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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Dos Equis on September 14, 2012, 11:47:04 AM

Title: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Dos Equis on September 14, 2012, 11:47:04 AM
Not looking so good.  Kiss the world's butt.  Apologize.  Appease.  Try and make NASA help Muslims feel good about themselves.  Pander.  And what happens in response to all of that? 


Yeah, the president has done a wonderful job with foreign relations. 
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 14, 2012, 11:52:35 AM
Not looking so good.  Kiss the world's butt.  Apologize.  Appease.  Try and make NASA help Muslims feel good about themselves.  Pander.  And what happens in response to all of that? 

Yeah, the president has done a wonderful job with foreign relations. 

Serious question Beach. How do you think this will effect the election? There are still a lot dumb and naive people who will still back, no matter what, Obama.
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 14, 2012, 11:54:07 AM
Not looking so good.  Kiss the world's butt.  Apologize.  Appease.  Try and make NASA help Muslims feel good about themselves.  Pander.  And what happens in response to all of that? 


Yeah, the president has done a wonderful job with foreign relations. 
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Dos Equis on September 14, 2012, 12:15:14 PM
Serious question Beach. How do you think this will effect the election? There are still a lot dumb and naive people who will still back, no matter what, Obama.

I think it will have a smaller impact than it should, because the media is in overdrive trying to protect the president.  He has been an absolute disaster and his foreign policy decisions and lack of oversight are directly responsible for the death of Americans in Libya.

Romney is up 48 to 45 in the Rasmussen daily tracking poll.  I think part of that swing, and the wipeout of the convention bounce, is related to this Middle East fiasco.

If things continue to deteriorate across the Middle East, it will have an even larger impact.  More people will understand the president's policy of leading from behind is a failure.   
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Straw Man on September 14, 2012, 12:17:01 PM
Serious question Beach. How do you think this will effect the election? There are still a lot dumb and naive people who will still back, no matter what, Obama.

zero effect because only morons who are already voting for Romney will be dumb enough to believe the "apology" strawman being foisted by the right wing
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Dos Equis on September 14, 2012, 12:20:55 PM


Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Dos Equis on September 14, 2012, 12:22:37 PM
Fury: Chanting ‘death to America,’ hundreds of protesters angered by an anti-Islam film stormed the U.S. Embassy compound in Yemen’s capital and burned the American flag. It was the latest in a series of attacks on American diplomatic missions in the Middle East
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Dos Equis on September 14, 2012, 12:34:20 PM
From 2009:

President Barack Obama has finished the second leg of his international confession tour. In less than 100 days, he has apologized on three continents for what he views as the sins of America and his predecessors.

Mr. Obama told the French (the French!) that America "has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive" toward Europe. In Prague, he said America has "a moral responsibility to act" on arms control because only the U.S. had "used a nuclear weapon." In London, he said that decisions about the world financial system were no longer made by "just Roosevelt and Churchill sitting in a room with a brandy" -- as if that were a bad thing. And in Latin America, he said the U.S. had not "pursued and sustained engagement with our neighbors" because we "failed to see that our own progress is tied directly to progress throughout the Americas."

By confessing our nation's sins, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said that Mr. Obama has "changed the image of America around the world" and made the U.S. "safer and stronger." As evidence, Mr. Gibbs pointed to the absence of protesters during the Summit of the Americas this past weekend.

. . . .
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 14, 2012, 12:35:49 PM
Obama and those who support him deserve each other. 

pieces of garbage all around. 

From 2009:

President Barack Obama has finished the second leg of his international confession tour. In less than 100 days, he has apologized on three continents for what he views as the sins of America and his predecessors.

Mr. Obama told the French (the French!) that America "has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive" toward Europe. In Prague, he said America has "a moral responsibility to act" on arms control because only the U.S. had "used a nuclear weapon." In London, he said that decisions about the world financial system were no longer made by "just Roosevelt and Churchill sitting in a room with a brandy" -- as if that were a bad thing. And in Latin America, he said the U.S. had not "pursued and sustained engagement with our neighbors" because we "failed to see that our own progress is tied directly to progress throughout the Americas."

By confessing our nation's sins, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said that Mr. Obama has "changed the image of America around the world" and made the U.S. "safer and stronger." As evidence, Mr. Gibbs pointed to the absence of protesters during the Summit of the Americas this past weekend.

. . . .
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Option D on September 14, 2012, 12:40:57 PM

Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Fury on September 14, 2012, 12:41:19 PM
zero effect because only morons who are already voting for Romney will be dumb enough to believe the "apology" strawman being foisted by the right wing

You do realize that you're arguably the biggest moron on this board, right? Please answer my question as it's quite "relevent".

Has anyone told you that you are an incredibly stupid person?
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 14, 2012, 12:41:51 PM
zero effect because only morons who are already voting for Romney will be dumb enough to believe the "apology" strawman being foisted by the right wing

It's comments like this that just flat out prove that the left are oblivious to whats going on in the real world. Obama should be just as accountable as the ones who pulled the trigger in Libya. How anyone can still back this administration is beyond me. The question I keep asking "Give me a reason why Obama should get a second term", the responses I got were vague with no substance which leads me to believe that you're just drones, you have no idea why but "just because".  
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Dos Equis on September 14, 2012, 12:42:02 PM
"I know, too, that Islam has always been a part of America's story."
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 14, 2012, 12:42:48 PM
Obama built this with his polices.  

Fuck him and fuck every disgusting wretch kneepadding this asswipe  
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Fury on September 14, 2012, 12:43:26 PM
Obama built this with his polices.   

Fuck him and fuck every disgusting wretch kneepadding this asswipe 

It's almost like they didn't expect this to happen after the Arab Spring.

There are some really stupid people out there.  ::)
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Dos Equis on September 14, 2012, 12:44:51 PM

You might want to read this.
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 14, 2012, 12:45:42 PM
It's almost like they didn't expect this to happen after the Arab Spring.

There are some really stupid people out there.  ::)

Its one thing to be stupid like Straw, option FAIL, lurker, et al are - its entirely different when these morons implement policies like putting the MB into power across the ME expecting ponies, honey, and unicorns  
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 14, 2012, 12:46:22 PM
You might want to read this.

He is a wholesale moron, don't expect anything but some piss poor excuse for the messiah. 
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Option D on September 14, 2012, 12:54:21 PM
You might want to read this.

LOL dude i know.. i was a Boy Scout and my Brother is a marine.. my dad was in the navy

i was just joking with the old white dude burning hella flags
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 14, 2012, 01:09:24 PM
LOL dude i know.. i was a Boy Scout and my Brother is a marine.. my dad was in the navy

i was just joking with the old white dude burning hella flags

Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Straw Man on September 14, 2012, 01:42:34 PM
It's comments like this that just flat out prove that the left are oblivious to whats going on in the real world. Obama should be just as accountable as the ones who pulled the trigger in Libya. How anyone can still back this administration is beyond me. The question I keep asking "Give me a reason why Obama should get a second term", the responses I got were vague with no substance which leads me to believe that you're just drones, you have no idea why but "just because".  

I gave you a very simple response yet somehow it was still beyond your limited comprehension and I never said "just because"

Ill try again and let's see if you can understand

We have a choice between Romney and Obama (I'll assume I haven't lost you yet)

From what I've seen Romney would be a disaster on both domestic policy and foreign policy
Futhermore I would not trust his judgement on judicial nominees ("corporations are people my friend")

Thus, I'm voting for Obama
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 14, 2012, 01:50:35 PM
I gave you a very simple response yet somehow it was still beyond your limited comprehension and I never said "just because"

Ill try again and let's see if you can understand

We have a choice between Romney and Obama (I'll assume I haven't lost you yet)

From what I've seen Romney would be a disaster on both domestic policy and foreign policy
Futhermore I would not trust his judgement on judicial nominees ("corporations are people my friend")

Thus, I'm voting for Obama


You are the most foolish person on this board. 

World on fire due to thugbamas policies, debt downgrades, embassies over run, etc and you want to march off the cliff w obama
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 14, 2012, 01:54:49 PM
West nails it. 


Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Dos Equis on September 14, 2012, 05:40:50 PM
From Egypt:

Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Straw Man on September 14, 2012, 08:00:41 PM
From Egypt:



so what?

it's just a dude burning a piece of cloth

It's just as dumb as these people in Egypt, Libya, etc.. getting pissed about a trailer to a movie that may not even exist and that most of them have probably never even seen

Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 14, 2012, 08:11:04 PM

That is.our flag idiot


so what?

it's just a dude burning a piece of cloth

It's just as dumb as these people in Egypt, Libya, etc.. getting pissed about a trailer to a movie that may not even exist and that most of them have probably never even seen

Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: GigantorX on September 14, 2012, 08:13:00 PM

so what?

it's just a dude burning a piece of cloth

It's just as dumb as these people in Egypt, Libya, etc.. getting pissed about a trailer to a movie that may not even exist and that most of them have probably never even seen

So do you really think these "protests" are all about some youtube video that has been out for quite some time? Really? Libya, Egypt, London, Sudan, Yemen.....all because of a movie trailer? On or around 9/11?

Come on, man.
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 14, 2012, 08:18:54 PM

so what?

it's just a dude burning a piece of cloth

It's just as dumb as these people in Egypt, Libya, etc.. getting pissed about a trailer to a movie that may not even exist and that most of them have probably never even seen

Wait, are you referring to our flag? The American flag?
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Dos Equis on September 21, 2012, 05:53:28 PM

US spends $70,000 on Pakistan ad denouncing anti-Muslim film
By NBC News' Catherine Chomiak

The U.S. has bought $70,000 worth of air time on seven Pakistani television channels to air an ad showing President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton denouncing the anti-Islamic video that has sparked violent protests in the Middle East and North Africa.

In the 30-second ad that began running Thursday, Obama says, "Since our founding the United States has been a nation that respects all faiths. We reject all efforts to denigrate religious beliefs of others."

Clinton appears after Obama and says, "Let me state very clearly that the United States has absolutely nothing to do with this video. We absolutely reject its contents. America's commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation."

The ad is subtitled in Urdu, the main Pakistani language.

A U.S. seal is also displayed in the video. The comments by Obama and Clinton are from previous public statements and were not taped specifically for the ad.

"It is common and traditional to have to buy air time on Pakistan TV for public service announcements," State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said.

French officials are preparing for a potential violent backlash as a satirical magazine defends its decision to publish cartoons mocking the Prophet Muhammad. NBC's Michelle Kosinski reports.
On the ad’s purpose, Nuland said, "I think the sense was that this particular aspect of the president and secretary's message needed to be heard by more Pakistanis than had heard it and that this was an effective way to get that message out."

"As you know, after the video came out, there was concern in lots of bodies politic, including Pakistan, as to whether this represented the views of the U.S. government. So, in order to be sure that we reached the largest number of Pakistanis, some 90 million as I understand it in this case with these spots, it was the judgment that this was the best way to do it," Nuland said.

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In an interview with The Associated Press, Pakistani Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar defended her government's decision to declare Friday a holiday to allow people to peacefully protest the video. She said the so-called "day of loving the prophet" would motivate the peaceful majority to demonstrate their love for Muhammad and not allow extremists to turn it into a show of anger against the United States.

"We are very confident this will lessen the violence," Khar said. But, she acknowledged: "There will always be elements that will try to take advantage of these things."
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 25, 2012, 09:22:10 AM
He kneepadded again today 
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Dos Equis on September 27, 2012, 05:00:35 PM
So we spend $70k apologizing for a youtube video, kiss the world's rear end again, then admit our people were killed by terrorist acts? 
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Shockwave on September 27, 2012, 05:02:46 PM
So we spend $70k apologizing for a youtube video, kiss the world's rear end again, then admit our people were killed by terrorist acts?  
We went from the world hating us because, at any time, we may go rogue and decide to fuck their country up... to being "liked" (and a joke) because they know that they can do whatever the eff they want and we'll bend over and apologize for nothing.
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Dos Equis on September 27, 2012, 05:09:30 PM
We went from the world hating us because, at any time, we may go rogue and decide to fuck their country up... to being "liked" (and a joke) because they know that they can do whatever the eff they want and we'll bend over and apologize for nothing.

I'm not sure the world hated us, but we definitely have elements that don't fear us like they should.  And I agree we have been acting like a prison wife for the last four years. 
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Straw Man on September 27, 2012, 05:28:49 PM
The Obama administration didn't apologize for anything

Repubs can keep saying it all they want but it never happened

Getting upset about burning our flag is the equivalent to getting upset about burning the Koran or feeling insulted by a movie.     Just a stupid emotional response from ignorant people

Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Fury on September 27, 2012, 05:29:54 PM
The Obama administration didn't apologize for anything

Repubs can keep saying it all they want but it never happened

Getting upset about burning our flag is the equivalent to getting upset about burning the Koran or feeling insulted by a movie.     Just a stupid emotional response from ignorant people

Do you actually believe the stuff you type? They're groveling like little bitches. Buying TV spots in Pakistan to get on there and denounce freedom of speech is an apologetic move, dickhead.

You have to be the most biased piece of shit on this forum. You are literally incapable of criticizing anything Obama does.
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Straw Man on September 27, 2012, 05:39:37 PM
Do you actually believe the stuff you type? They're groveling like little bitches. Buying TV spots in Pakistan to get on there and denounce freedom of speech is an apologetic move, dickhead.

You have to be the most biased piece of shit on this forum. You are literally incapable of criticizing anything Obama does.

If you believe that the US Govt "denounced freedom of speech" then you're clearly as dumb as you appear to be

Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Fury on September 27, 2012, 05:41:02 PM
If you believe that the US Govt "denounced freedom of speech" then you're clearly as dumb as you appear to be

They certainly haven't defended it and have done nothing but criticize the video and the maker of it. You can spin it anyway you want like the good Obama dick sucker that you are.
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Straw Man on September 27, 2012, 05:50:38 PM
They certainly haven't defended it and have done nothing but criticize the video and the maker of it. You can spin it anyway you want like the good Obama dick sucker that you are.

again, I would not expect a person of your limited intelligence to understand that you can disagree with the content of someones speech and specifically say it is not the speech or the product of the US government without "denouncing free speech"

I'm sure you have a problem with the Phelps family protesting at the burials of soldiers but if you criticize the content of their speech (which many right wingers on this board have done) it is not denouncing freedom of speech

I certainly don't expect you to understand the first fucking thing about the nuances of diplomacy or anything in that field.

Your field of expertise is being an angry kid who thinks message boards are serious busines
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Fury on September 27, 2012, 05:57:33 PM
again, I would not expect a person of your limited intelligence to understand that you can disagree with the content of someones speech and specifically say it is not the speech or the product of the US government without "denouncing free speech"

I'm sure you have a problem with the Phelps family protesting at the burials of soldiers but if you criticize the content of their speech (which many right wingers on this board have done) it is not denouncing freedom of speech

I certainly don't expect you to understand the first fucking thing about the nuances of diplomacy or anything in that field.

Your field of expertise is being an angry kid who thinks message boards are serious busines

Nuances of diplomacy? But you know? You're a pathetic drone who jumps when Obama commands it. A good little sycophantic sheeple.

Speaking of stupidity, why don't you tell us how the post office is doing well or how George Washington was a liberal. Or even better, tell us how the $1 trillion dumped into the economy via the stimulus wasn't enough.

"Nuances of diplomacy". Going on two weeks and the Muslims are still rioting. Talk about a diplomatic SUCCESS! You are one stupid fuck.  :D
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Straw Man on September 27, 2012, 06:01:19 PM
Nuances of diplomacy? But you know? You're a pathetic drone who jumps when Obama commands it. A good little sycophantic sheeple.

Speaking of stupidity, why don't you tell us how the post office is doing well or how George Washington was a liberal. Or even better, tell us how the $1 trillion dumped into the economy via the stimulus wasn't enough.

"Nuances of diplomacy". Going on two weeks and the Muslims are still rioting. Talk about a diplomatic SUCCESS! You are one stupid fuck.  :D

hey sonny, if you've got somthing to say about either of those threads then just bump them rather than lying about what I said

you really should stick to your area of expertise which is getting your panties in a twist over typos
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Fury on September 27, 2012, 06:02:40 PM
So tell me how the "nuances of diplomacy" are working out for Obama. Will soon be going on 3 weeks of Muslims protesting all over the world.

Come on, drone. Humor me about this masterful diplomacy being put on display by the Obama regime.  :D

Why would I bother bumping those threads when: 1) you were already bitch-slapped all over them and 2) you'll just avoid them like you always do (due to you being a pussy).
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Fury on September 27, 2012, 06:04:50 PM
Does "nuanced diplomacy" involve lying through your teeth and getting caught out on it like the Obama regime?  ;D
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Straw Man on September 27, 2012, 06:10:07 PM
Does "nuanced diplomacy" involve lying through your teeth and getting caught out on it like the Obama regime?  ;D

I'm not aware they they lied about anything but if you don't think that there are times where diplomacy involves dealing with lies or concealing information then, again, you're just showing just how fucking stupid you truly are.    Leave this stuff to the adults and stick with your childlike view of the world.

I'm actually laughing out loud out what a fucking simplistic view of the adult world you must really have
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Fury on September 27, 2012, 06:12:52 PM
I'm not aware they they lied about anything but if you don't think that there are times where diplomacy involves dealing with lies or concealing information then, again, you're just showing just how fucking stupid you truly are.    Leave this stuff to the adults and stick with your childlike view of the world.

I'm actually laughing out loud out what a fucking simplistic view of the adult world you must really have

So you know nothing about the brewing scandal that U.S. intelligence officials were aware within 24 hours of the attack that it was a terrorist plot and suspected al-Qaeda was involved? That the Obama regime then got on the air and blamed it on a movie? It's funny because even Dems in Washington are demanding answers yet you know nothing about any of this. And you have the gall to actually try to lecture me?

You snide, arrogant, uninformed piece of shit. Why are you even posting in this thread?
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Straw Man on September 27, 2012, 06:25:17 PM
So you know nothing about the brewing scandal that U.S. intelligence officials were aware within 24 hours of the attack that it was a terrorist plot and suspected al-Qaeda was involved? That the Obama regime then got on the air and blamed it on a movie? It's funny because even Dems in Washington are demanding answers yet you know nothing about any of this. And you have the gall to actually try to lecture me?

You snide, arrogant, uninformed piece of shit. Why are you even posting in this thread?

I well aware of that but you're talking about the incident in Lybia and there was more than one thing happening at one time and If you think they are going to come out an spill data on actionable intelligence while they are still trying to find the terrorists/murderers then,'re a fucking moron

Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Fury on September 27, 2012, 06:27:07 PM
I well aware of that but you're talking about the incident in Lybia and there was more than one thing happening at one time and If you think they are going to come out an spill data on actionable intelligence while they are still trying to find the terrorists/murderers then,'re a fucking moron

Trying to find terrorists/murderers? They haven't even secured the crime scene yet, you stupid fuck.

Just stop posting in this thread. You're embarrassing yourself.
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: George Whorewell on September 27, 2012, 06:28:16 PM
I'm not aware they they lied about anything but if you don't think that there are times where diplomacy involves dealing with lies or concealing information then, again, you're just showing just how fucking stupid you truly are.    Leave this stuff to the adults and stick with your childlike view of the world.

I'm actually laughing out loud out what a fucking simplistic view of the adult world you must really have


Please Oh Wise One-- I beg of you-- Explain the complexities of diplomacy to us-- It is outside of our grasp to comprehend the infitinely complicated issues unfolding in the Middle East. Evidently, these complexities are also beyond the grasp of our President, State Dept., Secretary of State and American Mainstream Media. Maybe you could do a blast email explanation to all of us at the same time.    ::)
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Fury on September 27, 2012, 06:29:13 PM


Please Oh Wise One-- I beg of you-- Explain the complexities of diplomacy to us-- It is outside of our grasp to comprehend the infitinely complicated issues unfolding in the Middle East. Evidently, these complexities are also beyond the grasp of our President, State Dept., Secretary of State and American Mainstream Media. Maybe you could do a blast email explanation to all of us at the same time.    ::)


Captain Keynesian is one stupid fuck.
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Straw Man on September 27, 2012, 06:36:57 PM


Please Oh Wise One-- I beg of you-- Explain the complexities of diplomacy to us-- It is outside of our grasp to comprehend the infitinely complicated issues unfolding in the Middle East. Evidently, these complexities are also beyond the grasp of our President, State Dept., Secretary of State and American Mainstream Media. Maybe you could do a blast email explanation to all of us at the same time.    ::)

laugh all you want dipshit

you hate Obam for ten thousand other reason so what's the difference if you add one more

If you think you understand how to deal with fundie muslim idiots then go apply for a job at the state department
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: George Whorewell on September 27, 2012, 06:52:45 PM
laugh all you want dipshit

you hate Obam for ten thousand other reason so what's the difference if you add one more

If you think you understand how to deal with fundie muslim idiots then go apply for a job at the state department

Thanks for the great advice. I'll apply to the State Dept. if you apply for the Post Office. Deal?
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 27, 2012, 06:54:27 PM
Straw - do you still believe the movie had anything to do w the attack?
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 27, 2012, 06:55:54 PM
U.S. Unimpressed by Netanyahu Speech, Won't Set Red Lines- The Obama administration reiterates
 inn ^ | 9/27/12 | Elad Benari

Posted on Thursday, September 27, 2012 9:47:03 PM by Nachum

The Obama administration remained unimpressed on Thursday after Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s speech to the United Nations and reiterated that the President would not set “red lines” for Iran.

“As the prime minister said, the United States and Israel share the goal of preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon," spokesman Tommy Vietor of the National Security Council said on Thursday, adding, “We will continue our close consultation and cooperation toward achieving that goal.”

Meanwhile, officials in Washington quoted in the Israeli media praised Netanyahu for the conciliatory approach he took towards Obama but made ​​it clear that the United States still opposes placing a red line for Iran.

The officials noted that Obama had been making his way from a campaign stop in Virginia as Netanyahu was making his speech and as such had no time to watch the speech live. While Obama has declined a request for a meeting by Netanyahu, the two are expected to speak over the phone on Friday.

Obama rejected the idea of placing “red lines” for Iran during a phone conversation with Netanyahu several weeks ago, and received backing from Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, who said that red lines “are kind of political arguments that are used to try to put people in a corner.”

Earlier this week, Obama likened Israeli pressure on him to draw a clear “red line” over Iran's nuclear ambitions to "noise" he tries to ignore.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Straw Man on September 27, 2012, 07:16:49 PM
Thanks for the great advice. I'll apply to the State Dept. if you apply for the Post Office. Deal?


I've got a great job already

you can do whatever you want
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 27, 2012, 07:18:51 PM

I've got a great job already

you can do whatever you want

That stim bill money washing africans balls after sex was renewed? 
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Straw Man on September 27, 2012, 07:20:08 PM
Trying to find terrorists/murderers? They haven't even secured the crime scene yet, you stupid fuck.

Just stop posting in this thread. You're embarrassing yourself.

yeah, and that's why it would be fucking stupid to go on TV and start spilling intellgence info while we're still gathering intelligence

I guess POTUS Bereft Fury would have gone on TV while the fire were still burning and jeopardize the lives of people gathering the intelligence, their ability to continue to gather it and even jeopardize our ability to capture or kill the people who murdered our citizens

great thinking
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Straw Man on September 27, 2012, 07:20:56 PM
Straw - do you still believe the movie had anything to do w the attack?

when did I say the movie was the cause of the murder of our ambassador in Lybia ?
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Straw Man on September 27, 2012, 07:21:38 PM
That stim bill money washing africans balls after sex was renewed? 

that must be your job you're thinking about
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: George Whorewell on September 27, 2012, 07:25:32 PM
yeah, and that's why it would be fucking stupid to go on TV and start spilling intellgence info while we're still gathering intelligence

I guess POTUS Bereft Fury would have gone on TV while the fire were still burning and jeopardize the lives of people gathering the intelligence, their ability to continue to gather it and even jeopardize our ability to capture or kill the people who murdered our citizens

great thinking

Gathering evidence?!

You mean like the murdered ambassadors journal which someone from CNN was able to lift from the location where he was killed?

Just shut the fuck up already. You look more and more like a jackass with every posting in this thread. Why don't you actually do some research on the topic before making idiotic comments?
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Straw Man on September 27, 2012, 07:40:03 PM
Gathering evidence?!

You mean like the murdered ambassadors journal which someone from CNN was able to lift from the location where he was killed?

Just shut the fuck up already. You look more and more like a jackass with every posting in this thread. Why don't you actually do some research on the topic before making idiotic comments?

spare me your bullshit

if you think the POTUS should go out and reveal actionable intelligence to the entire world while the attack was still ongoing and while the people collecting the info were still capable of collecting more info and perhaps still in danger themselves then you're just as clueless as Bereft Fury
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 27, 2012, 07:42:17 PM
spare me your bullshit

if you think the POTUS should go out and reveal actionable intelligence to the entire world while the attack was still ongoing and while the people collecting the info were still capable of collecting more info and perhaps still in danger themselves then you're just as clueless as Bereft Fury

So instead blame a movie on multiple occasions that had ZERO to do with anything? 

Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: George Whorewell on September 27, 2012, 07:42:26 PM
Jesus Christ Man-- What the fuck are you babbling about?

What does Obama's pathetically impotent reaction ( and disinterest) have to do with intelligence gathering?

You really think he gives a shit about this entire situation?
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Straw Man on September 27, 2012, 07:43:58 PM
Jesus Christ Man-- What the fuck are you babbling about?

What does Obama's pathetically impotent reaction ( and disinterest) have to do with intelligence gathering?

You really think he gives a shit about this entire situation?

are fucking kidding


are you honestly that clueless
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: George Whorewell on September 27, 2012, 07:45:36 PM
are fucking kidding


are you honestly that clueless

Yes-- I'm the one who is clueless.  ::)
Title: Re: The World Apology Tour
Post by: Fury on September 27, 2012, 07:51:50 PM
Yes-- I'm the one who is clueless.  ::)

He's such a stupid fuck. Why is he even posting in this thread?