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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: The True Adonis on July 25, 2009, 12:36:58 PM

Title: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: The True Adonis on July 25, 2009, 12:36:58 PM
Black scholar agrees to beer with Obama, policeman
Sat Jul 25, 2009 2:24pm EDT

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A prominent black Harvard University scholar has accepted an invitation to have a beer with President Barack Obama and the white police officer who arrested him in a racially charged case.

Professor Henry Louis Gates said Saturday he was willing to have a peace-making beer with Obama and Cambridge, Massachusetts, police Sgt. James Crowley.

Gates was arrested last week at his home after a neighbor called police to say that a man was breaking into the house. Obama said Cambridge police had "acted stupidly," prompting an outcry from police groups and a resulting media blitz.

Obama later telephoned both men and, on Crowley's suggestion, invited the two to the White House for a beer.

"I am pleased that he, too, is eager to use my experience as a teaching moment, and if meeting Sgt. Crowley for a beer with the president will further that end, then I would be happy to oblige," Gates said in a statement on, an Internet newsletter he edits.

Gates said he hoped his arrest would help reduce racial profiling by law enforcement agencies.

(Reporting by David Lawder; Editing by Doina Chiacu)
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 240 is Back on July 25, 2009, 12:40:50 PM
i bet the cop passes on this offer.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: The True Adonis on July 25, 2009, 12:45:44 PM
i bet the cop passes on this offer.
Nah, it was the cops and Obama`s idea.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: The True Adonis on July 25, 2009, 12:46:28 PM
Black scholar agrees to beer with Obama, policeman
Sat Jul 25, 2009 2:24pm EDT

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A prominent black Harvard University scholar has accepted an invitation to have a beer with President Barack Obama and the white police officer who arrested him in a racially charged case.

Professor Henry Louis Gates said Saturday he was willing to have a peace-making beer with Obama and Cambridge, Massachusetts, police Sgt. James Crowley.

Gates was arrested last week at his home after a neighbor called police to say that a man was breaking into the house. Obama said Cambridge police had "acted stupidly," prompting an outcry from police groups and a resulting media blitz.

Obama later telephoned both men and, on Crowley's suggestion, invited the two to the White House for a beer.

"I am pleased that he, too, is eager to use my experience as a teaching moment, and if meeting Sgt. Crowley for a beer with the president will further that end, then I would be happy to oblige," Gates said in a statement on, an Internet newsletter he edits.

Gates said he hoped his arrest would help reduce racial profiling by law enforcement agencies.

(Reporting by David Lawder; Editing by Doina Chiacu)

Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: headhuntersix on July 25, 2009, 12:49:11 PM
Would this be even necessary if Barry just shut the hell up in the first place and never commented.  U think this is a good thing TA? Barry is a moron, he let this go on and on and on....Its a non-story he let get away.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: The True Adonis on July 25, 2009, 12:51:57 PM
Would this be even necessary if Barry just shut the hell up in the first place and never commented.  U think this is a good thing TA? Barry is a moron, he let this go on and on and on....Its a non-story he let get away.
It is a good thing.  Gates and the Policeman, Crowley can meet face to face and both admit how each went a bit too far.  This is great symbolism for the rest of the country as well.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: shootfighter1 on July 25, 2009, 01:08:54 PM
I thing this is a good way to halt the escalation of this whole event.  The president never should have gave his uninformed opinion on the matter but this is a good way to close it.

Hopefully this teaches people to comply with reasonable police requests and stop yelling racism all the time, just as much as it makes us aware of the need not to racial profile.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: The True Adonis on July 25, 2009, 01:10:57 PM
I thing this is a good way to halt the escalation of this whole event.  The president never should have gave his uninformed opinion on the matter but this is a good way to close it.

Hopefully this teaches people to comply with reasonable police requests and stop yelling racism all the time, just as much as it makes us aware of the need not to racial profile.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Butterbean on July 25, 2009, 01:39:09 PM
Will Air Force One pick them up?
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 25, 2009, 02:09:21 PM
i bet the cop passes on this offer.

Gates said he hoped his arrest would help reduce racial profiling by law enforcement agencies.

This had nothing to do with racial profiling.  The facts always seem to get in the way of these race pimps. 
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on July 25, 2009, 02:29:57 PM
Black scholar agrees to beer with Obama, policeman
Sat Jul 25, 2009 2:24pm EDT

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A prominent black Harvard University scholar has accepted an invitation to have a beer with President Barack Obama and the white police officer who arrested him in a racially charged case.

Professor Henry Louis Gates said Saturday he was willing to have a peace-making beer with Obama and Cambridge, Massachusetts, police Sgt. James Crowley.

Gates was arrested last week at his home after a neighbor called police to say that a man was breaking into the house. Obama said Cambridge police had "acted stupidly," prompting an outcry from police groups and a resulting media blitz.

Obama later telephoned both men and, on Crowley's suggestion, invited the two to the White House for a beer.

"I am pleased that he, too, is eager to use my experience as a teaching moment, and if meeting Sgt. Crowley for a beer with the president will further that end, then I would be happy to oblige," Gates said in a statement on, an Internet newsletter he edits.

Gates said he hoped his arrest would help reduce racial profiling by law enforcement agencies.

(Reporting by David Lawder; Editing by Doina Chiacu)

Very cool.......

I didn't think it was PC for the POTUS to drink beer though?  ???
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 25, 2009, 02:30:55 PM
Very cool.......

I didn't think it was PC for the POTUS to drink beer though?  ???

I wonder whether they drink Miller, Bud, or Heinekn.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: drkaje on July 25, 2009, 02:36:05 PM
I wonder whether they drink Miller, Bud, or Heinekn.

It'll be 40Oz of Olde English, 333386!! :)

And before you ask..... Yes, they're gonna pour out a little for the ni&&as who didn't make it. :P
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on July 25, 2009, 02:38:19 PM
I wonder whether they drink Miller, Bud, or Heinekn.

Obama might be a Zima type of guy...  :-\
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on July 25, 2009, 02:39:02 PM
It'll be 40Oz of Olde English, 333386!! :)

And before you ask..... Yes, they're gonna pour out a little for the ni&&as who didn't make it. :P

Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 25, 2009, 02:43:30 PM

Maybe obama can get that chick with da phat azz from Argentina and pour some over her booty in from of gates and crowley as a sign of male unity.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: drkaje on July 25, 2009, 02:45:32 PM
Maybe obama can get that chick with da phat azz from Argentina and pour some over her booty in from of gates and crowley as a sign of male unity.

Now you're talking!!

He's half black, 33. We all love the ass, it's genetic.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on July 25, 2009, 02:45:35 PM
Maybe obama can get that chick with da phat azz from Argentina and pour some over her booty in from of gates and crowley as a sign of male unity.

Let the photoshopping begin!!!  ;D
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on July 25, 2009, 02:46:20 PM
Now you're talking!!

He's half black, 33. We all love the ass, it's genetic.

I'm white, and I love the ass... Maybe I qualify for an African American Scholarship...  :)
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 25, 2009, 02:47:13 PM
I'm white, and I love the ass... Maybe I qualify for an African American Scholarship...  :)

Me too.  I hate skinny chicks. 
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on July 25, 2009, 02:48:32 PM
Me too.  I hate skinny chicks. 

You're my brother from another mother! 
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Montague on July 25, 2009, 02:50:21 PM
U think this is a good thing TA?

You should like this.
Frankly, you should love everything about it.
His first comments are great!
And his attempts to reconcile are an admission of his “acting stupidly.”
Whatever the reason(s) were for his “mistake,” they are inexcusable as Commander-In-Chief.

There’s no redeeming way for him to explain his comments:
“I was misinformed.”
“I was uninformed.”
“I spoke inappropriately.”
“I’m anti-police.”
“I’m anti-white.”
“I’m all of the above.”

FFS you’re the president!
I guarantee O’s not the first pres to have these kinds of feelings.
But even if you are all of those above things, how about a F_CKING FILTER?

First/impulsive declarations are almost always the most honest and accurate.
Multiple, duplicating occurrences are the confirmation.
This isn’t the first time he’s stuck his foot in his mouth concerning something that could be regarded as “racial” and/or “discriminatory.”
It won’t be the last.

But instances such as these are providing us a fantastic glimpse as to the real kind of human being who is running the U.S.
It won’t matter, though.
Even if the people who were too blind to see it during the campaign figure it out now, it’s too little/too late.

I’ve spoken to several people in various parts of the medical field who are practically filling their pants at the prospect of nationalized healthcare. And most of them voted for O.
And other people (outside the medical field) I know who voted for him are also throwing a fit about this.
Historically, democrats have always been the ones aiming for nationalized healthcare. So now that we finally have a dem in the White House, why are these same people acting so f_cking astonished that he’s pushing for this? Wasn’t that obvious in the months leading up to election night?

O criticized a section of people in my state of “clinging to their guns and religion.”
Well, I don’t know what religion O is, but the faith of most people in the part of PA he chastised is Christianity.
O’s accusation seems to suggest that HE believes religion/Christianity is a bad thing.
Let’s see…
Do not kill,
Do not steal,
Do not lie,
Respect thy mum and dad…
Yeah, those are all horrible ideals. ::)
I guess O is steadfast against them.
Too bad. Those are principles that any person of any faith should appreciate.

And if respectful, moral people have guns, what’s to fear there? :-\

I know it’s gonna take years to undue the shit the last asshole did, but so far, this asshole’s gotten us further into debt, faster, with bailouts, stimulus packages – and other things on which we’ll never see a return – and the next projects on his agenda don’t look too hot, either.
There is change - but it's in the wrong direction.

But what kills me the most is the number of people who seem to be catching on now - the people who tell me they wouldn’t have voted for O if they’d known all of this ahead of time.
Well, I’ve got news for you.
Nothing here is a surprise after his campaign.
And if you didn’t see it then, then either you’re not smart enough to vote, or you cast your vote to spite the other party.
And don’t give me that shit that McCain was another "W."
Trust me, NOBODY could be that bad.

Maybe it’s time that citizens should have to pass some kind of an aptitude/intelligence test (or something) to be granted the right to vote – as if that would ever happen.
Maybe that would nullify people like a former manager of mine who said she “would vote for John Edwards because he’s cute.”

Or maybe I'm just blowing smoke. ;D
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: drkaje on July 25, 2009, 02:52:52 PM
You're my brother from another mother! 
Me too.  I hate skinny chicks. 

Not trying to sound gay but it's always nice to find something we agree on. :)
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on July 25, 2009, 02:53:39 PM
Not trying to sound gay but it's always nice to find something we agree on. :)

I'd post some pics, but I don't want to offend the mods...  ;D
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: shootfighter1 on July 25, 2009, 03:26:07 PM
kaje, your gay.  ;D

I think they will be drinking henny...
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Kazan on July 25, 2009, 05:59:49 PM
Thats great I'm glad the President has time to fuck around with a non issue, when the country is falling apart. Way to go Obama  ::)
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 24KT on July 25, 2009, 08:07:56 PM
I wonder whether they drink Miller, Bud, or Heinekn.

I was thinking the same thing... If he goes for a Budweiser, he enriches the McCain family.
If he chooses Molson's Canadian or a Corona... look out, ...he's not buying American.

l can't wait to see the Obama bashers get their panties in a wad over what beer the President chooses,
...or whether he drinks it out of a glass or straight from the bottle.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: IFBBwannaB on July 25, 2009, 08:16:15 PM
I thing this is a good way to halt the escalation of this whole event.  The president never should have gave his uninformed opinion on the matter but this is a good way to close it.

Hopefully this teaches people to comply with reasonable police requests and stop yelling racism all the time, just as much as it makes us aware of the need not to racial profile.

No this isn't a good thing, a good thing will be a the cop suing Obama and making hims STFU and think about what he says and not use his skin shield to bow down to every Arab king he sees and not to act like a black version of the KKK.

It's a disgrace! The Rev.Wright fiasco was the first sign to was only a matter of time before Obama's real views of the White man will come out.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on July 26, 2009, 12:20:57 AM
I was thinking the same thing... If he goes for a Budweiser, he enriches the McCain family.
If he chooses Molson's Canadian or a Corona... look out, ...he's not buying American.

l can't wait to see the Obama bashers get their panties in a wad over what beer the President chooses,
...or whether he drinks it out of a glass or straight from the bottle.

Nothing personal, but who in the hell would drink "Molson"?  :)
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 24KT on July 26, 2009, 12:30:13 AM
Black scholar agrees to beer with Obama, policeman
Sat Jul 25, 2009 2:24pm EDT

As an aside, I just love the title the authors choose to give to the article:

"Black scholar agrees to beer with Obama, policeman."  ::)  Sheesh.

I think this is part of the problem in America. Why can't Gate's simply be a scholar, why does he have to be a Black scholar? Is there a difference between both types of scholars? If Gates is a Black scholar, why isn't Crowley a White policeman, rather than just a policeman? C'mon, is that the way people think?, ...or should think? Do we really go around describing people, occupations, and professions in terms of ethnicity? Is it even relevant? If so, I think it is these types of ubiquitous & unecessary distinctions that re-inforce the artificial barriers that do such a disservice to your society.

Am I the only one who thinks perhaps the article would have been more appropriately entitled: "Scholar agrees to beer with Obama and policeman"

When the story was first broadcast on my local news, he was decribed as a Harvard scholar arrested for breaking into his own home. it was only after they flashed a picture of his mug shot that it his ethnicity was revealed.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 24KT on July 26, 2009, 12:42:25 AM
Nothing personal, but who in the hell would drink "Molson"?  :)

Straight men who have a taste for beer, ...good beer, ...real beer, ...Canadian beer that's not watered down.

Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Fury on July 26, 2009, 06:37:28 AM
As an aside, I just love the title the authors choose to give to the article:

"Black scholar agrees to beer with Obama, policeman."  ::)  Sheesh.

I think this is part of the problem in America. Why can't Gate's simply be a scholar, why does he have to be a Black scholar? Is there a difference between both types of scholars? If Gates is a Black scholar, why isn't Crowley a White policeman, rather than just a policeman? C'mon, is that the way people think?, ...or should think? Do we really go around describing people, occupations, and professions in terms of ethnicity? Is it even relevant? If so, I think it is these types of ubiquitous & unecessary distinctions that re-inforce the artificial barriers that do such a disservice to your society.

Am I the only one who thinks perhaps the article would have been more appropriately entitled: "Scholar agrees to beer with Obama and policeman"

When the story was first broadcast on my local news, he was decribed as a Harvard scholar arrested for breaking into his own home. it was only after they flashed a picture of his mug shot that it his ethnicity was revealed.

The only reason this is getting ANY attention at all is because he happens to be a black professor at Harvard so of course they're going to mention that he's black. If this was your run of the mill white professor from some random community college then no one would have heard a thing about it.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 24KT on July 26, 2009, 07:32:44 AM
It STILL does not make any sense to me. Articles are written about Harvard scholars everyday.
Rarely, if ever, are their ethnicities trumpeted, ...except if they are Black, if that somehow differentiates them from their peers, ...or by such a designation, reveals them to be atypical of their peers.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: JOCKTHEGLIDE on July 26, 2009, 07:47:35 AM
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: drkaje on July 26, 2009, 10:03:14 AM

$20 on a round of beers is better than billions on a war, as far as distractions go. :)
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Hugo Chavez on July 26, 2009, 10:32:22 AM
The only reason this is getting ANY attention at all is because he happens to be a black professor at Harvard so of course they're going to mention that he's black. If this was your run of the mill white professor from some random community college then no one would have heard a thing about it.
what's up with the gay avatar BF?
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: drkaje on July 26, 2009, 11:00:25 AM
The only reason this is getting ANY attention at all is because he happens to be a black professor at Harvard so of course they're going to mention that he's black. If this was your run of the mill white professor from some random community college then no one would have heard a thing about it.

Do you believe a non-minority guy would have been arrested?
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: JOCKTHEGLIDE on July 26, 2009, 11:03:16 AM
The only reason this is getting ANY attention at all is because he happens to be a black professor at Harvard so of course they're going to mention that he's black. If this was your run of the mill white professor from some random community college then no one would have heard a thing about it.
you,,,= smart man if it was a asian dude,,,mexican whateva  this would have made media attention now since we got black president everything we say is more cautious now,,peole think since we got black president life is good actually it gets worse when it comes to sensitivity of blacks,,,
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Fury on July 26, 2009, 08:35:39 PM
what's up with the gay avatar BF?

You've never seen American Psycho?

I got tired of Shay because it used up all my photobucket bandwidth within the first three days of the month. We'd get to see her in her glory for a couple days and then have to go 27 with nothing.  :'(

Do you believe a non-minority guy would have been arrested?

Here comes the race card bullshit. The guy showed his Harvard ID. He lived in Cambridge, where Harvard is. I'm sure this cop had the intellectual capacity to put 2+2 together.  To be honest, I don't really care. Not interested in some black professor who just happens to teach at a good university getting arrested.

My point still stands. Reverse this situation and put a white guy in the professor's place and I guarantee this doesn't make CNN. More of the same old stuff.

I guess even the smartest of blacks like to pull the race card any chance they get.

Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: drkaje on July 26, 2009, 09:07:57 PM
You've never seen American Psycho?

I got tired of Shay because it used up all my photobucket bandwidth within the first three days of the month. We'd get to see her in her glory for a couple days and then have to go 27 with nothing.  :'(

Here comes the race card bullshit. The guy showed his Harvard ID. He lived in Cambridge, where Harvard is. I'm sure this cop had the intellectual capacity to put 2+2 together.  To be honest, I don't really care. Not interested in some black professor who just happens to teach at a good university getting arrested.

My point still stands. Reverse this situation and put a white guy in the professor's place and I guarantee this doesn't make CNN. More of the same old stuff.

I guess even the smartest of blacks like to pull the race card any chance they get.

I didn't pull "the race card". It was a fairly simple question which you chose not to answer.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Fury on July 26, 2009, 09:21:52 PM
I didn't pull "the race card". It was a fairly simple question which you chose not to answer.

I'm not into hypotheticals. Reverse the situation EXACTLY and this doesn't make front page news. That's a fucking fact. The only reason this is a big deal is because it happened to some distinguished BLACK professor.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: dkf360 on July 26, 2009, 10:45:07 PM
As an aside, I just love the title the authors choose to give to the article:

"Black scholar agrees to beer with Obama, policeman."  ::)  Sheesh.

I think this is part of the problem in America. Why can't Gate's simply be a scholar, why does he have to be a Black scholar? Is there a difference between both types of scholars? If Gates is a Black scholar, why isn't Crowley a White policeman, rather than just a policeman? C'mon, is that the way people think?, ...or should think? Do we really go around describing people, occupations, and professions in terms of ethnicity? Is it even relevant? If so, I think it is these types of ubiquitous & unecessary distinctions that re-inforce the artificial barriers that do such a disservice to your society.

Am I the only one who thinks perhaps the article would have been more appropriately entitled: "Scholar agrees to beer with Obama and policeman"

When the story was first broadcast on my local news, he was decribed as a Harvard scholar arrested for breaking into his own home. it was only after they flashed a picture of his mug shot that it his ethnicity was revealed.
I don't know...could it be that black america loves bringing up race whenever possible and now it has rubbed onto the journalist?
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 24KT on July 27, 2009, 12:07:46 AM
I don't know...could it be that black america loves bringing up race whenever possible and now it has rubbed onto the journalist?

Nah, I doubt it's that. I think it is part of the systemic racism (over emphatic awareness of race) so very pervasive in American society. I even noticed it in the police Reports filed by Crowley & Figueroa.. They both seemed to be very aware of Gates' race, ...however, the race of the caller is glossed over. This is markedly present in Figueroa's report.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 27, 2009, 04:24:37 AM
Nah, I doubt it's that. I think it is part of the systemic racism (over emphatic awareness of race) so very pervasive in American society. I even noticed it in the police Reports filed by Crowley & Figueroa.. They both seemed to be very aware of Gates' race, ...however, the race of the caller is glossed over. This is markedly present in Figueroa's report.

Give me a freaking break you fool.  Are you serious? 

The cops are called to respond to a burglarly in process.  Of course the caller has to mention the race of the potential perp.  Does the race of the caller matter who is calling in the crime in progress?

Part of "systematic racism" we have is because of people like yourself who see everything through racial glasses.  This whole incident had nothing to do with race until Gates started accusing the cops of being racist.       

Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 24KT on July 27, 2009, 04:59:55 AM
Give me a freaking break you fool.  Are you serious? 

I'm not a fool, ...but you appear to be acting like one..

The cops are called to respond to a burglarly in process.  Of course the caller has to mention the race of the potential perp.  Does the race of the caller matter who is calling in the crime in progress?

It clearly matters to someone, otherwise there wouldn't be a spot for it on the police report. Both Crowley & Figueroa left it blank for the witness, but filled it in for Gates. Also too, read Officer Figueroa's accounting of his observations at the scene.

Part of "systematic racism" we have is because of people like yourself who see everything through racial glasses.  This whole incident had nothing to do with race until Gates started accusing the cops of being racist.       

That's actually quite funny considering your choice of title for the secret service agent thread. (

pssssst: I gotta question for ya 333386.... Where was Obama's racism?
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 27, 2009, 05:05:25 AM
Jag:  This whole mess became about race due solely to Gates and you know it.  He is the punk and Obama showed AGAIN teh dumb-ass that he is.

Arguing with you over this is pointless because you refuse to even look at the basic facts as to why the cop was there in the first place. 

Gates should be happy that the cops came there in the first place looking out for his own property on what was thought of to be a burglary in process.

Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 24KT on July 27, 2009, 05:19:39 AM
Jag:  This whole mess became about race due solely to Gates and you know it.  He is the punk and Obama showed AGAIN teh dumb-ass that he is.

Arguing with you over this is pointless because you refuse to even look at the basic facts as to why the cop was there in the first place. 

Gates should be happy that the cops came there in the first place looking out for his own property on what was thought of to be a burglary in process.


You're soooo cracking me up right now. you're trying desperately to convince me this incident is about race...
essentially arguing the same position as Gates btw, ...while I contend this is about stupidity on Crowley's part.

I have looked at the basic facts in the case. I understand Crowley was there because of a burglary report called in
I get it! What you don't get is Gates was the victim. An innocent man minding his own business, in his own home, who was inconvenienced by the police. Whether he was appreciative of an officer attending the call is irrelevant, Crowley should have left him alone after establishing him as the lawful occupant. Gates could be screaming up and down and doing the talk show circuit claiming Crowley tried to bugger him. It doesn't matter. Crowley made a stupid arrest and now it's a big deal.

Had Crowley not arrested him, no one would be talking about this at all!

That's the part you don't get. That's why it was so stupid.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 27, 2009, 05:34:31 AM
Forget it.  You are hopeless.   Blacks cant be racist in your mind so its useless to even discuss this with you.   
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 24KT on July 27, 2009, 05:42:00 AM
Forget it.  You are hopeless.   Blacks cant be racist in your mind so its useless to even discuss this with you.   

Did I say Blacks can't be racist? I never said that. I know Blacks are just as capable of racism as anyone else.

What I said, is that Crowley's handling of the situatiion was stupid, is your blinding bias.

When's your birthday? I'm gonna send you an Obama punching bag for your workouts?  ;D
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Montague on July 27, 2009, 05:43:39 AM
Crowley should have left him alone after establishing him as the lawful occupant.

Agitating a police officer for any reason is not lawful.

For whatever reason - noncompliance towards law enforcement will cause things to end badly for you.

Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 27, 2009, 05:47:15 AM
Did I say Blacks can't be racist? I never said that. I know Blacks are just as capable of racism as anyone else.

What I said, is that Crowley's handling of the situatiion was stupid, is your blinding bias.

When's your birthday? I'm gonna send you an Obama punching bag for your workouts?  ;D

This is where the difference between liberals and conservatives come in to play. 

Liberals live in la la dream world whereas conservatives live in the real world. 

Everyone knows you dont challenge a cop in public by calling him racist names for no good reason.  Its common sense. 

However, dreamers like yourself and TA refuse understand reality and truly believe your own clap trap. 

Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 24KT on July 27, 2009, 05:54:32 AM

Agitating a police officer for any reason is not lawful.

( what about busting kh's chops on a web forum?
I get such little pleasure... don't take that away from me.  :'(


For whatever reason - noncompliance towards law enforcement will cause things to end badly for you.

As will making stupid punitive arrests of well connected civilians in a position to hand you your nuts.  :P

It could have been worse though, ...he could have tazed him or shot him.  ;D
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 24KT on July 27, 2009, 05:56:09 AM
This is where the difference between liberals and conservatives come in to play. 

Liberals live in la la dream world whereas conservatives live in the real world. 

Everyone knows you dont challenge a cop in public by calling him racist names for no good reason.  Its common sense. 

However, dreamers like yourself and TA refuse understand reality and truly believe your own clap trap. 

Why do you constantly insist upon ignoring simple straight forward questions posed to you?

Was he calling Sgt. Crowley racist names?
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Montague on July 27, 2009, 06:03:16 AM
( what about busting kh's chops on a web forum?
I get such little pleasure... don't take that away from me.  :'(

As will making stupid punitive arrests of well connected civilians in a position to hand you your nuts.  :P

It could have been worse though, ...he could have tazed him or shot him.  ;D

I would never deny you of your castration rights.

You're right. It could always be worse. That’s where the debate starts – could/should things have been handled differently/better?

You make excellent points that at least they didn’t tazer the guy like the old lady who confronted the cop after being pulled over for a traffic violation.
I really don't know what the right thing would have been to do there.
Excessive force is usually left to individual interpretation.
But rest assured, if I shouted multiple obscenities at a cop I would be cuffed and taken in, too – I hope that’s all. ;D
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 27, 2009, 06:04:17 AM
Why do you constantly insist upon ignoring simple straight forward questions posed to you?

Was he calling Sgt. Crowley racist names?

Sgt. James Crowley, cop who arrested Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr., denies he's racist
BY Beverly Ford In Cambridge and Rich Schapiro

Updated Friday, July 24th 2009, 1:57 AM

Cambridge Police Sgt. James Crowley says that he's not racist for arresting Henry Louis Gates, citing the CPR he gave the Celtics star Reggie Lewis (below) as proof.

The white cop under fire for arresting black scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. blasted President Obama Thursday, saying he was "way off base" for accusing police of stupidity.

A defiant Cambridge, Mass., Sgt. James Crowley refused to apologize for the collar a day after Obama defended his Harvard professor pal in a prime-time news conference.

"I think he was way off base wading into a local issue without knowing all the facts," Crowley, 42, who teaches a course on racial profiling to police academy students, told Boston radio station WBZ-AM.

"I acted appropriately. I've done nothing wrong."

Later in the day, Obama's spokesman Robert Gibbs tried to walk back the President's comments that "the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting" Gates.

Gibbs told reporters aboard Air Force One, "Let me be clear; he was not calling the officer stupid."

Gibbs said Obama felt that when it became clear that Gates was not a burglary suspect, "cooler heads on all sides should have prevailed."

Gates said he understands why Obama used the word.

"I think that the circumstances are so egregious that it was the adjective that ... logically popped into his head," Gates said Thursday on "The Gayle King Show" on Sirius radio.

"People ... are looking for something that I could have done to justify Sgt. Crowley's actions. There's nothing that I could have done to justify Sgt. Crowley's action," he said.

Speaking for the first time since the ugly incident, Cambridge Police Chief Robert Haas said he was "deeply pained" by the President's comments.

"We take deep personal pride in this agency," Haas said. "We don't have the reputation that we have been painted with."

Crowley, an 11-year veteran of the Cambridge Police Department, responded to a reported break-in at the renowned scholar's home last Thursday.

A neighbor reported seeing two black men break into the professor's home. She was unaware the man forcing his way inside was Gates, who had locked himself out.

When Crowley arrived, he told an incensed Gates he was investigating a report of a break-in and asked for his identification

"Why? Because I'm a black man in America," Gates responded, the police report says.

Gates initially refused to hand over his ID, instead angrily accusing the officer of being a racist and "leveling threats that he wasn't someone to mess with," the report says.

After Gates produced his Harvard University ID, he repeatedly demanded Crowley state his name, which the officer claims he had already done.

Crowley said Gates continued hurling insults at him as he left the home. Crowley arrested the scholar for disorderly conduct. The charge was later dropped.

"He was arrested after following me outside the house, continuing the tirade even after being warned multiple times - probably a few more times than the average person would," Crowley told the radio station.  
Gates demanded Crowley apologize.

Read more:
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Montague on July 27, 2009, 06:09:39 AM
As will making stupid punitive arrests of well connected civilians in a position to hand you your nuts.  :P

One more thing, though - and I’ll ask you to clarify your statement first.

It’s advisable to pick your fights wisely in the political arena.
But are you suggesting (above) that well-connected civilians should be excused from/above the law because of their clout? ???
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 24KT on July 27, 2009, 06:13:51 AM
One more thing, though - and I’ll ask you to clarify your statement first.

It’s advisable to pick your fights wisely in the political arena.
But are you suggesting (above) that well-connected civilians should be excused from/above the law because of their clout? ???

Not suggesting anything of the kind, ...but like I've said before, gotta know when to pick your battles.
Gates wasn't breaking the law, ...and cops are not absolved from using just plain common sense. Hindsight is 20/20
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: BM OUT on July 27, 2009, 06:22:32 AM
Not suggesting anything of the kind, ...but like I've said before, gotta know when to pick your battles.
Gates wasn't breaking the law, ...and cops are not absolved from using just plain common sense. Hindsight is 20/20

Yeah,Im the one who needs a mental evaluation,you defend the minority no matter what the circumstances.Its a joke.Like I said,the tapes will be released soon,then we will see fools like you and Obama/wright EXPOSED AS THE SILLY RABBLE ROUSERS YOU ARE.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Montague on July 27, 2009, 06:27:43 AM
"He was arrested after following me outside the house, continuing the tirade even after being warned multiple times - probably a few more times than the average person would," Crowley told the radio station. gotta know when to pick your battles.
Gates wasn't breaking the law, ...and cops are not absolved from using just plain common sense. Hindsight is 20/20

Maybe Gates should have picked his battle better.
If you want to prove a point, don’t follow a police officer to his car while shouting obscenities.
LE considers that disorderly conduct.

Gates could have written a book, gotten magazine/radio/TV interviews…things from which he could have profited much more than the exposure he’s currently enjoying (or not).

Choosing more civilized and PC media would’ve made him look better and the police look worse.

O’s initial comments haven’t exactly helped either.
As I mentioned before, original proclamations mean a lot and are seldom forgotten.

Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 24KT on July 27, 2009, 06:30:00 AM
Yeah,Im the one who needs a mental evaluation,

Congratulations! Recognizing you have a problem is alway the first step.  :)

you defend the minority no matter what the circumstances.Its a joke.Like I said,the tapes will be released soon,then we will see fools like you and Obama/wright EXPOSED AS THE SILLY RABBLE ROUSERS YOU ARE.


Ya know Billy, somtimes you confound me, ...sometimes you just make me laugh.
Thanks for facilitating my starting my day with a good laugh!

As an aside though, ...if all these racist rants you and 333386 have been captured on yet to be released tapes, do any of you know what was said? Did you gleen this knowledge from osmosis, ESP, ...out your derriere?
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 27, 2009, 06:37:14 AM
Where is my racist rant? 

The only racists in this are Obama and Gates.

Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 24KT on July 27, 2009, 06:40:16 AM

Maybe Gates should have picked his battle better.
If you want to prove a point, don’t follow a police officer to his car while shouting obscenities.
LE considers that disorderly conduct.

Gates could have written a book, gotten magazine/radio/TV interviews…things from which he could have profited much more than the exposure he’s currently enjoying (or not).

Choosing more civilized and PC media would’ve made him look better and the police look worse.

O’s initial comments haven’t exactly helped either.
As I mentioned before, original proclamations mean a lot and are seldom forgotten.

As far as I'm concerned, it is the Cambridge PD that has the PR nightmare on it's hands.

Do you think that if Gates made the allegations that Crowley suspected him of being a burglar because he was a racist, that ANYONE would be talking about it. Do you think any talk show host would invite him as a guest? They would take one look at the facts... possible breakin in progress called in, ...and dismiss Gates and his allegations as a nutcase.

The fact that he was arrested however, adds a new dynamic. An arrest whose authority to effect rested solely in Sgt. Crowley's hands. Had Crowley not arrested him, he wouldn't have his platform. It's the fact that he was arrested that has everyone saying "wtf? What's up with that?" So now people want to know more when they would've otherwise dismissed it from their minds.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 24KT on July 27, 2009, 06:46:32 AM

Maybe Gates should have picked his battle better.
If you want to prove a point, don’t follow a police officer to his car while shouting obscenities.
LE considers that disorderly conduct.

If Gates is the race-baiting ranting dramaqueen some here have alleged him to be, stands to reason he picked his battle very well wouldn't ya say? Look at the shitstorm!  ;D
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 27, 2009, 06:54:50 AM
If Gates is the race-baiting ranting dramaqueen some here have alleged him to be, stands to reason he picked his battle very well wouldn't ya say? Look at the shitstorm!  ;D

The shitstorm is against Obama for opening his dumb mouth.  The man is a fool.

However, his comment about doctors taking out tonsils for $$$ was even worse IMHO.  The man is a complete jackass.   

Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: shootfighter1 on July 27, 2009, 07:00:44 AM
I heard today that the caller did not mention the suspected burgler's race in the initial 911 call.

Gates clearly made this whole situation about race, then the media added gas to his fire.

All of the police investigators, the commissioner and the police union reviewed the facts in the case and side with Crowley.  In fact, Obama is facing significant criticizm from police groups around the country.  It isn't a clear cut case, but all of the officers and the bystanders have commented on Gates making a significant public disturbance and apparently he wouldn't calm down.  An arrest is one way to diffuse the situation when someone refuses to calm down and comply with reasonable police requests.

jag, I agree about the title of the article, the media continues to push race stories as they get a lot of attention.  I think the media is much to blame for escalating this incident.  They keep saying we need to talk more on race but they are polarizing the situation IMO.  The best way to deal with race is to let people blend naturally and stop putting people in categories against each other. 
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 24KT on July 27, 2009, 07:03:10 AM
The shitstorm is against Obama for opening his dumb mouth.  The man is a fool.

However, his comment about doctors taking out tonsils for $$$ was even worse IMHO.  The man is a complete jackass.   

{giggle} Ya know, ...I can remember a time when Obama was embroiled in/dragged into another issue about race.
People thought it would finish him, ...but he ended up making an historic speech that is sure to go down in history as one of the Greatest Speeches in America. I have a feeling, he's got another slam dunk waiting.

For the sake of argument, I'll grant you your delusion, ...and agree that Obama is a fool. OK, he's a fool.

...but did racism cause a secret service agent to complain?
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: shootfighter1 on July 27, 2009, 07:04:52 AM
"If Gates is the race-baiting ranting dramaqueen some here have alleged him to be, stands to reason he picked his battle very well wouldn't ya say? Look at the shitstorm

I don't know Jag, I think there is a lot of backlash to Gates on this one because of how he handled himself.  What most people are debating is should he have been arrested, having gotten multiple warnings but being on his own property.  Few are debating Gate's behavior...that has been perceived as overwhelmingly unacceptible.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 27, 2009, 07:09:00 AM
I heard today that the caller did not mention the suspected burgler's race in the initial 911 call.

Gates clearly made this whole situation about race, then the media added gas to his fire.

All of the police investigators, the commissioner and the police union reviewed the facts in the case and side with Crowley.  In fact, Obama is facing significant criticizm from police groups around the country.  It isn't a clear cut case, but all of the officers and the bystanders have commented on Gates making a significant public disturbance and apparently he wouldn't calm down.  An arrest is one way to diffuse the situation when someone refuses to calm down and comply with reasonable police requests.

jag, I agree about the title of the article but the media continues to push race stories as they get a lot of attention.  I think the media is much to blame for escalating this incident.  They keep saying we need to talk more on race but they are polarizing the situation IMO.  The best way to deal with race is to let people blend naturally and stop putting people in categories against each other. 

Hey Shoot - what about our brilliant HARVARD LAWYER PRESIDENT asccusing docs of taking tonsils out of kids throuats for $$$.  The jackass is so clueless as to not realize that the doc who refers the kid to get their tonsils out is not the one who performs the damn procedure!

How dumb does it get?  
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: splinterhands on July 27, 2009, 07:13:41 AM

 I think the media is much to blame for escalating this incident.  They keep saying we need to talk more on race but they are polarizing the situation IMO.  The best way to deal with race is to let people blend naturally and stop putting people in categories against each other. 

Great point!!
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 27, 2009, 07:16:37 AM
Great point!!

The Race Pimps will never let that happen. 
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: drkaje on July 27, 2009, 08:08:07 AM
I'm not into hypotheticals. Reverse the situation EXACTLY and this doesn't make front page news. That's a fucking fact. The only reason this is a big deal is because it happened to some distinguished BLACK professor.

A reverse situation wouldn't make news and if that dude weren't hooked up no one else would give a fuck.

I was repeatedly harassed by the police as a kid/young adult. Fitting the profile (tall and black) always made for a lot of conversations with the police. Even grew up with a dude local police hung in the cell.

We need the police and I have no problem with them. That being said, I don't know how many times you've been pulled over 'just because'.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Montague on July 27, 2009, 08:48:07 AM
"If Gates is the race-baiting ranting dramaqueen some here have alleged him to be, stands to reason he picked his battle very well wouldn't ya say? Look at the shitstorm

I don't know Jag, I think there is a lot of backlash to Gates on this one because of how he handled himself.  What most people are debating is should he have been arrested, having gotten multiple warnings but being on his own property.  Few are debating Gate's behavior...that has been perceived as overwhelmingly unacceptible.

That seems to be the consensus of many, and the point I was getting at.
His behavior is drawing him attention, but not the best kind - particularly for arguing his case.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: JOCKTHEGLIDE on July 27, 2009, 08:52:47 AM
ha ha ha,,,,this is working out perfectly as planned straight from obama himself "this is an distraction for what is gonna happen soon",,,,,bookmark this thread you will soon seen
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 27, 2009, 08:57:48 AM
ha ha ha,,,,this is working out perfectly as planned straight from obama himself "this is an distraction for what is gonna happen soon",,,,,bookmark this thread you will soon seen


Is there another CZAR to be appointed?
Another bailout of a wall street firm associated with Goldman Sachs?
Another industry takeover?
His real BC is coming out? 
He will propose amnesty for illegal aliens? 
Death Care will be swept under the rug?   
He will keept he report on the economy silent for longer? 

What gem is he hiding we already dont know about?   
JackAss-in-Chief would not surprise me with anything at this point. 
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: dkf360 on July 27, 2009, 09:50:11 AM
Do you believe a non-minority guy would have been arrested?
Yes, a non-minority guy would have been arrested for causing disorderly conduct as well. Hope that helps.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 27, 2009, 09:52:17 AM
Yes, a non-minority guy would have been arrested for causing disorderly conduct as well. Hope that helps.

Anyone who watches COPS knows this to be the truth.  A white guy would get pounded no different than a black guy in this same situation.   
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: dkf360 on July 27, 2009, 10:02:02 AM
Nah, I doubt it's that. I think it is part of the systemic racism (over emphatic awareness of race) so very pervasive in American society. I even noticed it in the police Reports filed by Crowley & Figueroa.. They both seemed to be very aware of Gates' race, ...however, the race of the caller is glossed over. This is markedly present in Figueroa's report.
In police reports, you have to be as specific as possible with the antagonist. The race of the caller was not noted because it wasn't necessary to do so. What would noting the race of the caller accomplish?

It sounds like you would have preferred for the caller's race to be noted so it can be additional ammo to justify the pulling of the race card.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: shootfighter1 on July 27, 2009, 12:43:20 PM
I like what Juan Williams said the other day.  (To paraphrase) "Yeah, young blacks do get profiled more often than I tell my kids you have to be extra respectful to the officer because that first impression matters.  He told his kids to button up when the officer is questioning them and don't argue".

Its not right that more blacks are pulled over or questioned but cops do this because in certain neighborhoods, they see a disproportionate # of young blacks committing crimes.  The way to change this is for the police to undergo training, to decrease crime rates of young blacks, and to teach them to treat the police with better respect.  If the cops stop to question a suspicious looking person and that person treats the officers with respect and answers their questions appropriately without attitude, the cops typically have a good responce to this.  Right now, many poor kids (and many minorities) are taught "f-ck the police" and they lash out with attitude...its totally backwards and makes the situation much worse for them.  Gates' responce to his situation is definitely a bad example of what to do.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Montague on July 27, 2009, 12:54:16 PM
Perfectly put.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Colossus_500 on July 27, 2009, 01:26:24 PM
I like what Juan Williams said the other day.  (To paraphrase) "Yeah, young blacks do get profiled more often than I tell my kids you have to be extra respectful to the officer because that first impression matters.  He told his kids to button up when the officer is questioning them and don't argue".

Its not right that more blacks are pulled over or questioned but cops do this because in certain neighborhoods, they see a disproportionate # of young blacks committing crimes.  The way to change this is for the police to undergo training, to decrease crime rates of young blacks, and to teach them to treat the police with better respect.  If the cops stop to question a suspicious looking person and that person treats the officers with respect and answers their questions appropriately without attitude, the cops typically have a good responce to this.  Right now, many poor kids (and many minorities) are taught "f-ck the police" and they lash out with attitude...its totally backwards and makes the situation much worse for them.  Gates' responce to his situation is definitely a bad example of what to do.


Let's put a different face on this "profiling" thing.......more than 90% of terrorist-related acts are carried out by middle-eastern Muslim men in the 17-42 age range.  So, are we wrong to use that data?  Were we, as Americans, practicing racial profiling on SEPTEMBER 12, 2001??? Yes!!!!  Do you still get nervous when you board a plane and see a middle-eastern male around 17-42 walk past your seat?  Yes!!!

Even if we take the color out of this situation, let's just look at the fact that there is a man breaking the glass of a home, and that person has no identification to prove that he is the homeowner, is it not a police offier's job to investigate the situation? 

Pure and simple, Gates was wrong, and he was arrogant.   
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: muscleforlife on July 27, 2009, 07:24:08 PM

Let's put a different face on this "profiling" thing.......more than 90% of terrorist-related acts are carried out by middle-eastern Muslim men in the 17-42 age range.  So, are we wrong to use that data?  Were we, as Americans, practicing racial profiling on SEPTEMBER 12, 2001??? Yes!!!!  Do you still get nervous when you board a plane and see a middle-eastern male around 17-42 walk past your seat?  Yes!!!

Even if we take the color out of this situation, let's just look at the fact that there is a man breaking the glass of a home, and that person has no identification to prove that he is the homeowner, is it not a police offier's job to investigate the situation? 

Pure and simple, Gates was wrong, and he was arrogant.   

They both acted stupidly.  It was being blown out of proportion even before Obama made his comments.

Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: dkf360 on July 27, 2009, 07:27:38 PM

Let's put a different face on this "profiling" thing.......more than 90% of terrorist-related acts are carried out by middle-eastern Muslim men in the 17-42 age range.  So, are we wrong to use that data?  Were we, as Americans, practicing racial profiling on SEPTEMBER 12, 2001??? Yes!!!!  Do you still get nervous when you board a plane and see a middle-eastern male around 17-42 walk past your seat?  Yes!!!

Even if we take the color out of this situation, let's just look at the fact that there is a man breaking the glass of a home, and that person has no identification to prove that he is the homeowner, is it not a police offier's job to investigate the situation? 

Pure and simple, Gates was wrong, and he was arrogant.   

Gates was a well connected professor who thought he was above the law.

I'm glad the cop checked him.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 24KT on July 27, 2009, 07:48:19 PM
"If Gates is the race-baiting ranting dramaqueen some here have alleged him to be, stands to reason he picked his battle very well wouldn't ya say? Look at the shitstorm

I don't know Jag, I think there is a lot of backlash to Gates on this one because of how he handled himself.  What most people are debating is should he have been arrested, having gotten multiple warnings but being on his own property.  Few are debating Gate's behavior...that has been perceived as overwhelmingly unacceptible.

It's overwhelmingly socially unacceptible to pick your nose and eat it too,
...but we aren't marching Miss Smith's kindergarten class off to jail either are we?   :P
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 24KT on July 27, 2009, 07:53:55 PM
I heard today that the caller did not mention the suspected burgler's race in the initial 911 call.

They should release the 911 tape to shed further light on the information available at the time.

jag, I agree about the title of the article, the media continues to push race stories as they get a lot of attention.  I think the media is much to blame for escalating this incident.  They keep saying we need to talk more on race but they are polarizing the situation IMO.  The best way to deal with race is to let people blend naturally and stop putting people in categories against each other. 

I'm 1,000,000% in agreement with you there, ...but then again, ...I'm Canadian.  :)
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 24KT on July 27, 2009, 08:05:16 PM
ha ha ha,,,,this is working out perfectly as planned straight from obama himself "this is an distraction for what is gonna happen soon",,,,,bookmark this thread you will soon seen

{LOL} This wouldn't surprise me one bit. The whole nation is distracted, ...talking about it.
Whenever you see a stupid story like this blown way out of proportion, know some serious stuff is taking place behind the scenes. the nation is talking about Gates & Crowley, ...while Obama is getting his healthcare reform passed. Then Obama sits down, has a beer with Gates & Crowley, ...he's the hero that got both sides together. People might actually start to take a real look at the reality of life for many people, both officers on patrol, and people in the community, ...and may perhaps endeavor to walk a mile in another's shoes. Fast forward a bit... Police officers across the nations will politely refer to black men as "Sir" when they speak to them, ...Black youth across the country will start wearing T-shirts that say "Have you kissed your local cop today", ...everyone will join hands, sing kuumbayah, ...Obama comes out smelling like a rose, ...and healthcare reform is a fait accomplis. The man will have fed 2 birds with one worm. Damn, ...that Obama is one politically saavy operator.

ps: I'm not sure if I'm being sarcastic or not.  :D 
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 24KT on July 27, 2009, 08:22:00 PM

Let's put a different face on this "profiling" thing.......more than 90% of terrorist-related acts are carried out by middle-eastern Muslim men in the 17-42 age range.  So, are we wrong to use that data?  Were we, as Americans, practicing racial profiling on SEPTEMBER 12, 2001??? Yes!!!!  Do you still get nervous when you board a plane and see a middle-eastern male around 17-42 walk past your seat?  Yes!!!

I'm sorry Colossus, ...but that just does not seem at all true to me.

There is a perception of Muslims & terrorists. I'm not saying that no muslims have ever committed terrorist acts,
...but terrorism, has existed in the USA since the USA has even begun. I'm not sure where you get your numbers from, but it is my impression that the vast majority of KKK members are not muslims, ...infact, I don't think they'll accept a Muslim on the application form. Or do you not consider the Klan to be a terrorist organization. Then, there was the Manson family, another domestic terrorist organization. There was the group of which Ayres was a member, ...and the Simbionese Liberation Army which had as it's posterchild a White Anglo Saxon Princess, ...heiress to an American publishing empire. If I had to hazard a guess, I would conclude the vast majority of terrorists in America, are not muslims, ...however, due to media manipulation, and a mass mentality reminiscent of Nazi Germany, the perception is there.

Even if we take the color out of this situation, let's just look at the fact that there is a man breaking the glass of a home, and that person has no identification to prove that he is the homeowner, is it not a police offier's job to investigate the situation?

But Colossus, those are NOT the facts. Gates was not breaking the glass of a home. He was already inside the home when the police arrived. He also did provide his identification to prove he was the lawful occupant of the residence.
Pure and simple, Gates was wrong, and he was arrogant.   

Gates may have been arrogant, ...but Crowley made a stupid unecessary mistake and could certainly have handled the situation better.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Fury on July 27, 2009, 08:47:18 PM
I'm sorry Colossus, ...but that just does not seem at all true to me.

There is a perception of Muslims & terrorists. I'm not saying that no muslims have ever committed terrorist acts,
...but terrorism, has existed in the USA since the USA has even begun. I'm not sure where you get your numbers from, but it is my impression that the vast majority of KKK members are not muslims, ...infact, I don't think they'll accept a Muslim on the application form. Or do you not consider the Klan to be a terrorist organization. Then, there was the Manson family, another domestic terrorist organization. There was the group of which Ayres was a member, ...and the Simbionese Liberation Army which had as it's posterchild a White Anglo Saxon Princess, ...heiress to an American publishing empire. If I had to hazard a guess, I would conclude the vast majority of terrorists in America, are not muslims, ...however, due to media manipulation, and a mass mentality reminiscent of Nazi Germany, the perception is there.

But Colossus, those are NOT the facts. Gates was not breaking the glass of a home. He was already inside the home when the police arrived. He also did provide his identification to prove he was the lawful occupant of the residence.
Gates may have been arrogant, ...but Crowley made a stupid unecessary mistake and could certainly have handled the situation better.

Hate to break it to you because I know it will deflate your racist little white-hating ego a bit, but Muslims killed more people on 9/11 than the KKK has in its entire existence.

And your Simbionese Liberation Army was nothing more than a bunch of criminals masquerading behind a "revolutionary" guise while committing bank robberies and two murders.  ::)

In-fact, I reckon Muslims killed more people on 9/11 than every group you just listed COMBINED.

So no, your little assumption about who and what are terrorists in this country doesn't mean jack shit, lazy eye. Race-baiting c*nt.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 24KT on July 27, 2009, 09:17:23 PM
 I have no doubt alot of people died on 911. I have a few cousins who narrowly avoided the fiasco,
a few friends who lost relatives, a few others whose relative barely managed to escape etc., It was a horrible crime committed against humanity.

I'm not so sure 19 men with boxcutters were capable of pulling it off without significant assistance from those with the authority to instruct NORAD and or co-ordinate all the things that needed to get done in order to pull it off.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Fury on July 27, 2009, 09:20:32 PM
I have no doubt alot of people died on 911. I have a few cousins who narrowly avoided the fiasco,
a few friends who lost relatives, a few others whose relative barely managed to escape etc., It was a horrible crime committed against humanity.

I'm not so sure 19 men with boxcutters were capable of pulling it off without significant assistance from those with the authority to instruct NORAD and or co-ordinate all the things that needed to get done in order to pull it off.

I'm not sure what your unproven conspiracy theory has to do with anything. Won't change the fact that 19 Muslim men killed more people in 5 minutes than every other person on that list of yours combined.  ;)

But hey, you keep harping away on a group of criminals that murdered two people and robbed a few banks while proclaiming themselves as "revolutionaries" if it makes you happy, Miss lazy eyed racist.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 24KT on July 27, 2009, 09:46:48 PM
I'm not sure what your unproven conspiracy theory has to do with anything. Won't change the fact that 19 Muslim men killed more people in 5 minutes than every other person on that list of yours combined.  ;)

But hey, you keep harping away on a group of criminals that murdered two people and robbed a few banks while proclaiming themselves as "revolutionaries" if it makes you happy, Miss lazy eyed racist.

 :o  Lazy eyed? For someone with a lazy eye, ...I''m sure able to spot the holes in your ridiculous theories.
Are you capable of even discussing something without getting all ad hominem on someone?
it's usually a pretty good tell that either you or your theories are in need of a good enema.  :-*
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Fury on July 27, 2009, 09:49:39 PM
:o  Lazy eyed? For someone with a lazy eye, ...I''m sure able to spot the holes in your ridiculous theories.
Are you capable of even discussing something without getting all ad hominem on someone?
it's usually a pretty good tell that either you or your theories are in need of a good enema.  :-*

Holes in my theories? You're trying to spin this off of Muslims and onto a fucking conspiracy theory about NORAD and whites because you can't refute the fact that the amount of people killed over the years by every group you listed pales in comparison to the acts of 19 Muslim men. is Do you not see how ridiculous that is? Look at the monitor, not at the corner over there and try thinking it through. Focus with both eyes, Miss 170+ IQ. 
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 24KT on July 27, 2009, 10:09:34 PM
Holes in my theories? You're trying to spin this off of Muslims and onto a fucking conspiracy theory about NORAD and whites because you can't refute the fact that the amount of people killed over the years by every group you listed pales in comparison to the acts of 19 Muslim men. is Do you not see how ridiculous that is? Look at the monitor, not at the corner over there and try thinking it through. Focus with both eyes, Miss 170+ IQ. 

I know I shouldn't encourage you, ...but that comment actually made me laugh.  ;D
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 28, 2009, 04:25:14 AM
I'm sorry Colossus, ...but that just does not seem at all true to me.

There is a perception of Muslims & terrorists. I'm not saying that no muslims have ever committed terrorist acts,
...but terrorism, has existed in the USA since the USA has even begun. I'm not sure where you get your numbers from, but it is my impression that the vast majority of KKK members are not muslims, ...infact, I don't think they'll accept a Muslim on the application form. Or do you not consider the Klan to be a terrorist organization. Then, there was the Manson family, another domestic terrorist organization. There was the group of which Ayres was a member, ...and the Simbionese Liberation Army which had as it's posterchild a White Anglo Saxon Princess, ...heiress to an American publishing empire. If I had to hazard a guess, I would conclude the vast majority of terrorists in America, are not muslims, ...however, due to media manipulation, and a mass mentality reminiscent of Nazi Germany, the perception is there.

But Colossus, those are NOT the facts. Gates was not breaking the glass of a home. He was already inside the home when the police arrived. He also did provide his identification to prove he was the lawful occupant of the residence.
Gates may have been arrogant, ...but Crowley made a stupid unecessary mistake and could certainly have handled the situation better.

Jag:  how would you feel if you were spending 50k a year for your kid at Harvard and saw the actions and nonsense of this "esteemed scholar".

"Ill see yo mamma on the porch" 

Now, is Gate so ignorant to not realize why the cop was there in the first place?   
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 24KT on July 28, 2009, 04:53:56 AM
Jag:  how would you feel if you were spending 50k a year for your kid at Harvard and saw the actions and nonsense of this "esteemed scholar".

"Ill see yo mamma on the porch" 

Now, is Gate so ignorant to not realize why the cop was there in the first place?   

You're completely missing the point, ...on purpose as usual. Nobody can be that dense.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 28, 2009, 04:56:47 AM
You're completely missing the point, ...on purpose as usual. Nobody can be that dense.

Oh I get the point you were making.  It seems to me that the situation escalated due to Gates, not the cops.

BTW - The hispanic and black cops on the scene backed up crowley in this.   
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 28, 2009, 05:01:36 AM
You're completely missing the point, ...on purpose as usual. Nobody can be that dense.

This female cop can lock me up whenver she wants. 

Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: BM OUT on July 28, 2009, 07:45:19 AM
What the fuck is a "black scholar"?How come we don't refer to white professors as "white scholars"?
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Option D on July 28, 2009, 07:49:23 AM
It'll be 40Oz of Olde English, 333386!! :)

And before you ask..... Yes, they're gonna pour out a little for the ni&&as who didn't make it. :P

DAMN ....i still do that
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 28, 2009, 07:51:04 AM
DAMN ....i still do that

Hey Mal - the congress wants to tax boob jobs and botox.  You may have to seek another field. 
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Option D on July 28, 2009, 07:51:34 AM
Yeah,Im the one who needs a mental evaluation,you defend the minority no matter what the circumstances.Its a joke.Like I said,the tapes will be released soon,then we will see fools like you and Obama/wright EXPOSED AS THE SILLY RABBLE ROUSERS YOU ARE.

Amazing  ::)
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: BM OUT on July 28, 2009, 08:34:22 AM
Amazing  ::)

The tapes were released and ,what do you know,NO RACIAL PROFILING AT ALL!!!!Barack Nifong proven to be an idiot community organiser and nothing more.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 240 is Back on July 28, 2009, 08:35:50 AM
race has nothing to do with this case.

Police got burgulary call.  They showed up, asked guy to step outside with ID, and he starts drama with their mothers.  He TRIED like crazy to instigate the situation, and it worked.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 28, 2009, 08:45:52 AM
race has nothing to do with this case.

Police got burgulary call.  They showed up, asked guy to step outside with ID, and he starts drama with their mothers.  He TRIED like crazy to instigate the situation, and it worked.

This whole thing may be a distraction on the health care fiasco going on. 

Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Straw Man on July 28, 2009, 08:59:04 AM
race has nothing to do with this case.

Police got burgulary call.  They showed up, asked guy to step outside with ID, and he starts drama with their mothers.  He TRIED like crazy to instigate the situation, and it worked.

yeah - that's what it seemed like from the beginning.   If a cop comes to your house you cooperate and don't act beligerant.   At the same time it seems like unnecessary to arrest the guy once they've identified that he lived there and that there was nothing going on in the house. 

the whole thing isn't even worthy of  the local news and Obama never should have commented on it (IMO)

Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: tonymctones on July 28, 2009, 09:07:18 AM
yeah - that's what it seemed like from the beginning.   If a cop comes to your house you cooperate and don't act beligerant.   At the same time it seems like unnecessary to arrest the guy once they've identified that he lived there and that there was nothing going on in the house. 

the whole thing isn't even worthy of  the local news and Obama never should have commented on it (IMO)

ding ding ding we have a winner
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: IFBBwannaB on July 28, 2009, 01:25:42 PM
yeah - that's what it seemed like from the beginning.   If a cop comes to your house you cooperate and don't act beligerant.   At the same time it seems like unnecessary to arrest the guy once they've identified that he lived there and that there was nothing going on in the house. 

the whole thing isn't even worthy of  the local news and Obama never should have commented on it (IMO)


Obama showed that he abuse his power and interfere in Police matters for his friends & to make matters worse he offend all the Police officers that serve under him!

The real shit head in this story isn't Gates or the cop,( although I'm sure Gates went to cry to Obama) it's Obama for lack of professional manner and abuse of power! He should have told him to deal with it alone or at least help him quietly!
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 24KT on July 28, 2009, 01:51:45 PM
Oh I get the point you were making.  It seems to me that the situation escalated due to Gates, not the cops.

At which point it was up to Crowley to bring it down again. Hechose to bring it down by making an arrest,
which culminated in this huge controversy. Are you saying there was no possible other way to handle it?

he could have shot him as well in order to shut him up... that would have quieted the incident down, ...but it would also bring great controversy just as this did. Do you think he deserved to be shot? I'm simply saying that hindsight is 20/20, ...and I support the president's remarks when he said it was handled stupidly, and could have been handled better.

BTW - The hispanic and black cops on the scene backed up crowley in this.   

Of course they would. If you are given authority, who likes to be questioned about how that authority is exercised?
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 24KT on July 28, 2009, 01:53:25 PM
What the fuck is a "black scholar"?How come we don't refer to white professors as "white scholars"?

Thank you for noting that. I've always had a problem with these types of designations.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 24KT on July 28, 2009, 01:54:30 PM
Hey Mal - the congress wants to tax boob jobs and botox.  You may have to seek another field. 

Never happen! Too many Liberal Democrats in Hollywood for that measure to pass.  :P
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 24KT on July 28, 2009, 01:57:04 PM
The tapes were released

Ooooh... link please. I wanna hear what really went down.  :D
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 28, 2009, 02:00:29 PM
Thank you for noting that. I've always had a problem with these types of designations.

Maybe because this professor teaches "African American Studies" as his discipline????
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: 24KT on July 28, 2009, 02:02:23 PM
Maybe because this professor teaches "African American Studies" as his discipline????

I had considered that, ...but it doesn't account for the consistency we find when it's used to describe other professionals who share the same ethnicity.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 28, 2009, 02:04:58 PM
Never happen! Too many Liberal Democrats in Hollywood for that measure to pass.  :P
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Hugo Chavez on July 30, 2009, 02:55:21 AM
You've never seen American Psycho?

I got tired of Shay because it used up all my photobucket bandwidth within the first three days of the month. We'd get to see her in her glory for a couple days and then have to go 27 with nothing.  :'(

That's because you don't know how to resize a photo.  You left a lengthy animated gif full size for a 65 pixel width avatar on a busy forum... Absolutely brilliant...  Then you run around the forum calling everyone else stupid,... lol..
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Parker on July 30, 2009, 02:59:52 AM
Thank you for noting that. I've always had a problem with these types of designations.

Because apparently, being a "black scholar" is a misnomer, a paradox, like being "intelliently stupid"
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Fury on July 30, 2009, 06:37:05 AM
That's because you don't know how to resize a photo.  You left a lengthy animated gif full size for a 65 pixel width avatar on a busy forum... Absolutely brilliant...  Then you run around the forum calling everyone else stupid,... lol..

I haven't looked at that avatar since the day I put it up. Why would I resize it when I couldn't care less about it? I was fine with it using up my photobucket bandwidth as that's my Getbig photobucket account. The only reason I left it up as long as I did was because Deicide liked it.

But hey, you got me!!!!!!  ::)

Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Hugo Chavez on July 30, 2009, 06:57:17 AM
I haven't looked at that avatar since the day I put it up. Why would I resize it when I couldn't care less about it? I was fine with it using up my photobucket bandwidth as that's my Getbig photobucket account. The only reason I left it up as long as I did was because Deicide liked it.

But hey, you got me!!!!!!  ::)

nice attempt to save face meltdown. 

"The only reason I left it up as long as I did was because Deicide liked it."

left it up for him to enjoy for 3 days out of the month?....  You seek to please Deicide?  hahaha yea, that's priceless lololol...  go get your coffee for the morning and maybe you can think of some better bullshit, not that I give a rat's ass about this.  Just funny as hell you made such a special ordeal about your avatar when you first used it, now claim you didn't care. AND didn't understand why it used up the bandwidth lol...  Gee, will this movie use up my photobucked bandwidth?  haha....
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Butterbean on July 30, 2009, 06:57:50 AM
Anyone know the transportation arrangements to the "beer summitt?"
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Hugo Chavez on July 30, 2009, 06:58:49 AM
oh yea BF, your avatar looks gay.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Fury on July 30, 2009, 09:37:33 AM
nice attempt to save face meltdown. 

"The only reason I left it up as long as I did was because Deicide liked it."

left it up for him to enjoy for 3 days out of the month?....  You seek to please Deicide?  hahaha yea, that's priceless lololol...  go get your coffee for the morning and maybe you can think of some better bullshit, not that I give a rat's ass about this.  Just funny as hell you made such a special ordeal about your avatar when you first used it, now claim you didn't care. AND didn't understand why it used up the bandwidth lol...  Gee, will this movie use up my photobucked bandwidth?  haha....

Save face? You take this place way too seriously. I don't look at my avatar nor do I care about it beyond the five seconds of when I put a new one up every six months. Are you really this desperate to own me? Give it up and try again.

Special ordeal about putting an avatar up? Seriously? That's what you're coming with? It's not even worth arguing with a retard.

Nice meltdown by the way. Look at all the resentment you hold towards me. I love it.

How's unemployment treating you, by the way?
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Hugo Chavez on July 30, 2009, 09:39:25 AM
Save face? You take this place way too seriously. I don't look at my avatar nor do I care about it beyond the five seconds of when I put a new one up every six months. Are you really this desperate to own me? Give it up and try again.

Special ordeal about putting an avatar up? Seriously? That's what you got? You need to stop lying.

Nice meltdown by the way. Look at all the resentment you hold towards me. I love it.
go get some coffee, you're still sounding like you fell out of bed.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Fury on July 30, 2009, 09:41:08 AM
go get some coffee, you're still sounding like you fell out of bed.

I've already hit the gym today. You've been posting since 2:00 AM PST. Give it a rest clown. Sitting here smashing f5 in your desperate attempt to own me.

I'm so far in your head that it's sad. I can't think of the last time I directly addressed you and you're still this pissed at me. I guess when you're unemployed and logging 10 hours a day on Getbig, something like this becomes worthy of devoting your time to.  :-\
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 30, 2009, 09:43:46 AM
I've already hit the gym today. You've been posting since 2:00 AM PST. Give it a rest clown. Sitting here smashing f5 in your desperate attempt to own me.

I'm so far in your head that it's sad. I can't think of the last time I directly addressed you and you're still this pissed at me. I guess when you're unemployed and logging 10 hours a day on Getbig, something like this becomes worthy of devoting your time to.  :-\

Ouch.  Some bad blood here no????
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Montague on July 30, 2009, 11:10:40 AM
Anyone know the transportation arrangements to the "beer summitt?"

It will cost you and me a lot of money.
Title: Re: HARVARD Black scholar agrees to beer with OBAMA and POLICEMAN
Post by: Soul Crusher on April 17, 2012, 06:37:03 PM

In an April 3rd appearance on the left-wing Democracy Now TV show, Van Jones has offered his own behind-the-scenes take on an incident that made race a political issue three years before the Trayvon Martin case. As Jones describes it, the infamous "beer summit" on the White House lawn was a case where President Obama was "forced" into a meeting with a "racist" police officer.

In July 2009, while Jones was working at the White House, Sgt. James Crowley responded to a call of a possible break-in at a Cambridge, MA home. In reality, the person a neighbor thought might be a burglar was the homeowner, Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, with another man helping him enter the house.
When Sgt. Crowley arrived at the home he asked Professor Gates for ID. Gates reportedly responded "Why? Because I'm a black man in America." Gates initially refused to produced an ID. Once he did, the police report indicates Crowley left the home. However, Professor Gates followed him outside and continued to "yell" at Sgt. Crowley. Crowley claims to have warned Gates in front of several neighborhood witnesses before arresting Gates for disorderly conduct.
After word of the arrest broke, the President weighed in during a press conference saying that while he didn't have all the facts, "the Cambridge police acted stupidly." The White House quickly tried to walk back the remark and eventually proposed a meeting on the White House grounds which came to be known as the "beer summit." No reporters were present, but photos of the President, Vice President Biden, Prof. Gates, and Sgt. Crowley sharing a beer were widely circulated.
While neither side agreed to apologize to the other at the time of the beer summit, several months later Professor Gates appeared on the Oprah television show and told the host that he and Sgt. Crowley had developed a "really good relationship." Crowley gave Gates the handcuffs used in the arrest and Gates said he planned to donate them to the Smithsonian. A report issued one year after the arrest placed blame on both Gates and Crowley for failing to de-escalate the situation.
But according to Van Jones, the beer summit was not a chance for both sides of the disagreement to take stock but a media event forced the President to "sit humbly" across from a "racist" police officer:
Van Jones: The right wing and the law enforcement establishment brought the wrath of God down on the White House, I was there, and suddenly he's forced to do a beer summit to sit eye to eye with a racist police officer... as a black man, even the most powerful man in the world, can not speak about race and if he does he's then forced to sit humbly across the table from a racist police officer.

Jones goes on to describe the beer summit as a "terrifying, shocking" revelation about the state of race relations in America. At this point, the Democracy Now host attempts to draw Jones out further about what advice he gave the President. Jones declines, saying he doesn't want to talk "out of school."

This is quite a different perspective on the story than the one the White House presented to the media at the time. In 2009, the President called the beer summit a "teachable moment" and clearly wanted to be seen as someone who could bring the two sides together after the firestorm caused by his initial remarks. But apparently, that view was not shared by everyone in the White House.

Did the President himself agree with his employee Jones' private assessment of Sgt. Crowley? Was the beer summit something the President felt forced into by "the right wing and the law enforcement establishment"? These questions might be worth asking now that the White House is once again taking sides in a case with obvious racial overtones.