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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: big L dawg on June 24, 2009, 11:43:19 AM

Title: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: big L dawg on June 24, 2009, 11:43:19 AM
when are people gonna realize this.human beings have a genetic predisposition to spread there seed.I'm sick of hearing all this shit in the news about this person having an affair,or that couple is getting a divorce.Like this latest shit with Gov.Sanford.or the whole john & Kate shit.everyone just shut the fuck up...people don't want to fuck the same person there entire lives.get over it.and you suckers for love that think you and your wife,girlfriend are your not.It's in a bitches DNA to always move up the Alpha male latter.More $,more muscle,more security,more everything.And guys...please don't even start.they can't get enough pussy it's in our genetic makeup.......meltdown bitches.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Mars on June 24, 2009, 11:44:24 AM
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Matterhorn on June 24, 2009, 11:47:48 AM

Thanks for the valuable input. Now I make a Power Point presentation for my girl friend. I'm sure she'll understand.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: lax on June 24, 2009, 11:48:15 AM
Marriage, for many, is the breeding ground of tragedy.

Your wife has the unilateral power to simply
one day
awken, turn to you in bed and say:

"I don't know what I want..."

"I need some time..."

"Give me some space..."

All of which= you have already gotten the 'heave-ho', and she is banging elsewehere.


she deprives you of all of your possessions

not good business
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Mars on June 24, 2009, 11:48:26 AM
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: uberman09 on June 24, 2009, 12:02:06 PM
if you are impressionable and watch too much tv, have very poor understanding of the human spirit and poor communication skills like most people in occident nowadays you are more prone to cheat or be cheated on by the woman you live with.

Basically the supidest, the more superficial you are, the lesser are the chances you'll ever be able to build and maintain an healthy relationship with a woman.

The smartest men on earth often have the skill to live with the same woman for their whole life. Because they have superior communication skills. Everything can be solved by communicating and convincing other people. These people also often develop a strong capacity to check themselves, to question themselves. They dont just ask othe rpeople to change but they are also able to change themselves, even if they dont look like they do.
Also, creating, maintaining a sane and positive relationship with someone becomes more and more productive the longer the relationship lasts.

But again, not everyone has the capacities to do so.

A lot of people involved into bodybuilding/fitness also often think that they re body is everything and that because they have a nice looking body it means they don't have to muscle their brains.
A lot of stupid people also think that the most important things in life are money, looks and for most on here, muscles.

When in fact it's your communication skills that allow you to get what you need and be satisfied with it on all levels.

It's pretty annoying to read the comments/ lame one liners on the subject from people who think on the subject mainly with what they see on TV .

There are strong minded people who build life long relationships and they get rarer by the day. You just dont hear/see em a lot because nowadays it's all about consuming people liek you consume material goods.
People throw each others thru the windows for nothing just because they sometimes face the fact that you have to work with the person you live with to go ahead of your common issues.
But people prefer to flee and start it all again over and over, just because they are not able to change themselves, or transform their relationships and adapt it when needed.

And if you can't get your girl to change, or if you can't get yourself to change when necessary to balance your couple, then you should go read some books.

Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Croatch on June 24, 2009, 12:08:43 PM
Face it, no matter how hot your girl, you always want to nail at least a dozen other pussies you see that day.  Welcome to being a man.  It's rough, but we somehow manage.  Remember, porn doesn't count as cheating.  Nail 10s all day long. ;D
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: polychronopolous on June 24, 2009, 12:17:26 PM
Carpenters screw.

I prefer the term "make love" or "fuck".
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: uberman09 on June 24, 2009, 12:19:04 PM
Face it, no matter how hot your girl, you always want to nail at least a dozen other pussies you see that day.  Welcome to being a man.  It's rough, but we somehow manage.  Remember, porn doesn't count as cheating.  Nail 10s all day long. ;D

this constant attraction to different things /people is only promoted by the modern world we live in. If you look at the sources that motivate people to look elsewhere, wether we're talking about buying new stuff or develop a strong desire for someone else,  it's always TV, movies etc.

Porn is absolutely not the answer, as it is part of the problem. Long term and constant porn viewing deeply alters your mind in the long run. Being quite a recent phenomena , it is abolutely certain that in some decades (psychological) studies on generations of "users" will point how bad its influence is and how bad it affects relationships between men and women.

When people had no accesses to all these medias constantly promoting adultery, drama and deviant behaviors, they were a lot less prone to reproduce these behaviors or cognitive schemes. The current modern society is the reason number one why people keep feeding themselves unconsciously with very bad influences on a daily basis.

Most people nowadays think life is all about instant satisfaction, and that a relationship is all about sex and money.  That's because it is exactly the message sent 24/7 by TV and medias. This is also what sells best. That everything is either black, or white, and that if it doesnt work, why fix it? just go to the "supermarket" and pick a different person/experience. You can't build anything doing this over and over, but it's exactly the kind of behavior that the occidental society promotes. Our moden occidental societies are factories that produce schyzoid people. We re building our own despair.

Often you hear people saying that what they re doing is ok , cause "everyone else does it" and because it's what they see on TV.

Take a look at how loyal people are in third world countries, where being stable and trustworthy toward your couple, familly and community is still deeply important.

That's because everythign is way too easy, that's because people are spoiled in occident, that they forgot about all these values and keep destroying em on a daily basis. It's no wonder the shock between people from other parts of the world where values are still important and spoiled occidentals is and will become increasingly violent.

Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: polychronopolous on June 24, 2009, 12:20:40 PM
Show me a hot woman and I will show you someone who is tired of fucking her.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Army of One on June 24, 2009, 12:24:52 PM
this constant attraction to different things /people is only promoted by the modern world we live in. If you look at the sources that motivate people to look elsewhere, wether we're talking about buying new stuff or develop a strong desire for someone else,  it's always TV, movies etc.

Porn is absolutely not the answer, as it is part of the problem. Long term and constant porn viewing deeply alters your mind in the long run. Being quite a recent phenomena , it is abolutely certain that in some decades (psychological) studies on generations of "users" will point how bad its influence is and how bad it affects relationships between men and women.

When people had no accesses to all these medias constantly promoting adultery, drama and deviant behaviors, they were a lot less prone to reproduce these behaviors or cognitive schemes. The current modern society is the reason number one why people keep feeding themselves unconsciously with very bad influences on a daily basis.

Most people nowadays think life is all about instant satisfaction, and that a relationship is all about sex and money.  That's because it is exactly the message sent 24/7 by TV and medias. This is also what sells best. That everything is either black, or white, and that if it doesnt work, why fix it? just go to the "supermarket" and pick a different person/experience. You can't build anything doing this over and over, but it's exactly the kind of behavior that the occidental society promotes. Our moden occidental societies are factories that produce schyzoid people. We re building our own despair.

Often you hear people saying that what they re doing is ok , cause "everyone else does it" and because it's what they see on TV.

Take a look at how loyal people are in third world countries, where being stable and trustworthy toward your couple, familly and community is still deeply important.

That's because everythign is way too easy, that's because people are spoiled in occident, that they forgot about all these values and keep destroying em on a daily basis. It's no wonder the shock between people from other parts of the world where values are still important and spoiled occidentals is and will become increasingly violent.

Your arguments are great and very on the nail but too intelligent to be posted here.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Matterhorn on June 24, 2009, 12:25:21 PM
Show me a hot woman and I will show you someone who is tired of fucking her.

Well said!
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: kiwiol on June 24, 2009, 12:26:15 PM
Who you "screw" is an act of choice, so it's silly to talk about what is "meant to be" in this context. There are people who stay with one person their whole life, just like there are others who go through many partners - whether they are happy or sad or content or miserable or faithful or a cheat depends on a whole lot of circumstances that varies from person to person, time to time and relationship to relationship.

Like any other human behavioral trait, relationships and people's view of them as well as what they get out of them runs the whole gamut.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: polychronopolous on June 24, 2009, 12:27:35 PM
Well said!


polychronopolous the Greek Philosopher!!
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: uberman09 on June 24, 2009, 12:29:44 PM
Show me a hot woman and I will show you someone who is tired of fucking her.

Show me a "hot" man and...

it obviously means you cant just feed yourself with the body or money of someone else, more important things have to happen/take place between a man and a woman. Like.... discussions and constant self questionning with the help of each other. A strong, shared Will to better each other too. This is how a man learn to become a real man and a woman also learns how to become a real woman. And how they should both learn how to become useful parents.

answers to all the questions are into educating yourself reading some philosophy/psychology related books, all of this is very old and the solutions have always been the same. Think by yourself, become conscious of the conditionings that make you ruin your own life folowing bad principles everyoen else follow because it's the "norm" .  Again it's just another proof that you can get as muscular/ good looking/rich you want, if you're not smart enough you're going to miss a lot important of things that only reading/thinking can allow you to access to.

Hapiness, alone or living with someone, can only be accessed by self questionning instead of following massively and deeply spread trends without any after thoughts.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: big L dawg on June 24, 2009, 12:32:30 PM
if you are impressionable and watch too much tv, have very poor understanding of the human spirit and poor communication skills like most people in occident nowadays you are more prone to cheat or be cheated on by the woman you live with.

Basically the supidest, the more superficial you are, the lesser are the chances you'll ever be able to build and maintain an healthy relationship with a woman.

The smartest men on earth often have the skill to live with the same woman for their whole life. Because they have superior communication skills. Everything can be solved by communicating and convincing other people. These people also often develop a strong capacity to check themselves, to question themselves. They dont just ask othe rpeople to change but they are also able to change themselves, even if they dont look like they do.
Also, creating, maintaining a sane and positive relationship with someone becomes more and more productive the longer the relationship lasts.

But again, not everyone has the capacities to do so.

A lot of people involved into bodybuilding/fitness also often think that they re body is everything and that because they have a nice looking body it means they don't have to muscle their brains.
A lot of stupid people also think that the most important things in life are money, looks and for most on here, muscles.

When in fact it's your communication skills that allow you to get what you need and be satisfied with it on all levels.

It's pretty annoying to read the comments/ lame one liners on the subject from people who think on the subject mainly with what they see on TV .

There are strong minded people who build life long relationships and they get rarer by the day. You just dont hear/see em a lot because nowadays it's all about consuming people liek you consume material goods.
People throw each others thru the windows for nothing just because they sometimes face the fact that you have to work with the person you live with to go ahead of your common issues.
But people prefer to flee and start it all again over and over, just because they are not able to change themselves, or transform their relationships and adapt it when needed.

And if you can't get your girl to change, or if you can't get yourself to change when necessary to blance your couple, then you should go read some books.

I've lived with my girlfriend for quite a few years my friend.And I know family and friends that have coexisted with there spouse for decades.....not sure what that has to do with having sex with the same person for your entire life though.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Matterhorn on June 24, 2009, 12:34:40 PM
Show me a "hot" man and...

it obviously means you cant just feed yourself with the body or money of someone else, more important things have to happen/take place between a man and a woman. Like.... discussions and constant self questionning with the help of each other.

answers to all the questions are into educating yourself reading some philosophy/psychology related books, all of this is very old and the solutions have always been the same. Think by yourself, become conscious of the conditionings that make you ruin your own life folowing bad principles everyoen else follow because it's the "norm" .  Again it's just another proof that you can get as muscular/ good looking/rich you want, if you're not smart enough you're going to miss a lot important of things that only reading/thinking can allow you to access to.

Hapiness, alone or living with someone, can only be accessed by self questionning instead of following massively and deeply spread trends without any after thoughts.

Women who read are hot.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: noworries on June 24, 2009, 12:37:33 PM
Tell Goodrum that
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: ksa_triceps on June 24, 2009, 12:41:17 PM
great posts uberman09.

I'm monogamous and lovin' it!
IMO men are less influenced by the media when it comes to relationships. they tend to cope/settle with what they have once they reach a certain level. i may be wrong but that's how i see it.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: tbombz on June 24, 2009, 12:47:18 PM
New pussy is always superior to old pussy, as long as all the other variables are equal.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: StickStickly on June 24, 2009, 12:49:20 PM
this constant attraction to different things /people is only promoted by the modern world we live in. If you look at the sources that motivate people to look elsewhere, wether we're talking about buying new stuff or develop a strong desire for someone else,  it's always TV, movies etc.

Porn is absolutely not the answer, as it is part of the problem. Long term and constant porn viewing deeply alters your mind in the long run. Being quite a recent phenomena , it is abolutely certain that in some decades (psychological) studies on generations of "users" will point how bad its influence is and how bad it affects relationships between men and women.

When people had no accesses to all these medias constantly promoting adultery, drama and deviant behaviors, they were a lot less prone to reproduce these behaviors or cognitive schemes. The current modern society is the reason number one why people keep feeding themselves unconsciously with very bad influences on a daily basis.

Most people nowadays think life is all about instant satisfaction, and that a relationship is all about sex and money.  That's because it is exactly the message sent 24/7 by TV and medias. This is also what sells best. That everything is either black, or white, and that if it doesnt work, why fix it? just go to the "supermarket" and pick a different person/experience. You can't build anything doing this over and over, but it's exactly the kind of behavior that the occidental society promotes. Our moden occidental societies are factories that produce schyzoid people. We re building our own despair.

Often you hear people saying that what they re doing is ok , cause "everyone else does it" and because it's what they see on TV.

Take a look at how loyal people are in third world countries, where being stable and trustworthy toward your couple, familly and community is still deeply important.

That's because everythign is way too easy, that's because people are spoiled in occident, that they forgot about all these values and keep destroying em on a daily basis. It's no wonder the shock between people from other parts of the world where values are still important and spoiled occidentals is and will become increasingly violent.

Uberman with some laser like precision here owning all the tv drones.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: uberman09 on June 24, 2009, 12:49:55 PM
knowing deeply the same person you spent decades with is also beneficial to both your own survival, and this is how it was meant to be in the first place.

Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: big L dawg on June 24, 2009, 12:52:44 PM
great posts uberman09.

I'm monogamous and lovin' it!
IMO men are less influenced by the media when it comes to relationships. they tend to cope/settle with what they have once they reach a certain level. i may be wrong but that's how i see it.'ve only had sex with one girl?
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: big L dawg on June 24, 2009, 12:53:50 PM
how bout you Uberman...One lifetime partner?
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: uberman09 on June 24, 2009, 12:54:37 PM
how bout you Uberman...One lifetime partner?

two. And a lot of good books.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: big L dawg on June 24, 2009, 01:05:11 PM
OK....was just curious. I've had these type's of debate a few other times and have yet to find a person in disagreement with me that had actually had one sex partner there entire life.the funniest time was with a guy that was all upset by my stance because of his religious views yet was on his fourth marriage.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: lax on June 24, 2009, 01:09:17 PM
knowing deeply the same person you spent decades with is also beneficial to both your own survival, and this is how it was meant to be in the first place.

you at least THINK you know 'em

you never really do

Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: polychronopolous on June 24, 2009, 01:12:38 PM
OK....was just curious. I've had these type's of debate a few other times and have yet to find a person in disagreement with me that had actually had one sex partner there entire life.the funniest time was with a guy that was all upset by my stance because of his religious views yet was on his fourth marriage.

When did you talk to Joe "The Coach" Marino about this?
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: liberalismo on June 24, 2009, 01:14:00 PM
If you marry someone that you actually love, and someone you are compatible with...then a lifelong marriage is no problem at all.

If you marry only for money...
If you marry only for appearance...
If you marry only for sex...
If you marry on a whim...
If you marry to impress people...
If you marry just to marry...
If you're unwilling to work at improving and maintaining your marriage...

It will fail.

People are stupid and lazy, this is why marriages fail. They marry for the wrong reasons and are never willing to maintain or WORK to improve their relationships and thus this is why marriages often fail and why infidelity is so common.

Plenty of people marry and remain faithful UNTIL DEATH. Enough do this to prove that humans are not genetically predispositioned to be unfaithful.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: jack_ftype on June 24, 2009, 01:15:29 PM
well said Uberman
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: technokc on June 24, 2009, 01:18:08 PM
this constant attraction to different things /people is only promoted by the modern world we live in. If you look at the sources that motivate people to look elsewhere, wether we're talking about buying new stuff or develop a strong desire for someone else,  it's always TV, movies etc.

Porn is absolutely not the answer, as it is part of the problem. Long term and constant porn viewing deeply alters your mind in the long run. Being quite a recent phenomena , it is abolutely certain that in some decades (psychological) studies on generations of "users" will point how bad its influence is and how bad it affects relationships between men and women.

When people had no accesses to all these medias constantly promoting adultery, drama and deviant behaviors, they were a lot less prone to reproduce these behaviors or cognitive schemes. The current modern society is the reason number one why people keep feeding themselves unconsciously with very bad influences on a daily basis.

Most people nowadays think life is all about instant satisfaction, and that a relationship is all about sex and money.  That's because it is exactly the message sent 24/7 by TV and medias. This is also what sells best. That everything is either black, or white, and that if it doesnt work, why fix it? just go to the "supermarket" and pick a different person/experience. You can't build anything doing this over and over, but it's exactly the kind of behavior that the occidental society promotes. Our moden occidental societies are factories that produce schyzoid people. We re building our own despair.

Often you hear people saying that what they re doing is ok , cause "everyone else does it" and because it's what they see on TV.

Take a look at how loyal people are in third world countries, where being stable and trustworthy toward your couple, familly and community is still deeply important.

That's because everythign is way too easy, that's because people are spoiled in occident, that they forgot about all these values and keep destroying em on a daily basis. It's no wonder the shock between people from other parts of the world where values are still important and spoiled occidentals is and will become increasingly violent.

You obviously are a pretty intelligent guy, however I disagree with your view on porn.  In your previous post you stated how the instant gratification types see these things in the media and this causes them to want to cheat.  However most likely people like this will cheat regardless of seeing this on the web or on tv because hot women exist in real life.  Supermarket, gym, bar etc.  

If you are an intellectual who focuses on communicating and keeping your relationship intact then porn should not effect you negatively and in actuality can bring further enjoyment to a relationship. The couple that feels completely secure in their relationship will not correlate the simple act of viewing porn with cheating.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: liberalismo on June 24, 2009, 01:19:19 PM
Face it, no matter how hot your girl, you always want to nail at least a dozen other pussies you see that day.  Welcome to being a man.  It's rough, but we somehow manage.  Remember, porn doesn't count as cheating.  Nail 10s all day long. ;D

You're confused. Appearance is only a small part of the equation. Trying to build up a relationship with someone based only on appearance would be like trying to build a house just using nails and having no wood or bricks or any material. It won't work.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: io856 on June 24, 2009, 01:19:58 PM
what would Jay Cutler have to say on this?
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Meso_z on June 24, 2009, 01:23:55 PM

hahaha wtf is that?  ;D
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: liberalismo on June 24, 2009, 01:25:50 PM
You obviously are a pretty intelligent guy, however I disagree with your view on porn.  In your previous post you stated how the instant gratification types see these things in the media and this causes them to want to cheat.  However most likely people like this will cheat regardless of seeing this on the web or on tv because hot women exist in real life.  Supermarket, gym, bar etc.  

If you are an intellectual who focuses on communicating and keeping your relationship intact then porn should not effect you negatively and in actuality can bring further enjoyment to a relationship. The couple that feels completely secure in their relationship will not correlate the simple act of viewing porn with cheating.

I think that if you're with the right woman, you don't need to look at other women (in real life or as pornography).

People using pornography are lusting after OTHER people aside from their wives or husbands. If a man lusts after OTHER women, then he is not totally focused on his wife and this is a form of infidelity. It's just a sign that your not 100% dedicated to this one person and that you need others to satisfy you. If this is the case, you probably aren't right for this person and they probably aren't right for you. It's an unstable situation. Surely, looking at porn is not equal to having sex with another woman but the same principle applies. The same reason why "cheating" is bad is why using porno in a marriage is bad.

There are probably statistics out there showing that pornography increases infidelity, I've seen them before. Someone might be able to find them if they want.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: polychronopolous on June 24, 2009, 01:26:49 PM

You're confused. Appearance is only a small part of the equation. Trying to build up a relationship with someone based only on appearance would be like trying to build a house just using nails and having no wood or bricks or any material. It won't work.

You weigh a buck 50; conversations on this website don't concern you.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: io856 on June 24, 2009, 01:31:07 PM
somebody here said there are two evolutionary mating strategies... basically long term pair bonding and the other one which involved "sleeping around" both are successful at producing off spring and both is evident in animals... it just might be that this is a genetic trait
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Tatyana on June 24, 2009, 01:32:21 PM
There is more than one breeding/sexual strategy for humans.

That 'spreading seed/survival of the fittest' theory does have some basis in reality, but it was first postulated nearly thirty/forty years ago and evolutionary biology, genetics and behavioural studies have moved on since then.

This is even reflected in the oxytocin gene, different polymorphisms have some people bond more  than others.

If it isn't your thing to have a lifelong partner, then don't.


Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: io856 on June 24, 2009, 01:34:37 PM
There is more than one breeding/sexual strategy for humans.

That 'spreading seed/survival of the fittest' theory does have some basis in reality, but it was first postulated nearly thirty/forty years ago and evolutionary biology, genetics and behavioural studies have moved on since then.

This is even reflected in the oxytocin gene, different polymorphisms have some people bond more  than others.

If it isn't your thing to have a lifelong partner, then don't.


wow... so does that mean some people will genetically be predisposed to bond with certain people?
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Matterhorn on June 24, 2009, 01:36:55 PM
I wanna be reborn as a monogamous, faithful, porn-hating Uberpenguine !!!
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: technokc on June 24, 2009, 01:37:02 PM

I think that if you're with the right woman, you don't need to look at other women (in real life or as pornography).

People using pornography are lusting after OTHER people aside from their wives or husbands. If a man lusts after OTHER women, then he is not totally focused on his wife and this is a form of infidelity. It's just a sign that your not 100% dedicated to this one person and that you need others to satisfy you. If this is the case, you probably aren't right for this person and they probably aren't right for you. It's an unstable situation. Surely, looking at porn is not equal to having sex with another woman but the same principle applies. The same reason why "cheating" is bad is why using porno in a marriage is bad.

There are probably statistics out there showing that pornography increases infidelity, I've seen them before. Someone might be able to find them if they want.

"lusting" after women in and of itself is not the problem.  Are you trying to tell me that if you found the right woman that all other sexy women will stop appearing that way to you?  Of course not!  Controlling lust is the issue, and if you both feel confident that each one of you can then where is the problem with porn?  

It is the same feeling like wanting to kill the douchebag at the bar who oggles your girl and then spill a natty light on you.  Nothing wrong with thinking it actually doing it however. . . .
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: blackbillions on June 24, 2009, 01:37:10 PM
uberman you seem very intelligent. what are your views on race,ethnicity,diversity,race mixing,seperatism and race and intelligence
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Tatyana on June 24, 2009, 01:39:43 PM
somebody here said there are two evolutionary mating strategies... basically long term pair bonding and the other one which involved "sleeping around" both are successful at producing off spring and both is evident in animals... it just might be that this is a genetic trait

Bingo, there are benefits to both mating with a lot of individual or just one.

It isn't either/or, it is both.

On the oxytocin gene:

On the diversity of human sexual strategy:
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Tatyana on June 24, 2009, 01:43:56 PM
wow... so does that mean some people will genetically be predisposed to bond with certain people?

If you want to look at the genetics of attraction, it is thought that this has more to do with our immune system.

We are attracted to people with immune systems (HLA/MHC typing) that is the most different from us. Human leucocyte antigen/major histocompatability complex is thought to give rise to pheromones, and it is also thought that this is why kissing has evolved, so we can get close enough to sniff each other.

The problem today is that the birth control pill mimics pregnancy in women, and a woman's preference (scent wise) is for someone with a similar HLA when pregnant, so kin.

When women come off the pill to get pregnant in a long term relationship, they may find that they are not as attracted to their partner.

Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: lax on June 24, 2009, 01:46:12 PM
If you want to look at the genetics of attraction, it is thought that this has more to do with our immune system.

We are attracted to people with immune systems (HLA/MHC typing) that is the most different from us. Human leucocyte antigen/major histocompatability complex is thought to give rise to pheromones, and it is also thought that this is why kissing has evolved, so we can get close enough to sniff each other.

The problem today is that the birth control pill mimics pregnancy in women, and a woman's preference (scent wise) is for someone with a similar HLA when pregnant, so kin.

When women come off the pill to get pregnant in a long term relationship, they may find that they are not as attracted to their partner.

Tatyana=Professor of Bunk
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Army of One on June 24, 2009, 01:52:14 PM
If you want to look at the genetics of attraction, it is thought that this has more to do with our immune system.

We are attracted to people with immune systems (HLA/MHC typing) that is the most different from us. Human leucocyte antigen/major histocompatability complex is thought to give rise to pheromones, and it is also thought that this is why kissing has evolved, so we can get close enough to sniff each other.

The problem today is that the birth control pill mimics pregnancy in women, and a woman's preference (scent wise) is for someone with a similar HLA when pregnant, so kin.

When women come off the pill to get pregnant in a long term relationship, they may find that they are not as attracted to their partner.

Pheromones being responsible for any attraction in humans has been debunked.Other certain animals then yes its legit.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Tatyana on June 24, 2009, 01:55:45 PM
Pheromones being responsible for any attraction in humans has been debunked.Other certain animals then yes its legit.
If you mean those stupid adverts selling human phermones, yes.

I am referring to MHC/HLA, which may or may not be related to scent.

People are attracted to those with a different MHC than them.

It is obviously a part of attraction, besides things like symmetry.

Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: liberalismo on June 24, 2009, 01:56:49 PM
"lusting" after women in and of itself is not the problem.  Are you trying to tell me that if you found the right woman that all other sexy women will stop appearing that way to you?  Of course not!  Controlling lust is the issue, and if you both feel confident that each one of you can then where is the problem with porn?  

It is the same feeling like wanting to kill the douchebag at the bar who oggles your girl and then spill a natty light on you.  Nothing wrong with thinking it actually doing it however. . . .

The stronger the lust, the harder it is to control. If you find the right woman, other women lose their appeal. If they don't, you haven't found the right woman.

If you eat a lunch and are still hungry....You didn't eat the right lunch.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: liberalismo on June 24, 2009, 01:58:40 PM
uberman you seem very intelligent. what are your views on race,ethnicity,diversity,race mixing,seperatism and race and intelligence

I'll state MY opinions on it.

Race mixing is fine.
Diversity is good.
Separatism is bad.
Race has little to do with intelligence.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: LurkyLurker on June 24, 2009, 02:01:10 PM
when are people gonna realize this.human beings have a genetic predisposition to spread there seed.I'm sick of hearing all this shit in the news about this person having an affair,or that couple is getting a divorce.Like this latest shit with Gov.Sanford.or the whole john & Kate shit.everyone just shut the fuck up...people don't want to fuck the same person there entire lives.get over it.and you suckers for love that think you and your wife,girlfriend are your not.It's in a bitches DNA to always move up the Alpha male latter.More $,more muscle,more security,more everything.And guys...please don't even start.they can't get enough pussy it's in our genetic makeup.......meltdown bitches.

Fair enough. But the problem isn't that Sanford found another partner. It's that he cheated on his spouse, lied about his whereabouts and as a public servant running an entire state, went MIA from his staff... all for some strange. You want to get busy with someone else? Fine. Do it without dragging others into your mess.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: uberman09 on June 24, 2009, 02:03:12 PM
Any of you interested enough should read about Cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience and Evolutionary biology.

emotional intelligence 1 and 2 by daniel goleman are a must read for beginners. Very accessible yet very deep.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Army of One on June 24, 2009, 02:07:39 PM
Any of you interested enough should read about Cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience and Evolutionary biology.

emotional intelligence 1 and 2 by daniel goleman are a must read for beginners. Very accessible yet very deep.

Ive listened to the emotional intelligence audiobook, def more useful that plain booksmarts in real life.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: wild willie on June 24, 2009, 02:15:22 PM
There is more than one breeding/sexual strategy for humans.

That 'spreading seed/survival of the fittest' theory does have some basis in reality, but it was first postulated nearly thirty/forty years ago and evolutionary biology, genetics and behavioural studies have moved on since then.

This is even reflected in the oxytocin gene, different polymorphisms have some people bond more  than others.

If it isn't your thing to have a lifelong partner, then don't.



 shut your arrogant are very insecure to come spew your BS on a bb webste.....and no one cares that you pass yourself off as some knowledgeable twat.......keep your pathetic opinions on your side of the pond......
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Tatyana on June 24, 2009, 02:16:04 PM
Any of you interested enough should read about Cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience and Evolutionary biology.

emotional intelligence 1 and 2 by daniel goleman are a must read for beginners. Very accessible yet very deep.

Have you read his book on negative emotions? There were several neuroscientists  in a few interesting conversations and experiments with Buddhists monks.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: hazbin on June 24, 2009, 02:17:18 PM
even in the dictionary monogamy leads to monotamy!
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Tatyana on June 24, 2009, 02:17:41 PM

 shut your arrogant are very insecure to come spew your BS on a bb webste.....and no one cares that you pass yourself off as some knowledgeable twat.......keep your pathetic opinions on your side of the pond......

It isn't an opinion. It is scientific research.

Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: big L dawg on June 24, 2009, 03:13:35 PM
It isn't an opinion. It is scientific research.

It's OK Tatyana.I would like to mate with you regardless of any scientific studies.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Bones on June 24, 2009, 03:38:54 PM
this constant attraction to different things /people is only promoted by the modern world we live in. If you look at the sources that motivate people to look elsewhere, wether we're talking about buying new stuff or develop a strong desire for someone else,  it's always TV, movies etc.

Porn is absolutely not the answer, as it is part of the problem. Long term and constant porn viewing deeply alters your mind in the long run. Being quite a recent phenomena , it is abolutely certain that in some decades (psychological) studies on generations of "users" will point how bad its influence is and how bad it affects relationships between men and women.

When people had no accesses to all these medias constantly promoting adultery, drama and deviant behaviors, they were a lot less prone to reproduce these behaviors or cognitive schemes. The current modern society is the reason number one why people keep feeding themselves unconsciously with very bad influences on a daily basis.

Most people nowadays think life is all about instant satisfaction, and that a relationship is all about sex and money.  That's because it is exactly the message sent 24/7 by TV and medias. This is also what sells best. That everything is either black, or white, and that if it doesnt work, why fix it? just go to the "supermarket" and pick a different person/experience. You can't build anything doing this over and over, but it's exactly the kind of behavior that the occidental society promotes. Our moden occidental societies are factories that produce schyzoid people. We re building our own despair.

Often you hear people saying that what they re doing is ok , cause "everyone else does it" and because it's what they see on TV.

Take a look at how loyal people are in third world countries, where being stable and trustworthy toward your couple, familly and community is still deeply important.

That's because everythign is way too easy, that's because people are spoiled in occident, that they forgot about all these values and keep destroying em on a daily basis. It's no wonder the shock between people from other parts of the world where values are still important and spoiled occidentals is and will become increasingly violent.

....well said!!
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Stavios on June 24, 2009, 03:41:13 PM
Face it, no matter how hot your girl, you always want to nail at least a dozen other pussies you see that day.  Welcome to being a man.  It's rough, but we somehow manage.  Remember, porn doesn't count as cheating.  Nail 10s all day long. ;D

yop, you will want to fuck other women anyway, even if they look worst than your girl
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Sam on June 24, 2009, 03:51:13 PM
when are people gonna realize this.human beings have a genetic predisposition to spread there seed.I'm sick of hearing all this shit in the news about this person having an affair,or that couple is getting a divorce.Like this latest shit with Gov.Sanford.or the whole john & Kate shit.everyone just shut the fuck up...people don't want to fuck the same person there entire lives.get over it.and you suckers for love that think you and your wife,girlfriend are your not.It's in a bitches DNA to always move up the Alpha male latter.More $,more muscle,more security,more everything.And guys...please don't even start.they can't get enough pussy it's in our genetic makeup.......meltdown bitches.

Dont worry big guy.. you will get over her.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: just_a_pilgrim on June 24, 2009, 03:56:35 PM
A lot of people involved into bodybuilding/fitness also often think that they re body is everything and that because they have a nice looking body it means they don't have to muscle their brains.

True. However a lot of people think that they can't change themselves, that they will always be a certain way (poor, unintelligent and of course fatasses) and bodybuilding is all about changing yourself. Unfortunately a lot of bodybuilders leave it at the body.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Parker on June 24, 2009, 04:22:36 PM
I've lived with my girlfriend for quite a few years my friend.And I know family and friends that have coexisted with there spouse for decades.....not sure what that has to do with having sex with the same person for your entire life though.

Wrong move, either get married or stop playing house. Period. The real reason you feel this way is because the Baby Boomer generation has done a poor job of giving us postive examples of marriage. Also, have you ever notice how pics from the 60's and 70's the women tend to be happy and fine? Or that the music (R and B) was was better back in those times. That's because people's experiences were different than now. Men and women were different back then, the love was different. Now, you just hop into bed, and all of sudden you have a instant relationship, like you do. And "INSTANT" ain't as good as "SLOW ROAST"
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: big L dawg on June 24, 2009, 04:32:31 PM
Wrong move, either get married or stop playing house. Period. The real reason you feel this way is because the Baby Boomer generation has done a poor job of giving us postive examples of marriage. Also, have you ever notice how pics from the 60's and 70's the women tend to be happy and fine? Or that the music (R and B) was was better back in those times. That's because people's experiences were different than now. Men and women were different back then, the love was different. Now, you just hop into bed, and all of sudden you have a instant relationship, like you do. And "INSTANT" ain't as good as "SLOW ROAST"

Been fine so far bro.2 kids with her.she has a good job and pays half my mortgage.and we get along great.If you call that playin house then I'm not sure what not playin house would entail...or are you just referring to the fact that we live together but aren't married?........regardless I'm not sure what it has to do with the fact people don't wanna screw the same person there whole life.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Bones on June 24, 2009, 07:28:45 PM
"INSTANT" ain't as good as "SLOW ROAST"
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Earl1972 on June 24, 2009, 07:43:56 PM
all the "books" in the world will not stop people from craving new pussy or cock

Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: nycbull on June 24, 2009, 09:07:49 PM
bunch of morons on this thread especially big dawg....nice to encourge people to follow their base desires..give me a break .....human beings have evolved and in doing so we no longer believe following every base desire means happiness.. we have discovered that elevating yourself and aspiring to be higher than your common animalistic needs has value and amazing rewards that greatest of humans have more than a commoner, which is what big dawg and his live in "wife" are being. They coudlnt rise up above the base need for instant gratification, they couldnt see that having a shared history with someone is more valuable than a lifetime of one night stands. They coudnt see that giving their child a home where mom and dad were in a monogomous relationship, a relationship that would imprint on the child for life and help her rise up to be more than just another person seeking instant gratification of base desires. Do you think your kid is not going to sense that mommy and daddy have loyalties and interests outside the immediate family, I bet he she already senses that betrayal and has internalized are good at not expressing what they dont understand.

I think its irresponsibile to glamourize or promote a life of instant gratification  selfishness and should be encouraging people to rise up and reach for higher goals, goals that bring rewards the common class never know exist..if you dont know what I am talking about then you are blinded by your selfish pursuit of animalistic needs....time to evolve big dawg

Sickening that I cant even get married and you guys are here devaluing it.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Stavios on June 24, 2009, 09:25:24 PM
bunch of morons on this thread especially big dawg....nice to encourge people to follow their base desires..give me a break .....human beings have evolved and in doing so we no longer believe following every base desire means happiness.. we have discovered that elevating yourself and aspiring to be higher than your common animalistic needs has value and amazing rewards that greatest of humans have more than a commoner, which is what big dawg and his live in "wife" are being. They coudlnt rise up above the base need for instant gratification, they couldnt see that having a shared history with someone is more valuable than a lifetime of one night stands. They coudnt see that giving their child a home where mom and dad were in a monogomous relationship, a relationship that would imprint on the child for life and help her rise up to be more than just another person seeking instant gratification of base desires. Do you think your kid is not going to sense that mommy and daddy have loyalties and interests outside the immediate family, I bet he she already senses that betrayal and has internalized are good at not expressing what they dont understand.

I think its irresponsibile to glamourize or promote a life of instant gratification  selfishness and should be encouraging people to rise up and reach for higher goals, goals that bring rewards the common class never know exist..if you dont know what I am talking about then you are blinded by your selfish pursuit of animalistic needs....time to evolve big dawg

Sickening that I cant even get married and you guys are here devaluing it.

great post bro
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: chaos on June 24, 2009, 09:27:44 PM
Sickening that I cant even get married and you guys are here devaluing it.
haha ;D
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: 240 is Back on June 24, 2009, 09:28:04 PM
Sickening that I cant even get married and you guys are here devaluing it.

I think you should be able to.  You might as well be as miserable as the rest of us :)
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Vince B on June 24, 2009, 09:38:02 PM
emotional intelligence 1 and 2 by daniel goleman are a must read for beginners. Very accessible yet very deep.

That book is nonsense and a waste of time to read. There is no such thing as emotional intelligence. Another crap book is the Men from Mars nonsense.

Most of you guys have a lot of disappointment and misery ahead of you. Giving advices won't help because everyone is expert in bodybuilding and relationships. In life you get what you deserve and you deserve what you get.

There is no direction in evolution. So there is no higher state. Those who are fulfilled through animal passions are blessed.  
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: nycbull on June 24, 2009, 09:59:14 PM
I think you should be able to.  You might as well be as miserable as the rest of us :)

haha, I actually dont really want to, cause it was never in my head when I first came out, but I do believe in what it values and strives for and I think I have that...or at least working towards and that is part of why it is good.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: nycbull on June 24, 2009, 10:00:12 PM
Those who are fulfilled through animal passions are blessed.  

have you ever met one?
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: gordiano on June 24, 2009, 11:04:45 PM
Face it, no matter how hot your girl, you always want to nail at least a dozen other pussies you see that day.  Welcome to being a man.  It's rough, but we somehow manage.  Remember, porn doesn't count as cheating.  Nail 10s all day long. ;D

Solid post....
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Palpatine Q on June 24, 2009, 11:16:38 PM
this constant attraction to different things /people is only promoted by the modern world we live in. If you look at the sources that motivate people to look elsewhere, wether we're talking about buying new stuff or develop a strong desire for someone else,  it's always TV, movies etc.

Porn is absolutely not the answer, as it is part of the problem. Long term and constant porn viewing deeply alters your mind in the long run. Being quite a recent phenomena , it is abolutely certain that in some decades (psychological) studies on generations of "users" will point how bad its influence is and how bad it affects relationships between men and women.

When people had no accesses to all these medias constantly promoting adultery, drama and deviant behaviors, they were a lot less prone to reproduce these behaviors or cognitive schemes. The current modern society is the reason number one why people keep feeding themselves unconsciously with very bad influences on a daily basis.

Most people nowadays think life is all about instant satisfaction, and that a relationship is all about sex and money.  That's because it is exactly the message sent 24/7 by TV and medias. This is also what sells best. That everything is either black, or white, and that if it doesnt work, why fix it? just go to the "supermarket" and pick a different person/experience. You can't build anything doing this over and over, but it's exactly the kind of behavior that the occidental society promotes. Our moden occidental societies are factories that produce schyzoid people. We re building our own despair.

Often you hear people saying that what they re doing is ok , cause "everyone else does it" and because it's what they see on TV.

Take a look at how loyal people are in third world countries, where being stable and trustworthy toward your couple, familly and community is still deeply important.

That's because everythign is way too easy, that's because people are spoiled in occident, that they forgot about all these values and keep destroying em on a daily basis. It's no wonder the shock between people from other parts of the world where values are still important and spoiled occidentals is and will become increasingly violent.

Outstanding post.

I am a firm believer in monogamy. If you are with the right person, you don't want anyone else.

  being compatible mentally trumps everything else
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Palpatine Q on June 24, 2009, 11:26:52 PM
bunch of morons on this thread especially big dawg....nice to encourge people to follow their base desires..give me a break .....human beings have evolved and in doing so we no longer believe following every base desire means happiness.. we have discovered that elevating yourself and aspiring to be higher than your common animalistic needs has value and amazing rewards that greatest of humans have more than a commoner, which is what big dawg and his live in "wife" are being. They coudlnt rise up above the base need for instant gratification, they couldnt see that having a shared history with someone is more valuable than a lifetime of one night stands. They coudnt see that giving their child a home where mom and dad were in a monogomous relationship, a relationship that would imprint on the child for life and help her rise up to be more than just another person seeking instant gratification of base desires. Do you think your kid is not going to sense that mommy and daddy have loyalties and interests outside the immediate family, I bet he she already senses that betrayal and has internalized are good at not expressing what they dont understand.

I think its irresponsibile to glamourize or promote a life of instant gratification  selfishness and should be encouraging people to rise up and reach for higher goals, goals that bring rewards the common class never know exist..if you dont know what I am talking about then you are blinded by your selfish pursuit of animalistic needs....time to evolve big dawg

Sickening that I cant even get married and you guys are here devaluing it.

Great, great post NYC....Words to live by
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: big L dawg on June 24, 2009, 11:58:14 PM
bunch of morons on this thread especially big dawg....nice to encourge people to follow their base desires..give me a break .....human beings have evolved and in doing so we no longer believe following every base desire means happiness.. we have discovered that elevating yourself and aspiring to be higher than your common animalistic needs has value and amazing rewards that greatest of humans have more than a commoner, which is what big dawg and his live in "wife" are being. They coudlnt rise up above the base need for instant gratification, they couldnt see that having a shared history with someone is more valuable than a lifetime of one night stands. They coudnt see that giving their child a home where mom and dad were in a monogomous relationship, a relationship that would imprint on the child for life and help her rise up to be more than just another person seeking instant gratification of base desires. Do you think your kid is not going to sense that mommy and daddy have loyalties and interests outside the immediate family, I bet he she already senses that betrayal and has internalized are good at not expressing what they dont understand.

I think its irresponsibile to glamourize or promote a life of instant gratification  selfishness and should be encouraging people to rise up and reach for higher goals, goals that bring rewards the common class never know exist..if you dont know what I am talking about then you are blinded by your selfish pursuit of animalistic needs....time to evolve big dawg

Sickening that I cant even get married and you guys are here devaluing it.

theres alot of name calling and assumptions going on in this are assuming that I'm not currently in a monogamous relationship.And we all no what it's like when you might need to go back and reread some of my post's.Or maybe your reading comprehension level would make that were have I posted the drivel your accusing me of.I referred to a couple well known cases of cheating,divorce.however if you look at the title of the thread you will see I'm simply stating one sex partner over a lifetime is not in a person's nature.(cheating,monogamy,or otherwise is not in the thread title).I also like how you claim we've evolved past base desires.really?care to post a link to who did these studies and there results.And as I posted earlier I have yet to have this debate with a human being that's only had one sex partner.So are you the first?has it been One life long sexual sole mate for you?
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: big L dawg on June 25, 2009, 12:03:07 AM
Outstanding post.

I am a firm believer in monogamy. If you are with the right person, you don't want anyone else.

  being compatible mentally trumps everything else

How bout you....Just one sex partner?
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Matt C on June 25, 2009, 12:09:03 AM
Groink had a girlfriend once who looked in the mirror and said "God, I'm perfect."

Please post a picture of her!
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: big L dawg on June 25, 2009, 12:29:47 AM
And although this thread wasn't started to necessarily address many of you seem to want to take it there so here's an entertaining read on it.

So, let's talk infidelity. Many ladies want to know why it is men cheat.

Men cheat for variety of reason and biology is one of them, writer says.

 And here's what you want to hear, straight from the talk-hole of the testosterone enabled: men cheat because we are faithless, miserable dogs.

We are backstabbing, silver tongued two-faces who stalk any smooth pair of getaway sticks in a short black cocktail dress that happens to saunter into our lusty field of vision.

Men are horny wolves in fluffy sheep's clothing who delight in looking into your eyes and lying. Breaking hearts is our middle name. Why, at any given moment, while you're gabbing to your girlfriends about flowers purchased, omelettes made, sweet words whispered, we're picturing the nearest woman under the age of 25 in a sheer bikini, riding a mechanical bull.

We are just hopelessly addicted to that "new car smell." We love to make you miserable in our pursuit of total hotness, your fickle happiness not our concern.

And that's just part of it. If you want to blame someone for our cheating ways, blame evolution! We are hardwired to hunt, and to share our wicked cool genetic code with a world that demands that we do! The universe conspires to compel us to pursue that which retreats.

See, we cheat because we're cavemen, and our half-gorilla brains demand we spread as much of our seed over as much fertile ground as possible to make sure that our little caveboys have the chance to grow up and do likewise. And we do this quickly, mind you, because you never know when a woolly mammoth will shish kabob us on one of their mighty tusks. It's not our fault. It's biology, genetics, science! How can you question science? Without it, the curling iron would never have been invented!

Here's another reason men run around behind the backs of their doting, self-sacrificing, noble girlfriends and wives -- you don't adore us enough.

When Spartan warriors returned home from victorious campaigns, do you think their women greeted them with eye-rolls and shrugs? They were venerated supremely, celebrated for days upon days! Love was made to them, olives were pitted and fed to them, their wives could not get enough of their dangerous tales of adventure and carnage! Tales told over and over and over again.

And, at the end of each of these nights, as the mighty victors, now satiated and spent, drifted off to sleep, their ladyfolk would purr into their ears, "OMG, you are totally awesome."

If you don't pat us on the back and tell us we're special, we will find someone who will, and that person, who will pat us on the back and tell us we're special will be, nineteen years old.

How could I forget this other important reason why men cheat -- we're addicted to sex!

It's not our fault we drool for hours over porn while you sleep. It's a diagnosable affliction, and while many of us probably don't really need to see a shrink to legitimately diagnose it, or to even go to rehab, you have to understand that it's beyond our control. We can't help ourselves.

Pity the booty junkie. And don't take our word for it -- actual relationship experts on television confirm that some, if not most, men are hooked on sleeping with as many women as they can. This in no way enables us to justify bad behavior and to escape responsibility for our actions. This is just a true fact, that men can become addicted to getting whatever it is they want without consequence.

Surely, as the more emotionally developed and sensitive gender, you can't negatively judge someone wrestling with such a malady. That would be cruel.

Get the point?

The truth is that men cheat for the same reason women cheat. And cheat you do.

There isn't a word for a women whose husband cheats on her. But the English language gives us a word for a man whose wife runs around on him. That word is "cuckold," and there are few names as limp and pitiful sounding as "cuckold." Maybe "smoosh."

Women can be faithless, and for centuries, they've done their fair share of tasting forbidden fruit. Literature is full of the sorrow women have caused: Menelaus laid siege to Troy because Helen ran away with another man. Othello smothered his beloved because he believed her to have cheated on him. Even frat boy romantic comedy "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" was all based around that Kristen Bell, from "Veronica Mars," cheating on that funny fat dude.

Plenty of blame to go around; it would be unfair to savage one gender so the other can enjoy the dismal pleasures of pointless victimization. But there is a reason people, men and women, cheat.

And here's the fable part.

A dog was carrying a bone over a bridge. Looking down at the water under the bridge, the dog saw his reflection, which looked to the dog to be a bigger dog, carrying a bigger bone. Wanting the bigger bone he saw in the water, the dog barked and dropped his bone into the river. Stupid dog loses his bone.

We cheat because we're tempted to risk what we have for the promise of something that isn't, probably never was, and definitely won't last.

So... everyone is capable of cheating. We are our very own villain and that is a true fact. Makes us human, I suppose. The choice.

Ah well. It's a risk we all have to take, trusting the other person even though they could cheat. But without risk, there is no reward.

Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Mars on June 25, 2009, 12:35:27 AM
Groink had a girlfriend once who looked in the mirror and said "God, I'm perfect."

Please post a picture of her!

what a whore, not any woman is perfect enough for the great Groink.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: jr on June 25, 2009, 01:06:41 AM
That book is nonsense and a waste of time to read. There is no such thing as emotional intelligence. Another crap book is the Men from Mars nonsense.

Most of you guys have a lot of disappointment and misery ahead of you. Giving advices won't help because everyone is expert in bodybuilding and relationships. In life you get what you deserve and you deserve what you get.

There is no direction in evolution. So there is no higher state. Those who are fulfilled through animal passions are blessed.  

The plural of advice is advice. Hope this helps, Getbig. YOU HEAR ME!!!
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: jr on June 25, 2009, 01:07:27 AM
all the "books" in the world will not stop people from craving new pussy or cock


Speaking of, which year did Levrone bring his biggest, best package?
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: io856 on June 25, 2009, 02:06:13 AM
have you ever met one?

Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Deicide on June 25, 2009, 02:10:46 AM
Who you "screw" is an act of choice, so it's silly to talk about what is "meant to be" in this context. There are people who stay with one person their whole life, just like there are others who go through many partners - whether they are happy or sad or content or miserable or faithful or a cheat depends on a whole lot of circumstances that varies from person to person, time to time and relationship to relationship.

Like any other human behavioral trait, relationships and people's view of them as well as what they get out of them runs the whole gamut.

That's a profound statement coming from a member of TEG.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: kiwiol on June 25, 2009, 02:29:43 AM
That's a profound statement coming from a member of TEG.

There you are! How is the prep coming along?
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Deicide on June 25, 2009, 02:31:45 AM
There you are! How is the prep coming along?

Prep? You mean the dissertation? Difficult material and barely over 2 months to finish it up...this MA has definitely been intense and next week heading to Germany for a week so will lose time, or are you referring to bbing?
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: kiwiol on June 25, 2009, 02:50:04 AM
Prep? You mean the dissertation? Difficult material and barely over 2 months to finish it up...this MA has definitely been intense and next week heading to Germany for a week so will lose time, or are you referring to bbing?

Beg your pardon. Yes, I was talking about your thesis.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Deicide on June 25, 2009, 02:50:54 AM
Beg your pardon. Yes, I was talking about your thesis.

Thesis=not important compared to majesty of TEG....
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Vince B on June 25, 2009, 02:54:59 AM
Arnold said 'advices' so that is how advice is given on Getbig.

I wonder why musclemen have trouble getting girlfriends? Gyms are full of guys like this.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Eisenherz on June 25, 2009, 03:06:52 AM
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: gh15 on June 25, 2009, 03:12:28 AM
you whoel problem in america is that you think fat britney spears ,,and that homo looking paris hilton and that other flab hoe jessica simpson ,,and 95% of yoru girls over there are simply not hot

you are obese nation ,,good hearted nation when it comes to doing the right thing at the end of the day bbut rest assure your women are fat fat fat and then some more fat ,,even the smallk ones are big ,,tghey are fat because they are big ,,their bones in bigger than europian girls and asian girls and middle east girls etc,,

in any case in regard to this subject talked about,,the most important thing in making a woman yours and then being able to fuck her forever becase it is possible,,,is to make her submissive ,,find submissive women in nature ,,independent yet submissive,,there are women like that in america,,infact look closely and you will see that the beter looking the woman is naturally ( no fake shit like most girls in america) the more submissive she will be

you got to get to a point when she is in some kind of pain from you in bed ,,,that she get orgazm through pain as in enforced orgazm ,,most guys with 6-7 and over inchers can do it if they know how to fuck ,,you also got to be rude to her sometimes not always nice nice kiss ass because this will cuz you to not want to fuck her ,,,you need to be the master she needs to be the slave even if she is not really a slave,,she need to think in terms of ...he can do what he wants to my body and oh my god not again i cant take his cock,,thats the main idea behind stimulation in bed and good marriage in addition ofcourse to good connection and match in persoanlitys to some degree,,

remember friends,,you do not drive to the girl! the girl drive to you ! you do not do anything for her until she does things for you ,,you fuck her as fast as possible and fuck her well! try to do it few times a NIGHT  then she will know her place,,it sound very shoovenistic what gh15 says here but the best relashinships are when the woman is adoring her man and american girls only talk in one language AND ITS CALLED THE POWER LANGUAGE,,

they like big cars,,trucks even ,,,they like driving fast,,many of them like bikes,,many like tatoos and piecing on guys ,,many like rough rugged guys ,,many like good teeth and bone structure of face,,,all point to them wanting and looking for big cock and if not big then good fucker that can own them with every inch he got,,

amwrican women who are very diff than other women around the world are very very into themselves,,,inorder to get them you have to treat them like shit both in long run but also in the short tun when meeting her ,,you can not let her step on you because you will never get her this way and same for sex,,if you kiss her ass you will get bored in bed fast,,the more you own her and feel superior to her ...the better your sex will be ,,think about it friends when you think about helpless girl in bed getting fucked by a strrong macho type guy ..your cock gets hard right? you have this feeling hey i wanna jump in too and fuck her,,,thats the way it is in relashionship ...the more it feels like you take it from her the more you will want to fuck her forever,,

gh15 approved
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Deicide on June 25, 2009, 03:41:32 AM
you whoel problem in america is that you think fat britney spears ,,and that homo looking paris hilton and that other flab hoe jessica simpson ,,and 95% of yoru girls over there are simply not hot

you are obese nation ,,good hearted nation when it comes to doing the right thing at the end of the day bbut rest assure your women are fat fat fat and then some more fat ,,even the smallk ones are big ,,tghey are fat because they are big ,,their bones in bigger than europian girls and asian girls and middle east girls etc,,

in any case in regard to this subject talked about,,the most important thing in making a woman yours and then being able to fuck her forever becase it is possible,,,is to make her submissive ,,find submissive women in nature ,,independent yet submissive,,there are women like that in america,,infact look closely and you will see that the beter looking the woman is naturally ( no fake shit like most girls in america) the more submissive she will be

you got to get to a point when she is in some kind of pain from you in bed ,,,that she get orgazm through pain as in enforced orgazm ,,most guys with 6-7 and over inchers can do it if they know how to fuck ,,you also got to be rude to her sometimes not always nice nice kiss ass because this will cuz you to not want to fuck her ,,,you need to be the master she needs to be the slave even if she is not really a slave,,she need to think in terms of ...he can do what he wants to my body and oh my god not again i cant take his cock,,thats the main idea behind stimulation in bed and good marriage in addition ofcourse to good connection and match in persoanlitys to some degree,,

remember friends,,you do not drive to the girl! the girl drive to you ! you do not do anything for her until she does things for you ,,you fuck her as fast as possible and fuck her well! try to do it few times a NIGHT  then she will know her place,,it sound very shoovenistic what gh15 says here but the best relashinships are when the woman is adoring her man and american girls only talk in one language AND ITS CALLED THE POWER LANGUAGE,,

they like big cars,,trucks even ,,,they like driving fast,,many of them like bikes,,many like tatoos and piecing on guys ,,many like rough rugged guys ,,many like good teeth and bone structure of face,,,all point to them wanting and looking for big cock and if not big then good fucker that can own them with every inch he got,,

amwrican women who are very diff than other women around the world are very very into themselves,,,inorder to get them you have to treat them like shit both in long run but also in the short tun when meeting her ,,you can not let her step on you because you will never get her this way and same for sex,,if you kiss her ass you will get bored in bed fast,,the more you own her and feel superior to her ...the better your sex will be ,,think about it friends when you think about helpless girl in bed getting fucked by a strrong macho type guy ..your cock gets hard right? you have this feeling hey i wanna jump in too and fuck her,,,thats the way it is in relashionship ...the more it feels like you take it from her the more you will want to fuck her forever,,

gh15 approved

Amifrauen=Scheiss drauf
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: The Wizard of Truth on June 25, 2009, 03:49:48 AM
Arnold said 'advices' so that is how advice is given on Getbig.

I wonder why musclemen have trouble getting girlfriends? Gyms are full of guys like this.
Vince are you 'one of the lads?'
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Tapeworm on June 25, 2009, 04:39:46 AM
And although this thread wasn't started to necessarily address many of you seem to want to take it there so here's an entertaining read on it.

So, let's talk infidelity. Many ladies want to know why it is men cheat.

Men cheat for variety of reason and biology is one of them, writer says.

 And here's what you want to hear, straight from the talk-hole of the testosterone enabled: men cheat because we are faithless, miserable dogs.

We are backstabbing, silver tongued two-faces who stalk any smooth pair of getaway sticks in a short black cocktail dress that happens to saunter into our lusty field of vision.

Men are horny wolves in fluffy sheep's clothing who delight in looking into your eyes and lying. Breaking hearts is our middle name. Why, at any given moment, while you're gabbing to your girlfriends about flowers purchased, omelettes made, sweet words whispered, we're picturing the nearest woman under the age of 25 in a sheer bikini, riding a mechanical bull.

We are just hopelessly addicted to that "new car smell." We love to make you miserable in our pursuit of total hotness, your fickle happiness not our concern.

And that's just part of it. If you want to blame someone for our cheating ways, blame evolution! We are hardwired to hunt, and to share our wicked cool genetic code with a world that demands that we do! The universe conspires to compel us to pursue that which retreats.

See, we cheat because we're cavemen, and our half-gorilla brains demand we spread as much of our seed over as much fertile ground as possible to make sure that our little caveboys have the chance to grow up and do likewise. And we do this quickly, mind you, because you never know when a woolly mammoth will shish kabob us on one of their mighty tusks. It's not our fault. It's biology, genetics, science! How can you question science? Without it, the curling iron would never have been invented!

Here's another reason men run around behind the backs of their doting, self-sacrificing, noble girlfriends and wives -- you don't adore us enough.

When Spartan warriors returned home from victorious campaigns, do you think their women greeted them with eye-rolls and shrugs? They were venerated supremely, celebrated for days upon days! Love was made to them, olives were pitted and fed to them, their wives could not get enough of their dangerous tales of adventure and carnage! Tales told over and over and over again.

And, at the end of each of these nights, as the mighty victors, now satiated and spent, drifted off to sleep, their ladyfolk would purr into their ears, "OMG, you are totally awesome."

If you don't pat us on the back and tell us we're special, we will find someone who will, and that person, who will pat us on the back and tell us we're special will be, nineteen years old.

How could I forget this other important reason why men cheat -- we're addicted to sex!

It's not our fault we drool for hours over porn while you sleep. It's a diagnosable affliction, and while many of us probably don't really need to see a shrink to legitimately diagnose it, or to even go to rehab, you have to understand that it's beyond our control. We can't help ourselves.

Pity the booty junkie. And don't take our word for it -- actual relationship experts on television confirm that some, if not most, men are hooked on sleeping with as many women as they can. This in no way enables us to justify bad behavior and to escape responsibility for our actions. This is just a true fact, that men can become addicted to getting whatever it is they want without consequence.

Surely, as the more emotionally developed and sensitive gender, you can't negatively judge someone wrestling with such a malady. That would be cruel.

Get the point?

The truth is that men cheat for the same reason women cheat. And cheat you do.

There isn't a word for a women whose husband cheats on her. But the English language gives us a word for a man whose wife runs around on him. That word is "cuckold," and there are few names as limp and pitiful sounding as "cuckold." Maybe "smoosh."

Women can be faithless, and for centuries, they've done their fair share of tasting forbidden fruit. Literature is full of the sorrow women have caused: Menelaus laid siege to Troy because Helen ran away with another man. Othello smothered his beloved because he believed her to have cheated on him. Even frat boy romantic comedy "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" was all based around that Kristen Bell, from "Veronica Mars," cheating on that funny fat dude.

Plenty of blame to go around; it would be unfair to savage one gender so the other can enjoy the dismal pleasures of pointless victimization. But there is a reason people, men and women, cheat.

And here's the fable part.

A dog was carrying a bone over a bridge. Looking down at the water under the bridge, the dog saw his reflection, which looked to the dog to be a bigger dog, carrying a bigger bone. Wanting the bigger bone he saw in the water, the dog barked and dropped his bone into the river. Stupid dog loses his bone.

We cheat because we're tempted to risk what we have for the promise of something that isn't, probably never was, and definitely won't last.

So... everyone is capable of cheating. We are our very own villain and that is a true fact. Makes us human, I suppose. The choice.

Ah well. It's a risk we all have to take, trusting the other person even though they could cheat. But without risk, there is no reward.

Savage searching for an excuse to cheat and feel ok about it.  I assume you're beyond the sexually experimental stage since you're in a relationship.  Cheating always follows from an emotional rift of some kind.  Talk it out or walk.  Cheating on your spouse and kidding yourself that you can't help it because it's in your genes is piss weak.

Btw, the Spartans lived in barracks for most of their lives, not at home with their wives, and most of their sex was butthole oriented.  Can we stop with the 'be like a Spartan' talk already?
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: delta9mda on June 25, 2009, 06:38:01 AM
when are people gonna realize this.human beings have a genetic predisposition to spread there seed.I'm sick of hearing all this shit in the news about this person having an affair,or that couple is getting a divorce.Like this latest shit with Gov.Sanford.or the whole john & Kate shit.everyone just shut the fuck up...people don't want to fuck the same person there entire lives.get over it.and you suckers for love that think you and your wife,girlfriend are your not.It's in a bitches DNA to always move up the Alpha male latter.More $,more muscle,more security,more everything.And guys...please don't even start.they can't get enough pussy it's in our genetic makeup.......meltdown bitches.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: Reign Down on June 25, 2009, 06:39:23 AM
Thanks for the valuable input. Now I make a Power Point presentation for my girl friend. I'm sure she'll understand.
judging by your avatar i'd say she enjoys fucking you too much and would not take it well...
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: uberman09 on June 25, 2009, 08:27:20 AM
bunch of morons on this thread especially big dawg....nice to encourge people to follow their base desires..give me a break .....human beings have evolved and in doing so we no longer believe following every base desire means happiness.. we have discovered that elevating yourself and aspiring to be higher than your common animalistic needs has value and amazing rewards that greatest of humans have more than a commoner, which is what big dawg and his live in "wife" are being. They coudlnt rise up above the base need for instant gratification, they couldnt see that having a shared history with someone is more valuable than a lifetime of one night stands. They coudnt see that giving their child a home where mom and dad were in a monogomous relationship, a relationship that would imprint on the child for life and help her rise up to be more than just another person seeking instant gratification of base desires. Do you think your kid is not going to sense that mommy and daddy have loyalties and interests outside the immediate family, I bet he she already senses that betrayal and has internalized are good at not expressing what they dont understand.

I think its irresponsibile to glamourize or promote a life of instant gratification  selfishness and should be encouraging people to rise up and reach for higher goals, goals that bring rewards the common class never know exist..if you dont know what I am talking about then you are blinded by your selfish pursuit of animalistic needs....time to evolve big dawg

Sickening that I cant even get married and you guys are here devaluing it.
quoted for extreme truth. Damn it's refreshing.

That book is nonsense and a waste of time to read. There is no such thing as emotional intelligence. Another crap book is the Men from Mars nonsense.

Most of you guys have a lot of disappointment and misery ahead of you. Giving advices won't help because everyone is expert in bodybuilding and relationships. In life you get what you deserve and you deserve what you get.

There is no direction in evolution. So there is no higher state. Those who are fulfilled through animal passions are blessed.  
It's obvious you didnt read that book and have absolutely no clue what it's talking about. Or maybe you're confusing it with something else. I'm pretty certain you arent smart enough to understand it anyway. You're the old angry loser who obviously never understood much of life and still brag about his mister canada trophy from what... 40 years ago.
I ve never seen someone that old yet so fucking dumb. Impressive somehow.

Savage searching for an excuse to cheat and feel ok about it.  I assume you're beyond the sexually experimental stage since you're in a relationship.  Cheating always follows from an emotional rift of some kind.  Talk it out or walk.  Cheating on your spouse and kidding yourself that you can't help it because it's in your genes is piss weak.

Btw, the Spartans lived in barracks for most of their lives, not at home with their wives, and most of their sex was butthole oriented.  Can we stop with the 'be like a Spartan' talk already?

big dawg is obviously either too young / inexperienced or just plain badly advised/ influenced.
But he will figure it out soon if he keeps going on this track...
Betraying someone who trust you or being betrayed by someone you trust will never ever contribute to make you or anyone happier... and especially not your kids that would also reproduce this behavior in their own lifes later as nycbull stated it. Basically it's a disaster wathever the way you look at it.
It looks like your girl is doing everything for you and that you got so influenced by society that you are bored of her whatever she does. Exactly what we're talking about in this thread: spoiled personalities with no understanding of values.Do you have parents? What does your father and mother think of what you re saying here, and more important: do they still live together ,did your parents also cheat on each others,  are they divorced?

Live and learn.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: heretostay13 on June 25, 2009, 09:14:51 AM
this constant attraction to different things /people is only promoted by the modern world we live in. If you look at the sources that motivate people to look elsewhere, wether we're talking about buying new stuff or develop a strong desire for someone else,  it's always TV, movies etc.

Porn is absolutely not the answer, as it is part of the problem. Long term and constant porn viewing deeply alters your mind in the long run. Being quite a recent phenomena , it is abolutely certain that in some decades (psychological) studies on generations of "users" will point how bad its influence is and how bad it affects relationships between men and women.

When people had no accesses to all these medias constantly promoting adultery, drama and deviant behaviors, they were a lot less prone to reproduce these behaviors or cognitive schemes. The current modern society is the reason number one why people keep feeding themselves unconsciously with very bad influences on a daily basis.

Most people nowadays think life is all about instant satisfaction, and that a relationship is all about sex and money.  That's because it is exactly the message sent 24/7 by TV and medias. This is also what sells best. That everything is either black, or white, and that if it doesnt work, why fix it? just go to the "supermarket" and pick a different person/experience. You can't build anything doing this over and over, but it's exactly the kind of behavior that the occidental society promotes. Our moden occidental societies are factories that produce schyzoid people. We re building our own despair.

Often you hear people saying that what they re doing is ok , cause "everyone else does it" and because it's what they see on TV.

Take a look at how loyal people are in third world countries, where being stable and trustworthy toward your couple, familly and community is still deeply important.

That's because everythign is way too easy, that's because people are spoiled in occident, that they forgot about all these values and keep destroying em on a daily basis. It's no wonder the shock between people from other parts of the world where values are still important and spoiled occidentals is and will become increasingly violent.

Sin has existed from the dawn of man, or whatever you what to term carnal pleasures. To say that it's more likely to happen in current times due to the nature of acceptance and exposure of it is not far fetched, but's been happening for ages. It's the age of information that we live in that we also know that it occurs so much (sort of a double edges sword in a sense). I really have no argument here, just one fact that always fascinated me. Always found it funny how women, when living in groups together, start having their menstruation cycles at the same time. It's biological in nature, very comparative to animals in large breeding groups making breeding seasonal, convenient, etc. Just food for thought.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: uberman09 on July 17, 2009, 01:24:29 PM
It's precisely when you stop getting led by your animalistic impulsivity that you can be considered as a worthy human, wether you're a man or woman.
Title: Re: people aren't ment to screw same person forever
Post by: HTexan on July 17, 2009, 01:49:31 PM
when are people gonna realize this.human beings have a genetic predisposition to spread there seed.I'm sick of hearing all this shit in the news about this person having an affair,or that couple is getting a divorce.Like this latest shit with Gov.Sanford.or the whole john & Kate shit.everyone just shut the fuck up...people don't want to fuck the same person there entire lives.get over it.and you suckers for love that think you and your wife,girlfriend are your not.It's in a bitches DNA to always move up the Alpha male latter.More $,more muscle,more security,more everything.And guys...please don't even start.they can't get enough pussy it's in our genetic makeup.......meltdown bitches.
no one makes you get married. Grow some balls and control you bitch. Small puppy. ;)