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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Borracho on December 07, 2011, 07:55:18 AM

Title: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: Borracho on December 07, 2011, 07:55:18 AM
Any of you guys suffer from this???

I hurt my back a few months ago and I've been getting pain in my right leg now. Is surgery the only option?
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: crownshep on December 07, 2011, 07:59:17 AM
Get yourself inversion boots or an inversion table,i had back pain for ten years and 2 one minute sessions of hanging upside down cured it.My best mate had to leave the police force 15 years ago because of back pain,a few months ago he bought an inversion table and hangs upside down on it every morning now,says his back now feels fine,and he`s started squatting again.
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: makaveli25 on December 07, 2011, 08:02:26 AM
Get yourself inversion boots or an inversion table,i had back pain for ten years and 2 one minute sessions of hanging upside down cured it.My best mate had to leave the police force 15 years ago because of back pain,a few months ago he bought an inversion table and hangs upside down on it every morning now,says his back now feels fine,and he`s started squatting again.

Good advice. You need to decompress your spine. Also find a good chiro.
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: Coach is Back! on December 07, 2011, 08:03:38 AM
Go see a doc. Too many people confuse sciatic nerve with something else.
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: hrspwr on December 07, 2011, 08:08:34 AM
I went with IDD therapy, has worked for 5 years now. Had to lighten up with the deads and squats, heavy weights were not helping the healing process.
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: Borracho on December 07, 2011, 08:16:54 AM
Get yourself inversion boots or an inversion table,i had back pain for ten years and 2 one minute sessions of hanging upside down cured it.My best mate had to leave the police force 15 years ago because of back pain,a few months ago he bought an inversion table and hangs upside down on it every morning now,says his back now feels fine,and he`s started squatting again.

Gonna look into this..thanks!

Good advice. You need to decompress your spine. Also find a good chiro.

In the process of finding a chiro.

Go see a doc. Too many people confuse sciatic nerve with something else.

I was hoping that it was piriformis syndrome which resembles sciatica but the signs point towards the latter. Will check out a chiro for sure though...

I went with IDD therapy, has worked for 5 years now. Had to lighten up with the deads and squats, heavy weights were not helping the healing process.

Haven't heard of this before but if I can avoid surgery I'll definitely try this.
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: SOMEPARTS on December 07, 2011, 08:58:44 AM
Piriformis is pretty close in symptoms though. You might try to stretch your hams and use the seated glute stretch. I couldn't kick the Piriformis thing until I started rolling it out against a wall with a tennis ball and doing super high rep light squats....must have balanced something out. I went to the chiro but it wasn't a lasting effect.
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: Borracho on December 07, 2011, 09:08:36 AM
Piriformis is pretty close in symptoms though. You might try to stretch your hams and use the seated glute stretch. I couldn't kick the Piriformis thing until I started rolling it out against a wall with a tennis ball and doing super high rep light squats....must have balanced something out. I went to the chiro but it wasn't a lasting effect.

did you use the tennis ball in the ass area(no homo) or pretty much all over your lower back?
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: Coach is Back! on December 07, 2011, 09:09:20 AM
Gonna look into this..thanks!

In the process of finding a chiro.

I was hoping that it was piriformis syndrome which resembles sciatica but the signs point towards the latter. Will check out a chiro for sure though...

Haven't heard of this before but if I can avoid surgery I'll definitely try this.

Yup, piraformis syndrome also effects the IT's big time. If you did it squatting and you feel it on either side of the lower lumbar (not in the middle) it's also a sign of a QL strain. We do a ton of soft-tissue work. First try foam rolling (with the black roller) low back, IT's, glutes and hamstrings in that order. Then get a lacrosse ball and do some trigger point. Sit on the ball where at the site of the piraformis and apply pressure to the site and roll just on that spot. Then place the ball (while still on the ground but you can also still do this standing up against the wall as well) and then hit the both QL's.

Go see a doc.

What exercise were you doing when this happen?
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: MassInMass on December 07, 2011, 09:12:05 AM
Forget the chiro-
Spend the $300 on an inversion table-
You will never feel it again...
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: Borracho on December 07, 2011, 09:17:13 AM
Yup, piraformis syndrome also effects the IT's big time. If you did it squatting and you feel it on either side of the lower lumbar (not in the middle) it's also a sign of a QL strain. We do a ton of soft-tissue work. First try foam rolling (with the black roller) low back, IT's, glutes and hamstrings in that order. Then get a lacrosse ball and do some trigger point. Sit on the ball where at the site of the piraformis and apply pressure to the site and roll just on that spot. Then place the ball (while still on the ground but you can also still do this standing up against the wall as well) and then hit the both QL's.

Go see a doc.

What exercise were you doing when this happen?

Damn..thanks for all that.

I hurt myself doing something so stupid. I was on the leg press machine and the seat for some reason is just garbage. I had plates loaded, push up, but I felt uncomfortable so I adjust myself(holding the grips/plates loaded at the top) by trying to move my ass up on the seat. That's when I felt a sharp pain in my lower back.
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: _bruce_ on December 07, 2011, 09:21:39 AM
Get yourself inversion boots or an inversion table,i had back pain for ten years and 2 one minute sessions of hanging upside down cured it.My best mate had to leave the police force 15 years ago because of back pain,a few months ago he bought an inversion table and hangs upside down on it every morning now,says his back now feels fine,and he`s started squatting again.

Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: SOMEPARTS on December 07, 2011, 09:24:15 AM
I start at the middle of the back...lowest lumbar spine - and roll under the waistline, and then at 45 degrees into the glute. As mentioned above if it's Piriformis you will find a pressure point somewhere in the glute and once you work that you will get some release. Don't overdo it on the rolling or you will be sore as hell.

After having this for over a year I stumbled on an article online about release, broke out the tennis ball and immediately started feeling less of the pain and numbness. I had a weird feeling of fullness in the hip, back and leg pain and the top of my foot was numb. It freaked me out.
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: Borracho on December 07, 2011, 09:33:42 AM
I start at the middle of the back...lowest lumbar spine - and roll under the waistline, and then at 45 degrees into the glute. As mentioned above if it's Piriformis you will find a pressure point somewhere in the glute and once you work that you will get some release. Don't overdo it on the rolling or you will be sore as hell.

After having this for over a year I stumbled on an article online about release, broke out the tennis ball and immediately started feeling less of the pain and numbness. I had a weird feeling of fullness in the hip, back and leg pain and the top of my foot was numb. It freaked me out.

I started getting some pain on the top of my foot..right above my where my big toe begins. Didn't know what it was till I realised it was the sciatic nerve. Thanks for your input!
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: Coach is Back! on December 07, 2011, 09:37:19 AM

A lacross, baseball, tennis ball, golf ball is much cheaper and there are other ways to deload a spine thats much more convenient than an inversion table or boots. 
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: Stefano on December 07, 2011, 10:34:44 AM
A lacross, baseball, tennis ball, golf ball is much cheaper and there are other ways to deload a spine thats much more convenient than an inversion table or boots. 

Could you elaborate? Some links and vids would be great as well. 
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: MB on December 07, 2011, 10:38:07 AM
I started getting some pain on the top of my foot..right above my where my big toe begins. Didn't know what it was till I realised it was the sciatic nerve. Thanks for your input!
If you have a ruptured or bulging disc in your back, it can press on the sciatic nerve and cause tingling or numbness in your foot.  If you let a ruptured disc go without surgery, it can press on the nerve so long, that the nerve stops working and you experience muscle atrophy.  I would try the inversion therapy if it is just a bulging disc, if it's ruptured, get it surgically cleaned up quickly before permanent damage is done. 
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: _bruce_ on December 07, 2011, 11:00:18 AM
A lacross, baseball, tennis ball, golf ball is much cheaper and there are other ways to deload a spine thats much more convenient than an inversion table or boots. 

Your expertise is welcome.
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: exocet on December 07, 2011, 11:07:37 AM
Coach is right. See a doctor. Keyword being DOCTOR not a chiropractor.
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: Krankenstein on December 07, 2011, 11:13:55 AM
Coach is right. See a doctor. Keyword being DOCTOR not a chiropractor.

 ::) Here we go again....

Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: viking1 on December 07, 2011, 11:17:14 AM
a chiropractor is a doctor
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: ob205 on December 07, 2011, 11:18:46 AM
I had this

At first, just was dosing 200-400mg of NSAIDS every 4 hours.  That would minimize the pain.  

Bought reasonable Inversion Table ($100) at Sports Authority, some relief not a cure all.

Went to DR, went on 5 days of Methyl-prednisone, and it knocked it out.

I know that any movement that adds compression to your spine definitely aggravates it.  Best luck,

Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: whitewidow on December 07, 2011, 11:26:27 AM
I have it bad! I dont think surgery is necessary yet wait a few months and see if it is still bothering you. take some ibuprofen at first. maybe see a dcotor. I have alot of disc herniations and a frature in my spine so I get pain meds and they help alot. but they are not worth getting addictive to. try ibuprofen first and talk to a doctor. you might need a MRI done and see whats really wrong and causing the sciatica pain sometimes it can be a disc causing the pain. If you cant sit down for 10 minutes without standing up do to pain you def have a problem and need some help from a doctor.
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: exocet on December 07, 2011, 03:03:38 PM
a chiropractor is a doctor

I understand that  a chiropractor is a doctor, similar to a dentist, or a podiatrist. However, my intention was for the original poster to make an informed decision for his spine. I have not had any serious spinal injuries, nor have I had any experiences with a chiropractor.

I am sure that there are people on this forum who swear by them (chiropractors). Personally, I am wary of them. You know what they call a guy who graduates from medical school with a C average don't you? ......Doctor.   ;D

Long story, short; Krankenstein do what you feel is best with your health care. But do your research thoroughly.  :)

Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: purenaturalstrength on December 07, 2011, 03:06:19 PM
Get yourself inversion boots or an inversion table,i had back pain for ten years and 2 one minute sessions of hanging upside down cured it.My best mate had to leave the police force 15 years ago because of back pain,a few months ago he bought an inversion table and hangs upside down on it every morning now,says his back now feels fine,and he`s started squatting again.

wikipedia said inversion treatment could be bro science since laying down also decrompresses the spine

but good to hear it works
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: Borracho on December 07, 2011, 03:18:13 PM
I understand that  a chiropractor is a doctor, similar to a dentist, or a podiatrist. However, my intention was for the original poster to make an informed decision for his spine. I have not had any serious spinal injuries, nor have I had any experiences with a chiropractor.

I am sure that there are people on this forum who swear by them (chiropractors). Personally, I am wary of them. You know what they call a guy who graduates from medical school with a C average don't you? ......Doctor.   ;D

Long story, short; Krankenstein do what you feel is best with your health care. But do your research thoroughly.  :)

I have come across a lot of people who share your view on Chiropractors.  Might be a good explanation for that but I haven't had any experience with them so I can't comment on that. A few people I've talked to said they were worse off in the end. Probably screwed from the get go but who knows.

btw, I tried the rolling the ball on the back for a bit today and already felt some relief. :D
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: MikMaq on December 07, 2011, 03:18:34 PM
I understand that  a chiropractor is a doctor, similar to a dentist, or a podiatrist. However, my intention was for the original poster to make an informed decision for his spine. I have not had any serious spinal injuries, nor have I had any experiences with a chiropractor.

I am sure that there are people on this forum who swear by them (chiropractors). Personally, I am wary of them. You know what they call a guy who graduates from medical school with a C average don't you? ......Doctor.   ;D

Long story, short; Krankenstein do what you feel is best with your health care. But do your research thoroughly.  :)

See a specialist not an md, see what they say, I got some back tendinitis/inflamed  rotator/ disc compression problems, I seen a physio therapist it helps, but I still have no understanding what's wrong, waiting on heath insurance from school to get it figured out.
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: jude2 on December 07, 2011, 06:17:07 PM
If it dosen't respond to the steroid pack, then it usually goes away on its own in 6 months. It is just a pain in the ass to wait for it to resolve.
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: Bindare_Dundat on December 07, 2011, 07:29:18 PM
Man, I feel your pain. I have a deteriorated disc between the 4th and 5th lumbar. Apparently its as flat as a paincake. I hurt my back at work and had to go to the hospital the day of the injury, never felt pain like that in my life. I have chronic sciatic pain running down my butt and leg every damn day and it drives me up the wall.
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: Borracho on December 07, 2011, 07:33:43 PM
Man, I feel your pain. I have a deteriorated disc between the 4th and 5th lumbar. Apparently its as flat as a paincake. I hurt my back at work and had to go to the hospital the day of the injury, never felt pain like that in my life. I have chronic sciatic pain running down my butt and leg every damn day and it drives me up the wall.

Are you getting any sort of therapy ??

You try rolling on a ball or the upside down table?

Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: Bindare_Dundat on December 07, 2011, 08:07:54 PM
Are you getting any sort of therapy ??

You try rolling on a ball or the upside down table?

I tried all types of things to add deep pressure to the offending area  but nothing really helps in the long term.  I also tried low impact exercises, (swimming and shit like that), stretching, hot/cold compresses, physio, chiropractors, acupuncture, the list goes on,  but the pain always comes back. I`m looking for a long term solution, not a situation where I'm investing too much time or money  anymore just to barely feel better but so far, nothing. I'm seeing a specialist soon to figure out anything else that could help. Cant say I ever tried the upside down table but I don`t think that would help my situation anyway.

I'm not a fan of surgery because there is no guarantee it`ll help, (could make it worse), but sometimes the pain is so bad I`d be willing to risk it. I eat nopraxen everyday and it does help but it gives me some wicked heartburn sometimes.

 My leg is numb as I type. lol

Good luck with it.

Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: Borracho on December 07, 2011, 08:28:24 PM
I tried all types of things to add deep pressure to the offending area  but nothing really helps in the long term.  I also tried low impact exercises, (swimming and shit like that), stretching, hot/cold compresses, physio, chiropractors, acupuncture, the list goes on,  but the pain always comes back. I`m looking for a long term solution, not a situation where I'm investing too much time or money  anymore just to barely feel better but so far, nothing. I'm seeing a specialist soon to figure out anything else that could help. Cant say I ever tried the upside down table but I don`t think that would help my situation anyway.

I'm not a fan of surgery because there is no guarantee it`ll help, (could make it worse), but sometimes the pain is so bad I`d be willing to risk it. I eat nopraxen everyday and it does help but it gives me some wicked heartburn sometimes.

 My leg is numb as I type. lol

Good luck with it.

That fucking sucks dude. Good luck to you too...hope you get better.
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: Krankenstein on December 07, 2011, 08:39:55 PM

Long story, short; Krankenstein do what you feel is best with your health care. But do your research thoroughly.  :)

I have, and patients thank me.
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: basil on December 07, 2011, 11:10:38 PM
Try some nerve/spinal flossing movements (google, and check out Eric Cressey articles), get a foam roller, and go see a good sports physio for some ART (Active Release Technique).  Surgery should be a last resort. 
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: johnny1 on December 08, 2011, 12:54:33 AM
I have it bad! I dont think surgery is necessary yet wait a few months and see if it is still bothering you. take some ibuprofen at first. maybe see a dcotor. I have alot of disc herniations and a frature in my spine so I get pain meds and they help alot. but they are not worth getting addictive to. try ibuprofen first and talk to a doctor. you might need a MRI done and see whats really wrong and causing the sciatica pain sometimes it can be a disc causing the pain. If you cant sit down for 10 minutes without standing up do to pain you def have a problem and need some help from a doctor.
Yip sounds like a Disc problem nasty business no doubt about it takes a LONG time but with the CORRECT diagnosis and treatment (inversion table) really does WORK no BS there amazing something so simple does in fact work Decompressing the spine is the issue not loading yourself up with Pain killers you just get addicted to them then you got MORE problems.
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: crownshep on December 08, 2011, 03:24:57 AM
I bought inversion boots 5 years ago,so the first time i used them i was completely upside down,and its a really strange feeling,blood rushing to the head,and all i had was 60 secs hanging there.But by the 2nd day i felt a lot better and tried squatting for the first time in 10 years,instantly went back up to 3 plates a side when previously 1 plate would kill my back.My best mate was unconvinced and didn`t like the idea of having to get back up to the bar,so he gave it a miss.I use my boots on the TITAN machine and you have handles to help you get back up,but he still wouldn`t try it.then a few months ago he bought an inversion table off ebay from a woman who lives near me and i went over with him to pick it up.The woman selling it was in her late 60s and she was selling it because she had got rid of her back pain.He started off on a small angle,then each day tilted the angle a bit more until he was fully inverted and his back pain has gone after 15 years and he is back squatting again.Have a watch of this video.

Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: Mawse on December 08, 2011, 03:43:36 AM
piriformis is some horrible stuff, if you have it then welcome to a world of greatly reduced intensity when the muscle locks up in the middle of the second rep of a set you'd planned to take to 12 reps.

it will positively, absolutely wreck your lower body training and training around it (sumo pulls, sumo rack pulls, front squats) are all going to cause other parts to break as you compensate for the jacked up piriformis.

beat the shit out of it with the plastic ball when it dares to flare up and remind yourself than in a couple of weeks you should be able to squat again.. for a week or two.
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: TWISTER on December 08, 2011, 05:25:39 AM
If you have a ruptured or bulging disc in your back, it can press on the sciatic nerve and cause tingling or numbness in your foot.  If you let a ruptured disc go without surgery, it can press on the nerve so long, that the nerve stops working and you experience muscle atrophy.  I would try the inversion therapy if it is just a bulging disc, if it's ruptured, get it surgically cleaned up quickly before permanent damage is done. 

100% spot on!
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: Krankenstein on December 08, 2011, 05:28:55 AM
100% spot on!

A herniated disc CAN resolve on its own...but sometimes that can take up to two years...PROVIDED the individual does the necessary therapy in that time to encourage it.  Surgery is not ALWAYS the be all end all.....and that was echoed by a couple of orthopoedic surgeons I work with on patients.  In fact, one patient got worse after their surgery.  Go figure.
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: MB on December 08, 2011, 06:39:18 AM
A herniated disc CAN resolve on its own...but sometimes that can take up to two years...PROVIDED the individual does the necessary therapy in that time to encourage it.  Surgery is not ALWAYS the be all end all.....and that was echoed by a couple of orthopoedic surgeons I work with on patients.  In fact, one patient got worse after their surgery.  Go figure.
It's true that a herniated disc can resolve on it's own, sort of like a piece of cheese that sits out for a long period of time and dries up.  The problem is that permanent damage can be done to the nerve if it's not cleaned up right away.  If you rupture a disc and are in severe pain with constant numbness in your extremities, I would choose surgery rather than waiting it out and risking long term nerve loss. 
Title: Re: Sciatic nerve pain???
Post by: CalvinH on December 08, 2011, 06:40:54 AM
Get yourself inversion boots or an inversion table,i had back pain for ten years and 2 one minute sessions of hanging upside down cured it.My best mate had to leave the police force 15 years ago because of back pain,a few months ago he bought an inversion table and hangs upside down on it every morning now,says his back now feels fine,and he`s started squatting again.

I have one and it worked wonders for my back.