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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Topic started by: bigbychoice on November 10, 2008, 09:39:37 AM

Title: Rear Delt growth
Post by: bigbychoice on November 10, 2008, 09:39:37 AM
Does anyone have any tricks for rear delt growth? My delts all seem to be some what in proportion but my rear delt sits to low. Any tips or tricks would be appreciated.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: thewickedtruth on November 10, 2008, 09:50:33 AM
dumbbell rows held at the top, heavy rows in general, and movements such as rope face pulls and reverse pec dec flys are fantastic for reardelts! Heavy back work tends to cover the rear delts fine.. but if they're lagging then more direct work will do the trick.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: mass 04 on November 10, 2008, 09:58:01 AM
I like bent over laterals with a knuckles out grip. I wouldn't go back too far at the top.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: Bluto on November 10, 2008, 10:29:02 AM
I use machines  :D
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: Emmortal on November 10, 2008, 03:03:21 PM
Reverse Incline Flies.
Reverse Pec-Dec
Cable Crosses. (The kind where you grab the left side cable with your right hand and the right side cable with your left, start off with arms crossed and spread your arms out so you are in a crucifix position when extended).

Should be plenty along with rowing movements to get the rear delts to pop out nicely.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: jaejonna on November 10, 2008, 03:16:32 PM
Hit them twice....after back day and on Shoulder day.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: Emmortal on November 10, 2008, 03:20:00 PM
Hit them twice....after back day and on Shoulder day.

I personally just hit them on back day at the end when my back is exhausted and I'll be recruiting it very minimally for delt work.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: tbombz on November 10, 2008, 03:26:57 PM
one arm bent over dumbell row/upright row... pulling up and away and out from the body... right in line with the rear delts attachements on the arm and on the back of the shoudler... works perfectly and gets you SUPER pumped rear delts...

[i invented this one on my own.. i think i explained it OK but if you dont understand ask me for clarification on what you dont understand and ill try to explain it. id like to hear some feedback on this movement because i find it to be exceptional for myself and ive never seen or heard of anyone else doing it like this]
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: leonp1981 on November 10, 2008, 03:28:58 PM
The basics always seem to work well for rear delts. It's only a small muscle, so a little bit of extra attention should do the trick.  Doing them twice a week was a good suggestion. 
For something a little different, you can do upright rows with the bar behind your legs.  It's not a very big ROM, but with a decent amount of weight and a pause at the top, it creates a nice burn.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: QuakerOats on November 10, 2008, 04:03:12 PM
seated cable rows pulling the bar up high and reverse pec dec.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: webcake on November 10, 2008, 04:23:41 PM
Bent over DB lat raises. Go heavy but keep the reps kinda high (12-15)

I always do 2 sets heavy, then do 2 sets lying face down on an incline bench. I go lighter on these and use very strict form.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: iron_dawg on November 10, 2008, 04:25:25 PM
try high reps...or it is just genetics
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: bigbychoice on November 11, 2008, 08:36:13 AM
Hey thanks every one for your input. I think my rear delt is fine in size I just want it as tall as the rest my shoulder. It is probably genetics but I am trying to get it big enough so it ties in better with my medial delt. Again thanks for the input.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: mass 04 on November 11, 2008, 08:57:06 AM
One mistake i used to make was bringing my elbow to far back and putting stress on the upper back/trap area.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: bigbychoice on November 11, 2008, 09:07:00 AM
Ok different question. Well kinda the same. What do you guys think are the best medial delt exercises for mass? Basically building the caps on your shoulders.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: mass 04 on November 11, 2008, 09:17:52 AM
Ok different question. Well kinda the same. What do you guys think are the best medial delt exercises for mass? Basically building the caps on your shoulders.
wide grip upright rows and one arm lateral raises with db's.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: tbombz on November 11, 2008, 09:19:00 AM
Ok different question. Well kinda the same. What do you guys think are the best medial delt exercises for mass? Basically building the caps on your shoulders.
if you can go heavy and keep stress on the delts and off of the traps, then heavy side laterals. but for mst people who lack the mnd+muscle connection to really use some serious weight on side laterals, behind the neck press wiill be close to the best. but of course you must remember that certain individuals prefer certain movements. ask 10 guys and you might get 10 different exercises.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: bigbychoice on November 11, 2008, 09:22:54 AM
Yea I think I'm one of the people without the mind muscle connection for that muscle. I usally do 1 arm laterals but my front delt seems to be doing the work. How low do you go on behind the neck presses? They seem dangerous.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: wes on November 11, 2008, 10:23:02 AM
Very hard to acheive a mind/muscle connection for most people when training rear delts.

Envision two pads up against the back of your elbows,then push the "pads" back as opposed to pulling the weight..............real ly helps to isolate the area no matter what exercise you are using.

For lateral head of delts,try doing strict laterals,arms slightly bent at the elbow to take stress offf the instead of doing a lateral raise,do the lkateral raise behind your back...............real fucking good old school shit that not many know about.

Also,learn to "pull" with the side head as opposed to just swinging or raising and lowring.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: wes on November 11, 2008, 10:24:30 AM
Oh yeah,try behind the back laterals,super-setted with seated Bradford Presses................. ...torturous and very result producing.

Do a sert of laterals first,then do the Bradfords..............n o rest between exercises!!
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: bigbychoice on November 11, 2008, 10:36:15 AM
Can you show an example (Maybe youtube) of how to do Bradfords and laterals behind back? Thanks.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: QuakerOats on November 11, 2008, 01:30:39 PM
Can you show an example (Maybe youtube) of how to do Bradfords and laterals behind back? Thanks.
on Bradfords you're basically doing a barbell shoulder press but only clear the top of your head and then lower it behind your neck and then presss back up just over your head and back down in front, basically it's a press done in the bottom half of the ROM.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: PANDAEMONIUM on November 11, 2008, 02:13:09 PM
Does anyone have any tricks for rear delt growth? My delts all seem to be some what in proportion but my rear delt sits to low. Any tips or tricks would be appreciated.

Exercising the rear delts definitely helps
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: Emmortal on November 11, 2008, 02:19:51 PM
Exercising the rear delts definitely helps

Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: bigbychoice on November 11, 2008, 02:34:16 PM
Of course I have have exercised my rear delts. I just wanted to see if anyone had any tricks (like wes did) for them. Why clog up the forum saying stupid shit like that?
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: jpm101 on November 11, 2008, 06:28:35 PM
Congrats to Tbombz for being the 3,988's person to invent this combo one arm  DB row/up-right row exercise from since 1955. Some may call it cheat rows with either a DB or BB. Which has been a very popular movement in recent years by some of the better known Pro's.

Bradford presses (Jim Bradford) are not meant for everyone. Usually a heavier weight is used and the  hand position shifted out a little more when doing the PBN movement. And than back in a bit when returning to the regular front press if trouble is encountered when using the same hand spacing for both. Some guy's complain about too much stress on the shoulder joints, in either event. This is when the bar is lifted all the way overhead each rep. When the bar just clears the head (half rep or so) you are keeping TUT on the whole shoulder girdle. A good muscle builder for pure BB'ing. A moderate weight is advised.

Can also do that lateral raise version behind the back while lying on a steeper incline bench. Can also alternate lateral raises from the front to the back and than to the front again. In any event, Wes offers excellent BB'ing advice. Modern methods with an old school flair. Good Luck.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: wes on November 12, 2008, 04:14:23 AM
Thanks jpm...........means a lot coming from you.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: D-bol on November 12, 2008, 06:38:00 AM
Does anyone have any tricks for rear delt growth? My delts all seem to be some what in proportion but my rear delt sits to low. Any tips or tricks would be appreciated.

i dont know if it can be classified as a trick, but I managed to bring up my rear delts quite well by separating the rear delt exerscises from the main shoulder workout and doing them after back workout: I do 45 bench rear lateral raises (dumbells) and seated rear lateral machine to burn em a bit...doing them after the back session really works well for me
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: tbombz on November 12, 2008, 05:28:14 PM
Congrats to Tbombz for being the 3,988's person to invent this combo one arm  DB row/up-right row exercise from since 1955. Some may call it cheat rows with either a DB or BB. Which has been a very popular movement in recent years by some of the better known Pro's.

hahaha oh fuck. well ive never ever seen anyone do it and i showed it to a guy who is a state level compet. and he liked it too and had never heard of it or seen it (and he trained and lived in venice during late 80s early 90s)
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: QuakerOats on November 12, 2008, 05:30:58 PM
hahaha oh fuck. well ive never ever seen anyone do it and i showed it to a guy who is a state level compet. and he liked it too and had never heard of it or seen it (and he trained and lived in venice during late 80s early 90s)
you have to remember "jpm" knows everything there is to know about training, one arm presses a 175 pound db overhead and has trained with all the greats, don't ask him to post his picture though. :D
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: Jeffro on November 12, 2008, 05:38:53 PM
Of course I have have exercised my rear delts. I just wanted to see if anyone had any tricks (like wes did) for them. Why clog up the forum saying stupid shit like that?
Pandae was trying to help you, it would be best for you to thank him, "bigbychoice."
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: io856 on November 13, 2008, 02:49:47 AM
you have to remember "jpm" knows everything there is to know about training, one arm presses a 175 pound db overhead and has trained with all the greats, don't ask him to post his picture though. :D

You have to be a fuccking monster to do that... in that case he would gladly post a picture
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: QuakerOats on November 13, 2008, 07:41:40 AM

You have to be a fuccking monster to do that... in that case he would gladly post a picture
that's what he claims along with a bunch of other crazy made up lifts, go check out his training journal thread although he probably deleted all of his fake lifts out of embarassment.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: jpm101 on November 13, 2008, 08:22:30 AM
I am starting a fund and will accept donations to send OuakerOats for treatment of his mental and emotional condition. Please send money(s) to www. i Also like to throw in a course on Body Building 101 for the little fellow. Which he badly needs. Also selected funds for the National Stop Slobbing On The Keyboards While Thinking Of JPM101 Society (NSSOTKWTOJS). God bless all.

I do the one arm DB side press, not the one arm regular DB press. Have stated this over and over again to  that poor little butterball QO's. Does not seem to understand it, as yet. Let's all pray for him, shall we?

Anyone is quite free, and I encourage you, to do a search for the one arm SIDE PRESS. Any normal person can see the difference between the two exercises. Thank You and Good Luck.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: QuakerOats on November 13, 2008, 08:23:58 AM
I am starting a fund and will accept donations to send OuakerOats for treatment of his mental and emotional condition. Please send money(s) to www. i Also like to throw in a course on Body Building 101 for the little fellow. Which he badly needs. Also selected funds for the National Stop Slobbing On The Keyboards While Thinking Of JPM101 Society (NSSOTKWTOJS). God bless all.

I do the one arm DB side press, not the one arm regular DB press. Have stated this over and over again to  that poor little butterball QO's. Does not seem to understand it, as yet. Let's all pray for him, shall we?

Anyone is quite free, and I encourage you, to do a search for the one arm SIDE PRESS. Any normal person can see the difference between the two exercises. Thank You and Good Luck.
hahahaha, another meltdown by the huge lifter "jpm", i'll make a deal with you "big guy", post a picture of yourself and i'll delete my account, whaddya say?
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: bigbychoice on November 13, 2008, 09:02:07 AM
Pandae was trying to help you, it would be best for you to thank him, "bigbychoice."

What would I be thanking him for? Sounded like sarcasm to me. Any way thank you to everyone who helped. Wes your idea of the super set is great. I am going to try it tonight.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: wes on November 13, 2008, 01:06:16 PM
Good luck bro!!
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: bigbychoice on November 14, 2008, 08:21:02 AM
So I watched a clip on you tube of Gregg Valentino (The rambling freak) and his suggestion for getting bigger shoulders was training rear delts first. I did that last night and I really felt it in the upper part of my rear delt. Plus I got a much larger pump then I normally do in my delts. I think I am going to try this method for a while and see what happens.

Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: Zach Trowbridge on November 14, 2008, 01:52:02 PM
One pretty good rear delt/trap exercise that I discovered/invented/whatever the fuck I did is upright rows on an incline bench.  Set a bench at 30-45 degrees, lay chest down and row the bar up to the forehead with the elbows high and wide.  Pretty good for the shoulder girdle/upper back area.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: bigbychoice on November 15, 2008, 11:57:12 AM
One pretty good rear delt/trap exercise that I discovered/invented/whatever the fuck I did is upright rows on an incline bench.  Set a bench at 30-45 degrees, lay chest down and row the bar up to the forehead with the elbows high and wide.  Pretty good for the shoulder girdle/upper back area.

Nice! I am gonna try it.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 15, 2008, 08:21:21 PM
I don't train them, they get enough stimulation while training back IMO
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: io856 on November 15, 2008, 09:23:33 PM
I don't train them, they get enough stimulation while training back IMO
by that logic don't train biceps, triceps, front delts etc
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 15, 2008, 09:27:13 PM
by that logic don't train biceps, triceps, front delts etc
I don't train front delts, they get enough stimulation from chest workouts
biceps and triceps are bigger muscles though
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: Zach Trowbridge on November 16, 2008, 03:40:28 PM
I don't train them, they get enough stimulation while training back IMO

Pretty sure you should be training everything, judging by the Mr. GB3 pics.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 16, 2008, 04:28:45 PM
Pretty sure you should be training everything, judging by the Mr. GB3 pics.
;D ;D ;D
give me a break, I have only been training for 9 months
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: Zach Trowbridge on November 16, 2008, 04:32:32 PM
;D ;D ;D
give me a break, I have only been training for 9 months

I'll pass.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: Sam on November 17, 2008, 07:40:15 PM
Have a look at this

Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: MisterMagoo on November 17, 2008, 07:57:37 PM
;D ;D ;D
give me a break, I have only been training for 9 months

all the better reason for you to be READING, not advising.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: bigbychoice on November 18, 2008, 08:33:34 AM
Have a look at this

very nice thanks!
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: bigbychoice on November 18, 2008, 09:58:13 AM
all the better reason for you to be READING, not advising.

Very much so.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: Zach Trowbridge on November 18, 2008, 12:08:03 PM
all the better reason for you to be READING, not advising.

Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: tbombz on November 18, 2008, 12:20:13 PM
I don't train front delts, they get enough stimulation from chest workouts
biceps and triceps are bigger muscles though
try your best to fully isolate the muscle you are working, and hit it as hard as you possibly can and get it fully exhasuted. train EVERY muscle this way.  you wont overtrain, just eat enough calories and protien and make sure you get at least one day off every week .
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: bigbychoice on November 18, 2008, 12:43:09 PM
try your best to fully isolate the muscle you are working, and hit it as hard as you possibly can and get it fully exhasuted. train EVERY muscle this way.  you wont overtrain, just eat enough calories and protien and make sure you get at least one day off every week .

Hey thanks for the advise
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 18, 2008, 12:51:06 PM
try your best to fully isolate the muscle you are working, and hit it as hard as you possibly can and get it fully exhasuted. train EVERY muscle this way.  you wont overtrain, just eat enough calories and protien and make sure you get at least one day off every week .
I'll try that our resident Expert  ;D
what type of volume do you suggest for muscle growth
my low volume high weight approach is NOT working  :o
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: tbombz on November 18, 2008, 01:09:20 PM
Hey thanks for the advise
no problem

I'll try that our resident Expert  ;D
what type of volume do you suggest for muscle growth
my low volume high weight approach is NOT working  :o
depends on training frequency

if hitting once a week  then try 20-25 sets

if hitting twice a week try 10-15 sets

if hitting three times a week try 5-10 sets

that means for every 2-3 sets you have one set to failure ( drop sets count as one set)

theres a million ways to skin a cat

5right now i am training like this

chest bis tris
quads hams calves
shoulders back

everything twice a week, doing 3-4 exercises per body part with one or two warm up sets and one set to failure per exercise
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 18, 2008, 01:25:11 PM
no problem

 depends on training frequency

if hitting once a week  then try 20-25 sets

if hitting twice a week try 10-15 sets

if hitting three times a week try 5-10 sets

that means for every 2-3 sets you have one set to failure ( drop sets count as one set)

theres a million ways to skin a cat

5right now i am training like this

chest bis tris
quads hams calves
shoulders back

everything twice a week, doing 3-4 exercises per body part with one or two warm up sets and one set to failure per exercise
I'm giving the volume approach a go and I'll see how it works for me
my guess is that It will work very well ( since I have been doing the HIT and Max OT  ::) )
those programs are great for strenght but I feel not for size
I have lost 2 inches off each my arms since switching to HIT  :-\  :-X
I used to do 10-12 sets per bodypart a week, not enough volume but it was giving me results, well, we all learn from experience I guess
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: CAPTAIN INSANO on November 18, 2008, 01:26:34 PM
I'll try that our resident Expert  ;D
what type of volume do you suggest for muscle growth
my low volume high weight approach is NOT working  :o

like you can really see results after 2 months of lifting ::) ::)
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 18, 2008, 01:36:26 PM
like you can really see results after 2 months of lifting ::) ::)
how do you feel that I look better than you after 2 months of lifting?
must suck
go jump off somewhere, maybe you'll be born with better Genetics
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: bigbychoice on November 18, 2008, 01:42:36 PM
how do you feel that I look better than you after 2 months of lifting?
must suck
go jump off somewhere, maybe you'll be born with better Genetics

Dude this is a forum on lifting not talking shit.
Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: Overload on November 18, 2008, 02:47:05 PM
Dude this is a forum on lifting not talking shit.


You have much to learn about this place!

Upright rows, reverse flyes and one arm DB rows will get the job done. you cannot isolate the rear delts per se, but if you focus on squeezing just your rear delts during these exercises it will help.

Power/Hang cleans work wonders, you will never see an Olympic lifter with small delts.

Also, pause at the peak contraction of each rep and hold for a second. if you can do one arm DB rows with a pause at the top, your delts will grow like no tomorrow.

Practice flexing and controlling your individual muscles often, this is one aspect people seem to over look. you should be able to cramp up muscles by focusing on them just when flexing. when you can do that, you will benefit more from training.

Pretty basic advice, but i'm not sure how long you have been lifting, so i just added some pointers.

Title: Re: Rear Delt growth
Post by: MisterMagoo on November 18, 2008, 02:55:50 PM
how do you feel that I look better than you after 2 months of lifting?
must suck
go jump off somewhere, maybe you'll be born with better Genetics

dude you look like a guy that played a lot of soccer. that's all. don't get too big for your britches here.