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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Topic started by: Painlayer69 on September 05, 2011, 02:53:39 PM

Title: Leg Mass
Post by: Painlayer69 on September 05, 2011, 02:53:39 PM
So last year i had a major surgery on my back where i had to have my L-5 TO S-1 fused and CANNOT perform any type of pressing movement with my legs as it gives me a ripping tearing pain in the fused section, Last night i even tried to do those seated cable leg presses and that was a no go and i could barely walk afterwards. I did an entire workout for legs last night with only seated hamstring curls,seated quad extensions and standing calf raises and calf exercises on the leg press. My legs
( especially my calves are on fire today ) What i want to know here is that if i cant do presses for legs is there anyway that i can put on the least amount of muscle with the above exercises? Here's what i did, Nothing went to failure. Also the gym i was at was limited on options for hams and quads alike.

Leg extensions 6 sets x 10-15 hard reps

Seated hamstring curls 6 sets x 10-15 hard reps

Standing calf raises 4 sets x 15-20 hard reps

leg press calf raises 4 sets x 15-20 hard reps
Title: Re: Leg Mass
Post by: John O on September 06, 2011, 12:35:32 PM
You should see some resultes with those exercises, minus the leg extensions I would think.
Title: Re: Leg Mass
Post by: Painlayer69 on September 06, 2011, 01:31:14 PM
Minus the extensions? Why? Without those i have no exercise for quads because of not being able to perform any type of pressing movement
Title: Re: Leg Mass
Post by: jpm101 on September 06, 2011, 06:39:38 PM
Do you have any problems with working one leg at a time? As step-ups or one legged leg presses. I guess you know that you do not have to go near anything approaching a full ROM, even when doing regular leg exercises. Quarter and half squats/leg presses/whatever do have their benefits.

 Have you tried Sissy Squats (bwt only) I wonder. Or, testing out the back, done body weight squats with the heels on a 2" board or BB plates. More focus would be on the lower quads than the back it's self.
After my L5 operation, the main course towards recovery was stretching and massage for me. I do have my rare bad days, but generally the lower back is pretty much normal. Good Luck.
Title: Re: Leg Mass
Post by: Dr Dutch on September 07, 2011, 08:48:18 AM
Very slow one legged leg presses ?
Title: Re: Leg Mass
Post by: Painlayer69 on September 07, 2011, 09:59:57 AM
Thx jpm i actually didnt think about one legged motions, As for bwt squats yes i can do those but these wouldn't put on any size would they? sunday is my next leg day so i will most certainly tryout the one legged movements thank you.
Title: Re: Leg Mass
Post by: trapz101 on September 08, 2011, 06:00:40 PM
You should see some resultes with those exercises, minus the leg extensions I would think.

why is the bad rep for the leg extension?
Title: Re: Leg Mass
Post by: chaos on September 08, 2011, 09:23:41 PM
What about the hack squat machine? Should have good support for your back?

trapz101, leg extentions get a bad wrap because of the way the weight sits on the ankle and how that puts "sheer" pressure on the knee, personally I do them and heavy and I have yet to have any problems from them.
Title: Re: Leg Mass
Post by: Painlayer69 on September 11, 2011, 05:15:01 AM
We dont have a hack squat machine here at my works gym and besides i remember before the surgery trying to hack squat was hell on my lumbar....i couldn't even imagine trying to do them now. I wish i could tho because before everything was all messed up back there the hack squats actually gave some decent strength to my legs....
Title: Re: Leg Mass
Post by: local hero on September 11, 2011, 11:45:42 AM
You should see some resultes with those exercises, minus the leg extensions I would think.

 ::)   another anti leg extensioner... as i keep saying, ive yet to see anyone injure a knee on this machine, i have seen them ruined squatting, hack squatting and even leg pressing!!!!

also, this is the movement you will do in knee rehab after surgery, with your physio.....
Title: Re: Leg Mass
Post by: Luolamies on September 11, 2011, 03:20:49 PM

 ::)   another anti leg extensioner... as i keep saying, ive yet to see anyone injure a knee on this machine, i have seen them ruined squatting, hack squatting and even leg pressing!!!!

also, this is the movement you will do in knee rehab after surgery, with your physio.....

Yep, they had me doing a shitload of leg extensions after my knee surgery...
Title: Re: Leg Mass
Post by: jpm101 on September 12, 2011, 08:10:24 AM
Leg extensions are used quite a bit in rehab.Some based on the Nautilus cam, started by Art Jones. Also bands, cables and even hands on resistance are used. They have other muscle rehab machines that some BB'ers never dreamed of, at injury recovery clinics Thing is you never want to extend the leg so high that the knee has stress on it. The point is to work the ligaments, tendon and muscles around the knee, but not the knee joint it's self.  

The same goes for regular leg training for BB'ing. Never really want to lockout at the top position. Leg extensions are excellent for pre-exhaust movements, but never a stand along exercise. If leg extensions are the only quad exercise you care to do, than make sure to do an equal amount of ham/leg biceps work for strength and muscle balance. Opposite muscle groups should be trained equally, to avoid potential injury. Good Luck.
Title: Re: Leg Mass
Post by: jedibrat on September 12, 2011, 08:20:42 AM
So last year i had a major surgery on my back where i had to have my L-5 TO S-1 fused and CANNOT perform any type of pressing movement with my legs as it gives me a ripping tearing pain in the fused section, Last night i even tried to do those seated cable leg presses and that was a no go and i could barely walk afterwards. I did an entire workout for legs last night with only seated hamstring curls,seated quad extensions and standing calf raises and calf exercises on the leg press. My legs
( especially my calves are on fire today ) What i want to know here is that if i cant do presses for legs is there anyway that i can put on the least amount of muscle with the above exercises? Here's what i did, Nothing went to failure. Also the gym i was at was limited on options for hams and quads alike.

Leg extensions 6 sets x 10-15 hard reps

Seated hamstring curls 6 sets x 10-15 hard reps

Standing calf raises 4 sets x 15-20 hard reps

leg press calf raises 4 sets x 15-20 hard reps

Thought of trying lunges?
Title: Re: Leg Mass
Post by: Painlayer69 on September 12, 2011, 11:02:07 AM
Thought of trying lunges?

Thats a good idea ill give it a shot on my next leg day thx
Title: Re: Leg Mass
Post by: jedibrat on September 13, 2011, 01:16:10 AM
Thats a good idea ill give it a shot on my next leg day thx

 8) Don't forget to up the dose.
Title: Re: Leg Mass
Post by: Dr Dutch on September 13, 2011, 02:38:12 AM
Thought of trying lunges?
The most shitty exercise of all...really hate them. Up the dose some more instead  8)
Title: Re: Leg Mass
Post by: trapz101 on September 13, 2011, 05:01:23 AM
The most shitty exercise of all...really hate them. Up the dose some more instead  8)

bad bad Dr.  ;D
Title: Re: Leg Mass
Post by: billbigsby on September 13, 2011, 08:39:43 AM
I had a similar problem when I hurt my back, couldn't do any pressing. I like your workout but what I found great was riding the stationary bike for like an 8 minute "hill" type program where it starts easy then goes hard and comes back down. I would do this basically as fast/hard as I could, 105 revolutions per minute maintained. After 8 minutes of that I couldn't believe the quad pump, stretch quads a bit THEN go straight into the leg extensions after. I found that my quads were so preexhausted/pumped that the extensions work after was amazing. I think it helped me keeep most quad mass without messing up my back at all not to mention a touch of cardio in there as well. Sore as hell as well next day isolating quads. Was awesome, curious if works for ya.
Title: Re: Leg Mass
Post by: Donny on September 14, 2011, 08:15:56 AM
Leg extensions are OK if you have a knee injury but... you should limit in the early stages the range of motion to the 3/4 or 1/2 motion. Do not do a full range. I talk here from experience because a physio told me not to do a full range of motion and because i thought i knew better.. i did. The result was pain. BE CAREFUL.
Title: Re: Leg Mass
Post by: nikinizor on September 20, 2011, 02:34:04 PM
I see bad reviews for leg extensions all the time and have limited them due to worry over getting more knee pain. But I NEVER feel any knee pain when doing them...I get knee pain when doing lunges...I get knee pain when squatting...but NEVER EVER from knee extensions. WTH? It is always my left knee and it hurts with first set or two of squats but once I am warmed up it is fine...lunges it just hurts period, just below kneecap(you can hear it scraping...ouch)I have limited running on treadmill to alleviate pain...I think I am going back to leg extensions, big time and won't have an issue reccomending them to others...sorry for hijacking thread but had to say something about this seemingly popular misconception!
Title: Re: Leg Mass
Post by: local hero on September 22, 2011, 01:28:28 AM
I see bad reviews for leg extensions all the time and have limited them due to worry over getting more knee pain. But I NEVER feel any knee pain when doing them...I get knee pain when doing lunges...I get knee pain when squatting...but NEVER EVER from knee extensions. WTH? It is always my left knee and it hurts with first set or two of squats but once I am warmed up it is fine...lunges it just hurts period, just below kneecap(you can hear it scraping...ouch)I have limited running on treadmill to alleviate pain...I think I am going back to leg extensions, big time and won't have an issue reccomending them to others...sorry for hijacking thread but had to say something about this seemingly popular misconception!

well said,, im sick of saying this over and over again
Title: Re: Leg Mass
Post by: Hulkotron on September 22, 2011, 12:59:16 PM
well said,, im sick of saying this over and over again

x2 I've done leg extensions for years, never had any knee pain from them whatsoever.
Title: Re: Leg Mass
Post by: JasonH on September 23, 2011, 03:12:32 AM
Leg extensions are OK if you have a knee injury but... you should limit in the early stages the range of motion to the 3/4 or 1/2 motion. Do not do a full range. I talk here from experience because a physio told me not to do a full range of motion and because i thought i knew better.. i did. The result was pain. BE CAREFUL.

Agreed - I've got the worst knees of anyone I know but I can easily get away with doing leg extensions but just not locking out - just a nice few pumping sets at the end of a leg workout is ideal. Hack squats are the exercise that mess my knees up more than anything.
Title: Re: Leg Mass
Post by: Meso_z on September 23, 2011, 11:08:18 AM
Leg extensions for quads are like curls for biceps. Would you avoid curls for biceps? No.
Title: Re: Leg Mass
Post by: lesaucer on September 27, 2011, 07:18:08 AM
Leg extensions for quads are like curls for biceps. Would you avoid curls for biceps? No.

leg extensions= like pushdowns for triceps, leg curl= like biceps curls  :P

its like saying if close grip bench press (Squats) is better than pushdowns (extensions) for developping triceps (quads).. same shit excepting that you can focus on one muscle
Title: Re: Leg Mass
Post by: trapz101 on September 27, 2011, 08:03:16 PM
leg extensions= like pushdowns for triceps, leg curl= like biceps curls  :P

its like saying if close grip bench press (Squats) is better than pushdowns (extensions) for developping triceps (quads).. same shit excepting that you can focus on one muscle

this is more like it....and how can you be locking out at the top of the leg extension???
Title: Re: Leg Mass
Post by: Painlayer69 on December 21, 2011, 11:35:21 AM
Ok so now im doing this for my leg routine and so far it feels like its gonna get some decent results atleast.

Quad extensions - 6x10
One legged extensions - 6x10
Isolated leg curls - 10x10
Leg press calf raises - 6x10
Title: Re: Leg Mass
Post by: deadz on December 24, 2011, 07:21:34 PM
What about the hack squat machine? Should have good support for your back?

trapz101, leg extentions get a bad wrap because of the way the weight sits on the ankle and how that puts "sheer" pressure on the knee, personally I do them and heavy and I have yet to have any problems from them.
Hacks are a good alternative to squats but with a bad back I don't know how they work for the op. I am up to five plates a side for 10. I've done leg extensions for yeeeeeears and have never had any knee issues.
Title: Re: Leg Mass
Post by: Painlayer69 on December 26, 2011, 11:31:14 AM
Hacks are a good alternative to squats but with a bad back I don't know how they work for the op. I am up to five plates a side for 10. I've done leg extensions for yeeeeeears and have never had any knee issues.

When i try hacks they tend to PULL on my lumbar and start to hurt the area that the fusion is in so hacks are counted out as well.
Title: Re: Leg Mass
Post by: chaos on December 26, 2011, 02:34:25 PM
Hacks are a good alternative to squats but with a bad back I don't know how they work for the op. I am up to five plates a side for 10. I've done leg extensions for yeeeeeears and have never had any knee issues.
As has been pointed out many times if you go through any kind of knee surgery rehab they make you do extentions so they can't be all that bad can they? I don't think I've ever heard of anyone tearing a quad or pulling a Jean Pierre Fux while doing extentions.