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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: anabolichalo on December 03, 2013, 11:45:46 AM

Title: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: anabolichalo on December 03, 2013, 11:45:46 AM
in my gym

it's like a soap opera

the bitter naturals looking very bitter and jealous at the juice beasts gossiping them "it's pathetic all drugs, their dick/balls is all shrunk..."

but still they  are like groupies and want to shake hands and talk nonsensical talk with the juice beast

two faced twinks of peace

Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: anabolichalo on December 03, 2013, 11:48:51 AM
when they talk about the balls etc

i laugh because these virgins dont even have kids
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: dustin on December 03, 2013, 11:50:38 AM
There's no battle. Just bitter naturals who take everything under the sun and complain all day long. We juicers just laugh lol

(I used to be a bitter natural - never thought I'd pin myself a hundred times willingly)
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: anabolichalo on December 03, 2013, 11:52:06 AM
There's no battle. Just bitter naturals who take everything under the sun and complain all day long. We juicers just laugh lol

(I used to be a bitter natural - never thought I'd pin myself a hundred times willingly)

i used to be a delusional natural

but i never felt bitterness to the juice beasts

i just thought these guys are kamikaze bodybuilders, risking their life for the glory
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: dustin on December 03, 2013, 11:54:37 AM
i used to be a delusional natural

but i never felt bitterness to the juice beasts

i just thought these guys are kamikaze bodybuilders, risking their life for the glory

I thought juicers were just afraid to put in the work. I thought that cumulative hard work actually paid off... then I was welcomed by the real world and realized it would take decades to fill out my natural base and still look worse than a juicer on his first cycle.

And that's when I stepped into the dark side! lol
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: Gonuclear on December 03, 2013, 11:54:56 AM
in my gym

it's like a soap opera

the bitter naturals looking very bitter and jealous at the juice beasts gossiping them "it's pathetic all drugs, their dick/balls is all shrunk..."

but still they  are like groupies and want to shake hands and talk nonsensical talk with the juice beast

two faced twinks of peace


Not just in your gym.  Fans are ambivalent - they want to see bigger and more developed physiques, but they talk down those who use chemical enhancement.

It's hypocritical.  Especially when guys who tried to play this game die as a result of unforeseen side effects from steroids or GH.  The reactions are mixed - derision and ridicule for sacrificing their health, but also admiration for what they tried to achieve.
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: anabolichalo on December 03, 2013, 11:56:43 AM
I thought juicers were just afraid to put in the work. I thought that cumulative hard work actually paid off... then I was welcomed by the real world and realized it would take decades to fill out my natural base and still look worse than a juicer on his first cycle.

And that's when I stepped into the dark side! lol

i remember a huge juice beast who liked me and my buddy

he had respect for how hard we trained, like close to clinical insanity

but he told us we need to get on the juice badly, this is going nowhere

then when we finally did he was smiling and said finally now you are on the right track
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: njflex on December 03, 2013, 11:58:43 AM
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: valleymentality on December 03, 2013, 12:02:58 PM
never seen a natty in my gym. even the 2 girls are on. Nattys brag about balls yet the majority ive spoken to, when you dig down are only natty because they dont have the balls to put a 0.6mm pin through a few layers of skin.
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: _aj_ on December 03, 2013, 12:06:05 PM
I was in a powerlifting "Westside" gym last night (and will be again tonight). Not a single natty, man or woman there. The only natty was in the mirror (*sad trombone*).

Awesome and inspirational.
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: dustin on December 03, 2013, 12:09:13 PM
i remember a huge juice beast who liked me and my buddy

he had respect for how hard we trained, like close to clinical insanity

but he told us we need to get on the juice badly, this is going nowhere

then when we finally did he was smiling and said finally now you are on the right track

Cool, man. I was training harder than most juicers but seeing a hundredth of the results.

An empathetic dude said he was just running a ml of tren and test twice a week and it cost him a fraction of what I was paying for my supplements. He spent less on juice than I did on just protein alone. Said he just had a big plate of pasta after training, ate a few sensible meals and got his wife to pin him twice a week.

I started juicing shortly after and surpassed him. I would have been happy except I reflected on all the time and money I wasted training naturally and couldn't rejoice. I wish people would just be honest. If someone doesn't want to juice then that's cool, but give them an honest answer so they can make the right decision. It was the fake-naturals I was pissed at. Totally realized they were lying through their teeth.
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: anabolichalo on December 03, 2013, 12:12:17 PM
since getting on the juice i am so fucking happy everytime i enter the gym

today i knocked out 10 reps on the flat dumbel press with 52kg

before this would be impossible

i am gonna get up to the 60kg dumbbells in a matter of months for quality reps of 10-12 no doubt

juice is a miracle
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 03, 2013, 12:14:01 PM
I don't care if someone juices. What I care about is how they take credit for their steroid physique. They know deep inside they look like crap without the assist.  It also bothers me when they think their physique is the result of their exercise knowledge. Where is that knowledge when they are clean for 6 months? I think taking steroids hurts their fragile egos. Most lie about using steroids. They want all the credit for their temporary physique.  
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: anabolichalo on December 03, 2013, 12:14:46 PM
I don't care if someone juices. What I care about is how they take credit for their steroid physique. They know deep inside they look like crap without the assist.  It also bothers me when they think their physique is the result of their exercise knowledge. Where is that knowledge when they are clean for 6 months? I think taking steroids hurts their fragile egos. Most lie about using steroids. They want all the credit for their temporary physique.  

Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: Meaningless on December 03, 2013, 06:16:08 PM


THIS. Also, everything in life is temporary if you don't maintain it, not just steroid gains.
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: Hulkotron on December 03, 2013, 06:21:36 PM


Yes this is the truth of "natural" "bodybuilding" that all must come to accept.

You can gain perhaps 10-20 lbs of lean muscle when you start out as a skinny teenage twink.

Beyond that you can choose to be lean and small/weak or big and strong/fat. Cannot cherry-pick the best of both sides though.
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: TommyBoy on December 03, 2013, 07:30:43 PM
Screw that, I'm natural. I give props to the guys who have the balls to run the stuff, and good for them for having a hook up. Socializing and getting gear hooks up creates more muscle than staying natural and training at 110%.

People at my gym know I'm natty, and I suppose since I have the best physique in there (small area), they assume I look down on users. I just say "what's the difference between getting some bolt on boobies and taking juice? At least juice you have to pay for it AND lift weights."

Bitter naturals? Give 'em time. They will either give up on the natural bull crap or quit lifting entirely.



I don't know man, I look pretty damn awesome without them.  ;D Doesn't mean I don't wish they were legal so I could partake in said shenanigans.
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: Pray_4_War on December 03, 2013, 07:36:55 PM
It's not a constant battle.  It only lasts until the juicers are about 40 years old.......and they die.
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: ProudVirgin69 on December 03, 2013, 08:04:33 PM
It's not a constant battle.  It only lasts until the juicers are about 40 years old.......and they die.

Bitter natural spotted.
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: Pray_4_War on December 03, 2013, 08:07:59 PM
Bitter natural spotted.

Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: old-school-lifter on December 03, 2013, 08:13:39 PM
i respect true naturals who train hard because they like to train

i detest juicers who lie about their steroid use and say they are natural when it clear they are juicers
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: Rammstein on December 03, 2013, 08:29:14 PM
The last true natural:

Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: SF1900 on December 03, 2013, 08:35:34 PM
in my gym

it's like a soap opera

the bitter naturals looking very bitter and jealous at the juice beasts gossiping them "it's pathetic all drugs, their dick/balls is all shrunk..."

but still they  are like groupies and want to shake hands and talk nonsensical talk with the juice beast

two faced twinks of peace


While I do not go around saying this even though I am natural, unfortunately its true. Bodybuilding has reached a point where it is all drugs. 99% of these bodybuilders dont even train hard. Last hard working bodybuilder was ronnie coleman. Half of these guys would shrink to nothing without juice.

Case in point:

Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: POB on December 03, 2013, 09:38:15 PM

While I do not go around saying this even though I am natural, unfortunately its true. Bodybuilding has reached a point where it is all drugs. 99% of these bodybuilders dont even train hard. Last hard working bodybuilder was ronnie coleman. Half of these guys would shrink to nothing without juice.

Case in point:


Great thong ;D, all kidding aside IMHO steroids take what u have and make it bigger. If your diet is not on point u won't have deep abs and crisp lines, you'll look like a bloated mess
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: anabolichalo on December 03, 2013, 09:45:34 PM

While I do not go around saying this even though I am natural, unfortunately its true. Bodybuilding has reached a point where it is all drugs. 99% of these bodybuilders dont even train hard. Last hard working bodybuilder was ronnie coleman. Half of these guys would shrink to nothing without juice.

Case in point:

tom prince is lucky to be alive

bad example he doesnt train or eat like a (natural) bber anymore at all
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: tom joad on December 03, 2013, 09:51:21 PM
unless using roids is gonna make you a (more) successful professional athlete, actor, model . . . why juice?
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: SF1900 on December 03, 2013, 10:06:56 PM
tom prince is lucky to be alive

bad example he doesnt train or eat like a (natural) bber anymore at all

Even those that do would still shrink to nothing compared to what they were.
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beas
Post by: Royalty on December 03, 2013, 10:44:59 PM
I think that guys on steroids are scared to death of being natural. If their drug supply were to be cut off, I dont think that they could handle being natural again. It is a fear/"mental problem".
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: Powerlift66 on December 03, 2013, 11:08:21 PM
Both sides have total idiots, its like politics. The ones from each side closer to the middle (who dont care about what anyone else does) is the way that makes the most sense.

Hardcore juicers who deny it-----------------------------|Juicers who admit it and dont give a f&*k|---|Naturals who dont give a f&*k|-------------------------------------Naturals who are jealous twinks.

It's the 2 bolded ones in the middle that make sense. Not the whining bitches on both far sides. (Like hardcore liberals, and right wing nut jobs).
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: tom joad on December 04, 2013, 07:18:08 AM
which group has more assclowns?
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: Mr. MB on December 04, 2013, 07:55:32 AM
It's not a constant battle.  It only lasts until the juicers are about 40 years old.......and they die.

Names and dates of those CONFIRMED by a medical authority please.

I have lost dozens of men and women friends from cancer, liver, kidney, heart and stroke. All were regular non athletes, never stepped into a gym, from 30 to 60 years of age. I do not include the geezers. I am 73 and started competing decades ago natural then ran an 8 year heavy steroid use then went natty for about 10 years. Now I am back on Tcyp 250 1xweek for past 15 years. I have HBP and HRBC just like my Dad, a golfer, and take my meds. I hike about 30 miles weekly at very high elevations and feel great thank you.
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: njflex on December 04, 2013, 08:10:38 AM
Great thong ;D, all kidding aside IMHO steroids take what u have and make it bigger. If your diet is not on point u won't have deep abs and crisp lines, you'll look like a bloated mess
PRINCE had a great build lighter bigger he got '300'plus which was the start to the that magic #and then coleman took over 330 .him and titius had amateur run together.
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: Ropo on December 04, 2013, 08:17:05 AM
since getting on the juice i am so fucking happy everytime i enter the gym

today i knocked out 10 reps on the flat dumbel press with 52kg

before this would be impossible

i am gonna get up to the 60kg dumbbells in a matter of months for quality reps of 10-12 no doubt

juice is a miracle

And sad part of the story is the fact, that you need juice to do this.
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: Darren Avey on December 04, 2013, 08:35:04 AM
People are only natural cos they are pussies afraid of needles. Pathetic  >:(
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: Grape Ape on December 04, 2013, 08:56:44 AM
There is no battle.  Nobody gives a shit about anyone else.
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beas
Post by: Royalty on December 04, 2013, 08:57:58 AM
People are only natural cos they are pussies afraid of needles. Pathetic  >:(

Thats like saying that people who are not crackheads are afraid of glass, afraid of Crack Pipes & afraid of lighters (pussies)

---the reality is, most humans dont want to be on illegal drugs. Most people dont require drugs to be happy.
Most people see it as either wasted money, or a health risk. (Im not hatin'. Its just the way most people think)
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: tom joad on December 04, 2013, 09:06:21 AM
what's the upside to juicing if you're not significantly advancing your career by doing so?
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: njflex on December 04, 2013, 10:32:26 AM
what's the upside to juicing if you're not significantly advancing your career by doing so?
ON a physical level one aspires to take something 'there body'to a different level even if its temporary,or they maxx out and go on,and on,,,and stay on.either way u could only get so big either way everything has a ceiling,its the celing goes a bit higher for a user.again not playing both sides a natural or a clean former user could still look good or even beat a gym'user'in terms better build ,but if a juiced guy has the genes and look and drugs forget it..just do your thing either and don't be a dick,i'm sure there are some natural dick holes too..
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: anabolichalo on December 04, 2013, 10:33:30 AM
what's the upside to juicing if you're not significantly advancing your career by doing so?
what's the upside of lifting weights if you're not significantly advancing your career by doing so?
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: tom joad on December 04, 2013, 11:01:37 AM
what's the upside of lifting weights if you're not significantly advancing your career by doing so?

smart weight training (and cardio) combined with good nutrition will make you healthier (improve your fitness level), increase your natural strength, and make you more sexually desirable ...
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: f450 on December 04, 2013, 11:08:26 AM
what's the upside to juicing if you're not significantly advancing your career by doing so?

STUPID QUESTION.  of course looking and feeling superhuman and reaping those benefits. totally worth it. TOTALLY! As long as you are not stupidly huge and maintain your athleticism and flexibility. Dont be a bitter natural  ;D
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: anabolichalo on December 04, 2013, 11:09:24 AM
smart weight training (and cardio) combined with good nutrition will make you healthier (improve your fitness level), increase your natural strength, and make you more sexually desirable ...
you didnt answer the question ::)
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: tom joad on December 04, 2013, 11:13:07 AM
STUPID QUESTION.  of course looking and feeling superhuman and reaping those benefits. totally worth it. TOTALLY! As long as you are not stupidly huge and maintain your athleticism and flexibility. Dont be a bitter natural  ;D

reaping what benefits?  :-\

being a hero to meathead gym rats?
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: Ropo on December 05, 2013, 12:22:39 AM
what's the upside of lifting weights if you're not significantly advancing your career by doing so?

Do you think you have some kind of career going on? What you mean about that? Now you are like brainless chimp, and when you grow up, you will be like brainless orangutan? Career is something what make you able to earn money by your trade, and only way you earn money by bodybuilding is selling sex to gay men.
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: chess315 on December 05, 2013, 12:36:04 AM
 wake your ass up halo and address my thread the crowd is waiting and i think listen to you talk about dumbell hypertrophy and black girls caused me to lose gains . Althought i do imagine the swat team kicking in my moms house and holding me for 48 hours on some crazy shit i have no idea about but sounded bad didnt help i never cared bout being that big any ways always been pretty bad ass and girls easy to get. Even when i was skinny hit tape measure home runs . MY personal opinion of your situation is lift heaver i respect not wanting to get hurt i can tell you this you have good genetics if you want to be something special the sooner you let the juice flow better . Open up at least 2 grams on yourself it wont affect your health at all imo being over weight the big problem wes stayed freaking drunk 20years i have to basic why you have no idea lol

also as you will most likely be sober as you been with black women all night i cannot fault myself for being nuts you are sober though so should be able to address this better and my format. Also a lot of times when around here you get so out of your fucking mind you are what the tv comerecials say not healthy enough for sexual activity and i came up with a thing called tounge in buns but dont know if its the best to do to african american females whats your thought on tounge in buns black veruses white mind you i have banged a good .100black girls used to sell cocain on way to school and every day when i was a kid they tried to do the sex to me.

ALso you missed your time to live in 1989 when i walked to schoo during crack empemic black ladies girls tried to have sex with you whole way to school
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: _aj_ on December 05, 2013, 04:44:50 AM
wake your ass up halo and address my thread the crowd is waiting and i think listen to you talk about dumbell hypertrophy and black girls caused me to lose gains . Althought i do imagine the swat team kicking in my moms house and holding me for 48 hours on some crazy shit i have no idea about but sounded bad didnt help i never cared bout being that big any ways always been pretty bad ass and girls easy to get. Even when i was skinny hit tape measure home runs . MY personal opinion of your situation is lift heaver i respect not wanting to get hurt i can tell you this you have good genetics if you want to be something special the sooner you let the juice flow better . Open up at least 2 grams on yourself it wont affect your health at all imo being over weight the big problem wes stayed freaking drunk 20years i have to basic why you have no idea lol

also as you will most likely be sober as you been with black women all night i cannot fault myself for being nuts you are sober though so should be able to address this better and my format. Also a lot of times when around here you get so out of your fucking mind you are what the tv comerecials say not healthy enough for sexual activity and i came up with a thing called tounge in buns but dont know if its the best to do to african american females whats your thought on tounge in buns black veruses white mind you i have banged a good .100black girls used to sell cocain on way to school and every day when i was a kid they tried to do the sex to me.

ALso you missed your time to live in 1989 when i walked to schoo during crack empemic black ladies girls tried to have sex with you whole way to school

Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: MAXX on December 05, 2013, 08:46:41 AM
since getting on the juice i am so fucking happy everytime i enter the gym

today i knocked out 10 reps on the flat dumbel press with 52kg

before this would be impossible

i am gonna get up to the 60kg dumbbells in a matter of months for quality reps of 10-12 no doubt

juice is a miracle
but you're still garbage

I can press that naturally easy
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: Orb on December 05, 2013, 10:58:28 AM
Where do you lift.
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: Orb on December 05, 2013, 11:01:05 AM
i used to be a delusional natural

but i never felt bitterness to the juice beasts

i just thought these guys are kamikaze bodybuilders, risking their life for the glory

Kamikaze bodybuilders? That's a new one
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: Mr Nobody on December 05, 2013, 12:59:53 PM
Big Naturals will take them everytime.
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: oldgolds on December 06, 2013, 12:56:07 PM
How can a guy take pride in what he's developed when he knows it all depends on a weekly drug injection. It's just so damn phony, and if they don't think it's wrong why do virtually all of them lie about it? It takes far more self discipline to stick to the healthy, right way to build muscle. This board is mostly composed of steroid guys reinforcing each others bad decisions. It's a giant "circle-jerk".
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: anabolichalo on December 06, 2013, 12:58:05 PM
How can a guy take pride in what he's developed when he knows it all depends on a weekly drug injection. It's just so damn phony, and if they don't think it's wrong why do virtually all of them lie about it? It takes far more self discipline to stick to the healthy, right way to build muscle. This board is mostly composed of steroid guys reinforcing each others bad decisions. It's a giant "circle-jerk".
no steroids, no muscles

fact of life
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: oldgolds on December 06, 2013, 01:06:46 PM
You're very wrong. Most people probably thought I was on steroids and at 62 some probably think I still am. I also benched 400 drug free(200 lbs) and inclined 350(45 degree angle). I was an athlete and have seen some very muscular guys who I knew were drug free. I just don't like posers.
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: no one on December 06, 2013, 01:06:55 PM
the only rivalry you'll see is one sided. naturals who gotta remind everyone how they are 'clean' and don't need drugs cause using steroids is 'cheating'

you ever see a huge guy say anything outright negative about a natural without being provoked first? no. cause we don't give a shit about you or what you do or don't take.

the only person that cares about being natural is them. nobody I know gives two fucks if someone is natural or not. the lion doesn't concern itself with the affairs of the flea.
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: anabolichalo on December 06, 2013, 01:09:34 PM
the only rivalry you'll see is one sided. naturals who gotta remind everyone how they are 'clean' and don't need drugs cause using steroids is 'cheating'

you ever see a huge guy say anything outright negative about a natural without being provoked first? no. cause we don't give a shit about you or what you do or don't take.

the only person that cares about being natural is them. nobody I know gives two fucks if someone is natural or not. the lion doesn't concern itself with the affairs of the flea.
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: Teutonic Knight on December 06, 2013, 09:03:44 PM
no steroids, no muscles

fact of life

 no Belgium no idiots  ;D
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: Dago_Joe on December 06, 2013, 09:32:56 PM
i remember a huge juice beast who liked me and my buddy

he had respect for how hard we trained, like close to clinical insanity

but he told us we need to get on the juice badly, this is going nowhere

then when we finally did he was smiling and said finally now you are on the right track

Sounds like the plot to "Star Wars".  Was this guy George Lucas? 
You were Luke and the juice beast was Darth Vader.
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: Croatch on December 06, 2013, 11:16:10 PM
It's very simple, the vast majority of people on a cycle can NOT attain a good physique without the drugs.  Everyone wants to be a bber, but few can seem to do so without drugs.
You'll hear all types of rationalization as to why their using, but that is the primary reason.
To take your physique to the next level, you need to achieve A level first.  Few are dedicated enough to their diet and training, and spend a few years really pushing their limits.  Most just puss out and take the easy road.  Why do you think so many take drugs in the gym?  It's just easier.  Most clowns don't even train hard or move any weight.  I see it all the time.
The moment you question most juicers about their drug use, you see the insecurities come out.  They want all the credit, but can never get that because people will always point to the drug use.  Sure you have to eat well, have decent genes, and lift to make it work...but guess what, someone natural has to stay even more strict.
Bottom line, you want credit for your work in the gym...just man up and take nothing.  Most are weak minded and can not do this...period.  Gyms are a joke today.  Drug use is rampant and most rely on them to play"THE BODYBUILER" grrr!  I out lift and out train most juicers I see...hell, even some pros train like complete pussies.
But that's another topic all together. are the epitome of a pussy on steroids.  You are mentally weak.  No belief in yourself...but that's predominately who takes drugs these days.
"You can't build a good physique without drugs."  Haha  pathetic.

That's great if your on a cycle, but just know...this is probably how it is for you too.  Maybe you do a show here an there to validate your usage, but in the simply weren't good enough to stand out on your own.
I'm not going back n forth on this one...that's just my 2 cents.  Outside getbig and your gym, 95% of the population would agree with me.
I don't think juice is as harmful as the media portrays it though.
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: POB on December 06, 2013, 11:28:15 PM
when they talk about the balls etc

i laugh because these virgins dont even have kids

Chics don't dig balls they dig large fat cock, FACT!  Not a all potatoes no meat guy
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: Mr Nobody on December 07, 2013, 01:02:10 AM

Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: Palpatine Q on December 07, 2013, 01:12:20 AM
It's not a constant battle.  It only lasts until the juicers are about 40 years old.......and they die.


I'll be 50 in June

Bloodwork is A-ok

Resting BP 114/56
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: tom joad on December 07, 2013, 06:21:12 AM

I'll be 50 in June

Bloodwork is A-ok

Resting BP 114/56

but you only started juicing a couple of years ago, right?
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: Palpatine Q on December 07, 2013, 11:41:04 AM
but you only started juicing a couple of years ago, right?

April 2011. So yeah.   I see your point.
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: The Showstoppa on December 07, 2013, 11:43:19 AM
So Crotch is still anti-juice?
Title: Re: there seems a constant battle between the bitter naturals and the juice beasts
Post by: keanu on December 08, 2013, 08:36:43 AM
It is the same battle I see in women when one gets a big boob job and the others without perfect boobs get jealous. I never understood it though. To each his own. I got along very well with the big juicers at the gym.

Do I think juice is necessary? If you want to be big and ripped, yes. If you want to be ripped period a little helps. If you want to be strong, not necessary.

The one beef I have is being accused of being on steroids especially by the 'bitter naturals.' My stats are average at best. My genetics are below average for strength and size. 40+ years old, 5 ft 11 inches,  186 lbs, bodyfat around 13 percent, around 16 inch arms, 385 deadlift for 5, barbell curl 115 for 8 clean reps, incline pressed 225 for 13, but mainly use 70lbs dumbells for 8 sets in 12 minutes (shoulder was starting to act up). I cycle my training never going to complete failure (on light days many reps in reserve), working out with 50% - 85% of one rep max (a heavy day every 4th workout).

 Despite all this I get accused of the juice especially from the younger set. Anyone with even a little bit of strength and muscle gets this accusation from time to time because these younger guys have no idea how to train and don't progress past a beginner level. They literally start weight training, gain 10 lbs and a bit of strength and that is all!