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Title: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: George Whorewell on May 22, 2013, 02:22:59 AM
If true, its time for a special prosecutor. Impeachment may not be a far fetched idea afterall. When faced with jail time, we'll see how loyal these rats are to their king. (

Top IRS official will invoke the Fifth Amendment in congressional hearing about tea party targeting program

The Los Angeles Times reported Tuesday afternoon that Lois Lerner, who heads up the Internal Revenue Service's tax-exempt division, plans to invoke the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in a hearing Wednesday before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Affairs.
The Fifth Amendment provides that U.S. citizens may not be compelled to offer testimony if telling the truth would incriminate them.
Lerner's defense lawyer, William W. Taylor III, wrote to the committee on Tuesday that his client would refuse to answer questions related to what she knew about the extra levels of scrutiny applied to conservative nonprofit organizations that applied for tax-exempt status beginning in 2010.

She also will decline to say why she didn’t disclose what she knew to Congress, according to the LA Times.
Lerner 'has not committed any crime or made any misrepresentation,' Taylor's letter read, 'but under the circumstances she has no choice but to take this course.' He is asking the oversight committee to excuse Lerner from testifying, claiming that calling her in a congressional hearing would 'have no purpose other than to embarrass or burden her' since members would not expect her to answer questions

Ahmad Ali, a committee spokesman, told MailOnline that 'Ms. Lerner remains under subpoena from Chairman Issa to appear at tomorrow's hearing - the Committee has a Constitutional obligation to conduct oversight.''Chairman [Darrel] Issa remains hopeful that she will ultimately decide to testify tomorrow about her knowledge of outrageous IRS targeting of Americans for their political beliefs.' The IRS applied special criteria to conservative organizations seeking tax-exempt status, putting them on a 'Be On The Lookout' (BOLO) list, based on the groups' names and political philosophies. President Barack Obama has said he was unaware of the program until May 10, when excerpts of an IRS Inspector General Report on the practice were leaked to reporters.

But Jay Carney, the president's chief spokesman, confirmed Monday that senior White House staff, including White House Counsel Kathy Ruemmler and Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, knew about the IRS's habits as early as April 24, and chose not to tell Obama.
The Inspector General report found that Lerner and other IRS were notified in or before June 2011 that some staff in the agency's Cincinnati, Ohio office were using 'tea party,' 'patriots' and other key words to add applicants to the BOLO list.

Once on that list, the groups were subjected to additional auditing of their financial practices, their membership and their political activities.
Despite knowing about the program, Lerner and other senior IRS staffers withheld the information from Congress despite receiving several requests from House committees whose members heard from constituents that their tea party groups' tax-exempt approvals were taking as long as two years to be resolved. The House Oversight and Government Affairs Committee was among those that specifically asked the IRS whether it was inspecting tea party groups more closely than other applicants, including those on the political left.

Lerner herself launched her agency's scandal with a planted question-and-answer exchange during a May 10 American Bar Association conference.
Asked the pre-arranged question, Lerner responded by conceding that her employees had acted inappropriately.
'Instead of referring to the cases as advocacy cases, they actually used case names on this list,' she told the assembled tax lawyers.
'They used names like "tea party" or "Patriots," and they selected cases simply because the applications had those names in the title.That was wrong. That was absolutely incorrect, insensitive, and inappropriate — that’s not how we go about selecting cases for further review.'
She later claimed that the increase in scrutiny of tea party groups was due to an influx of new applications from right-wing organizations, following the Supreme Court's 'Citizens United' ruling, which opened the floodgates to greater political participation by nonprofit advocacy groups.
The Washington Post called that claim bogus, however, with the newspaper's fact checker awarding it a 'four Pinocchios' rating for dishonesty.

Lerner's boss, acting IRS commissioner Steven Miller, was relieved of his post by Treasury Secretary Jack Lew last week, although the term of his appointment to the job was already scheduled to end in early June. Other higher-ups inside the IRS have not been publicly held accountable for the improper targeting of conservative organizations.

Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Bad Boy Dazza on May 22, 2013, 02:29:09 AM
Clearly as crooked as hell.
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Hugo Chavez on May 22, 2013, 02:50:26 AM
Impeachment may not be a far fetched idea afterall.

Go President Biden!!!!  woohoo ::)
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 22, 2013, 03:04:14 AM
Go President Biden!!!!  woohoo ::)

That is no sufficiwnt reason not to hold obama to his crimes and treason.
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Hugo Chavez on May 22, 2013, 04:53:29 AM
That is no sufficiwnt reason not to hold obama to his crimes and treason.
I didn't say it was...

but really, "sufficiwnt" lol?...  I'm not one to be a Board Nazi on this shit but lol WTF?...

sufficiwnt ? That's pretty bad....
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 22, 2013, 05:03:23 AM
I didn't say it was...

but really, "sufficiwnt" lol?...  I'm not one to be a Board Nazi on this shit but lol WTF?...

sufficiwnt ? That's pretty bad....

was hungover 
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Hugo Chavez on May 22, 2013, 05:08:16 AM
was hungover 
totally forgiven... I know the feeling ;D 
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Hugo Chavez on May 22, 2013, 05:20:24 AM
but 3333, I gotta say, it is impressive you show up here first thing in the morning posting with gusto even with a hangover lol... Whatever you're taking, send some to me. lol.
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 22, 2013, 05:25:52 AM
but 3333, I gotta say, it is impressive you show up here first thing in the morning posting with gusto even with a hangover lol... Whatever you're taking, send some to me. lol.

Candy Cane tasting Vodka
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 22, 2013, 05:53:09 AM
IRS's Lerner Had History of Harassment, Inappropriate Religious Inquiries at FEC

Targeted Christian Coalition.

Mark Hemingway

May 20, 2013 4:45 PM

Perhaps no other IRS official is more intimately associated with the tax agency's growing scandal than Lois Lerner, director of the IRS’s Exempt Organizations Division. Since admitting the IRS harassed hundreds of conservative and Tea Party groups for over two years, Lerner has been criticized for a number of untruths—including the revelation that she apparently lied about planting a question at an American Bar Association conference where she first publicly acknowledged IRS misconduct.
Still, Lerner has her defenders in the government and the media. Shortly after the scandal broke, The Daily Beast  published an article headlined "IRS Scandal’s Central Figure, Lois Lerner, Described as ‘Apolitical.’" Insisting Lerner, and the IRS more broadly, were not not politically motivated has been a central contention of those trying to minimize the impact of the scandal.
The trouble with this defense is that, prior to joining the IRS, Lerner's tenure as head of the Enforcement Office at the Federal Election Commission (FEC) was marked by what appears to be politically motivated harassment of conservative groups.
Lerner was appointed head of the FEC's enforcement division in 1986 and stayed in that position until 2001. In the late 1990s, the FEC launched an onerous investigation of the Christian Coalition, ultimately costing the organization hundreds of thousands of dollars and countless hours in lost work. The investigation was notable because the FEC alleged that the Christian Coalition was coordinating issue advocacy expenditures with a number of candidates for office. Aside from lacking proof this was happening, it was an open question whether the FEC had the authority to bring these charges.
James Bopp Jr., who was lead counsel for the Christian Coalition at the time, tells THE WEEKLY STANDARD the Christian Coalition investigation was egregious and uncalled for. "We felt we were being singled out, because when you handle a case with 81 depositions you have a pretty good argument you're getting special treatment. Eighty-one depositions! Eighty-one! From Ralph Reed's former part-time secretary to George H.W. Bush. It was mind blowing," he said.
All told the FEC deposed 48 different people—and that doesn't begin to account for all the FEC's requests for information. Bopp further detailed the extent of the inquiry in testimony delivered before the congressional Committee on House Administration in 2003:

The FEC conducted a large amount of paper discovery during the administrative investigation and then served four massive discovery requests during the litigation stage that included 127 document requests, 32 interrogatories, and 1,813 requests for admission. Three of the interrogatories required the Coalition to explain each request for admission that it did not admit in full, for a total of 481 additional written answers that had to be provided. The Coalition was required to produce tens of thousands of pages of documents, many of them containing sensitive and proprietary information about finances and donor information. Each of the 49 state affiliates were asked to provide documents and many states were individually subpoenaed. In all, the Coalition searched both its offices and warehouse, where millions of pages of documents are stored, in order to produce over 100,000 pages of documents.
Furthermore, nearly every aspect of the Coalition’s activities has been examined by FEC attorneys from seeking information regarding its donors to information about its legislative lobbying. The Commission, in its never-ending quest to find the non-existent “smoking gun,” even served subpoenas upon the Coalition’s accountants, its fundraising and direct mail vendors, and The Christian Broadcasting Network.
One of the most shocking things about the current IRS scandal is the revelation that the agency asked one religious pro-life group to detail the content of their prayers and asked clearly inappropriate questions about private religious activity. But under Lerner's watch, inappropriate religious inquiries were a hallmark of the FEC's interrogation of the Christian Coalition. According to Bopp's testimony:

FEC attorneys continued their intrusion into religious activities by prying into what occurs at Coalition staff prayer meetings, and even who attends the prayer meetings held at the Coalition. This line of questioning was pursued several times. Deponents were also asked to explain what the positions of “intercessory prayer” and “prayer warrior” entailed, what churches specific people belonged, and the church and its location at which a deponent met Dr. Reed.
One of the most shocking and startling examples of this irrelevant and intrusive questioning by F EC attorneys into private political associations of citizens occurred during the administrative depositions of three pastors from South Carolina. Each pastor, only one of whom had only the slightest connection with the Coalition, was asked not only about their federal, state and local political activities, including party affiliations, but about political activities that, as one FEC attorney described as “personal,” and outside of the jurisdiction of the FECA [Federal Election Campaign Act]. They were also continually asked about the associations and activities of the members of their congregations, and even other pastors.
If that all sounds like it could simply be Bopp's jaundiced characterization of the FEC's inquiries, Bopp's testimony includes this transcript of the FEC's deposition of Lt. Col. Oliver North. An attorney for the FEC asks North about prayers between him and the Christian Coalition's Pat Robertson. Bopp and other attorneys are present for the questions, which leads to this testy exchange. The letter Q denotes the FEC's lawyer, the letter A denotes North's responses, and the letter O is used to represent attorneys representing North and the Christian Coalition:

Q: (reading from a letter from Oliver North to Pat Robertson) “‘Betsy and I thank you for your kind regards and prayers.’ The next paragraph is, ‘Please give our love to Dede and I hope to see you in the near future.’ Who is Dede?”
A: “That is Mrs. Robertson.”
Q: “What did you mean in paragraph 2, about thanking -you and your wife thanking Pat Robertson for kind regards?”
A: “Last time I checked in America, prayers were still legal. I am sure that Pat had said he was praying for my family and me in some correspondence or phone call.”
Q: “Would that be something that Pat Robertson was doing for you?”
A: “I hope a lot of people were praying for me, Holly.”
Q: “But you knew that Pat Robertson was?”
A: “Well, apparently at that time I was reflecting something that Pat had either, as I said, had told me or conveyed to me in some fashion, and it is my habit to thank people for things like that.”
Q: “During the time that you knew Pat Robertson, was it your impression that he had - he was praying for you?”
O: “I object. There is no allegation that praying creates a violation of the Federal Election Campaign Act and there is no such allegation in the complaint. This is completely irrelevant and intrusive on the religious beliefs of this witness.”
O: “It is a very strange line of questioning. You have got to be kidding, really. What are you thinking of, to ask questions like that? I mean, really. I have been to some strange depositions, but I don't think I have ever had anybody inquire into somebody’s prayers. I think that is really just outrageous. And if you want to ask some questions regarding political activities, please do and then we can get over this very quickly. But if you want to ask abou somebody’s religious activities, that is outrageous.”
Q: “I am allowed to make-’’
O: “We are allowed not to answer and if you think the Commission is going to permit you to go forward with a question about somebody’s prayers, I just don't believe that. I just don't for a moment believe that. I find that the most outrageous line of questioning. I am going to instruct my witness not to answer.”
Q: “On what grounds?”
O: “We are not going to let you inquire about people’s religious beliefs or activities, period. If you want to ask about someone’s prayers-Jeez, I don't know what we are thinking of. But the answer is, no, people are not going to respond to questions about people’s prayers, no.”
Q: “Will you take that, at the first break, take it up- we will do whatever we have to do.”
O: “You do whatever you think you have to do to get them to answer questions about what people are praying about.”
Q: “I did not ask Mr. North what people were praying about I am allowed to inquire about the relationship between-’’
O: “Absolutely, but you have asked the question repeatedly. If you move on to a question other than about prayer, be my guest."
Q: “I have been asking you a series of questions about your relationship with Pat Robertson, the Christian Coalition. . . . It is relevant to this inquiry what relationship you had with Pat Robertson andI have asked you whether Pat Robertson had indicated to you that he was praying for you.”
O: “If that is a question, I will further object. It is an intrusion upon the religious beliefs and activities of Dr. Robertson. And how that could - how the Federal Government can be asking about an individual’s personal religious practices in the context of an alleged investigation under the Federal Election Campaign Act, I am just at a complete loss to see the
relevance or potential relevance, and I consider that to be also intrusive.”
Q: “Was Pat Robertson praying for you in 1991?”
O: “Same objection.”
A: “I hope so. I hope he still is.”
Asked what he remembers about this exchange, Bopp tells THE WEEKLY STANDARD he was "white hot," and notes that the transcription isn't entirely accurate becuase it actually excludes many of his objections.
The Christian Coalition was ultimately absolved of any FEC wrongdoing in 1999, and Lerner was promoted to acting General Counsel at the FEC in 2001 before eventually moving on to the IRS.  Bopp, who's all too familiar with the aggressive and inappropriate tenor she set leading the FEC's Enforcement Division, says he became concerned about what would happen as soon as Lerner joined the IRS. "When she left the FEC, I thought, 'Wow, this means the not for profit division is gearing up politically,'" he said. "It didn't bode well, because of the way [the FEC] approached cases."


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Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Bad Boy Dazza on May 22, 2013, 06:31:23 AM
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: dario73 on May 22, 2013, 07:45:08 AM
[ Invalid YouTube link ]
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Coach is Back! on May 22, 2013, 08:11:26 AM
Go President Biden!!!!  woohoo ::)

At least he was born in the US.
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Bad Boy Dazza on May 22, 2013, 08:18:06 AM
[ Invalid YouTube link ]


"I have not done anything wrong!  I PLEAD THE FIFTH!"
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 22, 2013, 08:38:28 AM
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 22, 2013, 08:42:51 AM
Tea Party Congressman Chews Out IRS Official Who Plead The Fifth [VIDEO]

Walter Hickey|36 minutes ago|928|10





Lois Lerner, the official who oversaw the exempted organizations department of the IRS, was brought in front of Congress today in order to testify about her group's actions in unduly scrutinizing Tea Party-affiliated 501(c)4 groups.
Lerner plead the Fifth Amendment, but claimed she was nonetheless innocent in an opening statement.
Rep. Trey Gowdy, a South Carolina Republican, was not okay with Lerner testifying prior to pleading the fifth.
"She just testified! She just waived her Fifth amendment right to privilege. You don't get to tell your side of the story and not be subjected to cross examination!"
Once he finished, his speech was met with applause from the audience.
Here's video of him chewing out the IRS official immediately prior to her exit:

Read more:
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Straw Man on May 22, 2013, 09:09:23 AM
I agree with Georgie
Fuck the founders and their stupid Constitution and their stupid 5th amendment (2nd amendment is still super awesome though)
This woman should be publicly water boarded until she explains why no teabaggers were denied tax exempt status   
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 22, 2013, 09:10:14 AM
I agree with Georgie
Fuck the founders and their stupid Constitution and their stupid 5th amendment (2nd amendment is still super awesome though)
This woman should be publicly water boarded until she explains why no teabaggers were denied tax exempt status   

That idiot gave up her right t the 5th w her statement she did nothing wrong. 

Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 22, 2013, 01:17:29 PM

Good - jail this communist slut 
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on May 22, 2013, 02:19:04 PM
That idiot gave up her right t the 5th w her statement she did nothing wrong. 


Actually its legal to give an opening statement because its not part of a testimony.  I'm glad she invoked....don't give the flat earther's any chance to make a scene. 

Personally I'm glad the Tea Party was targeted....nothing but a bunch of domestic terrorists
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 22, 2013, 02:22:34 PM

Actually its legal to give an opening statement because its not part of a testimony.  I'm glad she invoked....don't give the flat earther's any chance to make a scene. 

Personally I'm glad the Tea Party was targeted....nothing but a bunch of domestic terrorists

I feel the same way about communist liberals like yourself who are in the same party of actual domestic terrorists like bill ayeres, dohrn, etc. who actually did bomb the pentagon
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: loco on May 22, 2013, 02:22:47 PM

Actually its legal to give an opening statement because its not part of a testimony.  I'm glad she invoked....don't give the flat earther's any chance to make a scene. 

Personally I'm glad the Tea Party was targeted....nothing but a bunch of domestic terrorists

Please list all terrorist acts committed by the Tea Party!
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Coach is Back! on May 22, 2013, 02:23:08 PM
I agree with Georgie
Fuck the founders and their stupid Constitution and their stupid 5th amendment (2nd amendment is still super awesome though)
This woman should be publicly water boarded until she explains why no teabaggers were denied tax exempt status   

Haha, and here you have it folks, the reason why this country is fucked.
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on May 22, 2013, 02:25:25 PM
Please list all terrorist acts committed by the Tea Party!

Oklahoma City Bombing, Branch Davidian Standoff, Sandy Hook Massacre, Virginia Tech murders, St Valentine's Day Massacre in the 30's....I'm also checking on the Crusades back in the Dark Ages...might have had Tea Party influence
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Archer77 on May 22, 2013, 02:27:41 PM
Oklahoma City Bombing, Branch Davidian Standoff, Sandy Hook Massacre, Virginia Tech murders, St Valentine's Day Massacre in the 30's....I'm also checking on the Crusades back in the Dark Ages...might have had Tea Party influence

The oklahomo city bombing might be the only one with any connection to the tea party but it would be a loose philosophical one.  
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: loco on May 22, 2013, 02:29:35 PM
Oklahoma City Bombing, Branch Davidian Standoff, Sandy Hook Massacre, Virginia Tech murders, St Valentine's Day Massacre in the 30's....I'm also checking on the Crusades back in the Dark Ages...might have had Tea Party influence

LOL...this has got to be a trolling gimmick.
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Skip8282 on May 22, 2013, 06:26:45 PM
I hope it turns out that the legal hawks say she waived her 5th when she decided to give her little innocence speech.  Then maybe we can get some answers.

Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Straw Man on May 22, 2013, 09:14:41 PM
I hope it turns out that the legal hawks say she waived her 5th when she decided to give her little innocence speech.  Then maybe we can get some answers.

she didn't

Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 22, 2013, 09:17:23 PM
she didn't

Yes she did.  Every 2L knows she did. 

She can't claim  "I did nothing wrong"  and than clam up 
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Straw Man on May 22, 2013, 09:20:34 PM
Yes she did.  Every 2L knows she did. 

She can't claim  "I did nothing wrong"  and than clam up 

I think you're wrong

let's see what happens
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 22, 2013, 09:22:11 PM
I think you're wrong

let's see what happens

She got terrible advice and opened the door for perjury charges
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: TheGrinch on May 22, 2013, 10:38:06 PM
sorry but any government official should not be allowed to invoke the 5th amendment when it comes to clarity of what takes place with our tax dollars of "government of the people"
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Bad Boy Dazza on May 23, 2013, 04:40:28 AM
They can jail her though right?  You just can't claim the fifth and walk away from prosecution.
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on May 23, 2013, 06:31:52 AM
Yes she did.  Every 2L knows she did.  

She can't claim  "I did nothing wrong"  and than clam up  

Yes you're allowed to make an opening statement which is what she made.  She claimed 5th Amendment on testimony...flat earther's won't get shit.

Can't even convict her of anymore...Obama will just pardon her

The power of the with it.
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 23, 2013, 06:35:55 AM

Yes you're allowed to make an opening statement which is what she made.  She claimed 5th Amendment on testimony...flat earther's won't get shit.

Can't even convict her of anymore...Obama will just pardon her

The power of the with it.

Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 23, 2013, 08:22:37 AM
Alan Dershowitz: IRS Chief Lerner 'Can Be Held in Contempt'
 NewsMax ^ | 05/23/2013 | By Bill Hoffmann

Posted on Thursday, May 23, 2013 11:12:59 AM

Lois Lerner, the Internal Revenue Service’s embattled director of Exempt Organizations, could be held in contempt of court and jailed for refusing to testify before Congress, civil-rights lawyer Alan Dershowitz says.

"She's in trouble. She can be held in contempt," Dershowitz told "the Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.

"Congress . . . can actually hold you in contempt and put you in the Congressional jail."

Lerner, grilled Wednesday on the IRS' targeting of conservative organizations, invoked her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination — but not before insisting "I have done nothing wrong."

Her brief statement of innocence has opened a legal Pandora's Box, according to Dershowitz.

"You can't simply make statements about a subject and then plead the Fifth in response to questions about the very same subject," the renowned Harvard Law professor said.

"Once you open the door to an area of inquiry, you have waived your Fifth Amendment right . . . you've waived your self-incrimination right on that subject matter."

He said the fact that Lerner went ahead with her proclamation of could be considered malpractice on the part of her attorney — although it's possible she overruled the advice she received.

"It should never have been allowed. She should have been told by her attorney that the law is clear, that once you open up an area of inquiry for interrogation, you have to respond," he said.

"Now she may have made a political decision that it's worth it to take the risk . . . That's just not the way the law works. It may be the way politics works . . . but she can't invoke the Fifth."

He said the issue goes back to the "bad old days" of McCarthyism, during hearings in which suspected Communists were grilled by the House

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Archer77 on May 23, 2013, 08:23:29 AM
Would not hit!
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 23, 2013, 09:58:32 AM
Darrell Issa: Lois Lerner lost her rights
 Politico ^ | May 22, 2013 | Rachael Bade

Posted on Wednesday, May 22, 2013 3:34:42 PM by Second Amendment First

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa said embattled IRS official Lois Lerner waived her Fifth Amendment rights and will be hauled back to appear before his panel again.

The California Republican said Lerner’s Fifth Amendment right to avoid self-incrimination was voided when she gave an opening statement this morning denying any wrongdoing and professing pride in her government service.

“When I asked her her questions from the very beginning, I did so so she could assert her rights prior to any statement,” Issa told POLITICO. “She chose not to do so — so she waived.”

Lerner triggered the IRS scandal on May 10 when she acknowledged that the agency wrongly targeted conservative groups applying for a tax exemption. Her lawyer told the House committee earlier this week that she would exercise her Fifth Amendment.

She appeared before Issa’s committee this morning under the order of a subpoena and surprised many by reading a strong statement to the panel.

“I have not done anything wrong,” she said. “I have not broken any laws. I have not violated any IRS rules or regulations, and I have not provided false information to this or any other committee.”

Issa dismissed her from the committee room once it became clear she wouldn’t answer questions.

Lerner’s decision to speak at all immediately triggered a dust-up among lawmakers who were confused about whether she gave up her Fifth Amendment protections when she made an opening statement.

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), a former federal prosecutor, said Lerner lost her rights the minute she started proclaiming her innocence, and that lawmakers therefore were entitled to question her. But Ranking Democrat Elijah Cummings of Maryland said hearing rules were not like those of a courtroom.

During the incident, Issa did not flat-out say whether or not Lerner had indeed waived her rights but instead tried to coax her into staying by offering to narrow the scope of questions.

By the afternoon, Issa was taking a harder stand.

“The precedents are clear that this is not something you can turn on and turn off,” he told POLITICO. “She made testimony after she was sworn in, asserted her innocence in a number of areas, even answered questions asserting that a document was true … So she gave partial testimony and then tried to revoke that.”

He said he was not expecting that.

“I understand from her counsel that there was a plan to assert her Fifth Amendment rights,” he continued. “She went ahead and made a statement, so counsel let her effectively under the precedent, waive — so we now have someone who no longer has that ability.”
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 23, 2013, 12:16:42 PM

Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Roger Bacon on May 23, 2013, 12:54:33 PM
George Whorewell, master of thread titles... lol

IRS skank...  ;D
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Dos Equis on May 23, 2013, 01:00:08 PM
She's toast.
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 23, 2013, 01:00:53 PM
She's toast.

Huh?   She is covering up for obama - promotion soon to Cabinet level position
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Dos Equis on May 23, 2013, 01:03:53 PM
Huh?   She is covering up for obama - promotion soon to Cabinet level position

Will that before or after she is held in contempt of Congress?
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 23, 2013, 01:05:28 PM
Will that before or after she is held in contempt of Congress?

Boehner and Issa dont have the balls to do that and it wont mean a damn thing.  Remember when Holder was held in contempt?  What did that do 
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Dos Equis on May 23, 2013, 01:08:23 PM
Boehner and Issa dont have the balls to do that and it wont mean a damn thing.  Remember when Holder was held in contempt?  What did that do 

Good point. 
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 23, 2013, 02:09:34 PM
IRS Source: Lerner Placed On Administrative Leave
 national review ^ | 5/23/13 | Eliana Johnson

Posted on Thursday, May 23, 2013 5:06:19 PM by Nachum

Lois Lerner, the Internal Revenue Service’s director of exempt organizations, has been placed on administrative leave, according to a source in the agency’s Cincinnati office.

Lerner on Thursday afternoon sent an e-mail to employees in the exempt organizations division she oversees stating, “Due to the events of recent days, I am on administrative leave starting today. An announcement will be made shortly informing you who will be acting while I am on administrative leave. I know all of you will continue to support EO’s mission during these difficult times.” She concluded, “I thank you for all your hard work and dedication,” adding, “The work you do is important.”

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Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: George Whorewell on May 23, 2013, 06:47:06 PM
Where is getbig's queer bee pollen legal activist?  

I'm curious to get his take on these new developments.

Strangely, Alan Dershowitz and every other lawyer who has commented on the Lerner situation seems to disagree with Vince Goodrum.

But that's insane because Vince Goodrum once gave a handjob to the foreman of a jury. Fancy Harvard credentials don't match up with Vince's "real world" experience. It's quite obvious that Alan Dershowitz owes Vince Goodrum an apology.  
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Fury on May 23, 2013, 06:52:28 PM
Where is getbig's queer bee pollen legal activist?  

I'm curious to get his take on these new developments.

Strangely, Alan Dershowitz and every other lawyer who has commented on the Lerner situation seems to disagree with Vince Goodrum.

But that's insane because Vince Goodrum once gave a handjob to the foreman of a jury. Fancy Harvard credentials don't match up with Vince's "real world" experience. It's quite obvious that Alan Dershowitz owes Vince Goodrum an apology.  

What does Alan Dershowitz know? He's only a Harvard Law professor.  ::)
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: George Whorewell on May 23, 2013, 06:54:35 PM
What does Alan Dershowitz know? He's only a Harvard Law professor.  ::)

Indeed. But Alan never lost to Billy Guns in a posedown. Goodrum wins by default.
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Skip8282 on May 23, 2013, 07:14:56 PM
They were saying today that there may be something called a Bivens Suit? that would allow the affected parties to sue these clowns.  But I wasn't clear if the facts in this case apply to that type of suit or not.
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Skip8282 on May 23, 2013, 07:17:54 PM
Boehner and Issa dont have the balls to do that and it wont mean a damn thing.  Remember when Holder was held in contempt?  What did that do 

True...we've got a corrupt DOJ investigating a corrupt IRS.  lol  fucking clownfest.
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 24, 2013, 08:27:50 AM

 :o  :o  :o
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Straw Man on May 24, 2013, 10:39:27 AM
Where is getbig's queer bee pollen legal activist?  

I'm curious to get his take on these new developments.

Strangely, Alan Dershowitz and every other lawyer who has commented on the Lerner situation seems to disagree with Vince Goodrum.

But that's insane because Vince Goodrum once gave a handjob to the foreman of a jury. Fancy Harvard credentials don't match up with Vince's "real world" experience. It's quite obvious that Alan Dershowitz owes Vince Goodrum an apology.  

you can easily go online and find plenty of lawyers explaining why she almost certainly did not waive here 5th amendment right

Here's the right wing Heritage Foundation Blog to explain it to you
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on May 25, 2013, 10:19:01 AM

 :o  :o  :o

That's awesome....and I hope Obama and the IRS hits these racist flat earth terrorists again. 
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 25, 2013, 10:20:15 AM

That's awesome....and I hope Obama and the IRS hits these racist flat earth terrorists again. 

LMFAO - coming from a gay fat slob who thinks airsoft guns can be coverted into real guns. 

Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: George Whorewell on May 25, 2013, 10:43:34 AM

That's awesome....and I hope Obama and the IRS hits these racist flat earth terrorists again. 

Shouldn't you be roaming the streets in your tinted van looking for adolescents to kidnap from school with Vince Basile or trying to evade capture from the next Amber alert?

How do you find the time to infect this board with your stupidity?
Title: Re: IRS skank will plead the 5th
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 28, 2013, 11:19:59 AM
IRS Directed to Lock Down All Agency Data ^

Posted on Tuesday, May 28, 2013 1:14:46 PM by Sub-Driver

IRS Directed to Lock Down All Agency Data

By Eliana Johnson May 28, 2013 12:50 PM

The Internal Revenue Service is in the process of locking down all computer data across the agency, a sign that investigations into the scandal-plagued agency may be taking a broader sweep than initially anticipated.

Agency employees last Thursday received an e-mail alerting them, ”This is a late breaking top priority and things could change in the future,” according to an IRS employee who asked not to be named.

Employees were directed not to “wipe, re-image or otherwise destroy any hard drives” on any machine currently in use or in stock. During this time, the IRS will not discard any laptop and desktop computers that are replaced, and it is ”working on securing a location” where they will be kept, according to the e-mail.

National Review Online previously reported that data on computer hard drives in the Tax Exempt and Government Entity division in Cincinnati was being preserved and uploaded to a restriccted server where investigators can access it.

Four government probes are currently investigating the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups; they are being led by the House Oversight Committee, the House Ways and Means Committee, the Senate Finance Committee, and the IRS itself.