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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Soul Crusher on February 03, 2010, 02:50:06 PM

Title: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 03, 2010, 02:50:06 PM
Special Olympics: Apology not accepted [UPDATED]

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The Special Olympics is disputing the White House claim that its chairman, Tim Shriver, accepted Rahm Emanuel's apology for calling liberals "retarded."

Seeking to damp down the controversy over Rahm Emanuel's reported, months-old use of the word, a White House official yesterday told me and other reporters that Emanuel had called Special Olympics Chairman Tim Shriver to apologize.

"The apology was accepted," the official said yesterday.

The vice president for communications at the Special Olympics, Kirsten Seckler, told me that this account of the conversation is "inaccurate."

"Tim didn't accept his apology," she said. "Tim can't do that. He can't accept an apology on behalf of all people with disabilities."

Shriver had simply said, she said, that he was willing to continue the conversation with the chief of staff.  

UPDATE: Emanuel met Wednesday with six disability advocates. He "sincerely apologized," again, for using the word, promising to sign an online pledge to end the use of the word, the advocates said in a joint statement.

Emanuel also promised to "examine" Congressional legislation that would remove the word from federal law.

"We are thankful to Mr. Emanuel for meeting with us today and hearing our concerns," said the joint statement from the six advocates whom he met, led by Shriver.

"Our community has earned the right to be respected instead of ridiculed. We have suffered injustice for generations and we are demanding that it end," the said in the statement. "This is another small step on the road to a country that accepts the gifts of all."

UPDATE: Seckler says that, today, the leaders did accept Emanuel's apology: "All six of the advocates, including Tim Shriver, accepted Rahm Emanuel’s apology on their own behalf and on behalf of the organizations they represent."

Posted by Ben Smith 03:06 PM

________________________ ________________________ __

Palin is about to get herself a scalp. 

Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: BodyProSite on February 03, 2010, 02:58:11 PM
Rahm should be fired if they don't accept his apology, just like how when the black community doesn't accept a white persons apology they get fired
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 03, 2010, 02:59:10 PM
Rahm should be fired if they don't accept his apology, just like how when the black community doesn't accept a white persons apology they get fired

Typical jackass. 

Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: 2ND COMING on February 03, 2010, 03:04:58 PM
im very anti-PC so i really dont give a shit about this.  :-\
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 03, 2010, 03:07:24 PM
im very anti-PC so i really dont give a shit about this.  :-\

If you had a kid with downs' you might.   :'(

Second, Rahm is a jerk to begin with so anything that gives him a diaper rash at night is fine by me.  Even the base dems hate this jerkoff. 
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: BayGBM on February 03, 2010, 03:12:06 PM
When did the word “retard” or “retarded” become a slur?  It used to be a legitimate scientific description just like idiot, imbecile, and moron.  Is there anyone who hasn’t used that word several times in the last year or two?

I do not really see this as a particularly offensive expression, but I am also not close to anyone with a special needs child.  Would anyone care to explain this in personal terms? ???

A poor choice of words?  Yes. Horribly offensive?  Not to me, but I would like to be educated on this.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: 240 is Back on February 03, 2010, 03:12:40 PM
It's funny that people didn't give a shit about the horrible job Rahm did until now.  Palin wasn't tweeting about it 2 days ago, despite rahm breaking down the democratic process.

He uses a word the wrong way (meaning zero ill will toward any children, obviously) and suddenly "Holy shit, this mufferfvcker is evil!  He's gotta be fired!!!!  no apology is good enough!!"

Two of the children I'm adopting are special needs... when I hear somebody use the phrase "retarded", I look at them as ignorant.  I don't get all offended, I understand they are uncouth and stupid, but really... I'm not going to get all pissy about it.  I spend tons of time with the kids and I love them, that's enough for me.  

Rahm sucks for a lot of reasons... but "oh lordy, I'm so offended now!  It's on, girlfriend!!!"

STFU already.  

Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: BayGBM on February 03, 2010, 03:16:15 PM
Maybe I’m just too used to hearing “offensive” labels thrown around.  I’ve certainly been on the receiving end of them; but stuff like that really rolls off my back.  ::)
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on February 03, 2010, 03:17:03 PM
When did the word “retard” or “retarded” become a slur?  It used to be a legitimate scientific description just like idiot, imbecile, and moron.  Is there anyone who hasn’t used that word several times in the last year or two?

I do not really see this as a particularly offensive expression, but I am also not close to anyone with a special needs child.  Would anyone care to explain this in personal terms? ???

A poor choice of words?  Yes. Horribly offensive?  Not to me, but I would like to be educated on this.

I was wondering the exact same thing about the word "homo"...
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 03, 2010, 03:18:00 PM
It's funny that people didn't give a shit about the horrible job Rahm did until now.  Palin wasn't tweeting about it 2 days ago, despite rahm breaking down the democratic process.

He uses a word the wrong way (meaning zero ill will toward any children, obviously) and suddenly "Holy shit, this mufferfvcker is evil!  He's gotta be fired!!!!  no apology is good enough!!"

Two of the children I'm adopting are special needs... when I hear somebody use the phrase "retarded", I look at them as ignorant.  I don't get all offended, I understand they are uncouth and stupid, but really... I'm not going to get all pissy about it.  I spend tons of time with the kids and I love them, that's enough for me.  

Rahm sucks for a lot of reasons... but "oh lordy, I'm so offended now!  It's on, girlfriend!!!"

STFU already.  

240 - if you go on DU they hate Rahm with a passion.  The fact of the matter is that Palin with her Facebook posting is still a hugely powerful force of nature. 

Quietly, they are hoping he goes. 
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: 2ND COMING on February 03, 2010, 03:19:08 PM
If you had a kid with downs' you might.   :'(

Second, Rahm is a jerk to begin with so anything that gives him a diaper rash at night is fine by me.  Even the base dems hate this jerkoff. 

absolutely not. This whole thing was a reach.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 03, 2010, 03:21:49 PM
absolutely not. This whole thing was a reach.

Ever think that maybe some on the left asked her to do since they hate Rahm with a passion? 

Go on DU - THEY HATE him with a passion. 
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: 240 is Back on February 03, 2010, 03:25:56 PM
Weird... I don't remember palin facebooking about how pissed she was when a republican candidate used this word 6 months ago... but when a DEM said it...

In a radio interview tonight, gubernatorial candidate Steve Lonegan called a Fairleigh Dickinson Poll that showed him trailing rival Chris Christie by 24 points in the Republican primary "retarded."
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 03, 2010, 03:27:49 PM
Weird... I don't remember palin facebooking about how pissed she was when a republican candidate used this word 6 months ago... but when a DEM said it...

In a radio interview tonight, gubernatorial candidate Steve Lonegan called a Fairleigh Dickinson Poll that showed him trailing rival Chris Christie by 24 points in the Republican primary "retarded."


Rahm called them "retards" connoting that they are someone with Downs. 

The quote you gave is describing a situation, not calling a person a particular name evoking images of Corky.     
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: The True Adonis on February 03, 2010, 03:32:52 PM
People with Down`s syndrome are retarded.  Is this some sort of new revelation?
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: 240 is Back on February 03, 2010, 05:08:24 PM
videotape emerging of Rush calling people "utter retards!"  NBC just played it.

I wonder if Palin will be criticizing that too... calling for him to be fired? 

If not, it's complete partisan bullshit move on her part.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: BayGBM on February 03, 2010, 05:34:28 PM
videotape emerging of Rush calling people "utter retards!"  NBC just played it.

I wonder if Palin will be criticizing that too... calling for him to be fired? 

If not, it's complete partisan bullshit move on her part.

Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: 240 is Back on February 03, 2010, 07:45:38 PM
So should Rush be fired too?

Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 03, 2010, 07:49:22 PM
So should Rush be fired too?


Rush works for himself. 

Rahmn works for us. 

Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on February 03, 2010, 07:52:24 PM
It's funny that people didn't give a shit about the horrible job Rahm did until now...

STFU already.   

You supported this administration and voted in a way you knew would assist an Obama win without actually putting yourself in a position to take any responsibility.

Take your own advice.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Skip8282 on February 03, 2010, 07:54:46 PM
Rush works for himself.  

Rahmn works for us.  


Boom.  Damn 33, you're ripping things up today.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 03, 2010, 07:58:41 PM

Boom.  Damn 33, you're ripping things up today.

I'm feeling feisty today.  ;D  ;D
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: BM OUT on February 04, 2010, 07:21:31 AM
Im not offended by this or any other slur.However,what everyone misses is the irony of this.Rahm called liberal democrats retards and has to apologise to retards.Usually when you insult someone or some group you have to apologise to the group you insulted.Whats amusing here is that the lib democrats are such a bunch of sub human slime that calling retarded people democrats is more offensive then calling democrats retards.I find that funny as hell.That would be like calling Rahm a fag and having to apologise to fags because you compared them to Rahm.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: BM OUT on February 04, 2010, 07:33:17 AM
So should Rush be fired too?


Here is the difference between Rush and these spineless cowards.When Rush says something he stands by it and wont apologise for it.He still plays "Barack the magic negro" all the time.He doesnt back down UNLESS HE thinks he was wrong.Even then,if some stupid lib demanded an apology,Rush wouldnt give it simply because a lib demanded it.Rahm is gutless,RUSH isnt.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: dario73 on February 04, 2010, 07:54:41 AM
Rush works for himself. 

Rahmn works for us. 


240 won't recover.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: 240 is Back on February 04, 2010, 08:49:31 AM
yawn.  suddenly it's wrong for one person to say it because he lives on tax dollars, and right for another person to say it because is a leader of the GOP who is a private citizen.  either it's wrong for anyone to say it, or it's wrong for everyone.  Only being pissy and offended some of the time by the same statement is just plain sad.

Some ppl are so atatched to a party they see no wrong that it does.  I'm well aware both people who said 'retard' are piece of shit assholes.  So are most of the people here.  Some just can't admit it :(
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: 240 is Back on February 04, 2010, 08:50:41 AM
yawn.  suddenly it's wrong for one person to say it because he lives on tax dollars, and right for another person to say it because is a leader of the GOP who is a private citizen.  either it's wrong for nobody to say it, or it's wrong for everyone.  Only being pissy and offended some of the time by the same statement is just plain sad.

Some ppl are so atatched to a party they see no wrong that those in it do.  I'm well aware both people who said 'retard' are piece of shit assholes.  So are most of the people here.  Some just can't admit it :(
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: kcballer on February 04, 2010, 08:56:06 AM
Whatever happened to free speech? And who exactly is taking this out of context?  The word retarded means a lot of things.  If Palin thinks her son is a 'retard' then that is her deal, not the speakers.  This is akin to homosexual people getting upset when people say stuff like 'you're so gay bro' to a friend.  Who cares? It's a word, YOU control what power that word has.  This is more posturing from Palin throwing her kids back into the spotlight and using them for political points. 
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 04, 2010, 08:57:53 AM
Whatever happened to free speech? And who exactly is taking this out of context?  The word retarded means a lot of things.  If Palin thinks her son is a 'retard' then that is her deal, not the speakers.  This is akin to homosexual people getting upset when people say stuff like 'you're so gay bro' to a friend.  Who cares? It's a word, YOU control what power that word has.  This is more posturing from Palin throwing her kids back into the spotlight and using them for political points. 

Go on DU KC, they even hate the ballerina. 
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: 240 is Back on February 04, 2010, 09:00:33 AM
did palin say she was offended by the statement?

or offended that a member of public office said it?  What was her statement?
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 04, 2010, 09:04:40 AM
did palin say she was offended by the statement?

or offended that a member of public office said it?  What was her statement?

In all fairness 240 - they were screaming about this on DU long before Palin was. 

Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: kcballer on February 04, 2010, 09:04:44 AM
Go on DU KC, they even hate the ballerina. 

I don't care what they hate.  Unfortunately most ultra liberals get butt-hurt over words all the time.  Which is surprising to see Palin and yourself acting just like them.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: BM OUT on February 04, 2010, 09:22:54 AM
videotape emerging of Rush calling people "utter retards!"  NBC just played it.

I wonder if Palin will be criticizing that too... calling for him to be fired? 

If not, it's complete partisan bullshit move on her part.

wow!!!!Rush was using it yesterday as a mockery of Rahm.Once again the pea brained libs,like 240,who NEVER listen to Rush or just dont understand it,follows lock step in line with NBC.Rush was using it to mock Rahm,just as he used BARACK THE MAGIC NEGRO as a mockery of Al Sharpton and the LA TIMES.Its amazing how these libs are so dim witted they still cant figure out this show thats been doing the same exact thing for twenty freaking years!!!

By the way,smart guy,Obama uses the term retarded in both his books.Plus mocked special olympics on the late night show.Perhaps NBC will make HIM apologise.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: 240 is Back on February 04, 2010, 09:28:52 AM
oh, so using offensive languae is okay, as long as youre mocking someone else who uses it?

I see.  BILLY, choose an ethnic slur of your liking and go on tv using it to 'make fun of those who use the word'.  It won't go over so well.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Option D on February 04, 2010, 09:30:00 AM
If you had a kid with downs' you might.   :'(

Second, Rahm is a jerk to begin with so anything that gives him a diaper rash at night is fine by me.  Even the base dems hate this jerkoff. 

So what did she say about Rush Limbaugh (defacto leader of the repubs)..yeah he said more about retards...but hmmm nothin  ::)

fuckin peice of shit hypocrite...If a neocon says it, no prob.. if a dem says it...its an outrage..

fuckin partyline "gotcha" bull shit makes me wanna fuckin puke as a real american. Fuckin amazing. this is what american politics has come to. partyline fuckin assholes. "My side rules" fuckin assholes actually affects others... fuckin 12 year old politics
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: BM OUT on February 04, 2010, 09:32:25 AM
By the way,Rush said yesterday BEFORE he started saying it that he was doing it to mock Rahm and predicted that the left wing retards would run with it.Who was the first one to do EXACTLY what Rush predicted?The stupid retard Rachel Maddow.the retard you think is brilliant.You libs are as predictable as can be.Dumb ass retards.

As usual ,240,who is just an MSNBC  and Mal who is the same doesn't get it.Very predictable.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: 240 is Back on February 04, 2010, 09:33:33 AM
"Which is surprising to see Palin and yourself acting just like them. "

THIS is the bottom line of the whole thread.

Palin is acting like a fvcking crybaby whiny liberal.  Man the FVCK up.  period.  You wanna be president?  Quit acting like some whiny nonstop-offended crybaby and come up with some solutions for our BUDGET.  Seriously, she should have addressed Obama slipping in that horrible middle class tax on the fly - instead she condemsn Ramn and THAT buries the Obama tax story - it's like she's working for Obama at this point guys!!

I change diapers on 5 and 8 year olds every damn morning, they have special needs... I don't get pissy when kids at the mall call each other retards.  I understand they are being idiots, but I don't go posting on blogs how offended I am, saying they should be fired or expelled or whatever.  I focus on what I can do to improve things around me and my family.  I dont try to selectively get offended like palin :(

the saddest part, is that Obama is gonna slip that budget thru - she ran interference and most americans don't know about the tax BS.  She used her weekly political capital on a dumb comment instead of something that will financially cripples tens of millions of people :( :(
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 04, 2010, 09:35:10 AM
So what did she say about Rush Limbaugh (defacto leader of the repubs)..yeah he said more about retards...but hmmm nothin  ::)

fuckin peice of shit hypocrite...If a neocon says it, no prob.. if a dem says it...its an outrage..

fuckin partyline "gotcha" bull shit makes me wanna fuckin puke as a real american. Fuckin amazing. this is what american politics has come to. partyline fuckin assholes. "My side rules" fuckin assholes actually affects others... fuckin 12 year old politics

Rush is discussing it now on his show.  Why dont you listen Mal.   ;D  ;D
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Option D on February 04, 2010, 09:35:20 AM
By the way,Rush said yesterday BEFORE he started saying it that he was doing it to mock Rahm and predicted that the left wing retards would run with it.Who was the first one to do EXACTLY what Rush predicted?The stupid retard Rachel Maddow.the retard you think is brilliant.You libs are as predictable as can be.Dumb ass retards.

As usual ,240,who is just an MSNBC  and Mal who is the same doesn't get it.Very predictable. and 333 are predictable...if any liberal said the sky was blue on a sunny day you would wait for the republican response before you made up your mind...fucking amazing....
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: kcballer on February 04, 2010, 09:37:28 AM
"Which is surprising to see Palin and yourself acting just like them. "

THIS is the bottom line of the whole thread.

Palin is acting like a fvcking crybaby whiny liberal.  Man the FVCK up.  period.  You wanna be president?  Quit acting like some whiny nonstop-offended crybaby and come up with some solutions for our BUDGET.  Seriously, she should have addressed Obama slipping in that horrible middle class tax on the fly - instead she condemsn Ramn and THAT buries the Obama tax story - it's like she's working for Obama at this point guys!!

I change diapers on 5 and 8 year olds every damn morning, they have special needs... I don't get pissy when kids at the mall call each other retards.  I understand they are being idiots, but I don't go posting on blogs how offended I am, saying they should be fired or expelled or whatever.  I focus on what I can do to improve things around me and my family.  I dont try to selectively get offended like palin :(

the saddest part, is that Obama is gonna slip that budget thru - she ran interference and most americans don't know about the tax BS.  She used her weekly political capital on a dumb comment instead of something that will financially cripples tens of millions of people :( :(

Exactly 240.  She's trying to make political points and using her children to do so.  Very liberal move.  Kind of like hiring Al Gores speech writer, laundering your foundation money through the sale of your book to make a 10% cut etc  
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: BM OUT on February 04, 2010, 09:38:11 AM and 333 are predictable...if any liberal said the sky was blue on a sunny day you would wait for the republican response before you made up your mind...fucking amazing....

Yeah and if any conservative said "the reason Obama got elected was because he doesnt speak with a negro dialect" you would be on here ranting.Harry Reid says it and its "well hes on the right side of the issues".Please,the left does this all the time,now the right is playing by YOUR rules and kicking your fucking ass and you cry like babies.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Option D on February 04, 2010, 09:39:00 AM
Rush is discussing it now on his show.  Why dont you listen Mal.   ;D  ;D

I already told you...i dont listen to party line assholes...olberman or rush. The shit slinging is sick to me as an american. To see what we have become as a nation is enough to make George Washington cry...Hella important issues on the table and we are talking someone saying Retard in 2010...we actually made that a political thing...fucking sickening...seriously makes me want to puke
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: drkaje on February 04, 2010, 09:39:44 AM
People should lighten up.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: 240 is Back on February 04, 2010, 09:41:27 AM
I would see it as using my (adopted) kids as props for my own agenda.

My kids don't catch what the 2 kids across the food court are saying.  Unless I approach the parents and make a big deal, force the kids to apologize etc... my kids will never know and never feel ostracized as a result.  

It's all political... she ignored when a GOP contender said it, she ignored when Rush said it... i'm sure we'll find more examples of repubs saying it which will be defended as okay for 1 reason or another...

It's a mean thing to say, but really, who gives a fvck?  We're giving trillions to bankers and american kids are starving.  We're spening billions on war and our school suck.  Obama is taxing the middle class out the ass and the top voices in the GOP spend their day talking about a 'retard' comment from 8 months ago.  Gimme a break.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 04, 2010, 09:44:08 AM
I would see it as using my (adopted) kids as props for my own agenda.

My kids don't catch what the 2 kids across the food court are saying.  Unless I approach the parents and make a big deal, force the kids to apologize etc... my kids will never know and never feel ostracized as a result.  

It's all political... she ignored when a GOP contender said it, she ignored when Rush said it... i'm sure we'll find more examples of repubs saying it which will be defended as okay for 1 reason or another...

It's a mean thing to say, but really, who gives a fvck?  We're giving trillions to bankers and american kids are starving.  We're spening billions on war and our school suck.  Obama is taxing the middle class out the ass and the top voices in the GOP spend their day talking about a 'retard' comment from 8 months ago.  Gimme a break.

Agreed, but dont think for a second Obama or Rahm love this 240. 

We have the revision in the jobs number coming tommorow, the budget they dropped, the 200 point fall on the dow today, etc. 
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: BM OUT on February 04, 2010, 09:46:42 AM
I would see it as using my (adopted) kids as props for my own agenda.

My kids don't catch what the 2 kids across the food court are saying.  Unless I approach the parents and make a big deal, force the kids to apologize etc... my kids will never know and never feel ostracized as a result.  

It's all political... she ignored when a GOP contender said it, she ignored when Rush said it... i'm sure we'll find more examples of repubs saying it which will be defended as okay for 1 reason or another...

It's a mean thing to say, but really, who gives a fvck?  We're giving trillions to bankers and american kids are starving.  We're spening billions on war and our school suck.  Obama is taxing the middle class out the ass and the top voices in the GOP spend their day talking about a 'retard' comment from 8 months ago.  Gimme a break.

God allmighty,how many times do you need it explained.Rush used the term to mock Rahm,said he was doing it to mock Rahm,said he was going to do it,predicted the left would be outraged and wouldnt get it AFTER he explained what he was doing and,as he predicted,they were outraged.Its incredible!!!The left really are retards!!!

By the way,you get outraged over Imus A FUCKING COMEDIAN using a slur.You people drove him off the air.You people drove Trent Lott out of power.Now,its being used against you and your outraged.Amazing.Here is a prediction,Rush wont apologise,he will giggle at the retard libs,and his audiance will increase to 30 times that of MSNBC.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: 240 is Back on February 04, 2010, 09:48:18 AM
Obama is LOVING the "retard" controversy.

Rush and palin aren't talking about the middle class tax, health care, cap/trade, the hilary UN gun shit, or anything else.  They're all about the 'retard' comment.  So is FOX news!

And, it's not smearing shit on obama - it's going on rahm who was getting fired after spring primaries ANYWAY.  So he doesn't mind taking the dirt with him.

Obama WINS on the damn issue, and the repubs are too stupid to realize this!  PLEASE tell me, 33, that you realize this.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Option D on February 04, 2010, 09:48:38 AM
Yeah and if any conservative said "the reason Obama got elected was because he doesnt speak with a negro dialect" you would be on here ranting.Harry Reid says it and its "well hes on the right side of the issues".Please,the left does this all the time,now the right is playing by YOUR rules and kicking your fucking ass and you cry like babies.

check this out cha cha...Im not a party line toter..i dont think dems are all right and republicans are all wrong...nor do i look for some kind of stupid ass inconsequential  sound byte to use to my advantage to denounce the otherside as the fuckin devil..

When i heard Obama didnt help his brother in Kenya...i criticized him and made a couple of threads about it. Im puerto rican, family is important to me...see thats the difference between me and you and 333...i think for myself...i dont wait for whatever my spokesman is saying and then say it...Personally... i think the keith olberman show is boring...but because i think that dosent mean that beck is better for facts..more entertaining  (which is what it is for).

When don imus said nappy headed hoes, i didnt say he needed to be fired or even say sorry..this is America and from a guy whose whole family served in the military and all have participated in a real war, i take those freedoms they fight for very serious...This "us vs them " shit stinks to high heaven and makes us look like kids...IF a repub has sex with some chick in brazil...dems jump all over it and repubs just hush on the subject...or if a dem says some shit, dems are quiet and rebubs are calling for his job...fuckin insane
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: MRDUMPLING on February 04, 2010, 09:49:09 AM
I already told you...i dont listen to party line assholes...olberman or rush. The shit slinging is sick to me as an american. To see what we have become as a nation is enough to make George Washington cry...Hella important issues on the table and we are talking someone saying Retard in 2010...we actually made that a political thing...fucking sickening...seriously makes me want to puke

Yet you label me as a repub when I have made no mention of it.  You call Rush the "de facto leader of the reupublicans" when he isn't even an elected leader.  You would be surprised at how many people on the right side of the fence can't stand Rush.  I guess we will always agree to disagree, but let's not claim anything about labels while you do the labeling yourself; many Americans are sick of the party line bullshit so don't go labeling people.  

I like your seem like a cool dude...but honestly, this came off as hypocritical.  Don't worry, I have been called out when I have been wrong too...just apologize.   ;D
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: MRDUMPLING on February 04, 2010, 09:50:20 AM

check this out cha cha...Im not a party line toter..i dont think dems are all right and republicans are all wrong...nor do i look for some kind of stupid ass inconsequential  sound byte to use to my advantage to denounce the otherside as the fuckin devil..

When i heard Obama didnt help his brother in Kenya...i criticized him and made a couple of threads about it. Im puerto rican, family is important to me...see thats the difference between me and you and 333...i think for myself...i dont wait for whatever my spokesman is saying and then say it...Personally... i think the keith olberman show is boring...but because i think that dosent mean that beck is better for facts..more entertaining  (which is what it is for).

When don imus said nappy headed hoes, i didnt say he needed to be fired or even say sorry..this is America and from a guy whose whole family served in the military and all have participated in a real war, i take those freedoms they fight for very serious...This "us vs them " shit stinks to high heaven and makes us look like kids...IF a repub has sex with some chick in brazil...dems jump all over it and repubs just hush on the subject...or if a dem says some shit, dems are quiet and rebubs are calling for his job...fuckin insane

Shit...this post came in right before mine.  Sorry.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Option D on February 04, 2010, 09:54:05 AM
Shit...this post came in right before mine.  Sorry.

Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Option D on February 04, 2010, 09:57:56 AM
shit is crazy 3333....this dude said retard this and retard that...and you dont like when emmanuel, but its cool when rush does it...tucker said it...nothin from palin. This shouldnt be a political thing, She is outraged when emmanuel does it but is mum when rush did it...this is some shit she feels closley about with her kid, so no one should say it...idiots
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 04, 2010, 09:59:12 AM


I dont take marching orders from anyone Mal.  

If someone is a statist/marxist/progressive/communist etc chances are I am against them.  Just look up Rahm's background and you too would probably be repulsed by him as well.    

If someone agrees with my POV fine.  
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Fury on February 04, 2010, 10:02:23 AM
The fact this is a running news story is pathetic. Who hasn't called someone or something retarded at one point in their life? I even consider some of the posters on the politics board to be retarded (literally).
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Option D on February 04, 2010, 10:04:54 AM
I dont take marching orders from anyone Mal.  

If someone is a statist/marxist/progressive/communist etc chances are I am against them.  Just look up Rahm's background and you too would probably be repulsed by him as well.    

If someone agrees with my POV fine.  

Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 04, 2010, 10:05:06 AM
shit is crazy 3333....this dude said retard this and retard that...and you dont like when emmanuel, but its cool when rush does it...tucker said it...nothin from palin. This shouldnt be a political thing, She is outraged when emmanuel does it but is mum when rush did it...this is some shit she feels closley about with her kid, so no one should say it...idiots

Bro - its stupid.  

DU was pissed off two weeks ago over this and with good reason! ! !

This is another distraction, but dont for a minute think Obama and Rahmn dont love this!  

Dow down 200 points, , 800k jobs gone tommorow, horrible budget, Senate told a terrorist attack occuring in 6 months, etc.    

Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 04, 2010, 10:06:00 AM


Yeah, ever notice I post shit BEFORE it makes the news? ? ?

Sounds like I am giving the orders no? ? ? 
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Option D on February 04, 2010, 10:06:48 AM
The fact this is a running news story is pathetic. Who hasn't called someone or something retarded at one point in their life? I even consider some of the posters on the politics board to be retarded (literally).

Yeah i have even shortened the word...i just call people "tards"....
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Option D on February 04, 2010, 10:10:12 AM
Yeah, ever notice I post shit BEFORE it makes the news? ? ?

Sounds like I am giving the orders no? ? ? 

Dude even on non political events, you tote the republican side...but if republicans commited the same will mum..i know it and so do you...we all know what you are...stevie wonder can see what you are.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 04, 2010, 10:16:24 AM
Dude even on non political events, you tote the republican side...but if republicans commited the same will mum..i know it and so do you...we all know what you are...stevie wonder can see what you are.

I have bashed bush on many issues and the GOP>  I resigned me membership in 2005 and I guess thats not enough.

Thats does not translate to me being or going to RAT side of things since most RATS are communists at their core. 

I am more a libertarian than anything.   

Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: BM OUT on February 04, 2010, 10:21:31 AM
shit is crazy 3333....this dude said retard this and retard that...and you dont like when emmanuel, but its cool when rush does it...tucker said it...nothin from palin. This shouldnt be a political thing, She is outraged when emmanuel does it but is mum when rush did it...this is some shit she feels closley about with her kid, so no one should say it...idiots

YOU are outraged Beck called Obama a racist.I never ever heard you blink when Kanye West said it about Bush.It cuts both ways.Trent Lott was run out of office for what he said Chris Dodd said THE EXACT same words about Robert Byrdd not ONE lib raised an eyebrow.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Option D on February 04, 2010, 10:28:29 AM
YOU are outraged Beck called Obama a racist.I never ever heard you blink when Kanye West said it about Bush.It cuts both ways.Trent Lott was run out of office for what he said Chris Dodd said THE EXACT same words about Robert Byrdd not ONE lib raised an eyebrow.
First off, I dont give a shit about Beck calling Obama a racist. To say i was Outraged just isnt true. I could hav pointed the instant contradiction on the statements but i never said anything. But in no way did i display any signed of being outraged. Now, About Kanye. I also said he was an idiot and should stick to making beats. yeah...when katrina happend...i said that broham...that you are just factually wrong and just made some shit up. and what you are saying in the second point is exactly what i just ranted about cha cha...i said its retarded to do that...but its cool to you as long as a consertave "catches" a democrat in a compromising position
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: BM OUT on February 04, 2010, 11:15:31 AM
First off, I dont give a shit about Beck calling Obama a racist. To say i was Outraged just isnt true. I could hav pointed the instant contradiction on the statements but i never said anything. But in no way did i display any signed of being outraged. Now, About Kanye. I also said he was an idiot and should stick to making beats. yeah...when katrina happend...i said that broham...that you are just factually wrong and just made some shit up. and what you are saying in the second point is exactly what i just ranted about cha cha...i said its retarded to do that...but its cool to you as long as a consertave "catches" a democrat in a compromising position

I thought a week or two ago,you quoted Beck and the quote was the "Obama is racist" quote abd you followed it with "OUTRAEOUS".It is possible,that once again,I got confused with the Bob Marley symbol,if so I apologise and I will try harder to look at the posters name.Again,if that wasnt you Im sorry for putting posts on you that you werent reponsible for.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Option D on February 04, 2010, 11:26:20 AM
I thought a week or two ago,you quoted Beck and the quote was the "Obama is racist" quote abd you followed it with "OUTRAEOUS".It is possible,that once again,I got confused with the Bob Marley symbol,if so I apologise and I will try harder to look at the posters name.Again,if that wasnt you Im sorry for putting posts on you that you werent reponsible for.
its headed to lunch...gonna try to resist a double cheese burger...i appreciate the apology..even though we go at it like rabid dogs...i respect you most on this board...ho homo
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: The True Adonis on February 04, 2010, 11:28:23 AM
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 04, 2010, 11:31:25 AM
its headed to lunch...gonna try to resist a double cheese burger...i appreciate the apology..even though we go at it like rabid dogs...i respect you most on this board...ho homo

Translation:  "Billy owned me, ate my fucking lunch, made me look like a fool, and I have nothing to say."
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: The True Adonis on February 04, 2010, 11:32:48 AM
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 04, 2010, 11:39:24 AM

Another dirtbag liberal chipes in. 

Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: The True Adonis on February 04, 2010, 11:44:26 AM
Another dirtbag liberal chipes in. 

AWWWWWWW Cwybaby tinks is meanz to make fun of weetawds.

Its just an extra chromosome. I find retarded people amusing, certainly they have more of a sense of humor in them then any Republican.  Republicans are uptight little bitches.

Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 04, 2010, 11:49:26 AM
AWWWWWWW Cwybaby tinks is meanz to make fun of weetawds.

Its just an extra chromosome. I find retarded people amusing, certainly they have more of a sense of humor in them then any Republican.  Republicans are uptight little bitches.

Bro - your posts remind exactly why I think the way I do about a lot of issues. 

The left wing, as embodied by many of your posts, is nothing more than a vile lot of scumbag communist punks who are the most intolerant, ignorant, self-aggrandizing, and worthless pukes our society has ever produced.   

When and if you ever have kids, remember this dirtbag post of yours. 
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: The True Adonis on February 04, 2010, 11:54:58 AM
Bro - your posts remind exactly why I think the way I do about a lot of issues. 

The left wing, as embodied by many of your posts, is nothing more than a vile lot of scumbag communist punks who are the most intolerant, ignorant, self-aggrandizing, and worthless pukes our society has ever produced.   

When and if you ever have kids, remember this dirtbag post of yours. 
I NEVER want kids.  You make fun of underlying genetic differences all the time, Trisomy is just another genetic difference, mutated DNA.

I don`t see why we can`t all have a laugh at our entire human genome.  I would just as quickly laugh at you as I would a retard with Down`s.  Afterall, there really is not much difference between the two of you.  Just a couple of genes.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Fury on February 04, 2010, 11:55:15 AM
Bro - your posts remind exactly why I think the way I do about a lot of issues.  

The left wing, as embodied by many of your posts, is nothing more than a vile lot of scumbag communist punks who are the most intolerant, ignorant, self-aggrandizing, and worthless pukes our society has ever produced.    

When and if you ever have kids, remember this dirtbag post of yours.  

Both sides are equally annoying. I much prefer people who are liberal/conservative based on the issue being discussed, not because of some party ties.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 04, 2010, 11:56:44 AM
I NEVER want kids.  You make fun of underlying genetic differences all the time, Trisomy is just another genetic difference, mutated DNA.

I don`t see why we can`t all have a laugh at our entire human genome.  I would just as quickly laugh at you as I would a retard with Down`s.  Afterall, there really is not much difference between the two of you.  Just a couple of genes.

Bro - honestly, you are one of the most ignorant and worthless posters I have ever witnessed with crap like that. 

Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: The True Adonis on February 04, 2010, 11:58:42 AM
Bro - honestly, you are one of the most ignorant and worthless posters I have ever witnessed with crap like that. 

Do you find Down`s syndrome and retards attractive?  If not, why?

Why don`t you date a Down`s syndrome carrier?

I bet you won`t answer these questions.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: BM OUT on February 04, 2010, 11:59:07 AM
I NEVER want kids.  You make fun of underlying genetic differences all the time, Trisomy is just another genetic difference, mutated DNA.

I don`t see why we can`t all have a laugh at our entire human genome.  I would just as quickly laugh at you as I would a retard with Down`s.  Afterall, there really is not much difference between the two of you.  Just a couple of genes.

I actually agree with that.I mock EVERYONE,the problem today is,if your a protected group[protected by libs]then your not allowed to be made fun of.You cant say "fags,spook,spick,gook,dyke"etc.This isnt republicans doing,its far left loony polically correct jerkoffs.

By the way,having kids and watching them play sports is BY MILES the best thing on this planet.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 04, 2010, 12:00:25 PM
Both sides are equally annoying. I much prefer people who are liberal/conservative based on the issue being discussed, not because of some party ties.

Thats fine BF - but what is the choice here?  Some have their kids knowing they have the disease, only to be made fun of by equally deformed people like TA.

WTF is that?  

TA is a fool for the shit he says.  The idiot has never held a real job, never had responsibilities, never held a mortgage, never met a payroll, net had to make a school loan payment, never had to generate his own income, never created a job, never ran a business, never a was responsible for results, and he is going to make fun of people who were born with issues?

Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: The True Adonis on February 04, 2010, 12:04:03 PM
I actually agree with that.I mock EVERYONE,the problem today is,if your a protected group[protected by libs]then your not allowed to be made fun of.You cant say "fags,spook,spick,gook,dyke"etc.This isnt republicans doing,its far left loony polically correct jerkoffs.

By the way,having kids and watching RETARDS play sports is BY MILES the best thing on this planet.
Exactly.  I make fun of Blacks, Whites, Honkeys, N I G G E R S, Wiggers, Chinks, Spicks, Indians, Lez`s, guys, Gays, whatever.  We should be able to laugh at our own pitiful society and our fellow humans and that includes retards as well.

Oh and,

Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 04, 2010, 12:05:38 PM
Exactly.  I make fun of Blacks, Whites, Honkeys, N I G G E R S, Wiggers, Chinks, Spicks, Indians, Lez`s, ####, Gays, whatever.  We should be able to laugh at our own pitiful society and our fellow humans and that includes retards as well.

Oh and,


And trust me Bro, most of us laugh at your ass as well. 
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: The True Adonis on February 04, 2010, 12:06:19 PM
Thats fine BF - but what is the choice here?  Some have their kids knowing they have the disease, only to be made fun of by equally deformed people like TA.

WTF is that?  

TA is a fool for the shit he says.  The idiot has never held a real job, never had responsibilities, never held a mortgage, never met a payroll, net had to make a school loan payment, never had to generate his own income, never created a job, never ran a business, never a was responsible for results, and he is going to make fun of people who were born with issues?

If I am equally deformed as you claim, how in good conscience can you continue to make fun of me...MY feelings are hurt at your hypocrisy.

By the way your whole assessment on my existence in society is way off and I do make more money than you do.  True story.  8)
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 04, 2010, 12:07:42 PM
If I am equally deformed as you claim, how in good conscience can you continue to make fun of me...MY feelings are hurt at your hypocrisy.

By the way your whole assessment on my existence in society is way off and I do make more money than you do.  True story.  8)

A trust fund your grandfather left doesnt count Chief.  . 
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: The True Adonis on February 04, 2010, 12:07:53 PM
Thats fine BF - but what is the choice here?  Some have their kids knowing they have the disease, only to be made fun of by equally deformed people like TA.

WTF is that?  

TA is a fool for the shit he says.  The idiot has never held a real job, never had responsibilities, never held a mortgage, never met a payroll, net had to make a school loan payment, never had to generate his own income, never created a job, never ran a business, never a was responsible for results, and he is going to make fun of people who were born with issues?

Why did you take Government money for School?    Couldn`t do it without a handout you welfare queen!

Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: The True Adonis on February 04, 2010, 12:09:05 PM
I kid the 333366, I kid.

I`m just having fun today.  I am all hopped up on Vonnegut.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 04, 2010, 12:10:41 PM
Why did you take Government money for School?    Couldn`t do it without a handout you welfare queen!


I have never took a dime of govt money on any level. 

I detest the govt. and want nothing to do with it. 
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: The True Adonis on February 04, 2010, 12:15:17 PM
I have never took a dime of govt money on any level. 

I detest the govt. and want nothing to do with it. 
You should stop paying auto insurance and car registration.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 04, 2010, 12:16:01 PM
You should stop paying auto insurance and car registration.

Yeah, and end up in the Tombs in Manhattan.  Great plan TA. 
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: The True Adonis on February 04, 2010, 12:18:13 PM
Yeah, and end up in the Tombs in Manhattan.  Great plan TA. 
Civil Disobedience works.  Thoreau told me so.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 04, 2010, 12:31:50 PM
Civil Disobedience works.  Thoreau told me so.

Thoreau did not live in the Bronx or NYC. 

Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: The True Adonis on February 04, 2010, 12:36:27 PM
Thoreau did not live in the Bronx or NYC. 

For good reason.  He would most likely describe that entire area as a "Shithole".

I think you would like his essay Civil Disobedience. 
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 04, 2010, 12:37:54 PM
For good reason.  He would most likely describe that entire area as a "Shithole".

I think you would like his essay Civil Disobedience. 

Yet you are the first one to want the govt to take over major aspects of our society.  Go figure. 
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: The True Adonis on February 04, 2010, 12:39:24 PM
Yet you are the first one to want the govt to take over major aspects of our society.  Go figure. 
No. I want the government to help. 
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: The True Adonis on February 04, 2010, 12:41:47 PM
Yet you are the first one to want the govt to take over major aspects of our society.  Go figure.  
Your education of the classics start today:


Civil Disobedience

On the Duty of Civil Disobedience

by Henry David Thoreau

[1849, original title: Resistance to Civil Government]

     I heartily accept the motto, "That government is best which governs least"; and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically. Carried out, it finally amounts to this, which also I believe--"That government is best which governs not at all"; and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which the will have. Government is at best but an expedient; but most governments are usually, and all governments are sometimes, inexpedient. The objections which have been brought against a standing army, and they are many and weighty, and deserve to prevail, may also at last be brought against a standing government. The standing army is only an arm of the standing government. The government itself, which is only the mode which the people have chosen to execute their will, is equally liable to be abused and perverted before the people can act through it. Witness the present Mexican war, the work of comparatively a few individuals using the standing government as their tool; for in the outset, the people would not have consented to this measure.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 04, 2010, 12:42:56 PM
No. I want the government to help. 

Hence the reason you are correctly labeled a typical brain-dead liberal naive fool. 
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Option D on February 04, 2010, 12:46:41 PM
Translation:  "Billy owned me, ate my fucking lunch, made me look like a fool, and I have nothing to say."

bitch ass..did you read...billy said sorry for mixing me up with someone else because his statement was i told him its cool....dont ever type shit have no idea what billy said in that did just did it again, just wanted to say some shit that had nothing to do with nothing....fuckin moron
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 04, 2010, 12:48:56 PM

bitch ass..did you read...billy said sorry for mixing me up with someone else because his statement was i told him its cool....dont ever type shit have no idea what billy said in that did just did it again, just wanted to say some shit that had nothing to do with nothing....fuckin moron

Uggh - you did post that due about Beck.  Remember? 
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Option D on February 04, 2010, 12:54:47 PM
Uggh - you did post that due about Beck.  Remember?  

Where did i post that i was outraged that he called obama racist...put that...please.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 04, 2010, 01:01:18 PM
Where did i post that i was outraged that he called obama racist...put that...please.

Bro - I like you and dont want to embarass you.  you know you did in the Becks' Finest 15 minutes thread. 
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Option D on February 04, 2010, 01:10:37 PM
Bro - I like you and dont want to embarass you.  you know you did in the Becks' Finest 15 minutes thread. 

Oh go ahead...i dont know why you wouldnt take the time to embarass just posted some idiotic shit about billy owning me which had nothin to do with me and billys exchange and could be furthest from the truth..

and you and i know clear as day, you and i were posting and you asked me to post something he was inconsistant on..and i posted if he said obama was a would have been a non issue..but so show what puppet and whore he is, he made that statement and it was met with distain and he changed the statement in the same breath

exposed himself as a guy" with "a deep seated hatred for white people"
15 seconds later

Im not saying he dosent like white people

this guy is a racist...
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: James on February 04, 2010, 01:12:50 PM
Where did i post that i was outraged that he called obama racist...put that...please.


a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture," saying "I'm not saying he doesn't like white people. I'm saying he has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist."

and this is where you get your news...disgusting
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 04, 2010, 01:15:15 PM
Care for a retraction Mal?
________________________ ________________________ ____________________

Quote from: 333386 on January 29, 2010, 08:35:37 AM
Again: can you give me a specific example of something he has lied about or gotten factually wrong? 

If you cant, than perhaps you are the one with the closed mind, not those of us who dont buy into the MSNBC tripe about anyone they disagree with. 

a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture," saying "I'm not saying he doesn't like white people. I'm saying he has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist."

and this is where you get your news...disgusting
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Option D on February 04, 2010, 01:16:15 PM

hahahaha all thats from the quotes of contradiction from glenn beck...i just watched the video...hahahahah fuckin hilarious...
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Option D on February 04, 2010, 01:17:09 PM
Care for a retraction Mal?
________________________ ________________________ ____________________

Quote from: 333386 on January 29, 2010, 08:35:37 AM
Again: can you give me a specific example of something he has lied about or gotten factually wrong? 

If you cant, than perhaps you are the one with the closed mind, not those of us who dont buy into the MSNBC tripe about anyone they disagree with. 

a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture," saying "I'm not saying he doesn't like white people. I'm saying he has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist."

and this is where you get your news...disgusting

now that is some funny shit there...
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: The True Adonis on February 04, 2010, 02:12:11 PM
Care for a retraction Mal?
________________________ ________________________ ____________________

Quote from: 333386 on January 29, 2010, 08:35:37 AM
Again: can you give me a specific example of something he has lied about or gotten factually wrong? 

If you cant, than perhaps you are the one with the closed mind, not those of us who dont buy into the MSNBC tripe about anyone they disagree with. 

a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture," saying "I'm not saying he doesn't like white people. I'm saying he has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist."

and this is where you get your news...disgusting

Retract what?  He said Glenn Beck was disgusting.  How does that translate to Big_Mal being "outraged"?

Can you please clarify this?
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: kcballer on February 04, 2010, 02:13:09 PM
Palin believes Limbaugh’s repeated use of the word “retard” yesterday was “crude and demeaning,” her spokesperson emails.

In the wake of Palin’s demand that Rahm Emanuel be fired for saying the liberal activist strategy on health care was “f–king retarded,” a bunch of people have been asking how she’d react to Limbaugh’s tirade on the air yesterday.

“Our political correct society is acting like some giant insult’s taken place by calling a bunch of people who are retards, retards,” Rush said, adding that Rahm’s meeting yesterday with advocates for the mentally handicapped was a “retard summit at the White House.”

I asked Palin spokesperson Meghan Stapleton for comment on Rush’s rant, and she emailed me this:

    “Governor Palin believes crude and demeaning name calling at the expense of others is disrespectful.”

It hardly has the passion of her response to Rahm, and there’s no call for him to step down. But given Rush’s stature among conservatives, it’s pretty interesting that she went this far, denouncing his on-air rant as “crude and demeaning name-calling.”
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: AE on February 04, 2010, 02:13:17 PM
I have never took a dime of govt money on any level. 

I detest the govt. and want nothing to do with it. 

So I guess you never served in the military or attended a state supported school. All that home schooling would explain a lot.  ;D
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 04, 2010, 02:15:13 PM
So I guess you never served in the military or attended a state supported school. All that home schooling would explain a lot.  ;D

Actually no.  Good question, although my parents paid a shit in property taxes and never had the benefit of it. 

Bro - if you want to go to blows on any topic on politics, history, economics, etc, let me know. 
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: BM OUT on February 04, 2010, 02:22:27 PM
Palin believes Limbaugh’s repeated use of the word “retard” yesterday was “crude and demeaning,” her spokesperson emails.

In the wake of Palin’s demand that Rahm Emanuel be fired for saying the liberal activist strategy on health care was “f–king retarded,” a bunch of people have been asking how she’d react to Limbaugh’s tirade on the air yesterday.

“Our political correct society is acting like some giant insult’s taken place by calling a bunch of people who are retards, retards,” Rush said, adding that Rahm’s meeting yesterday with advocates for the mentally handicapped was a “retard summit at the White House.”

I asked Palin spokesperson Meghan Stapleton for comment on Rush’s rant, and she emailed me this:

    “Governor Palin believes crude and demeaning name calling at the expense of others is disrespectful.”

It hardly has the passion of her response to Rahm, and there’s no call for him to step down. But given Rush’s stature among conservatives, it’s pretty interesting that she went this far, denouncing his on-air rant as “crude and demeaning name-calling.”

And let me add that Rush doesnt give a flying fuck what Palin says.He especially doesnt give a flying fuck what libs say.Step down?Yeah,the most listened to talk show in the country will be dictated to by second rate dummies.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: AE on February 04, 2010, 02:28:05 PM
And let me add that Rush doesnt give a flying fuck what Palin says.He especially doesnt give a flying fuck what libs say.Step down?Yeah,the most listened to talk show in the country will be dictated to by second rate dummies.

Your characterization of Palin as 2nd rate dummy is spot on.  ;D
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: AE on February 04, 2010, 02:41:44 PM
Actually no.  Good question, although my parents paid a shit in property taxes and never had the benefit of it. 

Bro - if you want to go to blows on any topic on politics, history, economics, etc, let me know. 

They benefited by virtue of a tax deduction on their income taxes if nothing else. So you detest the government. What do you have against the Supreme Court, or NASA, or the US Military, or your local police force? All governmental entities.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 04, 2010, 02:45:44 PM
They benefited by virtue of a tax deduction on their income taxes if nothing else. So you detest the government. What do you have against the Supreme Court, or NASA, or the US Military, or your local police force? All governmental entities.

Hysterical.  Most agencies waste at least 50 - 75% of their budgets, are bloated, are costing the private economy jobs, wealth, etc, and are an overall drag on growth. 

The govt destroys wealth and only can function off of what is steals from the private sector. 

As for my local police force, they are overpaid, underworked, and bullys w badges.   
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: AE on February 04, 2010, 02:57:43 PM
Hysterical.  Most agencies waste at least 50 - 75% of their budgets, are bloated, are costing the private economy jobs, wealth, etc, and are an overall drag on growth. 

The govt destroys wealth and only can function off of what is steals from the private sector. 

As for my local police force, they are overpaid, underworked, and bullys w badges.   

Quite possibly the most uninformed ignorant statements I have seen on this board. In the immortal words of Rep. Barney Frank: "On What Planet Do You Spend Most Of Your Time On"?
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 04, 2010, 02:59:32 PM
Quite possibly the most uninformed ignorant statements I have seen on this board. In the immortal words of Rep. Barney Frank: "On What Planet Do You Spend Most Of Your Time On"?

NYC.  Read an economics book and you will agree with me. 

Start with these and educate yourself. 

Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: 240 is Back on February 04, 2010, 07:38:40 PM
wow.... tonight we are hearding Beck using the phrase "retarded children" while laughing his ASS OFF... during his tv and radio show.

Palin isn't offended by him though ;)
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: The True Adonis on February 04, 2010, 07:47:54 PM
Palin is spineless.  Imagine if Obama made a facebook posting for every negative thing a Republican has called him.

Palin wakes up everyday and by its end, has a meltdown in some way.  Republicans really are crybabies when it comes down to it.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: 240 is Back on February 04, 2010, 08:02:43 PM
I'd like to see a Sean Connery/Clint Eastwood kind of repub ticket in 2012.  no more wussies.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: The True Adonis on February 04, 2010, 08:24:05 PM
I'd like to see a Sean Connery/Clint Eastwood kind of repub ticket in 2012.  no more wussies.
Now that IS a winning ticket.  Connery and Eastwood rule!
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 05, 2010, 05:42:37 AM
Now that IS a winning ticket.  Connery and Eastwood rule!

Yeah - vote for us - so Pelosi can be President in a year. 

No thanks.   
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: BM OUT on February 05, 2010, 06:32:31 AM
Palin is spineless.  Imagine if Obama made a facebook posting for every negative thing a Republican has called him.

Palin wakes up everyday and by its end, has a meltdown in some way.  Republicans really are crybabies when it comes down to it.

Yes your right.Once again,thank God for libs who never ever get offended at things like what Rush says or Beck says.They just look at it as humor,not offended a sigle bit by it.If Olbermann and Maddoew didnt have things that offended them,their shows would last for 2 minutes.Their entire show is a bitch session on things Rush and FOX news says.Neither ever has one insight into anything.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Option D on February 05, 2010, 06:58:09 AM
Yes your right.Once again,thank God for libs who never ever get offended at things like what Rush says or Beck says.They just look at it as humor,not offended a sigle bit by it.If Olbermann and Maddoew didnt have things that offended them,their shows would last for 2 minutes.Their entire show is a bitch session on things Rush and FOX news says.Neither ever has one insight into anything.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: MRDUMPLING on February 05, 2010, 07:40:40 AM
I'd like to see a Sean Connery/Clint Eastwood kind of repub ticket in 2012.  no more wussies.

Charles Bronson/Clint Eastwood is more like it.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: 240 is Back on February 05, 2010, 07:50:19 AM
The vice-president should personally bitch slap everyone who 'whines', from any media outlet.

then the prez will pardon him of course.  It's cool like that under Bronson/Eastwood.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Option D on February 05, 2010, 08:35:21 AM
Yes your right.Once again,thank God for libs who never ever get offended at things like what Rush says or Beck says.They just look at it as humor,not offended a sigle bit by it.If Olbermann and Maddoew didnt have things that offended them,their shows would last for 2 minutes.Their entire show is a bitch session on things Rush and FOX news says.Neither ever has one insight into anything.

well the show might be like 15 min...
I feel like there are many good points that the lib/dems propose, but they come off as whiny bitches and lack the confidence to push it through.

Conversly, i think Cons/Repubs do horrible shit...(WMDS etc) but because they are so agressive and confident, they make their shit happen. They fucked up at every turn for 8 years, but were so Gangsta about it, they still got shit done. If they had the numbers the dems had in the house and senate right now, whatever the fuck they wanted to happen would with no question
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: BM OUT on February 05, 2010, 08:38:45 AM
The vice-president should personally bitch slap everyone who 'whines', from any media outlet.

then the prez will pardon him of course.  It's cool like that under Bronson/Eastwood.

Joe Biden doesnt have the balls to slap anyone.That little  dude Rachel Maddow could kick his ass.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: kcballer on February 05, 2010, 09:16:07 AM
Check this out 240 etc (

Palin is campaigning for a guy in Texas whose campaign chief David Carney uses the word retard to reporters etc all the time. 
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: kcballer on February 05, 2010, 09:17:31 AM
333 what say you to that?  Your favorite candidate has sold her child down the road in the name of appeasing the right. 
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: drkaje on February 05, 2010, 09:18:30 AM
Check this out 240 etc (

Palin is campaigning for a guy in Texas whose campaign chief David Carney uses the word retard to reporters etc all the time. 

She'd probably not have one herself if smart enough to stop having kids past a certain age.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Eric15210 on February 05, 2010, 09:20:41 AM
I'm last one to stick up for Rahm but whatever happen to freedom of speech?

land of the free? whoever told you that is your enemy
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: drkaje on February 05, 2010, 09:24:10 AM
I'm last one to stick up for Rahm but whatever happen to freedom of speech?

land of the free? whoever told you that is your enemy

What gives people ownership over a word and the right to limit contexts it's used in?
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: kcballer on February 05, 2010, 09:26:27 AM
What gives people ownership over a word and the right to limit contexts it's used in?

Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 05, 2010, 09:33:09 AM

This is a side show issue and secretely I'm sure the WH loves this considering the horrific news coming out daily from this admn. 
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: kcballer on February 05, 2010, 09:45:33 AM
This is a side show issue and secretely I'm sure the WH loves this considering the horrific news coming out daily from this admn. 

Did you see the video i posted?  She is campaigning for a guy whose campaign chief uses that word all the time.  disgusting don't you think?
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 05, 2010, 09:48:37 AM
Did you see the video i posted?  She is campaigning for a guy whose campaign chief uses that word all the time.  disgusting don't you think?
The whole thing is stupid. 
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: BM OUT on February 05, 2010, 09:49:03 AM
Did you see the video i posted?  She is campaigning for a guy whose campaign chief uses that word all the time.  disgusting don't you think?

Why is that disgusting?The guy believes in the same political things as she does.What is the problem?
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: kcballer on February 05, 2010, 09:53:23 AM
Why is that disgusting?The guy believes in the same political things as she does.What is the problem?

it's disgusting that someone would make an issue of a left winger saying the word and call for his firing saying it's hurtful to her and others like her, yet campaign with a guy who uses the word all the time without a peep.  It's called having a spine and at least standing up for what you believe in.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: BM OUT on February 05, 2010, 10:00:42 AM
it's disgusting that someone would make an issue of a left winger saying the word and call for his firing saying it's hurtful to her and others like her, yet campaign with a guy who uses the word all the time without a peep.  It's called having a spine and at least standing up for what you believe in.

Hmmm really?Obama went after Imus with venom,then,when Harry Reid made his statement he forgave it immeadiately.The democrats went after Trent Lott and didnt say a fucking word when Dodd said the same things about Robert Byrd.Alcie Hastings was outraged over Lotts remarks then said that Palin hated blacks and jews because she was a hunter.Please,when it comes to double standards it isnt even close.Your making yourself look foolish.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: kcballer on February 05, 2010, 10:19:25 AM
Hmmm really?Obama went after Imus with venom,then,when Harry Reid made his statement he forgave it immeadiately.The democrats went after Trent Lott and didnt say a fucking word when Dodd said the same things about Robert Byrd.Alcie Hastings was outraged over Lotts remarks then said that Palin hated blacks and jews because she was a hunter.Please,when it comes to double standards it isnt even close.Your making yourself look foolish.

where have i said those are acceptable?  Is this not about Palin?  I have never once said oh good on Obama for that.  It is a double standard on his part but this thread isn't about Obama.  Why must you always deflect when the sh*t hits the GOP fan?  You complain Obama blames bush too much but you do the same when the light is shined onto the GOP cockroaches.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Option D on February 05, 2010, 10:47:17 AM
Say black versus white, my niggas we off thatPlease tell Bill O'Reilly to fall back
Tell Rush Limbaugh to get off my balls
This 2010 ain't 1864
Yeah we come so far
So I drive around town hard top and its off
in my tribeca loft with my high brow Ah and my high yellow broad
And my dark skin sense and my best white mate say whats up to Chris
Hows that for a mix
Got a black president, got green presidents

LOL..Im listening to Jay Z
OFF THAT...shit is slappin
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 05, 2010, 10:50:20 AM
Say black versus white, my niggas we off thatPlease tell Bill O'Reilly to fall back
Tell Rush Limbaugh to get off my balls
This 2010 ain't 1864
Yeah we come so far
So I drive around town hard top and its off
And my trop at the loft with my high brow Ah and my high yellow broad
And my dark skin sense and my best white mate say whats up to Chris
Hows that for a mix
Got a black president, got green presidents

LOL..Im listening to Jay Z
OFF THAT...shit is slappin

 ::)  ::)

Jay Z aint got shit on the pioneers of the 80's and 90's.  Half of his lines are stolen as it is. 
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Option D on February 05, 2010, 10:53:02 AM
::)  ::)

Jay Z aint got shit on the pioneers of the 80's and 90's.  Half of his lines are stolen as it is. 

yeah...but its dope though...
You like the BDP huh....
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 05, 2010, 11:00:04 AM
yeah...but its dope though...
You like the BDP huh....

IMHO KRS One is the best of all time.  I guess growing up in and around the same area he did makes me a little biased though.  ;D

Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: BM OUT on February 05, 2010, 11:21:10 AM
::)  ::)

Jay Z aint got shit on the pioneers of the 80's and 90's.  Half of his lines are stolen as it is. 

Jay Z is a Naz rippoff.For the life of me I have never understood the way people pump him up as though his shit is good.Its beyond me.Compared to guys like Jeezy,Scarface,Ice Cube[even now]his stuff SUCKS!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Option D on February 05, 2010, 11:24:21 AM
Jay Z is a Naz rippoff.For the life of me I have never understood the way people pump him up as though his shit is good.Its beyond me.Compared to guys like Jeezy,Scarface,Ice Cube[even now]his stuff SUCKS!!!!!!!!

I Love teh Jeezy Recession album..
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: BM OUT on February 05, 2010, 11:27:39 AM
I Love teh Jeezy Recession album..

yOU KNOW WHAT ALBUM IVE BEEN LISTENING TO?,AND I KNOW ITS OLD,3 6 MAFIA THE MOST KNOWN UNKNOWN.Im not a big fan of theirs usually,but that album has about 6 songs that are awesome to lift to.Side to Side is one of my favorite songs over the last few years.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 05, 2010, 11:37:02 AM
Mal - I know you think you know me and figured me out, but your mostly wrong on me. 

This is why I like KRS.  He called it like it is on the street.  This is one of my favs.  I can't stand most cops.  Just this morning at the D N D some MOFO cop gave a guy a $150 ticket for this guy leaving his car and running while he ran in for a cop of coffee.  We all were like " WTF??? to the damn cop" and he took off.  Mind you I am the only white dude in sight other than the cop and we all looked at the cop and said "WTF Bro?'  He didnt say a word and took off.   

Punk ass bitch cops.  I swear bro.  This song came right to mind.   

Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: The True Adonis on February 05, 2010, 11:37:08 AM

Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Option D on February 05, 2010, 11:41:42 AM
Mal - I know you think you know me and figured me out, but your mostly wrong on me. 

This is why I like KRS.  He called it like it is on the street.  This is one of my favs.  I can't stand most cops.  Just this morning at the D N D some MOFO cop gave a guy a $150 ticket for this guy leaving his car and running while he ran in for a cop of coffee.  We all were like " WTF??? to the damn cop" and he took off.  Mind you I am the only white dude in sight other than the cop and we all looked at the cop and said "WTF Bro?'  He didnt say a word and took off.   

Punk ass bitch cops.  I swear bro.  This song came right to mind.   

was that from "return of the boom bap." i was hella young when that came out..

Well in atlanta the White cops are cool...the Black cops are absolute Pricks, real bad
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Option D on February 05, 2010, 11:43:03 AM
TA Greydon Square is wack as shit...

Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Option D on February 05, 2010, 11:44:44 AM
yOU KNOW WHAT ALBUM IVE BEEN LISTENING TO?,AND I KNOW ITS OLD,3 6 MAFIA THE MOST KNOWN UNKNOWN.Im not a big fan of theirs usually,but that album has about 6 songs that are awesome to lift to.Side to Side is one of my favorite songs over the last few years.

ever since i could remember i been poppin my collar poppin poppin my collar...thats my shit
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 05, 2010, 11:48:49 AM
was that from "return of the boom bap." i was hella young when that came out..

Well in atlanta the White cops are cool...the Black cops are absolute Pricks, real bad

I know some cops and trust me, they are brutal psychos worse than anything you would ever imagine.  They rape the taxpayer blind in OT, bogus disability claims, etc and treat taxpayers like shit.

Most I have met are overpaid bullies with badges.

Check this one out.  I'm a little older than you and this is what we were booming on the beat box with the addidas and fat laces. 

Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: BM OUT on February 05, 2010, 11:50:55 AM
ever since i could remember i been poppin my collar poppin poppin my collar...thats my shit

My favorite line on the album is from HALF ON A SACK:
I got a couple a chocolate thangs
I got me a couple a white thangs
I got me a couple a chinese bitches
Their pussies really side ways
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: BodyProSite on February 05, 2010, 11:52:29 AM
in dallas the white cops are this ass holes as well , most black cops are cool about shit
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Option D on February 05, 2010, 11:55:09 AM
so you grew up in the south bronx? did you ever hear of a guy named  LARRY DAVIS....he was in that cop scandal...i just saw the story...ill post the link in a min
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 05, 2010, 11:56:40 AM
so you grew up in the south bronx? did you ever hear of a guy named  LARRY DAVIS....he was in that cop scandal...i just saw the story...ill post the link in a min

Come on bro - he is a legend. 

I grew up in an area called Morris Park.  Its mostly italians. 
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Option D on February 05, 2010, 11:59:46 AM
Come on bro - he is a legend. 

I grew up in an area called Morris Park.  Its mostly italians. 

man i never heard of dude..So there was some shit where he was in business with the NYPD
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: 240 is Back on February 05, 2010, 03:11:40 PM
Sarah Palin's campaign against the derogatory usage of the word "retard" collided with her campaign to maintain her popularity with conservatives today, with confusing results.

A Palin spokeswoman seemed to back away from earlier criticism of conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh. Yesterday, when asked for comment on Limbaugh's use of the "r" word in a recent broadcast, Palin spokeswoman told Greg Sargent of the Washington Post, "Governor Palin believes crude and demeaning name-calling at the expense of others is disrespectful." Today, Stapleton claims the statement was meant generally and she was not specifically referring to Limbaugh. Still, she declined to say that Palin believes Limbaugh's statements were acceptable. Sargent reprinted the email he sent Stapleton in which he specifically asked about Limbaugh's statement.

Palin's non-rebuke rebuke of Limbaugh comes after she called on President Obama, earlier in the week, to fire his chief of staff after using the word. According to the Wall Street Journal, Rahm Emanuel called liberal activists who wanted to run ads against conservative Democrats "f------ retarded" in a closed-door meeting at the White House. On her Facebook page, Palin likened Emanuel's "slur on all God's children with cognitive and developmental disabilities" to using the "N-word," something she deemed "unacceptable" and "heartbreaking." Emanuel later issued an apology to Special Olympics chairman and CEO Tim Shriver.

However, Palin's conservative cohort Rush Limbaugh took offense to people, presumably including Palin, protesting Emanuel's remark. On his radio show, Limbaugh lamented that "our political correct society is acting like some giant insult's taken place by calling a bunch of people who are retards, retards." That comment caused Greg Sargent to request a reaction from Palin's spokeswoman. It also caused confusion over whether Palin believes Limbaugh's public statements - like Emanuel's private ones - crossed the line.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: kcballer on February 05, 2010, 03:51:39 PM
Palin is a fu*king JOKE.  ANYONE who supports her is a brain dead follower without any thoughts of their own. 
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Hereford on February 05, 2010, 04:22:55 PM
Palin is a fu*king JOKE.  ANYONE who supports her is a brain dead follower without any thoughts of their own. 

A true open minded liberal Mr.kcballer is....
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: The True Adonis on February 05, 2010, 05:43:03 PM
A true open minded liberal Mr.kcballer is....

That comment makes zero sense.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Hereford on February 05, 2010, 07:30:57 PM
Why doesn't it?

Like most liberals believe, if one doesn't believe in their free-thinking, open minded, altruistic thought processes, they MUST be "a brain dead follower without any thoughts of their own."

Get it now?
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: The True Adonis on February 05, 2010, 07:36:13 PM
Why doesn't it?

Like most liberals believe, if one doesn't believe in their free-thinking, open minded, altruistic thought processes, they MUST be "a brain dead follower without any thoughts of their own."

Get it now?
I don`t get it. Palin is a moron.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Hereford on February 05, 2010, 10:19:13 PM
Why? Because she doesn't have the "D" behind her name?

BTW, I get to meet her on the 10th! I'll get all you haters some autographs.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: The True Adonis on February 05, 2010, 10:32:29 PM
Why? Because she doesn't have the "D" behind her name?

BTW, I get to meet her on the 10th! I'll get all you haters some autographs.
I`d think she would be the SAME moron and I would despise her the same no matter what letter precedes her name.

I dislike Max Bauchus and he is a D.  I dislike Evan Bayh and he is a D. I dislike Heath Shuler and he is a D.

There are many, many more I dislike.  Now, do you dislike ANY Republicans?  If so name some.
Title: Re: Special Olympics: We did not accept Rahm Emmanuels' Apology
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 06, 2010, 06:11:40 AM
I don`t get it. Palin is a moron.

TA - where did you graduate college from and what degree do you have?