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Getbig Main Boards => General Topics => Topic started by: King Shizzo on March 11, 2012, 05:58:39 AM

Title: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: King Shizzo on March 11, 2012, 05:58:39 AM
 The United nations need to make a choice once and for all to leave these stone-age, cave dwelling fucks alone.  Let these fucked up people police themselves, or just nuke them all into oblivion.  What is the point of being an "innocent" person over there if you get stoned for dressing/having an open mind.  We might as well take them out of their misery.  :-\

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - At least 14 youths have been stoned to death in Baghdad in the past three weeks in what appears to be a campaign by Shi'ite militants against youths wearing Western-style "emo" clothes and haircuts, security and hospital sources say.

Militants in Shi'ite neighborhoods where the stonings have taken place circulated lists on Saturday naming more youths targeted to be killed if they do not change the way they dress.

The killings have taken place since Iraq's interior ministry drew attention to the "emo" subculture last month, labeling it "Satanism" and ordering a community police force to stamp it out.

"Emo" is a form of punk music developed in the United States. Fans are known for their distinctive dress, often including tight jeans, T-shirts with logos and distinctive long or spiky haircuts.

At least 14 bodies of youths have been brought to three hospitals in eastern Baghdad bearing signs of having been beaten to death with rocks or bricks, security and hospital sources told Reuters under condition they not be identified because they were not authorized to speak to the media.

Nine bodies were brought to hospitals in Sadr City, a vast, poor Shi'ite neighborhood, three were brought to East Baghdad's main al-Kindi hospital and two were brought to the central morgue, medical sources said.

Six other young people, including two girls, were wounded in beatings intended as warnings, the security sources said.

"Last week I signed the death certificates of three of those young people, and the reason for death I wrote in my own hand was severe skull fractures," a doctor at al-Kindi hospital told Reuters. "A very powerful blow to the head caused these fractures which totally smashed the skull of the victim."

A leaflet distributed in the Shi'ite Bayaa district of east Baghdad seen by Reuters on Saturday had 24 names of youths targeted for killing.

"We strongly warn you, to all the obscene males and females, if you will not leave this filthy work within four days the punishment of God will descend upon you at the hand of the Mujahideen," the leaflet said.

Another leaflet in Sadr City bore 20 names. "We are the Brigades of Anger. We warn you, if you do not get back to sanity and the right path, you will be killed," it said.

In a statement last month the interior ministry said it was monitoring "the 'emo' phenomenon, or Satanism" which it said was spreading through schools, particularly among teenage girls.

"They wear tight clothes that bear paintings of skulls, they use school implements with skulls and wear rings in their noses and tongues as well as other weird appearances," it said.

After reports of the stonings circulated on Iraqi media, the interior ministry said this week that no murders on its files could be blamed on the reaction to "emo".

"Many media have reported fabricated news reports about the so-called 'emo' phenomenon - stories about tens of young people killed in various ways, including stoning," the ministry said in a statement on Thursday.

"No murder case has been recorded with the interior ministry on so-called 'emo' grounds. All cases of murder recorded were for revenge, social and common criminal reasons."


Iraq's leading Shi'ite clerics have condemned the stonings.

Abdul-Raheem al-Rikabi, Baghdad representative for Iraq's most influential Shi'ite cleric, Ali al-Sistani, called the killings "terrorist attacks".

"Such a phenonomenon which has spread among young people should be tackled through dialogue and peaceful means and not through physical liquidation," Rikabi told Reuters.

In a response to questions on his website on Saturday, Moqtada al-Sadr, a Shi'ite cleric whose followers dominate Sadr City, described "emo" youths as "crazy and fools", but said they should be dealt with only through the law.

"They are a plague on Muslim society, and those responsible should eliminate them through legal means," he said.

Abu Ali al-Rubaie, a leading Sadr aide in Sadr City, said the cleric's followers had nothing to do with the killings.

"In this issue and in all such problems we always use peaceful and educational methods to correct any wrongdoings. We are not connected in any way to those groups allegedly responsibility for killing those young people."

In the years after the fall of Saddam Hussein, most of Baghdad's neighborhoods were under the firm grip of Sunni and Shi'ite religious militias which enforced strict dress codes.

Today, the militias have largely disappeared, Baghdad is far more peaceful and many youths experiment with Western styles, although much of Iraqi society remains conservative.

On the streets of Baghdad, people said they had heard of the killings through the media. Many expressed disapproval of the "emo" style, but said murder was no way to respond.

"I saw them a couple weeks ago ... a bunch of girls, high-school aged, walking together, dressed in black. They had long black eye makeup and bracelets with skulls and chains on their handbags with skulls," said Abdullah, 31.

"If they are close friends who have something in common, that's all right. If other things we hear about them are true, like sucking each other's blood or worshipping the devil, that is not accepted in our society. But I think this is just a trend to imitate the West."

Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: King Shizzo on March 11, 2012, 06:06:55 AM
Maybe we were right to be over there (U.S., United Nations etc...)  Innocent kids shouldn't be slaughtered because of a way they like to dress, or the music they like.  Send the Seals over there to find out who is behind these killings.  I am all for helping these people who live in constant fear over there.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: Parker on March 11, 2012, 06:16:06 AM
 don't agree with the killing, but maybe the stoning thing might be good over here...
Emo dudes=feminized American Men.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: King Shizzo on March 11, 2012, 06:20:09 AM
Now is the perfect time to build a Hot Topic over there.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: Tito24 on March 11, 2012, 06:30:34 AM
that country was better of with Saddam, at least he was pro western could care less about religion and despised islamists.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: King Shizzo on March 11, 2012, 06:37:00 AM
Radical Islam encourages people to kill anyone that is not a believer.  Fucking Insane.  Maybe we need to ride in there Crusader style full armour/horseback and bring it to these bitches medieval style.  Obvioulsy these retards are still stuck in this mindset.  Richard the Lion Heart and Saladin are dead retards.  The Western world has evolved.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: _bruce_ on March 11, 2012, 06:59:40 AM
Hornet's nest.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: wes on March 11, 2012, 07:02:09 AM
Awwwww,no video of the stoning................. ....thank God.

Fucking barbarians.  :(
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: MikMaq on March 11, 2012, 07:30:49 AM
Iraq is just another yugolslavia, thankfully america is keeping shit from really hitting the fan.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: makaveli25 on March 11, 2012, 07:34:18 AM
Ice those mother fucks.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: Radical Plato on March 11, 2012, 07:40:51 AM
The United nations need to make a choice once and for all to leave these Stone's, cave dwelling fucks alone.  Let these fucked up people police themselves, or just nuke them all into oblivion.  What is the point of being an "innocent" person over there if you get stoned for dressing/having an open mind.  We might as well take them out of their misery.  :-\

So what - Western Governments have restricted liberties all over the world - do you think our governments are kind and nice - they are killing machines - our modern governments are killing machines so you can sip Coffee Latte's on the weekend.  Anyway, Hypocrisy at its best,  Western countries worldwide have banned certain apparalel and pretty much anythong else that represents individualtify or freedom!

French police arrested two veiled women this morning just hours after the country's new ban on wearing the burka in public came into force.
The women were arrested along with several other people protesting in front of Notre Dame cathedral in Paris against the new law.

Jourrnalists at the scene said the arrests came after police moved in to break up the protest which had not been authorised.

On Saturday police arrested 59 people, including 19 veiled women, who turned up for a banned protest in Paris against the draconian new law, the first of its kind to be enforced in Europe.

 Earlier, French police said they will be enforcing the country’s new burka ban "extremely cautiously" because of fears of provoking violence.
 They fear Muslims extremists will use the law to provoke fights with officers, while rich visitors from countries like Saudi Arabia will also cause trouble .
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: Tito24 on March 11, 2012, 08:32:24 AM
good . we dont live in a barbaric country. all veils should be banned
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: Radical Plato on March 11, 2012, 08:34:54 AM
good . we dont live in a barbaric country. all veils should be banned
Are you fucking serious, Western Countries are the most barbaric of all time bar none - never before have so many innocent people been murdered so that you can offer up your retarded diatribe on a homo forum!
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: A Professional on March 11, 2012, 09:16:48 AM
that country was better of with Saddam, at least he was pro western could care less about religion and despised islamists.

Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: King Shizzo on March 11, 2012, 04:18:59 PM
Are you fucking serious, Western Countries are the most barbaric of all time bar none - never before have so many innocent people been murdered so that you can offer up your retarded diatribe on a homo forum!
We don't stone kids to death because they wear a Linkin Park T-shirt.  Only a true moron would even try to compare .
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: tbombz on March 11, 2012, 04:36:49 PM
Maybe we were right to be over there (U.S., United Nations etc...)  Innocent kids shouldn't be slaughtered because of a way they like to dress, or the music they like.  Send the Seals over there to find out who is behind these killings.  I am all for helping these people who live in constant fear over there.
but thats not why we went over there. they lied about the evidence for war, and their reasoning was largely affected by feelings Bush had about his dads lack of bringing down saddam. if we mounted wars everywhere we needed to in order to protect peoples basic rights and freedoms that would be one thing, and id support it. its not what happened tho.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: Radical Plato on March 11, 2012, 05:37:10 PM
We don't stone kids to death because they wear a Linkin Park T-shirt.  Only a true moron would even try to compare .
You are right, the stoning of one person doesn't compare to the hundreds of thousands of civilian lives American has just taken.  yanks are the most brainwashed civilians in the world, they project their own fundamentalist Religious ideas on to the rest of the world, the fact you think Islam is Evil and America the righteous shows how brainwashed you are.  If only you knew the atrocities that have been committed in the name of Amercan Peace, it is truly sickening, while you drones in the USA believe all the shit that comes out your politicians mouths, we know better, we know that the USA is a fundamentalist extremist country, at the very top of the terrorist food chain, other terrorists model their terrorism on the states, as they are the best terrorists, this isn't uncommon knowledge.  USA are the best terrorits , bar none.  What i find truly amazing, is the average yank and their propaganda diatribe are completely unaware of how evil they come across when imposing there brand of religious justice on another country.  I believe the Islam faith is pretty terrifying, but not even 1/100th as terrifying as the USA brand of faith.  THE USA extreme points of view are the most dangerous for the rest of the world . What was it that child molester George Bush said "You are either with us or against us", never before has a terrorist said anything more frightening.  The USA and it's ignorance is truly scary, many more will die before even one American wakes up.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: King Shizzo on March 12, 2012, 06:05:20 AM
You are right, the stoning of one person doesn't compare to the hundreds of thousands of civilian lives American has just taken.  yanks are the most brainwashed civilians in the world, they project their own fundamentalist Religious ideas on to the rest of the world, the fact you think Islam is Evil and America the righteous shows how brainwashed you are.  If only you knew the atrocities that have been committed in the name of Amercan Peace, it is truly sickening, while you drones in the USA believe all the shit that comes out your politicians mouths, we know better, we know that the USA is a fundamentalist extremist country, at the very top of the terrorist food chain, other terrorists model their terrorism on the states, as they are the best terrorists, this isn't uncommon knowledge.  USA are the best terrorits , bar none.  What i find truly amazing, is the average yank and their propaganda diatribe are completely unaware of how evil they come across when imposing there brand of religious justice on another country.  I believe the Islam faith is pretty terrifying, but not even 1/100th as terrifying as the USA brand of faith.  THE USA extreme points of view are the most dangerous for the rest of the world . What was it that child molester George Bush said "You are either with us or against us", never before has a terrorist said anything more frightening.  The USA and it's ignorance is truly scary, many more will die before even one American wakes up.
Collateral damage happens in war.  I'm not blind to the fact that some of our young, immature troops do extremely dumb things from time to time.  I am not opposed to Islam, I am opposed to radical Islam.  These are the same people that will kidnap innocent tourists and saw off their heads, fly planes into buildings and suicide bomb anyone who happens to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.  Most sane people would agree that "radical Islam" needs to be wiped off of this earth.  Most people loved to see the American troops in the middle east because they want to be liberated.   Could/should we have handled things differently?  Thats a different discussion.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: A Professional on March 12, 2012, 06:07:04 AM
Collateral damage happens in war.  I'm not blind to the fact that some of our young, immature troops do extremely dumb things from time to time.  I am not opposed to Islam, I am opposed to radical Islam.  These are the same people that will kidnap innocent tourists and saw off their heads, fly planes into buildings and suicide bomb anyone who happens to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.  Most sane people would agree that "radical Islam" needs to be wiped off of this earth.  Most people loved to see the American troops in the middle east because they want to be liberated.   Could/should we have handled things differently?  Thats a different discussion.

Bullshit lies.

We shouldn't be over there in the first place.

All the hijackers were Saudis. I know for a fact that we aren't over there to 'liberate' anyone.

Radical islam is an invention of the CIA.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: King Shizzo on March 12, 2012, 06:16:32 AM
Bullshit lies.

We shouldn't be over there in the first place.

All the hijackers were Saudis. I know for a fact that we aren't over there to 'liberate' anyone.

Radical islam is an invention of the CIA.
Maybe your right.  We should just leave everyone alone and worry about our own country.  Then, you would have everyone crying to the U.S. asking for our help.  It's a no win situation for the United States.  This is the reason we have "allies"  we are supposed to come to their defense and (vice versa) when needed.  It's just a shame when a country can accept children being stoned to death over how they look.  Their religion of "peace" has turned them into madmen!
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: A Professional on March 12, 2012, 06:19:03 AM
Maybe your right.  We should just leave everyone alone and worry about our own country.  Then, you would have everyone crying to the U.S. asking for our help.  It's a no win situation for the United States.  This is the reason we have "allies"  we are supposed to come to their defense and (vice versa) when needed.  It's just a shame when a country can accept children being stoned to death over how they look.  Their religion of "peace" has turned them into madmen!

Don't forget: Saddam was somewhat secular - not a radical islamist.

Only after we invaded and caused chaos, did it create an opportunity for the radicals to move in and start stoning children.

We shouldn't invade other countries; we should focus on developing America and defending it's borders.

This is just another example of interventionism fuccing everything up like it always does.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: King Shizzo on March 12, 2012, 06:27:11 AM
Don't forget: Saddam was somewhat secular - not a radical islamist.

Only after we invaded and caused chaos, did it create an opportunity for the radicals to move in and start stoning children.

We shouldn't invade other countries; we should focus on developing America and defending it's borders.

This is just another example of interventionism fuccing everything up like it always does.
I agree 100% with this statement. Unfortunately, the United Nations wouldn't be too happy with it.  It would literally be "us against the world" at that point.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: Radical Plato on March 12, 2012, 07:54:16 AM
Collateral damage happens in war.  I'm not blind to the fact that some of our young, immature troops do extremely dumb things from time to time.  I am not opposed to Islam, I am opposed to radical Islam.  These are the same people that will kidnap innocent tourists and saw off their heads, fly planes into buildings and suicide bomb anyone who happens to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.  Most sane people would agree that "radical Islam" needs to be wiped off of this earth.  Most people loved to see the American troops in the middle east because they want to be liberated.   Could/should we have handled things differently?  That's a different discussion.
1/4 million civilian deaths is not collateral damage, it is up there as one of the greatest spree/mass murders ever! Nobody wants the troops there but a handful of powerful elite people in positions of power you couldn't fathom.  The fact you are unaware that 1/4 million people, that are just like you, a civilian were murdered so you could continue on believing all the lies and propaganda that your government has fed you since you were born.  You haven't questioned it, because you're government trained you not too! You are indifferent to other humans murders because your government trained you to be like that, and you justify the most horrible atrocities because your government trained you too!  It will take more than one enlightened man too undo 100 years of elitist planning of brainwashing it's citizens
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: King Shizzo on March 12, 2012, 08:30:46 AM
1/4 million civilian deaths is not collateral damage, it is up there as one of the greatest spree/mass murders ever! Nobody wants the troops there but a handful of powerful elite people in positions of power you couldn't fathom.  The fact you are unaware that 1/4 million people, that are just like you, a civilian were murdered so you could continue on believing all the lies and propaganda that your government has fed you since you were born.  You haven't questioned it, because you're government trained you not too! You are indifferent to other humans murders because your government trained you to be like that, and you justify the most horrible atrocities because your government trained you too!  It will take more than one enlightened man too undo 100 years of elitist planning of brainwashing it's citizens
Killing innocent people in cold blood is wrong no matter the race, creed, religion etc..... I'm not brainwashed at all.  250,000 innocent people killed? By U.S. soldiers for no reason?  We just don't walk up and down the streets in the middle east, and start mowing innocent people down.  Have there been unfortunate accidents? Yes.  Are there some fucked up U.S. soldiers who did some horrible things? Yes.  Remember, these are the same people who will strap children with bombs hoping to kill a few U.S. soldiers.  I assume you are a sympathizer.  Are you American?  I can understand you viewpoint if you are a  Non-American. 
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: Purge_WTF on March 12, 2012, 08:46:31 AM
  We should start doing that here. We can start with Black Veil Brides.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: The_Infidel on March 13, 2012, 12:05:40 AM
No big loss. 

As an American I would prefer it from now on if we kept out of other countries problems.  Most of them don't want us there anyway because they don't understand the concept of being free. They prefer to be slaves so why force the issue.  Their corrupt governments beg for aid and then bitch as soon as we do something in our own interests.  Our politicians seem to think we are so rich that we can afford to just hemorrhage money to a bunch of fucking ingrates.  Why bomb them or invade their country?  Just let them starve, and continue living in the stone age.  Natural selection will win out and our problem will be solved for us.   

Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: Naggash on March 13, 2012, 01:09:44 AM
You are right, the stoning of one person doesn't compare to the hundreds of thousands of civilian lives American has just taken.  yanks are the most brainwashed civilians in the world, they project their own fundamentalist Religious ideas on to the rest of the world, the fact you think Islam is Evil and America the righteous shows how brainwashed you are.  If only you knew the atrocities that have been committed in the name of Amercan Peace, it is truly sickening, while you drones in the USA believe all the shit that comes out your politicians mouths, we know better, we know that the USA is a fundamentalist extremist country, at the very top of the terrorist food chain, other terrorists model their terrorism on the states, as they are the best terrorists, this isn't uncommon knowledge.  USA are the best terrorits , bar none.  What i find truly amazing, is the average yank and their propaganda diatribe are completely unaware of how evil they come across when imposing there brand of religious justice on another country.  I believe the Islam faith is pretty terrifying, but not even 1/100th as terrifying as the USA brand of faith.  THE USA extreme points of view are the most dangerous for the rest of the world . What was it that child molester George Bush said "You are either with us or against us", never before has a terrorist said anything more frightening.  The USA and it's ignorance is truly scary, many more will die before even one American wakes up.

Do you know how to use paragraphs you fuckhead?
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: Radical Plato on March 13, 2012, 07:31:31 AM
Do you know how to use paragraphs you fuckhead?
Are you upset at my lack of paragraphs or is something else bothering you dear Sir!
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: Radical Plato on March 13, 2012, 07:37:29 AM
Killing innocent people in cold blood is wrong no matter the race, creed, religion etc..... I'm not brainwashed at all.  250,000 innocent people killed? By U.S. soldiers for no reason?  We just don't walk up and down the streets in the middle east, and start mowing innocent people down.  Have there been unfortunate accidents? Yes.  Are there some fucked up U.S. soldiers who did some horrible things? Yes.  Remember, these are the same people who will strap children with bombs hoping to kill a few U.S. soldiers.  I assume you are a sympathizer.  Are you American?  I can understand you viewpoint if you are a  Non-American. 
The fact you even justify the war is evidence of your brainwashing, i am truly shocked that someone could calmy dismiss the murder of so many people and not even stop to think, wait a minute - does this truly seem right to me, or am I just following the crowd and repeating, repeating, repeating what everyone else says and thinks.  Would you still hold this view if 99% of your countrymen didn't?  Somehow i dont think so!

Gandhi said it best when he said '“Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth.”
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: Naggash on July 08, 2012, 07:59:00 PM
Are you upset at my lack of paragraphs or is something else bothering you dear Sir!

Mainly the paragraphs.

I agree with some of what you say and disagree with some.

Bull walls of text fucking burn my retinas
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: calfzilla on July 09, 2012, 03:33:13 AM
Heaven forbid a country try to prevent their country from going down the toilet and jumping on the western generation nothingness bandwagon.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: bighead on July 09, 2012, 09:17:06 AM
The fact you even justify the war is evidence of your brainwashing, i am truly shocked that someone could calmy dismiss the murder of so many people and not even stop to think, wait a minute - does this truly seem right to me, or am I just following the crowd and repeating, repeating, repeating what everyone else says and thinks.  Would you still hold this view if 99% of your countrymen didn't?  Somehow i dont think so!

Gandhi said it best when he said '“Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth.”
  Im with you on this, but being a minority of one like ghandi is a position that can be very intimidating. I remember being in the usa when the Iraq invasion commenced, I say invasion because I wouldnt really call it a war since sticks and stones against military isnt a fair battle, but anyway talking against the invasion got you in some pretty heated arguements with people,. It was like a gang mentality rallied from 911. I realized then at 23 what the media can do and does ,made me slide to the leftist mentality and really question whether or not the catalyst for the war was a set up.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: _bruce_ on July 09, 2012, 03:24:19 PM
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: A Professional on July 09, 2012, 05:00:56 PM
E Kul cracks me up because he adds exclamation points where you wouldn't expect giving the impression of a real unstable character.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: bighead on July 09, 2012, 05:20:22 PM
E Kul cracks me up because he adds exclamation points where you wouldn't expect giving the impression of a real unstable character.
    in his defense, and not that he needs any, I do not think english is his mother tongue. although more then proficient in the language he also has a very accurate and unskewd view of the way things are. Now how many americans can speak anything other than english? let alone post something in say...french? or portugease? spanish??? well maybe in a few more years, lol.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: A Professional on July 09, 2012, 11:29:00 PM
    in his defense, and not that he needs any, I do not think english is his mother tongue. although more then proficient in the language he also has a very accurate and unskewd view of the way things are. Now how many americans can speak anything other than english? let alone post something in say...french? or portugease? spanish??? well maybe in a few more years, lol.

Since the days of the Romans the empire imposed it's language on the uncivilized--not the other way around ; )
And anyway, I'm pretty sure he's an ozzy. I like E-Kul though. He's polarizing but at least he's sincere.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: doison on July 10, 2012, 12:30:55 AM
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: bighead on July 10, 2012, 09:22:38 AM
Since the days of the Romans the empire imposed it's language on the uncivilized--not the other way around ; )
And anyway, I'm pretty sure he's an ozzy. I like E-Kul though. He's polarizing but at least he's sincere.
  yes, but the romans also spoke greek.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: garebear on July 10, 2012, 09:25:21 AM
Mods, can we consolidate the Muslim hate threads?


Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: calfzilla on July 10, 2012, 03:10:15 PM
Mods, can we consolidate the Muslim hate threads?


Lol good point!  Unlike the Jew or black threads that are immediately deleted.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: The_Infidel on July 19, 2012, 08:14:30 AM
Radical Islam encourages people to kill anyone that is not a believer.  Fucking Insane.  Maybe we need to ride in there Crusader style full armour/horseback and bring it to these bitches medieval style.  Obvioulsy these retards are still stuck in this mindset.  Richard the Lion Heart and Saladin are dead retards.  The Western world has evolved.

That can't be.  Don't you know that Islam is the religion of peace.

We gave it the old college try but I think it's time the US realize that these motherfuckers are who they are.  Why should we spend our blood and treasure trying to "help" them.  I supported the Iraq war in the beginning just because I think it's important that when the UN threatens to do something they keep their word.  Otherwise they are just a toothless debating society that has no importance and should shut the fuck up.  Now I say fuck Iraq and fuck the UN.  They like being slaves.  Fuck Iran, and fuck Israel for that matter.  I'm tired of the bullshit. 

Leave them to themselves and if they ever truly threaten the USA just open up a little canned sunshine on their asses.  It would be a fucking improvement.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: _bruce_ on July 23, 2012, 01:53:05 PM
That can't be.  Don't you know that Islam is the religion of peace.

We gave it the old college try but I think it's time the US realize that these motherfuckers are who they are.  Why should we spend our blood and treasure trying to "help" them.  I supported the Iraq war in the beginning just because I think it's important that when the UN threatens to do something they keep their word.  Otherwise they are just a toothless debating society that has no importance and should shut the fuck up.  Now I say fuck Iraq and fuck the UN.  They like being slaves.  Fuck Iran, and fuck Israel for that matter.  I'm tired of the bullshit. 

Leave them to themselves and if they ever truly threaten the USA just open up a little canned sunshine on their asses.  It would be a fucking improvement.

Recluse mode won't help - a change of focus would be nice.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: a_ahmed on July 24, 2012, 10:33:54 AM
It's quite amusing here listening to you all ranting with little know how except what you've been spoon fed like brainwashed little children.

whether the story is true, or whatever details may be exaggerated or deliberately avoided. Even if all of it is true. It completely boggles the mind that you are NOT angry at the millions that YOU american soldiers have killed. That YOUR government and military has killed.

Whether it is the million some children that died due to sanctions. Whether it is the millions that died from the two gulf wars? Whether it is the hundreds of thousands that died as a result of you pinning Iraq vs Iran when you funded and armed Saddam.

You are nothing but hypocrites, soaked in your own hatred of a billion and a half people that you know nothing about.

Lastly, I am called Ahmed now, but I was not born into a Muslim family or upbringing I became Muslim. As a former Christian, having had Christian Iraqi friends, all of them hate you with a passion for whatever you've done to their country.

You are not liberators, you are fucking thieves and killers. That is what they would tell you. Finding a bunch of morons that get paid ten US dollars to pose on camera and say "I Love america MMMWAAAH *kissing flag*" will only convince ignorant douchebags such as yourself that you're helping the world.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: a_ahmed on July 24, 2012, 10:38:49 AM
And for your information. Iraq was very advanced, very built infrastructure, universities, educated doctors, engineers, you name it. Both men and women. You just didn't like that Saddam liked nationalizing his own nation's resources, so he was no longer good for you. Just as the coup of Iran in 1953. Nationalizing oil was not in the interest of the British so they asked them buddies from the CIA to stir shit up. A democratically elected government was overthrown by the CIA.

How do I know Iraq was built as it was? My father worked with international companies in Iraq working on engineering and construction projects. There were companies from the US, Russia, Germany, Turkey, and Yugoslavia. Then the Iraq-Iran war happened... then the gulf war happened.

The country was sent to the stone age by american bombing. Likewise in the second gulf war. What did you target first? Water. Electricty. Airports. Bridges. You are fucking pigs. You destroyed the infrastructure as a whole but screw that, you killed millions and you instigated civil war delibaretly.

So what happened? A shift in power, from sunnis to shias. It's AMUSING because all the time you back one side vs the other and then backstab the last side and on repeat backstab the other side. This can be seen in what you've been doing with Iraq, Iran and Syria. Such pathetic games, costing lives of people. Shame on you.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: bighead on July 24, 2012, 01:09:46 PM
you mad brah? ???
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: Danjo on July 24, 2012, 01:20:35 PM
Looks like it..
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: bighead on July 24, 2012, 01:45:24 PM
amreeka, iz greatest cuntry in all world. SAY IT!! SAY IT!!!!!
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: Danjo on July 24, 2012, 01:54:15 PM

Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: King Shizzo on July 24, 2012, 02:03:35 PM
And for your information. Iraq was very advanced, very built infrastructure, universities, educated doctors, engineers, you name it. Both men and women. You just didn't like that Saddam liked nationalizing his own nation's resources, so he was no longer good for you. Just as the coup of Iran in 1953. Nationalizing oil was not in the interest of the British so they asked them buddies from the CIA to stir shit up. A democratically elected government was overthrown by the CIA.

How do I know Iraq was built as it was? My father worked with international companies in Iraq working on engineering and construction projects. There were companies from the US, Russia, Germany, Turkey, and Yugoslavia. Then the Iraq-Iran war happened... then the gulf war happened.

The country was sent to the stone age by american bombing. Likewise in the second gulf war. What did you target first? Water. Electricty. Airports. Bridges. You are fucking pigs. You destroyed the infrastructure as a whole but screw that, you killed millions and you instigated civil war delibaretly.

So what happened? A shift in power, from sunnis to shias. It's AMUSING because all the time you back one side vs the other and then backstab the last side and on repeat backstab the other side. This can be seen in what you've been doing with Iraq, Iran and Syria. Such pathetic games, costing lives of people. Shame on you.
It doesn't matter what you say.  People should not be stoned to death because of what they wear, or the music they listen to.  Simple as that.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: The_Infidel on July 24, 2012, 04:03:38 PM
It's quite amusing here listening to you all ranting with little know how except what you've been spoon fed like brainwashed little children.

whether the story is true, or whatever details may be exaggerated or deliberately avoided. Even if all of it is true. It completely boggles the mind that you are NOT angry at the millions that YOU american soldiers have killed. That YOUR government and military has killed.

Whether it is the million some children that died due to sanctions. Whether it is the millions that died from the two gulf wars? Whether it is the hundreds of thousands that died as a result of you pinning Iraq vs Iran when you funded and armed Saddam.

You are nothing but hypocrites, soaked in your own hatred of a billion and a half people that you know nothing about.

Lastly, I am called Ahmed now, but I was not born into a Muslim family or upbringing I became Muslim. As a former Christian, having had Christian Iraqi friends, all of them hate you with a passion for whatever you've done to their country.

You are not liberators, you are fucking thieves and killers. That is what they would tell you. Finding a bunch of morons that get paid ten US dollars to pose on camera and say "I Love america MMMWAAAH *kissing flag*" will only convince ignorant douchebags such as yourself that you're helping the world.


Muslims are some salty ass motherf**kers.  Why you so mad?

Go USA!!!  All Hail The Great Satan!!!!

Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: bighead on July 24, 2012, 07:10:46 PM

 this just about summarizes the AMERICAN mentality.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: a_ahmed on July 26, 2012, 12:55:50 PM
Instead they should be bombed for disagreeing with America? Oh I see
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: HTexan on July 26, 2012, 01:30:43 PM
wow. all over a bad haircut. :-\
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: bighead on July 26, 2012, 02:06:57 PM
ahh, durka, durka, durka.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: a_ahmed on July 30, 2012, 12:00:50 AM
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: a_ahmed on July 30, 2012, 12:02:36 AM
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: calfzilla on July 30, 2012, 03:08:51 AM
Instead they should be bombed for disagreeing with America? Oh I see

Hey ahamed I agree with most of you. American kinda retarded and can't see other peoples views but are Arabs the same way?  And no I not racist I Arab and american,, but are Arabs the same way ie can they not understand other viewpoints from their own? 

I mean I love us soldiers but what fucked up missions politicians sent them on under orders from corporate America.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: bighead on July 30, 2012, 08:05:34 AM
Hey ahamed I agree with most of you. American kinda retarded and can't see other peoples views but are Arabs the same way?  And no I not racist I Arab and american,, but are Arabs the same way ie can they not understand other viewpoints from their own? 

I mean I love us soldiers but what fucked up missions politicians sent them on under orders from corporate America.
  why do americans feel they always have to add [I support the troops] when criticizing their government? I understand its sad that these kids are sent to kill and die for corperate  greed but you are falling for their propaganda. Do not feel guilty about questioning senseless murder.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: calfzilla on July 30, 2012, 08:29:07 AM
  why do americans feel they always have to add [I support the troops] when criticizing their government? I understand its sad that these kids are sent to kill and die for corperate  greed but you are falling for their propaganda. Do not feel guilty about questioning senseless murder.

Good point and I am starting to feel that since pretty much all of our wars after WWII are unjust or at least unnecessary then maybe it is time for Americans to stop joinning the military. I can't speak for others but for me, is use language like support the troops, because I do support and appreciate them for being our army and being ready to defend us from a LEGITIMATE threat, but sadly the are sent to slaughter and be slaughtered for idiotic reasons.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: bighead on July 30, 2012, 12:44:40 PM
Good point and I am starting to feel that since pretty much all of our wars after WWII are unjust or at least unnecessary then maybe it is time for Americans to stop joinning the military. I can't speak for others but for me, is use language like support the troops, because I do support and appreciate them for being our army and being ready to defend us from a LEGITIMATE threat, but sadly the are sent to slaughter and be slaughtered for idiotic reasons.
 The call is coming from inside the house.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: calfzilla on July 30, 2012, 01:54:53 PM
 The call is coming from inside the house.

Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: a_ahmed on July 30, 2012, 06:36:32 PM
lame and vague slogans like "support our troops" are meant to be empty brainless statements that mean little of anything but that make you feel like you are not doing something right if you don't follow it yet you do not realize what it really entails and if you do still puts in a bad light.

Some idiot consorted that statement in washington and millions fall for it.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: a_ahmed on July 30, 2012, 06:42:32 PM
Hey ahamed I agree with most of you. American kinda retarded and can't see other peoples views but are Arabs the same way?  And no I not racist I Arab and american,, but are Arabs the same way ie can they not understand other viewpoints from their own? 

I mean I love us soldiers but what fucked up missions politicians sent them on under orders from corporate America.

There is a rainbow of different arabs, but generally Arabs are not as dumb about their region as you think and neither are they dumb about America. I am not arab, but I have lived with Arabs before being Muslim, I've visited back after being Muslim.

Bottom line is, like any human beings, they want to live peacefully, have justice, not be commanded by puppet dictators that america constantly imposes. They are pissed at the 100+ years of colonialism, of the french, british, italians, and now modern day americans.. and... their 'allies' which basically are the same once colonial powers beating the same drums of war.

You can't seriously forget the harm inflicted upon you for over a hundred years over and over again and expect to go hug and kiss america.

The first step to reconciliation is to stop waging these wars, stop invading muslim countries, stop trying to impose 'western' values. No one gives a shit that you can have nudist in parts of america. Muslims have different values. There are different levels of muslims, whether they are practicing, conservative, liberal, but in the end they would still rather live under the principles of Islam than american liberalism.

Maybe 'voice of america' tells you otherwise, but they have a peaceful life every day until some puppet dictator arrests them or kills them or america decides to bomb and bring democracy.

Every country i've visited has the same damn view of america. Stop the fucking wars, stop killing people, stop looting countries, stop imposing dictatorships and so called democracies.

If the majority of muslims votes for shari'ah its 'not democracy' because it is not 'american values', but if secularist liberal dictators are imposed on x muslim country then its 'democracy' even if a million people had to die for america to get its way.

The irony in all of this, aside from the sad fact that millions have died as a result... is that western countries have become fucked up economically as a result of all these wars. You bring doom to yourself not only the rest of the world
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: calfzilla on July 30, 2012, 09:16:10 PM
There is a rainbow of different arabs, but generally Arabs are not as dumb about their region as you think and neither are they dumb about America. I am not arab, but I have lived with Arabs before being Muslim, I've visited back after being Muslim.

Bottom line is, like any human beings, they want to live peacefully, have justice, not be commanded by puppet dictators that america constantly imposes. They are pissed at the 100+ years of colonialism, of the french, british, italians, and now modern day americans.. and... their 'allies' which basically are the same once colonial powers beating the same drums of war.

You can't seriously forget the harm inflicted upon you for over a hundred years over and over again and expect to go hug and kiss america.

The first step to reconciliation is to stop waging these wars, stop invading muslim countries, stop trying to impose 'western' values. No one gives a shit that you can have nudist in parts of america. Muslims have different values. There are different levels of muslims, whether they are practicing, conservative, liberal, but in the end they would still rather live under the principles of Islam than american liberalism.

Maybe 'voice of america' tells you otherwise, but they have a peaceful life every day until some puppet dictator arrests them or kills them or america decides to bomb and bring democracy.

Every country i've visited has the same damn view of america. Stop the fucking wars, stop killing people, stop looting countries, stop imposing dictatorships and so called democracies.

If the majority of muslims votes for shari'ah its 'not democracy' because it is not 'american values', but if secularist liberal dictators are imposed on x muslim country then its 'democracy' even if a million people had to die for america to get its way.

The irony in all of this, aside from the sad fact that millions have died as a result... is that western countries have become fucked up economically as a result of all these wars. You bring doom to yourself not only the rest of the world

Good post. Obviously a college graduate.
Title: Re: Iraq Militants stone youths to death over "emo" look.
Post by: bighead on August 04, 2012, 07:37:49 AM
Military men are “dumb, stupid animals to be used” as pawns for foreign policy.

Henry Kissinger,
National Security Advisor to Nixon, 1973.
(War Criminal, Freemason, Zionist, White House Advisor during the Iraq and Afghan wars).

The quote is found in “Final Days,” a book by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein. Kissinger has never disputed it.