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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Wiggs on February 24, 2014, 11:41:51 AM

Title: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: Wiggs on February 24, 2014, 11:41:51 AM
My job entails alot of internal and external customer interaction. Anyway, I've noticed at least four people in the last week that I'm sure were high as I was speaking to them. I'm no snitch and definitely find it humorous as long as their not working with heavy or dangerous equipment I guess.  I need to be alert and have my wits so no, I don't do it. Not to say I haven't done it in the past at another job. The whole store was blazed except one employee. Good times were had. Have you seen employees do this or have your done it or do it? Any good stories?
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work as in marijuana.
Post by: alabama ftw on February 24, 2014, 11:43:07 AM
Maybe they were spacelizards?
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work as in marijuana.
Post by: calfzilla on February 24, 2014, 11:43:59 AM
Man all companies that big are gonna have weed smokers. Pot smoking goes across all people and socioeconomic lines. Any company with more than a handful of employees have some that smoke, and a certain percent are gonna blaze before work.
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: _aj_ on February 24, 2014, 12:28:51 PM
Maybe your suspicion arose when one of them handed back your blunt?
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: jodsy on February 24, 2014, 12:31:28 PM
My job entails alot of internal and external customer interaction.
yes, drug dealing does involve interacting with the customers.
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: Wiggs on February 24, 2014, 12:31:41 PM
Maybe your suspicion arose when one of them handed back your blunt?

I don't smoke blunts.
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: Automation on February 24, 2014, 12:34:23 PM
When i was stoned continuously for two years, including work, I too became interested in conspiracy theories. Then, when I stopped smoking, and re-evaluated those very same theories, I realised that most of them were complete horse shit.

That being said, it appears that your theories / beliefs are even whackier. So maybe you are insane.
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: delta9mda on February 24, 2014, 03:02:29 PM
about that planet x that never showed up.......
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: Rascal full on February 24, 2014, 04:06:29 PM
When I turned 16 my jobs were so shit I had to be high just to make them bearable.
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: MikMaq on February 24, 2014, 04:08:47 PM
My job entails alot of internal and external customer interaction. Anyway, I've noticed at least four people in the last week that I'm sure were high as I was speaking to them. I'm no snitch and definitely find it humorous as long as their not working with heavy or dangerous equipment I guess.  I need to be alert and have my wits so no, I don't do it. Not to say I haven't done it in the past at another job. The whole store was blazed except one employee. Good times were had. Have you seen employees do this or have your done it or do it? Any good stories?
Fuck man to work you, they'd have to be high. And this is coming from the autistic fella
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: ChristopherA on February 24, 2014, 04:18:31 PM
Fuck man to work you, they'd have to be high. And this is coming from the autistic fella

Kill yourself fagget
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: Necrosis on February 24, 2014, 04:28:13 PM
Kill yourself fagget

LOLOL i outlouded
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: Fortress on February 25, 2014, 06:26:22 AM
So many simply haven't the fortitude to deal with life without some kind of drug use. Pathetic.
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: Necrosis on February 25, 2014, 09:02:52 AM
So many simply haven't the fortitude to deal with life without some kind of drug use. Pathetic.

It is pathetic that you are so stupid as to say something like this. You drink coffee? that's a drug. Maybe some people have chronic mental health issues and morons like you don't help and are the reason they avoid seeking help, to be avoided being seen as week. To be honest it often takes a ton of courage to admit that shit. You are pathetic and clearly of low intellect. You get this one pass. Animals in nature take drugs, some more then us, get your head out of your ass and realize humans are meant to take drugs. We have receptors for natural compounds, our physiology is constantly changing from that cup of coffee or that drink you have at night to relax.

I stay high day because life is boring.
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: LiftEaTsLeEpRePeAt on February 25, 2014, 09:36:16 AM
My job entails alot of internal and external customer interaction. Anyway, I've noticed at least four people in the last week that I'm sure were high as I was speaking to them. I'm no snitch and definitely find it humorous as long as their not working with heavy or dangerous equipment I guess.  I need to be alert and have my wits so no, I don't do it. Not to say I haven't done it in the past at another job. The whole store was blazed except one employee. Good times were had. Have you seen employees do this or have your done it or do it? Any good stories?
this is what happens when you fail to finish high school
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: Jack T. Cross on February 25, 2014, 09:43:51 AM
When i was stoned continuously for two years, including work, I too became interested in conspiracy theories. Then, when I stopped smoking, and re-evaluated those very same theories, I realised that most of them were complete horse shit.

That being said, it appears that your theories / beliefs are even whackier. So maybe you are insane.

What are the exceptions?
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: Fortress on February 25, 2014, 09:50:31 AM
It is pathetic that you are so stupid as to say something like this. You drink coffee? that's a drug. Maybe some people have chronic mental health issues and morons like you don't help and are the reason they avoid seeking help, to be avoided being seen as week. To be honest it often takes a ton of courage to admit that shit. You are pathetic and clearly of low intellect. You get this one pass. Animals in nature take drugs, some more then us, get your head out of your ass and realize humans are meant to take drugs. We have receptors for natural compounds, our physiology is constantly changing from that cup of coffee or that drink you have at night to relax.

I stay high day because life is boring.

Tone it down, Lucy.

I am not talking about drugs for mental-health issues. (On the coffee front? Okay, you got me there ... .) However, who I refer to is those who use RECREATIONAL drugs to "get by", because they cannot deal with a degree of boredom (oops, that would be YOU) or monotony, which is a fact of existence.

In defense of coffee, caffeine doesn't take you out of yourself; it simply heightens your state of alertness.

So, yeah, I am not stupid, but you are weak.

Hope this helps.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: Necrosis on February 25, 2014, 12:30:30 PM
Tone it down, Lucy.

I am not talking about drugs for mental-health issues. (On the coffee front? Okay, you got me there ... .) However, who I refer to is those who use RECREATIONAL drugs to "get by", because they cannot deal with a degree of boredom (oops, that would be YOU) or monotony, which is a fact of existence.

I am calm you Nancy slut. Define recreational, because by definition the "get by" excludes recreation. I am fine being lit all day long, I function perfectly fine, I cannot suffer boredom and I see no utility in experiencing it if it can be reasonably avoided. I could die tonight, if the risk/reward ratio is favorable I see nothing wrong with it. I see no virture in enduring pointless states.

In defense of coffee, caffeine doesn't take you out of yourself; it simply heightens your state of alertness.
Ok first, your statement "take you out of yourself" is meaningless in this discussion, what do you mean out of your self? it's a stimulant, an adenosine antagonist, PDE inhibitor and increased DA tone. Amphetamine heightens you and doesn't take you out of yourself. You haven't tought about these issues enough dude, your starting point isn't even clear. Are you sure it doesn't take you out of yourself? I have seen mania induced from Ca overdose, like a gram, I have seen people fucked on benedryl etc. The truth of the matter, is this simple dichotomy you have for drugs out of yourself or not is really, drugs I use and don't. Caffeine is more addictive then MJ, fact, studies ahve been done. We have a internal cannabanoid system, the ligand is anandamide, cannabanoid deficiency might be the cause fo ADHD for example. All drugs have Utility. ALL DRUGS. it depends on the what you are using it for and your goal.if your goal is enhancement of life, then intoxication is not desirable, if your goal is to get fucked up anything can do it,even nutmed.

So, yeah, I am not stupid, but you are weak.

Do we need to continue or are we done here?

Hope this helps.

It didn't it just showed the shallowness of your thought. You are average, just plain ol average joe.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: Fuzzy Nuts on February 25, 2014, 03:11:11 PM
So many simply haven't the fortitude to deal with life without some kind of drug use. Pathetic.
do you mean like steroids?
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: Necrosis on February 25, 2014, 03:31:57 PM
do you mean like steroids?

steriods don't take you out of your body stupid, they make your body bigger, aka increase your time inside your body because it's bigger so it's a good ddrug cus it doesn't take you out of your body. Have you ever read the side of a tylenol bottle? if you take three you will be taken out of your body, it's a side effect, taken out of your body by anal probing arachinid aliens who take you on an astral projection trip riding in a melting tea pot.

Some people need to be taaken out of their bodies, that's why they do them and not ones like he does, like caffeine, they want to go out of their bodies into the netherworld to converse with miss cleo and all the dead people slyvia brown claimed were alive.
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: Mr Nobody on February 25, 2014, 06:13:04 PM
Team Wiggs for life he will figure out the the right thing taking his direction.
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: ProudVirgin69 on February 25, 2014, 10:03:30 PM

Brutal use of quote function.....I blame pot
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: Roger Bacon on February 25, 2014, 10:08:12 PM
That being said, it appears that your theories / beliefs are even whackier. So maybe you are insane.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: Automation on February 25, 2014, 11:20:23 PM
What are the exceptions?

Something went down at Roswell, and it wasn't no weather balloon.
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: Teutonic Knight on February 26, 2014, 12:17:59 AM
Wiggs, YMCA in Sydney needs gym instructor a U interested ?.
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: calfzilla on February 26, 2014, 01:55:39 AM
Isn't the pot calling the kettle Hebrew?
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: Dr.J on February 26, 2014, 03:01:49 AM
Isn't the pot calling the kettle Hebrew?
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: Fortress on February 26, 2014, 06:54:39 AM

Oh, we're done.

Thanks for boring me to tears with your head-up-the-ass overkill response.

Average? I can live with that description, as long as average doesn't put me in league with wimps like yourself.

Go eat some Cheetos and STFU.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: Jack T. Cross on February 26, 2014, 10:26:40 AM
Something went down at Roswell, and it wasn't no weather balloon.

Yeah? How do you figure?

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: RUDE BUOY on February 26, 2014, 10:28:10 AM
I don't smoke blunts.
thats for silly stunts
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: Mr Nobody on February 26, 2014, 10:28:31 AM
Wiggs is doing a good job.
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: Necrosis on February 26, 2014, 12:09:52 PM
Oh, we're done.

Thanks for boring me to tears with your head-up-the-ass overkill response.

Average? I can live with that description, as long as average doesn't put me in league with wimps like yourself.

Go eat some Cheetos and STFU.

I win.
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: Automation on February 26, 2014, 01:17:56 PM
Yeah? How do you figure?

Death bed confessions of some of the guys involved. Googalize, you may come to different conclusion.
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: anabolichalo on February 26, 2014, 01:34:31 PM
wigs how muc $$$$$$ u makin
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: Jack T. Cross on February 26, 2014, 03:31:16 PM
Death bed confessions of some of the guys involved. Googalize, you may come to different conclusion.

So looks like you're referring to Haut.

Yeah, it's interesting. But it's just his word.
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: Jack T. Cross on February 26, 2014, 03:33:09 PM opinion, btw
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: Automation on February 26, 2014, 11:49:07 PM opinion, btw

It's a strange one. But makes you think. There is just so many clues. But I'll admit, nothing concrete.
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: BigCyp on February 27, 2014, 05:49:10 AM
My job entails alot of internal and external customer interaction. Anyway, I've noticed at least four people in the last week that I'm sure were high as I was speaking to them. I'm no snitch and definitely find it humorous as long as their not working with heavy or dangerous equipment I guess.  I need to be alert and have my wits so no, I don't do it. Not to say I haven't done it in the past at another job. The whole store was blazed except one employee. Good times were had. Have you seen employees do this or have your done it or do it? Any good stories?

I used to get so lean during my shifts at Wine Rack (just me in charge of whole store at 17 yo haha) that when a customer came in and asked for a wine recommendation for dinner party with certain food etc, I would just wave my hand as if to say follow me, walk up to a random bottle and point at it and close my eyes and nod in a knowing way, most of the times this got me out of having to form coherent sentences.

I was so paranoid though, that even when customers had left the shop 20 mins later I would be expecting my boss to walk in and say "customer x has just called me to say you are very stoned" hahaha  ;D
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: bigmc on February 27, 2014, 05:51:10 AM
I used to get so lean during my shifts at Wine Rack (just me in charge of whole store at 17 yo haha) that when a customer came in and asked for a wine recommendation for dinner party with certain food etc, I would just wave my hand as if to say follow me, walk up to a random bottle and point at it and close my eyes and nod in a knowing way, most of the times this got me out of having to form coherent sentences.

I was so paranoid though, that even when customers had left the shop 20 mins later I would be expecting my boss to walk in and say "customer x has just called me to say you are very stoned" hahaha  ;D

haha brilliant

wine snobs are all pretentious twats anyway
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: BigCyp on February 27, 2014, 05:58:19 AM
haha brilliant

wine snobs are all pretentious twats anyway

Mate I don't know how I got away with it so long, had a pal called Mike that worked there and he was a real laid back windsurfer type dude - there was an office/storeroom area that was massive and we just listened out for a bell when customers came time we had about 6 mates out the back with us having a mini party, every time the bell went it was like "Shhhhhhhhhhhh, shut the door"

"Can I help you sir"  ;D
Title: Re: I'm pretty sure some of the staff is high at work... as in marijuana.
Post by: Jack T. Cross on February 27, 2014, 04:05:44 PM
It's a strange one. But makes you think. There is just so many clues. But I'll admit, nothing concrete.

I could imagine a study or experiment on the containment of information, that's for sure.