Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Submissionfytr on April 08, 2013, 05:20:01 PM

Title: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: Submissionfytr on April 08, 2013, 05:20:01 PM
I remember Titus blasting Brach for his shit physique and insane drug use (coming from him that's crazy !-) and said he knows for a fact Branch uses 5000 mg of test a week, is that even possible?
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: AlphaMaleDawg on April 08, 2013, 05:23:58 PM
I doubt he uses that much year round, but I believe that he uses that dose a lot of the time.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: monstermunch on April 08, 2013, 05:24:45 PM
I doubt he uses that much year round, but I believe that he uses that dose a lot of the time.

You been injecting him, again?
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: The Abdominal Snoman on April 08, 2013, 05:26:45 PM
Titus was projecting his drug use on to Branch...However, i'd bet the house Branch was using that much.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: AlphaMaleDawg on April 08, 2013, 05:28:47 PM
You been injecting him, again?

I'm totally speculating. I have no idea what Branch does.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: ChristopherA on April 08, 2013, 05:30:22 PM
Totally believable. Look how much the guy's body has changed since he was an amateur, for the worse of course. Can absolutely believe him blowing out his receptors with insane doses
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: ribonucleic on April 08, 2013, 05:43:06 PM
If you can't trust Craig Titus, who can you trust?
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: jdooly on April 08, 2013, 07:03:56 PM
If you can't trust Craig Titus, who can you trust?
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: HockeyFightFan on April 08, 2013, 07:08:15 PM
If you can't trust Craig Titus, who can you trust?

Titus is about as believable as Lee Priest.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: Archer77 on April 08, 2013, 07:08:20 PM
If you can't trust Craig Titus, who can you trust?

Hahaha.  When he tells you to get in the trunk, don't do it.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: arce1988 on April 08, 2013, 07:43:13 PM
  I know people who do a bottle of test per day
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: Hurricane Beef ! on April 08, 2013, 07:47:46 PM
  I know people who do a bottle of test per day

Are you fucken serious?

Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: arce1988 on April 08, 2013, 07:55:03 PM
  NO joke. Here in Los Angeles. 10cc/ml or Test per day. Insane.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: abijahmaniaco on April 08, 2013, 08:02:19 PM
  I know people who do a bottle of test per day

useless exposure to sides, no way you could supply the raw materials or have enough receptors, for that matter, to benefit from that. stupidity. ::)
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: BDsauce on April 08, 2013, 08:04:07 PM
  I know people who do a bottle of test per day
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: AlphaMaleDawg on April 08, 2013, 08:29:35 PM
I once read a post (I forgot what board) where a guy said he saw Markus Ruhl inject 10cc of test prop into his delt
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: Master Blaster on April 08, 2013, 09:06:27 PM
If you can't trust Craig Titus, who can you trust?

Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: 240 is Back on April 08, 2013, 09:08:32 PM
I see no proof of Titus' claim.   
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: BIG DUB on April 08, 2013, 10:42:31 PM
A buddy of mine is friends with a local IFBB Pro. This guy sat with Branch after some show he had done he is/was a 202 guy and the drug topic came up. He said that Branch does indeed "use a lot". So take it for what it's worth.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: Coach is Back! on April 08, 2013, 10:47:51 PM
5000mg per week of one drug? Now seriously, think about that. I'd be willing to bet its way less than half that. lol
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: POB on April 08, 2013, 10:51:14 PM

Hahaha.  When he tells you to get in the trunk, don't do it.

Bro, can you hold my taser and gym bag? :D
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: Cleanest Natural on April 08, 2013, 10:53:15 PM
Branch is not need for that much test alone...
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: 240_Iz_Nutz on April 08, 2013, 11:01:10 PM
I once read a post (I forgot what board) where a guy said he saw Markus Ruhl inject 10cc of test prop into his delt

You'd have to be high as a kite to tolerate that.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: Figo on April 09, 2013, 12:06:29 AM
If you can't trust Craig Titus, who can you trust?

Reliable source of info right there
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: mcluvin on April 09, 2013, 12:21:23 AM
This is a pieced togeather thread about UGL Sources on AB Board a few years ago. The guy was pretty honest about HIS usage.  :o

Cagedfreak runs up to 10g of gear weekly. It isn't Titus. Cagedfreak is a currently sponsored pro.

i've used just about everyones on here at least once, everyones stuff is top notch got fantastic results and i have no question that i have neevr gotten nething dirty or underdosed from ne one...(on here)...however my vote has to go to the ********* not only for the quality but mostly becuz there is absolutly NO PIP AT ALL...most ppl on here know that i run an exorbanant amount of shit so shooting 10cc or more in a single day multiple times a day has always been painful no matter how good and smooth the gear is its just the nature of shooting that much shit into urself, which of course will affect my training intensity at times....but i have been using his stuff and i can shoot 3, 4, 5 cc's in a single inj site and get get absolutly no pain, it feels like i didnt even inject nething, ive even re-shot the same spot the next day and still no pain

i cant respond to ur post with a quote, for sum reason the hour glass just keeps spinning, but ne ways currently running 3cc TNE, 2cc inj dbol/tne blend, 2cc prop/anadrol/dbol blend, 1cc tren every day all from ********** , also running 600mg EQ a week and 600mg test E a week (test E and EQ not from ******** cuz have a bunch of that stored away cuz thats what i run year round no matter what else im on) currently injecting 8cc eevryday of ********* products right now, (soon to be increased ) did 4 cc in right delt and 4 cc in left delt yeaterday and today i have ZERO pain, there puffed out like they normally would be when injecting that much in a small site but i could shoot them again if i wanted to cuz there isnt any pain or mobility issues at all

i started juicing when i was 15 on and off, then when i was benching 315 for 8 reps at age 17 started competing in powerlifting from age 17-20, picked up a sponsership for powerlifting but decided to transition into bodybuilding cuz i didnt like looking like a fat fuck just to be strong lol, once i began competing at high levels and the competion got more stiff i ran more and more gear to move further, then when the level of competition got as high as it can get (if u catch my drift) i had no choice but the run the amounts my competitors are running (which by the way is much more then i posted above, this is a mid-level cycle for me the dosages comne contest time will be increased drastically), and going completly off is no longer an option cuz i cant afford the gains that i loose when im off-cycle becuz no one else comes off the shit in short i have been on gear and hgh with the dosages up and down but non-stop for about 5 years now and although i dont wanna advocate year round use of insane amounts of juice i have never ever ever had one health problem and i get b/w regularly my liver enzymes are actually a little low.....

stats off season bulk:
290lbs 5'11'' about 14%

stats mid-season lean mass
270lbs 10%

on stage:
240lbs - 250lbs 3%

if i post a pic u may recognize me..........even with the face blurred

thats for the props **********, i always hated when i would ask top level guys why they where blowing past me in size and strength and they would feed me the same bullshit....u need to eat more, u need to diet better, u need to train harder, we dont take that much gear, blah blah blah, i actually almost gave up cuz i truely believed them and i thought maybe i just dont have what it takes to grow like them, but when i finally hired a good pro guru to be honest about the amounts of shit them guys where taking i was kinda pissed that i wasted so much time "dabbling" so to speak with moderate doses and my theory is just to be honest about my dosing protocals and training and diet regimin to everyone, well not every jackoff in the gym obviously, but ne one who i kno is juicing and is into bodybuilding and has an honest question about how i obtained my results im 100% honest with, cuz thats what i wish guys would have done with me

hgh 20iu daily, slin 5ii with every meal 8x a day......(no one go and do this please i dont want ne one to die it takes a long time to build ur tolerance up to this leevl and alot of dedication to eat properly when taking this much), no slin is one thing i will neevr do year round cuz it is too risky, sum guys do thats but i dont know how cuz i feel like shit after about 3 weeks of it, i go on and off that 4 weeks on 4 weeks off, when i go off slin i switch to igf and other peps to take its place if i really really need to keep the mass going but other wise off and on is fine i never loose too much

heres what i bascially do as far as AAS goes.....after a show i'll cruise for 2 weeks on between 700-1000mgs test E and 600mgs EQ, (that dose is a year round dose), begin my "cycle" if u wanna call it that lol, by throwing in the fast acting esters like prop maybe 100mgs EOD, tren 100 mgs EOD, TNE 50mgs ED, dbol 50 mgs that for 2 weeks then go

prop 100 mgs ED, tren 100 mgs ED, TNE 100 mgs ED, masteron 100 mgs EOD, dbol 50 mgs ED, anavar 50 mgs ED....

2 weeks on that then bump to

prop 100 mgs ED, tren 150 mgs ED, TNE 200 mgs ED, mast 100 mgs ED, dbol 100 mgs ED, var 50 mgs ED, halo 40 mgs ED...

and so on and so forth up and up and up and up.......and up lol

alot of guys gradually bridge down after a show and then cruise and then bridge back up as u said and theres nothing rong with that its just not what i think is most beneficial persoanlly, and alot of guys front load there cycles and then come gradually down (which makes no sense at all to but to each his own) i cant think of ne one off the top of my head who keeps the same dose throught prep tho, i kno old school guys say that was the way they did it but i dont think tis the best way IMO

Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: OTHstrong on April 09, 2013, 12:24:07 AM
5000mg per week of one drug? Now seriously, think about that. I'd be willing to bet its way less than half that. lol
You are right on 5000 on one drug is not wise as it would be better to mix several to get 5000-6000, however it is the norm for IFBB pros to take 500mg of test as a base per day during the peek off-season. So 3500 per week is very common.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: jodsy on April 09, 2013, 12:32:30 AM
i shoot 10000mg into my lower ear to really get an overall muscle pump

happy to help
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: Overload on April 09, 2013, 07:03:53 AM
I know a few guys who have used 8000mg of combined AAS a week for very long periods.

I have personally used over 5000mg of combined AAS for 8 months at a time when i was power lifting.  Considering that i know SEVERAL guys that use 3000mg of Test EW, i don't think it's far fetched to believe one of the most muscular guys on the planet uses more.

Genetics only do so much at his level.

Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: falco on April 09, 2013, 08:24:06 AM
Titus ain't no liar!

Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: wild willie on April 09, 2013, 08:39:32 AM
I remember Titus blasting Brach for his shit physique and insane drug use (coming from him that's crazy !-) and said he knows for a fact Branch uses 5000 mg of test a week, is that even possible?
how would titus know that? the guy has been behind bars for about 7 years now!
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: The_Iron_Disciple on April 09, 2013, 08:51:49 AM
This is a pieced togeather thread about UGL Sources on AB Board a few years ago. The guy was pretty honest about HIS usage.  :o

Cagedfreak runs up to 10g of gear weekly. It isn't Titus. Cagedfreak is a currently sponsored pro.

i've used just about everyones on here at least once, everyones stuff is top notch got fantastic results and i have no question that i have neevr gotten nething dirty or underdosed from ne one...(on here)...however my vote has to go to the ********* not only for the quality but mostly becuz there is absolutly NO PIP AT ALL...most ppl on here know that i run an exorbanant amount of shit so shooting 10cc or more in a single day multiple times a day has always been painful no matter how good and smooth the gear is its just the nature of shooting that much shit into urself, which of course will affect my training intensity at times....but i have been using his stuff and i can shoot 3, 4, 5 cc's in a single inj site and get get absolutly no pain, it feels like i didnt even inject nething, ive even re-shot the same spot the next day and still no pain

i cant respond to ur post with a quote, for sum reason the hour glass just keeps spinning, but ne ways currently running 3cc TNE, 2cc inj dbol/tne blend, 2cc prop/anadrol/dbol blend, 1cc tren every day all from ********** , also running 600mg EQ a week and 600mg test E a week (test E and EQ not from ******** cuz have a bunch of that stored away cuz thats what i run year round no matter what else im on) currently injecting 8cc eevryday of ********* products right now, (soon to be increased ) did 4 cc in right delt and 4 cc in left delt yeaterday and today i have ZERO pain, there puffed out like they normally would be when injecting that much in a small site but i could shoot them again if i wanted to cuz there isnt any pain or mobility issues at all

i started juicing when i was 15 on and off, then when i was benching 315 for 8 reps at age 17 started competing in powerlifting from age 17-20, picked up a sponsership for powerlifting but decided to transition into bodybuilding cuz i didnt like looking like a fat fuck just to be strong lol, once i began competing at high levels and the competion got more stiff i ran more and more gear to move further, then when the level of competition got as high as it can get (if u catch my drift) i had no choice but the run the amounts my competitors are running (which by the way is much more then i posted above, this is a mid-level cycle for me the dosages comne contest time will be increased drastically), and going completly off is no longer an option cuz i cant afford the gains that i loose when im off-cycle becuz no one else comes off the shit in short i have been on gear and hgh with the dosages up and down but non-stop for about 5 years now and although i dont wanna advocate year round use of insane amounts of juice i have never ever ever had one health problem and i get b/w regularly my liver enzymes are actually a little low.....

stats off season bulk:
290lbs 5'11'' about 14%

stats mid-season lean mass
270lbs 10%

on stage:
240lbs - 250lbs 3%

if i post a pic u may recognize me..........even with the face blurred

thats for the props **********, i always hated when i would ask top level guys why they where blowing past me in size and strength and they would feed me the same bullshit....u need to eat more, u need to diet better, u need to train harder, we dont take that much gear, blah blah blah, i actually almost gave up cuz i truely believed them and i thought maybe i just dont have what it takes to grow like them, but when i finally hired a good pro guru to be honest about the amounts of shit them guys where taking i was kinda pissed that i wasted so much time "dabbling" so to speak with moderate doses and my theory is just to be honest about my dosing protocals and training and diet regimin to everyone, well not every jackoff in the gym obviously, but ne one who i kno is juicing and is into bodybuilding and has an honest question about how i obtained my results im 100% honest with, cuz thats what i wish guys would have done with me

hgh 20iu daily, slin 5ii with every meal 8x a day......(no one go and do this please i dont want ne one to die it takes a long time to build ur tolerance up to this leevl and alot of dedication to eat properly when taking this much), no slin is one thing i will neevr do year round cuz it is too risky, sum guys do thats but i dont know how cuz i feel like shit after about 3 weeks of it, i go on and off that 4 weeks on 4 weeks off, when i go off slin i switch to igf and other peps to take its place if i really really need to keep the mass going but other wise off and on is fine i never loose too much

heres what i bascially do as far as AAS goes.....after a show i'll cruise for 2 weeks on between 700-1000mgs test E and 600mgs EQ, (that dose is a year round dose), begin my "cycle" if u wanna call it that lol, by throwing in the fast acting esters like prop maybe 100mgs EOD, tren 100 mgs EOD, TNE 50mgs ED, dbol 50 mgs that for 2 weeks then go

prop 100 mgs ED, tren 100 mgs ED, TNE 100 mgs ED, masteron 100 mgs EOD, dbol 50 mgs ED, anavar 50 mgs ED....

2 weeks on that then bump to

prop 100 mgs ED, tren 150 mgs ED, TNE 200 mgs ED, mast 100 mgs ED, dbol 100 mgs ED, var 50 mgs ED, halo 40 mgs ED...

and so on and so forth up and up and up and up.......and up lol

alot of guys gradually bridge down after a show and then cruise and then bridge back up as u said and theres nothing rong with that its just not what i think is most beneficial persoanlly, and alot of guys front load there cycles and then come gradually down (which makes no sense at all to but to each his own) i cant think of ne one off the top of my head who keeps the same dose throught prep tho, i kno old school guys say that was the way they did it but i dont think tis the best way IMO

GREAT post !!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: ribonucleic on April 09, 2013, 08:58:49 AM
how would titus know that? the guy has been behind bars for about 7 years now!

That takes me back... (

August 2006:

Kelly proudly says Craig and she have never been doing better as a couple as they have both shifted their priorities from focusing on Bodybuilding and Fitness back to the basics of a husband and wife family unit. They want to start a family as soon as they can resume their lives together.

I wonder what happened?  ;D
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on April 09, 2013, 09:18:11 AM
4 ccs into the delt!!!!! What the fuck
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: The_Iron_Disciple on April 09, 2013, 09:38:36 AM
I once read a post (I forgot what board) where a guy said he saw Markus Ruhl inject 10cc of test prop into his delt

Ruhl had a pretty bad abcess scar on one of his delts. I wonder if that's the spot where he pushed 10 cc's of Prop into ? Hahahaha !

10 cc's is just plain fuckin' lunacy !
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: bigmc on April 09, 2013, 09:39:58 AM
i met ruhl a couple of years ago at the olympia

he dwarved all the other pros
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on April 09, 2013, 11:17:51 AM
I'm going to ask a dumb question since I'm new to gear lingo...

Isn't it vague to say "I'm taking 2ccs of ____", because mgs/Ml vary between Labels or drugs. (some test is 200mg, some is 300mg per ML, etc.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: monstermunch on April 09, 2013, 11:28:40 AM
I'm going to ask a dumb question since I'm new to gear lingo...

Isn't it vague to say "I'm taking 2ccs of ____", because mgs/Ml vary between Labels or drugs. (some test is 200mg, some is 300mg per ML, etc.

Just done a few pro hormones eh?
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on April 09, 2013, 11:32:11 AM
Just done a few pro hormones eh?

Natty up until very recently. Bodybuilding and competed for 6 years drug free, I only messed around with some estrogen blockers. My profile pic is after a week long pizza binge after my last show. Anyone who competes knows this is the best time to take gym pics because your pumps (and bloat) are legendary. I was 165lbs on stage, 190 in that pic, at 5'10. My pic was all a pizza and ice cream induced bodybuilding illusion.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: gee38 on April 09, 2013, 11:43:57 AM
it makes you think when you read these figures how good dorian could have been if he had upped his dose from 750mg of test/ 500mg deca a week and 50mg of dbol a day

Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: arce1988 on April 09, 2013, 11:44:33 AM
  Not joking five shots of two cc every day   No not cswol
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: Coach is Back! on April 09, 2013, 01:08:49 PM
I know a few guys who have used 8000mg of combined AAS a week for very long periods.

I have personally used over 5000mg of combined AAS for 8 months at a time when i was power lifting.  Considering that i know SEVERAL guys that use 3000mg of Test EW, i don't think it's far fetched to believe one of the most muscular guys on the planet uses more.

Genetics only do so much at his level.


That's insane. I worry about 1/2-1cc per week 9f rest that use right now.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: Nicademus on April 09, 2013, 01:14:16 PM
  NO joke. Here in Los Angeles. 10cc/ml or Test per day. Insane.

So they take around 17,000 mg of test a week?
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: OTHstrong on April 09, 2013, 01:30:52 PM
I'm going to ask a dumb question since I'm new to gear lingo...

Isn't it vague to say "I'm taking 2ccs of ____", because mgs/Ml vary between Labels or drugs. (some test is 200mg, some is 300mg per ML, etc.
In bodybuilding lingo most understand the following or at least assume;

1cc of test e or c = 250mg

1cc of prop = 100mg

1cc of tren a = 100mg

1cc of sus = 250mg

1cc of Masteron = 100mg

etc etc.. of course there are many way different mg/cc but 90% of what is out there is labeled this way. Another gear lingo that does not make sense but we know what people are referring to is ''Deca" and 'prop" see Deca can be test, in fact it can be anything really, there is test with a deca ester inside of sustenon but we all have come to know nandrolon as ''deca'  same with test prop, we call it just ''prop' when anything can be prop, prop is just the ester name not the actual ingredient. I know what you mean though.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: arce1988 on April 09, 2013, 01:42:32 PM
10cc per day = 70cc per week

Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: ukjeff on April 09, 2013, 01:44:31 PM
1cc of tren a = 100mg
and people are using 2gms a week????
Thats 20ml of oil!!!!!
Its no wonder the kidneys are struggling, thats got to get out of the body some way.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: bigmc on April 09, 2013, 01:45:49 PM
Natty up until very recently. Bodybuilding and competed for 6 years drug free, I only messed around with some steroids, insulin and kigtropina . My profile pic is after a week long pizza binge after my last show. Anyone who competes knows this is the best time to take gym pics because your pumps (and bloat) are legendary. I was 165lbs on stage, 190 in that pic, at 5'10. My pic was all a pizza and ice cream induced bodybuilding illusion.

Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: OTHstrong on April 09, 2013, 01:50:21 PM
and people are using 2gms a week????
Thats 20ml of oil!!!!!
Its no wonder the kidneys are struggling, thats got to get out of the body some way.
No one said 2 grams a week, people need to learn how to read, BFG said 2cc per day which would be 1.4 grams per week, although I am sure there are people out there using 2 grams per week.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: The_Iron_Disciple on April 09, 2013, 02:01:24 PM
No one said 2 grams a week, people need to learn how to read, BFG said 2cc per day which would be 1.4 grams per week, although I am sure there are people out there using 2 grams per week.

UK was refering to my post, OTH. :) I know of guys using 2 grams of Tren a week.

And, fyi, UK ... they look like shit, too. Hahaha. Sad, isn't it ? So few seem to understand how important genetics really are.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: OTHstrong on April 09, 2013, 02:03:43 PM
UK was refering to my post, OTH. :) I know of guys using 2 grams of Tren a week.

And, fyi, UK ... they look like shit, too. Hahaha. Sad, isn't it ? So few seem to understand how important genetics really are.
My bad, I stand corrected, my apologies to ukjeff, sorry bro thought you were referring to BFG's post in the other thread.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: deceiver on April 09, 2013, 02:03:53 PM
I know a guy who used over 1g of tren per week. He was extremely lean in his competition but very, very small.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: OTHstrong on April 09, 2013, 02:04:51 PM
That's insane. I worry about 1/2-1cc per week 9f rest that use right now.
:D ya pretty crazy eh...
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: OTHstrong on April 09, 2013, 02:06:33 PM
I know a guy who used over 1g of tren per week. He was extremely lean in his competition but very, very small.
I have used a gram per week and can not sleep at all, have to inject early upon waking up and have to do cardio right before sleep so I can actually sleep.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: deceiver on April 09, 2013, 02:09:08 PM
Then I know a guy who never used over 700mg of test per week, usual cycle is like 500mg of test, first dianabol then some tren and boldenone. He outmuscles everyone here when it comes to upper body. OTH has the edge from the back and legs and he would crush him, but arms/shoulders/chest are absolutely sick.

He doesn't train 6 months out of a year at all. He comes back little bit more fat but just as huge as he was.

I also know for a fact what huge powerlifter from my country who squats around 270-280kg raw currently uses... I know a guy who is supplying him. 500mg of test per week and 350mg of tren per week and like 3 or 5iu of gh per day (didn't remember exactly). Lean as fuck and around 110kg if I remember correctly.

Generally from what I've seen people overestimate huge doses. Yeah, on olympia level they give you the edge, obviously... But if you're not huge guy on normal doses then don't expect anything magical happen on higher doses. That's why I'm never gonna even try.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: The_Iron_Disciple on April 09, 2013, 02:19:33 PM
10cc per day = 70cc per week

I believe he was refering to " mg's " Arce. Sooo ...

10 cc's dosed at 250 mg's is 2,500 mg's of Test a day. A week would be 17,500 mg's.

Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on April 09, 2013, 02:29:13 PM

Yes I attribute most of my bodybuilding success to a Kigtropin and narcotics buffet  :D
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: arce1988 on April 09, 2013, 02:38:05 PM
  I am not sure if the test was 100mg 200mg 300mg etc per cc
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: OTHstrong on April 09, 2013, 02:46:40 PM
I believe he was refering to " mg's " Arce. Sooo ...

10 cc's dosed at 250 mg's is 2,500 mg's of Test a day. A week would be 17,500 mg's.

No it would have been test prop, so that would be 1000mg per day. No one will take more then 500mg of long ester test per day because of the bloat. In fact most national level competitors and up either take test prop alone or combine long ester test with prop or suspension
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: arce1988 on April 09, 2013, 02:49:41 PM
 I alone have tried 10cc per week   so a bottle per week   but I know personally two guys who were doing a bottle per day    insanity
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: liquid_c on April 09, 2013, 02:56:20 PM
No it would have been test prop, so that would be 1000mg per day. No one will take more then 500mg of long ester test per day because of the bloat. In fact most national level competitors and up either take test prop alone or combine long ester test with prop or suspension

A gram of prop a day would still bloat you quite a bit.  Who in the hell is going to inject 10'cc's a day of a somewhat painful compound?  They would have to be constantly doped up on narcos.  Maybe they are. 
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: OTHstrong on April 09, 2013, 03:02:49 PM
A gram of prop a day would still bloat you quite a bit.  Who in the hell is going to inject 10'cc's a day of a somewhat painful compound?  They would have to be constantly doped up on narcos.  Maybe they are. 
yes even test prop gives you water bloat at that high dose, but there are a lot of prop out there that do not give that much PIP in comparison to what was available in the past.

Also keep in mind for most pros the more cc per week they inject the better for the site injection benefits of the oil, so most like oils with low mg/ cc at this level.

1 bottle a day is not a big deal at this level, totally believable.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: ukjeff on April 09, 2013, 03:20:20 PM
1 bottle a day is not a big deal at this level, totally believable.
Change the supplier...its snide.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: OTHstrong on April 09, 2013, 03:27:41 PM
Change the supplier...its snide.
To the naive fool like you sure, dumbass thinks IFBB pro bodybuilders are going to bad suppliers, good one, post of the year right here, wow brainless.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: arce1988 on April 09, 2013, 03:29:13 PM
$20 per bottle
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: OTHstrong on April 09, 2013, 03:32:10 PM
$20 per bottle
yup  8)
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: The_Iron_Disciple on April 09, 2013, 03:59:08 PM
I can't even fathom shooting a bottle of anything once a day. Lol. Although ... Test does hve a nice " piney " scent to it. Wouldn't mind sweatin' out that scent through my pores throughout the day. Haha.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: arce1988 on April 09, 2013, 03:59:59 PM
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: Mawse on April 09, 2013, 05:13:41 PM
Then I know a guy who never used over 700mg of test per week, usual cycle is like 500mg of test, first dianabol then some tren and boldenone. He outmuscles everyone here when it comes to upper body. OTH has the edge from the back and legs and he would crush him, but arms/shoulders/chest are absolutely sick.

He doesn't train 6 months out of a year at all. He comes back little bit more fat but just as huge as he was.

I also know for a fact what huge powerlifter from my country who squats around 270-280kg raw currently uses... I know a guy who is supplying him. 500mg of test per week and 350mg of tren per week and like 3 or 5iu of gh per day (didn't remember exactly). Lean as fuck and around 110kg if I remember correctly.

Generally from what I've seen people overestimate huge doses. Yeah, on olympia level they give you the edge, obviously... But if you're not huge guy on normal doses then don't expect anything magical happen on higher doses. That's why I'm never gonna even try.

My buddy did a pissant local show a few years back, he was a shredded middleweight and running close to a gram of tren, winny, masteron and looked great .. then this black dude who looks like a 5'5" flex wheeler comes out and just CRUSHES everyone. Turns out the guy is lazy, only trains for a few months before a show, does no cardio and does whatever shitty (probably fake) gear the local gym dealer pushes his way, dbol and test & mcdonalds

Genetics are everything when it comes to drug response.. you either have it and respond well to a gram a week or you dont and then it doesnt matter what you run imo. I've run 2gs a week in the past and even though I could bench 4 plates all day I still looked like a sack of soggy shit.

that said I've talked to some pros @ golds venice (no Cswol) and the doses they and wannabe pros will admit to are fucking nuts. And remember they all lie and downplay what they really take when talking about it too, so I cant imagine how much shit they are actually running or how many dicks they are Kai Greening to pay for it
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: arce1988 on April 09, 2013, 05:17:03 PM
  I did a bottle per week   and even that is too many holes in your body and a lot of pain
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: Red29 on April 09, 2013, 05:18:48 PM
$20 per bottle

LOL @ all the poor saps paying 100 bucks a vial from local gym dealer haha
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: OTHstrong on April 09, 2013, 05:21:19 PM
LOL @ all the poor saps paying 100 bucks a vial from local gym dealer haha
hey I did my first cycle, not cool brother lmao.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: Red29 on April 09, 2013, 05:28:21 PM
hey I did my first cycle, not cool brother lmao.

I ran into a guy who bought drost for 130 a bottle. now that was sad bro.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: abijahmaniaco on April 10, 2013, 07:37:23 PM
hey I did my first cycle, not cool brother lmao.

x2 :-\
make my own now. and that asshole pretended like i was getting a discount too. even at the time, i knew it was high, but my options were limited. :( the bigger you get the more people friend you at the gym = more connections. it's hard for the little guys. :(
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: cswol on April 10, 2013, 09:04:08 PM
I posted long ago top pros use shitload amounts of test taking up to 20cc a day of different stuff, looks like many of you need to go bak and do your research, most of you said no way, your a fool, etc.. Good to see someone posting good info.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: andreisdaman on April 10, 2013, 09:09:47 PM
insane doses...crazy
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on April 10, 2013, 10:41:56 PM
I posted long ago top pros use shitload amounts of test taking up to 20cc a day of different stuff, looks like many of you need to go bak and do your research, most of you said no way, your a fool, etc.. Good to see someone posting good info.
20 cc a day? Wouldn't that be like 28grams a week?
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: The Abdominal Snoman on April 10, 2013, 10:46:49 PM
That's insane. I worry about 1/2-1cc per week 9f rest that use right now.

Hi Lee Priest :D
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: The Abdominal Snoman on April 10, 2013, 10:48:43 PM
I alone have tried 10cc per week   so a bottle per week   but I know personally two guys who were doing a bottle per day    insanity

I know two guys in this thread who have used/and are using what you say and are pulling a Lee Priest when it comes too amounts. ;)
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: Mawse on April 10, 2013, 10:52:58 PM
I posted long ago top pros use shitload amounts of test taking up to 20cc a day of different stuff, looks like many of you need to go bak and do your research, most of you said no way, your a fool, etc.. Good to see someone posting good info.

can you post your current cycle? I'd love to get an idea of what it takes to be so brutally huge and massively strong
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: Meso_z on April 10, 2013, 11:38:33 PM
500 to 750mgs is all a 'recreational' user needs. Even for a local competitor.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: arce1988 on April 10, 2013, 11:58:21 PM
  cswol knows the truth    I did a $20 bottle per week during a cycle back in the early 2000   I think it was 250mg per cc/ml   
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: Dr.J on April 11, 2013, 03:09:06 AM
  NO joke. Here in Los Angeles. 10cc/ml or Test per day. Insane.

They got that T400 .?.thats 400ml per cc!!
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: Dr.J on April 11, 2013, 03:13:18 AM
5000mg per week of one drug? Now seriously, think about that. I'd be willing to bet its way less than half that. lol

They make soomlentest blends of 500ml per cc!!
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: Tito24 on April 11, 2013, 03:57:30 AM
i think branch doesnt even looks like he trains at all when hes off the drugs.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: Mr Nobody on April 11, 2013, 04:08:23 AM
i think branch doesnt even looks like he trains at all when hes off the drugs.
Does he even lift when he is off drugs
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: Figo on April 11, 2013, 04:44:44 AM
how many dicks they are Kai Greening to pay for it

Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: cswol on April 11, 2013, 10:28:27 AM
Just goes to show many of you know it all self proclaimed bbing all omniscient panzis don't know shit about pro bbing or the doses used, I typed a laundry list of what a pro would use or close to it and most of you said bullshit I'm a fool and went on and on, many of you don't know shit about pro bbing like You think you dumb bastards.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: Mawse on April 11, 2013, 11:10:43 AM
Just goes to show many of you know it all self proclaimed bbing all omniscient panzis don't know shit about pro bbing or the doses used, I typed a laundry list of what a pro would use or close to it and most of you said bullshit I'm a fool and went on and on, many of you don't know shit about pro bbing like You think you dumb bastards.

bro please share your cycle with us, PM me if you dont want anyone stealing your secrets.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on April 11, 2013, 11:25:18 AM
Just goes to show many of you know it all self proclaimed bbing all omniscient panzis don't know shit about pro bbing or the doses used, I typed a laundry list of what a pro would use or close to it and most of you said bullshit I'm a fool and went on and on, many of you don't know shit about pro bbing like You think you dumb bastards.

Bro, do you even lift inhibit aromatase?
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: OTHstrong on April 11, 2013, 04:16:13 PM
They got that T400 .?.thats 400ml per cc!!
wooooow, just imagine someone putting a full bottle of the t-400 per day, they would be a giant walking water balloon
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: ukjeff on April 11, 2013, 04:20:03 PM
wooooow, just imagine someone putting a full bottle of the t-400 per day, they would be a giant walking water balloon

Yep...they sure would...... ;)
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: OTHstrong on April 11, 2013, 04:22:15 PM
Yep...they sure would...... ;)
oh, now you are kissing my ass, too late for that one, sorry. ;)
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: ukjeff on April 11, 2013, 04:23:30 PM
oh, now you are kissing my ass, too late for that one, sorry.
actually it was a thinly veiled insult you dumb fuck.
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: falco on April 12, 2013, 05:36:44 AM
Title: Re: Titus' comment that Branch does 5000 MG of test a week true?
Post by: closeline on April 12, 2013, 11:00:35 AM
10cc per day = 70cc per week

Real Bodybuilders Start to Measure their drug intake in gallons

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