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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Benny B on November 18, 2011, 05:48:00 AM

Title: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: Benny B on November 18, 2011, 05:48:00 AM
The Herman Cain Meltdown
By Molly Ball
The hits keep on coming for the businessman and onetime GOP front-runner, who seems determined to go down in flames


The Herman Cain implosion is under way.

Once the Republican front-runner, Cain now seems to be self-destructing before our very eyes. Beset on all sides and sinking in the polls, he's not content to go out with a whimper. Instead, his campaign has become a spectacular series of blunders.

The latest: While trying to fend off criticism of his recent foreign policy gaffes on Thursday, Cain mounted a spirited defense of ignorance and even illiteracy.

"Who knows every detail of every country on the planet? Nobody!" Cain told reporters following him on the campaign trail in New Hampshire. And: "We need a leader, not a reader!"

That line's unfortunate echo of the buffoonish president from The Simpsons Movie seemed telling. All along, Cain has been a sort of cartoon version of a presidential candidate, entertaining, silly, and preposterously exaggerated.

Meanwhile Thursday, Cain abruptly canceled a planned interview with New Hampshire's most important conservative editorial page, the Manchester Union Leader. It appeared to be a belated, and narrowly targeted, attempt to prevent the candidate from facing further questioning and doing further self-damage. But it only served to invite criticism from another quarter, and it certainly didn't prevent Cain from making more inadvisable remarks (see above).

The implosion's beginning can be traced to another newspaper editorial-board interview, with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, on Monday. That's when Cain got tripped up by a simple, open-ended question on Libya -- you know, the site of the last major U.S. military intervention. His helpless fumbling gave Rick Perry's "oops" some serious competition in the brain-freeze sweepstakes.

Then, on Wednesday, Cain made a pilgrimage to Miami's Little Havana, without apparently bothering to do any homework on Cuba: He professed ignorance of the U.S.'s "wet-foot, dry-foot" policy, called a query about Obama's Cuba policy a "gotcha question" and inquired with apparent seriousness, "How do you say 'delicious' in Cuban?"

At this point, stories about Cain aren't even mentioning the sexual harassment accusations he spent weeks trying to fend off. That's ancient history. Heck, compared to all these random countries people keep asking him about, Cain might like to be talking about the allegations again -- at least that's something he has some practice answering questions about.

Though the harassment scandal isn't the source of his present difficulties, it seems likely that it's at the root of Cain's unraveling. The revelations about accusations of sexual harassment against Cain from four different women clearly set him off-balance and planted a seed of doubt in voters' minds.

His erstwhile supporters might have wanted to tiptoe discreetly off his sinking ship. But Cain, it seems, would rather chase them off with sirens blaring.

Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: Salvatore Martinez on November 18, 2011, 09:00:45 AM
he didnt actually SAY "we need a leader not a reader" did he? :-X
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: Galvatron on November 18, 2011, 09:02:35 AM
haha what a fucking moron cain is

ohh ....fuck you benny
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: Rami on November 18, 2011, 09:24:54 AM
republicans have a real archnegro candidate in Cain. you will see this on the traditional yellow / pink eyes.  unlike the arab pretender Obama.
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: dr.chimps on November 18, 2011, 09:26:52 AM
he didnt actually SAY "we need a leader not a reader" did he? :-X
How would you say that in Cuban?
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: Salvatore Martinez on November 18, 2011, 09:27:19 AM
republicans have a real archnegro candidate in Cain. you will see this on the traditional yellow / pink eyes.  unlike the arab pretender Obama.
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: dantelis on November 18, 2011, 09:35:29 AM
he didnt actually SAY "we need a leader not a reader" did he? :-X

Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: epic_alien on November 18, 2011, 09:43:44 AM
the media bring them up, then they bring them down, fuck you tv watchers are stupid
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: lovemonkey on November 18, 2011, 09:45:02 AM
How can anyone take this clown seriously?
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: The Showstoppa on November 18, 2011, 09:45:47 AM
How can anyone take this clown seriously?

The same way people took Al Gore seriously.
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: Salvatore Martinez on November 18, 2011, 09:47:26 AM
The same way people took Al Gore seriously.
Al Gore is Stephen Hawking next to this guy, if you dont know what language is spoken in Cuba theres a problem.
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: 240 is Back on November 18, 2011, 09:49:29 AM
he didnt actually SAY "we need a leader not a reader" did he? :-X

taht was his EXACT quote.

"We need a leader, not a reader!"

The best leaders of a nation are the ones with an understanding of how that nations works with other nations.  You get that from reading.
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: The Showstoppa on November 18, 2011, 09:49:39 AM
Al Gore is Stephen Hawking next to this guy, if you dont know what language is spoken in Cuba theres a problem.

Oh, I agree.  I'm just saying that people are duped into believing a lot of things about politicians.  I was suckered by Cain, until he continued to open his pie-hole.  People are still quoting the Al Gore movie as if it's all gospel.   :-\
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: Nails on November 18, 2011, 10:01:08 AM
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: 240 is Back on November 18, 2011, 10:02:06 AM
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: Salvatore Martinez on November 18, 2011, 10:05:15 AM
lol, he probably thinks "Mexican" is spoken in Mexico and "Canadian" is spoken in Canada.
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: lovemonkey on November 18, 2011, 10:15:28 AM
If one is aspiring for the highest office in america and you happen to be hopelessly clueless on international matters, wouldn't it seem like a good idea to spend 2-3 years reading and learning EVERYTHING so you can hold your own in a debate? But at the same time, what business does an uneducated fool have trying to become a president in the first place? What a fall from grace compared to your founding fathers who most of them were devout scientists that actually cared about knowing stuff.

People come more prepared for goddamn Mcdonald's interviews than Herman Cain does for a presidential election. This is embarrassing beyond belief. Why did people even support this guy?

It's flabbergasting.
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: 240 is Back on November 18, 2011, 10:17:43 AM
cain has BRAGGED that for the last few months, he's read a one-page summary of current events each day.

Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: kcballer on November 18, 2011, 10:28:06 AM
Hahaha such a tool. I'm waiting to see Coach and 333 come in here and meltdown.
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: 240 is Back on November 18, 2011, 10:31:05 AM
it's hard to walk away from a candidate that you donated to.  Many people, myself included, thought Cain was a very smart man. 

Now we see he's very poor at crisis mgmt.
We see he doesn't know much about foreign policy.

Hell, he requested secret service protection before anyone else - many think it's because his campaign can't afford security since money stopped rolling in, and more importantly - because the men in suits will keep reporters and people from asking Qs.
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: The Ugly on November 18, 2011, 10:34:34 AM
Time to walk away.
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: wes on November 18, 2011, 10:36:11 AM
cain has BRAGGED that for the last few months, he's read a one-page summary of current events each day.


What a scholar!  :)
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: The Ugly on November 18, 2011, 10:39:14 AM
My support for Cain waned back when I heard him say "irregardless" in an interview. We can do better than that.
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: 240 is Back on November 18, 2011, 10:42:27 AM
The man doesn't read the newspaper.  It's that simple. 

He doesn't understand the world and he wants to lead america.

Can any getbiggers stand up and say they belive Cain is the best republican running?

rp2012 :)
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: dantelis on November 18, 2011, 03:02:10 PM
The man doesn't read the newspaper.  It's that simple. 

He doesn't understand the world and he wants to lead america.

Can any getbiggers stand up and say they belive Cain is the best republican running?

rp2012 :)

What's a newspaper?  Is that something they used to have before the internet?   

Maybe Cain reads the 1 page summaries, because he is trying to read the news in 30 minutes or less.  ;D
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: seCrawler on November 18, 2011, 03:11:52 PM
The man doesn't read the newspaper.  It's that simple.  

He doesn't understand the world and he wants to lead america.

Can any getbiggers stand up and say they belive Cain is the best republican running?

rp2012 :)

On paper Bobby Jindal is the best Rep, but he won't play into the Brown Man vs Brown Man campaign.  Cain is a nice puppet for the white men in Washingon. If I was black or a minority, I wouldn't come within 100 years of running against Obama.
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: slate on November 18, 2011, 03:36:59 PM
it's hard to walk away from a candidate that you donated to.  Many people, myself included, thought Cain was a very smart man. 

Then you are a bigger fool than Cain.

It is difficult to read you (mostly because i cant be bothered to read you) but if i remember correctly you suffer from the common affliction of believing in useless conspiracy theories while not detecting the more fundamental flaws of the whole game

who actually gets elected means little unless if you are on the receiving end of us foreign policy which is where presidents can play with their toys. if you live in the us then it is basically meaningless as it all boils down to the same crap and there is nothing u can do about it
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: Benny B on November 18, 2011, 04:01:22 PM
Bye-bye, Uncle Ruckus!  ;)

'We Need A Leader Not A Reader'
By Ta-Nehisi Coates

Every time I hear Herman Cain talk, I think of this scene from Undercover Brother. It's not so much that Cain is conservative--it's that he ardently pursues ignorance. It's actually quite the sea-change. Clarence Thomas's politics obviously irritate me--but I never thought he was modeling ignorance. I certainly never thought that of Colin Powell or Condeleeza Rice.

But Cain actually eschews knowledge. He's on, what we would call in our private moments, "some street shit." Except he wears a suit. Seriously, I see this dude talk and I hope no young black kids are listening. If you can be president without knowing a thing about the world, why should the standards for eighth grade be any higher?

Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: War-Horse on November 18, 2011, 07:04:38 PM
He was a train wreck from the start. But all of the gop's are fun to watch crash and gawd people took michele bachmann serious too...lolololololo ;D
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: dr.chimps on November 18, 2011, 07:09:06 PM
He was a train wreck from the start. But all of the gop's are fun to watch crash and gawd people took michele bachmann serious too...lolololololo ;D
All GOP candidates are. It can only be weeks before the GOP trust realizes that their monies can be better invested in Obama negatives than in their own candidates' 'postives.'    ;D
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: jesusbod on November 19, 2011, 07:52:06 AM
The man doesn't read the newspaper.  It's that simple. 

He doesn't understand the world and he wants to lead america.

Can any getbiggers stand up and say they belive Cain is the best republican running?

rp2012 :)

Newt is the best candidate right now. I honestly believe if there was a debate between Obama and Newt it would be very entertaining watching Obama squirm when Newt calls him out on every failed policy he has passed since taking office. Obama makes it too easy for Newt to look like the "savior" of this country...
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: 240 is Back on November 19, 2011, 08:27:51 AM
newt will be attacked for this personal baggage and policies.

obama will be attacked for his policies and what he's accomplished.

It would be cool to watch.  Seeing Cain stumble with one--liners against Obama would be terrible, just terrible.
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 19, 2011, 08:29:21 AM
newt will be attacked for this personal baggage and policies.

obama will be attacked for his policies and what he's accomplished.

It would be cool to watch.  Seeing Cain stumble with one--liners against Obama would be terrible, just terrible.

I'm glad this is coming all out now than after the nomination.   It is way better for the weak to be exposed and dealt with now than later when beating and taking out obama can be done without distraction. 

Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: 240 is Back on November 19, 2011, 08:35:42 AM

I'm glad this is coming all out now than after the nomination.   It is way better for the weak to be exposed and dealt with now than later when beating and taking out obama can be done without distraction. 


this is why it's terrible form if candidates avoid debates like Perry wanted to, or hide from all media like Cain is doing now.

Seeing palin sneak in late in 2008.... then hiding from tough intereviews as much as possible... we see what can happen.  An unknown idiot with shiny personality initially can charm their way into office.

It's the most important job on EARTH.  Don't they spend a year preparing your application/interview process for 911 call operator or TSA agent?  Should be at least 2-3 years for the most important job on earth.
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: jesusbod on November 19, 2011, 09:10:50 AM
"An unknown idiot with shiny personality initially can charm their way into office."
You mean like Obama did in 2008? He came from being a no body senator with no record of accomplishing anything in the Senate straight to the top of the list to be President. People are now seeing how bad of a decision they made with voting this guy into office.
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: 240 is Back on November 19, 2011, 09:19:47 AM
"An unknown idiot with shiny personality initially can charm their way into office."
You mean like Obama did in 2008? He came from being a no body senator with no record of accomplishing anything in the Senate straight to the top of the list to be President. People are now seeing how bad of a decision they made with voting this guy into office.

yeah, but obama had been in the senate sinec 2004.  he had been in public office a decade.  We ALREADY knew about the birth cert, the bill ayers, the reverend wright.  The research on him started in Aug 2004 when he wsa the DNC keynote speaker.  CTers on getbig thought he might be the man in 08 ;)

What IF Obama had come out of nowhere in Summer 2007, or even fall of 2008.  Hell, there was a 2 month vetting period for palin.  Imagine only having 8 weeks to learn all that about obama.

See, that's why it's dangerous.  If palin ran, she would probably skip debates, instead opting for book  signings in the parking lots during them lol.
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 19, 2011, 09:21:41 AM
yeah, but obama had been in the senate sinec 2004.  he had been in public office a decade.  We ALREADY knew about the birth cert, the bill ayers, the reverend wright.  The research on him started in Aug 2004 when he wsa the DNC keynote speaker.  CTers on getbig thought he might be the man in 08 ;)

What IF Obama had come out of nowhere in Summer 2007, or even fall of 2008.  Hell, there was a 2 month vetting period for palin.  Imagine only having 8 weeks to learn all that about obama.

See, that's why it's dangerous.  If palin ran, she would probably skip debates, instead opting for book  signings in the parking lots during them lol.

Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: 240 is Back on November 19, 2011, 09:26:44 AM
obama was on the NATIONAL level (as a national senator) for 3 years when he announced he was running.   that's 1000 days to do research on him, then another 20 months of running for POTUS.  He was very high profile, on foreign rel'tns committee and giving KEYNOTE speeches.  He was 'on the map' if you had a political brain.

Palin was a governor of the smallest population state near the north pole for a year when she was pulled out of the blue, 10 weeks before the Nov election.

Maybe YOU didn't have obama on your radar... but didn't Rudy give the 2004 GOP address?  ;)
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: War-Horse on November 19, 2011, 09:28:59 AM
yeah, but obama had been in the senate sinec 2004.  he had been in public office a decade.  We ALREADY knew about the birth cert, the bill ayers, the reverend wright.  The research on him started in Aug 2004 when he wsa the DNC keynote speaker.  CTers on getbig thought he might be the man in 08 ;)

What IF Obama had come out of nowhere in Summer 2007, or even fall of 2008.  Hell, there was a 2 month vetting period for palin.  Imagine only having 8 weeks to learn all that about obama.

See, that's why it's dangerous.  If palin ran, she would probably skip debates, instead opting for book  signings in the parking lots during them lol.

LOL. 240's common sense is confusing 33 again. Things never change ;D
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 19, 2011, 09:30:48 AM
obama was on the NATIONAL level (as a national senator) for 3 years when he announced he was running.   that's 1000 days to do research on him, then another 20 months of running for POTUS.  He was very high profile, on foreign rel'tns committee and giving KEYNOTE speeches.  He was 'on the map' if you had a political brain.

Palin was a governor of the smallest population state near the north pole for a year when she was pulled out of the blue, 10 weeks before the Nov election.

Maybe YOU didn't have obama on your radar... but didn't Rudy give the 2004 GOP address?  ;)

False - he was a Senator for 146 days and did nothing even at that.   
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: 240 is Back on November 19, 2011, 11:34:42 AM
False - he was a Senator for 146 days and did nothing even at that.   
he was sworn in as senator in jan 2005.

he announced he was running in Feb 2007.

25 months.

Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: The Showstoppa on November 19, 2011, 12:16:04 PM
Obama and "accomplishments?"  hahahaha, best comedy on getbig I've read in awhile.
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: 240 is Back on November 19, 2011, 12:29:56 PM
Obama and "accomplishments?"  hahahaha, best comedy on getbig I've read in awhile.

if you share left-wing ideology, then yes, obama accomplished a great deal.
if you share right-win neocon philosophy, then yes, bush accomplished a great deal.
if you're a fan of BJs in sacred offices, then yes, clinton accomplished a great deal.
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: jesusbod on November 20, 2011, 11:14:21 AM
obama was on the NATIONAL level (as a national senator) for 3 years when he announced he was running.   that's 1000 days to do research on him, then another 20 months of running for POTUS.  He was very high profile, on foreign rel'tns committee and giving KEYNOTE speeches.  He was 'on the map' if you had a political brain.

Palin was a governor of the smallest population state near the north pole for a year when she was pulled out of the blue, 10 weeks before the Nov election.

Maybe YOU didn't have obama on your radar... but didn't Rudy give the 2004 GOP address?  ;)

True Obama was in the Senate since 2004, and in 2006 he started his campaign. He was basically absent from the Senate during all this time.
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: 240 is Back on November 20, 2011, 11:18:39 AM

but for anyone to say 'we never saw obama coming' and compare it to the palin appearing on the national map 10 weeks before the election, that's silly.
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: LurkerNoMore on November 21, 2011, 06:42:17 AM
False - he was a Senator for 146 days and did nothing even at that.   

Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 21, 2011, 06:44:42 AM

Really?   Look it up douchebag.  Even he said in 2004 he was not qualified for office.   He assumed role of senator in 2005 - and declared in 2006, having only 146 actual days in the Senate.

Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: 240 is Back on November 21, 2011, 07:03:43 AM
Really?   Look it up douchebag.  Even he said in 2004 he was not qualified for office.   He assumed role of senator in 2005 - and declared in 2006, having only 146 actual days in the Senate.


Obama declared in Feb 2007 in chicago that he was running.   Not 2006.   

It's mindboggling that we're a year from election and it's essentially tied or obama is leading in every poll.

get your shit together, repubs.
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: LurkerNoMore on November 21, 2011, 07:08:30 AM
Really?   Look it up douchebag.  Even he said in 2004 he was not qualified for office.   He assumed role of senator in 2005 - and declared in 2006, having only 146 actual days in the Senate.


Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: MCWAY on November 21, 2011, 07:09:11 AM
Obama declared in Feb 2007 in chicago that he was running.   Not 2006.   

It's mindboggling that we're a year from election and it's essentially tied or obama is leading in every poll.

get your shit together, repubs.

And what exactly did Obama do in one year that got him qualified, to the point where you and the other members of TK gave him your vote?
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 21, 2011, 07:11:07 AM

Nice job at refuting Obama's own accusation. 

Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: LurkerNoMore on November 21, 2011, 07:13:31 AM
How many days did he serve as Senator?

Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 21, 2011, 07:14:03 AM
How many days did he serve as Senator?


146 actual days.   

Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: 240 is Back on November 21, 2011, 07:15:09 AM
And what exactly did Obama do in one year that got him qualified, to the point where you and the other members of TK gave him your vote?

it doesn't matter 'what he did'.

He won the election, beating the GOP, FOX, and Hilary in the process.

Now, it's 3 years later, and the best the GOP can deliver is

1) A clueless cain who brags about not reading books
2) Newt, with 16 admitted issue position changes, fannie millionshe lied about, and the whole 3 wives thing
3) Flip Romney
4) A compeltely ignored Ron Paul

SO yes, Obama was unprepared in 2008, but he wipes his ass with Bin laden's death certificate every morning while wearing kadaffi's seized hat, and he's still tied or leading in polls.  So maybe some time in the next 11 months, it'll be time for repubs to STFU aobut the past and cough up a decent candidate, or choose the obvious one they like to heckle because he won't make FOX richer.
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 21, 2011, 07:16:34 AM

Obama was in office 146 days before declaring for potus.   
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: 240 is Back on November 21, 2011, 07:17:39 AM
33, shame on a schiff/jungle fan like yourself to sit on his lap and beg for the cawk.

One experienced, successful businessman: Cain, who also served as President of the National Restaurant Association and Chairman of the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank.
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: LurkerNoMore on November 21, 2011, 07:23:42 AM
Feb 2007.

Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: MCWAY on November 21, 2011, 08:06:34 AM
it doesn't matter 'what he did'.

He won the election, beating the GOP, FOX, and Hilary in the process.

Now, it's 3 years later, and the best the GOP can deliver is

1) A clueless cain who brags about not reading books
2) Newt, with 16 admitted issue position changes, fannie millionshe lied about, and the whole 3 wives thing
3) Flip Romney
4) A compeltely ignored Ron Paul

SO yes, Obama was unprepared in 2008, but he wipes his ass with Bin laden's death certificate every morning while wearing kadaffi's seized hat, and he's still tied or leading in polls.  So maybe some time in the next 11 months, it'll be time for repubs to STFU aobut the past and cough up a decent candidate, or choose the obvious one they like to heckle because he won't make FOX richer.

First, I asked you Obama did in one year's time that made him qualified enough to get YOUR vote (and that of other TK members).

Second, Obama wasn't running against Fox News. Fox News was one of the few outfits that exposed Obama for who he really is, while people like you were latched to his scrotum with more crushes and thrills than Amber Lee Ettinger (Obama Girl) and Chris Matthews combined.

Three years later, after 333386 (and others) have bludgeoned you and other TK members with enough "We told you so" items to last a lifetime, now all of a sudden, you're all fired up for Ron Paul........PLEASE!!!!

As for Obama and Bin Laden's death certificate, please explain why Obama plunged into the 30s, just a few months after Bin Laden's death.

The fact that Obama is struggling, even with the GOP candidate spot still up for grabs, shows that he's in BIG trouble. The winner of the GOP nomination will get most of the support that's divided among the other candidates. And, if this economy continues to suck, Obama is all but DONE!!
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: blacken700 on November 21, 2011, 12:01:58 PM
this coming from the guy that thinks cain is going places  :D :D priceless
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: 240 is Back on November 21, 2011, 12:04:56 PM
this coming from the guy that thinks cain is going places  :D :D priceless

cain will only go UP in polls. 
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: LurkerNoMore on November 21, 2011, 12:11:27 PM
this coming from the guy that thinks cain is going places  :D :D priceless

What's his stats in the polls now?
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: blacken700 on November 21, 2011, 12:15:01 PM
i don't know his campaign manager should be posting any minute now  ;D
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: LurkerNoMore on November 21, 2011, 12:24:56 PM
i don't know his campaign manager should be posting any minute now  ;D

He's been very quiet.

This past Friday marked the first deadline of our bet. 
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: MCWAY on November 21, 2011, 12:37:08 PM
What posts have you been monitoring, Lurker?

Far from being quiet, I've been posting on other threads, related to this and other topics.

240 has YET to answer my question, regarding what Obama supposedly did in one year (2006 to 2007) that made him qualified enough to get his vote in 2008.

As for Blacken, ducking questions is commonplace for him, especially with the facts staring him dead in the face.

With regards to the polls, I've posted them over the last few days (courtesy of RCP).

Fox and CNN have Cain down to 14%. USA Today has him at 16%.

Pew Research has him at 22%; ISU/Iowa Republican Caucaus poll has Cain at 25%

Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: George Whorewell on November 21, 2011, 12:48:09 PM
What posts have you been monitoring, Lurker?

Far from being quiet, I've been posting on other threads, related to this and other topics.

240 has YET to answer my question, regarding what Obama supposedly did in one year (2006 to 2007) that made him qualified enough to get his vote in 2008.

As for Blacken, ducking questions is commonplace for him, especially with the facts staring him dead in the face.

With regards to the polls, I've posted them over the last few days (courtesy of RCP).

Fox and CNN have Cain down to 14%. USA Today has him at 16%.

Pew Research has him at 22%; ISU/Iowa Republican Caucaus poll has Cain at 25%

Racist post reported.
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: LurkerNoMore on November 21, 2011, 12:48:52 PM
What was Cain's poll #s for Fox and CNN two weeks ago?

Right now, Cain is 7 points behind Mitt on Fox.
10 below Mitt on CNN.

When we started this bet two weeks ago, Cain was polling in the 22 point range.  

I allowed a 7 point spread grace.  Looks like he has dropped to and beyond that.
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: MCWAY on November 21, 2011, 12:53:34 PM
What was Cain's poll #s for Fox and CNN two weeks ago?

Right now, Cain is 7 points behind Mitt on Fox.
10 below Mitt on CNN.

When we started this bet two weeks ago, Cain was polling in the 22 point range.  

I allowed a 7 point spread grace.  Looks like he has dropped to and beyond that.

The last CNN poll I recall, prior to the sexual harassment allegations, Cain was at 24%; now he's 14 or 15% at the last one I saw since the allegations.

Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: LurkerNoMore on November 21, 2011, 01:03:56 PM
The last CNN poll I recall, prior to the sexual harassment allegations, Cain was at 24%; now he's 14 or 15% at the last one I saw since the allegations.

That is more than a 7 point drop in two weeks isn't it?
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 21, 2011, 01:08:44 PM
That is more than a 7 point drop in two weeks isn't it?

Funny you dont mention obama dropping by the same amount to 40% within the last week at gallup.   
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: blacken700 on November 21, 2011, 01:18:11 PM
i think this post is about cain, that's  why obama wasn't mentioned  :D
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: LurkerNoMore on November 21, 2011, 01:51:53 PM
i think this post is about cain, that's  why obama wasn't mentioned  :D

Exactly.  And the bet between Mcway and myself is about Cain.  Not Obama.

But the little crybaby can't keep his mind off Obama long enough for two other people to have a conversation among themselves.
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: 240 is Back on November 21, 2011, 05:25:59 PM

obama offered a bertter campaign than hilary and mccain in 2008.
he convinced americans that he could solve problems better than the others could.

Americans bought it.  WHat has ANY candidate done to make them 'worthy' of the office?   They convince people to vote for them, and that's it.  Did arnold 'earn' the gov job over people who had served Cali for decades? of course not.
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: jmt1 on November 21, 2011, 06:56:11 PM
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: 240 is Back on November 22, 2011, 12:02:00 AM
that's a pretty funny clip there.
Title: Re: The Herman Cain Meltdown
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 22, 2011, 04:43:29 AM
