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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: The True Adonis on February 07, 2010, 03:42:31 PM

Title: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: The True Adonis on February 07, 2010, 03:42:31 PM
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A
Post by: The True Adonis on February 07, 2010, 03:47:30 PM
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: The True Adonis on February 07, 2010, 03:49:28 PM
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Skip8282 on February 07, 2010, 04:02:41 PM
This is bad for her.  I had thought the photo may have been shopped, but then I looked at it on the AP website and it's not.

Thing is, she had either a teleprompter or notes that she used right there on the podium so I'm not sure why she would have resorted to this nonsense.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: 240 is Back on February 07, 2010, 04:34:26 PM
"Thing is, she had either a teleprompter or notes that she used right there on the podium so I'm not sure why she would have resorted to this nonsense."

It was for the Q & A session.  She didn't have her notes then.  She used paper notes for the speech (while criticizing people who use electronic notes).

Then, she had to sit in a casual setting for the Q & A session - no notes.  Except those on her hands reminding herself to use the phrase "Lift American spirits!"

Skip - I think you're pretty far right on the issues... props for being honest that it's bad for her.. some repubs are defending this.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: The True Adonis on February 07, 2010, 04:37:26 PM
All i know is she has a really, really bad Wig on.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: The True Adonis on February 07, 2010, 04:38:12 PM
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Skip8282 on February 07, 2010, 04:53:14 PM
It was for the Q & A session.  She didn't have her notes then.  She used paper notes for the speech (while criticizing people who use electronic notes).


As for TA's post, I've always thought Peggy Bundy had a great body.  Not too big on the hair or the face, but damn great bod with nice big ass.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: The True Adonis on February 07, 2010, 05:02:43 PM

As for TA's post, I've always thought Peggy Bundy had a great body.  Not too big on the hair or the face, but damn great bod with nice big ass.
Sarah Palin is a fat midget and no Peg Bundy though.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: 240 is Back on February 07, 2010, 05:15:12 PM
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: The True Adonis on February 07, 2010, 05:15:37 PM
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Hugo Chavez on February 07, 2010, 07:16:36 PM
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: drkaje on February 07, 2010, 08:36:05 PM
Am I the only one who finds Adonis calling out Palin on notes funny?
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Bindare_Dundat on February 07, 2010, 08:48:06 PM
I tried to watch her speech for some laughs but listening to her for more than a few seconds is unbearable. Why this woman still gets any attention is beyond me.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: headhuntersix on February 08, 2010, 01:45:29 AM
Am I the only one who finds Adonis calling out Palin on notes funny?

No not at all...the next time this guy has an original thought will be the first time.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Parker on February 08, 2010, 03:08:35 AM
I tried to watch her speech for some laughs but listening to her for more than a few seconds is unbearable. Why this woman still gets any attention is beyond me.
Because Sex sells. Put her up there and the men who have ugly wives drool all over her, like they have never seen a woman before. She could sing "Baa, Baa, Black Sheep", and still get a ovation and her defenders would come in like Sir Galahad to defend her honor and poltical chasity.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: drkaje on February 08, 2010, 05:08:54 AM
No not at all...the next time this guy has an original thought will be the first time.

Maybe she had some Kurt Vonnegut quotes cut and pasted to her palm for intellectualization and inspiration. :)
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 08, 2010, 05:19:26 AM
Look, at this point all politics is a complete joke, from the WH, to Palin, to Governor Patterson, Blago.

I am not looking for geniuses to solve all my problems and give me free shit.  Thats what liberals and democrats want, nanny state, cradle to grave government, etc. 

I want someone who wants to leave me the hell alone.  Obama can take his hope and change and shove up his communist ass. 

I dont care if its Palin, Ron Paul, Thune, Mickey Mouse, Gumby, or Ms. Cleo, all I want is someone who is not looking to molest my income and rights. 

If Palin is a voice for less government, great, as goofy as she is. 

Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: drkaje on February 08, 2010, 05:34:14 AM
Look, at this point all politics is a complete joke, from the WH, to Palin, to Governor Patterson, Blago.

I am not looking for geniuses to solve all my problems and give me free shit.  Thats what liberals and democrats want, nanny state, cradle to grave government, etc. 

I want someone who wants to leave me the hell alone.  Obama can take his hope and change and shove up his communist ass. 

I dont care if its Palin, Ron Paul, Thune, Mickey Mouse, Gumby, or Ms. Cleo, all I want is someone who is not looking to molest my income and rights. 

If Palin is a voice for less government, great, as goofy as she is. 


Then you're in trouble because there are no real, small government republicans left in places where they can make a difference.

I understand how Palin being too stupid to stop having babies past a reasonable age appeals to right to lifers, likes to hunt makes NRA people cream their pants and the high hitability index. All those things taken into consideration she's still a goof, has no clue how govt works and would need constant handholding. She's even less qualified than who we have now and I'd hate to see who was giving her advice and helping with policy/agenda setting because they'd be too far right and divisive for anything to get done.

I'm for the smallest govt possible, reasonable regulation, no immigration and zero spending outside the US other than bombs or humanitarian aid in extreme situations.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: BM OUT on February 08, 2010, 06:26:45 AM
Let me get this straight.This is bad?She has a few words on her hands.THATS bad,but using a teleprompter to speak to your cabinet is fucking brilliant.Incredible!
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 08, 2010, 06:28:38 AM
Let me get this straight.This is bad?She has a few words on her hands.THATS bad,but using a teleprompter to speak to your cabinet is fucking brilliant.Incredible!

And six year olds. 

Its more nonsense. 

Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Bindare_Dundat on February 08, 2010, 06:48:56 AM
She wrote "tax" on her hand. If anyone needs an explaination as to why this is scary then there is no hope for you. The original tea party got highjacked and now it looks like a joke thanks to this bimbo, the rest of the republican neo cons and the people they attract.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 08, 2010, 06:52:48 AM
I agree that the tea party movement is much better as a wild fire than a blaze and agree that it should have no leaders or big personalities since they become the issue rather than the core issues themselves.   

Many areas of the country are pissed off at different things and these justifiable greievances should not be bogged down by disputes over personalities.     
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Option D on February 08, 2010, 06:56:46 AM
thats pretty funny...

by the way..peggy bundy was sexy as hell...she was wearing Spandex/leggings before all these bitches...

they stole her swag
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 08, 2010, 07:02:51 AM
thats pretty funny...

by the way..peggy bundy was sexy as hell...she was wearing Spandex/leggings before all these bitches...

they stole her swag

She still looks alright on Sons of Anarchy.   
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: garebear on February 08, 2010, 07:05:31 AM
It's only fair that Sarah Palin gets to write answers on her hand, since they are provided by other people.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: BM OUT on February 08, 2010, 07:17:10 AM
She wrote "tax" on her hand. If anyone needs an explaination as to why this is scary then there is no hope for you. The original tea party got highjacked and now it looks like a joke thanks to this bimbo, the rest of the republican neo cons and the people they attract.

So a note reminding her of a thing to say is scarry but a teleprompter to speak to your cabinet is not.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 08, 2010, 07:21:52 AM
So a note reminding her of a thing to say is scarry but a teleprompter to speak to your cabinet is not.

I admit that what she did was goofy, but the morons who still kneepad for Obama cant even see the utter stupidity of needing a telepropmter in front of 6 y/o and his own cabinet.    
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Bindare_Dundat on February 08, 2010, 07:29:03 AM
So a note reminding her of a thing to say is scarry but a teleprompter to speak to your cabinet is not.

¸Taxes should be close to half of your damn platform when discussing politics. Does anyone really need to write that down to remember it ???

Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 08, 2010, 07:32:32 AM

¸Taxes should be close to half of your damn platform when discussing politics. Does anyone really need to write that down to remember it ???

I agree 1000000%. 

Samson posted a list in the commie thread that really helps one understand the true amount of taxes we get raped by. 

If it were me, I would rattle that list off daily. 
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: BM OUT on February 08, 2010, 07:38:13 AM

¸Taxes should be close to half of your damn platform when discussing politics. Does anyone really need to write that down to remember it ???

How do you know what it meant?What it was for?Was it a clue on something she wanted to say?Did it have another meaning?I find it funny that anyone cares that she wrote something on her hand.NFL quarterbacks have plays on the wrists,shouldnt they know the f'n plays?

You can speculate all you want but you nor I have ANY idea why she put it there,what it meant.It may have said taxes,it may have been about something else.I assume you lift weights.In my training journal I have this as part of my next training cycle.65% with two blues and a green x 2 x 6.Do you know what it means?I mean your a freaking weight lifter do you understand it?
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: kcballer on February 08, 2010, 09:03:56 AM
Brutal! This is akin to a 7th grade kid bringing cheat notes into his speech in front of the class.  I will praise her on one thing though, she didn't get too sweaty and could still read them when it counted! Maybe she did some 'field work' at some elementary schools to find out how those kids get it done!
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 08, 2010, 09:06:05 AM
Brutal! This is akin to a 7th grade kid bringing cheat notes into his speech in front of the class.  I will praise her on one thing though, she didn't get too sweaty and could still read them when it counted! Maybe she did some 'field work' at some elementary schools to find out how those kids get it done!

Or a harvard law school grad needing a teleprompter to talk to 6 year olds? 
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: kcballer on February 08, 2010, 09:08:59 AM
Or a harvard law school grad needing a teleprompter to talk to 6 year olds? 

Meh.  Obama gives a lot more speeches than Palin and has a lot more things to worry about.  I'm not surprised he used whatever he could to deliver a speech.  Unlike Palin he's actually doing his job and doesn't have free time to memorize all his speeches. 

However he did seem to do pretty damn well, without notes, at the republican retreat. 
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: 240 is Back on February 08, 2010, 10:26:32 AM
"Or a harvard law school grad needing a teleprompter to talk to 6 year olds?  "

Would you have prefered Obama spend 2 hours prepping for that speech to the kids, so it could be equally smooth with zero teleprompter?

personally, when it comes to these cheesy appearances for kids, I'm happy with any president reading a teleprompter and spending his thinking time doing actual presidential work like fixing economy.

Jeez... he gives a shitload of speeches.  Why not have the electronic system in place to use?  I don't understand why repubs blow so much of their political capital shitting on the teleprompter - and we're not hearing shit about his tax plan.  Yes, miss palin, we loved your speech bashing obama's teleprompter... but that time could have been better used reinforcing the statement about the taxes on mid class.

But hey, when you're speaking to some folks, they enjoy mocking a screen more than understanding tax policy.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 08, 2010, 10:30:06 AM
"Or a harvard law school grad needing a teleprompter to talk to 6 year olds?  "

Would you have prefered Obama spend 2 hours prepping for that speech to the kids, so it could be equally smooth with zero teleprompter?

personally, when it comes to these cheesy appearances for kids, I'm happy with any president reading a teleprompter and spending his thinking time doing actual presidential work like fixing economy.

Jeez... he gives a shitload of speeches.  Why not have the electronic system in place to use?  I don't understand why repubs blow so much of their political capital shitting on the teleprompter - and we're not hearing shit about his tax plan.  Yes, miss palin, we loved your speech bashing obama's teleprompter... but that time could have been better used reinforcing the statement about the taxes on mid class.

But hey, when you're speaking to some folks, they enjoy mocking a screen more than understanding tax policy.

Did you watch the whole speech?

She spoke at length about the immorality of obama's plans taxing the crap out of us. 
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: 240 is Back on February 08, 2010, 11:06:51 AM
"Did you watch the whole speech?
She spoke at length about the immorality of obama's plans taxing the crap out of us. "

And what headline did FOX and others choose to focus upon?  The teleprompter dig, of course.

Remember when palin said that community organizer was like a mayor - except mayor does actual work?  That sure backfired when you had tens of thousands of community organizers driving people to polling booths in Nov 2008 ;)

And this will backfire... as she shits on him for needing cheat sheets, and she can't remember the words 'energy' or 'tax' without scribbling it on her hands... and what the F... in the middle of her response, looking down to double check?  haha

She should have made it a plain vanilla speech focused upon the issues.  Taking personal shots like that always steals the headline.  She sure as fvck didn't need to write a reminder of the teleprompter on her hand... hahahaha
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: BM OUT on February 08, 2010, 11:18:21 AM
"Did you watch the whole speech?
She spoke at length about the immorality of obama's plans taxing the crap out of us. "

And what headline did FOX and others choose to focus upon?  The teleprompter dig, of course.

Remember when palin said that community organizer was like a mayor - except mayor does actual work?  That sure backfired when you had tens of thousands of community organizers driving people to polling booths in Nov 2008 ;)

And this will backfire... as she shits on him for needing cheat sheets, and she can't remember the words 'energy' or 'tax' without scribbling it on her hands... and what the F... in the middle of her response, looking down to double check?  haha

She should have made it a plain vanilla speech focused upon the issues.  Taking personal shots like that always steals the headline.  She sure as fvck didn't need to write a reminder of the teleprompter on her hand... hahahaha

Rush is on air EVERYDAY for three hours a day no teleprompter.When he gives a speech,he doesnt have it written out or need a teleprompter.He OBVIOUSLY is miles smarter then Obama.Oh wait,its not that hes smarter,its that he actually believes in things that are beneficial to the country.Obama needs a telepromter because he has to remind himself to try to fool the country into what he thinks they want him to be instead of what he is,a raving racist,anti-American radical.

Palin did make a mistake with her community organiser remark.Its nothing like a mayor.Its to simply rabble rouse simple minded fools to vote democrat.It is of no benefit to the people of the community,its simply another democrat get out the vote scheme.Palin left her community better then it was,Obama left his in the toilet and flushed the people right down the drain.

I understand your upset that Obama has been exposed and the people have decided.He is an arrogant bore a radical and a little ego maniac who has turned the country off to the point that Mass and New Jersey went republican.All that negro dialect and black preacher voice is now falling on deaf ears.Just another lib politician attempting to wreck the country.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: 240 is Back on February 08, 2010, 11:23:12 AM
the GOPers admitted obama smacked them in that discussion last week.  No teleprompter there.

nobody's saying he's not all the things you say... i'm saying Palin should have stayed on message.  her off-message shit-talking backfired when her notes showed up.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 08, 2010, 11:25:32 AM
Rush is on air EVERYDAY for three hours a day no teleprompter.When he gives a speech,he doesnt have it written out or need a teleprompter.He OBVIOUSLY is miles smarter then Obama.Oh wait,its not that hes smarter,its that he actually believes in things that are beneficial to the country.Obama needs a telepromter because he has to remind himself to try to fool the country into what he thinks they want him to be instead of what he is,a raving racist,anti-American radical.

Palin did make a mistake with her community organiser remark.Its nothing like a mayor.Its to simply rabble rouse simple minded fools to vote democrat.It is of no benefit to the people of the community,its simply another democrat get out the vote scheme.Palin left her community better then it was,Obama left his in the toilet and flushed the people right down the drain.

I understand your upset that Obama has been exposed and the people have decided.He is an arrogant bore a radical and a little ego maniac who has turned the country off to the point that Mass and New Jersey went republican.All that negro dialect and black preacher voice is now falling on deaf ears.Just another lib politician attempting to wreck the country.

Bang - Billy gets post of the day award. 
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: drkaje on February 08, 2010, 11:27:20 AM
Rush is on air EVERYDAY for three hours a day no teleprompter.When he gives a speech,he doesnt have it written out or need a teleprompter.He OBVIOUSLY is miles smarter then Obama.Oh wait,its not that hes smarter,its that he actually believes in things that are beneficial to the country.Obama needs a telepromter because he has to remind himself to try to fool the country into what he thinks they want him to be instead of what he is,a raving racist,anti-American radical.

Palin did make a mistake with her community organiser remark.Its nothing like a mayor.Its to simply rabble rouse simple minded fools to vote democrat.It is of no benefit to the people of the community,its simply another democrat get out the vote scheme.Palin left her community better then it was,Obama left his in the toilet and flushed the people right down the drain.

I understand your upset that Obama has been exposed and the people have decided.He is an arrogant bore a radical and a little ego maniac who has turned the country off to the point that Mass and New Jersey went republican.All that negro dialect and black preacher voice is now falling on deaf ears.Just another lib politician attempting to wreck the country.

You're rewarding verbal diarrhea?! :)
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: BM OUT on February 08, 2010, 11:49:42 AM
the GOPers admitted obama smacked them in that discussion last week.  No teleprompter there.

nobody's saying he's not all the things you say... i'm saying Palin should have stayed on message.  her off-message shit-talking backfired when her notes showed up.

She should have attacked him more!!!!She should have said he is PURPOSELY destroying the economy.She should have said Holder needs to go.She should have gone after him the way Rush does.

By the way,good news today,Jack Murtha has joined Ted Kennedy in hell.Pretty great year when two scum bags like that die.I hope it was painfull.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: BM OUT on February 08, 2010, 11:58:00 AM
the GOPers admitted obama smacked them in that discussion last week.  No teleprompter there.

nobody's saying he's not all the things you say... i'm saying Palin should have stayed on message.  her off-message shit-talking backfired when her notes showed up.

Give me a link to which GOP guys said that.I promise you it wasnt Ryan or Pence.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 08, 2010, 11:58:57 AM
Give me a link to which GOP guys said that.I promise you it wasnt Ryan or Pence.

240  probably was listining to a RINO on MSNBC or some troll on DU. 
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: 240 is Back on February 08, 2010, 01:00:57 PM
ah i see, it was a GOP win huh? 

yeah, that's why fox cut it off and msn/cnn played it all night long ;)
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: BM OUT on February 08, 2010, 01:47:14 PM
ah i see, it was a GOP win huh? 

yeah, that's why fox cut it off and msn/cnn played it all night long ;)

No link?So your admitting you made that up?By the way,I notice MSNBC cut away from Obama when he told libs to stop watching it. ;)
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 08, 2010, 01:53:43 PM
No link?So your admitting you made that up?By the way,I notice MSNBC cut away from Obama when he told libs to stop watching it. ;)

Ha ha.  Obama has nothing to worry about, no one other than 240 watches that moronic channel. 
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: The True Adonis on February 08, 2010, 01:56:56 PM
And six year olds. 

Its more nonsense. 

That is a False Claim you know.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: The True Adonis on February 08, 2010, 01:58:25 PM
I admit that what she did was goofy, but the morons who still kneepad for Obama cant even see the utter stupidity of needing a telepropmter in front of 6 y/o and his own cabinet.    
You do know this is false right?
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: BodyProSite on February 08, 2010, 02:00:05 PM
So its ok for george bush sr.   bill clinton,   gb jr. and the college teacher obammer to read off of note cards, note book paper , teleprompters, ect, but its cheating for palin to have 6 words on her hand?  
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 08, 2010, 02:00:09 PM
That is a False Claim you know.

Why, were they 5 y/o?  

Here is why Obama needs a teleprompter.  He can pronounce words in Creole perfectly but not English?  

Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 08, 2010, 02:03:31 PM
You do know this is false right?

Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: The True Adonis on February 08, 2010, 02:04:34 PM

Here at, we’ve seen our share of fake photos of President Obama. So we were suspicious when a reader e-mailed us a silly-looking photo of the president speaking in a grade-school classroom with teleprompter, podium and presidential seal. The photo is so silly, in fact, that it was the butt of a late-night comedian’s ridicule. But this picture is real.


The White House video of this event prompted Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart to ask incredulously, "You set up a teleprompter in a 6th grade classroom?" Well, yes, he did, bringing to mind such famous photo-op flops as Democratic presidential nominee Michael Dukakis’ tank ride in 1988 and Republican President George W. Bush’s "Mission Accomplished" banner.

But Obama wasn’t actually giving a speech to 6th graders at the time, as incorrectly stated in the headline on the photo that was e-mailed to us, and in many conservative blogs. The picture (taken by Associated Press photographer Alex Brandon) actually shows Obama speaking to reporters in a classroom at the Graham Road Elementary School in Falls Church, Va., on Jan. 19. Obama had spoken to the students themselves earlier, and he did not use a teleprompter then. This photo from the official White House blog shows that clearly.

Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: 240 is Back on February 08, 2010, 02:05:42 PM
haha holy shit, TA bringing some damage.

333386, I guess Obama didn't really use a teleprompter when speaking with children. 
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 08, 2010, 02:06:16 PM

Here at, we’ve seen our share of fake photos of President Obama. So we were suspicious when a reader e-mailed us a silly-looking photo of the president speaking in a grade-school classroom with teleprompter, podium and presidential seal. The photo is so silly, in fact, that it was the butt of a late-night comedian’s ridicule. But this picture is real.

The White House video of this event prompted Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart to ask incredulously, "You set up a teleprompter in a 6th grade classroom?" Well, yes, he did, bringing to mind such famous photo-op flops as Democratic presidential nominee Michael Dukakis’ tank ride in 1988 and Republican President George W. Bush’s "Mission Accomplished" banner.

But Obama wasn’t actually giving a speech to 6th graders at the time, as incorrectly stated in the headline on the photo that was e-mailed to us, and in many conservative blogs. The picture (taken by Associated Press photographer Alex Brandon) actually shows Obama speaking to reporters in a classroom at the Graham Road Elementary School in Falls Church, Va., on Jan. 19. Obama had spoken to the students themselves earlier, and he did not use a teleprompter then. This photo from the official White House blog shows that clearly.


"Hello, where is the little boys room?" does not count TA.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: kcballer on February 08, 2010, 02:10:45 PM
333 OWNED BEYOND BELIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 08, 2010, 02:12:10 PM
Is there a video of this?  

He shakes hands and Duncan seems to begin to talk. 

Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: 240 is Back on February 08, 2010, 02:16:20 PM
Okay, so for getbig purposes - can we officially stop the bullshit line of "Obama needs a teleprompter to speak to 6-year olds"?

Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 08, 2010, 02:19:34 PM
Okay, so for getbig purposes - can we officially stop the bullshit line of "Obama needs a teleprompter to speak to 6-year olds"?

So now we are calling greeting 6 y/o without a teleprompter an accomplishment?  Where is the speech WITHOUT IT? 

Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: BM OUT on February 08, 2010, 02:19:52 PM
You do know this is false right?

Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 08, 2010, 02:21:03 PM

Oh really?  

Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: The True Adonis on February 08, 2010, 02:35:13 PM
Oh really?  

Uh, Thats how the false meme got started.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 08, 2010, 02:39:17 PM
I posted when he walked in and the speech.  Do you have something else I dont know about? 
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: The True Adonis on February 08, 2010, 02:42:41 PM
I posted when he walked in and the speech.  Do you have something else I dont know about? 
Not that it matters because you are wrong and all media outlets disagree with you clinging to a myth, but here.

Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: The True Adonis on February 08, 2010, 02:43:56 PM

Did Obama Use a Teleprompter to Talk to Elementary School Children?
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 08, 2010, 02:46:32 PM
I posted that already.  He says "Hello" to the kids.  A parakeet can be trained to do that.  Do you have where he spoke to the kids about something wo the teleprompter. 
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: kcballer on February 08, 2010, 02:48:25 PM
333 go back to sucking schiffs d*ck already
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Mons Venus on February 08, 2010, 02:48:43 PM
Why, were they 5 y/o?  

Here is why Obama needs a teleprompter.  He can pronounce words in Creole perfectly but not English?  

Ok I'll say it again: All a teleprompter does is replace a speech written on paper to allow the speaker to keep their head up and face their audience.

George W Bush flipped through pages as he spoke, due to difficulty using Teleprompters. He preferred reading paper.

Big deal.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 08, 2010, 02:51:12 PM
333 go back to sucking schiffs d*ck already

Did you watch the speech I posted today?  Very good information in there you might want to check out. 
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: The True Adonis on February 08, 2010, 02:52:10 PM
I posted that already.  He says "Hello" to the kids.  A parakeet can be trained to do that.  Do you have where he spoke to the kids about something wo the teleprompter. 

Can you not see that they used two totally different rooms for his speech to reporters and his talk with 6th graders?  I know you had a lot of emotion invested in this lie, but you don`t have to anymore.  It was false.  Bottle up that emotion for something else.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 08, 2010, 02:53:54 PM
Can you not see that they used two totally different rooms for his speech to reporters and his talk with 6th graders?  I know you had a lot of emotion invested in this lie, but you don`t have to anymore.  It was false.  Bottle up that emotion for something else.

Right, so I am to believe the lies coming from the WH as opposed to the video evidence?   
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: The True Adonis on February 08, 2010, 02:56:54 PM

Ok I'll say it again: All a teleprompter does is replace a speech written on paper to allow the speaker to keep their head up and face their audience.

George W Bush flipped through pages as he spoke, due to difficulty using Teleprompters. He preferred reading paper.

Big deal.
Yeah really.  The whole issue doesn`t matter one bit.  I guess the right wing would have had a Field Day with Abraham Lincoln and his written notes.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: The True Adonis on February 08, 2010, 02:58:42 PM
Right, so I am to believe the lies coming from the WH as opposed to the video evidence?   
Give it up. You got taken in and hornswaggled by a lie only to repeat to who knows how many dimwits who believed you.  The sad thing is, you won`t go back and tell them that you were misled.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 08, 2010, 02:59:03 PM
Yeah really.  The whole issue doesn`t matter one bit.  I guess the right wing would have had a Field Day with Abraham Lincoln and his written notes.

What about not being able to pronounce CORPSEMAN?
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Mons Venus on February 08, 2010, 03:07:22 PM
What about not being able to pronounce CORPSEMAN?

George W Bush also had great difficulty pronouncing words.

Big deal. It's a non issue.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: 240 is Back on February 08, 2010, 03:25:31 PM
'Can you not see that they used two totally different rooms for his speech to reporters and his talk with 6th graders?"

is this true, 333386?
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Parker on February 08, 2010, 03:44:37 PM
So its ok for george bush sr.   bill clinton,   gb jr. and the college teacher obammer to read off of note cards, note book paper , teleprompters, ect, but its cheating for palin to have 6 words on her hand?  
Actually it's quite juvenile, I wonder what she has written on the bottoms of her shoes.
But I think what is funnier is the "Gaylord Opryland" on the podium.

Now go to work and say that you are speaking at "Gaylord Opryland" and see the people's faces. That chick you had your eye on, well count that out. And the gay dude who you work with, well he's gonna give you that look.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Mons Venus on February 08, 2010, 03:49:30 PM

And this woman wants to be President? God help us all.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: 240 is Back on February 08, 2010, 04:03:37 PM
Obama, Bush, and Clinton never teased anyone for using a teleprompter.

Palin had the audacity to mock Obama for it - while wearing cheat hand notes - WHICH SHE ACTUALLY PAUSED TO USE DURING THE Q&A.

I have a lot of respect for 333386 and Skip, for admitting she looked bad for this one.  Anybody defending this while attacking the teleprompter is just a fat smelly d-bag, let's be honest.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: BodyProSite on February 08, 2010, 04:19:09 PM
i am not defending her, i think it was not a smart move, but to have a thread that is pages and pages long about it???  If you are more concentrated on what obamas teleprompters says or what palins hand has wrote on it than what they represent then you are just as much of the problem as the people themselves in washington that get hung up on irrelevant shit, maybe some of you should read the consitution and pay a little more attention to that rather than obammers teleprompter or palins hands
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: The True Adonis on February 08, 2010, 04:24:14 PM
i am not defending her, i think it was not a smart move, but to have a thread that is pages and pages long about it???  If you are more concentrated on what obamas teleprompters says or what palins hand has wrote on it than what they represent then you are just as much of the problem as the people themselves in washington that get hung up on irrelevant shit, maybe some of you should read the consitution and pay a little more attention to that rather than obammers teleprompter or palins hands
Tell your fellow Republicans that.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: 240 is Back on February 08, 2010, 04:28:07 PM
I think Palin is catching crazy backlash mainly because it was in this speech that she was shitting all over Obama for using a teleprompter.

plus, the notes on her hand weren't something specific that was hard to remember.  A 1st grader could have memorized those 5 words.  It was the crux of her whole speech - and she needed help just remembering it.

If you believe in your message, you don't need need notes during a simple Q&A session.  The fact she stopped to READ HER HAND during the Q&A session was complete evidence she's not a brilliant mind.

And America NEEDS a brilliant mind to emerge from the GOP side in 2012!
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Bindare_Dundat on February 08, 2010, 04:43:02 PM
If you believe in your message, you don't need need notes during a simple Q&A session

plus, the notes on her hand weren't something specific that was hard to remember.  A 1st grader could have memorized those 5 words.  It was the crux of her whole speech - and she needed help just remembering it.

.  The fact she stopped to READ HER HAND during the Q&A session was complete evidence she's not a brilliant mind.

There really is nothing more to say after this. She is a bonehead. The End.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: BodyProSite on February 08, 2010, 04:58:32 PM
i am not a republican , i will tell anyone that who wishes for big government though
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 08, 2010, 06:08:03 PM
'Can you not see that they used two totally different rooms for his speech to reporters and his talk with 6th graders?"

is this true, 333386?

I posted the before, the during, and the after of the speech 240 - show me where Barry was speaking the kids in a speeh w/o prompter. 
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: 240 is Back on February 08, 2010, 06:21:46 PM
can you show me where he WAS speaking to them with a teleprompter?

I can't prove a negative.  the burden is on you.  Where is a pic or video of him speaking to the kids using teleprompter.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Skip8282 on February 08, 2010, 06:33:38 PM
The problem Palin's facing now, is the same problem as when she quit the job of governor.  It's a maturity issue.  We expect and need leaders who are professional, mature, and can handle pressure.  Writing on your hand doesn't "bring you down to earth", it just makes you appear very immature.  If she would have at least had a 3X5 index card, it would have been much better and come across as much more professional. 

It's not a big deal she wrote on her hand, it just doesn't come off well for someone who is still considering a leadership position in the country - though realistically, I don't think she's a viable candidate.
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 08, 2010, 06:35:36 PM
The problem Palin's facing now, is the same problem as when she quit the job of governor.  It's a maturity issue.  We expect and need leaders who are professional, mature, and can handle pressure.  Writing on your hand doesn't "bring you down to earth", it just makes you appear very immature.  If she would have at least had a 3X5 index card, it would have been much better and come across as much more professional. 

It's not a big deal she wrote on her hand, it just doesn't come off well for someone who is still considering a leadership position in the country - though realistically, I don't think she's a viable candidate.

I am still a Thune guy and hope he can spice up his persona a bit. 
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: 240 is Back on February 08, 2010, 06:39:42 PM

I think you very well could be classified as a Palin kneepadder.  Would you agree?
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 08, 2010, 06:47:31 PM

I think you very well could be classified as a Palin kneepadder.  Would you agree?

Sure.  I make no apologies for liking her.  I admit that she is goofy, has a lot of faults, and makes a lot of mistakes.  I am under no illusions about her.

I have stated many times why I like her. 
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: The True Adonis on February 08, 2010, 07:25:21 PM
Sure.  I make no apologies for liking her.  I admit that she is goofy, has a lot of faults, and makes a lot of mistakes.  I am under no illusions about her.

I have stated many times why I like her. 
As 240 asked:
Where is a pic or video of him speaking to the kids using teleprompter?
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Benny B on February 08, 2010, 07:55:23 PM
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: 240 is Back on February 08, 2010, 08:34:15 PM
Great point.  She is an actor.  She reads a script remarkably well, with lots of spunk and spirit.  If those were her own words and thoughts, she would not need to stare at her hand during a Q & A.

Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: 2ND COMING on February 08, 2010, 09:19:36 PM
i am not defending her, i think it was not a smart move, but to have a thread that is pages and pages long about it???  If you are more concentrated on what obamas teleprompters says or what palins hand has wrote on it than what they represent then you are just as much of the problem as the people themselves in washington that get hung up on irrelevant shit, maybe some of you should read the consitution and pay a little more attention to that rather than obammers teleprompter or palins hands

phony?  hmmm where is her teleprompter????  oh  wait all the teleprompters are at the white house in the college teachers office!!!

Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Coach is Back! on February 08, 2010, 10:16:01 PM
George W Bush also had great difficulty pronouncing words.

Big deal. It's a non issue.

Not the same f**king word 3 times in one speech....Bush isn't president now!!
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Coach is Back! on February 08, 2010, 10:19:46 PM
Great point.  She is an actor.  She reads a script remarkably well, with lots of spunk and spirit.  If those were her own words and thoughts, she would not need to stare at her hand during a Q & A.

No Rob, unlike Obama Palin has actually been a successful politician with a proven track record. Obama has failed in everything in his political "career".
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Option D on February 08, 2010, 11:12:42 PM
No Rob, unlike Obama Palin has actually been a successful politician with a proven track record. Obama has failed in everything in his political "career".

she quit
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Coach is Back! on February 08, 2010, 11:26:17 PM
she quit

And why was that mal? (I know the answer but I want to hear it from you)
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Benny B on February 09, 2010, 05:08:17 AM
No Rob, unlike Obama Palin has actually been a successful politician with a proven track record. Obama has failed in everything in his political "career".
Do you think this "successful politician" should run for prez in 2012, Coach?
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 09, 2010, 05:13:17 AM
Do you think this "successful politician" should run for prez in 2012, Coach?

I hope Thune gets the nod. 
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Option D on February 09, 2010, 09:50:56 AM
And why was that mal? (I know the answer but I want to hear it from you)

So she can get paid...

But you as a coach, should be against a quitter and a shitty execuse..but hey..if thats how you roll..hey more power to you

You Muthafuckas are amazing.

Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 09, 2010, 12:28:39 PM
So she can get paid...

But you as a coach, should be against a quitter and a shitty execuse..but hey..if thats how you roll..hey more power to you

You Muthafuckas are amazing.

Did you read her book and listen to her explanation?  No.

So STFU on things you know nothing about. 
Title: Re: ROFLMAO! The anatomy of a Sarah Palin Q&A CHEATER!
Post by: LurkerNoMore on February 09, 2010, 12:46:45 PM
And why was that mal? (I know the answer but I want to hear it from you)

Because it is her nature to quit.  Just like she did all the other jobs.