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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: 24KT on April 20, 2009, 04:22:51 PM

Title: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: 24KT on April 20, 2009, 04:22:51 PM
Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
By Michael A. Lindenberger
Monday, Apr. 20, 2009

An employee at the John Jovino Co. gun
shop in downtown New York City displays
a revolver on June 26, 2008.
Photo Credit: Seth Wenig / AP

Monday April 20 marks 10 years since Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold permanently etched the words Columbine High School into this nation's collective memory. What happened that day in 1999 also seemed to wake America up to the reality that it had become a nation of gun owners — and too often a nation of shooters.

The carnage in Littleton, Colorado — 12 classmates and a teacher before the killers offed themselves — and the ease with which the teenagers acquired their weapons (two sawed-off shotguns, a 9-mm semiautomatic carbine and a TEC-9 handgun) seemed to usher in a new era of, well if not gun control, then at least gun awareness.

In the decade since, massacres perpetrated by deranged gunmen have continued — including the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre in which Cho Seung-Hui killed 32 people and wounded many others. But something odd has occurred. Whatever momentum the Columbine killings gave to gun control has long since petered out.

This spring, for example, Texas lawmakers are mulling a new law that would allow college students to carry firearms to campus (Utah already makes this legal). "I think people weren't concerned about it first," says University of Texas graduate student John Woods, who has emerged as a spokesman for campus efforts to defeat the bill. "They thought, 'It's a terrible idea. Why would the government consider something like this?'" But as the debate on campus has heated up, that complacency has vanished, Woods explains to TIME. Students opposed to the bill plan a big rally on Thursday at the Capitol, he says.

But efforts like Woods' are up against powerful headwinds — and not just because of the powerful gun lobby that often strangles gun-control laws. Americans in general have cooled significantly to the idea of restricting gun rights. A poll released last week by CNN showed that support for stricter gun laws was at an all-time low, with just 39% of respondents in favor. Eight years ago that number was 54%.

Woods concedes that getting help to the psychotic, would-be killers of the world would probably be an even better fix. But he has a personal reason to take the issues seriously. Two years ago, he was in his apartment in Blacksburg, Virginia, listening to sirens sounding across the campus outside his window. A half-dozen friends of his were in the classroom where Cho Seung-Hui opened fire, and the names of some of the dead belong to people he knew. "The idealist in me is shocked and angry," Woods says, that restrictions on guns have eased rather than tightened in the wake of tragedies like the one at Virginia Tech. "But the cynic in me is not surprised at all. I think if this was peanuts or pistachios causing all these deaths, then we'd be all over it. But there is no amendment about peanuts or pistachios in the Bill of Rights. People on both sides just simply won't compromise."

Indeed, the debate seems to be almost one-sided nowadays, with an ongoing backlash against gun control. Another law up for debate in Texas, for example, would prohibit most companies from barring employees from keeping guns in their cars in company parking lots. In Montana, only last-minute dealmaking between the House and Senate stripped a new law of language that would have given residents the right to carry concealed weapons with or without a permit.

Since 2003, at least eight states have either passed new laws giving most residents the right to carry concealed handguns or changed existing laws to make it harder for state officials to deny those permits, according to a 2008 study in the Yale Law & Policy Review. In the past couple of years, another trend has taken root, too: the expansion of the so-called Castle Doctrine, a legal theory enshrined in common law. It is used to justify deadly force in the defense of one's home, although it's usually interpreted to include a duty to try to avoid confrontation if one can. But in the past three years, the National Rifle Association has encouraged states to write the doctrine into statute, without imposing the attendant obligation to flee for safety. Many have done so, including Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi and South Dakota. In 2007, Texas took things a step farther, and expanded its law to protect shooters who act in self-defense or act to stop certain crimes anywhere the shooter has a legal right to be — such as at work, in his car or the like.

Other legal responses have been more creative still. A year after Columbine, Kentucky lawmakers agreed to repeal a law that two years before had given every preacher, priest or minister a special legal right to carry arms to the pulpit, with a handgun in the holster underneath the frock. Still, lawmakers refused to ban pistols completely from the pews. Instead, they left it up to churches to decide for themselves whether anybody, preacher or layman, can go to church carrying a piece.

The biggest change of all came last year at the Supreme Court, when the justices struck down what had been the strictest gun-control ordinance in the country — the ban on handguns in murder-plagued Washington, D.C. Taking only its second gun-rights case in 70 years, the court established for the first time that the Second Amendment, like the First, enshrines fundamental rights that belong to each citizen, not just the community as a whole. The implications for state and local gun-control laws haven't yet been fully understood — and probably won't for years to come as lower-court cases work out how to interpret the ruling.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: tonymctones on April 20, 2009, 04:27:19 PM
I suppose the idiot who wrote this believes that if guns were banned these two would have grown up to be productive members of society  ::) fact is ppl need to be able to carry guns if they are properly trained to deal with these fucktards.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: Hereford on April 20, 2009, 04:41:29 PM
Blame the guns, not the offenders.   ::)
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: 24KT on April 20, 2009, 04:43:04 PM
I suppose the idiot who wrote this believes that if guns were banned these two would have grown up to be productive members of society  ::) fact is ppl need to be able to carry guns if they are properly trained to deal with these fucktards.

Good Grief Tony, why don't you try actually reading an article before running your mouth off and sounding like a stupid pavlovian dog whose only response is salivate and bark. The very point of that article is that paranoid gun nuts need not be alarmed their guns are going to be taken away. In fact, quite the opposite trend is taking place and gun ownership is easier. The "idiot" as you call him who wrote the article was offering no position, but rather an observational assessment.

sheesh, you even think before you type?  ::)
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: 24KT on April 20, 2009, 04:43:59 PM
Blame the guns, not the offenders.   ::)

Oh lovely, ...another one with reading comprehension challenges.  ::)
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: tonymctones on April 20, 2009, 04:45:49 PM
Good Grief Tony, why don't you try actually reading an article before running your mouth off and sounding like a stupid pavlovian dog whose only response is salivate and bark. The very point of that article is that paranoid gun nuts need not be alarmed their guns are going to be taken away. In fact, quite the opposite trend is taking place and gun ownership is easier. The "idiot" as you call him who wrote the article was offering no position, but rather an observational assessment.

sheesh, you even think before you type?  ::)

right the opposite trend is taking place much to the authors dismay  ::) lol perhaps you should reread it...

cudos on the pavlov reference...your gonna have to show me more then that to impress me though.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: 24KT on April 20, 2009, 04:53:54 PM
right the opposite trend is taking place much to the authors dismay  ::) lol perhaps you should reread it...

cudos on the pavlov reference...your gonna have to show me more then that to impress me though.

Please reference where in the article the author indicates his dismay at the situation.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: tonymctones on April 20, 2009, 04:59:27 PM
Please reference where in the article the author indicates his dismay at the situation.

its his wording jag, he is not overtly against guns but obviously he is for gun control and as is this piece

"What happened that day in 1999 also seemed to wake America up to the reality that it had become a nation of gun owners — and too often a nation of shooters."

"In the decade since, massacres perpetrated by deranged gunmen have continued — including the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre in which Cho Seung-Hui killed 32 people and wounded many others. But something odd has occurred. Whatever momentum the Columbine killings gave to gun control has long since petered out."

you have to read between the lines as well jag.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: Deicide on April 20, 2009, 05:04:02 PM
I have no interest in guns and no interest in owning one but I believe in freedom. If someone wants to own a gun fine. It has nothing to do with me and sure it is dangerous but that is the risk of living in a free society. That said I don't understand peoples' obsession with guns.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: 24KT on April 20, 2009, 05:23:05 PM

you have to read between the lines as well jag.

That's the problem, ...too many are choosing to read between the lines inserting text therein that doesn't exist.

You still haven't explained to me why he is "an idiot". So far it comes down to he's an idiot, not because he's said anything not factual, ...but because I inserted my own text in between the lines, assumed his position on the issue, and that makes him an idiot.

Sorry, that doesn't fly with me.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: Deicide on April 20, 2009, 05:25:30 PM
That's the problem, ...too many are choosing to read between the lines and insert text therein that doesn't exist.

You still haven't explained to me why he is "an idiot". So far it comes down to he's an idiot, not because he's said anything not factual, ...but because I inserted my own text in between the lines, assumed his position on the issue, and that makes him an idiot.

Sorry, that doesn't fly with me.

Why can't you just let people have their guns Judy?
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: tonymctones on April 20, 2009, 05:26:09 PM
That's the problem, ...too many are choosing to read between the lines and insert text therein that doesn't exist.

You still haven't explained to me why he is "an idiot". So far it comes down to he's an idiot, not because he's said anything not factual, ...but because I inserted my own text in between the lines, assumed his position on the issue, and that makes him an idiot.

Sorry, that doesn't fly with me.
its his wording jag, he is not overtly against guns but obviously he is for gun control and as is this piece

"What happened that day in 1999 also seemed to wake America up to the reality that it had become a nation of gun owners — and too often a nation of shooters."

"In the decade since, massacres perpetrated by deranged gunmen have continued — including the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre in which Cho Seung-Hui killed 32 people and wounded many others. But something odd has occurred. Whatever momentum the Columbine killings gave to gun control has long since petered out."

you have to read between the lines as well jag.

this is why he is an idiot
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: Hereford on April 20, 2009, 05:27:37 PM
Why can't you just let people have their guns Judy?

Libs have to control everything.

Fine, you can eliminate the guns if we can eliminate handouts, bailouts, excessive taxation and canada.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: tu_holmes on April 20, 2009, 05:30:07 PM
Thank God for our 2nd Amendment... You ever notice how crazy columbine shit never happens in rural areas where every kid rolls in with a shotgun?

It only happens where your suburban crazies are.

If the kids at Va. Tech had had weapons, that dude wouldn't have killed more than 1 person before he ate lead.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: 24KT on April 20, 2009, 05:31:09 PM
Why can't you just let people have their guns Judy?

What are you taking about? I'm all for people in the USA being allowed to bear arms.
I've said it before on here. The founding fathers knew what they were doing when they wrote that part in.

It's not gun ownership that needs to change in America,'s the gun culture, which has nothing to do with ownership
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: tonymctones on April 20, 2009, 05:37:39 PM
What are you taking about? I'm all for people in the USA being allowed to bear arms.
I've said it before on here. The founding fathers knew what they were doing when they wrote that part in.

It's not gun ownership that needs to change in America,'s the gun culture, which has nothing to do with ownership
interesting i dont think ive heard that opinion before jag can you elaborate for me about what you mean by the gun culture needs to change?
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: Hereford on April 20, 2009, 05:46:13 PM
"Gun culture".... you sure you don't mean 'Ghetto cuture'?  ???
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: 24KT on April 20, 2009, 06:00:51 PM
interesting i dont think ive heard that opinion before jag can you elaborate for me about what you mean by the gun culture needs to change?

The glorification of the gun. I'm referring to an attitude far too prevalent in your society that the gun is the be all and end all and the way to settle any dispute. Your society eats it up with relish. just look at the cultural idolatry it spawns. ie: Dirty Harry, Magnum PI etc., It seems with each new gun manufactured, all the limp dicks get a stiffy.

There are those who practice and try to preach / promote responsible gun ownership, ...but there aren't enough. As a result, you end up with a whole whack of people screaming 'don't take our guns', ...but not nearly enough screaming 'this is what the gun is supposed to be used for'

So you end up with crazy psychos going off, and gun control activists looking to these pyschos as examples of why there needs to be more control. Gun ownership in the USA exists in an insufficient paradigmn to address the very issues and challenges that gun ownership presents.

Take Canada as an example. we have gun control laws, but that doesn't mean we don't have guns. There are a shit load of guns up here, ...heck, you'd poop your pants to know how many guns exist in this country. But traditionally we've had a far more responsible base of gun owners than exist in the USA. 'Hunting & Defense' are our two primary reasons for having guns, and that reflects in our stats. In the US, it appears 'Offense' is one of the primary reasons for gun ownership, and that attitude has to change if you expect to address the challenges 2nd amendment rights bring to a society. Only when that is addressed can you reasonably expect to resoundly dispatch the gun control activists once and for all. Otherwise they'll keep popping up hoping to get a foothold every time some incident occurs, ...or you will see more and more diversionary 'false-flag' incidents triggered by those whose agendas are to disarm the population.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: tonymctones on April 20, 2009, 06:09:57 PM
you guys dont have action movies up there jag? i dont really buy that the movies we have are a reflection of our live by the gun die by the gun culture. In japan they have tons of samurai movies but you dont have alot of ppl running around lopping ppls heads off with swords.

I do however see your point, but you have to understand that it isnt the average gun owner going around offing ppl either its the fringe criminals that do so. Changing the gun culture wouldnt change that in my mind, changing the culture as a whole in terms of education, not glorifying criminal actions through movies, rap, rock etc...would serve that goal much better then going from an offense which i dont believe we have to a defense mind set.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: 24KT on April 20, 2009, 06:24:32 PM
you guys dont have action movies up there jag?

yeah, ...but thanks to the mafioso tactics of hollywood, ...they're American. {lol}

i dont really buy that the movies we have are a reflection of our live by the gun die by the gun culture. In japan they have tons of samurai movies but you dont have alot of ppl running around lopping ppls heads off with swords.

That's because they're Japanese. They (along with the rest of the planet) are a whole heckuva lot smarter than Americans.  :P

I do however see your point, but you have to understand that it isnt the average gun owner going around offing ppl either its the fringe criminals that do so. Changing the gun culture wouldnt change that in my mind, changing the culture as a whole in terms of education, not glorifying criminal actions through movies, rap, rock etc...would serve that goal much better then going from an offense which i dont believe we have to a defense mind set.

There's no doubt the USA and the rest of the world would be better off if the entire culture in the US changed, ...but by 'gun culture' I meant aspects of your culture pertaining to guns. I guess we're really saying the same thing.

As an aside, I finally got around to viewing a movie Toxie recommended a few days ago "Idiocrasy".

As utterly ridiculous and idiotic a premise it may seem at first blush, ...I found it sadly plausible if not prescient.  :'(
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: tonymctones on April 20, 2009, 06:29:00 PM
yeah, ...but thanks to the mafioso tactics of hollywood, ...they're American. {lol}

That's because they're Japanese. They (along with the rest of the planet) are a whole heckuva lot smarter than Americans.  :P

There's no doubt the USA and the rest of the world would be better off if the entire culture in the US changed, ...but by 'gun culture' I meant aspects of your culture pertaining to guns. I guess we're really saying the same thing.

As an aside, I finally got around to viewing a movie Toxie recommended a few days ago "Idiocrasy".

As utterly ridiculous and idiotic a premise it may seem at first blush, ...I found it sadly plausible if not prescient.  :'(

now now now jag you live in canada, i know you get frost bite of the brain from time to time but lets leave your personal opinions and your projected personal opinions for another thread :-*

We are pretty much saying the same thing i disagree that we have an offensive mindset but agree that a change in culture would help.

Whats Toxie?
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: Benny B on April 20, 2009, 06:31:15 PM
"Gun culture".... you sure you don't mean 'Ghetto cuture'?  ???
Is that the culture from which the Columbine murderers arose?    ::)
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: Soul Crusher on April 20, 2009, 06:42:40 PM
Please reference where in the article the author indicates his dismay at the situation.

The cops were utter cowards that day and stood by outside while people died.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: 24KT on April 20, 2009, 06:51:16 PM
now now now jag you live in canada, i know you get frost bite of the brain from time to time but lets leave your personal opinions and your projected personal opinions for another thread :-*

Trust me, it's not my brain that's at risk for frostbite, but I got a whole whack of body parts that are.  :-X

We are pretty much saying the same thing i disagree that we have an offensive mindset but agree that a change in culture would help.

This is where we're just going to have to agree to disagree.
I hope you won't think that now requires you to smash my car windows and taser me.  :P

Whats Toxie?

It's my little nickname for the one formerly known as Toxic Avenger  aka  Protein Farts.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: Migs on April 20, 2009, 06:52:06 PM
forget columbine.  if people were allowed to ccw in schools, it would have been much better
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: tonymctones on April 20, 2009, 06:55:12 PM
Trust me, it's not my brain that's at risk for frostbite, but I got a whole whack of body parts that are.  :-X

This is where we're just going to have to agree to disagree.
I hope you won't think that now requires you to smash my car windows and taser me.  :P

It's my little nickname for the one formerly known as Toxic Avenger  aka  Protein Farts.
LOL see thats exactly why i could never live in canada

That guy had it coming, perhaps not to the extent that he got it but he was far from innocent in that situation and something tells me his side is a tad bias.

I thought it was a movie  :-[
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: 24KT on April 20, 2009, 06:57:20 PM
forget columbine.  if people were allowed to ccw in schools, it would have been much better


Oh ya, ...I can see your point.
Having a whole bunch of 14 & 15 yr olds with ccw permits would have stopped Columbine ...NOT!  ::)

Schoolyards are not the place for guns!
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: tonymctones on April 20, 2009, 06:59:28 PM

Oh ya, ...I can see your point.
Having a whole bunch of 14 & 15 yr olds with ccw permits would have stopped Columbine ...NOT!  ::)

Schoolyards are not the place for guns!
HAHAHA i think he was talking about ppl of legal age who could carry jag such as teachers etc...14 or 15 yr olds cant get a CCW.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: 24KT on April 20, 2009, 07:00:48 PM
LOL see thats exactly why i could never live in canada

Something no doubt for which Canadians will be eternally grateful.
You can keep your attitude stateside thankyouverymuch

That guy had it coming, perhaps not to the extent that he got it but he was far from innocent in that situation and something tells me his side is a tad bias.

I thought it was a movie  :-[
The guy was totally innocent!

What crime did he commit? What contraband did they find?
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: The ChemistV2 on April 20, 2009, 07:03:19 PM
This is such a foolish argument....anyone who even lives remotely near an area where they have gangs(virtually any sizable urban area) needs to be able to legally own a gun. Why should any civillized human be a helpless victim to some primitive, unevolved, violent simian-brained savage who will always be able to obtain weapons even if they are illegalized. Believe me, if one of these types attemped to car jack me or "done bust a cap in my a.." I would not hesitate to use my smith and wesson model 29 and blow his mindless head..clean off. In fact, it would be extremely enjoyable.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: 24KT on April 20, 2009, 07:06:35 PM
HAHAHA i think he was talking about ppl of legal age who could carry jag such as teachers etc...14 or 15 yr olds cant get a CCW.

I was being sarcastic. Sheesh, ...can no one recognize sarcasm anymore when it's staring them right in the face?
I understand what he was getting at, ...but again, I believe guns have no business being in schools.

Columbine was a tragedy... no doubt about it, but bringing guns in, is like saying all schools should be outfitted with anti-tank missiles too, ...just in case some crack-pot who failed phys ed. decided to level the gymnasium
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: tonymctones on April 20, 2009, 07:07:00 PM
Something no doubt for which Canadians will be eternally grateful.
You can keep your attitude stateside thankyouverymuch
The guy was totally innocent!

What crime did he commit? What contraband did they find?
He refused to answer questions at the very beginning
He refused to the search
He refused to get out of the car even when told he was being placed under arrest...ive said this many times to you jag do what the police want and you wont have a problem 99.9999999999999% of the time.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: Parker on April 20, 2009, 07:09:03 PM
This is such a foolish argument....anyone who even lives remotely near an area where they have gangs(virtually any sizable urban area) needs to be able to legally own a gun. Why should any civillized human be a helpless victim to some primitive, unevolved, violent simian-brained savage who will always be able to obtain weapons even if they are illegalized. Believe me, if one of these types attemped to car jack me or "done bust a cap in my a.." I would not hesitate to use my smith and wesson model 29 and blow his mindless head..clean off. In fact, it would be extremely enjoyable.

That type of logic should have been used by Black men in the South before the Civil Rights era. I garantee the ranks of the KKK would have been consideriably lower.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: 24KT on April 20, 2009, 07:09:43 PM
This is such a foolish argument....anyone who even lives remotely near an area where they have gangs(virtually any sizable urban area) needs to be able to legally own a gun. Why should any civillized human be a helpless victim to some primitive, unevolved, violent simian-brained savage who will always be able to obtain weapons even if they are illegalized. Believe me, if one of these types attemped to car jack me or "done bust a cap in my a.." I would not hesitate to use my smith and wesson model 29 and blow his mindless head..clean off. In fact, it would be extremely enjoyable.

You're the only fool here.

Who is arguing you don't or shouldn't have the right to defend yourself?

The only violent simian brained savage on display is you. Take your racist rant to stormfront.

see Tony, ...I do know how to read between the lines.  :D
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: The ChemistV2 on April 20, 2009, 07:12:27 PM
That type of logic should have been used by Black men in the South before the Civil Rights era. I garantee the ranks of the KKK would have been consideriably lower.
I don't follow your logic. What do Southern white men have to do with Car-jacking and gang banging? Makes no sense.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: Migs on April 20, 2009, 07:13:49 PM
I was being sarcastic. Sheesh, ...can no one recognize sarcasm anymore when it's staring them right in the face?
I understand what he was getting at, ...but again, I believe guns have no business being in schools.

Columbine was a tragedy... no doubt about it, but bringing guns in, is like saying all schools should be outfitted with anti-tank missiles too, ...just in case some crack-pot who failed phys ed. decided to level the gymnasium

Guns belong everywhere.  All these school shootings and bs, can be stemmed if they knew that anyone around them could be packing.  It's a general detterant.  Anti-tank missiles are to destructive.  However a nicely mounted 50 cal, would work very well, and cheaper to fit into te school budget.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: 24KT on April 20, 2009, 07:15:18 PM
That type of logic should have been used by Black men in the South before the Civil Rights era. I garantee the ranks of the KKK would have been consideriably lower.

The hilarious part is alot of these guys have no clue the lengths their beloved historical leader Ronald Reagan went to, to implement gun control in CA when he was governor. Trying to 'keep the Black man down' he chipped away at the white man's much loved 2nd amendment rights. {lol}

I will admit, I would pay good money to have been able to be a fly on the wall just to see the looks on their faces when those men walked into that room armed to the tits. I wonder how many chairs had to be steam cleaned after that.  ;D
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: 24KT on April 20, 2009, 07:16:17 PM
I don't follow your logic. What do Southern white men have to do with Car-jacking and gang banging? Makes no sense.

What do car jacking and gang banging have to do with Columbine?
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: The ChemistV2 on April 20, 2009, 07:16:27 PM
You're the only fool here.

Who is arguing you don't or shouldn't have the right to defend yourself?

The only violent simian brained savage on display is you. Take your racist rant to stormfront.

see Tony, ...I do know how to read between the lines.  :D
What's racist about this? Maybe you don't have a gang problem in Canada but we do in Florida. Yes, I consider individuals that kill each other on a daily basis to be primitive savages. I never said they had to be black..plenty of hispanic gangs here as well. Of course a liberal such as yourself immediately defends the criminal, the lowlife instead of the innocent victims. Pathetic!
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: Parker on April 20, 2009, 07:20:00 PM
I don't follow your logic. What do Southern white men have to do with Car-jacking and gang banging? Makes no sense.

The KKK is a terrorist organization whose main goal was to itimidate, harass, bully and lynch black folk. A gang so to speak, and that is what most gangs do. Their M.O.

I can't stand gangs of any color, for i believe they are for the weak of mind and spirit. Plus most of the time, there is no money in Gang-banging. So why do it, if you can't make a great profit from it.

Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: 24KT on April 20, 2009, 07:20:31 PM
Guns belong everywhere.  All these school shootings and bs, can be stemmed if they knew that anyone around them could be packing.  It's a general detterant.  Anti-tank missiles are to destructive.  However a nicely mounted 50 cal, would work very well, and cheaper to fit into te school budget.

Wouldn't make a difference for nutjobs who want to go out "in a blaze of glory".

I think a more effective deterrant is found in the cultural mindset.
If you can change that, you have no school shooting to begin with.

An ounce of prevention is world a pound of cure, ...unless you're talking weed. A pound of cured trumps an ounce anyday  :P
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: Migs on April 20, 2009, 07:21:30 PM
America is the best place in the world to be a criminal, their rights are constitutionaly protected, too bad it's not so for the victims.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: The ChemistV2 on April 20, 2009, 07:22:46 PM

The KKK is a terrorist organization whose main goal was to itimidate, harass, bully and lynch black folk. A gang so to speak, and that is what most gangs do. Their M.O.

I can't stand gangs of any color, for i believe they are for the weak of mind and spirit. Plus most of the time, there is no money in Gang-banging. So why do it, if you can't make a great profit from it.

I'm no fan of the KKK. I don't believe in intimidation of any innocent people. But according to your statement, gangbanging would be acceptable to you if it were more profitable...Interesting .
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: 24KT on April 20, 2009, 07:23:11 PM
What's racist about this? Maybe you don't have a gang problem in Canada but we do in Florida. Yes, I consider individuals that kill each other on a daily basis to be primitive savages. I never said they had to be black..plenty of hispanic gangs here as well. Of course a liberal such as yourself immediately defends the criminal, the lowlife instead of the innocent victims. Pathetic!

Did I mention Black?
did I defend criminal lowlifes?
I simply pointed out you appear to be the only simian brained savage on display.
Take it to stormfront.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: Emmortal on April 20, 2009, 07:25:00 PM
Yes it's easier to bear arms these days, but good luck getting ammo for your guns, especially if you own assault rifles.

That's the point everyone is pissed off about, who cares if you can bear arms if you can't buy the fucking ammo.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: 24KT on April 20, 2009, 07:26:14 PM

The KKK is a terrorist organization whose main goal was to itimidate, harass, bully and lynch black folk. A gang so to speak, and that is what most gangs do. Their M.O.

I can't stand gangs of any color, for i believe they are for the weak of mind and spirit. Plus most of the time, there is no money in Gang-banging. So why do it, if you can't make a great profit from it.

You're forgetting the psychological pay-off. It lets the little pricks feel like they're John Holmes.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: Migs on April 20, 2009, 07:26:33 PM
Wouldn't make a difference for nutjobs who want to go out "in a blaze of glory".

I think a more effective deterrant is found in the cultural mindset.
If you can change that, you have no school shooting to begin with.

An ounce of prevention is world a pound of cure, ...unless you're talking weed. A pound of cured trumps an ounce anyday  :P

No blaze of glory.  One shot, one kill.  the problem with this is media.  They glorify it and then make these idiots look cool by giving them attention.  One shot to the head during a hostage crisis is worth more than trying to rehab a criminal and help it out.  As for cultural mindset it will never change.  THere will always be idiots out there that think they are bad asses and wearing saggy pants, do rags, or grills is cool.  A city in Georgia, Kennesaw, has a law that you are required to own a firearm.  it is also has the lowest crimerate in the state.  Coinkidink?  Nope general detterent becuase these assholes know that the chance of getting shot at trumps the need/desire to commit the crime.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: The ChemistV2 on April 20, 2009, 07:29:08 PM
Did I mention Black?
did I defend criminal lowlifes?
I simply pointed out you appear to be the only simian brained savage on display.
Take it to stormfront.
Why do you keep mentioning racist websites? I have known people that were killed by gang members....I see it every single day in my local paper. I grew up in a nice town and now it's full of scumbags. I refuse to be a victim and that makes me a racist? Why don't you bring your Nubian beauty down this way and I'll gladly prove there's nothing predjudiced about me.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: Migs on April 20, 2009, 07:29:56 PM
Yes it's easier to bear arms these days, but good luck getting ammo for your guns, especially if you own assault rifles.

That's the point everyone is pissed off about, who cares if you can bear arms if you can't buy the fucking ammo.

another reason to practice reloading.  I haven't had an issue getting ammo.  But then again im in the south and we like our guns.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: 24KT on April 20, 2009, 07:32:24 PM
No blaze of glory.  One shot, one kill.  the problem with this is media.  They glorify it and then make these idiots look cool by giving them attention.  One shot to the head during a hostage crisis is worth more than trying to rehab a criminal and help it out.  As for cultural mindset it will never change.  THere will always be idiots out there that think they are bad asses and wearing saggy pants, do rags, or grills is cool.  A city in Georgia, Kennesaw, has a law that you are required to own a firearm.  it is also has the lowest crimerate in the state.  Coinkidink?  Nope general detterent becuase these assholes know that the chance of getting shot at trumps the need/desire to commit the crime.

Does the media not shape the culture? A Great Canadian once said...

The medium is the message --Marshall McLuhan again, it boils down to culture, ...not deterrence.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: Parker on April 20, 2009, 07:33:03 PM
I'm no fan of the KKK. I don't believe in intimidation of any innocent people. But according to your statement, gangbanging would be acceptable to you if it were more profitable...Interesting .

No, actually, I was going off of a radio interview that a Prominant rapper did at a Washington, DC radio station. He said that there are Bloods and Crips in his area and he asked some Bloods one day, about why are they gang-banging, and was there any money in it. They siad "no", then he said, then why do something that is not making any money. Some kinda agreed, but he was trying drive home the point that Gang-banging is a profitless affair, and they need to do something that at least turns a profit.  

Think about it, you join (get beat in) a gang, live with your mother, have no job (or have a P/T job) and hang around all day to fight, Tag, and shoot. And you are not making money in the process. I quite what-ever endeavor that I was doing. I can be broke without getting shot on my own. Or I can get a job or start a business and have money.  
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: Migs on April 20, 2009, 07:36:33 PM
it does shape culture in a way.  however, culture is shaped more by it's members than media.  deterrance is key.  America needs to stop being such a pussy and take charge of the countries issues.  Stop the PC bullshit and call a spade a spade.  Stop with the positive ass stupid shit.  Hey little johnny, you did so great, i'm so proud you finshed the race.  ven if you did come in dead last, and get lapped six times.  You are still a winner.  BS.  You lost get used to it. 
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: tonymctones on April 20, 2009, 09:04:28 PM
it does shape culture in a way.  however, culture is shaped more by it's members than media.  deterrance is key.  America needs to stop being such a pussy and take charge of the countries issues.  Stop the PC bullshit and call a spade a spade.  Stop with the positive ass stupid shit.  Hey little johnny, you did so great, i'm so proud you finshed the race.  ven if you did come in dead last, and get lapped six times.  You are still a winner.  BS.  You lost get used to it. 
LOL i may not be as blunt to the little boy but i agree totally, 3 or 4 armed ppl in one of the classes at VA tech could have stopped it, a few teachers with pistols could have stopped columbine...I totally agree im thinking of going back to school and honestly im not sure if my campus allows you to carry but if it does i will definitly carry when going to class.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: 24KT on April 20, 2009, 09:15:05 PM
LOL i may not be as blunt to the little boy but i agree totally, 3 or 4 armed ppl in one of the classes at VA tech could have stopped it, a few teachers with pistols could have stopped columbine...I totally agree im thinking of going back to school and honestly im not sure if my campus allows you to carry but if it does i will definitly carry when going to class.  

You would need to. I could see passive non violent protestor types of people just going postal on your ass!  >:(
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: Hereford on April 20, 2009, 10:40:36 PM
Is that the culture from which the Columbine murderers arose?    ::)

Those guys were hardcore, all the way.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: tonymctones on April 20, 2009, 10:46:58 PM
You would need to. I could see passive non violent protestor types of people just going postal on your ass!  >:(
actually the school i might attend is in Downtown houston and not the best area especially if your going in the evening. But in all seriousness when i was at UH main campus we had a few protest that had to be broken up by campus police so i wouldnt all those ppl passive or non violent. The main campus is right in the middle of the ghetto i mean smack dab in the middle the popeyes across the street from campus had bullet proof glass with a small hole to slide the food through...Id crack up everytime i drove by it, we had alot of robberies at gun point on campus and so on and so on...I never carried there i went during the day and i was always fairly confident that if they had the choice to rob me or someone else they would chose the other person, probably foolish but i never had any problems.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: 24KT on April 20, 2009, 10:58:20 PM
actually the school i might attend is in Downtown houston and not the best area especially if your going in the evening. But in all seriousness when i was at UH main campus we had a few protest that had to be broken up by campus police so i wouldnt all those ppl passive or non violent. The main campus is right in the middle of the ghetto i mean smack dab in the middle the popeyes across the street from campus had bullet proof glass with a small hole to slide the food through...Id crack up everytime i drove by it, we had alot of robberies at gun point on campus and so on and so on...I never carried there i went during the day and i was always fairly confident that if they had the choice to rob me or someone else they would chose the other person, probably foolish but i never had any problems.

 :o  Egads!!! You better arm youself to the teeth!
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: tonymctones on April 21, 2009, 12:14:12 AM
:o  Egads!!! You better arm youself to the teeth!
I cant tell if your being a smart ass or not, im gonna go with my gut and say you are and with that in mind ill give you one of these  :P and tell you that i dont live in your fantasy world ;D
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: 2ND COMING on April 21, 2009, 12:39:39 AM
i dont know if it was posted on here but did anyone read about what the shooters real intentions were?

it was released recently that, they had intentions of using a bomb, it failed so they just unloaded on kids.
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: 24KT on April 21, 2009, 01:36:42 AM
I cant tell if your being a smart ass or not, im gonna go with my gut and say you are and with that in mind ill give you one of these  :P and tell you that i dont live in your fantasy world ;D

{lol} Do you ever get tired of being so wrong?  ;D  I was serious!
Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: Deicide on April 21, 2009, 04:47:49 AM
Those guys were hardcore, all the way.

Title: Re: Ten Years After Columbine, It's Easier to Bear Arms
Post by: Soul Crusher on April 21, 2009, 04:58:53 AM
That type of logic should have been used by Black men in the South before the Civil Rights era. I garantee the ranks of the KKK would have been consideriably lower.

Damn right!

That is another reason I find liberal Jews to be the worst type of hypocrite on the planet.  If they only believed in firearm ownership, the Holocaust would never have happened.