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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Hugo Chavez on November 05, 2008, 01:20:46 AM

Title: Priceless
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 05, 2008, 01:20:46 AM
read a few threads over on Hannity's site lololol

The election was fixed,
The election was bought by Al Qaeda
If we're still alive in 4 years
I'm moving to Switzerland
Upsidown bumperstickers for your car
The constitution has been violated!!!
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: tu_holmes on November 05, 2008, 01:22:24 AM
Hahaha!!! Damn... There's some bitter motherfuckers around the US!


Hahahaha!!! Dude... You can fix maybe 3 points... You can't fix 5+.

Obama whipped McCain's ass... Now what will the evangelicals do for a party?
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: Desolate on November 05, 2008, 01:22:35 AM
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: tu_holmes on November 05, 2008, 01:26:30 AM

Hahaha!! Man... White people will be whining for long time at this rate?

Acorn fixed Colorado, New Mexico, Virginia, Florida, Pennsylvania, and Ohio?

Hahaha.. Dude... You sound ridiculous... This is not a "Squeak by" win... He trounced McCain... BADLY.

They also made him within 10 points of West Virginia too huh?
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: Desolate on November 05, 2008, 01:28:43 AM
I don't think Obama stole the election.

I do think ACORN stole a lot of votes in many key states.

In the end, I don't think it would've mattered. McCain was/is weak.
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 05, 2008, 01:29:46 AM
WOW... dude is a little upset but give me a break ::)

Dear America: Consider this my resignation

In crucial times Americans have generally persevered triumphantly. Consider our revolution, Civil War, WWI, WWII, Vietnam and the Middle East conflicts. Each generation of my family has served with honor and distinction since immigrating to the United States. I have done my best to continue this tradition due to my deep love for this country. I am a veteran of 2 wars and paid the price for my selflessness and borderline arrogance. I have shed more blood, sweat and tears for this country that I care to remember. I stand for those who cannot stand themselves, it is just the way I was raised. I have had many great opportunities that some less fortunate could never be afforded and I do not take it for granted. I try to best by my family, friends and those around me and thought that people would do the same given the correct opportunity. Well, today you had that opportunity and you failed. You failed this country and the principle on which she was founded. You failed the people that fought against the evils of the world for many generations. You failed my fiancee and all people like her that came to this country because it offered a better life, people that served and sacrificed to keep the American dream alive and I could not be more ashamed.

You can take my medals, I no longer require them. Take my money because I am sure that it is more important to give it to someone who did not earn it, take it away from my unborn child and give it to someone who doesn't work, nor deserve it. I hope that you can make my hard work and dedication work for people better than I have.

You weakened a nation today, for what? An empty suit with a nice smile  who promised you the world and will deliver you zero? You dismiss a candidate that has done nothing but serve and fight for his country in favor of a candidate that has simply done nothing. I am disgusted and for the first time in my life I am ashamed of my country. You can say what you want, make all the crass remarks, gloat, brag, laugh at me, but I am not laughing. My family is not laughing, small business owners are not laughing, soldiers are not laughing, the only one laughing is you. As you continue to deny reality, reality will deny you.

When American values and ideals are at stake, you weaken them. Where will it stop? America used to be too great for this, now I am just unsure that its citizens are deserving of her glory. Young voters and racially motivated voters will be struck hardest by the initial shock of the massive failure we are doomed to repeat. I hope that you are all happy, but brace yourself for the bitter reality that is about to drown you.
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: tu_holmes on November 05, 2008, 01:32:15 AM
People are all doom and gloom when it's not their boy up top... Big shock there.
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: Desolate on November 05, 2008, 01:36:46 AM
I am disgusted and for the first time in my life I am ashamed of my country.

I agree with this part. :'(
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 05, 2008, 01:39:22 AM
Ohhh myyyy Godddd.... FOR REAL, THIS DUDE IS FOR REAL LOL...

America's Obit  ::)

The family of true Americans are mourning the death of a great nation, The United States of America. She was born July 4th, 1776 to proud parents of European descent. Her birth was a struggle - she was bruised but not beaten. She grew and started to make a name for herself. Nations much older than her recognized her for her strength and the freedom she represented. God was also pleased and showered her with His blessings.
In the mid 1800's, she caught a Civil War that threatened her very life. Her symptoms were hatred and racism. A strong and wise healer was raised. Abraham Lincoln tended to America’s wounds and with his help, she slowly regained her health.
She was grown now and what a sight to behold. Strong, Beautiful! A shining city on the hill. A oasis of freedom - welcoming like minded and freedom loving masses from all over the world. She was glorious! She became known as the "melting pot". People flocked to her shores giving up the "old way" to embrace the "American Way!" A way of life founded in the principles laid out in the greatest document ever forged in the mind of man... The Constitution of the United States of America! Of the People, By the People and for the People. But as great as she was, all was not well. A tumor was growing. A cancerous mass consisting of selfishness and greed was growing within her borders. Growing slowly at first then gaining momentum. The cancer infected Americas government. It eventually spread to her people. America's weakened state did not go unnoticed.
Her enemies gathered and a plan was hatched to bring the great nation down. They would poison America and most of her people would not only be blind to the plot, they would actually help to administer the potion, thus sealing their own fate. The poison would be labeled a cure. Many felt that it represented change they could believe in. The concoction was called "Obama". Most Americans were so infected and in pain that they didn't look into or care about the ingredients of Obama. There were some, however, that didn't like the way Obama smelled and knew it wasn't the cure promised. But these patriots were labeled Racist, Idiot or worse. And so it came to pass, Obama was handed to America labeled a cure. Looking for relief from their grief, the people administered the poison themselves. America had fought the good fight but in her weakness, this Obama was too much for her to bear. And so, on the evening of Nov 4th, 2008 at the age 232 years, she quietly faded into the night never to see the light of day again. She was preceded in death by millions of patriots who gave their life to save hers. Their death, it seems, was in vain.
Those of us real Americans  left will never forget you and will honor your all too short time here on Earth. You will be missed!

We Love You America! Godspeed.
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 05, 2008, 01:41:45 AM
Warning kiddies: This is your brain on Rupert :P
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 05, 2008, 01:44:12 AM
Call for Civil War...

"I've believed for a long time now that only civil war will fix this nation, the Union is a failed experiment."
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 05, 2008, 01:56:15 AM
This one is priceless from a Fox viewer: It's the media's fault for not doing their job:
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: Nordic Superman on November 05, 2008, 01:58:50 AM
Certainly some strange characters.
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 05, 2008, 02:05:57 AM
"He is not my president. I will show him no honor or respect."
"Obama is a dirtbag, a liar, a communist, and will get no respect from me."
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: 24KT on November 05, 2008, 03:14:55 AM
Call for Civil War...

"I've believed for a long time now that only civil war will fix this nation, the Union is a failed experiment."

They're all just a tad hypoglycemic.  :P
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: Nordic Superman on November 05, 2008, 03:57:23 AM
Call for Civil War...

"I've believed for a long time now that only civil war will fix this nation, the Union is a failed experiment."

This one is comical... as if the person has any real world experience on civil war, yet is calling on it, "it" being an even which would see America fail and never to return as a world power. Fucking loon.
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: 24KT on November 05, 2008, 03:59:45 AM
They're all just a tad hypoglycemic.  :P


Hahaha, I can't believe I just got banned from!

He's got people on there talking about treason and violent civil war,
...and I got banned for offering to feed them?  Do you think it might have been my screen name?   :P
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: Neurotoxin on November 05, 2008, 04:02:28 AM
WOW... dude is a little upset but give me a break ::)

Dear America: Consider this my resignation

In crucial times Americans have generally persevered triumphantly. Consider our revolution, Civil War, WWI, WWII, Vietnam and the Middle East conflicts. Each generation of my family has served with honor and distinction since immigrating to the United States. I have done my best to continue this tradition due to my deep love for this country. I am a veteran of 2 wars and paid the price for my selflessness and borderline arrogance. I have shed more blood, sweat and tears for this country that I care to remember. I stand for those who cannot stand themselves, it is just the way I was raised. I have had many great opportunities that some less fortunate could never be afforded and I do not take it for granted. I try to best by my family, friends and those around me and thought that people would do the same given the correct opportunity. Well, today you had that opportunity and you failed. You failed this country and the principle on which she was founded. You failed the people that fought against the evils of the world for many generations. You failed my fiancee and all people like her that came to this country because it offered a better life, people that served and sacrificed to keep the American dream alive and I could not be more ashamed.

You can take my medals, I no longer require them. Take my money because I am sure that it is more important to give it to someone who did not earn it, take it away from my unborn child and give it to someone who doesn't work, nor deserve it. I hope that you can make my hard work and dedication work for people better than I have.

You weakened a nation today, for what? An empty suit with a nice smile  who promised you the world and will deliver you zero? You dismiss a candidate that has done nothing but serve and fight for his country in favor of a candidate that has simply done nothing. I am disgusted and for the first time in my life I am ashamed of my country. You can say what you want, make all the crass remarks, gloat, brag, laugh at me, but I am not laughing. My family is not laughing, small business owners are not laughing, soldiers are not laughing, the only one laughing is you. As you continue to deny reality, reality will deny you.

When American values and ideals are at stake, you weaken them. Where will it stop? America used to be too great for this, now I am just unsure that its citizens are deserving of her glory. Young voters and racially motivated voters will be struck hardest by the initial shock of the massive failure we are doomed to repeat. I hope that you are all happy, but brace yourself for the bitter reality that is about to drown you.

i'd like 5 mins alone with that prick.  >:(

Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: 24KT on November 05, 2008, 04:19:12 AM
i'd like 5 mins alone with that prick.  >:(


Could you respond to the clown who answered my post? I can't. I've been banned.

He called the Obama Pie... "hippie poison"  :o  Said he'd eat it "...when hell freezes over"

I wanted to send him this...  :D

Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: 24KT on November 05, 2008, 07:48:25 AM

Hahaha, I can't believe I just got banned from!

He's got people on there talking about treason and violent civil war,
...and I got banned for offering to feed them?  Do you think it might have been my screen name?   :P

Okay, there are ways around stupid bans.  :D
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 05, 2008, 07:48:37 AM
it's a total meltdown on these boards, megameltdown beyond what I thought would happen if...
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: 240 is Back on November 05, 2008, 07:51:08 AM

that is my new favorite place.

It's like a Coach's convention.

I can't wait to hear Rush at noon today!
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: 24KT on November 05, 2008, 07:55:29 AM
it's a total meltdown on these boards, megameltdown beyond what I thought would happen if...

If there's a God in Heaven, ...Rush, Hannity, Murdoch, and all those despicable, soul-less creatures at FoxNews are freaking in horror at the absolute Frankenstein they created.

Some of those responses kind of make you realize Coach isn't as bent as we thought.  :-\

Don't get me wrong, ...I still think he's a little bent, ...but he's far more palatable than some of those nutjobs.
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: tu_holmes on November 05, 2008, 10:05:54 AM
These lunatics... It's like a government by the people and for the people is only valid if "The People" are them.

What a bunch of jackasses... I didn't like Bush in 2004, but he was my President and I support the fact that more people wanted him than didn't.

Fucking asshats.

The worst part... If Obama does well, it will help ALL of them, but they won't see it.
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: Option D on November 05, 2008, 10:11:43 AM
i'd like 5 mins alone with that prick.  >:(


PANTERA...5 MIN ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: headhuntersix on November 05, 2008, 10:34:46 AM
These lunatics... It's like a government by the people and for the people is only valid if "The People" are them.

What a bunch of jackasses... I didn't like Bush in 2004, but he was my President and I support the fact that more people wanted him than didn't.

Fucking asshats.

The worst part... If Obama does well, it will help ALL of them, but they won't see it.

U guys have such short memories....2000/2004 gimme a break. Life goes on.....hey I stubbed my toe...pretty sure it was Obama's fault. Its also cloudy here....Obama again.
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: tu_holmes on November 05, 2008, 10:40:20 AM

U guys have such short memories....2000/2004 gimme a break. Life goes on.....hey I stubbed my toe...pretty sure it was Obama's fault. Its also cloudy here....Obama again.

I'm sorry... what memories is that?

The memory that I did support Bush after election?

The memory that I CERTAINLY didn't say he wasn't "MY" president.

These people are ridiculous and the people who said it 2004 were equally loony.
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: headhuntersix on November 05, 2008, 10:44:30 AM
Good for u.......The Pats lost the SB...Obama's fault retroactive to last year...Brady's knee...his fault again.
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: tu_holmes on November 05, 2008, 10:45:33 AM
Good for u.......The Pats lost the SB...Obama's fault retroactive to last year...Brady's knee...his fault again.

Now you know that no Democrat would want to ruin something in Massachusetts... That's as blue as you can get.
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 05, 2008, 08:10:31 PM
oh good god, and today Glenn Beck was telling everyone to join the NRA.  Fearmongering to the max.

Well all I have to say is go out and buy your guns and amunition now because one of the first things they will try to take away from us will be the right to bear arms. BO tried to say he was for our second admendment rights but we all know the truth. Oh yes don't forget to hide them after you buy because they will be at your door trying to gedt them back. The other option is to switch to Archery but it won't be long before they take that away.
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: tu_holmes on November 06, 2008, 03:31:12 PM
oh good god, and today Glenn Beck was telling everyone to join the NRA.  Fearmongering to the max.

Well all I have to say is go out and buy your guns and amunition now because one of the first things they will try to take away from us will be the right to bear arms. BO tried to say he was for our second admendment rights but we all know the truth. Oh yes don't forget to hide them after you buy because they will be at your door trying to gedt them back. The other option is to switch to Archery but it won't be long before they take that away.

Man... Obama is going to get some real Republicans on his cabinet and boy is the Beck / Limbaugh crowd gonna shit.
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 06, 2008, 03:35:43 PM
Right now I'm in a very republican area.  I went out yesterday and could not believe the amount of traffic.  The stores were packed, hard to drive anywhere, gun and pawn shops looked full... they're in full panic mode with what these rightwing shows are telling them.  probably stocking up on everything.
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: tu_holmes on November 06, 2008, 03:38:28 PM
Right now I'm in a very republican area.  I went out yesterday and could not believe the amount of traffic.  The stores were packed, hard to drive anywhere, gun and pawn shops looked full... they're in full panic mode with what these rightwing shows are telling them.  probably stocking up on everything.

Thats ok... thats good for the economy.
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 06, 2008, 03:40:38 PM
Thats ok... thats good for the economy.
lol, true :D  maybe all Obama will have to do is come out every quarter and yell "BOO!!!" :D
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: tu_holmes on November 06, 2008, 03:47:27 PM
lol, true :D  maybe all Obama will have to do is come out every quarter and yell "BOO!!!" :D

Hell, nothing scares white racist crackerass rednecks like the big scary black man.

Think about the boost in some industries you'll see... Gun Manufacturing... Ammo... Mace... Home security systems.

I'm gonna see if I can buy stock in ADT right now... I'll be livin' larger'n a mvthafvcka
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: Grape Ape on November 06, 2008, 03:49:53 PM
read a few threads over on Hannity's site lololol

The election was fixed,
The election was bought by Al Qaeda
If we're still alive in 4 years
I'm moving to Switzerland
Upsidown bumperstickers for your car
The constitution has been violated!!!

Substitute election for "series" and they all sound like Red Sox fans.

This is no different than when the Democrats lost.

It's funny, we've gotten to hear the Dems wax poetic about how "democracy has prevailed", but whenever they loose, it's the evil Republicans fixing elections.
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 06, 2008, 03:54:13 PM
Hell, nothing scares white racist crackerass rednecks like the big scary black man.

Think about the boost in some industries you'll see... Gun Manufacturing... Ammo... Mace... Home security systems.

I'm gonna see if I can buy stock in ADT right now... I'll be livin' larger'n a mvthafvcka
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 06, 2008, 03:55:39 PM
Substitute election for "series" and they all sound like Red Sox fans.

This is no different than when the Democrats lost.

It's funny, we've gotten to hear the Dems wax poetic about how "democracy has prevailed", but whenever they loose, it's the evil Republicans fixing elections.
yea, but we had something to base those fears on with Bush's actions.  They're saying this stuff and he won't even be president until late Jan.
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: Grape Ape on November 06, 2008, 04:59:12 PM
yea, but we had something to base those fears on with Bush's actions.  They're saying this stuff and he won't even be president until late Jan.

Not in 2000.

The democrats wrote the book on whining when it comes to this stuff.  Of course it's also going to happen when the Republicans lose, but let's not erase the past.
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 06, 2008, 05:06:20 PM
Not in 2000.

The democrats wrote the book on whining when it comes to this stuff.  Of course it's also going to happen when the Republicans lose, but let's not erase the past.
we were not doom and gloomers in 2000.  we were not happy with what happened in florida, we did not like the idea of privatizing Social Security and vouchers etc but Bush earned criticism after that:

I should remind you that for the most part the country gave Bush a chance.  He promised to be a uniter, not a divider, remember?  The neoconservative we were told was a different kind of conservative, not the divisive kind. Then we faced in that first year action after action that attempted to look the part without being the part thinking we were stupid enough to buy it. Bush's idea of being a uniter was to give it a label the left likes with results the right likes...  Had he been closer to what he said he was, he would have been treated much kinder, despite the bullshit he pulled in FL 2000.  Bush is his own doing, he has only himself and his neocon nutthugging to blame.  His approval rating isn't so low without rightwing disapproval too.
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: liberalismo on November 06, 2008, 05:29:20 PM
read a few threads over on Hannity's site lololol

The election was fixed,
The election was bought by Al Qaeda
If we're still alive in 4 years
I'm moving to Switzerland
Upsidown bumperstickers for your car
The constitution has been violated!!!

Holy fuck....That Hannity forum is more extreme than Stromfront!

I've been browsing the Stromfront website the past 2 days and NONE of their posts are anywhere near as "meltdownish" as the ones on Hannity's website. It's absurd. Hannity is a psychopath and his followers are even nuttier than open racists!

Who heard Hannity's MELTDOWN on his radioshow the day after the election? He sounded like he was about to cry the whole damn time.
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: liberalismo on November 06, 2008, 05:37:33 PM
Here is a STICKY on that forum:

Sticky: Note: We will not allow discussion of assasinating U-S political candidates here  (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 ... Last Page)
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: Cap on November 06, 2008, 05:42:26 PM
Right now I'm in a very republican area.  I went out yesterday and could not believe the amount of traffic.  The stores were packed, hard to drive anywhere, gun and pawn shops looked full... they're in full panic mode with what these rightwing shows are telling them.  probably stocking up on everything.
I had buddies buy up thousands of rounds that day and night, as well as multiple guns.  Another friend said that gun prices went up 50% the night he won.
Title: Re: Priceless
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 06, 2008, 06:57:22 PM
I had buddies buy up thousands of rounds that day and night, as well as multiple guns.  Another friend said that gun prices went up 50% the night he won.
guns in America aren't going anywhere.  I use to be a member of the NRA but dropped the membership when it looked like they were supporting republicans by default where there was no clear difference between two candidates.  If they had stayed on solid track of supporting candidates where their opponent clearly had an anti-gun agenda, I would still be a member.