it until the 2nd or so year of Clintons administration.  And yea we were going into a recession at the end of Clintons era, the war just seemed too perfectly timed as a mechanism for attempting to pull us out of recession.  It was totally unnecessary as we now know and a tremendous mistake.

This is irrelevant when you look at the fact that he voted over 92% in AGREEMENT with Bush.

I think Obama has a lot to prove and we shouldn't start sucking each others dicks just yet.  Only time will tell, I'm just glad I didn't have to move on that option to buy that condo I had set up in Vancoover if McCain had won :P

Yep Bush sr. had stuff screwed up too.  There was high unemployment and for sure we suffered through a recession.  I actually voted for him in that election......and that was the last time i voted repub. 

I too also hope Obama does a good job and I think we will see he will not let us down.  I see this as an exciting time for our country and maybe even the world.  I think if we give him a chance we will all be doing better in 4 years.

I know I seriously was thinking if McCain got in it would be a very dark day for the country.
Post by: Overload on November 06, 2008, 09:50:48 AM
I THINK IT IS A GOOD IDEA TO REMOVE THIS TOPIC it now has turned into something like a drunken argument on who fucked up and you dont know what you are talking about hell i posted this when i was drunk so there

None of us know what we are talking about, it's all speculation and misinformed propaganda. That is what irritates me about arguing over politics, none of us know the truth, all we know is what we see and hear, which is usually skewed in more ways than one.

Some of the things posted in here are so far from the truth it isn't even funny, but i do enjoy reading a good argument every now and then.

We are all pissing in the wind here.

Let us see what happens in a few years.

Post by: Big Rock. on November 06, 2008, 11:29:13 AM
That is what irritates me about arguing over politics,

We are all pissing in the wind here.

    :D LOL  ;D   Amen to that.

  Politics and religion. Everyone's right, and no one's right....
Post by: 4thAD on November 06, 2008, 11:36:08 AM
None of us know what we are talking about, it's all speculation and misinformed propaganda. That is what irritates me about arguing over politics, none of us know the truth, all we know is what we see and hear, which is usually skewed in more ways than one.

Some of the things posted in here are so far from the truth it isn't even funny, but i do enjoy reading a good argument every now and then.

We are all pissing in the wind here.

Let us see what happens in a few years.


Agreed  ;D
Post by: Arnold jr on November 06, 2008, 12:59:22 PM
None of us know what we are talking about, it's all speculation and misinformed propaganda. That is what irritates me about arguing over politics, none of us know the truth, all we know is what we see and hear, which is usually skewed in more ways than one.

Some of the things posted in here are so far from the truth it isn't even funny, but i do enjoy reading a good argument every now and then.

We are all pissing in the wind here.

Let us see what happens in a few years.


Well disagree with this as well, lol! That's the beauty of American politics, the ideas and thoughts of people are what matters the most. It is for that very reason Obama was elected on Tuesday, the ideas, thoughts and opinions of people were sparked with his own more then with McCain's.

When it comes to politics, everyone would be so much better off if they could develop thick skin when it came to this sort of thing. People seem to take disagreements on this topic way too personally and there really isn't any need for that. Disagreeing on politics is not a personal attack.

I really do enjoy hearing others thoughts and opinions on this sort of thing. I especially like hearing it from those that disagree with me. It's the only way you can get insight on the topic, it's the only way you can learn what the guy across from you believes. Some might say it doesn't matter what someone else thinks or believes, well the only way to ever have some level of unity is if all thoughts and ideas are made open. In the end, we may still not agree with each other on every issue, but we cannot learn from each other without discussion.

Like I said, when it comes to political discussion, wearing thick skin is the only way to do it right.
Post by: Rimbaud on November 06, 2008, 01:04:41 PM
Well disagree with this as well, lol! That's the beauty of American politics, the ideas and thoughts of people are what matters the most. It is for that very reason Obama was elected on Tuesday, the ideas, thoughts and opinions of people were sparked with his own more then with McCain's.

When it comes to politics, everyone would be so much better off if they could develop thick skin when it came to this sort of thing. People seem to take disagreements on this topic way too personally and there really isn't any need for that. Disagreeing on politics is not a personal attack.

I really do enjoy hearing others thoughts and opinions on this sort of thing. I especially like hearing it from those that disagree with me. It's the only way you can get insight on the topic, it's the only way you can learn what the guy across from you believes. Some might say it doesn't matter what someone else thinks or believes, well the only way to ever have some level of unity is if all thoughts and ideas are made open. In the end, we may still not agree with each other on every issue, but we cannot learn from each other without discussion.

Like I said, when it comes to political discussion, wearing thick skin is the only way to do it right.

Well said my friend.
Post by: Emmortal on November 06, 2008, 02:17:02 PM
Like I said, when it comes to political discussion, wearing thick skin is the only way to do it right.

That's the biggest problem with most people is that politics is their religion.   They are fanatical about their party and their viewpoints to the point that everyone else who doesn't share those views is wrong.  I'd discuss these topics a lot more if it weren't for that, very few people can hold a mature conversation without resulting to personal insults.
Post by: shrek on November 06, 2008, 03:47:33 PM
ii say drill baby drill
Post by: Rimbaud on November 06, 2008, 05:06:06 PM
I finally got to see McCain's consession speech. I must say my respect for him has returned.
Post by: 4thAD on November 06, 2008, 05:27:36 PM

Testify brotha!

Yes we can!
Post by: Arnold jr on November 06, 2008, 06:14:22 PM
I finally got to see McCain's consession speech. I must say my respect for him has returned.

Like his political ideas or not, it's hard to argue that McCain is not how a political candidate should conduct themselves. Being an upright and just person who lives by their own convictions should warrant all the respect in the world. I understand that as great as that is that it takes more then that to be ready to lead an entire country...obviously, the people spoke and chose Obama. But I believe that as a whole the American people would respect politicians much more if they all conducted themselves like McCain. I'm not saying he's perfect, he is a human being.

It will be interesting to see how Obama conducts himself when the pressure mounts and when mistakes are made, because there will be pressure and he will make mistakes...after all, that's the nature of politics and the nature of life itse;f, no matter how great a person is.

Like I said, I was not an Obama supporter by any means, but he is our president now and because of that I believe I have no just cause not to support him when it comes to the betterment of our nation. I felt the same way when Clinton was in office; it used to infuriate me that some seemed so adamant in opposing every move he made and wished him to cause harm for this country because it would make him look bad. After all, once someone is the president, whether you supported him or not, his decisions will effect you and at that point all you can do is hope he'll make the right ones.
Post by: Rimbaud on November 06, 2008, 06:17:53 PM
Like his political ideas or not, it's hard to argue that McCain is not how a political candidate should conduct themselves. Being an upright and just person who lives by their own convictions should warrant all the respect in the world. I understand that as great as that is that it takes more then that to be ready to lead an entire country...obviously, the people spoke and chose Obama. But I believe that as a whole the American people would respect politicians much more if they all conducted themselves like McCain. I'm not saying he's perfect, he is a human being.

It will be interesting to see how Obama conducts himself when the pressure mounts and when mistakes are made, because there will be pressure and he will make mistakes...after all, that's the nature of politics and the nature of life itse;f, no matter how great a person is.

Like I said, I was not an Obama supporter by any means, but he is our president now and because of that I believe I have no just cause not to support him when it comes to the betterment of our nation. I felt the same way when Clinton was in office; it used to infuriate me that some seemed so adamant in opposing every move he made and wished him to cause harm for this country because it would make him look bad. After all, once someone is the president, whether you supported him or not, his decisions will effect you and at that point all you can do is hope he'll make the right ones.

True. But I doubt he was pulling the strings of his campaign (especially towards the end).
Post by: Arnold jr on November 06, 2008, 06:27:33 PM
True. But I doubt he was pulling the strings of his campaign (especially towards the end).

What do you mean?
Post by: Rimbaud on November 06, 2008, 06:29:14 PM
What do you mean?

Just based on what I know about McCain - he seemed to do a complete 180 during the campaign. I firmly believe he wanted to have a different VP & he wanted to run a "cleaner" campaign.
Post by: Arnold jr on November 06, 2008, 07:08:53 PM
Just based on what I know about McCain - he seemed to do a complete 180 during the campaign. I firmly believe he wanted to have a different VP & he wanted to run a "cleaner" campaign.

As for the cleaner campaign I agree. Case in point, many of the negative adds we saw in TV were not endorsed by McCain himself, but by GOP affiliates. McCain openly requested these individuals not to make these adds, the GOP agreed but thought it was a mistake, but some of the smaller groups did so any way.

Some might say that him openly saying he didn't want these adds was a way for him to get them aired without him looking like the asshole. Could be true, we'll never know for sure. I have my doubts that he would have done this, simply because it is not a smart campaign move and he is no idiot when it comes to campaigns. However, there were several issues he should have attacked on during the debates and he missed some golden opportunities, such as some of Obama's associations. But at this point that's not really here or there.

Palin, I don't think he could have made a better choice for a VP. If you remember, and most want because they are quick to forget things (Not saying you are Rim) when he picked Palin he went ahead in every poll almost every night and continued to gain ground for the first time in the process. She was the only factor in his campaign that seemed to energize the party base as well as many of the independents. Of course come late September when the economy took a major slide, not even her energy could save the became an impossibility.

Speaking of Palin, she has the possibility for a very bright future in the GOP IMO.

Something else that I've noticed for a while and find interesting about as a whole including the steroid board. I know I am one of very few on this board who is a pretty strong conservative and hard line GOP guy...most here seem to be either sort of slightly left of center or outright left all the way. The reason I say I find that is that the way it is on getbig that almost everyone here is at least somewhat of a leftist? Other boards I frequent are much more in line with what the election showed us Tuesday night. Yes, Obama won big in the electoral count, and that's what matters, but when it comes to the popular vote, it was very evenly split, with Obama only having a small was by no means a land slide. It's just humorous to me that on a bodybuilding related board, so many leftist individuals ended up on the same board, lol!

Course many will try to claim they are independents...seems to be the new craze. But I believe in independents as much as I do santa clause, lol!
Post by: Rimbaud on November 06, 2008, 07:31:09 PM
Speaking of Palin, she has the possibility for a very bright future in the GOP IMO.

I don't think so. I think once you get past the "cute" factor I don't really think there's much there.
Post by: Arnold jr on November 06, 2008, 09:19:12 PM
I don't think so. I think once you get past the "cute" factor I don't really think there's much there.

I'm not saying that she is a guarantee or anything like that...nothing is guaranteed. But she talks the talk that the GOP has been lacking the past several years. What I mean is, when it comes to what those who call themselves republicans want, that's what she preaches through and through.

...and when it comes to all the BS being spewed about her the past 72hrs or so, it's just that...BS. It's complete insanity what these couple of "no names" are saying. If there were any truth to it, they would show their face.
Post by: DIVISION on November 06, 2008, 11:09:46 PM
I know I seriously was thinking if McCain got in it would be a very dark day for the country.

If Palin was anywhere near the White House it would be a dark four years for the country.

What a nightmare!   :-X

We are all pissing in the wind here.

We might be pissing in the wind, but some of us have a better idea of where our piss is going than others.

I've been keeping up on the politics behind the campaigns since they began.

You want a good argument, watch "HardBall" on MSNBC.

Post by: Rimbaud on November 07, 2008, 11:27:31 AM
I'm not saying that she is a guarantee or anything like that...nothing is guaranteed. But she talks the talk that the GOP has been lacking the past several years. What I mean is, when it comes to what those who call themselves republicans want, that's what she preaches through and through.

...and when it comes to all the BS being spewed about her the past 72hrs or so, it's just that...BS. It's complete insanity what these couple of "no names" are saying. If there were any truth to it, they would show their face.

IMO - Sarah will end up with a nice book deal & talk show (radio/TV). She'd be a fool to try again.
Post by: DIVISION on November 07, 2008, 11:37:11 AM
I'm not saying that she is a guarantee or anything like that...nothing is guaranteed. But she talks the talk that the GOP has been lacking the past several years. What I mean is, when it comes to what those who call themselves republicans want, that's what she preaches through and through.

...and when it comes to all the BS being spewed about her the past 72hrs or so, it's just that...BS. It's complete insanity what these couple of "no names" are saying. If there were any truth to it, they would show their face.

Sarah Palin isn't a true conservative.

Anyone who calls themselves a "hockey mom" then proceeds to go on and raid Neiman Marcus stores across both coasts culminating in several hundred thousand in charges isn't a conservative at all.

She's not a populist either.

I believe the McCain aides who said she didn't didn't know that Africa was a continent, not a country and her inability to name the countries in NAFTA.

She's an ignorant politican, a pretender as we call them in political circles.

She plays to Republican base, but has no appeal to the independant or democrats, which means she's absolutely useless in any Presidential race.

McCain found that out the hard way.

Always vet your least make sure she knows basic geography.

I'd fuck Palin, just to shut her up.........every word that comes out of her mouth is pure barnyard rhetoric.

"pallin' around with terrorists."    ;D

Post by: Emmortal on November 07, 2008, 12:12:47 PM
If McCain had picked Condoleezza Rice I think he could have sealed the deal.
Post by: DIVISION on November 07, 2008, 05:39:56 PM
If McCain had picked Condoleezza Rice I think he could have sealed the deal.

I disagree.

Many blacks feel Rice is a traitor for supporting Bush in the first place.

Hispanics felt betayed by Bush's failed immigration reform and that is why they voted for Obama.

McCain should have picked Romney..........then he'd have an economic expert and a real conservative who would appeal to the Republican base.

Romney couldn't not have done any worse than Palin.

On a side note, I wouldn't mind deepthroating Palin, then pounding her sweet white ass......just to see what type of sounds she makes.

She has freak written all over her.   :o

Post by: Arnold jr on November 07, 2008, 06:23:44 PM
Sarah Palin isn't a true conservative.

Anyone who calls themselves a "hockey mom" then proceeds to go on and raid Neiman Marcus stores across both coasts culminating in several hundred thousand in charges isn't a conservative at all.

She's not a populist either.

I believe the McCain aides who said she didn't didn't know that Africa was a continent, not a country and her inability to name the countries in NAFTA.

She's an ignorant politican, a pretender as we call them in political circles.

She plays to Republican base, but has no appeal to the independant or democrats, which means she's absolutely useless in any Presidential race.

McCain found that out the hard way.

Always vet your least make sure she knows basic geography.

I'd fuck Palin, just to shut her up.........every word that comes out of her mouth is pure barnyard rhetoric.

"pallin' around with terrorists."    ;D


When it comes to politics what she did in regards to the wardrobe stuff has absolutely nothing to do with anything...that doesn't make her conservative, liberal, right wing, left wing, or what ever you want to call it...that has to be the most ridiculous argument of all time in regards to her wardrobe.

When it comes to politics, being conservative, being liberal has nothing to do with the clothes you wear, the house you live in, where you get your haircut etc. Come on DIV, some of the biggest democrats in the game have some of the most outrageous expenses. Besides, Palin was given that money for just that...she was given the money to buy those clothes by the campaign...candidates do not have free reign over the campaign purse to spend what they want.

 As for you believing the McCain aides or anyone else, well, you really have no reason to believe them. I'll admit, sure, it is possible, stranger things have happened in this world then someone not knowing Africa was a continent. But in this case it is highly doubtful and the only people that really want to believe it are those who didin't like her in the first place.

...and she is quite popular with her base, which is all that really matters. Just like Obama was, he was popular with his base form the get go...independents didn't jump all over him till way down the line till the election was almost here. As already noted, when Palin joined the ticket, they took a decent lead in all the polls and held it until the financial crises hit late Sept.

If McCain had picked Condoleezza Rice I think he could have sealed the deal.

I don't know if there was anyone that could seal the deal for the republicans this year after the economy took such a hit recently. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think Palin was as good of a choice that could be made.

I disagree.

Many blacks feel Rice is a traitor for supporting Bush in the first place.
...and we should all agree this is ridiculous. The whole race factor thing is ridiculous when others try to label someone a traitor like this.

Hispanics felt betayed by Bush's failed immigration reform and that is why they voted for Obama.
Also ridiculous...after all, Bush went against the majority of his own party and supported amnesty for all the illegals.

McCain should have picked Romney..........then he'd have an economic expert and a real conservative who would appeal to the Republican base.

Romney couldn't not have done any worse than Palin.
Romney didn't get the nod in the primary for the simple fact that he did not appeal to the base.

Post by: jimijimi on November 07, 2008, 07:55:38 PM
(Other Mods, let this stay for a day or 2 Arnold jr.)

tonight is the begining of a new day in age.... so be th outcome iam still 110% all american despite my predjudice and raceism iam still a patriot to the bones and will support america wrong or right.... now there will be a total difference in our lives,  putting aside my wants of a none black president there is a very positve side to this, we are no longer divided by race because now all of us have the same leader and he is all of our president and also the rest of the world will see our diversity and we can now get the love and respect back... i just hope that he wasnt voted because people just wanted a minority in office instead of the best canidit,,, i say congrates to our new president elect...... now is the time to stock up on guns and ammo , and supplements and all those good thins cause now they will probably take those rights away from us

Just remember he's half WHITE, thank god
Post by: DIVISION on November 07, 2008, 08:16:14 PM
When it comes to politics what she did in regards to the wardrobe stuff has absolutely nothing to do with anything...that doesn't make her conservative, liberal, right wing, left wing, or what ever you want to call it...that has to be the most ridiculous argument of all time in regards to her wardrobe.

When it comes to politics, being conservative, being liberal has nothing to do with the clothes you wear, the house you live in, where you get your haircut etc. Come on DIV, some of the biggest democrats in the game have some of the most outrageous expenses. Besides, Palin was given that money for just that...she was given the money to buy those clothes by the campaign...candidates do not have free reign over the campaign purse to spend what they want.

 As for you believing the McCain aides or anyone else, well, you really have no reason to believe them. I'll admit, sure, it is possible, stranger things have happened in this world then someone not knowing Africa was a continent. But in this case it is highly doubtful and the only people that really want to believe it are those who didin't like her in the first place.

...and she is quite popular with her base, which is all that really matters. Just like Obama was, he was popular with his base form the get go...independents didn't jump all over him till way down the line till the election was almost here. As already noted, when Palin joined the ticket, they took a decent lead in all the polls and held it until the financial crises hit late Sept.

I don't know if there was anyone that could seal the deal for the republicans this year after the economy took such a hit recently. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think Palin was as good of a choice that could be made.
...and we should all agree this is ridiculous. The whole race factor thing is ridiculous when others try to label someone a traitor like this.

Also ridiculous...after all, Bush went against the majority of his own party and supported amnesty for all the illegals.

Romney didn't get the nod in the primary for the simple fact that he did not appeal to the base.

I've been following politics for a very long time.

I watch Hardball on a consistent basis.

When the financial crisis hit, Romney was the perfect VP pick.........

There's no arguing that.

The fact that he's a Mormon worked against him in the final analysis, everyone knows that.

Palin made a splash early on, but when she actually had to debate and answer questions based on her own merit, failed miserably.

She a brilliant politician, but an ignorant person in general with a limited appeal outside of the conservative base.

The polls back this up.

Most upper-class educated whites thought she was a detriment to the ticket and she also turned off the suburban soccer moms.

Post by: Luv2Hurt on November 07, 2008, 09:07:49 PM
They said during the election, that McCain fell pretty good in the polls after choosing Palin.  McCain's #'s stayed down till the end after that.
Post by: Arnold jr on November 07, 2008, 11:12:32 PM

I've been following politics for a very long time.

I watch Hardball on a consistent basis.

When the financial crisis hit, Romney was the perfect VP pick.........

There's no arguing that.

The fact that he's a Mormon worked against him in the final analysis, everyone knows that.

Palin made a splash early on, but when she actually had to debate and answer questions based on her own merit, failed miserably.

She a brilliant politician, but an ignorant person in general with a limited appeal outside of the conservative base.

The polls back this up.

Most upper-class educated whites thought she was a detriment to the ticket and she also turned off the suburban soccer moms.


Personally I think Hardball is OK when it comes to this type of coverage...not the best, not the worst. MSNBC though has got to be the worst of all the news outlets when it comes to political bias in the media. Sure, it's easy to say Fox leans a little right, and CNN a little left...and i watch both regularly....but MSNBC takes the cake to outright political bias IMO.

If we're going to talk about "Keeping up with politics" I guess I'll throw my own resume out there...not to toot my horn, cause who cares...rather, if for nothing else but to give my point of view hopefully some validation. Not saying it will make others agree with me, but I wouldn't consider myself an idiot when it comes to this.

*I have a degree in Political Science with an emphasis in Law.

*Was the co-founder for the Young Republicans while I attended my University

*After graduating I was actively involved in the county Yong Republicans later the state

*Still a card carrying member of the state and national republican party as well as financial contributor on the state level.

*I have worked for 4 campaigns so far, one state representative, 1 governors race, 1 U.S. representative and 1 U.S. senator

*Was offered a position to head up a small campaign for a local state representatives campaign for this last election. It would have been my first but I had to reluctantly decline due to personal business related matters.

*Received university recognition for 2 essays I wrote, one was on the works of Karl Marx & John Lock (a comparison) one was on St. Augustine's book, "The Confessions of St. Augustine."

I'm not saying I'm an expert and would not make such a claim. When it comes to the discussions we have hear on AAS I wouldn't call me a champion expert either...but when it comes to political things, I would say at the very least that I have some what of an idea on what's going on.

As for Palin and your claim that she is not popular with the GOP base...if you're getting your info from MSNBC, then I'm afraid this is simply dead wrong.

If you're an active member of the GOP then you will receive regular emails concerning what's happening within the party as well as regular party line polls. During heavy political season such as now, these polls come out almost daily.

In one of the polls released today, GOP members were asked who they saw as the future leader of the Republican party. The choices were: Palin, Huckabee, Romney and Jindal

Palin received a 70% favorable rating, while Huckabee and Romney received 12% and 11% with Jindal receiving 7%

Another recent poll question among the GOP was did Palin hurt or help McCain's campaign: 69% said "yes she helped."

So the point of all this, it is ridiculous to say that the republican party is not behind Palin and does not think she has a bright future in the party. It doesn't matter if you like her or agree with her, the party does and that's all we're talking about here.

You could read almost identical polling results on these same questions at Rasmussen.

Post by: DIVISION on November 08, 2008, 01:11:10 AM
In one of the polls released today, GOP members were asked who they saw as the future leader of the Republican party. The choices were: Palin, Huckabee, Romney and Jindal

Palin received a 70% favorable rating, while Huckabee and Romney received 12% and 11% with Jindal receiving 7%

You aren't telling me anything we didn't already know.

Among the Republican base, Palin's popularity is high.

Outside of that base, her popularity is in the toilet.

To win in Presidential politics, you have to hold your base, add independants, democrats and swing voters.

She does none of that.

Upper class white voters with college education voted against Palin in substantial numbers.

She turns off fiscal conservatives because of her blatant ignorance on the issues.

The only faction of the Republican party she caters to are the Joe-6-Packs who identify with her because of her everywoman quality.

The problem with that being that most Americans don't want a VP they can sit down and have a beer with, but someone who they consider smarter than themselves.......

Palin's fifteen minutes are up and those Neiman Marcus shopping sprees will leave a long-lasting stain  on her legacy.

I'd still skullfuck the know she can take a pounding.......   ;D

Post by: Luv2Hurt on November 08, 2008, 08:06:30 AM

The only faction of the Republican party she caters to are the Joe-6-Packs who identify with her because of her everywoman quality.


Joe-packs now thats some funny shit  ;D
Post by: Arnold jr on November 08, 2008, 05:04:48 PM

You aren't telling me anything we didn't already know.

Among the Republican base, Palin's popularity is high.

Outside of that base, her popularity is in the toilet.

To win in Presidential politics, you have to hold your base, add independants, democrats and swing voters.

She does none of that.

Upper class white voters with college education voted against Palin in substantial numbers.

She turns off fiscal conservatives because of her blatant ignorance on the issues.

The only faction of the Republican party she caters to are the Joe-6-Packs who identify with her because of her everywoman quality.

The problem with that being that most Americans don't want a VP they can sit down and have a beer with, but someone who they consider smarter than themselves.......

Palin's fifteen minutes are up and those Neiman Marcus shopping sprees will leave a long-lasting stain  on her legacy.

I'd still skullfuck the know she can take a pounding.......   ;D


Endorsed by Forbes, obviously a recognized fiscal conservative. Endorsed by the majority of Wall Street, which makes up a large portion of fiscal conservatives. However, and I found this curious through the whole election, when it came to those on Wall Street, some of the major hedge fund players backed Obama...which makes no sense in terms of their pocket books...I don't know, just one of those things I found curious. 

She has been one of the more fiscal conservative governors in the U.S...course when someone is labeled a fiscal conservative the problem that arises is when they spend any money on any government programs for their state they are land blasted by their opposition.

And it wasn't that she had no appeal to independents and swing voters it's the simple fact that most of these people don't have a brain to begin with.

The shopping spree, again, this was the McCain campaigns doing, they gave her the money to do just that. Of course it seems to bother none of the Obama and Biden supporters that both of these men are multi millionairs who have made millions off the expense of tax payers. And I'm not saying those two are any worse or any better then any republican who's done the same...but come on, what they've done came by way of their own hand...Palins shopping spree was handed to her by order of her campaign...McCain's campaign.

You are right about one thing, most do not want someone who they see as not smarter then them. Why? Unfortunately most people are idiots who can't think for themselves. They vote for who they are told to vote for, they decide who is smarter because they were told who was smarter by some face on TV reading from a monitor words they didn't write themselves.

Time will tell if Palin has a future in the GOP or not. She has a golden opportunity IMO if she wants it and has the right people around her. She is the exact kind of leader that was intended to lead, she is in touch with as you put it, the "Joe Six-Pack"

Not being a smart ass, but I would suggest getting some of your info from other places then least spread it around a little.
Post by: DIVISION on November 08, 2008, 07:40:44 PM
Joe-packs now thats some funny shit  ;D

The bitch is a Maverick.............MAV ERICK!   ;D

Time will tell if Palin has a future in the GOP or not. She has a golden opportunity IMO if she wants it and has the right people around her. She is the exact kind of leader that was intended to lead, she is in touch with as you put it, the "Joe Six-Pack"

She doesn't have enough support among fiscal conservatives to ever lead the Republican party.

Trust me on this, I've been following politics for years.

There are enough people in her own party who despise her that she'll never headline a Republican Presidential ticket.

Hail Mary.

Post by: Arnold jr on November 08, 2008, 10:22:36 PM

There are enough people in her own party who despise her that she'll never headline a Republican Presidential ticket.

Hail Mary.


I wouldn't go as far as to say she'd one day head a presidential ticket...hard to make that call for anyone...after all, I doubt too many would have put Obama in that spot 4 years ago.

There is a good chance that she'll run for the Senate in 2 years. If she succeeds in that, that's where she'll build her name. She doesn't need the support of the entire party to get that either.

Like I said, time will tell.
Post by: DIVISION on November 09, 2008, 12:13:33 AM
I wouldn't go as far as to say she'd one day head a presidential ticket...hard to make that call for anyone...after all, I doubt too many would have put Obama in that spot 4 years ago.

There is a good chance that she'll run for the Senate in 2 years. If she succeeds in that, that's where she'll build her name. She doesn't need the support of the entire party to get that either.

Like I said, time will tell.

Senator is a push, her reputation is already tainted in political circles.

There are alot of Republicans who don't want to associate with her.

I think her future is in fundraising, that's the extent of it.

She is the female version of Dan Quayle.......   ;D

Post by: Arnold jr on November 09, 2008, 12:56:51 AM
Senator is a push, her reputation is already tainted in political circles.

There are alot of Republicans who don't want to associate with her.

I think her future is in fundraising, that's the extent of it.

She is the female version of Dan Quayle.......   ;D


Care to make a wager? :)
Post by: DIVISION on November 09, 2008, 01:27:44 AM
Care to make a wager? :)

I'll bet you a fresh amp of Sustanon that she won't be on the next Republican ticket, 2012.

If you win, I will glady send you an amp of your choice.   ;D

Post by: Arnold jr on November 09, 2008, 01:55:35 AM
I'll bet you a fresh amp of Sustanon that she won't be on the next Republican ticket, 2012.

If you win, I will glady send you an amp of your choice.   ;D


I was thinking more along the lines of her having or not having a bright future in the republican party. Say getting elected into congress, representative or senator, or having some sort of major leadership role within the party. Making a call for her being on the presidential ticket would be impossible to tell.

You take that bet and I'll up the wager to 10 amps of your choice if you win. If I win, I don't want any just have to start a thread that says Arnold jr is the greatest Champion of all time and far superior to anyone I know in all matters of life.

Deal?  8)
Post by: DIVISION on November 09, 2008, 03:50:12 AM
I was thinking more along the lines of her having or not having a bright future in the republican party. Say getting elected into congress, representative or senator, or having some sort of major leadership role within the party. Making a call for her being on the presidential ticket would be impossible to tell.

You take that bet and I'll up the wager to 10 amps of your choice if you win. If I win, I don't want any just have to start a thread that says Arnold jr is the greatest Champion of all time and far superior to anyone I know in all matters of life.

Deal?  8)

I think she could get in to the Senate or House........that's not hard.

If she was Governor of Alaska, I have no doubt she could be a Senator.

That's not saying much.

Remember, George Bush somehow became President and he's as stupid as she is......

I just don't think Americans will fall for that mistake again.

Post by: Luv2Hurt on November 09, 2008, 07:16:03 AM
I think she could get in to the Senate or House........that's not hard.

If she was Governor of Alaska, I have no doubt she could be a Senator.

That's not saying much.

Remember, George Bush somehow became President and he's as stupid as she is......

I just don't think Americans will fall for that mistake again.

God I hope not.  Hard to beleive Bush JR was the pres of this country for 2 terms?
Post by: DIVISION on November 09, 2008, 05:00:41 PM
God I hope not.  Hard to beleive Bush JR was the pres of this country for 2 terms?

When I think of George Bush, I think of one of those baby lemurs who cling to trees and have that clueless look on their faces.

That bug-eyed expression.......


Post by: Luv2Hurt on November 09, 2008, 05:40:10 PM
When I think of George Bush, I think of one of those baby lemurs who cling to trees and have that clueless look on their faces.

That bug-eyed expression.......



LOL geeze!! that guy is a trip.

I think Obama has more in him......this is gonna be good  ;)
Post by: DIVISION on November 10, 2008, 03:20:46 PM
LOL geeze!! that guy is a trip.

I think Obama has more in him......this is gonna be good  ;)

I know you want a pet lemur, don't you?

Everyone does.......   ;D

Post by: Luv2Hurt on November 10, 2008, 05:50:25 PM
I know you want a pet lemur, don't you?

Everyone does.......   ;D


That damn thing would freek me out if It was in my house, odd looking creature.  Monkeys of any sort make poor pet ideas  :)
Post by: 4thAD on November 10, 2008, 05:58:23 PM
Obama excites me. I have always voted republican until GWB's second term. When this war came to pass I knew we were in trouble. John Carry (hope I spelled that correct) would have been a great president IMO. Obama will be even better. I really like how easily he communicates with the people of this country.
Post by: DIVISION on November 10, 2008, 06:01:11 PM
That damn thing would freek me out if It was in my house, odd looking creature.  Monkeys of any sort make poor pet ideas  :)

If I owned a Lemur I'd put it on everyone who walked in to my house.

In order to get in you'd have to put it on your shoulder......

Post by: 4thAD on November 10, 2008, 06:13:41 PM
If I owned a Lemur I'd put it on everyone who walked in to my house.

In order to get in you'd have to put it on your shoulder......


You down for some Chicago pizza big man?
Post by: DIVISION on November 10, 2008, 08:35:05 PM
You down for some Chicago pizza big man?

Only if it's wheat dough!

WHEAT!     >:(