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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: The Coach on February 10, 2009, 08:52:54 AM

Title: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: The Coach on February 10, 2009, 08:52:54 AM
RUSH: Ronnie, Bergen County in New Jersey, you're next on the Rush Limbaugh program.  Hi.

CALLER:  Hi, Mr. Limbaugh.

RUSH:  Hi.

CALLER:  I've been listening to you for a long time, and you've converted me, completely.

RUSH:  Well.

CALLER:  I appreciate it.

RUSH:  Thank you.  Thank you very much.

CALLER:  The question I have is, I was listening to his speech, in Indiana.

RUSH:  Yes.

CALLER:  And I hate to say it, but my president blatantly lied.  He said there are no earmarks in this bill. 

RUSH:  The whole thing is an earmark.

CALLER:  Exactly.

RUSH:  The whole thing is pork.  Earmark, pork, what have you, it's all the same stuff.

CALLER:  The question I have for you is --

RUSH:  Yes.

CALLER:  -- what does somebody like me, I'm a nurse, you know, I work in health care, I make a relatively decent living, but how do you get to the point to find out exactly what's in the bill?  I can't find it out.  I can't get through my congressman, I can't get through my senators, they won't give me any information.  To me, it boggles my mind that these people in Indiana, I feel like it's like a cult.  Nobody asks the hard questions.

RUSH:  All right, I'll tell you what you need to do.  You go to my website:

CALLER:  Uh-huh?

RUSH:  We're going to link to this story this afternoon because it's -- you're a nurse.

CALLER:  I'm a nurse.

RUSH:  You won't believe the health provisions in this bill.

CALLER:  Oh, yeah, I do.

RUSH:  I don't think you do.

CALLER:  I do.  We're going to lose millions, millions.

RUSH:  Betsy McCaughey has written a column at Bloomberg detailing some of the most onerous provisions in this stimulus bill on health care, and there's a new bureaucracy created, the national coordinator of health information technology -- now, listen to this -- the national coordinator of health information technology will monitor treatments that your doctor gives you to make sure your doctor is doing what the federal government deems appropriate and cost effective.

CALLER:  Rush.

RUSH:  Wait a minute.  The goal is to reduce costs and guide your doctor's decisions.  Page 442 and 446 of the stimulus bill.

CALLER:  But, Rush, wait.  I have a comment.

RUSH:  Yeah?

CALLER:  What about all these people that come in, right off the boat, right off the plane, to the hospital, and they get millions of dollars of care?  It happens every day where I work, every day.

RUSH:  It will continue.

CALLER:  But I can't get a tooth fixed.

RUSH:  You can, but it's going to be a laborious process.  Look, I've gotta take a break here, but I want to give you some of the other details of the bill.  I'm dead serious about the health requirements the bureaucracy set up in this so-called stimulus bill. 

Be back in a minute.

RUSH: Everybody assumes that the Obama administration's health plan -- the health reform, the gigantic national socialization of medicine bill -- is going to be a standalone to come down the pike, and everybody's especially thinking now it's been delayed since the Puffster pulled himself out of consideration at Health and Human Services for not paying taxes.  That is not true.  Betsy McCaughey has read the relevant portions of the stimulus bill.  She's written about it in a commentary at, which we will link to at later this afternoon.  By the way, for those of you who are like the lady that last called, who want to know where she could go to find out what's in this, we got a pretty good list from National Review that we boxed at the website last week (we'll put it in again today) of all of the pork, or the highlights of the pork in this bill. Why do you want to waste time going to a bunch of different websites? As some of my good buddies say, "We've coagulated it here all on one website." (laughing) We coagulated it out there. (laughing) Coagulated! You'll be able to see it all at one place at 

I want to go through what Betsy McCaughey has discovered.  We had a nurse on the phone mere moments ago.  She wanted to know where she could go to figure out what all's in it, which is why I again remind you of  But the stimulus bill, the job-creation bill (so improperly named) creates a "new bureaucracy, the National Coordinator of Health Information Technology... Now, this new bureaucracy will monitor newly digitized medical records.  There are rules-for-health care coverage in this bill, and they will affect every individual in the United States.  You can consult if you want to go try to find a PDF copy of the bill you can find the references are on page 445, 454, and 479."

Your medical treatments will be tracked electronically by a federal system.  Now, there are arguments back and forth about whether or not this is a good thing.  The opportunity for the loss of privacy is huge here by digitizing and making everybody's health care records computerized, especially having a major federal database where everybody's health records are.  Some people say this is a good thing because it will assist in treatment, particularly in emergencies. When you go in for an emergency, if they can get your records... Let's say you're out of town. Say you're vacationing in Alaska hunting moose and an accident happens up there, but you live in New Jersey. Doctors in Alaska will be able to consult the federal database to find out what your allergies are, what your treatments have been, what mistakes not to make on you. 

That's what they used to sell this, but (laughs) ask Alex Rodriguez about privacy.  There are 104 names on this list from 2003 of people who tested positive for steroids in a year it was legal.  Only his name gets released of the 104.  The players union was supposed to destroy the list, and they didn't.  They had a reason for it, but they botched their philosophy. Their theory got confounded. So somebody who's got it in for Alex Rodriguez released his name to Sports Illustrated, four or five different people, and so now he's been tarnished with the steroids thing just as a lot of other players -- Barry Bonds and others -- have.  This notion that privacy can exist particularly in a politicized Washington is a bit of a... I'm doubtful about it, but there are some people who like the idea.  Anyway, this bill computerizes everybody's health records.  Then after everybody's health records are computerized, this new bureaucracy is created, the National Coordinator of Health Information Technology.

And he'll have a whole bureaucracy at his disposal that "will monitor treatments to make sure your doctor is doing what the federal government deems appropriate and cost effective." You know, right now a lot of you get all upset at your insurance company because they say, "Well, certain things will be covered and others won't," and you want it to be left up to the doctor.  Try the government being in charge of what the doctor can do, the kind of treatments that can be extended to you -- and I'll tell you who gets creamed in this, is the elderly.  The elderly get really shafted in this, and I'll explain why here in just a minute.  Now, "The goal [of the National Coordinator of Health Information Technology] is to reduce costs and 'guide' your doctor's decisions (442, 446). These provisions in the stimulus bill are virtually identical to what Daschle prescribed in his 2008 book, 'Critical: What We Can Do About the Health-Care Crisis.' According to Daschle, doctors have to give up autonomy and 'learn to operate less like solo practitioners.'"
Doctors have to join the federal community here in dolling out treatment so that it's fair and equitable. "Keeping doctors informed of the newest medical findings is important, but enforcing uniformity," Betsy McCaughey writes, "goes too far. Hospitals and doctors that are not 'meaningful users' of the new system will face penalties.  'Meaningful user' isn't defined in the bill. That will be left to the HHS secretary, who will be empowered to impose 'more stringent measures of meaningful use over time' (511, 518, 540-541). What penalties will deter your doctor from going beyond the electronically delivered protocols when your condition is atypical or you need an experimental treatment? The vagueness is intentional. In his book, Daschle proposed an appointed body with vast powers to make the 'tough' decisions elected politicians won't make. The stimulus bill does that, and calls it the Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research (190-192). The goal, Daschle's book explained, is to slow the development and use of new medications and technologies because they are driving up costs.

"He praises Europeans for being more willing to accept 'hopeless diagnoses' and 'forgo experimental treatments,' and he chastises Americans for expecting too much from the health-care system."  Now, the page numbers that I'm giving you here refer to the PDF inversion of HR1EH, the stimulus bill, not Daschle's book but the actual stimulus bill.  Betsy McCaughey just read it and she's reporting what's in it.  So Daschle says we need to become more like Europe.  People need to accept catastrophic diagnosis and forget it.  If you're told it's over, it's over.  We can't keep spending money on people who want experimental treatments! We just can't do this.  Now, "Daschle says health-care reform 'will not be pain free.' Seniors should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of treating them. That means the elderly will bear the brunt."  You read that right. 

Daschle says senior citizens "should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age," instead of trying to have them treated.  "Medicare now pays for treatments deemed safe and effective. The stimulus bill would change that and apply a cost-effectiveness standard set by the Federal Council (464).  The Federal Council is modeled after a UK board discussed in Daschle's book. This board approves or rejects treatments using a formula that divides the cost of the treatment by the number of years the patient is likely to benefit. Treatments for younger patients are more often approved than treatments for diseases that affect the elderly, such as osteoporosis." For example:  "In 2006, a UK health board decreed that elderly patients with macular degeneration had to wait until they went blind in one eye before they could get a costly new drug to save the other eye.

"It took almost three years of public protests before the board reversed its decision.  If the Obama administration's economic stimulus bill passes the Senate in its current form, seniors in the US will face similar rationing. Defenders of the system say that individuals benefit in younger years and sacrifice later."  Let me translate this for you.  You are a seasoned citizen.  You come down with a disease that is not immediately life-threatening.  You go into your doctor.  The doctor consults the federal database to get your health care records.  He then has to consult this new health council board.  They then figure the cost of treating whatever's wrong with you, based on the statistics that tell 'em how long you're going to live -- and if the cost vastly outweighs the number of years you're going to live, they will deny you treatment. 

That's what Daschle says: you just need to become accepting. Seniors need to become accepting of their condition.  Basically, you need to just go away and die.  We don't have the money. I'll tell you the architect for this. I mean, she credits Daschle, but who was that governor in Colorado? It was Richard Lamm of Colorado: Old people have "a duty to die." Get out of the way because they're putting too much pressure on the health care system.  Younger people, they'll get the treatment because it will be more cost effective. The statistics say they'll live longer.  Now, the reason that I'm harping on this... We got the call from the nurse.  I wanted to tell her what was in this bill to reflect... This is in the stimulus bill.  This is national health care, essentially.  It is in the "stimulus bill," and they snuck it in. 

Daschle advised Obama, "Stick it in here because the way the Clintons tried it failed.  They went big. They went all in. It allowed for people to oppose it and tear it apart.  Do it stealthily. Do it where nobody knows it's happening," like the amnesty bill was tried.  There are so many things like this in the stimulus bill that have nothing to do with stimulus but have everything to do with advancing the liberal agenda and strengthening and repairing the Democrat Party.  Now, the Democrats, every campaign cycle, love to run around and accuse the Republicans of wanting to deny senior citizens Social Security, maybe kick 'em out of their houses or what have you.  It is the Democrat apart which is essentially, in the stimulus bill, setting up procedures whereby the older you are, the more likely you are to have treatment denied simply because it isn't gonna be worth the money. 

Now, this is what happens when you throw yourself open to prospects of other people paying for what you need.  Now, I know in health care it's practically impossible not to do that.  It's a shame it has gotten to this point because it imprisons people, but here's the very party that throws around these accusations about Republicans wanting to deny senior citizens their Social Security or cut their benefits or whatever, basically telling them, "Get out of the way and die," and the page numbers are cited, if you want to read this in the stimulus bill itself.  This is a job-creation stimulus bill that announces this kind of stuff, a national health care czar with a whole bureaucracy? The computerization of all health care records?  The federal government in charge of what doctors can do to treat people using "guidelines," and there are federal penalties for doctors who do not follow the guidelines?  These things are not specified yet; that's going to be left up to the bureaucrats in charge of this new department to come up with. 

But it's crucial that people understand this.  Even if this is new information to a lot of you, there are so many things like this that have nothing to do with creating jobs, nothing whatsoever to do with reviving the economy that are laced throughout this debacle, and it is why calls in opposition in Washington are at hundreds-to-one against this, all over the place.  And that's why the Bamster is out there hustling it this week. That's why the Bamster is out there doing these town meetings and trying to get the public that he can swerve to support this to do so, because it's in trouble -- and the Republicans, again, are faced with a golden opportunity here.  They, too, can read what Betsy McCaughey -- or better yet, they can read the legislation themselves!  They're the ones voting on it.  They can see what's in here, and they can hold it up and say, "This is not stimulus! This has nothing to do with jobs. This is just the exact opposite. This is liberalism. This is government expansion, uncontrolled right here in the stimulus.  You are being hoodwinked.  You are being fooled."  Once again, they're presented with an opportunity. 
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: headhuntersix on February 10, 2009, 09:05:35 AM
If some assbag Lib tells my mom she can't have treatment and accept old age..I'd put a bullet in him.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 10, 2009, 09:10:07 AM
If some assbag Lib tells my mom she can't have treatment and accept old age..I'd put a bullet in him.

Read the Bloomberg article I posted.

This is getting freaking scary.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: headhuntersix on February 10, 2009, 09:14:00 AM
Its almost comical how the libs are overplaying their hand.....but I don't see how any of this crap will be undone.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: headhuntersix on February 10, 2009, 09:16:27 AM
Biden's exact quote, read out by Fox's Major Garrett at the presser was: "If we do everything right, if we do it with absolute certainty, if we stand up there and we really make the tough decisions, there's still a 30 percent chance we're going to get it wrong."

Biden is a u morons were worried about Palin.

Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 10, 2009, 09:18:22 AM
Biden's exact quote, read out by Fox's Major Garrett at the presser was: "If we do everything right, if we do it with absolute certainty, if we stand up there and we really make the tough decisions, there's still a 30 percent chance we're going to get it wrong."

Biden is a u morons were worried about Palin.

Palin would have been way better than these criminals.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: headhuntersix on February 10, 2009, 09:20:55 AM
U have to look at the speed all this lib drivel is coming at us, either Pelosi and Reid figure Obama will be unmasked and the Dems will loose big in 2010 or they really feel that we're some leftist moonbat country. I vote for number 1
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 10, 2009, 09:22:37 AM
U have to look at the speed all this lib drivel is coming at us, either Pelosi and Reid figure Obama will be unmasked and the Dems will loose big in 2010 or they really feel that we're some leftist moonbat country. I vote for number 1

I think they know Obama will be a rubber stamp and they are doing their best to jam everything as quick as possible before people know what happened.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: SAMSON123 on February 10, 2009, 09:26:19 AM
Rest assured this plan would have gone into effect regardless of who the president was. You guys have got to come int o the knowledge that the president is just a figure head with NO POWER. The real power is in the hands of BIG BUSINESSes and the elite who you rarely see. Those secret meetings on Carribbean Islands/secret places and exclusive hotels are where the REAL rulers are....Get to know them and you will understand where the running of america happens and is decided.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 10, 2009, 09:32:33 AM
Rest assured this plan would have gone into effect regardless of who the president was. You guys have got to come int o the knowledge that the president is just a figure head with NO POWER. The real power is in the hands of BIG BUSINESSes and the elite who you rarely see. Those secret meetings on Carribbean Islands/secret places and exclusive hotels are where the REAL rulers are....Get to know them and you will understand where the running of america happens and is decided.

I am sure you would be signing the same tune if this were McCain.

Please, this bunch Obama/Pelosi/Reid are the marxists we said they were.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: headhuntersix on February 10, 2009, 09:41:18 AM
They're answer for everthing is "we're gonna have this website see..."
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Option D on February 10, 2009, 09:44:44 AM
Palin would have been way better than these criminals.

That was criminal for you to say that.

Funny thing is this. People calling Obamas policy socialist...What about the government buying out banks at the tune of $700bil... under bush. Is that not socialist (not to mention they took the money and went on lavish trips...

Partyline fuckers totally
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 10, 2009, 09:45:50 AM
That was criminal for you to say that.

Funny thing is this. People calling Obamas policy socialist...What about the government buying out banks at the tune of $700bil... under bush. Is that not socialist (not to mention they took the money and went on lavish trips...

Partyline fuckers totally

It was socialist and I said so and GWB sucked and ushered this in.

That does not mean it is ok for Obama to go 100000% faster in trying to go commie on us. 

Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: tonymctones on February 10, 2009, 09:57:13 AM
That was criminal for you to say that.

Funny thing is this. People calling Obamas policy socialist...What about the government buying out banks at the tune of $700bil... under bush. Is that not socialist (not to mention they took the money and went on lavish trips...

Partyline fuckers totally
dude its obvious you dont spend much time on the politics board b/c the vast majority of ppl dem and rep was against the bail out which by the way barry and mccain helped pass not just bush bro.  ::) youre right partyline fuckers suck and your one of them.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Option D on February 10, 2009, 10:22:01 AM
dude its obvious you dont spend much time on the politics board b/c the vast majority of ppl dem and rep was against the bail out which by the way barry and mccain helped pass not just bush bro.  ::) youre right partyline fuckers suck and your one of them.
are you on rocks.

Take all my posts. I am the most objective on here. Im not a party line voter at all fucktard. When Barry fucks up i say it. When McCain fucked up..i say it. And all my posts i outline the dangers in party line voting. Chump
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: tonymctones on February 10, 2009, 10:27:53 AM
are you on rocks.

Take all my posts. I am the most objective on here. Im not a party line voter at all fucktard. When Barry fucks up i say it. When McCain fucked up..i say it. And all my posts i outline the dangers in party line voting. Chump
are you fuking on rocks 33386 has come out against the bail outs since day one to say he is a party liner is apparently as ignorant as saying you are. bitch ;)
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 10, 2009, 10:35:12 AM
are you fuking on rocks 33386 has come out against the bail outs since day one to say he is a party liner is apparently as ignorant as saying you are. bitch ;)

Thanks.  I said so from day one that TARP was a mess. 

Obama was for TARP like Bush and McCain were. 

Obama is quickly becoming GWB/Paulson by following Geithner off the cliff.

Go listen to the Celente interview from 2/7/2009 if you want to know what is going on. 
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: 240 is Back on February 10, 2009, 10:38:10 AM
They're answer for everthing is "we're gonna have this website see..."

Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: headhuntersix on February 10, 2009, 10:40:39 AM
Which I guess u need to get in on....THATS WHY U SUPPORT OBAMA...240 looking out for number its clear.  :P
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: 240 is Back on February 10, 2009, 10:42:41 AM
Which I guess u need to get in on....THATS WHY U SUPPORT OBAMA...240 looking out for number its clear.  :P

I'm looking out for 95% of the population.
Bush looked out for 5% of the population.

I'm sure by 2016, President Steele will come in and hook up the 5% once again, when Americans are ready for that.

It's all cyclical. 
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: headhuntersix on February 10, 2009, 10:45:28 AM
Bush cut taxes on the middle class...Obama will bankrupt the country. Bush protected us...Obama will appease the douchbags....Bush didn't have tax evaders in his admin...Obama....anyway, what a joke.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Option D on February 10, 2009, 10:52:11 AM
are you fuking on rocks 33386 has come out against the bail outs since day one to say he is a party liner is apparently as ignorant as saying you are. bitch ;)

NA FAG... i know that 3338 isnt a partyline guy. I have said that before. There are a few including yourself.  Coach, HH, billy man. I have a post almost identical to this one. I hate party line. You always make excuces for  the right. punk pussy Bitch.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: headhuntersix on February 10, 2009, 10:56:35 AM
And u guys always defend the liberal left.........and for the record, I hate the bail-out.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 10, 2009, 10:57:41 AM
NA FAG... i know that 3338 isnt a partyline guy. I have said that before. There are a few including yourself.  Coach, HH, billy man. I have a post almost identical to this one. I hate party line. You always make excuces for  the right. punk pussy Bitch.

Hey, I am ready to string them all up, both parties.  I am an equal opportunity politician hater at this point. 
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Option D on February 10, 2009, 11:01:52 AM
Im not going to even act like i know what is good for the country right now. Im a medical student. Not versed in econ or foreign policy ( i was terrible in econ though). So im not going to lie, my philosophy would be "do everything opposite of the last 8 years." i think with that i could log a 75% success rate.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: shootfighter1 on February 10, 2009, 11:20:36 AM
No doubt that some of us who are conservative have said all of these bailouts are troublesome.  Conservatives and republicans are not always the same thing.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: shootfighter1 on February 10, 2009, 11:23:36 AM
Talking about the middle class...did you know that individuals making $70,000 or more (and families making $140,000 or more) will not receive a tax cut under this plan?

So, we were lied to.  Obama isn't cutting taxes for the whole middle class, just the bottom half.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Option D on February 10, 2009, 11:28:08 AM

Quote from: shootfighter1 on February 04, 2009, 11:49:12 AM
I don't blame Obama so much for this pork laiden bill as I blame Pelosi and the house democrats that wrote it.  I posted an article about a moderate democrat admitting the Obama administration encouraged him to dissaprove the bill because it was not as clean as he wanted it.

Big mal, Many republicans want a bill that focuses on:  1. cutting the payroll tax  2. Infrastructure only spending  3. Tax credits for home and auto purchases  4. Cutting capital gains tax to encourage business growth in the US.  They also have agreed on some of the other provisions like extending unemployment benefits and temporary medicaid coverage.
This is the bill we should be passing.  Not what the house passed.

I Like that one
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Option D on February 10, 2009, 11:29:13 AM
But this is what I Think. I hate an "all one party government because bad shit can sometimes get through" But in times if crisis like this shit needs to be done and fast so im in favor. And Obama knows that but he also knows that Repub imput is important which is why he is doing it like he is. He didnt need to sit down with them before it went to the house but he did..And i hope the Senate Repubs make revisions to the bill. Look as all know, im not a party line guy. I dont defend everything my party does or anyone affiliated with my party (cough Billy, beach bum, coach and col 500). Right is right and wrong is wrong. I think a bill that isnt filled with investing in roads, bridges, schools and Housing mess and tax not what we need. All those will immediatley get us on the right track...i think... :-\

No one can accuse of me being a hardliner party guy.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: shootfighter1 on February 10, 2009, 11:29:26 AM
We medical folks have to stick together!!  8)

Whoever was in favor of the things I wrote in that message is good with me, don't matter what political label they give themselves.  As we've seen, not all republicans are economic conservatives!
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: James on February 10, 2009, 12:04:08 PM
Meghan Kelly on Fox just kicked Spector’s butt on this. Clearly the guy had no clue what he supported.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: shootfighter1 on February 10, 2009, 12:12:40 PM
Good she is smart and fairly hot too.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Hedgehog on February 10, 2009, 12:36:33 PM
It was socialist and I said so and GWB sucked and ushered this in.

That does not mean it is ok for Obama to go 100000% faster in trying to go commie on us. 


This has nothing to do with Communism.

If you would have the slightest idea about the political ideology Communism, you would know such a thing.

Please explain to me how this is somehow "commie".

It may be totalitarian, or against liberal principles.

But it sure as hell ain't "commie".
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: tonymctones on February 10, 2009, 12:56:12 PM
NA FAG... i know that 3338 isnt a partyline guy. I have said that before. There are a few including yourself.  Coach, HH, billy man. I have a post almost identical to this one. I hate party line. You always make excuces for  the right. punk pussy Bitch.
you ignorant fuck, im against the bail outs, said bush was wrong for iraq, think the wire taps are unconstitutional tell me how those things go along with party lines you dumb ass...keep your mouth shut if you dont know what your talking about.

Ive called out 33386 a few times again stfu if you have no idea.

Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: tonymctones on February 10, 2009, 12:57:20 PM
No doubt that some of us who are conservative have said all of these bailouts are troublesome.  Conservatives and republicans are not always the same thing.
Exactly most ppl dont understand that bush has gone against a lot of core conservative values and just bc a conservative defends him on one issue he is a party liner.  ::)
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 10, 2009, 01:01:31 PM
you ignorant fuck, im against the bail outs, said bush was wrong for iraq, think the wire taps are unconstitutional tell me how those things go along with party lines you dumb ass...keep your mouth shut if you dont know what your talking about.

Ive called out 33386 a few times again stfu if you have no idea.

Call me out on what?
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: tonymctones on February 10, 2009, 01:03:59 PM
Call me out on what?
ive made a comment about not comparing bush and obama all the time and Hugo got his panties in a tiffy about it saying i dont say anything to you or other conservatives about it, which i never said one way or the other who it was towards just in general so i called you out just to make huggy bear feel better.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 10, 2009, 01:07:45 PM
ive made a comment about not comparing bush and obama all the time and Hugo got his panties in a tiffy about it saying i dont say anything to you or other conservatives about it, which i never said one way or the other who it was towards just in general so i called you out just to make huggy bear feel better.

I think Bush was a disaster for the GOP.  He completey destroyed the brand and left all republicans with little credibitlity to attack ZERO on spending.

I give him credit on WOT and SC judges, but thats it.  On immigration he was a complete wreck.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: tonymctones on February 10, 2009, 01:13:14 PM
I think Bush was a disaster for the GOP.  He completey destroyed the brand and left all republicans with little credibitlity to attack ZERO on spending.

I give him credit on WOT and SC judges, but thats it.  On immigration he was a complete wreck.
I agree i think on the bright side though we will be able to redifine our party and actually define what we stand for as it has gotten murkey over the last decade or so. I also give him credit for the wot even though i think the war in iraq was the wrong move once your in you have to finish the job and even though i think the wire taps and such is unconstitutional i believe they are a necessary evil.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 10, 2009, 01:15:41 PM
I agree i think on the bright side though we will be able to redifine our party and actually define what we stand for as it has gotten murkey over the last decade or so. I also give him credit for the wot even though i think the war in iraq was the wrong move once your in you have to finish the job and even though i think the wire taps and such is unconstitutional i believe they are a necessary evil.

After 9/11/ he should have gone 100% full speed ahead on closing the border.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: blacken700 on February 10, 2009, 01:22:22 PM
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 10, 2009, 01:25:40 PM

That completely ignores the fact that the plan is a complete farce and a mess. 

Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: shootfighter1 on February 10, 2009, 01:43:34 PM
James, good link.  Megan askes great questions about this medical bullshit slipped into to an economic stimulus package...this is completely unacceptible!
 Obviously, Specter didn't read the whole bill (who could at well over 700pages) and shouldn't have voted for it, as he admits it was rushed through without proper examination.  These three republicans should be replaced immediately.  Voting for the bill in its current state is insulting to the American people with its blatant partisan projects under the guise of a stimulus bill in the time of economic need.  Assh-les.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Option D on February 10, 2009, 02:18:24 PM
you ignorant fuck, im against the bail outs, said bush was wrong for iraq, think the wire taps are unconstitutional tell me how those things go along with party lines you dumb ass...keep your mouth shut if you dont know what your talking about.

Ive called out 33386 a few times again stfu if you have no idea.

calm your bitch ass down before i slap the taste out of your mouth. that tough shit dont phase me. you show me where you said that and ill take it back fuckface. you said i was a party line guy and in less than 5 min i posted shit that was contrary., you shuth the fuck up bitch
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: tonymctones on February 10, 2009, 02:32:05 PM
calm your bitch ass down before i slap the taste out of your mouth. that tough shit dont phase me. you show me where you said that and ill take it back fuckface. you said i was a party line guy and in less than 5 min i posted shit that was contrary., you shuth the fuck up bitch
LOL neither does your tough guy routine hoss im sure your a real bad ass  ::) ive given you examples of me not following party lines either so you as well can shut your fucking mouth little man.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: shootfighter1 on February 10, 2009, 03:29:44 PM
Quit the pissing match and get back to the issues fellas.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 10, 2009, 03:47:50 PM
Quit the pissing match and get back to the issues fellas.

The issues is clear, Obama has already proven himself to be the far left marxist we said he was.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: grab an umbrella on February 10, 2009, 03:50:13 PM
The issues is clear, Obama has already proven himself to be the far left marxist we said he was.

You know my dad always used to tell me to judge a man by his actions and not by his words.  Well I judged Obama by his actions in congress and I was correct.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: headhuntersix on February 10, 2009, 07:16:53 PM
Oddly enough, it turns out this works most of the time, who knew.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Option D on February 10, 2009, 07:39:50 PM
LOL neither does your tough guy routine hoss im sure your a real bad ass  ::) ive given you examples of me not following party lines either so you as well can shut your fucking mouth little man.

havent seen me chief..
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: drkaje on February 10, 2009, 07:46:46 PM
Bring back the line Item Veto!!!!!
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: headhuntersix on February 10, 2009, 07:48:52 PM
U never even see it mentioned..unreal.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: tonymctones on February 10, 2009, 08:22:44 PM
havent seen me chief..

calm your bitch ass down before i slap the taste out of your mouth. that tough shit dont phase me. you show me where you said that and ill take it back fuckface. you said i was a party line guy and in less than 5 min i posted shit that was contrary., you shuth the fuck up bitch
havent seen me either hoss  ::)
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: War-Horse on February 10, 2009, 08:40:50 PM
It sure will be nice to stop running to canada or mexico for our meds.   Bout time we kept our money in the country by regulating to outright theiving prices in the USA.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: headhuntersix on February 10, 2009, 08:55:33 PM
Funny their all running here for their operations.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: drkaje on February 10, 2009, 08:58:06 PM
How can hardliners complain about socialism considering the bailout started right after Republicans threw the election?
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: War-Horse on February 10, 2009, 09:39:50 PM
Funny their all running here for their operations.

Well, lock the door.       Why do they want to spend  $60,000 for a tonsilectomy when they can get it for free there??
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 11, 2009, 05:06:53 AM
How can hardliners complain about socialism considering the bailout started right after Republicans threw the election?

That is the mentailty of the 5 year ol.d  No one appluds what Bush did.

however, for Obama to have a "me too" mentality about this is just deadly for us.

We are heading off the cliff with Turbo Tax and Obama who have NO FREAKING CLUE what they are doing.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Hedgehog on February 11, 2009, 06:45:27 AM
The issues is clear, Obama has already proven himself to be the far left marxist we said he was.

Give me one single example of Obama employing Marxism.

Just one.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 11, 2009, 06:56:16 AM
Give me one single example of Obama employing Marxism.

Just one.

1.  His proposed "health care reform" in the "stimulus bill" is calling for the government monitoring and making collective decisions on your health care.

2.  Card Check takes away the secret ballot of workers.

GWB was awful, but Obama is quickly becoming even worse.  He is a ZERO like I said.

He will fail because he entire belief system is a failure.

GWB failed because he strayed from conservative principles and became a socialist himself.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Hedgehog on February 11, 2009, 08:54:35 AM
1.  His proposed "health care reform" in the "stimulus bill" is calling for the government monitoring and making collective decisions on your health care.

That could be considered totalitarian.

But first of all - the health care will STILL be performed by PRIVATE institutions.

That alone disqualifies it from being considered "Marxist".

2.  Card Check takes away the secret ballot of workers.

Marxism has nothing to do with removing voting integrity.

GWB was awful, but Obama is quickly becoming even worse.  He is a ZERO like I said.

He will fail because he entire belief system is a failure.

GWB failed because he strayed from conservative principles and became a socialist himself.

I'm not gonna argue whether Obama will be worse than Bush or not.

That is a little premature to call, and also a matter of opinion at this point IMO.

I will however state that Bush is a whole lot of things, but a Socialist - he is not.

BTW, I think you, as a self-proclaimed libertarian, should look up the intimate ties between Libertianism and Liberalism.

Many would argue that Libertianism is the pure form of Liberalism.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 11, 2009, 09:02:04 AM
Utter garbage.

Liberals seek control over my money and my economic decisions in millions of ways.  They seek control over business, and everything.  Liberals are the new fascists and Jonah Goldberg wrote a very good book about it. 

That alone disqualifies them as being anything close to being a libertarian. 
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: drkaje on February 11, 2009, 10:17:15 AM
That is the mentailty of the 5 year ol.d  No one appluds what Bush did.

however, for Obama to have a "me too" mentality about this is just deadly for us.

We are heading off the cliff with Turbo Tax and Obama who have NO FREAKING CLUE what they are doing.

Bush not only spent through what was a surplus (on paper) and put us billions of dollars in debt as a parting gesture. Where are all the people who were calling Obama a Marxist then. They were all chimp screaming and crying about the election until AIG needed money.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: War-Horse on February 11, 2009, 12:28:17 PM
1.  His proposed "health care reform" in the "stimulus bill" is calling for the government monitoring and making collective decisions on your health care.

2.  Card Check takes away the secret ballot of workers.

GWB was awful, but Obama is quickly becoming even worse.  He is a ZERO like I said.

He will fail because he entire belief system is a failure.

GWB failed because he strayed from conservative principles and became a socialist himself.

We are in this position because of un regulated capitialism.   Obama said what the american people want.....Simple oversite and transparancy.   So he sets some up for the healthcare industry and all the neocons yell socialism.........dumbas ses.

Someone needs to answer for outright theft of the american people, not only in healthcare but banking as well.    This does not mean total means we need to know someones looking so they feel less inclined to fuck you in the ass and tell you to like it.......get it??
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Hedgehog on February 11, 2009, 12:49:17 PM
Utter garbage.

Liberals seek control over my money and my economic decisions in millions of ways.  They seek control over business, and everything.  Liberals are the new fascists and Jonah Goldberg wrote a very good book about it. 

That alone disqualifies them as being anything close to being a libertarian. 

You evidently don't know shit about Liberalism.

Or Libertarianism.

The first liberal state was the United States of America[14], founded on the principle that "all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to insure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."[15] This said, much of early liberal thought originated in and influenced the politics of The Netherlands, the United Kingdom and France.

The word "liberal" derives from the Latin liber ("free, not slave"), and is associated with the word "liberty" and the concept of freedom. Roman historian Titus Livius, in his History of Rome From Its Foundation, describes the struggles for freedom between the plebeian and patrician classes. Marcus Aurelius, in his Meditations, writes about "the idea of a polity administered with regard to equal rights and equal freedom of speech, and the idea of a kingly government which respects most of all the freedom of the governed". Largely dormant during the Middle Ages, the struggle for freedom began again during the Italian Renaissance in the conflict between supporters of free city-states and supporters of the Pope or the Holy Roman Emperor. Niccolò Machiavelli, in his Discourses on Livy, laid down the principles of republican government. John Locke in England and the thinkers of the French Enlightenment articulated the struggle for freedom in terms of the Rights of Man.

I really suggest you read these two excellent articles on wiki.

After that you might not be calling leftist Democrats "Liberals" anymore. :)
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 11, 2009, 01:09:13 PM
Please, you have no clue what the heck you are talking about.  The govt is in bed with these banksters. 

There is plen ty of regulation, there is no enforcement. 

Did you even bother to watch the hearings about Madoff and the SEC????
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 11, 2009, 01:10:09 PM
That defination does not apply to liberals of today, who by and large are totalitarians and Nanny State fascists.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: War-Horse on February 11, 2009, 01:18:36 PM
That defination does not apply to liberals of today, who by and large are totalitarians and Nanny State fascists.

You should take limbaughs balls out of your mouth before you speak.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 11, 2009, 01:20:02 PM
I understand that you cant handle the cold hard truth about things. 

Pelosi/Reid/Obama are no different than GWB/Paulson et al in their lust for total control over our lives.
Title: Re: The March to Socialized Medicine Starts in Obama's Porkulus Bill
Post by: War-Horse on February 11, 2009, 01:21:42 PM
I understand that you cant handle the cold hard truth about things. 

Pelosi/Reid/Obama are no different than GWB/Paulson et al in their lust for total control over our lives.

That was semi intelligent and mostly true.   Ron paul couldve got this shit fixed.