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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: headhuntersix on February 04, 2014, 07:22:12 AM

Title: The Coke Commercial
Post by: headhuntersix on February 04, 2014, 07:22:12 AM

As a hateful rightwing fascist....yeah I had a problem with it. America works and has worked because tradionally after each wave of usually unpopular immigration, the folks coming over assimilated with American culture. That's not happening near as much. You don't hear stories of Spanish being outlawed in houses. My grandfather came over from Sicily when he was two....Italian was not allowed to be spoken by the kids for the most part. The Left can't have it both ways....these people want to come here, you have to be Americans. You can't allow these people to become another generation of welfare cases because you want votes. Destroying the country in 30 years isn't exactly going to preserve your base. If they want something that Americans either don't care about...see the polls....or feel negatively about....I think some assurances about how these people are expected to conduct themselves would be helpful. I have zero faith that will happen. This is a reasoned approach to immigration.....or I could say mine the border and set up miniguns and eviscerate everybody coming across.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: 240 is Back on February 04, 2014, 07:34:22 AM
It totally went over my head.  I do not understand the commercial.  I dont even know what their aiming for here.

Wifey was all "Oh, that coke commercial everyone is talking about". 

What are they trying to say?   People all over the world love america and drink coke to celebrate it?   I feel like Don Draper right now, staring at season 1 peggy and the other drunks with a look of disbelief. 

can someone explain the commercial?
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: headhuntersix on February 04, 2014, 07:47:41 AM
They sang America the beautiful in several different languages.....not we love coke and we're from Pakistan/Mexico etc  etc. It was a definite pro immigration piece and that's great but...the message that needs to be enforced is that you're coming to're now going to be one of us..on our team, not team Mexico or team Pakistan. Speak English, learn the history...learn the civics and embrace them.  I have zero hope on that...
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: mik1111 on February 04, 2014, 08:21:07 AM
coca cola wants to sell to platinos. big fucking deal
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on February 04, 2014, 08:28:52 AM
It was pure leftist/open borders propoganda.I could go on and on but HH6 got it pretty much covered in the first post.

These people do not know history and do not understand what is playing out before their eyes.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: LurkerNoMore on February 04, 2014, 08:43:58 AM
A bunch of twatwaffles getting their panties in a bunch because of foreigners singing a song that was written by a lesbian.  Yeah that sounds like some righteous moral outrage is needed right there.

Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: bears on February 04, 2014, 08:49:52 AM
my great grand parents came here from Mexico.  and LEGALLY became US citizens.  my grandfather fought in WW2 and paid taxes his whole life.  he never understood Mexicans national pride in Mexico.

"If you loved Mexico so much, you would have stayed in Mexico.  The problem is that Mexico is not a good place to live.  That's why we all came here.  So what are you so proud of?  You love Mexico, but you just refuse to live there?  National pride begins with the desire to live in the country you're so proud of.  If you don't want to live there, you don't love the country."

He didn't win many popularity contests among our family, but he was dead on right, and he was too old and too god damn tired to care what you thought of his opinion.

No one could ever successfully argue against his opinion because there simply was no valid argument against it.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on February 04, 2014, 09:21:58 AM
my great grand parents came here from Mexico.  and LEGALLY became US citizens.  my grandfather fought in WW2 and paid taxes his whole life.  he never understood Mexicans national pride in Mexico.

"If you loved Mexico so much, you would have stayed in Mexico.  The problem is that Mexico is not a good place to live.  That's why we all came here.  So what are you so proud of?  You love Mexico, but you just refuse to live there?  National pride begins with the desire to live in the country you're so proud of.  If you don't want to live there, you don't love the country."

He didn't win many popularity contests among our family, but he was dead on right, and he was too old and too god damn tired to care what you thought of his opinion.

No one could ever successfully argue against his opinion because there simply was no valid argument against it.

Exactly right!!!!

There are tons of Hispanics who think this way too. Lots of them are insulted by the mass amnesty/treasonous loyalties to foreign nations being pushed by all these lib politicians and the hordes of immigrants marching under foreign flags thru americas streets demanding handouts and special treatment.

They hate this shit as much as most white conservatives do but you wouldn't know it listening to the media, who portrays ALL hispanic americans as super pro amnesty.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: dario73 on February 04, 2014, 09:54:31 AM
didn't hear any European or Slavic languages.....we must not be important, ONLY BUILT THE FUCKING PLACE!

You built the f'ng place?

Oh you did it now, whiteman.

Now you will have libtards, guilt ridden whites after you claiming that it was built on the back of black slaves.

Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: OzmO on February 04, 2014, 10:18:33 AM

As a hateful rightwing fascist....yeah I had a problem with it. America works and has worked because tradionally after each wave of usually unpopular immigration, the folks coming over assimilated with American culture. That's not happening near as much. You don't hear stories of Spanish being outlawed in houses. My grandfather came over from Sicily when he was two....Italian was not allowed to be spoken by the kids for the most part. The Left can't have it both ways....these people want to come here, you have to be Americans. You can't allow these people to become another generation of welfare cases because you want votes. Destroying the country in 30 years isn't exactly going to preserve your base. If they want something that Americans either don't care about...see the polls....or feel negatively about....I think some assurances about how these people are expected to conduct themselves would be helpful. I have zero faith that will happen. This is a reasoned approach to immigration.....or I could say mine the border and set up miniguns and eviscerate everybody coming across.

I agree with the principles of what you are saying here.

But isn't this Coke pandering to immigrants to sell more coke and NOT some political statement by the Dems or libs?

 Instead isn't also some advertising scheme ok'd by the CEO of Coke to increase profits?
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on February 04, 2014, 10:19:14 AM
Give us back the whips and watch sub 3% unemployment and 100% reduction in welfare rolls  :o
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: LurkerNoMore on February 04, 2014, 10:26:46 AM
I agree with the principles of what you are saying here.

But isn't this Coke pandering to immigrants to sell more coke and NOT some political statement by the Dems or libs?

 Instead isn't also some advertising scheme ok'd by the CEO of Coke to increase profits?

Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: tu_holmes on February 04, 2014, 10:30:45 AM
On this one hh6, you're dead wrong... about the commercial.

Not necessarily about immigration. I didn't see that in the commercial at all.

And what's wrong with being pro immigration? You a native American?
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: Dos Equis on February 04, 2014, 10:31:31 AM
my great grand parents came here from Mexico.  and LEGALLY became US citizens.  my grandfather fought in WW2 and paid taxes his whole life.  he never understood Mexicans national pride in Mexico.

"If you loved Mexico so much, you would have stayed in Mexico.  The problem is that Mexico is not a good place to live.  That's why we all came here.  So what are you so proud of?  You love Mexico, but you just refuse to live there?  National pride begins with the desire to live in the country you're so proud of.  If you don't want to live there, you don't love the country."

He didn't win many popularity contests among our family, but he was dead on right, and he was too old and too god damn tired to care what you thought of his opinion.

No one could ever successfully argue against his opinion because there simply was no valid argument against it.

Your grandfather was spot on. 
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: LurkerNoMore on February 04, 2014, 10:52:37 AM
On this one hh6, you're dead wrong... about the commercial.

Not necessarily about immigration. I didn't see that in the commercial at all.

And what's wrong with being pro immigration? You a native American?

He just wants something to bitch about.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: headhuntersix on February 04, 2014, 11:44:01 AM
On this one hh6, you're dead wrong... about the commercial.

Not necessarily about immigration. I didn't see that in the commercial at all.

And what's wrong with being pro immigration? You a native American?

I read it that way and I'm not alone so perception becomes reality. I'm not against immigration...if we were getting a bunch of neonatologists or laser scientists. We are not getting that...we're getting a bunch of dependents. There are enough poor people who need the jobs those folks will take.

240....I think Coke is enough of a brand that it isn't pandering. But non assimilation sends the wrong message does it not.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: Straw Man on February 04, 2014, 12:00:42 PM
A bunch of twatwaffles getting their panties in a bunch because of foreigners singing a song that was written by a lesbian.  Yeah that sounds like some righteous moral outrage is needed right there.


yep, that's the funniest part of all
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on February 04, 2014, 12:11:29 PM
yep, that's the funniest part of all

Why does that even matter?
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: OzmO on February 04, 2014, 12:13:07 PM
Isn't immigration kind of filtered a bit? ... in that, they let so many people with skills and no-skills in?
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: Straw Man on February 04, 2014, 12:24:18 PM
Why does that even matter?

it doesn't "matter"

it is however humorous that conservative commentators are upset that the ad featured a gay couple given the fact that the song was written by a gay woman

Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: tu_holmes on February 04, 2014, 12:59:44 PM
I read it that way and I'm not alone so perception becomes reality. I'm not against immigration...if we were getting a bunch of neonatologists or laser scientists. We are not getting that...we're getting a bunch of dependents. There are enough poor people who need the jobs those folks will take.

240....I think Coke is enough of a brand that it isn't pandering. But non assimilation sends the wrong message does it not.

Honestly, I think this is one of your complaining to complain issues man... Sorry, but this is much ado about nothing.

This is just Coke showing that this is a country to be proud of BECAUSE of it's diversity... This is not about pandering.

Whatever floats your boat though... You hate coke now, don't ever drink it.

Nor Vitamin Water
Barqs Root Beer
Full Throttle
Minute Maid
Gold Peak Tea

Shit... there's tens more and I'm just getting tired of typing.

Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: LurkerNoMore on February 04, 2014, 01:10:15 PM
I read it that way and I'm not alone so perception becomes reality. I'm not against immigration...if we were getting a bunch of neonatologists or laser scientists. We are not getting that...we're getting a bunch of dependents. There are enough poor people who need the jobs those folks will take.

240....I think Coke is enough of a brand that it isn't pandering. But non assimilation sends the wrong message does it not.

Perception only becomes reality for the weak minded.   You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: LurkerNoMore on February 04, 2014, 01:12:01 PM
Why does that even matter?

Wouldn't you be better off complaining that Coke (and every other single venue/event/reception/etc.. that uses the song) is pushing the gay agenda lifestyle down your throat?

Seems like that would be more important than a bunch of foreigners singing it.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: Novena on February 04, 2014, 01:12:44 PM
Stellen Sie sich den Zorn von Neokonservativen hätte die Werbeagentur hatte gewählt, “This Land is Your Land” entschieden. *

* Imagine the anger from neo-conservatives if  the advertising agency had chosen, “This Land is Your Land.”

Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on February 04, 2014, 01:35:14 PM
Wouldn't you be better off complaining that Coke (and every other single venue/event/reception/etc.. that uses the song) is pushing the gay agenda lifestyle down your throat?

Seems like that would be more important than a bunch of foreigners singing it.

You are reaching quite a bit. That ad had nothing to do with gay issues
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: LurkerNoMore on February 04, 2014, 02:11:08 PM
But yet it has something to do with immigration of illegals?    Funny, I thought it was about selling more product.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: loco on February 04, 2014, 02:33:44 PM
Haven't seen the commercial.  When is the Super Bowl again?

Anyway, I'm just surprised at OzmO's comments.  Weren't there Hispanics in the commercial singing an American song in Español?  Isn't OzmO usually complaining about Hispanics in the US speaking Español, about having to press 1 for English on the phone, about Hispanics getting mad at the movies because the 3D glasses aren't in Español?    

Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: headhuntersix on February 04, 2014, 03:02:40 PM
The country is rapidly becoming a 3rd world shithole and the libs and the rest of the idiots in Congress are going along with the cultural suicide. If you idiots actually cared about poor blacks you wouldn't allow this.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: Roger Bacon on February 04, 2014, 03:03:02 PM

As a hateful rightwing fascist....yeah I had a problem with it. America works and has worked because tradionally after each wave of usually unpopular immigration, the folks coming over assimilated with American culture. That's not happening near as much. You don't hear stories of Spanish being outlawed in houses. My grandfather came over from Sicily when he was two....Italian was not allowed to be spoken by the kids for the most part. The Left can't have it both ways....these people want to come here, you have to be Americans. You can't allow these people to become another generation of welfare cases because you want votes. Destroying the country in 30 years isn't exactly going to preserve your base. If they want something that Americans either don't care about...see the polls....or feel negatively about....I think some assurances about how these people are expected to conduct themselves would be helpful. I have zero faith that will happen. This is a reasoned approach to immigration.....or I could say mine the border and set up miniguns and eviscerate everybody coming across.

"They" don't want a UNITED States...
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: Roger Bacon on February 04, 2014, 03:05:57 PM
You a native American?

Yes, there was no America before we got here.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: RRKore on February 04, 2014, 03:29:55 PM
Yes, there was no America before we got here.

I'm gonna say FALSE (because I just started reading Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States").
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: OzmO on February 04, 2014, 03:58:18 PM
Haven't seen the commercial.  When is the Super Bowl again?

Anyway, I'm just surprised at OzmO's comments.  Weren't there Hispanics in the commercial singing an American song in Español?  Isn't OzmO usually complaining about Hispanics in the US speaking Español, about having to press 1 for English on the phone, about Hispanics getting mad at the movies because the 3D glasses aren't in Español?    


I don't have a problem with people speaking Spanish in the US.  Speak it all you want, have Spanish TV, Mags etc.  Its prudent for Business to cater to that market.

What i am against is these people never learning to speak, read and write English.  where whole communities and small towns are 99% Spanish speaking, where in some other cities and towns 1/2 of the class time is spent teaching in Spanish, where millions of dollars are spent by the city, state and local governments providing documents in Spanish because these fuckers refuse to learn the language of the country they immigrated too, unlike most other nationalities like Italians, Germans, Chinese, Russians, etc.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: blacken700 on February 05, 2014, 10:27:11 AM
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 05, 2014, 10:28:05 AM
I just rolled my eyes - typical lib-fag bs

As a hateful rightwing fascist....yeah I had a problem with it. America works and has worked because tradionally after each wave of usually unpopular immigration, the folks coming over assimilated with American culture. That's not happening near as much. You don't hear stories of Spanish being outlawed in houses. My grandfather came over from Sicily when he was two....Italian was not allowed to be spoken by the kids for the most part. The Left can't have it both ways....these people want to come here, you have to be Americans. You can't allow these people to become another generation of welfare cases because you want votes. Destroying the country in 30 years isn't exactly going to preserve your base. If they want something that Americans either don't care about...see the polls....or feel negatively about....I think some assurances about how these people are expected to conduct themselves would be helpful. I have zero faith that will happen. This is a reasoned approach to immigration.....or I could say mine the border and set up miniguns and eviscerate everybody coming across.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: tu_holmes on February 05, 2014, 10:34:43 AM
I don't have a problem with people speaking Spanish in the US.  Speak it all you want, have Spanish TV, Mags etc.  Its prudent for Business to cater to that market.

What i am against is these people never learning to speak, read and write English.  where whole communities and small towns are 99% Spanish speaking, where in some other cities and towns 1/2 of the class time is spent teaching in Spanish, where millions of dollars are spent by the city, state and local governments providing documents in Spanish because these fuckers refuse to learn the language of the country they immigrated too, unlike most other nationalities like Italians, Germans, Chinese, Russians, etc.

That's not what the commercial was about though.

Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: RRKore on February 05, 2014, 05:54:54 PM
Stellen Sie sich den Zorn von Neokonservativen hätte die Werbeagentur hatte gewählt, “This Land is Your Land” entschieden.


Imagine the anger from neo-conservatives if  the advertising agency had chosen, “This Land is Your Land.”

Man my german sucks cuz that's a lot of verbs in a scary tense, imo.

Isn't the translation a little closer to:  Imagine the anger from neo-conservatives had the ad agency chosen, "This Land is Your Land"? 

The "hätte die Werbeagentur hatte gewählt" part confuses me.  Can't you just say "hätte die Werbeagentur wählte"?  "wählte" might be wrong -- I'm just trying to use the simple past of wählen (to choose).
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: OzmO on February 05, 2014, 07:47:40 PM
That's not what the commercial was about though.

Yep.  I was answering a specific question related to.the thread topic based on a position of mine regarding language and immigration.  :D of my posts on this thread to see my view of the topic.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: Novena on February 06, 2014, 01:18:18 AM
Man my german sucks cuz that's a lot of verbs in a scary tense, imo.

Isn't the translation a little closer to:  Imagine the anger from neo-conservatives had the ad agency chosen, "This Land is Your Land"?  

The "hätte die Werbeagentur hatte gewählt" part confuses me.  Can't you just say "hätte die Werbeagentur wählte"?  "wählte" might be wrong -- I'm just trying to use the simple past of wählen (to choose).

I learned "Texas German" from relatives around a community called "Schulenburg" 100 miles away from Houston.  I am not a bit suprised that my translation diverges from "high german."  My ancestry is Austrian.  (yes, Graz)Guess what, my relatives and others in the community use primarily german.  So the concept of a community using a language other than English doesn't offend me.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: JBGRAY on February 06, 2014, 03:27:55 AM
The push for the Brazilification and eventual multicultural is in full force, with advocates from all corners supporting this agenda.....the entertainment industry, advertising, major media outlets, and our politicians.  Both legal and illegal immigrants overwhelmingly support Democrats, and every major foundation and demographics foretell a permanent Democratic majority in the very near future.

Speak another language.  Learn to live with it, because it is coming, and there is nothing you can do about it.  Just imagine the type of commercials we will be seeing just 5 years from've not seen anything yet :)
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: loco on February 06, 2014, 06:27:05 AM
The push for the Brazilification and eventual multicultural is in full force, with advocates from all corners supporting this agenda.....the entertainment industry, advertising, major media outlets, and our politicians.  Both legal and illegal immigrants overwhelmingly support Democrats, and every major foundation and demographics foretell a permanent Democratic majority in the very near future.

Speak another language.  Learn to live with it, because it is coming, and there is nothing you can do about it.  Just imagine the type of commercials we will be seeing just 5 years from've not seen anything yet :)

You hear that, OzmO?     ;D
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: 24KT on February 06, 2014, 07:06:05 AM case some of you haven't quite melted down enough, ...  ;D
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: 24KT on February 06, 2014, 07:06:54 AM
Isn't she just simply so ...special?
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: LurkerNoMore on February 06, 2014, 08:17:27 AM
Isn't she just simply so ...special?

true idiot
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: tu_holmes on February 06, 2014, 08:49:33 AM
Isn't she just simply so ...special?

She didn't say that.

Sorry... That's a lie.

While she says plenty of dumb shit.... She didn't say "that".
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: loco on February 06, 2014, 08:54:35 AM
She didn't say that.

Sorry... That's a lie.

While she says plenty of dumb shit.... She didn't say "that".

tu_holmes is one of the few, if not the only, honest liberal on this board.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: dario73 on February 06, 2014, 08:56:16 AM
true idiot

Do you believe she really said that, retard?
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: tu_holmes on February 06, 2014, 08:58:14 AM
tu_holmes is one of the few, if not the only, honest liberal on this board.

I'm not a liberal, but thanks anyway.

I have some liberal stances and some conservative stances... It all depends on the topic and the context.

To put me in one corner or the other is doing humanity a disservice.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: bears on February 06, 2014, 09:12:07 AM
I'm not a liberal, but thanks anyway.

I have some liberal stances and some conservative stances... It all depends on the topic and the context.

To put me in one corner or the other is doing humanity a disservice.

sorry this is getbig.  you must choose a side.  take all the time you need.  just give me an answer in the next 5 minutes.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: loco on February 06, 2014, 09:36:49 AM
I'm not a liberal, but thanks anyway.

I have some liberal stances and some conservative stances... It all depends on the topic and the context.

To put me in one corner or the other is doing humanity a disservice.

Sorry!  I know what you mean.  I have been viewed as a liberal commie by some conservatives when discussing certain social issues, while I have been viewed as a neocon by some liberals when discussing certain other issues.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: 24KT on February 06, 2014, 09:45:20 AM
sorry this is getbig.  you must choose a side.  take all the time you need.  just give me an answer in the next 5 minutes.

 ;D  This is priceless.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: headhuntersix on February 06, 2014, 09:50:10 AM
That's the problem with the conservative label.  Every con here is accused of being a Christian fundamentalist who believes in cavemen riding dinosaurs. I don't believe that..more to the point I don't really consider religion...period. I'm a catholic,  I guess but don't go to church.  I'm certainly not for endless the neocon label is ridiculous for most of us. Primarily because early neo's were lib hawks. Many of them didn't like Reagan. Tu has never come across as a Lib...and only of handful of folks here...regardless of political persuasion still support Obama, right down the line even if they're still Dems.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: tu_holmes on February 06, 2014, 11:07:58 AM
That's the problem with the conservative label.  Every con here is accused of being a Christian fundamentalist who believes in cavemen riding dinosaurs. I don't believe that..more to the point I don't really consider religion...period. I'm a catholic,  I guess but don't go to church.  I'm certainly not for endless the neocon label is ridiculous for most of us. Primarily because early neo's were lib hawks. Many of them didn't like Reagan. Tu has never come across as a Lib...and only of handful of folks here...regardless of political persuasion still support Obama, right down the line even if they're still Dems.

That's the rub though isn't it?

While most people around here really aren't Neo Cons or Christian Fundamentalists... (There's really only one or two off the top of my head to be honest) The problem is who does all of the talking on both sides.

Most people are just that... decent people... We want to keep our money, we like freedom, most of us don't care about a lot of topics... We worry about things that matter, not bullshit that doesn't, but the squeaky wheels get all the grease.

On both sides, all they do is whine about this... complain about that... Never a fix.

It's like ShitbamaCare... I think it sucks... No doubt... but the Republicans NEVER offered anything to fix it.

They had the time... We all know they did, but they chose to go into Iraq and shit like that.

I hate the Republicans and the Democrats pretty equally these days.

I'd like to lower our spending... fix our welfare (It can be done) and promote middle class economics... Bring some manufacturing back to this country that builds shit better than most others.

It's very disappointing.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: headhuntersix on February 06, 2014, 11:20:05 AM
See that's the problem...Repubs at the state level offer a  menu of solutions for their given states...but the national level guys, as you pointed out have nothing. The average voter, not really paying attention will default to something is better then nothing, action better then shit better then paying etc. Why can Scott Walker or even Christie come in and kick ass in their respective states...yet we get Romney. I would love factories everywhere....cheaper domestic fuel and a ridiculously strong military that doesn't get deployed to every shithole because the current admin repub or dem wants to crusade or bow down to the UN.

If gas was 99 cents maybe all that extra money could go to developing the green magic fuel that the libs want. High fuel prices stifle everything.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: LurkerNoMore on February 06, 2014, 12:31:02 PM
Do you believe she really said that, retard?

I believe she is capable of saying anything that is stupid.  Just like you are.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: loco on February 06, 2014, 12:51:23 PM
See that's the problem...Repubs at the state level offer a  menu of solutions for their given states...but the national level guys, as you pointed out have nothing. The average voter, not really paying attention will default to something is better then nothing, action better then shit better then paying etc. Why can Scott Walker or even Christie come in and kick ass in their respective states...yet we get Romney. I would love factories everywhere....cheaper domestic fuel and a ridiculously strong military that doesn't get deployed to every shithole because the current admin repub or dem wants to crusade or bow down to the UN.

If gas was 99 cents maybe all that extra money could go to developing the green magic fuel that the libs want. High fuel prices stifle everything.

Saw a list the other day of the worst/best managed states in the USA.  Some of the most liberal states like NY and CA were among the worst managed, VA being one of the exceptions to that norm.  Tennessee, a very conservative state and one of the most, if not the most religious, was among the best managed states in the USA.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: loco on February 06, 2014, 01:04:02 PM
It's like ShitbamaCare... I think it sucks... No doubt... but the Republicans NEVER offered anything to fix it.

Were the Republicans obligated to offer anything to fix a train wreck introduced by the Democrats to help just 15% of the US population?  The Republicans did not support it.  Good for them.  If anything, the Democrats are responsible for fixing their own train wreck and help the millions they have hurt by trying to help 15% of the US population.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: headhuntersix on February 06, 2014, 01:20:54 PM
Interesting that's its broken down like that. Also the myth of who gets the most is also not what libs think either. Things like natural disasters factor into those numbers...
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: tu_holmes on February 06, 2014, 01:29:37 PM
Were the Republicans obligated to offer anything to fix a train wreck introduced by the Democrats to help just 15% of the US population?  The Republicans did not support it.  Good for them.  If anything, the Democrats are responsible for fixing their own train wreck and help the millions they have hurt by trying to help 15% of the US population.

Apparently they did in fact need to do something.

15% of the population is a pretty big percentage don't you think?
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: loco on February 06, 2014, 01:52:29 PM
Apparently they did in fact need to do something.

15% of the population is a pretty big percentage don't you think?

Yes.  So the Democrats should have done something to help those 15% without screwing things up for the entire population:  Millions lost their insurance, then couldn't sign up because of a broken website, no connection to insurers' system, no way to protect personal information on the website, some forced to sign up for Medicaid which gives the state the right to keep all their assets when they die, etc, etc, etc.  

I'm sure the Republicans would have been on board with working on something to help just the 15%.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: tu_holmes on February 06, 2014, 03:18:21 PM
Yes.  So the Democrats should have done something to help those 15% without screwing things up for the entire population:  Millions lost their insurance, then couldn't sign up because of a broken website, no connection to insurers' system, no way to protect personal information on the website, some forced to sign up for Medicaid which gives the state the right to keep all their assets when they die, etc, etc, etc. 

I'm sure the Republicans would have been on board with working on something to help just the 15%.

I don't disagree... I personally thought they should have simply allowed everyone to enroll in medicare.That would have been the easy fix.

Still, the base issue is that when the Republicans could have done something, they let it sit, so the 15% made some noise and we get this shit.

Believe me, I'm not happy about it either.

Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: _bruce_ on February 06, 2014, 03:26:31 PM
Marxist wrath in a can.
By cans for cans.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: James on February 06, 2014, 03:36:56 PM
I don't disagree... I personally thought they should have simply allowed everyone to enroll in medicare.That would have been the easy fix.

Still, the base issue is that when the Republicans could have done something, they let it sit, so the 15% made some noise and we get this shit.

Believe me, I'm not happy about it either.

Medicare and Medicaid already take up close to 1/4 of the total US federal spending (and Obamacare is going to expand this by the expansion of Medicaid) so you could drop defense spending to zero (as in fire the entire Military) and it still wouldn't pay for what you are wanting. The Politicians have bankrupted us, and the liberals want even more. Truly unbelievable.  

Soon the entire United States will look like Detroit!

"The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." - Margaret Thatcher
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: tu_holmes on February 06, 2014, 04:12:44 PM
Medicare and Medicaid already take up close to 1/4 of the total US federal spending (and Obamacare is going to expand this by the expansion of Medicaid) so you could drop defense spending to zero (as in fire the entire Military) and it still wouldn't pay for what you are wanting. The Politicians have bankrupted us, and the liberals want even more. Truly unbelievable.   

Soon the entire United States will look like Detroit!

"The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." - Margaret Thatcher

It does, but I didn't want them to enroll for free... I wanted them to be able to buy into it at a cheap rate... or whatever the cost was to handle the overhead.

There's a lot of waste and it's not all in one spot in government. That's part of the problem.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: OzmO on February 06, 2014, 04:17:26 PM
You hear that, OzmO?     ;D

 >:(  Prolly right.   :)
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: 240 is Back on February 06, 2014, 04:33:40 PM
She didn't say that.

Sorry... That's a lie.

While she says plenty of dumb shit.... She didn't say "that".

yes, i call bullshit on that quote. 
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: RRKore on February 06, 2014, 09:58:12 PM
Saw a list the other day of the worst/best managed states in the USA.  Some of the most liberal states like NY and CA were among the worst managed, VA being one of the exceptions to that norm.  Tennessee, a very conservative state and one of the most, if not the most religious, was among the best managed states in the USA.

Managed in what sense?  I don't know much about Tennessee but seems like whenever I see it mentioned it's rarely anything positive.  Like this: (

Tennessee ranks 4th most miserable state in Gallup Index
Posted: Mar 21, 2013 4:56 PM


The Business Insider highlighted the top 10 most miserable states in a survey done by Gallop-Healthways on the well-being of the general populace, and Tennessee is ranked 4th.

According to the top 10 list by The Business Insider, the survey rated each state based on factors such as high unemployment, poor access to basic necessities and rising obesity rates that plague many of the nation's southern states.

It also said that the survey looks at six categories: basic access, life evaluation, emotional health, work environment, healthy behaviors and physical heath.

"In general, state-level scores remained consistent with the past five years of data. Western and Midwestern states ranked highest on the well being index, with Hawaii topping the list, and Southern states ranked near the bottom," the Business Insider reports.

Overall, Tennessee ranked 4th among the top 10 most miserable states, with their overall well-being score of 47th out of the 50 states.

The highest ranking Tennessee received in the six categories was 36th in basic access, which measures things like satisfaction with community, clean water, affordable healthy foods, access to a doctor and enough money for basic necessities, among other factors.

To see the 2012 results of each state, or the composite survey as a whole, visit Gallup-Healthway's "Well-Being Index".

To read more about the Index itself and more about its methodology, visit

Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: RRKore on February 06, 2014, 10:11:49 PM

I'm sure the Republicans would have been on board with working on something to help just the 15%.

You're "sure" that republicans would have been on board...?  WTF?   

How could you possibly be sure of that?  Did you follow the filibuster rule-change issue?  Did you hear how republicans were even beginning to obstruct the judicial appointments of their own nominees?
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: Primemuscle on February 06, 2014, 10:48:09 PM
It totally went over my head.  I do not understand the commercial.  I dont even know what their aiming for here.

Wifey was all "Oh, that coke commercial everyone is talking about". 

What are they trying to say?   People all over the world love america and drink coke to celebrate it?   I feel like Don Draper right now, staring at season 1 peggy and the other drunks with a look of disbelief. 

can someone explain the commercial?

It's about American diversity.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: blacken700 on February 07, 2014, 07:18:18 AM             
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: loco on February 07, 2014, 08:40:59 AM
Managed in what sense?  I don't know much about Tennessee but seems like whenever I see it mentioned it's rarely anything positive.  

The Best and Worst Run States in America: A Survey of All 50

16. Tennessee
> Debt per capita: $925 (the lowest)
> Budget deficit: n/a
> Unemployment: 8.0% (tied-19th highest)
> Median household income: $42,764 (7th lowest)
> Pct. below poverty line: 17.9% (tied-11th highest)

The Tennessee economy grew roughly 3.3% last year, better than the nation’s 2.5% growth. About a third of the increase in GDP came from growth in durable goods manufacturing, which includes the state’s growing auto industry. The state is home to auto plants owned by Nissan, General Motors, and Volkswagen. Tennessee had the smallest debt in the country relative to its size, at just $925 per resident as of fiscal 2011. Several negative factors, however, lowered the state’s ranking. Tennessee was the most crime ridden in the country last year, with a violent crime rate of 643.6 incidents per every 100,000 people. In the city of Nashville, the state’s capital and second largest city by population, the rate was nearly double that.

Top States For Business 2013: Overall Rankings

13. Tennessee

The Good And Bad About Tennessee
"Tennessee has an extremely low cost of living. That's why many of our neighbors are ex-Californians like us. There is no state wage tax in TN and very low property taxes. TN funds itself mostly through sales tax, which means everyone pays into the system, including those who use the system."

Thread topic related:    ;D

"Chattanooga, Tennessee is the site of the World's First Coca-Cola Bottling Company.  Before Coca-Cola first appeared in bottles, it was sold as a fountain drink for more than a decade."
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: tu_holmes on February 07, 2014, 09:38:11 AM
The Best and Worst Run States in America: A Survey of All 50

16. Tennessee
> Debt per capita: $925 (the lowest)
> Budget deficit: n/a
> Unemployment: 8.0% (tied-19th highest)
> Median household income: $42,764 (7th lowest)
> Pct. below poverty line: 17.9% (tied-11th highest)

The Tennessee economy grew roughly 3.3% last year, better than the nation’s 2.5% growth. About a third of the increase in GDP came from growth in durable goods manufacturing, which includes the state’s growing auto industry. The state is home to auto plants owned by Nissan, General Motors, and Volkswagen. Tennessee had the smallest debt in the country relative to its size, at just $925 per resident as of fiscal 2011. Several negative factors, however, lowered the state’s ranking. Tennessee was the most crime ridden in the country last year, with a violent crime rate of 643.6 incidents per every 100,000 people. In the city of Nashville, the state’s capital and second largest city by population, the rate was nearly double that.

Top States For Business 2013: Overall Rankings

13. Tennessee

The Good And Bad About Tennessee
"Tennessee has an extremely low cost of living. That's why many of our neighbors are ex-Californians like us. There is no state wage tax in TN and very low property taxes. TN funds itself mostly through sales tax, which means everyone pays into the system, including those who use the system."

Thread topic related:    ;D

"Chattanooga, Tennessee is the site of the World's First Coca-Cola Bottling Company.  Before Coca-Cola first appeared in bottles, it was sold as a fountain drink for more than a decade."

Seems like an average state to be honest.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on February 07, 2014, 09:45:55 AM
Saw a list the other day of the worst/best managed states in the USA.  Some of the most liberal states like NY and CA were among the worst managed, VA being one of the exceptions to that norm.  Tennessee, a very conservative state and one of the most, if not the most religious, was among the best managed states in the USA.

This has long been a common theme. The top states for business, with the strongest economies are usually mostly all red states, and the worst run states, and cities, that are in financial disaster are almost exclusively democrat-run: Illinois, california, Detroit, Chicago, los Angeles, etc.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: loco on February 07, 2014, 09:46:07 AM
Seems like an average state to be honest.

I never said it was great, at the very top or perfect, only that it was one of the best run states according to what I've read, and so are Utah and Texas.  What would you call California and Illinois?
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: tu_holmes on February 07, 2014, 09:46:24 AM
I never said it was great, at the very top or perfect, only that it was one of the best run states according to what I've read, and so are Utah and Texas.  What would you call California and Illinois?

California is definitely below average.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on February 07, 2014, 09:57:02 AM
Best examples of failed lib policies are found in the big cities.
chicago has been under full democrat rule for some time- always near bankruptcy, extremely strict gun control yet a huge crime/murder rate, several of their most recent Mayors, politicians, and Ill governors have been convicted and jailed for corruption. Think about that...several of their highest- level politicians in modern times have been tried for corruption.

Detroit has been under total democrat rule for generations, during which time it has gone from being a symbol of american industrial might to a symbol of failure and destitution. Has extremely strict gun control yet has a notoriously high crime and murder rate. Biggest city to ever declare bankruptcy. Something like a million people have left, leaving behind entire sections of the city which resemble burned out ghost towns. It was ENTIRELY democrat policies that got them here.

There are plenty of other examples-new orleans, Washington dc, Hartford, Memphis...

The libs remain curiously quiet as they have absolutely no answer for this.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: loco on February 07, 2014, 10:02:01 AM
Best examples of failed lib policies are found in the big cities.
chicago has been under full democrat rule for some time- always near bankruptcy, extremely strict gun control yet a huge crime/murder rate, several of their most recent Mayors, politicians, and Ill governors have been convicted and jailed for corruption. Think about that...several of their highest- level politicians in modern times have been tried for corruption.

Detroit has been under total democrat rule for generations, during which time it has gone from being a symbol of american industrial might to a symbol of failure and destitution. Has extremely strict gun control yet has a notoriously high crime and murder rate. Biggest city to ever declare bankruptcy. Something like a million people have left, leaving behind entire sections of the city which resemble burned out ghost towns. It was ENTIRELY democrat policies that got them here.

There are plenty of other examples-new orleans, Washington dc, Hartford, Memphis...

The libs remain curiously quiet as they have absolutely no answer for this.

Funny you mention Memphis, Tennessee.  Anytime I do read something negative about TN, such as high crime and poverty, once you look into the details, you find that it's Memphis dragging the whole state down.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on February 07, 2014, 10:11:43 AM
Funny you mention Memphis, Tennessee.  Anytime I do read something negative about TN, such as high crime and poverty, once you look into the details, you find that it's Memphis dragging the whole state down.

Memphis has a high concentration of a 'certain demographic' that the rest of the state does not. I do not think this is a coincidence :D
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: loco on February 07, 2014, 10:19:56 AM
Memphis has a high concentration of a 'certain demographic' that the rest of the state does not. I do not think this is a coincidence :D

Racist post reported.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: avxo on February 07, 2014, 11:49:03 AM
my great grand parents came here from Mexico.  and LEGALLY became US citizens.  my grandfather fought in WW2 and paid taxes his whole life.  he never understood Mexicans national pride in Mexico.

He probably never understood quantum mechanics either...

"If you loved Mexico so much, you would have stayed in Mexico.  The problem is that Mexico is not a good place to live.  That's why we all came here.  So what are you so proud of?  You love Mexico, but you just refuse to live there?  National pride begins with the desire to live in the country you're so proud of.  If you don't want to live there, you don't love the country."

A Mexican having national pride and loving Mexico doesn't mean they can't consider the United States to be a country that affords more opportunities or to be proud of and love it as well. These positions are not mutually exclusive, your grandfather's implication that they are notwithstanding.

No one could ever successfully argue against his opinion because there simply was no valid argument against it.

Or, perhaps, the average IQ in your household was "potato" and, as a result, you lacked the ability to argue rationally?
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: headhuntersix on February 07, 2014, 12:45:28 PM
Then make Mexico better....stay out of my country. Go to Canada...we have enough mexicans
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: bears on February 07, 2014, 01:23:04 PM
He probably never understood quantum mechanics either...

A Mexican having national pride and loving Mexico doesn't mean they can't consider the United States to be a country that affords more opportunities or to be proud of and love it as well. These positions are not mutually exclusive, your grandfather's implication that they are notwithstanding.

Or, perhaps, the average IQ in your household was "potato" and, as a result, you lacked the ability to argue rationally?

NO.  they are mutually excusive.  you are confusing "national" pride with "cultural" pride.  if your country cannot provide you with an opportunity to make a living and raise a family, that nation has failed you and you have no reason to take any pride in said nation. 

that does not mean that you can't hold dear the traditions and morals that your "community" inside that nation has provided you. 

so who has an IQ of a potato again?  fuck you. 

Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: StreetSoldier4U on February 07, 2014, 01:26:03 PM
He probably never understood quantum mechanics either...

A Mexican having national pride and loving Mexico doesn't mean they can't consider the United States to be a country that affords more opportunities or to be proud of and love it as well. These positions are not mutually exclusive, your grandfather's implication that they are notwithstanding.

Or, perhaps, the average IQ in your household was "potato" and, as a result, you lacked the ability to argue rationally?

What's to be proud of?   Mexico is a shit hole.  It's a form of delusional thinking to have pride in that filthy cesspool of a country.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: bears on February 07, 2014, 01:29:51 PM
What's to be proud of?   Mexico is a shit hole.  It's a form of delusional thinking to have pride in that filthy cesspool of a country.

avxo's been conditioned by the liberal media to love and adore anything "not America".  

i'm half Mexican.  I have pride in the Mexican culture that my grandparents brought here.  I have no pride in the nation of mexico because as you said, it s a fucking disaster and we don't take them to task for it enough.  we blame America, because of people like Avxo whose knee jerk reaction is to defend any country other than America whether they deserve it or not.

my grandfather worked in a factory during the day and went to school at night.  became a pharmacist.  America gave him that opportunity.  he had pride in America as a nation and pride in his culture that came from Mexico.  But he knew that only the truly ignorant came to America to make a living and raise their families and then went out in the streets during the Mexican parades and waved around Mexican flags.  It's akin to saying that a certain restaurant is your favorite but you would never eat there. 
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: avxo on February 07, 2014, 05:26:41 PM
NO.  they are mutually excusive.

See, that's not how this works. You can't just wave your hand around like some kind of Jedi and convince people that these aren't the droids they're looking for.

you are confusing "national" pride with "cultural" pride.

Am I? I don't think so.

if your country cannot provide you with an opportunity to make a living and raise a family, that nation has failed you and you have no reason to take any pride in said nation.

Nonsense. You can be proud of your country even if you have emigrated elsewhere. Because you can emigrate for many reasons. Perhaps you do so because your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife is from that other country; perhaps you do so because your country can't provide you the opportunities that another country can afford you in your chosen field - the job market for nuclear engineers or high-energy particle physicists; perhaps you do so because you disagree with the current political regime. And I could keep going.

You see, the problem with your position is that you assume that people emigrate from Mexico for one reason and one reason only: because they can't make a living or raise a family. While that may be true for some people, it's not true for all people; you are painting using a ridiculously broad brush and the counterexample to your silly statements is Carlos Slim (

No doubt, some (large) parts of Mexico are complete clusterfucks. But, to different degrees, that's true of any country, including the United States.  
that does not mean that you can't hold dear the traditions and morals that your "community" inside that nation has provided you. 

Now who is confusing "national" and "cultural" pride? This was never an issue, and you are bringing it up only to divert attention from your previous point. It's the equivalent of yelling: "LOOK OVER THERE! A BLUE CAR!" Don't be surprised when this strategy doesn't work.

so who has an IQ of a potato again?  fuck you.

The people who couldn't "argue" with and debunk the position you claim that your grandfather adopted.

avxo's been conditioned by the liberal media to love and adore anything "not America".

It's silly to assume you know me, much less understand me well enough to know that I've been conditioned by anyone or that I love and adore anything "not America." But that's a typical strategy of you and your ilk, isn't it? Anytime someone disagrees with a position you hold, that person automatically doesn't love America.

i'm half Mexican.

And yet, somehow, all-American. Hot dogs. Beer. Football. YEAH!

I have no pride in the nation of mexico because as you said, it s a fucking disaster and we don't take them to task for it enough.

Again, you are painting an entire nation with your brush. And you accuse me of "knee jerk reactions"?

we blame America, because of people like Avxo whose knee jerk reaction is to defend any country other than America whether they deserve it or not.

Please feel free to point out any instance where I have uncritically and/or undeservedly blamed America. As a matter of fact, point out any instance where I have blamed America.

You won't, because you can't. You see, unlike you I don't blame entire countries.

my grandfather worked in a factory during the day and went to school at night.  became a pharmacist.  America gave him that opportunity.

Good for him - he came here seeking a better life and he, obviously, achieved it by working hard. But what's the point of telling us this? Nobody here argues that America isn't the place where hard work and effort don't pay off.

he had pride in America as a nation and pride in his culture that came from Mexico.

Good for him. But this isn't about cultural vs. national pride.

Again, being proud of America doesn't mean that one can't also be proud of the nation where one came from and to suggest otherwise is silly. A very good friend of mine - an academic who recently received the highest honor in his field - is a permanent resident on a path to citizenship. He emigrated here because of his wife - an American - who wanted to be close to her parents and family. He's extremely proud of the country he came from, even as he is proud of America.

You suggest, again, that this person can't be proud of both countries. I am asking you point blank: why?

But he knew that only the truly ignorant came to America to make a living and raise their families and then went out in the streets during the Mexican parades and waved around Mexican flags.  It's akin to saying that a certain restaurant is your favorite but you would never eat there.

Your analogy is, let's be generous and say, flawed. That aside, you keep repeating the same mantra. Just answer one simple question: What makes being proud of country X mutually exclusive with being proud of the United States?
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: avxo on February 07, 2014, 05:28:41 PM
What's to be proud of?   Mexico is a shit hole.  It's a form of delusional thinking to have pride in that filthy cesspool of a country.

You are making the same mistake as bears: painting an entire country and its people with one broad brush. 
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: StreetSoldier4U on February 07, 2014, 05:30:53 PM
You are making the same mistake as bears: painting an entire country and its people with one broad brush. 

Nope, it's an impoverished third world shit hole.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: avxo on February 07, 2014, 05:54:21 PM
Nope, it's an impoverished third world shit hole.

Let's assume, arguendo, that it is. What problem do you have with people being proud of their impoverished third-world shithole? Do you believe that they're taking something away from you?
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: tu_holmes on February 07, 2014, 06:14:05 PM
Let's assume, arguendo, that it is. What problem do you have with people being proud of their impoverished third-world shithole? Do you believe that they're taking something away from you?

I dunno... Cancun and Puerto Vallarta are pretty nice.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: avxo on February 07, 2014, 08:01:17 PM
I dunno... Cancun and Puerto Vallarta are pretty nice.

Be careful! Can't you see the "wet paint" sign over there?
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: tonymctones on February 07, 2014, 08:26:40 PM
Havent read the entire conversation but will say this, as a person of mixed race I am proud of my japanese heritage but I am first and formost an American and my allegiance and loyalty is 100% with America.

I dont have an issue with a company advertising in a different language. I do have an issue with people coming to this country and expecting the government to accomidate their inability to communicate in the common tongue though.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: RRKore on February 07, 2014, 08:36:27 PM
This has long been a common theme. The top states for business, with the strongest economies are usually mostly all red states, and the worst run states, and cities, that are in financial disaster are almost exclusively democrat-run: Illinois, california, Detroit, Chicago, los Angeles, etc.

So, I guess top country for business is where?  China?

Apparently being "best run" has little (or maybe even an inverse) relationship to livability.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: StreetSoldier4U on February 07, 2014, 08:38:13 PM
Let's assume, arguendo, that it is. What problem do you have with people being proud of their impoverished third-world shithole? Do you believe that they're taking something away from you?

It makes no sense.  If I lived in a dump I wouldn't be proud of it.  They bring all the qualities that make their country a shit hole over here and replicate their shit hole in the United States.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: RRKore on February 07, 2014, 08:44:35 PM
Best examples of failed lib policies are found in the big cities.
chicago has been under full democrat rule for some time- always near bankruptcy, extremely strict gun control yet a huge crime/murder rate, several of their most recent Mayors, politicians, and Ill governors have been convicted and jailed for corruption. Think about that...several of their highest- level politicians in modern times have been tried for corruption.

Detroit has been under total democrat rule for generations, during which time it has gone from being a symbol of american industrial might to a symbol of failure and destitution. Has extremely strict gun control yet has a notoriously high crime and murder rate. Biggest city to ever declare bankruptcy. Something like a million people have left, leaving behind entire sections of the city which resemble burned out ghost towns. It was ENTIRELY democrat policies that got them here.

There are plenty of other examples-new orleans, Washington dc, Hartford, Memphis...

The libs remain curiously quiet as they have absolutely no answer for this.

Seems to me that gun control anywhere is pretty worthless unless you're checking all who enter the "gun controlled" area for guns.  

Also, aren't you simply pointing out correlations?  Proving causation would be difficult, I'd think, because there are so many factors in play.  Too many for me to trust a lay-person's reasoning without some supporting evidence from people who study such stuff for a living.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: RRKore on February 07, 2014, 08:52:29 PM
It makes no sense.  If I lived in a dump I wouldn't be proud of it.  They bring all the qualities that make their country a shit hole over here and replicate their shit hole in the United States.

What if your dump of a country has awesome food that's cheap and almost universally liked?  Are you allowed to be proud of that? 

Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: StreetSoldier4U on February 07, 2014, 08:53:19 PM
What if your dump of a country has awesome food that's cheap and almost universally liked?  Are you allowed to be proud of that? 

Obviously you've never had authentic Mexican food. 
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: RRKore on February 07, 2014, 09:07:37 PM
Obviously you've never had authentic Mexican food. 

'da fuck?  I'm from CA, negress.  (Sheee-it, I live in Raleigh, NC right now and regularly buy bomb-ass carne asada street tacos (meat, cilantro, and onions only) from a Taco truck for $1.50 each.

Authentic Mexican food is everywhere.  (I do like Tex-Mex, too, though.)

In your favor I will say that there's a pretty good chance that the Mexican food is better in the USA since the basic food ingredients are probably of a higher quality (meat especially).  (At least that's the case with Thai food in the USA, according to my wife and many of her Thai friends here.)
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: tu_holmes on February 07, 2014, 09:11:16 PM
'da fuck?  I'm from CA, negress.  (Sheee-it, I live in Raleigh, NC right now and regularly buy bomb-ass carne asada street tacos (meat, cilantro, and onions only) from a Taco truck for $1.50 each.

Authentic Mexican food is everywhere.  (I do like Tex-Mex, too, though.)

In your favor I will say that there's a pretty good chance that the Mexican food is better in the USA since the basic food ingredients are probably of a higher quality (meat especially).  (At least that's the case with Thai food in the USA, according to my wife and many of her Thai friends here.)

There's a Banditos in Durham that has an amazing Chicken Mole... 2nd best I've ever had (After this place down in Hermosa Beach)
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: StreetSoldier4U on February 07, 2014, 09:15:03 PM
'da fuck?  I'm from CA, negress.  (Sheee-it, I live in Raleigh, NC right now and regularly buy bomb-ass carne asada street tacos (meat, cilantro, and onions only) from a Taco truck for $1.50 each.

Authentic Mexican food is everywhere.  (I do like Tex-Mex, too, though.)

In your favor I will say that there's a pretty good chance that the Mexican food is better in the USA since the basic food ingredients are probably of a higher quality (meat especially).  (At least that's the case with Thai food in the USA, according to my wife and many of her Thai friends here.)

That's not Mexican food, dimwit.    That's Americanized Mexican.  I bet you also think the Chinese food sold in the United States is authentic too.  Damn you're dumb.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: tu_holmes on February 07, 2014, 09:18:14 PM
That's not Mexican food, dimwit.    That's Americanized Mexican.  I bet you also think the Chinese food sold in the United States is authentic too.  Damn you're dumb.

California mexican is fucking mexican.

The mexicans cross the border and open restaurants and cook the food.

They only go to where real mexican is made.

You really don't know anything about So-Cal do you?
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: StreetSoldier4U on February 07, 2014, 09:19:27 PM
California mexican is fucking mexican.

The mexicans cross the border and open restaurants and cook the food.

They only go to where real mexican is made.

You really don't know anything about So-Cal do you?

No it's not.  I've been to Mexico and I've been to so-cal several times. Mexicans don't eat that kind of food.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: RRKore on February 07, 2014, 09:26:59 PM
No it's not.  I've been to Mexico and I've been to so-cal several times. Mexicans don't eat that kind of food.

Based on screen-names alone, I'm gonna bet that tu_holmes is more qualified than you when it comes to knowing what real Mexican food is. 

Make sense, Soldato-de-Calle4Tu?
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: bears on February 08, 2014, 11:19:45 AM
See, that's not how this works. You can't just wave your hand around like some kind of Jedi and convince people that these aren't the droids they're looking for.

Am I? I don't think so.

Nonsense. You can be proud of your country even if you have emigrated elsewhere. Because you can emigrate for many reasons. Perhaps you do so because your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife is from that other country; perhaps you do so because your country can't provide you the opportunities that another country can afford you in your chosen field - the job market for nuclear engineers or high-energy particle physicists; perhaps you do so because you disagree with the current political regime. And I could keep going.

You see, the problem with your position is that you assume that people emigrate from Mexico for one reason and one reason only: because they can't make a living or raise a family. While that may be true for some people, it's not true for all people; you are painting using a ridiculously broad brush and the counterexample to your silly statements is Carlos Slim (

No doubt, some (large) parts of Mexico are complete clusterfucks. But, to different degrees, that's true of any country, including the United States.  
Now who is confusing "national" and "cultural" pride? This was never an issue, and you are bringing it up only to divert attention from your previous point. It's the equivalent of yelling: "LOOK OVER THERE! A BLUE CAR!" Don't be surprised when this strategy doesn't work.

The people who couldn't "argue" with and debunk the position you claim that your grandfather adopted.

It's silly to assume you know me, much less understand me well enough to know that I've been conditioned by anyone or that I love and adore anything "not America." But that's a typical strategy of you and your ilk, isn't it? Anytime someone disagrees with a position you hold, that person automatically doesn't love America.

And yet, somehow, all-American. Hot dogs. Beer. Football. YEAH!

Again, you are painting an entire nation with your brush. And you accuse me of "knee jerk reactions"?

Please feel free to point out any instance where I have uncritically and/or undeservedly blamed America. As a matter of fact, point out any instance where I have blamed America.

You won't, because you can't. You see, unlike you I don't blame entire countries.

Good for him - he came here seeking a better life and he, obviously, achieved it by working hard. But what's the point of telling us this? Nobody here argues that America isn't the place where hard work and effort don't pay off.

Good for him. But this isn't about cultural vs. national pride.

Again, being proud of America doesn't mean that one can't also be proud of the nation where one came from and to suggest otherwise is silly. A very good friend of mine - an academic who recently received the highest honor in his field - is a permanent resident on a path to citizenship. He emigrated here because of his wife - an American - who wanted to be close to her parents and family. He's extremely proud of the country he came from, even as he is proud of America.

You suggest, again, that this person can't be proud of both countries. I am asking you point blank: why?

Your analogy is, let's be generous and say, flawed. That aside, you keep repeating the same mantra. Just answer one simple question: What makes being proud of country X mutually exclusive with being proud of the United States?

jesus H Christ!  how long did this take you to write?  I ain't reading all that shit. 

i just find it funny that people like you will criticize America at the drop of a hat but will never dare speak ill of a country like Mexico, whose people are emigrating here in droves of hundreds of thousands every year, because you know, Mexico's awesome.  you're a fucking walking cliché.  and you obviously aren't able to process the difference between cultural and national pride because you have the IQ of a poodle.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: bears on February 08, 2014, 11:31:12 AM

Nonsense. You can be proud of your country even if you have emigrated elsewhere. Because you can emigrate for many reasons. Perhaps you do so because your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife is from that other country; perhaps you do so because your country can't provide you the opportunities that another country can afford you in your chosen field - the job market for nuclear engineers or high-energy particle physicists; perhaps you do so because you disagree with the current political regime. And I could keep going.

its ridiculous that you're sitting here trying to say that "some people" emigrate from Mexico because America afford them more opportunity.  No.  99% of them do.  You're sitting here trying to paint a picture of the 1% being the norm, because TV has taught you to drop trow for anything that's not America.  quit being such a fucking lemming.

you seriously don't think America has a legitimate beef with Mexico because they can't get their shit together?  fuckin ridiculous.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: avxo on February 08, 2014, 01:01:09 PM
jesus H Christ!  how long did this take you to write?  I ain't reading all that shit. 

i just find it funny that people like you will criticize America at the drop of a hat but will never dare speak ill of a country like Mexico, whose people are emigrating here in droves of hundreds of thousands every year, because you know, Mexico's awesome.  you're a fucking walking cliché.  and you obviously aren't able to process the difference between cultural and national pride because you have the IQ of a poodle.

It took about two minutes. It may take you ten to read - as it seems that reading and reading comprehension are particularly difficult for you.

As for your assertion that I criticize America, please feel free to provide a quote of me criticizing America (as opposed to particular policies or politicians). You'll understand if I don't hold my breath.

I think that different people emigrate for different reasons, and I was speaking more generally than just Mexico. My point was that people who immigrate to the United States can still be proud of the country they came here from and their decision to come here isn't necessarily indicative that they aren't proud of their country.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: tu_holmes on February 08, 2014, 01:11:31 PM
Based on screen-names alone, I'm gonna bet that tu_holmes is more qualified than you when it comes to knowing what real Mexican food is. 

Make sense, Soldato-de-Calle4Tu?

It is. By way of my grandfather.

When you head over the border like taking a trip across the state, you know a little about Mexico.

Good friend of mine used to be the nanny of one of the cartel kings.

Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: StreetSoldier4U on February 08, 2014, 01:38:09 PM
It took about two minutes. It may take you ten to read - as it seems that reading and reading comprehension are particularly difficult for you.

As for your assertion that I criticize America, please feel free to provide a quote of me criticizing America (as opposed to particular policies or politicians). You'll understand if I don't hold my breath.

I think that different people emigrate for different reasons, and I was speaking more generally than just Mexico. My point was that people who immigrate to the United States can still be proud of the country they came here from and their decision to come here isn't necessarily indicative that they aren't proud of their country.

You're a typical liberal.  Bad mouth the country you live in while never acknowledging how shitty other countries are and how stupid the citizens of those shit holes are.  You have a need to be culturally sensitive.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: headhuntersix on February 08, 2014, 04:03:23 PM
That would require him to leave the country...or if he has..outside the tourist area's. 1st world countries don't count.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: avxo on February 08, 2014, 08:32:16 PM
You're a typical liberal.  Bad mouth the country you live in while never acknowledging how shitty other countries are and how stupid the citizens of those shit holes are.  You have a need to be culturally sensitive.

Again, offer evidence that I badmouthed the United States if you can. You can't and won't. You'll just keep trolling, repeating the same bullshit hoping that it will stick the same way a monkey flings feces hoping it will stick.

You think you injure me in any way? You aren't. You only reinforce that you're a troll.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: 24KT on February 09, 2014, 03:17:04 AM
Then make Mexico better....stay out of my country. Go to Canada...we have enough mexicans

Get real!!! Like they'd survive the cold.  ::)
...besides, before they can make it to Canada, they have to first get into, then out of the USA.
Getting into the USA is easy enough, but its not so easy for them to get out. Your government, and your big corporations want them to stay so badly, they're giving them amnesty and even fast tracking their citizenship.  :P
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: 24KT on February 09, 2014, 03:34:08 AM
All I know is that anytime I've eaten Mexican food, I've hated it. Whether it was here in Toronto, in Florida, in Texas, or Southern California, it sucked. But when I went to Mexico, I really REALLY enjoyed it.

I guess it's kind of like McDonald's french fries. When you eat them in the USA, you eat them with ketchup, and call them freedom fries or whatever Congress has decided to call them this year. When you eat them in Paris, you eat them with mayonnaise. When you eat them in Canada, you eat them with gravy and cheese curds, and you call it poutine. They are all fries, simply prepared slightly different in order to accommodate the local palate.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: tu_holmes on February 09, 2014, 12:48:31 PM
All I know is that anytime I've eaten Mexican food, I've hated it. Whether it was here in Toronto, in Florida, in Texas, or Southern California, it sucked. But when I went to Mexico, I really REALLY enjoyed it.

I guess it's kind of like McDonald's french fries. When you eat them in the USA, you eat them with ketchup, and call them freedom fries or whatever Congress has decided to call them this year. When you eat them in Paris, you eat them with mayonnaise. When you eat them in Canada, you eat them with gravy and cheese curds, and you call it poutine. They are all fries, simply prepared slightly different in order to accommodate the local palate.

You do realize that McDonald's never changed the menu... They were always called "French Fries".
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: tonymctones on February 09, 2014, 12:57:57 PM
You do realize that McDonald's never changed the menu... They were always called "French Fries".
no she doesnt, she believes all the ignorant shit foreigners who have opinions based on the interweb.

and they wonder why we dont take them serious
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: RRKore on February 09, 2014, 04:50:47 PM
no she doesnt, she believes all the ignorant shit foreigners who have opinions based on the interweb.

and they wonder why we dont take them serious

Where were they referred to as "freedom fries"?  The congressional cafeteria or somewhere? 

It made news.  I was working as a waiter at the time (must have been at Applebee's, I'm ashamed to say) and some old lady asked for "freedom fries" and I didn't have a clue what she was talking about.  (When she explained it, I remember thinking she was a kook.)
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: loco on February 10, 2014, 06:16:31 AM
I went to school in the north of the USA, then worked in the south of the USA.  I have made many Mexican friends.  

This is what I have learned from all this.  Those who win a war, quickly forget about it, while those who lose the war, never forget about it.

I never knew about the American civil war until I moved from the north to the south of the USA.  They don't teach this stuff in Venezuela.  The northerner Americans never spoke about the civil war to me, or around me.  The southerner Americans speak of, re-enact, sing of, re-live the civil war all the time and they are proud to be southerners.

I found that the Mexicans are the same way.  All my Mexican friends did was talk about the Mexican/American war.  I don't remember the last time I heard an American speak of this war.  Mexicans learn about this in their Mexican schools and they learn to dislike the USA very much, even after they move to the USA.  

It is hard for a Mexican immigrant to be proud to be a US resident, or for a naturalized Mexican to be proud to be an American.  There are exceptions to the norm, but that's just what I've learned.  The same isn't true for immigrants from other countries, Venezuela, Chile, Philippines, Cambodia, etc.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: bears on February 10, 2014, 09:21:44 AM
It took about two minutes. It may take you ten to read - as it seems that reading and reading comprehension are particularly difficult for you.

As for your assertion that I criticize America, please feel free to provide a quote of me criticizing America (as opposed to particular policies or politicians). You'll understand if I don't hold my breath.

I think that different people emigrate for different reasons, and I was speaking more generally than just Mexico. My point was that people who immigrate to the United States can still be proud of the country they came here from and their decision to come here isn't necessarily indicative that they aren't proud of their country.

OK.  I was talking about Mexico.  and so were you.  but now you're simply backpedaling because you know your argument was silly. 

and yes people emigrate from other countries here for reasons other than escaping brutal oppression and slave wages from a shitty economy.  but not Mexicans.  and yes I'm sure you can find some exceptions to the rule.  everyone can.  but Mexicans are coming here in droves not because they have similar options there.  and you know it.  you just saw some people bashing Mexico and your knee jerk reaction is to defend Mexico. 

I've seen your posts criticizing the US.  Everyone has.  and there's nothing wrong with that.  I criticize the US.  But I will also criticize countries that have to get their shit together worse than the US.  Like Mexico.  Again, TV teaches you to jump down people's throats every time you hear them criticize anyone but America.  lemming.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: Dos Equis on February 10, 2014, 10:26:47 AM
jesus H Christ!  how long did this take you to write?  I ain't reading all that shit. 

Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: bears on February 10, 2014, 11:46:37 AM
See, that's not how this works. You can't just wave your hand around like some kind of Jedi and convince people that these aren't the droids they're looking for.

Am I? I don't think so.

Nonsense. You can be proud of your country even if you have emigrated elsewhere. Because you can emigrate for many reasons. Perhaps you do so because your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife is from that other country; perhaps you do so because your country can't provide you the opportunities that another country can afford you in your chosen field - the job market for nuclear engineers or high-energy particle physicists; perhaps you do so because you disagree with the current political regime. And I could keep going.

You see, the problem with your position is that you assume that people emigrate from Mexico for one reason and one reason only: because they can't make a living or raise a family. While that may be true for some people, it's not true for all people; you are painting using a ridiculously broad brush and the counterexample to your silly statements is Carlos Slim (

No doubt, some (large) parts of Mexico are complete clusterfucks. But, to different degrees, that's true of any country, including the United States.  
Now who is confusing "national" and "cultural" pride? This was never an issue, and you are bringing it up only to divert attention from your previous point. It's the equivalent of yelling: "LOOK OVER THERE! A BLUE CAR!" Don't be surprised when this strategy doesn't work.

The people who couldn't "argue" with and debunk the position you claim that your grandfather adopted.

It's silly to assume you know me, much less understand me well enough to know that I've been conditioned by anyone or that I love and adore anything "not America." But that's a typical strategy of you and your ilk, isn't it? Anytime someone disagrees with a position you hold, that person automatically doesn't love America.

And yet, somehow, all-American. Hot dogs. Beer. Football. YEAH!

Again, you are painting an entire nation with your brush. And you accuse me of "knee jerk reactions"?

Please feel free to point out any instance where I have uncritically and/or undeservedly blamed America. As a matter of fact, point out any instance where I have blamed America.

You won't, because you can't. You see, unlike you I don't blame entire countries.

Good for him - he came here seeking a better life and he, obviously, achieved it by working hard. But what's the point of telling us this? Nobody here argues that America isn't the place where hard work and effort don't pay off.

Good for him. But this isn't about cultural vs. national pride.

Again, being proud of America doesn't mean that one can't also be proud of the nation where one came from and to suggest otherwise is silly. A very good friend of mine - an academic who recently received the highest honor in his field - is a permanent resident on a path to citizenship. He emigrated here because of his wife - an American - who wanted to be close to her parents and family. He's extremely proud of the country he came from, even as he is proud of America.

You suggest, again, that this person can't be proud of both countries. I am asking you point blank: why?

Your analogy is, let's be generous and say, flawed. That aside, you keep repeating the same mantra. Just answer one simple question: What makes being proud of country X mutually exclusive with being proud of the United States?

OK now I read all of it.  and just an FYI.  you also mistake being verbose with sounding intelligent.  this is simply senseless rambling to defend a ill conceived assertion.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: headhuntersix on February 10, 2014, 11:58:50 AM
That response could be cut and pasted for a lot of the shit here...good job bears.
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: avxo on February 10, 2014, 05:59:25 PM
I will be the first to agree that verbosity doesn't equal intelligence. However, I think the inability to answer simple questions is a much better indicator of intelligence... which brings me to this: why don't you answer the simple question I posed for you?

P.S.: Is that terse enough for you?
Title: Re: The Coke Commercial
Post by: bears on February 10, 2014, 06:28:42 PM
I will be the first to agree that verbosity doesn't equal intelligence. However, I think the inability to answer simple questions is a much better indicator of intelligence... which brings me to this: why don't you answer the simple question I posed for you?

P.S.: Is that terse enough for you?

I did.  You have selective reading comprehension.

This argument started because you took issue with my statement that the Mexicans jumping the border should have no allegiance to Mexico because of the fact that that country has not provided for its people because of the corruption that permeates all levels of society and government.  They are not jumping the border because their options over here are "slightly better".  They are coming over here because of overwhelming social injustices and enormous gaps in income inequality.  You think the US has a problem with income inequality?  We do.  We still don't even come within the same galaxy as Mexico when it comes to poverty.  not even close.  How much more do I need to tell your dumb ass?  

Your argument rested on some silly personal anecdote that hardly reflects the situation over there.  You're wrong.  Anyone reading this thread knows that.  That's why no ones agreeing with you.

So can someone be proud of a country that they do not live in and also the one that they do?  Yes.  But there's a stark difference in my mind between "emigrating" and "fleeing".  In my opinion, if you're fleeing a country, they are not worthy of your allegiance.

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