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Getbig Misc Discussion Boards => Wrestling Board => Topic started by: mass 04 on May 15, 2009, 09:29:18 AM

Title: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: mass 04 on May 15, 2009, 09:29:18 AM

Ric Flair says he wants to wrestle again, and he's not just saying it; he sent text messages to WWE chairman Vince McMahon and WWE VP of Talent Relations John Laurinaitis offering to replace any of the injured top stars in WWE.

"I want to wrestle again," Flair told Alex Marvez in an interview earlier this week. "I watch (WWE) and I can still do better than 90 percent of the guys there."

Flair says he doesn't want to be limited to just signing autographs and doing promotional appearances when he feels like he's in great shape and could make a ton of money wrestling again.

"People in Europe are offering me a fortune," Flair said. "I'm tired of signing autographs. I can make more money wrestling."

Flair said he went so far to text Vince McMahon asking him why he wasn't included in the recent WWE Draft to Raw, Smackdown, or ECW. "He said I'm retired," said Flair about McMahon's response.

Flair acknowledges the special send-off he received at WrestleMania 24 when he retired, but the tone of the retirement was that Flair didn't feel like he was ready to leave the ring. Flair says he needs WWE's full blessing to return to the ring, but he's itching to return.

"I respect Shawn (Michaels) ... so much that I wouldn't do anything to disrespect them," Flair said. "They would have to give me full approval. They put me in a special place. I think it's going to be a long time before we see something come across again like what they did for me. I didn't think it would be that big a deal. We'll see how this turns out."

Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Playboy on May 15, 2009, 12:29:45 PM
Nature Boy rocks. I would love to see him involved some how again. He turned down a WWE offer of 250,000 / yr to be a general manager. I think he could wrestle again if he wants but up to an extent. Remember, he's up there in age. One wrong fall / bump and its lights out.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: The Showstoppa on May 15, 2009, 02:04:56 PM
I think a position with a lot more mic time. But more in a slowed down fashion like this;

I loved it when he was cool and calm instead of screaming. Strutting and strolling slow. If he put together the Horsemen again and hid behind them it would totally work. Get back to the old school Nature Boy. The stylin and profilin. He can still compete with the young guys but he doesn't have to. He's got the gift of the gab and they should really utilize it.

I couldn't agree more.  Flair is far and away the best ever on the mic.  There are a ton of decent workers in WWE who can't get themselves over, so Flair would be perfect for them. 
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: leonp1981 on May 15, 2009, 04:40:59 PM
I'd like to see him in a more mic orientated role as well, kinda like the old 'Commissioner' role!  I'm sure they could do something with him.  The only slight issue is after the big send off they gave him, can he just come back like that and start wrestling again.  I'm not sure.  I'd maybe give him some interference type stuff until people are used to seeing him around again before putting him into an 'official' match.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: ATHEIST on May 15, 2009, 05:48:36 PM

i always thought Flair would have been a great actor.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Montague on May 16, 2009, 05:06:29 AM
Whens the last time we saw Flair pull a foreign object out of his trunks...

When he invited those three ladies back to his hotel room during the last Australian tour.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Montague on May 16, 2009, 08:50:41 AM
"I want to wrestle again," Flair told Alex Marvez in an interview earlier this week. "I watch (WWE) and I can still do better than 90 percent of the guys there."


Flair said he went so far to text Vince McMahon asking him why he wasn't included in the recent WWE Draft to Raw, Smackdown, or ECW. "He said I'm retired," said Flair about McMahon's response.

So what? Ric's come back from like 27 "retirements."

Flair acknowledges the special send-off he received at WrestleMania 24 when he retired, but the tone of the retirement was that Flair didn't feel like he was ready to leave the ring. Flair says he needs WWE's full blessing to return to the ring, but he's itching to return.

"I respect Shawn (Michaels) ... so much that I wouldn't do anything to disrespect them," Flair said. "They would have to give me full approval. They put me in a special place. I think it's going to be a long time before we see something come across again like what they did for me. I didn't think it would be that big a deal. We'll see how this turns out."

Ya know, I think it would work fine if they played a scene where HBK was the one extending the “invitation” for Ric to come back.

Scene: Michaels – or the company – is in some kind of trouble, and Shawn goes to Flair saying, “Nature Boy, there’s only one guy I can trust to take care of business (or whatever) …We need you, Naitch – now more than ever. Please come back.”

Done in this fashion, it wouldn’t piss on HBK or their WM match.
The guy who retired him is the same one asking for his return, acknowledging his value and necessity.

Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Montague on May 16, 2009, 12:17:36 PM
Have Flair be Flair...



Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Montague on May 16, 2009, 12:19:25 PM
People would accept Legacy a 1000 times more if they were the new Four Horsemen. Add that Smith kid and there you have four.

Don't forget "Mongo."

No Four Horsemen stable is complete without Steve McMichael.

Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Montague on May 16, 2009, 01:02:32 PM
"Shut up fatboy before I take your girlfriend home and make a Women out of Her!" RF

Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Migs on May 16, 2009, 08:09:19 PM
does he bring his own wheelchair?
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: wolfgang187 on May 17, 2009, 11:58:37 AM
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Playboy on May 19, 2009, 04:26:19 AM
It's official. Ric Flair is back on WWE to do a short term stint as WWE wants to keep Triple HHH off television for a while and they believe that Flair can still draw big as he has been doing recently in the Indy circuit for autographs and the odd match. This is as per PDI website.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Montague on May 19, 2009, 04:35:09 AM
It's happening. Flairs back. He's going heel and joining Legacy. Hopefully he takes charge and they become the Horsemen.

I caught a (very) few minutes of the show last night during the Penguins game and saw Orton & crew jump Flair. Batista and Cena ran out to make the save.
Did something else happen after that?
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Playboy on May 19, 2009, 08:32:00 AM
It's happening. Flairs back. He's going heel and joining Legacy. Hopefully he takes charge and they become the Horsemen.
I highly dought this will happen but you never know. If anything, HHH will turn heel upon his return IMO. Flair's stint will be a short one and mostly behind stage.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: UPINTHEMGUTS on May 19, 2009, 09:56:34 AM
Why not put the strap back on Flair one last time? I always wondered why Mcmahon never allowed him to win the title at least once in the last 5 years. At least for a couple of weeks or heading into a PPV.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Playboy on May 19, 2009, 10:53:02 AM
I feel the same way. Flair needs the gold. Who doesn't want to see him as Champion. It was a joke him winning the IC belt. It offended me. VKM can do so much more with this guy. I just don't understand why he doesn't?
Flair was never a WWE/WWF guy. Vince never liked anyone how wasn't his "creation". Look how he mis-used Vader, Sid, Booker T, Scott Steiner, the return of the NWO in 2002, etc. This is actually the main reason why Sting never came to the WWE and declined all offers.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Montague on May 19, 2009, 07:58:50 PM
A lot of things Vince does revolve around timing.
Flair vs. Hogan would have been HUGE, but the Fed was hot at that time, and maybe he was saving the match for a rainy day.

He should try booking it now.

Seriously, I can’t believe it wasn’t planned.
I just think Flair left before it came to fruition.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Playboy on May 20, 2009, 04:23:54 AM
Flair was the Champ. He won the Royal Rumble. I think he was great when he first came to the Federation. With Bobby and Mr. P.. Question here. How did they not have a super main event at Wrestlemania between Hogan and Flair? Why didn't that happen? Remember everyone used to talk about who would win Hulk Hogan or Ric Flair when they worked for different companies. It was the dream match-up that was always in the wrestling mags. I shit myself the day Bobby showed Flairs title and said Flair was coming to the Federation. My friends and I were going bananas!!! Finally Flair vs. Hogan. We'll see who the greatest champ really is? I saw them Wrestle in MSG. It was killer. But why not Mania? Why Savage and not Hogan. Stupid mistake I think and the fans deserved that match! It could have been up there with the Andre/Hogan match. Any thoughts on this? We got ripped off if you ask me.
I remember when he won the Royal Rumble back in 1991 and won the WWE title. WWE IMO fucked up bigtime with him. They should have cashed in with a good Hogan-Flair run. They had a series of tag matches in house shows across the country but never one on one encounters. They could have made TONS of money in a good worked up fued. I would have loved to have seen that match at a good PPV followed by house shows.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: The Showstoppa on May 20, 2009, 07:54:04 AM
I also hated how they did the Hogan/Flair fued in WCW when Hogan joined the nWo.  It made no sense to have Hogan still "hulking up" and beating Flair.  All the jobs Flair did for him, you would think Hogan could put Flair over a bit, but that was expecting too much from him.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: The Showstoppa on May 20, 2009, 11:50:18 AM
chef, I agree.  Imagine having Flair with the belt on him for a few months with Hogan chasing, but in true Nature Boy fashion, Flair keeps narrowly escaping.  Then have the big blowoff match at WM in a cage!  Huge !
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Playboy on May 20, 2009, 01:28:49 PM
I stood by the Federation. I'm so glad I didn't watch any of that. I didn't like any of the NWO guys when they worked for Vince. Except Hulkster, Perfect, and The Razor. Then they became totally different characters in WCW. But remeber that press conference before Mania with Sid, Macho, Hulk, and The Undertaker? When they annouced Hogan was going to face Flair for the title and Hogan was very gayly jumping around all happy. Hogan/Flair could have been the biggest Mania main event besides Hogan/Andre. Maybe even bigger if it was marketed correctly. It was always the "Dream Match" all wrestling fans talked about. Dropped the ball big time on that one.
That's what they should have done. I still don't understand why WWE chose to have Savage fued with Flair and Hogan with Sid.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Playboy on May 21, 2009, 03:59:14 AM

"Don't be ashamed of the butterfly's you got rumbling in that stomach right now." RF
Thats so bad ass. They could have done so much with this. VKM dropped the ball big time on this one.
"I'm here on your doorstep and I just bust that bubble you were living in".
Flair rocks and this funeral parlour interview was amazing.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Eric15210 on May 24, 2009, 03:52:05 PM
maybe Flair could fight his daughter's boyfriend


Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Playboy on May 25, 2009, 04:07:54 AM
"You know how long I had to listen to you talk about the 24" pythons Big Man?" RF

This was the first time they faced each other on TV. Historic. Apologies for continuing to whine over this. Flair vs. Hogan was so built up by word of mouth and wrestling magazines it was unbelievable. Then Flair arrived. Listen to the crowd in that interview. VKM doesn't like to promote stars he didn't create? Business is $$$$. Hogan vs. Flair would have been huge$$$$$$$$. A Mania main event that would always be talked about and always be watched over and over again. The question is? Why Vince why? Listen to the sincerity in Flairs voice when he goes on about "You know how long.........." Undertaker was going to super stardom whether he beat Hogan or not. Anyone could have seen that. He didn't need the push. 
Totally agreed. They could have cashed in large. A WM8 match plus a series of house shows ending in a cage match at summerslam in Wembley Stadium. Just imagine the $$$$$$$$$$$ had they gone that route.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Montague on May 25, 2009, 05:22:29 AM
A WM8 match plus a series of house shows ending in a cage match at summerslam in Wembley Stadium.

Bulldog & Bret still would have been the top of that card.
I don't care who the old man put on after that match. ;)
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: The Showstoppa on May 25, 2009, 08:40:05 AM
maybe Flair could fight his daughter's boyfriend


haha, Natch still out picking up chicks, even when he looks like that.  I remember when that happened in Chapel Hill.  Flair wouldn't press charges when the cops showed up.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Playboy on May 25, 2009, 08:56:48 AM
Bulldog & Bret still would have been the top of that card.
I don't care who the old man put on after that match. ;)
That was one of the best matches I have ever seen. Bulldog & Bret Hart. Two old school stampede wrestlers. What a show they put on.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Montague on May 25, 2009, 09:01:42 AM
haha, Natch still out picking up chicks, even when he looks like that.  I remember when that happened in Chapel Hill.  Flair wouldn't press charges when the cops showed up.

Hey, I used to know some people from Chapel Hill.
What exactly happened?
And when?
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Montague on May 25, 2009, 09:06:09 AM
That was one of the best matches I have ever seen. Bulldog & Bret Hart. Two old school stampede wrestlers. What a show they put on.

Aside from some of his work in NJPW & AJPW, that was one of Davey Boy Smith's GREATEST outings.
Not only did he get to work with someone he knew (and who knew him), but it was another phenomenal worker at that!
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: The Showstoppa on May 25, 2009, 10:58:15 AM
Hey, I used to know some people from Chapel Hill.
What exactly happened?
And when?

Here is the article.  I guess Ashley's bf didn't know how to work... ;D
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Montague on May 25, 2009, 04:18:04 PM
Here is the article.  I guess Ashley's bf didn't know how to work... ;D


Flair probably didn’t press charges because:
a.) He didn’t want the world to know that a 72 time world champion involuntarily jobbed to a 22-y.o. jabroni.
b.) He didn’t want the world to know that his daughter throws a stiffer potato than her 83 time world champion father.
c.) He didn’t want the world to know that, by way of kicking the police’s asses and being taken away in handcuffs, his daughter drew more heat than the stylin' and profilin' 167 time world champion.

Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Playboy on May 26, 2009, 08:34:20 AM
He should grow his hair out again. Reform the horsemen. Then become Heavyweight champion again. What exactly is the problem here Vince?
Would be nice but:

1. Flair is too old to be wrestling and taking bumps full time. He's 60 yrs old.

2. Bringing back the horsemen wouldn't do well with ratings. Look what happened when they tried to bring back the NWO back in 2002. The fans didn't really care for it anymore. Its the past and done with.

I think he should be in the same role as he was with Evaloution. Have like a managerial role or an escort roll with some limited wrestling appearances.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: The Showstoppa on May 26, 2009, 11:42:56 AM
Would be nice but:

1. Flair is too old to be wrestling and taking bumps full time. He's 60 yrs old.

2. Bringing back the horsemen wouldn't do well with ratings. Look what happened when they tried to bring back the NWO back in 2002. The fans didn't really care for it anymore. Its the past and done with.

I think he should be in the same role as he was with Evaloution. Have like a managerial role or an escort roll with some limited wrestling appearances.

You know, I actually watched Flair last night and the in-ring promo got me to thinking.  I think that the in-ring promos are part of the problem.  So little time to develop a "story" when a guy is cutting one.  Fans drowning them out, loss of focus, etc...

One of the coolest things about the Horseman was when they would all come out and cut a longer promo with Crockett, Solie, etc... then you had the confrontations, beatdowns, etc.....

The in-ring ones are generally lame and the confrontation take 5 minutes as the wrestler comes to the ring.

Seems like a small thing, but I say bring back the "announcers booth."
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Playboy on May 27, 2009, 04:19:35 AM
I don't think we need Flair full time in the ring. Just give him the belt and have him never defend it. Like for a year. He has nothing left to prove. The show needs the theatrics back. Flair can bring that. More drama and talking. Less wrestling. Put some pretty chicks around him. Just be the out spoken character that is "Nature Boy" Ric Flair.

As for the Horsemen? As long as Flair has the reigns. It will work. The good life. The Styling and profilin. Holding up four fingers. Don't ever compare them to the NWO. Us true Federation fans didn't accept the NWO. Good try boys but you weren't welcome back. They were a bunch of sell outs and I'm personally glad it failed. The Horsemen shall ride again. I just don't wanna see it in TNA. Never again. Sting vs. Flair.
NWA / WCW tried to bing back the horsemen many, many times and it failed miserably. Nothing beat the original tandem of Arn, Tully, Ole & Flair. The rest were simply wannabe's. The horsemen were at their prime in 1986.

NWO might have worked in the WWE had Scott Hall not gotten drunk on a plane ride home from Europe and fired and Nash out with a torn quad but they made a TON of money for Bishoff cna Turner as well as them selves. Hall & Nash had a net income of 1.1 million, 1.6 million and 1.9 million for each of three years in WCW and then renued their contract till it expired in 2001. Hogan was making 3 million per year + 150,000 per each Nitro & Thunder appearence. Love 'em or hate 'em in the end, their wallets are full.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Montague on May 27, 2009, 05:44:45 AM
Not trying to diminish the value of Hogan & co., but most of Turner’s talent was overpaid by “industry standards.”

Again, I’m not debating the above three guys’ status or worth…
Just saying that a lot of guys were lucky to be making as much money as they did, and the top tier guys like Hogan were making even more than they would have doing the same work for Vince.

Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Playboy on May 27, 2009, 11:06:31 AM
Not trying to diminish the value of Hogan & co., but most of Turner’s talent was overpaid by “industry standards.”

Again, I’m not debating the above three guys’ status or worth…
Just saying that a lot of guys were lucky to be making as much money as they did, and the top tier guys like Hogan were making even more than they would have doing the same work for Vince.

Very true. The competition between the two brands definately helped bring the pay scale up. Its only fair though for a guy who takes bumps 6 days a week and travels 300+ days a year. Wrestlers were grossly underpaid at one time and only major stars made money. IMO I think Hall, Nash, Bret, Savage, Hogan, etc were smart to jump ship to WCW. More money, less work rate. In the real world if someone offered you a job for a 100,000 dollars per year and then another individual came up to you and offered you 500,000 per year to do the same job, what would you do? Its business. Money talks and B.S. walks.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Montague on May 27, 2009, 11:37:10 AM
Gorilla Monsoon always said that wrestling is a business.
And if you’re in business for any reason other than money, you’re a fool.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: UPINTHEMGUTS on May 27, 2009, 05:13:08 PM
Would be nice but:

1. Flair is too old to be wrestling and taking bumps full time. He's 60 yrs old.

2. Bringing back the horsemen wouldn't do well with ratings. Look what happened when they tried to bring back the NWO back in 2002. The fans didn't really care for it anymore. Its the past and done with.
I think he should be in the same role as he was with Evaloution. Have like a managerial role or an escort roll with some limited wrestling appearances.

Disagree respectfully about the NWO in WWE. In my opinion, had Kevin Nash not torn his quadricep in a match, literally within a month of Hogan leaving, I think Vince would have really tried to take the NWO to further heights. If you remember, they were working on an angle to get Triple HHH to join the NWO. They already had Shawn Michaels in the group at that point. But then the injury to Nash occurred and Vince purposely on live TV dropped the NWO angle in front of a live audience, rather abruptly.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Andy Griffin on May 27, 2009, 06:04:13 PM

Flair probably didn’t press charges because:
a.) He didn’t want the world to know that a 72 time world champion involuntarily jobbed to a 22-y.o. jabroni.
b.) He didn’t want the world to know that his daughter throws a stiffer potato than her 83 time world champion father.
c.) He didn’t want the world to know that, by way of kicking the police’s asses and being taken away in handcuffs, his daughter drew more heat than the stylin' and profilin' 167 time world champion.


When ya walk that aisle...
If you don't like it...learn to love it!!  To BE the man, you gotta BEAT the man!!!

Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: mass 04 on May 27, 2009, 07:10:53 PM
It was just for a showdown between DX and the NWO. I remember when that was happening. VKM realised it wasn't going to work. The real fans of the Federation that never sold out wouldn't accept these clowns. New New New World Order. 4 Life. I hated those guys. Does anyone here own a NWO t-shirt?
True story. A guy at my gym wears NWO, Austin 3:16, and a Rock shirt.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Playboy on May 28, 2009, 04:28:29 AM
It was just for a showdown between DX and the NWO. I remember when that was happening. VKM realised it wasn't going to work. The real fans of the Federation that never sold out wouldn't accept these clowns. New New New World Order. 4 Life. I hated those guys. Does anyone here own a NWO t-shirt?
I have an NWO, HHH and Austin 3:16 teeshirts  :)
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Playboy on May 28, 2009, 04:36:58 AM
This is what I don't understand about the contuing statement that VKM doesn't push wrestlers he doesn't create? The guy is a business man and is after the almighty buck$. Take the Big Show for example. VKM didn't create him? He even wears the same wrestling trunks as when he was in WCW. What about Luger? What about Austin, Flair, and Foley? That statement makes no sense to Chef Timmy. Show me the money!
It makes perfect sense. Show and Austin were nobody's till they came to the federation and got moulded into stars. Lugar went no where in the 2 year fram he was with the WWE. In fact, he was given the big fight at WM10 against Yokozuna and the match was horrible. Later on he was put into stale fueds and used to job. Foley was soley used because of his "stunt" capability. Who else could take a dive off the top of a hell in the cell, through a table, thumb tacks, multiple chair shots, etc. Then once his body started failing him, Vince discharged him. Now where is he?? TNA. Not WWE. Yes, it IS all about the MONEY. Money talks, and bullshit walks.  ;)
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Playboy on May 28, 2009, 11:44:23 AM
Of course Foley was always used for his "stunt" capability. Thats what he did. He just was made famous with the Cell Dives. The guy peaked and couldn't go any further without killing himself. Big Show I think is just a Big of Star in the Federation as he was in WCW. He's the same exact guy. He just had better talent to work with in WWE and he really matured in the ring. Luger went nowhere because he sucks. Eric Bischoff will tell you that. Now what about Benoit, Eddie, Rey Rey, Tully, Arn, King, The Road Warriors, and JR? There's so many of them VKM didn't create. WWE tries to market them and if it doesn't work it doesn't work. Sting wouldn't make it in the Federation because he's lame and always has been lame. The way that I see it and will always see it is the Federation is the main stage. Not everyone can do it. I cannot see how VKM would sabotage another wrestler just because he didn't create them? He wants the money any which way he can make it. Who cares if he didn't create the character. Can you give me some examples besides wrestlers that blew from the get go and were'nt there just to fill the roster.
Again, the Show (known as the Giant) in WCW was getting his ass kicked weekl by the NWO and its members and was no where near the popularity he has with WWE. Benoit, Eddie and Ray Mysterio were low card wrestlers in WCW. They didn't become stars until they wrestled in the WWE. So you can't say that they were "ready made stars" so to speak because they were not. That is why they left WCW and headed to WWE in the first place. It worked out great for them as they became amazing stars after that.

The list of wrestlers that were already stars that Vince didn't create and destroyed or used wrong are Vader, Lugar (although he stinks as a wrestler he was big in JCP aka NWA), Alundra Blayze (aka Meduca Micelli who was huge in AWA & WCW), Booker T, Scott Steiner, Terry Taylor (with the stupid red rooster gimmick), Arn & Tully (they only had a one year stint, won the titles for 2 months and lost them only to become mid-carders & jobbers at house shows for the remainder of their stint), Gene Snitsky, Warlord & Barbarian (who were big in JCP aka NWA), Terry & Dory Funk (in the eighties), IRS (aka Mike Rotunda who was tops in NWA but a mid-low carder in WWE), The Blu Brothers and even the Road Warriors. Their first stint in the early ninties which lasted a whole 9 months were they won the tag titles and lost them immediately to the Natural Disasters and then used to job. Their mid ninties run was a disaster. Nothing but mid carders and then that ridiculous angle where a drunk Hawk threatening to commit suicide by jumping off the titantron. This is how you use the one of the greatest tag teams in wrestling history??? Are you kidding me? Sting only didn't join and turned down McMahon's offers because he knew if he signed he would be used poorly. Sting was HUGE in WCCW & WCW in the eighties and ninties. So what your saying makes no sense.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Montague on May 28, 2009, 12:35:47 PM
I think both of you are getting parts of this right.
Now put them together…

In regards to the old man not sabotaging his own product, you’re right – he would never intentionally shoot for lousy ratings.
Past WWF’ers have admitted that Vince used to do things for his own amusement – i.e. The Red Rooster, Ricky Steamboat’s “dragon” Halloween costume, etc.
And he has been known to “even scores” with some people, like putting Harley Race (a mutli-x NWA champion) in a program with JYD at the biggest WM ever.

**But when it comes to business, Vince will cast aside ALL differences in the interest of making money.**
But also remember that Vince is human - he can and does make mistakes.

When you take all of this into account, there is plenty of talent that has been misused, but for a variety of reasons; not just one definite.
Likewise, there have been lots of guys who’ve made it big, again, for a variety of reasons; not just one constant.

There are lots of determining factors at work here.
And I believe Sting when he says he was afraid of what WWF might do with him, but not because I think they would intentionally use him wrong (despite what Borden says). Any company in any industry can accidentally misuse talent.
So can Vince.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Playboy on May 28, 2009, 12:47:05 PM
All I know is i've been watching wrestling regularily since 1983 including all territories and I have seen MANY stars come to WWE only to be crushed by Vince. You also need to remember that Vince McMahon is an egomaniac. His WWE take home pay after taxes is 45,100,000.00 .... according to time magazine and when you make that kind of cash, do you really care about crushing a few stars who were big with competition before they came to your federation? It's like I said before. Money talks and bullshit walks.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Playboy on May 28, 2009, 01:26:48 PM
Flair is an old man too and you suggested putting the world title on him in today's WWE.

Race lost to Hogan, yes...but....he had the big fight and then he was reduced to jobbing to bigger stars. You don't make a guy who's had a stellar career like Race job to people. 
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Playboy on May 28, 2009, 01:34:39 PM
This is what the down fall is now. There's just not one leader of the WWE anymore like there always used to be. All those mid card guys were good but not great. Now they try to utilize everyone by having so many titles and constantly switching them around. How it used to be was everyone was chasing one guy.All the guys that were from other organizations never reached their true potential. They needed more experience. Look at Big Show. How much better did that guy get since joining the WWE? Unless their a genius on the mic. I think alot has to do with their in ring ability and how far their gonna push themselves. A team like the Road Warriors were so far above every other tag team that they had no where to go? Absolutely the drunk Hawk thing was stupid and I wish never happened. But no way do I believe it was VKM trying to bury thse two guys? One fans trash is  another fans treasure. Sting was big in the South. Sting wouldn't have drawn anything in the WWE because he is probably the most over rated wrestler to ever put on a pair of tights! And once he came to the big stage he would have been exposed. When the come to Vince they're all diamonds in the rough.  He just figures out how to make them shine.
Very well said. But you must remember. WWE is NOT the only wrestling promotion out there. Especially in the days of NWA, AWA, WCCW, Memphis wrestling, etc. Guys make TONS of money in Japan, Europe, Australia and North America especially with TNA now climbing up there. Vince did a great job with Austin, Eddie, Rey and a few others but he buried others as well.  
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Playboy on May 28, 2009, 01:35:56 PM
Bad example Playboy. You cannot compare Ric Flair to anyone. I never watched Race until he came up North. By then he was a fat old man. He didn't appeal to a 14 year old Chef to be Timmy. Without I don't know anything about his past career. Just about his federation days. I don't think he did too bad in the WWE. He had Bobby as a manager and he was the King which was kinda prestigious during that time period. So what if he had a pie fight with Duggan.
he's 60  :-\
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Montague on May 28, 2009, 07:54:04 PM
... Vince McMahon is an egomaniac. His WWE take home pay after taxes is 45,100,000.00 .... according to time magazine and when you make that kind of cash, do you really care about crushing a few stars...

I don't doubt that one bit - there's no other explanation for giving a guy a red mohawk and making him cluck like a chicken.

I just don't believe that self-amusement or spite are the only reasons Vince has misused talent.
Not every idea the old man gets is golden.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Montague on May 28, 2009, 08:35:18 PM
Bad example Playboy. You cannot compare Ric Flair to anyone. I never watched Race until he came up North. By then he was a fat old man. He didn't appeal to a 14 year old Chef to be Timmy. Without I don't know anything about his past career. Just about his federation days. I don't think he did too bad in the WWE. He had Bobby as a manager and he was the King which was kinda prestigious during that time period. So what if he had a pie fight with Duggan.

Harley worked all over the place in the 70’s and early 80’s.
HUGE runs in NWA and Japan.
He had a great deal of respect from a lot of the boys – also had a reputation for drinking…a lot…even before TV tapings.

He was drunk at the ‘87 Slammy’s when he crashed into Hillbilly Jim's farm animal set and started chasing after some of the chickens.
And during his crowning ceremony he tripped and fell, catapulting Lord Littlebrook – the midget holding the end of his robe – out of the ring. He bent his crown and was bleeding from the head, but got up and tried to carry on all serious.
He was a lot of fun, but very respected.

I don’t know what kind of promoter he was, but I know he caused some problems for WWF when they came to the KC area for shows. Race would try to sabotage the venue, etc.
So there’s always been some speculation that Vince later put Harley in some stupid programs as sort of an act of revenge.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: calfzilla on May 29, 2009, 01:33:54 AM
I saw Flair once live at a house show, and he was amazing.  Just the way he moved was so entertaining.  Oh yeah, did he mention he was just managing Triple H at the time, and he didn't even say anything!  Truly talented. 
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: windsor88 on May 29, 2009, 02:20:11 AM
Harley Race was huge in St. Louis when he was on Wrestling at the Chase.  That was early to mid 70's though. 
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Playboy on May 29, 2009, 04:23:55 AM
I saw Flair once live at a house show, and he was amazing.  Just the way he moved was so entertaining.  Oh yeah, did he mention he was just managing Triple H at the time, and he didn't even say anything!  Truly talented. 
You would enjoy the horsemen DVD and the Ric Flair triple disk DVD. They are by far the best wrestling DVD's I bought and the biography and stories are amazing.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Playboy on May 29, 2009, 09:24:14 AM
I'm gonna go and get them. The only ones I have is the Undertaker and HBK discs. They both rock.
You'll truly enjoy them. There is alot revealed on both regarding back stage politics, etc. They are both well done and the best dvd's out there.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: mass 04 on June 04, 2009, 02:44:52 PM

Ric Flair is expected to re-sign with WWE and resume the role of ambassador, according to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. Flair gave up that position to work independently 10 months ago because he felt he could make more money working outside the company. He will be making his advertised non-WWE bookings, but it's unclear whether he will still return to the ring
on the proposed overseas tour that he had been negotiating.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: leonp1981 on June 06, 2009, 02:47:37 PM
The guy is going to stay in wrestling until the day he dies. The fans will always accept him. Not dissing on Nature Boy here. Whats everyone think here? Is he broke, does he just live for the business, or is it both?

He likes the high life, and the high life costs money.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Montague on June 07, 2009, 05:09:05 AM
Is he broke, does he just live for the business, or is it both?

I don’t know much at all about Flair’s personal business, but I believe I’ve read (maybe here) that he filed for bankruptcy years ago.

Either way, yes; I believe he loves the business.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Playboy on June 08, 2009, 04:05:01 AM
I don’t know much at all about Flair’s personal business, but I believe I’ve read (maybe here) that he filed for bankruptcy years ago.

Either way, yes; I believe he loves the business.
He is far from broke. He was making 500,000 plus for two decades. He just went through two recent divorces and until his recent divorce is final his assets are locked. He's loaded. Don't kid yourself.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Montague on June 08, 2009, 05:50:51 AM
It’s not just about how much you make, but also how much you spend vs. how much you save.

Divorces – especially multiple ones – take a heavy toll as well.

Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Playboy on June 08, 2009, 07:56:42 AM
It’s not just about how much you make, but also how much you spend vs. how much you save.

Divorces – especially multiple ones – take a heavy toll as well.

Good point. I'm sure the nature boy has a load of cash tucked away in a private bank. These guys are smart. They have personal investors, agents, etc.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Montague on June 08, 2009, 02:51:23 PM
They have personal investors, agents, etc.

The smart ones do.
The ones who make that kind of money and have nothing to show for it in their later years are pathetic.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Playboy on June 09, 2009, 04:09:10 AM
The smart ones do.
The ones who make that kind of money and have nothing to show for it in their later years are pathetic.
Lugar is a prime example of that.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Montague on June 09, 2009, 06:06:58 AM
ESPECIALLY those WCW guys from about the Jim Herd era on...
And once Bischoff took over Turner’s checkbook…


Don’t expect me to feel sorry for your stupid ass.
Title: Re: Flair wants to wrestle again
Post by: Painlayer69 on June 16, 2009, 05:59:45 PM
He may be able to still tell a DECENT story at best but wrestling better than 90 percent of the guys already there??? Dont make me laugh.