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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: El Diablo Blanco on March 24, 2012, 01:11:01 PM

Title: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on March 24, 2012, 01:11:01 PM
last night I had a total fucking panic attack. What the fuck? Went to sleep, slept fine then at 12:45 jumped straight out of bed standing up, panting, sweat draining out of my body, couldn't catch my breath for about 30 minutes.  I seriously thought I was having a heart attack, total fucking panic.  I would start to feel better and lay down then feel like I couldn't catch my breath until I stood up.  Kept having this weird dream about being caught in a fire.  Went into the bathroom to towel off and my body was GLOWING red. Straight up like a fucking alien inside me. I was considering driving to the hospital.  I took a couple  baby asprins, got a towel and ran it under cold water and wiped myself down and went and laid in my own sweat pool in bed.  Then eventually crashed.

I was about to get up and just flush all my gear into the toilet vowing to never touch it again and of course today I want to inject but decided not to.

I've been injecting about 75-100mg ED.  Should I be going EOD or at least on days I workout?
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: dfresh on March 24, 2012, 01:18:42 PM
what dose you running. you're scaring me here, im starting tren a at 50mg eod (bumping to 100mg) in a couple weeks
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: chess315 on March 24, 2012, 01:22:52 PM
350mg a week isnt that much dfresh you will be fine. the op was using 700mg.
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on March 24, 2012, 01:24:02 PM
what dose you running. you're scaring me here, im starting tren a at 50mg eod (bumping to 100mg) in a couple weeks

Stated about about 75-100 ED.  It seems that the days I get my serious insomnia are days I inject test as well.  Could  be too much on my body.  In my early 20's I was heavy in raves, taking in a lot of E, smoking a lot of weed, so maybe tren is just too harsh.  This is top chef tren, everyone on this board would agree it is probably one of the best on the market.  For 3-4 days before I slept fine.  Last night was like a ton of bricks on my chest and the panic was messed up.  Seriously felt scared.  Thought I was going to die and really thought about dialing 911 but didn't.  I inject way early in the morning about 5:00 am to allow it to not affect my sleep that night but that hasn't helped.  I seem to be okay at 50 mg each day. Once I get over that 75 mark the shit gets real.
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: Smallz on March 24, 2012, 01:24:59 PM
Your not the only one man. Its a horrible feeling. I had a similar experience 4 weeks ago pinning 100mg eod. Woke up at midnight with heavy breathing and heavy pressure on my chest. Freaked out and told the wife I was going to the hospital. Had blood work done, chest x-ray, and an EKG test. All test came back fine. I don't have health insurance at the moment either and that was a main factor for not wanting to go to the hospital, but it was so bad I went anyway. The following day I had a panic attack at work. Dropped the tren for a week and then started back up and it's been fine since. And to top it all off I got the bill in the mail the other day that was $1,430.00. Anyways, my suggestion would be drop it completely or drop the dose in half and see what happens.
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: Marlo Stanfield on March 24, 2012, 01:25:27 PM
last night I had a total fucking panic attack. What the fuck? Went to sleep, slept fine then at 12:45 jumped straight out of bed standing up, panting, sweat draining out of my body, couldn't catch my breath for about 30 minutes.  I seriously thought I was having a heart attack, total fucking panic.  I would start to feel better and lay down then feel like I couldn't catch my breath until I stood up.  Kept having this weird dream about being caught in a fire.  Went into the bathroom to towel off and my body was GLOWING red. Straight up like a fucking alien inside me. I was considering driving to the hospital.  I took a couple  baby asprins, got a towel and ran it under cold water and wiped myself down and went and laid in my own sweat pool in bed.  Then eventually crashed.

I was about to get up and just flush all my gear into the toilet vowing to never touch it again and of course today I want to inject but decided not to.

I've been injecting about 75-100mg ED.  Should I be going EOD or at least on days I workout?

that sucks dude, take a pic of you skin, is it really that red?

if i were you, take a week or so off, let it get flushed out of your body, and then start vey light. 25mg ED... yeah i know its not much, but do it. after 4-5 days of no side effects, bump it to 50mg ED and so forth
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: dfresh on March 24, 2012, 01:27:02 PM
Stated about about 75-100 ED.  It seems that the days I get my serious insomnia are days I inject test as well.  Could  be too much on my body.  In my early 20's I was heavy in raves, taking in a lot of E, smoking a lot of weed, so maybe tren is just too harsh.  This is top chef tren, everyone on this board would agree it is probably one of the best on the market.  For 3-4 days before I slept fine.  Last night was like a ton of bricks on my chest and the panic was messed up.  Seriously felt scared.  Thought I was going to die and really thought about dialing 911 but didn't.  I inject way early in the morning about 5:00 am to allow it to not affect my sleep that night but that hasn't helped.  I seem to be okay at 50 mg each day. Once I get over that 75 mark the shit gets real.

well im no expert but i would say take the dose down man. and maybe inject eod...good luck either way, hope you can get past the bullshit and on with the gains!
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on March 24, 2012, 01:28:26 PM
that sucks dude, take a pic of you skin, is it really that red?

if i were you, take a week or so off, let it get flushed out of your body, and then start vey light. 25mg ED... yeah i know its not much, but do it. after 4-5 days of no side effects, bump it to 50mg ED and so forth

It was RED, like total heat patches.  Almost like I was sweating it out.  I just think anything under 50 seems ok and over 50 hits me hard.  The panting and not being able to catch my breath sucked.
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: dfresh on March 24, 2012, 01:28:44 PM
350mg a week isnt that much dfresh you will be fine. the op was using 700mg.

i hope so man..just want a smooth run with results
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: Marlo Stanfield on March 24, 2012, 01:31:55 PM
It was RED, like total heat patches.  Almost like I was sweating it out.  I just think anything under 50 seems ok and over 50 hits me hard.  The panting and not being able to catch my breath sucked.

Sounds stupid, but go read some articles about breating techniques, panick attacks are all in the head, and its mostly all due to the fact that you feal you cant breathe and are dying, therefore you start getting more scared and more panting and more out of breath

learn to take a deep breath in (2-3 second long), hold it for like 5-6 seconds, and exhale slowly for another 6-7 seconds... this would curb the panick attacks... i know its hard to take deep breath while your panicking, but try to start at the point of holding breath for 2-3 seconds, exhale slowly, and then proceed with taking a relatively deep breath, and then you'll become more relaxed
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: wes on March 24, 2012, 01:57:17 PM
As long as you look good and are lean,nothing matters.

Lower the dose or switch up compounds......who in the blue fuck would want to deal with sides like that?
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: Voland on March 24, 2012, 02:24:58 PM
As long as you look good and are lean,nothing matters.

Lower the dose or switch up compounds......who in the blue fuck would want to deal with sides like that?

i suggested this once. I could've been linched. Dropping the tren?? wtf!! lots of tren groupies on gb.
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: makaveli25 on March 24, 2012, 03:11:06 PM
You have awoken the tren monster  :D Enjoy the ride!

Same shit happend to me. I would fly out of bed felt like I was going to have a heart attack. Then my asshole friends would be partying loud at like 4 in the morning when I had to work the next day. I'm suprised I never killed anyone.
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: Max B on March 24, 2012, 03:13:53 PM
As long as you look good and are lean,nothing matters.

Lower the dose or switch up compounds......who in the blue fuck would want to deal with sides like that?

Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: Max B on March 24, 2012, 03:15:47 PM
I dont have any sides with strngers ace its like heaven, at first i had insomnia but it goes away i dont even get anxiety on tren and eq. im paranoid tho but im always paranoid no matter what.  if tren is fucking with u that bad then ditch it man..... or lower ur dose, u dont NEED that much. im doin just 450 a week now and getting awesome results, i dont even pin ED its not entirely needed matter of fact im only pinning MWF right now...... looking fuckin sick and still like 9-10 weeks out from MDW  ;D
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: HEAVYLIFT on March 24, 2012, 03:18:30 PM
what else are you running ?
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: makaveli25 on March 24, 2012, 03:18:39 PM
I dont have any sides with strngers ace its like heaven, at first i had insomnia but it goes away i dont even get anxiety on tren and eq. im paranoid tho but im always paranoid no matter what.  if tren is fucking with u that bad then ditch it man..... or lower ur dose, u dont NEED that much. im doin just 450 a week now and getting awesome results, i dont even pin ED its not entirely needed matter of fact im only pinning MWF right now...... looking fuckin sick and still like 9-10 weeks out from MDW  ;D

Really I might have to try some of his ace.
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: Max B on March 24, 2012, 03:21:58 PM
Yup cant wait to throw his var into the mix in a month at 100mgs ED prob.  Im on his tren and eq only right now..... gonna finish the eq up soon and just be running tren/mast/ low low low test prop/sus.. gotta cop some more kits of thanks as well, kind of pissed the man raised his minimum order tho...
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: outby43 on March 24, 2012, 04:25:33 PM
Just be aware it is all in your mind with the panic attacks.  I know it's hard but do not think of negative stuff like dying or heart attack.  Get your mind on something else fast.  Go look at porn or jerk off.  There is a high probability you will have several more attacks now because now your brain associates the gear with a panic attack.  If you are apprehensive about shooting now I can almost guarantee another one.
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: BodyMachine on March 24, 2012, 05:34:39 PM
get off the tren. simple. your experiencing severe sides, how much more does your body have to tell you? I've never tried tren, but it doesn't take an expert to know you aren't tolerating it. Try something else.
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: chess315 on March 24, 2012, 05:52:57 PM
last night I had a total fucking panic attack. What the fuck? Went to sleep, slept fine then at 12:45 jumped straight out of bed standing up, panting, sweat draining out of my body, couldn't catch my breath for about 30 minutes.  I seriously thought I was having a heart attack, total fucking panic.  I would start to feel better and lay down then feel like I couldn't catch my breath until I stood up.  Kept having this weird dream about being caught in a fire.  Went into the bathroom to towel off and my body was GLOWING red. Straight up like a fucking alien inside me. I was considering driving to the hospital.  I took a couple  baby asprins, got a towel and ran it under cold water and wiped myself down and went and laid in my own sweat pool in bed.  Then eventually crashed.

I was about to get up and just flush all my gear into the toilet vowing to never touch it again and of course today I want to inject but decided not to.

I've been injecting about 75-100mg ED.  Should I be going EOD or at least on days I workout?
what other compounds are you running?
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: Euro-monster on March 24, 2012, 06:05:08 PM
Well you are running tren which is THE strongest steroid (except some halo crap, who cares anyway). When I ran tren at 600mg a week I saw little children staring at me through my window...and I dont live on the street level...! Scary fucking shit. Waking up in my pool of sweat, girlfriend still bleeding from the marathon fucks just before (this was the only good thing about it) and freakin hot all the time.

Tren dreams are the worse! I usually see strange people STANDING in my fucking room and just looking at me! So life like its fucking scary as hell. I most of the time just jump and start yelling and go around the house looking for these fucks....girlfriend got scared of me and not these imaginary people.

The best 1 was I could fucking hear a mouse under my bed and pillow for weeks... :'(. Tried looking for the fucker and offcourse never found him. MANY times in the middle of the night just jump up and start throwing things in the air (including the heavy ass matras!) hoping to find the mouse...

The moment I stopped the tren the mouse was gone. You wouldnt believe the coincidence... :D

Hahaha im sorry dude but i am laughing my ass of because of your story...i cant help it...hahahahaa.....apolo gies lol....

When i use tren ace. im having trouble sleeping and am in a constant state of sweating my ball of...but i very much like the way it makes me look so as long as i can handle the sides im sticking with it...HAHAhhahahahahahaaa .... ;D
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on March 24, 2012, 08:10:33 PM
what other compounds are you running?

pharmacy test cyp 500mg week. I've been stockpiing for a decent amount of time. Anavar 50mg per day. Have shit gh in the fridge that I am going to donate or throw out and not use. It just hurts to throw away hundreds of dollars in the trash even though it is trash.
I know this is all in my head but it also is physical. The heat flashes ad sweating fits suck ass. I am going to lay off tren for a few days to get back to normal.
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on March 24, 2012, 08:15:04 PM
I think anything close to 100 ed needs gh or benzos to calm down the nerves. How do guys do this with clen or eca and not get a heart attack.
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: howardroark on March 24, 2012, 08:20:25 PM
How much test are you taking? What about other AAS? Low test/high tren usually fairs better sides-wise than moderate test/moderate tren.

EDIT: I noticed that you're taking 500mg test per week. Lower that to 250mg per week and see how you do.
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: dooman on March 24, 2012, 10:29:19 PM
Well you are running tren which is THE strongest steroid (except some halo crap, who cares anyway). When I ran tren at 600mg a week I saw little children staring at me through my window...and I dont live on the street level...! Scary fucking shit. Waking up in my pool of sweat, girlfriend still bleeding from the marathon fucks just before (this was the only good thing about it) and freakin hot all the time.

Tren dreams are the worse! I usually see strange people STANDING in my fucking room and just looking at me! So life like its fucking scary as hell. I most of the time just jump and start yelling and go around the house looking for these fucks....girlfriend got scared of me and not these imaginary people.

The best 1 was I could fucking hear a mouse under my bed and pillow for weeks... :'(. Tried looking for the fucker and offcourse never found him. MANY times in the middle of the night just jump up and start throwing things in the air (including the heavy ass matras!) hoping to find the mouse...

The moment I stopped the tren the mouse was gone. You wouldnt believe the coincidence... :D

bahahahahahahahhahahahah a - Ive been siting over pissing myself laughing at this post......GOLD!  ;D
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: diamondcut on March 24, 2012, 11:42:19 PM
Well you are running tren which is THE strongest steroid (except some halo crap, who cares anyway). When I ran tren at 600mg a week I saw little children staring at me through my window...and I dont live on the street level...! Scary fucking shit. Waking up in my pool of sweat, girlfriend still bleeding from the marathon fucks just before (this was the only good thing about it) and freakin hot all the time.

Tren dreams are the worse! I usually see strange people STANDING in my fucking room and just looking at me! So life like its fucking scary as hell. I most of the time just jump and start yelling and go around the house looking for these fucks....girlfriend got scared of me and not these imaginary people.

The best 1 was I could fucking hear a mouse under my bed and pillow for weeks... :'(. Tried looking for the fucker and offcourse never found him. MANY times in the middle of the night just jump up and start throwing things in the air (including the heavy ass matras!) hoping to find the mouse...

The moment I stopped the tren the mouse was gone. You wouldnt believe the coincidence... :D


that is some strange stuff man...
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: randy841 on March 25, 2012, 12:29:34 AM
Well you are running tren which is THE strongest steroid (except some halo crap, who cares anyway). When I ran tren at 600mg a week I saw little children staring at me through my window...and I dont live on the street level...! Scary fucking shit. Waking up in my pool of sweat, girlfriend still bleeding from the marathon fucks just before (this was the only good thing about it) and freakin hot all the time.

Tren dreams are the worse! I usually see strange people STANDING in my fucking room and just looking at me! So life like its fucking scary as hell. I most of the time just jump and start yelling and go around the house looking for these fucks....girlfriend got scared of me and not these imaginary people.

The best 1 was I could fucking hear a mouse under my bed and pillow for weeks... :'(. Tried looking for the fucker and offcourse never found him. MANY times in the middle of the night just jump up and start throwing things in the air (including the heavy ass matras!) hoping to find the mouse...

The moment I stopped the tren the mouse was gone. You wouldnt believe the coincidence... :D

That's seriously fucked up.

Personally, other than a little insomnia and vivid dreams, i have yet to start hallucinating on Tren E.

You're not mixing any anti-depressants are you? They can make you see and hear things that are not there. That's not the end of the sides. After a very serious accident the anti-depressants were prescribed by a neurologist, which wrecked havoc for 6 months alongside Vioxx and few other pain killers. You become a prisoner in your own body. The soul is lost. They were prescribed NOT for depression, but serious chronic pain that lasted close to 8 years to calm down the nerves.

Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: chess315 on March 25, 2012, 01:31:02 AM
How much test are you taking? What about other AAS? Low test/high tren usually fairs better sides-wise than moderate test/moderate tren.

EDIT: I noticed that you're taking 500mg test per week. Lower that to 250mg per week and see how you do.
this ^^^^^ test seems to super charge tren sides
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: whitewidow on March 25, 2012, 02:32:57 AM
xanax-helps me! I only fuck with 300mg a week too! used to use 500mg a week. I personally think the alpha -pharma parabolin(Tren Hex) is better than that tren A. I ,like the trenax better as well. seems better quality. The parabolin blows you up nicely with just lean muscle with no sides. It works a little slower but in the end the gains are better-IMO
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: NeilGM on March 25, 2012, 03:11:11 AM
LMAO tren is not for you son
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: theisen on March 25, 2012, 03:31:47 AM
xanax-helps me! I only fuck with 300mg a week too! used to use 500mg a week. I personally think the alpha -pharma parabolin(Tren Hex) is better than that tren A. I ,like the trenax better as well. seems better quality. The parabolin blows you up nicely with just lean muscle with no sides. It works a little slower but in the end the gains are better-IMO

gotta agree, parabolin is of really good quality no doubt about that, also not noticing any sides either
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: whitewidow on March 25, 2012, 03:42:56 AM
gotta agree, parabolin is of really good quality no doubt about that, also not noticing any sides either

Parabolin does not work as fast but you still get those tren gains it is more expensive but worth it -IMO.I am only talking about alpha-pharma Tren Hex(parabolin) no other parabolin is worth buying
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: randy841 on March 25, 2012, 11:33:49 AM
haha no anti whatever meds of ANY kind. Dont smoke, drink or any party drugs ever in my life.

Tren is THE best and hardest steroid ever. In my case I always slept like a baby and had strong dreams. Tren just made these stronger and way more weird. It intyensified my dreams to the point that the stage between awake and sleep was more pronounced. So I would dream something and then wake up but the dream was so strong that for a minute or 2 I still had the dream images on my mind.

Was so horny all the time that I would wake up and be 100% sure that my girlfriend was somewhere in the house (she was in her own house at the time). With a massive boner I would look for her all over the house and then be dissapointed when I didnt find her!

Tren is some great stuff!  :D

lol ...  :D
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: randy841 on March 25, 2012, 11:37:06 AM
Parabolin does not work as fast but you still get those tren gains it is more expensive but worth it -IMO.I am only talking about alpha-pharma Tren Hex(parabolin) no other parabolin is worth buying

You just get the "tren gains" or is Parabolin stronger than Tren A milligram for milligram? Or is more comparable to Tren E?
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: Voland on March 25, 2012, 11:50:05 AM
xanax-helps me! I only fuck with 300mg a week too! used to use 500mg a week. I personally think the alpha -pharma parabolin(Tren Hex) is better than that tren A. I ,like the trenax better as well. seems better quality. The parabolin blows you up nicely with just lean muscle with no sides. It works a little slower but in the end the gains are better-IMO

what do you mean by no sides?
No sides compared to ace or no sides at all (like primo or other milds stuff)
did you NOT get tren rage, trensomnia, high bp, acne etc etc from parabolin?

yet you got cut and bigger? how many amps per week where those?
are side-less gains dose dependant?
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: j_mtl on March 25, 2012, 09:41:51 PM
anything over 600mg a week of tren ace is crazy...most ppl will have sides... i couldnt sleep for 4 daysuntil i decided to drop it to 300mg a week...xanax really fuking hlps...this coming week im uping my dose from 300 to 700 a week...hope this time i can make it with a little xanax,if not ill drop to 300 again.

i also notice that high test does supercharge the tren.Must admit tren is the fuking most amazing compound ever...makes me into supermaN in the gym. :D
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: SmoofCat on March 25, 2012, 10:52:40 PM
i am officially back on 200 mg ED of tren ace, with the help of propanolol for my blood pressure issues. been on it for about 4 days now, actually feeling better than ever.
tren does NOT sound like your drug my man. but my advice is to get on some propanolol if it is blood pressure related.
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: whitewidow on March 26, 2012, 03:20:58 AM
You just get the "tren gains" or is Parabolin stronger than Tren A milligram for milligram? Or is more comparable to Tren E?

It is just tren with a slower onsett. it is dose at 76.5mg per ml. so it is not as high dose either sounds like what this kid needs. something with a slower onsett and a lighter dose. you only have to use parabolin EOD. sometimes parabolin works better than Tren-A.maybe its the ester it is attached to makes it work a little diffrent.  but I have heard people say it works better and people who prefer tren a. anyway you look at it it is tren.
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on March 26, 2012, 07:19:09 AM
Funny how GH15 said in a post that when on tren you will notice women checking you out all of the time.  I am not kidding, everywhere I went this weekend bitches would stop and give me smiles with those "wanna fuck" eyes.  lol.

But this shit is crazy.
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on March 26, 2012, 07:20:30 AM
Your not the only one man. Its a horrible feeling. I had a similar experience 4 weeks ago pinning 100mg eod. Woke up at midnight with heavy breathing and heavy pressure on my chest. Freaked out and told the wife I was going to the hospital. Had blood work done, chest x-ray, and an EKG test. All test came back fine. I don't have health insurance at the moment either and that was a main factor for not wanting to go to the hospital, but it was so bad I went anyway. The following day I had a panic attack at work. Dropped the tren for a week and then started back up and it's been fine since. And to top it all off I got the bill in the mail the other day that was $1,430.00. Anyways, my suggestion would be drop it completely or drop the dose in half and see what happens.

This is exactly how I felt.  I was about to get in the car and go to the doctors.  I was just a mess.  The sweating, heat flashes, the diziness and chest tightness sucked ass.  I fought through it which was probably dumb but eventually crashed for a few hours.  Not the best feeling at all.
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: Meso_z on March 26, 2012, 10:29:25 AM
What if it was actually a heart attack? Maybe you should go to the doc and get it checked man..
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on March 26, 2012, 11:03:46 AM
What if it was actually a heart attack? Maybe you should go to the doc and get it checked man..

I know two people that had them and they both explained it as real chest tightning, but yes this panic attack could have been one.  Tren is strong and probably better suited for young 20 year olds who haven't partied hard yet like I have.
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: makaveli25 on March 26, 2012, 04:05:43 PM
Try some proponal like smoofcat says. I got it from my doctore. Ten mg slows the heart rate down. Drops blood pressure. Helps with anxiety. Non habit forming. It's a beta blocker not a benzo.

Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: whitewidow on March 27, 2012, 02:45:26 AM
Try some proponal like smoofcat says. I got it from my doctore. Ten mg slows the heart rate down. Drops blood pressure. Helps with anxiety. Non habit forming. It's a beta blocker not a benzo.

propanol is just a blood pressure medication it will not stop a panic attack. I have been on propanol. I think benzos help with the panick attacks way better, but propanol will work just for blood pressure after a little while. takes a few days for propanol to start working but it will lower your blood pressure and it is good that is non addictive.  I personally think a little bit of xanax would help alot before  along with propanol. sounds like a rough time on tren, who knows how close you really have come to a seizure or a stroke! what you describe dosn't seem normal! sounds like your flipping out on it. . have you tried anybody else's tren? I would really start thinking about parabolin wich has a slower onsett. It will still get you jacked and you probably would not get these horrible side effects at night
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: falco on March 27, 2012, 03:40:14 AM
If your body doesn't handle something don't use it.

There are enough different steroids in the market that can help you reach your objectives besides tren.
Title: Re: My newest Tren Panic Attack last night. Shit is getting fucked up
Post by: whitewidow on March 27, 2012, 03:52:51 AM
what do you mean by no sides?
No sides compared to ace or no sides at all (like primo or other milds stuff)
did you NOT get tren rage, trensomnia, high bp, acne etc etc from parabolin?

yet you got cut and bigger? how many amps per week where those?
are side-less gains dose dependant?

It is just more mold side effect wise compared to tren acetate. I have lower BP. I can do one shot EOD wich is pretty close to 100mg every other day and I get the same gains as shooting 300mg a week of tren acetate. It is also less painfull to shoot. just a cleaner drug. still very androgenic so you will get lean and jacked up with muscle. parabolin is expensive for a reason it is probaby one of the most expensive steroids behind primo.