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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: sagittal chest on February 18, 2014, 07:54:33 AM

Title: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: sagittal chest on February 18, 2014, 07:54:33 AM
So many fad diets now:
Paleo, juice, raw, etc.

I honestly don't know what works best,
I just up the dose and eat everything.

Can someone give me the lowdown on these diets and the reason you believe they do or don't work?
Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: sagittal chest on February 18, 2014, 07:58:23 AM
I think it is often from not exercising.

Most say nutrition plays a far greater role in weigh loss than exercise
Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: Darren Avey on February 18, 2014, 07:59:19 AM
Genetics plays a big part, I know one guy who eats real healthy and is a tubster and another girl has McDonalds and ice creams every day and is a fuckign rake.
Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: sagittal chest on February 18, 2014, 08:02:18 AM
Genetics plays a big part, I know one guy who eats real healthy and is a tubster and another girl has McDonalds and ice creams every day and is a fuckign rake.

Yes, ok, thanks for that contribution.
I am not however talking about things you can't change like genetics -
I and speaking purely of nutrition - sugars, carbs, calories...

Paleo argues that you can eat as many calories as you want,
As long as they aren't coming from sugar, or carbs I believe.
Supposedly this is because people were lean and muscular before sugars (bread) that we have difficulty with were introduced to feed a larger population.
Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: sagittal chest on February 18, 2014, 08:04:46 AM

Everything is to do with hormones and the effect certain foods/macro's have on your hormones, this is particularly pertinent to natural athletes, doesn't apply so much to enhanced lifters.

That's why IFIYM is such utter nonsense/bullshit for natty's, off course enhanced users can get away with things

That doesn't answer the question though.
Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: MORTALCOIL on February 18, 2014, 08:07:02 AM

Paleo argues that you can eat as many calories as you want,
As long as they aren't coming from sugar, or carbs I believe.

Paleo diet fans are idiots. However you put it (genetic differences, exercising, glycemic index, food/hormone reactions, etc....), the basic thing is: fat comes from putting more calories in your system then calories out. If you're working out, you'll have a couple of "miracle" months when you'll lose fat and put on muscle at the same time. Then it all goes back to normal. Fat= excess in calories.
Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: sagittal chest on February 18, 2014, 08:10:20 AM
Three twins of slightly overweight build, 5'11" 200 pounds say

Twin 1 follows Paleo diet for six months,
Eating between 2500-3000 calories of fish, turkey, chicken, salad, and some fruit (no bread at all).

Twin 2 counts calories, eating 1000-1500 calories a day from varying sources (pasta, burgers, etc)

Twin 3 ...


What would the physiques look like after 6 months.
And say they don't work out beyond walking 3 miles a day.
Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: dseiler on February 18, 2014, 08:11:11 AM
All diets work if you are consistent.

Low carb is the best for leaning out.

Cycling carbs is the best for retaining muscle.

Paleo is entirely too dogmatic, but it's a great diet for someone who is coming from a life of eating processed garbage. Of course it's going to make you feel better. Imo, Paleo loses it's message when you start making "fake" foods from "real" ingredients.

Don't count calories. Eat until your body tells you it's full. Listen to it.

Juicing is fucking stupid. Detox diets are fucking stupid.

Adjust macros based on your goals. IIFYM is brilliant.

Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: sagittal chest on February 18, 2014, 08:11:42 AM
Paleo diet fans are idiots. However you put it (genetic differences, exercising, glycemic index, food/hormone reactions, etc....), the basic thing is: fat comes from putting more calories in your system then calories out. If you're working out, you'll have a couple of "miracle" months when you'll lose fat and put on muscle at the same time. Then it all goes back to normal. Fat= excess in calories.

So why are these people so adamant?
Is there real science behind it?
Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: sagittal chest on February 18, 2014, 08:13:14 AM
All diets work if you are consistent.

Low carb is the best for leaning out.

Cycling carbs is the best for retaining muscle.

Paleo is entirely too dogmatic, but it's a great diet for someone who is coming from a life of eating processed garbage. Of course it's going to make you feel better. Imo, Paleo loses it's message when you start making "fake" foods from "real" ingredients.

Don't count calories. Eat until your body tells you it's full. Listen to it.

Juicing is fucking stupid. Detox diets are fucking stupid.

Adjust macros based on your goals. IIFYM is brilliant.

I agree that detoxing/juicing is stupid and just putting money in the pockets of the people selling 600 dollar juicers. Best detox is drinking lots of water IMO
Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: MORTALCOIL on February 18, 2014, 08:16:17 AM
So why are these people so adamant?
Is there real science behind it?

Another diet scam. It hits the streets every six months. Another miracle that won't happen. People are just looking for an easy way out. Health be it through working out or through diet, and most will agree that you would need to have both for maximum efficiency, is a long distance race. Not a fucking sprint.
Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: Simple Simon on February 18, 2014, 08:19:31 AM
That doesn't answer the question though.
Why are you surprised considering the source?
Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: Simple Simon on February 18, 2014, 08:22:53 AM
What is the ideal macronutrient ratio for muscle growth w/ little to no increase (or loss) of bodyfat? Is there one? Or does one just need to insure enough protein and watch the mirror to make sure they're not getting fat.

The question assumes proper training.  
Im sure True Adonis will be along at some point to validate his gimmick thread.
Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: MORTALCOIL on February 18, 2014, 08:31:56 AM
What is the ideal macronutrient ratio for muscle growth w/ little to no increase (or loss) of bodyfat? Is there one? Or does one just need to insure enough protein and watch the mirror to make sure they're not getting fat.

The question assumes proper training.  

Pretty much, if you're training intensely, even the high protein diet supporters will say that for a natural more than 2g protein per kilo of BW is useless. For a juicer, Dorian (who was not a mild user) said if I remember correctly that he would eat about 3,3g per kilo of BW. So for a user at 120kg (260 pounds more or less-so not exactly small), you're going to get less than 400g of protein= 1 600 calories. So, you'll have to resort to other sources to match your needs. Frankly, you can put on muscle without adding fat if you pump into your body the "right" cocktail of hormones. But if you're a natural, pretty soon, putting on muscle will mean putting on fat also. And when you'll want to lose that fat, you'll lose some muscle also and under a certain BF%, you'll even lose a shitload of muscle whil your body will cling to what little fat is left. Get ready to cycle carbs for a long time.
Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: the trainer on February 18, 2014, 08:47:24 AM
So many fad diets now:
Paleo, juice, raw, etc.

I honestly don't know what works best,
I just up the dose and eat everything.

Can someone give me the lowdown on these diets and the reason you believe they do or don't work?

Listening to anything that adonis have to say about diet will turn you into a tub of lard.
Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: wes on February 18, 2014, 08:47:42 AM
Just train and eat nutritious bodybuilding foods for the most part,unless you are competing or trying to stay at 5% bodyfat.

clean carbs over donuts and junk.

It`s not rocket science!
Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: Thin Lizzy on February 18, 2014, 08:54:18 AM
Paleo diet fans are idiots. However you put it (genetic differences, exercising, glycemic index, food/hormone reactions, etc....), the basic thing is: fat comes from putting more calories in your system then calories out. If you're working out, you'll have a couple of "miracle" months when you'll lose fat and put on muscle at the same time. Then it all goes back to normal. Fat= excess in calories.

The Paleo "Community" is populated with food addicts who use the diet as a pretext for gorging themselves with high fat foods.

This tub, Jimmy Moore, is the poster child.

Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: Icelord on February 18, 2014, 08:55:13 AM
1) Simple sugars/carbs used incorrectly, which 99.9% of the population does. Leading to storage as adipose tissue/fat/lard/etc.
2) Sedentary lifestyle.
3) Genetically-determined levels of T3/T4.
Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: galeniko on February 18, 2014, 09:20:14 AM
being lazy in generla and overeating everything.

understanding what keeps a metabolism efficient is important, and how the body uses and stores the various macros.

understanding bloodsugar levels also helps.

Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: Thin Lizzy on February 18, 2014, 09:21:25 AM
Starchy Carbs are like sponges. Eliminating these foods from your diet will not only result in fat loss but also water loss, the result being the much-coveted "Epic Leanface."
Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: Disgusted on February 18, 2014, 11:31:14 AM
Eating too much makes you fat, sugar kills you in the long run.
Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: BAST on February 18, 2014, 11:46:45 AM

Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: galeniko on February 18, 2014, 12:23:55 PM

thnaks brother for this video, very interesting.
Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: Rudee on February 18, 2014, 05:39:57 PM
I don't fret about putting 15 or maybe even 20lbs of excess weight on in the winter months, because I never have a problem getting into single-digit bodyfat levels come summer with about 12 weeks of reasonably strict dieting and hard training - drug free.   My body responds extremely well to low carb and moderate protein eating plans.   
Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: G_Thang on February 18, 2014, 06:54:22 PM
So many fad diets now:
Paleo, juice, raw, etc.

I honestly don't know what works best,
I just up the dose and eat everything.

Can someone give me the lowdown on these diets and the reason you believe they do or don't work?

eat bread with every meal and down a pizza here and there. 

Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: heavysquatter on February 18, 2014, 08:26:53 PM
you just need to find the healthy balance for yourself. i would start by writing down your intake of protein, carbs, and fat each day for a weak and then lower your carbs a little bit. if you are lifting in a serious manner, you can get away with eating some fat. more often than not its the carbs that will make you chubby.
Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: Roger Bacon on February 18, 2014, 08:29:52 PM
So many fad diets now:
Paleo, juice, raw, etc.

I honestly don't know what works best,
I just up the dose and eat everything.

Can someone give me the lowdown on these diets and the reason you believe they do or don't work?

Fat makes you fat, fortunately many name brands are now selling products that are 'Fat Free'.
Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: The True Adonis on February 18, 2014, 08:32:15 PM
Only one thing.  Being in a caloric surplus longer than you are in maintenance or in a deficit.  It makes no difference what type of Macros at that point.
Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: nasht5 on February 19, 2014, 07:02:38 AM
sugar is my greatest enemy.
Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: dseiler on February 20, 2014, 07:53:56 PM
I have seen people lose MOSTLY WATER by doing a detox. Beyoncé lost 10 pounds in just a few days. So it does work and is not stupid.

Fixed. The notion of detoxing anything in the human body is foolish. That's what the liver is for.
Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: swanzi85 on February 20, 2014, 09:08:50 PM
Serious question?  How do you guys feel about the nutra bullet? I'm not a retard and think it unlocks nutrients or whatever they're pushing. But I do use it often. Spinach, kale,baby tomatoes,half a banana,half an apple,brocoli about 2 cups of egh whites. It just taste good and easy to make.
Title: Re: What makes you fat? Calories? Sugars? Carbs?
Post by: Roger Bacon on February 20, 2014, 09:11:40 PM
Serious question?  How do you guys feel about the nutra bullet? I'm not a retard and think it unlocks nutrients or whatever they're pushing. But I do use it often. Spinach, kale,baby tomatoes,half a banana,half an apple,brocoli about 2 cups of egh whites. It just taste good and easy to make.

It looks cool, I use a Ninja.

You can do everything with it, make shakes, dice onions, I even used the Ninja to grind up a steak for meatballs one time.