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Title: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 19, 2011, 01:21:01 PM
‘When the Legend Becomes Fact, Print the Legend’
December 16, 2011 - 12:17 pm - by Victor Davis Hanson      Obama Mythologos

Barack Obama is a myth, our modern version of Pecos Bill or Paul Bunyan. What we were told is true, never had much basis in fact — a fact now increasingly clear as hype gives way to reality.


Presidential historian Michael Beschloss, on no evidence, once proclaimed Obama “probably the smartest guy ever to become president.” When he thus summed up liberal consensus, was he perhaps referring to academic achievement? Soaring SAT scores? Seminal publications? IQ scores known only to a small Ivy League cloister? Political wizardry?

Who was this Churchillian president so much smarter than the Renaissance man Thomas Jefferson, more astute than a John Adams or James Madison, with more insight than a Lincoln, brighter still than the polymath Teddy Roosevelt, more studious than the bookish Woodrow Wilson, better read than the autodidact Harry Truman?

Consider. Did Obama achieve a B+ average at Columbia? Who knows? (Who will ever know?) But even today’s inflated version of yesteryear’s gentleman Cs would not normally warrant admission to Harvard Law. And once there, did the Law Review editor publish at least one seminal article? Why not?

I ask not because I particularly care about the GPAs or certificates of the president, but only because I am searching for a shred of evidence to substantiate this image of singular intellectual power and known erudition. For now, I don’t see any difference between Bush’s Yale/Harvard MBA record and Obama’s Columbia/Harvard Law record — except Bush, in self-deprecation, laughed at his quite public C+/B- accomplishments that he implied were in line with his occasional gaffes, while Obama has quarantined his transcripts and relied on the media to assert that his own versions of “nucular” moments were not moments of embarrassment at all.

At Chicago, did lecturer Obama write a path-breaking legal article or a book on jurisprudence that warranted the rare tenure offer to a part-time lecturer? (Has that offer ever been extended to others of like stature?) In the Illinois legislature or U.S. Senate, was Obama known as a deeply learned man of the Patrick Moynihan variety? Whether as an undergraduate, law student, lawyer, professor, legislator or senator, Obama was given numerous opportunities to reveal his intellectual weight. Did he ever really? On what basis did Harvard Law Dean Elena Kagan regret that Obama could not be lured to a top billet at Harvard?

That his brilliance is a myth was not just revealed by the weekly lapses (whether phonetic [corpse-man], or cultural [Austria/Germany, the United Kingdom/England, Memorial Day/Veterans Day] or inane [57 states]), but in matters of common sense and basic history. The error-ridden Cairo speech was foolish; the serial appeasement of Iran revealed an ignorance of human nature; a two-minute glance at an etiquette book would have nixed the bowing or the cheap gifts to the UK.

In short, the myth of Obama’s brilliance was based on his teleprompted eloquence, the sort of fable that says we should listen to a clueless Sean Penn or Matt Damon on politics because they can sometimes act well. Read Plato’s Ion on the difference between gifted rhapsody and wisdom — and Socrates’ warning about easily conflating the two. It need not have been so. At any point in a long career, Obama the rhapsode could have shunned the easy way, stuck his head in a book, and earned rather than charmed those (for whom he had contempt) for his rewards. Clinton was a browser with a near photographic memory who had pretensions of deeply-read wonkery; but he nonetheless browsed. Obama seems never to have done that. He liked the vague idea of Obamacare, outsourced the details to the Democratic Congress, applied his Chicago protocols to getting it passed, and worried little what was actually in the bill. We were to think that the obsessions with the NBA, the NCAA final four, the golfing tics, etc., were all respites from exhausting labors of the mind rather than in fact the presidency respites from all the former.


Take away all the”‘no more red state/no more blue state,” “this is our moment” mish-mash and what is left to us? “Reaching across the aisle” sounded bipartisan, but it came from the most consistently partisan member of the U.S. Senate. Most of the 2008 campaign was a frantic effort on the part of the media to explain away Bill Ayers, ACORN, the SEIU, Rev. Wright, Father Pfleger, the clingers speech, “get in their face,” and the revealing put downs of Hillary Clinton. But those were windows into a soul that soon opened even wider — with everything from limb-lopping doctors and polluting Republicans to stupidly acting police and “punish our enemies” nativists. The Special Olympics “joke,” the pig reference to Sarah Palin, the middle finger nose rub to Hillary — all that was a scratch of the thin shiny veneer into the hard plywood beneath.

The binding up our wounds myth had no basis in reality, but was constructed on the notion (to channel the racially condescending Harry Reid and Joe Biden) that a charismatic and young postracial rhetorician seemed so non-threatening. The logic was that Obama took a train from Springfield to DC; so did Lincoln; presto, both were like healers. The truth? The Obamites — Jarrett, Axelrod, Emanuel, etc. — were hard-core partisan dividers, who had a history of demonizing enemies, suing to eliminate opponents, and leaking divorce records, in addition to the usual Chicago campaign protocols.

If one were to collate the Obama record on race (from Eric Holder’s “my people” and “cowards” to Sotomayor’s “wise Latina” and Van Jones’s racist rants), it is the most polarizing in a generation. The Obama way is and always was to create horrific straw men: opponents of health care reform are greedy doctors who want to rip out your tonsils; opponents of tax increases jet off to Vegas to blow their children’s tuition money; skeptics of Solyndra-like disasters want to dirty the air; those against open borders wish to put alligators and moats in the Rio Grande as they round up children at ice cream parlors. There were ways of opposing Republicans without the demonization, but the demonization was useful when followed by the soaring, one-eyed Jack rhetoric about reaching out, working together, and avoiding the old politics of acrimony.


The notion that there was anything in Obama’s past or present temperament to suggest a political reformer was mythological to the core. Almost all his prior elections relied on a paradigm of attacking his opponents rather than defending his own record, from the races for the legislature to the U.S. Senate. He shook down Wall Street as no one had before or since — and well after the September 2008 meltdown. He was the logical expression of the Chicago/Illinois system of Tony Rezko, Blago, and the Daleys, not its aberration — from the mundane of expanding his yard to melting down opponents by leaking sealed divorce records.

The more Obama badmouthed BP and Goldman Sachs, the more we knew he received record amounts of cash from both (were the bad “millionaires and billionaires” snickering that this was just part of the game?). He renounced liberal public financing of campaigns of over three decades duration, as only a liberal reformer might, and got away with it. Obama raised far more money than any candidate in history, and will go back to the same trough this time around. On a Monday the president will vilify Wall Street, on Tuesday host a $40,000-a-head dinner for those who apparently did not get his earlier message that at some point they had already made enough money and this was now surely not the time to profit — or did they get it all too well? Wait, you say, “They all do this!” Well, perhaps most at any rate; but most also spare us the messianic rhetoric and so do not win the additional charge of hypocrisy. Reforming the system is hard; reforming the reformers of the system impossible.

So when Obama speaks loudly about Wall Street criminality, we now snooze — only to awaken knowing Corzine’s missing $1 billion, or George Soros’s felony conviction in France, or Jeffrey Immelt’s no-tax gymnastics were not just never raised, but are exempted through the purchase of liberal penance, in the manner that John Kerry never really docked his gargantuan yacht in a less taxed state, or Timothy Geithner never really pocketed his FICA allowances.

As far as the vaunted promises to end the revolving door, lobbyists, and earmarks and usher in a new transparency, well, blah, blah, blah. Obama did not merely violate his proposed reforms, but excelled in the old politics as few others had. The career of a Peter Orszag or the crony machinations of the Solyndra executives attest well enough.

As far as medical transparency, I care only that my president seems healthy enough to get up in the morning for his grueling ordeal and can be spared the how part; but I do recognize that we have a history of disguising maladies (cf. Wilson’s incapacity, FDR’s last year, or JFK’s numerous prescription drugs), and that, in recent times at least, we have demanded a new transparency. Was that why the media harped on McCain’s melanoma, his age, and his injuries? So I thought we would get the now mandatory 24-look at 500 pages of thirty years of Obama’s doctors visits, medications, vital signs, diseases, all the treatments that the watchdog media goes ape over — whether Tom Eagleton’s shock treatments or Mike Dukakis’s use of Advil or the Bush thyroid problem.

Instead, we got a tiny paragraph from Obama’s doctor assuring us that he’s healthy, and this from the most “transparent” president in history, in an age when the press is frenzied over a presidential Ambien prescription. To this day, I have no idea whether our president smokes, or ever did, or for how long and how much, or if he ever took a prescription drug, or if his blood pressure is perfect or under treatment. Again, I care only that he gets up in the morning — and that the de facto rules of disclosure that have applied to others apply to him.

We will never know much about Fast and Furious, and even less about Greengate. Obama — and this was clever rather than brilliant — gauged rightly that not only would liberals’ hysteria about ethics cease when he brought them to power, but in a strange way they would grin that one of their own had out-hustled the supposed right-wing hustlers. Or was it a sort of paleo-Marxist idea of using the corrupt system to end the supposedly corrupt system? Those who vacation at Vail, Martha’s Vineyard, or Costa del Sol are supposedly insidiously undermining the system that allows only the millionaire and billionaire few to do so?


This was the strangest chapter of the myth, the idea that Obama the Olympian was above the fray. He lobbied the Germans for an address at the Brandenburg Gate, settled for the Prussian Victory Column, and, as thanks, then skipped out as president on the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall — but managed to jet to Copenhagen to lobby for the Chicago Olympics.

There was never a peep that Obama’s present anti-terrorism protocols — Guantanamo, renditions, tribunals, Predators, the Patriot Act, preventative detention — came from George Bush. Much less did we hear that had Bush for a nanosecond ever listened to the demagoguery of then state legislator and later senator Obama, none of these tools would presently exist. How did what was superfluous, unconstitutional, and possibly illegal in 2008 become vital in 2011?

Ditto the Iraq War. We went in a blink from the surge that failed and made things worse and all troops must be out by March 2008 to Iraq was a shining example of American idealism and commitment. It was as if the touch-and-go, life-and-death gamble between February 2007 and January 2009 in Iraq never had existed. Bombing Libya was not warlike, and those who sued Bush on Iraq and Guantanamo now filed briefs to prove that we were not at war killing Libyan thugs. We hear only of reset; never that Obama has now simply abandoned all his “Bush-did-it” policies and is quietly going back to the Bush consensus on Russia, Iran, Syria, and the Middle East in general. We will not only never see Guantanamo closed or KSM tried in a civilian court, but never hear why not. Are we to applaud the hypocrisy as at least better than continued ignorance?

On the domestic front, we are forever frozen on September 15, 2008. There is never an Obama sentence that the Freddie/Fannie machinations (both agencies were routinely plundered for bonuses by ex-Clinton flunkies) gave a green light to Wall Street greed — much less that both empowered public recklessness either to flip houses or to buy a house without credit worthiness or any history of thrift. Did we ever hear that between the meltdown and the inauguration, there were four months of frantic stabilization that, by the time of Obama’s ascendancy, had ensured that the panic had largely passed? Instead, blowing $5 trillion in three years is to be forever the response to the ongoing and now multiyear Bush crash, all to justify a “never waste a crisis” reordering of society.

I could go on, but we know only that we know very little about Barack Obama, and what we do know is quite different from what is alleged. All presidents have mythographies, but they also have a record and auditors that can collate facts with fiction. In Obama’s case, we were never given all the facts and there were few in the press interested in finding them.

To quote Maxwell Scott in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, “When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.”

Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: OzmO on December 19, 2011, 01:24:00 PM
Actually i think he's a fairly smart guy.  Maybe even brilliant. 
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 19, 2011, 01:26:26 PM
Actually i think he's a fairly smart guy.  Maybe even brilliant. 

LMFAO!!!!!   based on what?   based on fucking what?  To fool idiots like yourself into voting for him based on nothing at all?   sure - i will concede that.       

So when Obama speaks loudly about Wall Street criminality, we now snooze — only to awaken knowing Corzine’s missing $1 billion, or George Soros’s felony conviction in France, or Jeffrey Immelt’s no-tax gymnastics were not just never raised, but are exempted through the purchase of liberal penance, in the manner that John Kerry never really docked his gargantuan yacht in a less taxed state, or Timothy Geithner never really pocketed his FICA allowances
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: 240 is Back on December 19, 2011, 01:26:57 PM
Actually i think he's a fairly smart guy.  Maybe even brilliant.  

people have a hard time separating intelligence from political belief.  Its possible for a very smart person to be misguided.

Christopher Hitchens was VERY smart - but many religious people call him stupid.
Rachel Maddow is a phD and very smart - but many repubs call her stupid.
Bush2 was a very smart man.  Cheney too.  Poeple disagreed with their political beliefs.
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 19, 2011, 01:31:39 PM
people have a hard time separating intelligence from political belief.  Its possible for a very smart person to be misguided.

Christopher Hitchens was VERY smart - but many religious people call him stupid.
Rachel Maddow is a phD and very smart - but many repubs call her stupid.
Bush2 was a very smart man.  Cheney too.  Poeple disagreed with their political beliefs.

Do you consider someone "brilliant" who blames ATM Machines for job losses when it has been definately proven that that idea and concept is utter bullshit and has been bullshit since the invention of the wheel?     
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Dos Equis on December 19, 2011, 01:38:10 PM
That's great commentary.  I think Obama's intelligence has been vastly overstated.  I can't recall someone being so overrated in my lifetime.  I mean, the guy got a Nobel Peace Prize based on potential.   :-[

What's scary is this kind of article is the sort of vetting that should have happened before Obama was elected.  We have to fix this mistake in 2012. 
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 19, 2011, 01:39:25 PM
That's great commentary.  I think Obama's intelligence has been vastly overstated.  I can't recall someone being so overrated in my lifetime.  I mean, the guy got a Nobel Peace Prize based on potential.   :-[

What's scary is this kind of article is the sort of vetting that should have happened before Obama was elected.  We have to fix this mistake in 2012. 

People like Ozmo are still madly in love with the false narrative of Thugbama being some great tower of intellect and competency.   
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: 240 is Back on December 19, 2011, 01:46:34 PM
Do you consider someone "brilliant" who blames ATM Machines for job losses when it has been definately proven that that idea and concept is utter bullshit and has been bullshit since the invention of the wheel?     

I feel very brilliant people - once they achieve power over 300 mil people - will dumb shit down in order to win their continued support.

Bush knew a great deal about higher level economics, but told people to "go shopping!" after 911.  He could have lectured them on how their contribution to GDP would give the US strategic advantages and better position for borrowing to fund a series of global operations designed for longterm US viability and sustainability on the world stage.

But he just told them to 'go shopping".
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: OzmO on December 19, 2011, 01:49:01 PM

LMFAO!!!!!   based on what?   based on fucking what?  To fool idiots like yourself into voting for him based on nothing at all?   sure - i will concede that.       

So when Obama speaks loudly about Wall Street criminality, we now snooze — only to awaken knowing Corzine’s missing $1 billion, or George Soros’s felony conviction in France, or Jeffrey Immelt’s no-tax gymnastics were not just never raised, but are exempted through the purchase of liberal penance, in the manner that John Kerry never really docked his gargantuan yacht in a less taxed state, or Timothy Geithner never really pocketed his FICA allowances

No, i really do think he's smart.  Overrated?  probably as BB contends.  But he is very smart.

240 nailed it best when he suggested you are confusing your political beliefs with intelligence which makes you.....kind of dumb there. 
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 19, 2011, 01:54:48 PM
No, i really do think he's smart.  Overrated?  probably as BB contends.  But he is very smart.

240 nailed it best when he suggested you are confusing your political beliefs with intelligence which makes you.....kind of dumb there. 

Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 19, 2011, 01:58:37 PM
November 29, 2011
Obama, the Dream
By William L. Gensert

Barack Obama is a dream.  In 2008, the dream was hope and change.  In 2012, it will be progress, thwarted by evil partisans and selfish greed.  As Gertrude Stein said, "there is no there there."  He needs enemies to draw attention from his lack of depth, for he is truly a mile wide and an inch deep.  He is an illusion -- always appearing to be more than he is, always, more promise than reality.  He is, and always has been, the sum projection of what others want him to be.  Barack Obama doesn't exist, except in the hearts and minds of minions and sycophants.

Many ignore the truth, disregarding Mr. Obama's abject failure as president.  Those of us with our eyes open, though, see right through the man.  A transparent presidency is the one promise he kept, for he is the original evaporated man.  Though he seemed so substantial at first, with the passage of time, it is obvious how much less there is to him.  What we saw in the beginning was simply a projection of our own hopes and dreams.  We saw what we wanted to see.

Now, when he looks into our eyes, he sees what he wants to see: his own reflection, the illusion of a great man.  He needs this fantasy to define himself.  After all, who is he, if not Lincoln, or JFK, or FDR, or Reagan?  He has to be someone else; he can't be himself, because there really is no Barack Obama.

Barack Obama may be a dream, but that dream is a nightmare: class warfare sold as transcendent leadership; crony capitalism sold as green energy; forced unionization sold as a means to save the worker; control of health care to ensure his vision of what care we must have, even if that's less than what we need.  Who lives and who dies, who should prosper and who should not -- all decided by our betters, all a part of his greatness, his vision, his grand plan.

And Obama's grand plan is a redefinition of not only America, but of all things.  He redefined the very meaning of leadership by leading from behind.  Rising unemployment is now jobs "saved or created."  Warfare is an "overseas contingency operation" and the ability to attack and retreat at the same time.  Obama has redefined political oratory with the aggressive use of "I," "me," and "my."  Terrorism is now "man-caused disasters," while diplomacy is apologizing and bowing to world leaders for the sins of those lesser men who came before.  A trillion dollars has become an affordable sum.  Bipartisanship is giving the opposition the opportunity to do as they are told, and dignified debate is the demonization of anyone who disagrees.  Fair play is victory by any means.  Truth is whatever Obama says it is.  Rules are whatever he says they are.  Merit is deserving awards for what he might do.  Humility is saying:

I think I'm a better speech writer than my speech writers, I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors.  And I'll tell you right now that I'm ... a better political director than my political director.  I'm LeBron, baby.  I can play at this level.  I got game.

And in describing the sagacity of his nomination for the Presidency:

I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal[.]

Obama believes himself a good man.  Yet, with no depth or breadth, he is victim to the ideology he has been steeped in his entire life, a captive of his conviction that he is on the side of what is right and just.  The benevolent hand of Barack Obama has wrought more havoc upon the freedom of our nation than any enemy ever could, for while evil can wreak untold damage, it takes the truly self-righteous to destroy a nation.

Edmund Burke said that "all that is necessary for evil to triumph, is that good men to do nothing."  Yet it is also true that the greatest evil has, just as often as not, been perpetrated by good men seeking to do something.

Only a man not really there could spend a trillion dollars on failed stimulus, resulting in the loss of millions of jobs, and claim success for having saved us from depression caused by the depredations of the greedy 1%, who refuse to pay their fair share, defined as some figure in excess of the 40% of all taxes they already pay.

The politics of Barack Obama, sold as hope and change, was never more than bitterness and envy, fomented in the citizenry to disguise his pandering to crony capitalists, political backers, and rabid environmentalists.  All concealed from the public by a compliant legacy media.  His reelection campaign needs their money.  How else can finish the transformation of an unappreciative America?

The nowhere man had no problem handing Libya to al-Qaeda, Egypt to the Muslim Brotherhood, and Iraq to Iran, while doing nothing to prevent Iran from helping Syria kill thousands of its own people.  None of that is important.  Iran's quest for a nuclear weapon, a dismal economy, and high unemployment don't worry Obama; it's all George Bush's fault -- now off to Hawaii, Bali, and Australia.

Obama is a faux intellectual, using arrogance and attitude to convey authority.  Reading fluidly from his teleprompter, he condescends in mellifluous tones to convey intellectual superiority.  He loves giving speeches, pausing frequently for applause, for he is nothing when not basking in the adulation of the masses.  He is defined only by what is said and written about him.  That is why he can't stand dissent and will go to any lengths to crush it.

There are no policies, just generalizations.  The failed Stimulus Act was written by others and used to reward those who did the most to elect Obama.  Obamacare legislation, also written by others, is exceedingly unpopular, has cost jobs, and is predicted to hamstring the economy well into the future, while restricting health care and costing trillions of dollars.  So what?  The winners write history, and as Obama told Republicans, he won.

Idealess, Obama's latest proposal, the American Jobs Act, is the same as the original stimulus, just half as large.  But this one is designed to fail legislatively, so the president can run against a do-nothing Congress.

Obama doesn't recognize the economic disaster he has created.  He believes what he has always been told: that he is a huge success, his only mistake not communicating his greatness to the little people.  Because in reality, Americans have become too soft and too lazy to put in the time and effort necessary to understand how lucky we are to have Barack Obama, perhaps the greatest man to have ever lived.  If you don't believe me, just ask him.  He'll tell you.

Page Printed from: at December 19, 2011 - 03:56:30 PM CST

BINGO   Wake up you morons who votyed for this fraud.   
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: OzmO on December 19, 2011, 02:11:15 PM

You need to look at it objectively for a moment.  Start at about 1995 and end with today.

Factor in your crazy birther beliefs too. 
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: 240 is Back on December 19, 2011, 02:16:07 PM
I dont think a guy with an 80 IQ could con his way into law school, white house, etc using a fake birth cert. 

he's smart.   eieil and misguided, why not.  But smart, yes.
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Straw Man on December 19, 2011, 02:19:10 PM
people have a hard time separating intelligence from political belief.  Its possible for a very smart person to be misguided.

Christopher Hitchens was VERY smart - but many religious people call him stupid.
Rachel Maddow is a phD and very smart - but many repubs call her stupid.
Bush2 was a very smart man.  Cheney too.  Poeple disagreed with their political beliefs.

Maddow is also a Rhodes Scholar

compare that with Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh both of whom basically flunked out of college (at least Rush's mother said he flunked out, I think Beck took a couple fo classes and then quit).  Beck and Rush are both former drug addicts too.    
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: OzmO on December 19, 2011, 02:19:35 PM
I dont think a guy with an 80 IQ could con his way into law school, white house, etc using a fake birth cert. 

he's smart.   eieil and misguided, why not.  But smart, yes.

No 240, OB is a dumb ass because the birther said so.
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 19, 2011, 02:21:50 PM
Maddow is also a Rhodes Scholar

compare that with Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh both of whom basically flunked out of college (at least Rush's mother said he flunked out, I think Beck took a couple fo classes and then quit).  Beck and Rush are both former drug addicts too.    

LOL - and obama is Nobel Peace Prize Winner - Fucking Fail!

You leftists are a joke.    Obama has not so much as handled a speeding ticket in traffic court and  you delusional libs are ready to confer on him "brilliant" status. 

you leftists really have a messiah complex like no other.   
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: OzmO on December 19, 2011, 02:23:10 PM
Seriously,  he's very smart. 
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 19, 2011, 02:23:15 PM
You need to look at it objectively for a moment.  Start at about 1995 and end with today.

Factor in your crazy birther beliefs too. 

and objectively speaking - obamabots like yourself should be able to rattle off a list of items that would normally confer on someone the label of being "brilliant"  

go ahead champ - we have only been waiting for the three years now.    
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Straw Man on December 19, 2011, 02:24:46 PM
LOL - and obama is Nobel Peace Prize Winner - Fucking Fail!

You leftists are a joke.    Obama has not so much as handled a speeding ticket in traffic court and  you delusional libs are ready to confer on him "brilliant" status. 

you leftists really have a messiah complex like no other.   

jesus  dude - it's like one long perpetual meltdown with you

wtf ?
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 19, 2011, 02:29:21 PM
Seriously,  he's very smart. 

I guess it takes a smart person with no resume, no history, no accomplishments, is economically illiterate, historically challenged, and cant string a sentence together without the aid of a teleprompter, to convince so many moronos to vote for him.

I'll give him that.   Even Houdini would be amazed at the deception. 
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: OzmO on December 19, 2011, 02:33:29 PM
and objectively speaking - obamabots like yourself should be able to rattle off a list of items that would normally confer on someone the label of being "brilliant"  

go ahead champ - we have only been waiting for the three years now.    

I don't need to rattle a list off, you already know what they are. 
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: OzmO on December 19, 2011, 02:33:57 PM
Obama is a very smart guy. 
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 19, 2011, 02:35:08 PM
I don't need to rattle a list off, you already know what they are. 

I'm sorry - Obama lost me at blaming ATM machines for job losses.   
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Straw Man on December 19, 2011, 02:36:48 PM
I'm sorry - Obama lost me at blaming ATM machines for job losses.   

Obama lost you when your brain broke and you decided he was a secret muslim communist sleeper cell intent on collapsing the nation

you truly have no idea how utter ridiculous you sound when you make those kind of arguments
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: 240 is Back on December 19, 2011, 02:38:17 PM
33, it's possible to admit someone is intelligent without agreeing with their philosphy.

33, do you believe Hitler was intelligent?
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 19, 2011, 02:38:33 PM
Obama lost you when your brain broke and you decided he was a secret muslim communist sleeper cell intent on collapsing the nation

you truly have no idea how utter ridiculous you sound when you make those kind of arguments

Really?  So you agree ATM Machines cause job losses?  LOL! ! ! ! !

you obamabots are such a sad sack of shit stains its not funny.   Have fun sinking with the SS Obama moron.  
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 19, 2011, 02:40:57 PM
33, it's possible to admit someone is intelligent without agreeing with their philosphy.

33, do you believe Hitler was intelligent?

I dont agree that obama is smart and it has nothing to do with his philosphy as outlined in the article.   

The man is economically and historically illiterate.  That is not a matter of opinion its fact.   

Someone blaming ATM Machines for losses, saying we need to do more of the same bs that has failed, screwing up basic shit is not smart.  They are incompetent.     
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Straw Man on December 19, 2011, 02:42:23 PM
Really?  So you agree ATM Machines cause job losses?  LOL! ! ! ! !

you obamabots are such a sad sack of shit stains its not funny.   Have fun sinking with the SS Obama moron.  

no I don't agree about that.  

never said I did

what's that got to do with your unbelievably insane belief that Obama is a muslim sleeper cell intent on "collapsing the nation" and turning us into a communist country
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: 240 is Back on December 19, 2011, 02:43:50 PM

was hitler intelligent?
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 19, 2011, 02:44:13 PM

was hitler intelligent?

Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: OzmO on December 19, 2011, 02:48:31 PM
disagree there.  He was very intelligent.  He was also arrogant, which led to his downfall.
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: 240 is Back on December 19, 2011, 03:00:22 PM
no such thing as an evil genius. 

if you aren't a tea party conservative, you're stupid.

i'm glad we got to the bottom of that.
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 19, 2011, 03:03:31 PM
no such thing as an evil genius. 

if you aren't a tea party conservative, you're stupid.

i'm glad we got to the bottom of that.

Not at all - Obama is not an evil genius because there is no genius at all to him on any level.   He is an economic illiterate at best.   Historically he shows the knowledge of a 10th grader.   He is very immature in his pettiness. 

I have yet to see any evidence of obama being anything but the run of the mill full of sit leftist who buys into false narratives, failed idealogies,and proven failed policies.   That is not the sign of a smart person.             
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Necrosis on December 19, 2011, 03:05:03 PM
this article is shit, so this guy cant find evidence of obamas grades hence logically he cannot comment on them one way or the other yet decides to choose bad grades for some reason. Meanwhile he didnt mention that he graduated magna cum laude which pretty clearly shows his academic gpa/marks, who is this moron?

we have been through this, to achieve magna cum laude you have to obtain a certain grade, historically its been very high, 33 do you feel like getting owned again on this subject you dishonest queef.
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 19, 2011, 03:07:15 PM
this article is shit, so this guy cant find evidence of obamas grades hence logically he cannot comment on them one way or the other yet decides to choose bad grades for some reason. Meanwhile he didnt mention that he graduated magna cum laude which pretty clearly shows his academic gpa/marks, who is this moron?

we have been through this, to achieve magna cum laude you have to obtain a certain grade, historically its been very high, 33 do you feel like getting owned again on this subject you dishonest queef.

I graduated Summa Cum Laude in undergrad and with high honors in law school.   I passed the bar in the top 5% of takers on the multistate. 

Do you consider me to be on the same level as intelligence as Obama since that is all you can point to? 
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 19, 2011, 03:22:16 PM
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: OzmO on December 19, 2011, 03:36:49 PM
this article is shit, so this guy cant find evidence of obamas grades hence logically he cannot comment on them one way or the other yet decides to choose bad grades for some reason. Meanwhile he didnt mention that he graduated magna cum laude which pretty clearly shows his academic gpa/marks, who is this moron?

we have been through this, to achieve magna cum laude you have to obtain a certain grade, historically its been very high, 33 do you feel like getting owned again on this subject you dishonest queef.

He's a birther what do you expect?
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 19, 2011, 03:39:16 PM
He's a birther what do you expect?

LOL - you clowns did not even read the article - he points to specific things obama has done that has shown him to be an incompetent blithering idiot and economically illiterate bufoon. 

Again - tell me objectively why obama is "brilliant".   Please give me specifics.  3 years and waiting now.   
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: OzmO on December 19, 2011, 03:52:13 PM
LOL - you clowns did not even read the article - he points to specific things obama has done that has shown him to be an incompetent blithering idiot and economically illiterate bufoon. 

Again - tell me objectively why obama is "brilliant".   Please give me specifics.  3 years and waiting now.   

Its ok, the obvious obviously is oblivious to the birther. 
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Fury on December 19, 2011, 04:10:06 PM
He comes off as very, very average when the TOTUS isn't holding his hand.

He should prove us all wrong and release his academic transcripts. If anything, his Harvard Law transcript will suffice.
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: 240 is Back on December 19, 2011, 05:02:17 PM

33, is Goerge Soros very intelligent?
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: headhuntersix on December 19, 2011, 05:05:03 PM
Both Hitler and Obama gave great speeches...yet Hitler didn't need a teleprompter. They both could whip up a crowd, both played on fear or hope and all the other bullshit that magicians need to get what they want.  Barry is all smoke and mirrors. You wonder why 3 melts down...because anybody with comon sense realizes this guy is nothing and has done nothing besides destroy the country.

Soros is a piece of don't sink whole economies and banks by being an idiot.
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Straw Man on December 19, 2011, 05:06:40 PM

I graduated Summa Cum Laude in undergrad and with high honors in law school.   I passed the bar in the top 5% of takers on the multistate. 

Do you consider me to be on the same level as intelligence as Obama since that is all you can point to? 

then why couldn't you get a job with good firm

why are you doing real estate escrows, mechanics liens and other low level bullshit

Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Necrosis on December 19, 2011, 05:29:55 PM
LOL - you clowns did not even read the article - he points to specific things obama has done that has shown him to be an incompetent blithering idiot and economically illiterate bufoon. 

Again - tell me objectively why obama is "brilliant".   Please give me specifics.  3 years and waiting now.   

arent you the meatpie that disregards keynes despite its obvious success?
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: headhuntersix on December 19, 2011, 05:31:49 PM
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 19, 2011, 06:37:39 PM
arent you the meatpie that disregards keynes despite its obvious success?

Please tell me you are kidding?   
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 19, 2011, 06:53:49 PM
then why couldn't you get a job with good firm

why are you doing real estate escrows, mechanics liens and other low level bullshit

I love the freedom of working for myself and on my own terms.   Sure I don't make as much as big firm lawyers, but in return for.  My freedom to do whatever the he'll I want when I want how I want it's worth the tradeoff.   

I like answering only to my clients and not to a partner or committee.   Most days I wear t shirt and shorts, blast slayer and black label. Society in the office with the walls shaking.   

For me, it's about being my own person, not a slave to a firm. 
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: danabol on December 19, 2011, 07:10:15 PM
Seriously,  he's very smart.  

shut up you dont no what your talking about .....SMART my ass.. since when as a black guy been smart


maybe your talking about the way some dress
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 19, 2011, 07:13:59 PM
shut up you dont no what your talking about .....SMART my ass.. since when as a black guy been smart


Alan West, Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Prof. Walter Williams, KRS one, Colin Powell, Larry Elder , are all very smart black men. 
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Fury on December 19, 2011, 07:29:06 PM
arent you the meatpie that disregards keynes despite its obvious success?

Hahahah, this is easily the winner for 2011's funniest post.

Keynesianism is DEAD.
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 19, 2011, 07:32:29 PM
Hahahah, this is easily the winner for 2011's funniest post.

Keynesianism is DEAD.

I'm glad e posted that -shows how truly demented these fools are. 
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Straw Man on December 19, 2011, 08:36:35 PM
I love the freedom of working for myself and on my own terms.   Sure I don't make as much as big firm lawyers, but in return for.  My freedom to do whatever the he'll I want when I want how I want it's worth the tradeoff.   

I like answering only to my clients and not to a partner or committee.   Most days I wear t shirt and shorts, blast slayer and black label. Society in the office with the walls shaking.   

For me, it's about being my own person, not a slave to a firm.  

right on

I can appreciate that sentiment
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: 240 is Back on December 19, 2011, 08:45:44 PM
yeah, agreed with that 33.  if you love what you do, you'll make a living doing it.  you cant put a price on that freedom of not having to suck up to a boss, spend 25 years in a cubicle, waiting to crap on a schedule, and staring at 4:57 on the timeclock, just wasting 3 minutes of your life so you can punch out.
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Necrosis on December 21, 2011, 12:29:47 PM
Hahahah, this is easily the winner for 2011's funniest post.

Keynesianism is DEAD.

it worked and has always worked, it is one of the most excepted economic strategies the world over. Only fucking morons deny its success, when its obvious to everyone else. The arguments against the stimulus bill still carry no weight because it simply did not occur.

keynes was probably right, the effects of his policies and the effects of the exact opposite ring true.
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 21, 2011, 12:31:52 PM
it worked and has always worked, it is one of the most excepted economic strategies the world over. Only fucking morons deny its success, when its obvious to everyone else. The arguments against the stimulus bill still carry no weight because it simply did not occur.

keynes was probably right, the effects of his policies and the effects of the exact opposite ring true.

WTF!    name one time in history Kenyesian bs ever worked - name one.     
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Necrosis on December 21, 2011, 12:40:24 PM

WTF!    name one time in history Kenyesian bs ever worked - name one.     

i cant tell if your serious or not, because only a truly deluded brainwashed moron who suggest something like this. Its as if you know nothing about history.

um germany during the nazi regime, sweden, how about post war economic rebound in the us, when keynes was at its peak people referred to it as the golden age of capitilism and economic growth was at its highest.

"In late 1965 Time magazine ran a cover article with the title inspired by a possibly tongue-in-cheek comment from Milton Friedman, a comment later echoed by U.S. President Richard Nixon, that "We are all Keynesians now". The article described the exceptionally favourable economic conditions then prevailing, and reported that "Washington's economic managers scaled these heights by their adherence to Keynes's central theme: the modern capitalist economy does not automatically work at top efficiency, but can be raised to that level by the intervention and influence of the government." The article also states that Keynes was one of the three most important economists who ever lived, and that his General Theory was more influential than the magna opera of other famous economists, like Smith's The Wealth of Nations.[48]"

what you may be referring to is actually not what keynes prescribed as many critics point out it has been twisted, however the stimulus bills endorsed by numerous countries worked and the actual criticisms railed against it were that it was to little and where the money would come from.
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 21, 2011, 12:43:00 PM
i cant tell if your serious or not, because only a truly deluded brainwashed moron who suggest something like this. Its as if you know nothing about history.

um germany during the nazi regime, sweden, how about post war economic rebound in the us, when keynes was at its peak people referred to it as the golden age of capitilism and economic growth was at its highest.

"In late 1965 Time magazine ran a cover article with the title inspired by a possibly tongue-in-cheek comment from Milton Friedman, a comment later echoed by U.S. President Richard Nixon, that "We are all Keynesians now". The article described the exceptionally favourable economic conditions then prevailing, and reported that "Washington's economic managers scaled these heights by their adherence to Keynes's central theme: the modern capitalist economy does not automatically work at top efficiency, but can be raised to that level by the intervention and influence of the government." The article also states that Keynes was one of the three most important economists who ever lived, and that his General Theory was more influential than the magna opera of other famous economists, like Smith's The Wealth of Nations.[48]"

what you may be referring to is actually not what keynes prescribed as many critics point out it has been twisted, however the stimulus bills endorsed by numerous countries worked and the actual criticisms railed against it were that it was to little and where the money would come from.

So you advocate fascism now?   Nazism really?   
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Necrosis on December 21, 2011, 12:48:26 PM

So you advocate fascism now?   Nazism really?   

not sure how you got that from my post but i guess when you have no idea what you are talking about red herring arguments are all you can provide.

alot of great medical research came from germany when they subjected the jews to all kinds of un-ethical things. However, i dont condone it but im smart enough to critical appraise the situation and tease apart things like this, unlike you.
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 21, 2012, 10:44:44 AM
Obama Confuses Veterans Day and Memorial Day Again
Fox ^ | 2/21/12 | Ed Morrissey, Hot Air

Earlier this month, I referenced Barack Obama’s remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast in an Obamateurism a couple of weeks ago, but alert OOTD reader Ken K spotted one I missed in the same speech. The President spoke about the hardship of our men and women in the military who are now leaving the service but not finding jobs in the current economy. Unfortunately, Obama offered a reprise of one of his earliest gaffes on the national political stage, emphasis mine:

Our economy is making progress as we recover from the worst crisis in three generations, but far too many families are still struggling to find work or make the mortgage, pay for college, or, in some cases, even buy food. Our men and women in uniform have made us safer and more secure, and we were eternally grateful to them, but war and suffering and hardship still remain in too many corners of the globe. And a lot of those men and women who we celebrate on Veterans Day and Memorial Day come back and find that, when it comes to finding a job or getting the kind of care that they need, we’re not always there the way we need to be.

Almost four years ago, Obama offered this on the campaign trail as a presidential candidate:

On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes — and I see many of them in the audience here today — our sense of patriotism is particularly strong.

One might have thought that three years in office would have taught Obama the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day. On the latter, we celebrate our living veterans, but on Memorial Day, we remember those who died in the service of their country.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 21, 2012, 11:25:21 AM
Obama: Payroll tax cut extension will help with higher gas prices
The Hill ^ | February 21, 2012 | Amie Parnes

Basking in the glory of his recent payroll tax cut victory, President Obama urged Congress on Tuesday to move ahead on other policies he has put forward that will help improve the economy and benefit middle-class Americans.

“My message to Congress is, ‘Don’t stop here. Keep going,' ” Obama said at the White House in a 10-minute victory-lap speech.

“Keep taking the action that people are calling for to keep this economy growing,” Obama said before a diverse group of Americans who had written the president to explain how the extension would help them.

Obama briefly touched on rising gas prices, saying the payroll tax cut extension will help families who are struggling to fill their tanks.

For the typical family, he said the tax cut was "a big deal."

"It means $40 extra in their paycheck, and that $40 helps to pay the rent, the groceries, the rising cost of gas — which is on a lot of people's minds right now," he said.

Fearing a repeat of their December defeat, Republicans retreated on the payroll tax cut extension. The GOP hopes to now pivot to gas prices, where they believe they can hammer the Obama administration, especially if drivers pay more and more at the pump through Labor Day.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

________________________ ________________________ ____

LMFAO! ! ! ! !  ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !  !

How fucking stupid is he?   Really - how did this fool even make it out of high school? 
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Shockwave on February 21, 2012, 01:13:40 PM
Obama: Payroll tax cut extension will help with higher gas prices
The Hill ^ | February 21, 2012 | Amie Parnes

Basking in the glory of his recent payroll tax cut victory, President Obama urged Congress on Tuesday to move ahead on other policies he has put forward that will help improve the economy and benefit middle-class Americans.

“My message to Congress is, ‘Don’t stop here. Keep going,' ” Obama said at the White House in a 10-minute victory-lap speech.

“Keep taking the action that people are calling for to keep this economy growing,” Obama said before a diverse group of Americans who had written the president to explain how the extension would help them.

Obama briefly touched on rising gas prices, saying the payroll tax cut extension will help families who are struggling to fill their tanks.

For the typical family, he said the tax cut was "a big deal."

"It means $40 extra in their paycheck, and that $40 helps to pay the rent, the groceries, the rising cost of gas — which is on a lot of people's minds right now," he said.

Fearing a repeat of their December defeat, Republicans retreated on the payroll tax cut extension. The GOP hopes to now pivot to gas prices, where they believe they can hammer the Obama administration, especially if drivers pay more and more at the pump through Labor Day.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

________________________ ________________________ ____

LMFAO! ! ! ! !  ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !  !

How fucking stupid is he?   Really - how did this fool even make it out of high school? 
The problem is people will believe what he says - he's trying to turn it around using whatever the hell he has... trying to deflect the gas prices by making it look like he's helping people.

I said it when my father voted for him in 08 and Ill say it again - the man is an amazing bullshit artist, but he's full of shit and nothing he says is real. (At the time my father told me "time will tell, I dont think he is, the republicans are for big oil and Obama is against them, he's going to bring gas prices down for us" Lol.)

My father - a HARDCORE democrat - is saying he's not going to vote democrat for the 1st time since Reagan- and only the 2nd time in his life.

That should give some of you morons some idea how bad Obama really is.

Only problem, again, is that I dont like the idea of Romney having a republican house/senate, and I dont like the idea of Santorum even more.
I dont know what to do.
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 27, 2014, 08:21:35 AM
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: RRKore on May 27, 2014, 12:41:40 PM

I graduated Summa Cum Laude in undergrad and with high honors in law school. 

What schools?  Columbia and Harvard, like Obama?

Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 27, 2014, 12:49:28 PM
What schools?  Columbia and Harvard, like Obama?

LOL - Obama graduated w honors from Columbia?  Proof???? 
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: 240 is Back on May 27, 2014, 12:50:19 PM
the worst thing about obama being stupid is that he keeps beating the best he GOP has to offer.

Imagine what happens when the dems run a SMART candidate.  He/She might win 50 states.
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: headhuntersix on May 27, 2014, 12:55:22 PM
I'm done with college grades...I don't care. If Obama ran a top notch plumbing business he'd have been better off. he did nothing and was voted in because he was black....that's it. We had to be the cool kid nation and vote in a black guy...didn't matter the guy was an idiot.
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: blacken700 on May 27, 2014, 01:19:42 PM
I'm done with college grades...I don't care. If Obama ran a top notch plumbing business he'd have been better off. he did nothing and was voted in because he was black....that's it. We had to be the cool kid nation and vote in a black guy...didn't matter the guy was an idiot.

bush wasn't black and we voted that idiot in twice
Title: Re: The myth of Obama being "Brilliant" crashes with reality.
Post by: RRKore on May 29, 2014, 04:22:49 PM
LOL - Obama graduated w honors from Columbia?  Proof???? 

Naw, Obama transferred to Columbia as a junior after attending Occidental so he didn't have enough credits at Columbia to qualify for honors there.

He did graduate Magan Cum Laude from Harvard Law School, though. 

Which particular "high honor" did you graduate from law school with?  And what school was that again? 

You're not just dodging the question, are ya?